Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

At least you Aussies have a cool accent. Us southerners just sound weird as hell xD

You mean excellent, right? Us flithy yankees are the bland ones!

also you never answered my question, sadness
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 5 days ago

<Snipped quote by HaleyTheRandom>
You mean excellent, right? Us flithy yankees are the bland ones!

also you never answered my question, sadness

Haha. Yankee accents are slightly worse than the southern ones, I'll give you that. I just don't understand how you guys manage to talk that way.

Oh, you mean this one? I overlooked it by accident.
I’m just really good at pretending at sounding “super intellectual” I assure you, I’m a bonafide hack. Though I am curious what about our first meetings struck a chord, and you know all the usual questions of “why do you think that about me and what do you like tho”. I’m bored, it’s early, and I’m a fiend for gossip and gratification.

I'm not sure really. I believe it was the advice you gave me about Will, back when we were arguing over the first RP that I Gm-ed and he flipped out one me before we became friendly with each other. Like I said, not sure, you just seemed like a really cool person and I got some good vibes from ya.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Haha. Yankee accents are slightly worse than the southern ones, I'll give you that. I just don't understand how you guys manage to talk that way.

With our mouths, evidently.

I'm not sure really. I believe it was the advice you gave me about Will, back when we were arguing over the first RP that I Gm-ed and he flipped out one me before we became friendly with each other. Like I said, not sure, you just seemed like a really cool person and I got some good vibes from ya.

Might just be my lack of sleep and the truckload of "adult problems" that just unloaded on me, but which RP specifically was that? Refresh my memory. =)
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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@Gowi I don't remember specifically the name, but I believe it had something to do with high-schoolers that had superhuman abilities and whatnot. His power had a lot to do with quantum psychics and like I said, it was the first RP I had gm-ed and it seemed relatively cool and had it's limitations, so I allowed it. It was at this time that members of the RP messaged me with complaints and I had to put my foot down, explaining to him how it would/wouldn't work. I came into the chat and began to rant. You and a few others were there.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Gowi
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Ah, right. Back when I was a chatroom regular. I think I remember that, yeah.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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HelloHello~ I like southern accents I think they're so cool hahaha.
But usually any noticable accent that's different to my own I think is cool :3

@Shoryu Magami mhm! I was born in Queens, but moved to NSW

Edit; 5:11am, 3:59 till my final exam.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

*finishes munching on his beef jerky, wondering if he should've actually not been lazy since he didn't get a proper meal*

I ended up making one final addition in shortly after I posted that to you (I'm not a perfectionist, shut up), but it wasn't too major; mostly just involved some of the content that's actually contained within the "writing mental disorders" thread and why I consider the feedback there useful even to people who have done a lot of research on the topic. Hopefully my mind will leave me alone about the thread now.

As for accents; it's actually kind of interesting picturing you sounding like a southerner to be honest. As for my own accent... yeah, it's distinctly Aussie, but I'm not as bad as some of the stereotypes you might see on TV (I actually was thinking about trolling one of the next people in our little group who I get to introduce myself to on voice chat, basically putting on a really bad "Crocodile Hunter" accent until I reveal I'm just bullshitting you).

On another note, @Ailyn Evensen actually has a bit of a long-standing joke with me involving accents; she insists that people in Oregon don't actually have an accent despite the fact that I explicitly hear an accent in her voice. Really, while we Aussies probably sound exotic to you guys, you're the ones who sound different to us; it's all subjective.

Listening to the back and forth between you and Haley keeps making it more apparent to me how many different types of role-plays you guys have all had in comparison to me. I've done a fair bit of role-playing but most of it (at least in terms of play-by-post) has been using my main story project's setting, with only a few exceptions on some of the old role-playing forums I joined in my first few years. Really, verbal storytelling and plot discussion is where most of my history as a writer has come from.

I know a few people (I think) who're from Queensland, actually. You mentioned NSW; I'm actually in Sydney.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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@Shoryu Magami
Oh cool, we live fairly close then ahaha.
I'll be moving to the Parra area sometime early next year
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SouffleGirl123
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Bet your accent is better than mine
Mine is so bland it's not funny
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

When I think of Australians

2x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Pudding Queen Of Yaoi

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I relate very well to this
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by NekoMizu
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@NekoMizu So whos the new girl in your avi?

It's an original character (not mine, but it's not from anything in particular since again, it's an original character).

@Gowi Intimidating? Nah. Coming across as super intellectual in your writing might make people intimidated... I have no idea where I was going with this. Point is, you're a cool cat xD

Gowi's a cool cat? Did they also save the kids? (If you don't know what I'm talking about just look up cool cat saves the kids)

I feel you - I seriously hate my voice because I even got mistaken as a girl once for that (and it was damn awkward), and I hate my real name so much that I can't wait to change it once I graduate from college and step into the workforce.

Wouldn't mind having a girly voice to be honest.

@Shoryu Magami
Don't you think you need a break mate?

*Cheesus crust I'm retarded*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ailyn Evensen
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As for accents; it's actually kind of interesting picturing you sounding like a southerner to be honest. As for my own accent... yeah, it's distinctly Aussie, but I'm not as bad as some of the stereotypes you might see on TV (I actually was thinking about trolling one of the next people in our little group who I get to introduce myself to on voice chat, basically putting on a really bad "Crocodile Hunter" accent until I reveal I'm just bullshitting you).

On another note, Ailyn Evensen actually has a bit of a long-standing joke with me involving accents; she insists that people in Oregon don't actually have an accent despite the fact that I explicitly hear an accent in her voice. Really, while we Aussies probably sound exotic to you guys, you're the ones who sound different to us; it's all subjective.

1: Oregonians and Washingtonians are the most accent-less folks of the country, we have nothing to compensate for xD. and
2: Yeah, your accent is unmistakably Aussie. As I was saying over the phone and felt like I should mention to the good folks here, your accent isn't the cheesy "Crocodile Hunter" accent as you mentioned, lol. During my work as a call center agent, we'd field calls for loan companies in Australia and sometimes the callers would have such THICK Aussie accents that I had to guess what they were saying. But I must have faired better than others because I was able to complete the calls without issues. I'm guessing the heavier accents are a bit further away from tourist/foreigner populated areas, where the accent can't be diluted as much.

(I'll be back later, I have physical therapy in less than half an hour xD)
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Member Seen 9 mos ago

I have a thing for guys with girly voices....and I'm straight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

@Gowi Not that I'm jealous or anything, But according to our profiles, Ive been on this site only 40 odd days less than you have, why am I not considered a 'long standing member'?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by tsukune
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I have a thing for guys with girly voices... and I'm straight.

D-Don't make such an e-e-embarrassing declaration like this h-here, b-b-baka!

@Gowi Not that I'm jealous or anything, But according to our profiles, I've been on this site only 40 odd days less than you have, why am I not considered a 'long standing member'?

I'm roughly 20 days less than Gowi... so does that make me your senpai also? >w>
I've never been considered a 'long-standing member' either, lul.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Pudding
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Finally finished my last exam and I'm done with school. I almsot can't beleive it.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 5 days ago

Finally finished my last exam and I'm done with school. I almsot can't beleive it.

Yay you! How'd it go?

Can't sleep, so I'm here.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Shoryu Magami
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

28+ hours without sleep and still so much to fucking do, but don't worry it won't have any affect on me; I'm perfectly fine.

Kill me. *is immortal* Shit.

Yo. Like I said in the previous post; accents are basically subjective. We think we're bland and they think we're sexy exotic, and basically vice versa. That's just how accents go.

Break...? Sleep...? Me...? U MAD?!

@Ailyn Evensen
*cough* Fiancé with an accent. *cough*

@tsukune@Gowi@Dynamo Frokane
I'm guess I've somehow created a discussion about what defines a "long-standing member"? Bit too fatigued to work out how it should work technically, but in my head anyone whose been around as long as you three would count. I never said I've got gripes with all of the long-standing members on this place; just some of them. Everyone's going to clash with someone; it's human nature. The important part is we find we we're alike instead of focus where we're different. Don't mind the incoherent social commentary though because I'm fucking tired and if you haven't noticed it's having an impact on my performance even if I'm still typing fasting than a cheetah on pep pills.

Congrats. I bet it feels good, ey?

Join the aren't allowed to (due to bullshit to do) can't sleep club with me; we've got jackets.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 5 days ago

28+ hours without sleep and still so much to fucking do, but don't worry it won't have any affect on me; I'm perfectly fine.

Kill me. *is immortal* Shit.

Yo. Like I said in the previous post; accents are basically subjective. We think we're bland and they think we're sexy exotic, and basically vice versa. That's just how accents go.

FREAKING GUYS WITH BRITISH ACCENTS <3 There's just something magical about it that makes me have ear-gasms. Anyway...

Join the aren't allowed to (due to bullshit to do) can't sleep club with me; we've got jackets.

Jackets are good. I tend to freeze when I don't sleep. Blankets are working pretty good for now though.
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