he just trollin
That image was unnecessary... so very unnecessary...
@Raineh DazeIn a world where secrets are everywhere, and words cant be trusted, how will you know and read others characters, in order to know how they will act in other situations?
Throw in an unexpected situation, then see how they react afterwards. Its not that hard.
Come on, how do you expect that a spec force agent (in your words) to react when he knows that the ones he will have to trust his life on missions overreact in spectacularly ridiculous ways about just music and lights? No trained agent would let his emotions run wild like that. that would mean certain death and/or failure in a mission. It was just music.
Unnecessary displays of power, lack of control over ones' emotions and/or powers aren't things that a trained mercenary would have.
Also, I said that he was a problematic character, that will often say and do what he thinks... And yes, he has a militaristic way of thinking.