Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Dr. Malacoda Zatanna

Malacoda Penthouse. Gotham

Malacoda resisted the urge to face palm, and took a sip, slowly - obviously showing him how it is done. "Tea, is to be savored. Drunk while warm the leaf infused brew provides notorious detoxification and calming effects upon the drinker. It also has the ability to give energy when you wish to be more awake and serves as a sleeping elixir when you wish to retire for the evening. Truly a gift if there ever was one. Now... -" He pointed with his finger towards the other's mouth "ehtoos eht eugnot fo siht gnirehtilb tiwflah" A soothing feeling covered the other's tongue, as if cool milk washed over the appendage and left only un-irritated flesh behind."I wanted to know when you are from, your last memories if you will. Then I would like to know why you think you are here, not only in this city but also this time - in as clear and direct a dialect as you are capable of producing please." He took another sip, and his eyes flicked to the cup once more - as it refilled, should the man want to try again.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gotham City, New Jersey


Khnemu nodded simply when Malacoda asked him for his history. Slowly sipping the liquid as Malacoda had showed him, he looked off into the distance and clicked his tongue.

"I cannot say I'm a fan of this drink," he said, motioning to the tea. "As for my history, well, I was born the son of a court scribe under the pharaoh Amenemhat. I was taught calligraphy and art in my youth, and as such, I've never suffered the life of a peasant. For the majority of my life, I lived under the rule of Senusret, Amenemhat's son and successor. At this time, Egypt was in a golden age, the pharaoh was powerful and the harvests were good, men wandered through the land smiling for ear to ear, and yet there was still death. I grew fascinated with the power Osiris had over the people, how he could take them when they were fat-bellied and happy. Eventually, I became devoted to the god of death and embalming. I castrated myself as had happened to Osiris, I wore green paint to look like my god, and I learned sorcery to add to the dead in his domain. Eventually, I met with the pharaoh himself. He was not pleased with my sorcery, and forced me to promise that I would protect his land for as long as it might take for all of it to be safe."

Khnemu paused to take another sip of the tea, which he had suddenly wanted more of.

"I take promises very seriously. I decided to go to the land of the gods to gain their blessing for my actions. Anubis cursed me to walk this living plain forever, the great serpent Apep poisoned my blood and cursed me to forever rot into sand, and Ra cursed me into a demonic form. Utterly broken, I wandered, searching for a way to fix this, finding Thoth, the knowing god, I begged him to fix me. Instead, we fought in a battle of wits, which I won, gaining his favor. Eventually I found Osiris, who granted me back my form and returned me to the mortal realm, where I stayed for three-hundred years until I was rendered unable to move by an alligator attack. Osiris sent my crippled form into stasis so I could recuperate, awakening me when a champion was needed." He paused and coughed up sand. "That's all."

Taking another sip of the tea, he sighed after he swallowed and leaned back happily.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Dr. Malacoda Zatanna

Malacoda Penthouse. Gotham

Malacoda separated the story in his mind, assessing facts that he could reference and making the needed links within his mind palace - Starting with the Pharaoh - the best indicator of time. The name however was not unique - earliest being around 4000 years at the earliest. That is quite a time-frame to work with. A golden age would confirm this dynasty though... He also quickly went through the gods - and while he was open to many things - assumed they were mainly just powerful spirits or multidimensional beings that likes to play god when the whims took them. While he had no proof of this, it had turned out to be the most realistic explanation in the past... and balancing probability he would treat this situation in the same vein for now. HE clearly though of himself as a champion of sorts - his persona indicates serious levels of obsessive behavior, initiative and self confidence. The self confidence however could stem from a disproportionate world view - narcissism, or perhaps a fatalistic hero complex. His willingness towards self harm speaks of great levels of devotion and submission... yet There was also a smidgen arrogance - but then again, it might simply be reflective of his upbringing, to see the unintelligent as being lesser than. He could be a easily maintained ally or a very difficult to control enemy. He took another sip. interesting.

"Fascinating. What do you intend to do now?" He looked at the man with a calm, almost bored expression. He needed to be careful with how he proceeded. The world is too fragile to have some time-less tact-less imbecile launch a directionless crusade into the shitstorm brewing on the horizon...

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gotham City, New Jersey


Again sipping on the tea, which he had suddenly grown quite fond of, Khnemu ran his hands under his hood and pulled up his chin.

"I am a sworn protector of Earth, I aim to protect it from whatever attempts to harm it. Though, with my cult having long passed, I must have to do it myself, perhaps Narmer still walks, it would be great to see another immortal." He said, referring to the first pharaoh, Narmer, another immortal who Khnemu had dealings with in the past. Suddenly shooting up his head, he snapped his fingers, a puff of sand flying out due to the friction.

"Another odd thing I have to note, your people have lighter skin than that of my people, are you descent of the northerners in Syria?" He asked. The Egyptians had darker skin, though lighter than those in Nubia. Khnemu's skin appeared a light green, though this was mostly due to paint.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago



Dr. Malacoda Zatanna

Malacoda Penthouse. Gotham

Malacoda smirked at the other, relishing in having another convert under his belt. "With the advent of international travel, either through the use of airplanes or large ships - most of humanity has come to have at least some delocalized blood within them. My family comes from Europe originally, but we have lived in most major cities throughout the ages. Race, as it is means very little to those who realize and have the wisdom to how little it should mean these days. I am unsure how you might feel on that. Historically, people have been quite adamant as to the contrary..." He rose an eyebrow and looked the other in the eyes.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

George was growing impatient with the Thanagarian, it always takes him forever to respond. Finally he starts to speak when he suddenly takes off without notice. "Finally, I can stop talking in that idiotic bird language."

He switches to the best equivalent of this time period's English. He steps out of the the ruined time machine. To prevent some scientist from possibly discovering any of the secrets he sets an implosion bomb to detonate with enough time for him to get away. As soon as he stepped outside he was greeted by police officers. One of those cops was a scared liitle boy proved by opening fire without authorization, as with most humans the rest followed suit driven by the heard mentality. George was going to try and save them from the implosion but their actions did not justify it. He took the fire to allow the countdown to reach near zero ar the last second he jumped away. Before the cops could react to his escape they were sucked into the implosion.

George began broadcasting on all frequencies for the Justice Coalition.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by blumenk


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gotham City, On a park

Because Hayato was a cyborg sleep wasnt a necesity for him anymore, even so he like to sleep once in a while to waste his time and hope he doesnt get one of his many nightmares, since his arrival to America Hayato expected to get the help of the justice league and get a place to stay from them, but their dissapereance made this impossible, so Hayato took his naps on parks and side walks.

Currently his nap was interrupted when a police officer woke him up. The officer berated him for sleeping on public property and warned him to give him a fine if he caught him again, after that the officer asked Hayato if he had seen 2 suspects, a man with a suit and a umbrella and another man covered in bandages, the latter which was responsible for destroying machinery with his friend repairing it in the new Lexcorp building.

This caught the attention of Hayato, as there was someone else who might had a grudge with Lexcorp. Denying that he had seeing them Hayato got up, grabbed his motorcycle and went on the direction of Lexcorp, perphaps he could find a clue of who did it. Once he got there and started asking questions, his chances of finding out who did it both of them had dissapeared from thin air, Hayato asked and asked but nobody had any clues of who they were. It would be useless to continue asking questions so he decided to leave and wait to see if the incident was directed at Lexcorp or had nothing to do with it.

On the way to grab his motorcycle Hayato found himself followed by four men, being mugged in Gotham wasnt something new but the disappearance of the bat had made many fearful criminals jump into the game again. Stopping with his back still turned on them Hayato opened the lid of his belt, with the turbine beginning to spin as he became covered by a flash of light for a few seconds while his armor began to assemble. The four men didnt waste time and attacked him as soon as they saw the light forming around Hayato, but they were already too late. Once the first man swinged his bat it bent againts Hayato´s head, the other three men dropped their knives and began to run with the fourth a bit far behind them. Hayato just sighed as he went for his motorcycle and began the ride to the park he was before, he would have to wait for another incident to see if the bandaged man and the man in the suit would be there and the best way to pass time was to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Thantos
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Thantos Grim Reapers Minion

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The Marine arrived in gotham and drove his landrover jeep into a mountain and into a secret cave leading underneath central gotham. He got out of the jeep and walked over to hos clothes rack and weapons rack setting things away for another day and he walked over to his computer

"Power on, voice command password, Old Glory" the computer powered on as well as lights computer sounded, Good Evening Sir. How can i help you"

"Mission complete president safe and targets delt with. Reports on upcoming missions"

Computer showed a scanning screen. "Nothing to report. City has gone quiet except for the other heros arriving sir. Would you like to intercept their radio transmissions or conversations."

"Commence recon"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Ally Estrada sat back on an old couch inside her one bedroom apartment. Her fingers typed away at the built-in keyboard as she recounted her most recent patrol. As a method for making extra money, she anonymously blogged her hero work, though she added and removed details to make it seem more fictional and never used real names. Her mind became so absorbed in the story, when the front door opened she nearly jumped out of her skin. The woman looked up to see her fiance.

"You're home late," she commented, concern edging her voice, "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine, but an alien... sphere crashed into a bus. Everyone is dead. The traffic is insane," Matthew answered, shaking his head.

Ally saved the document and shut the laptop, "Where is it?"

"Little Bohemia by that Thai food spot."

"Shoot," Ally murmured, cogs turning quickly in her mind. She needed to get down there to see what was going on, but going without suspicion was the hard part. "That's terrible. Speaking of terrible, we ran out of milk. I'm gonna go to the store and grab some, okay?"

"Didn't I just buy some the other day?"

"Well, yes, but I've been craving milk recently, so another gallon would be better."

"Yeah? Well don't make it a habit, okay? Milk isn't cheap."

"I know, don't worry," Ally assured him, putting her wallet in her pocket. She planted a kiss on his cheek, "I won't be long." With that, she exited the apartment.

The streets were just as busy as normal, giving Ally enough time to slip into an alley and change. She rapidly switched from a T-shirt and jeans into her spandex suit. Her hand reached into her utility belt and pulled out a capsule. A button at the top pressed down and it unravelled into a hoverboard. She hopped on and zoomed away toward Little Bohemia.

It wasn't hard to find the scene, considering all the sirens blaring. What she didn't expect, however, was to see a robot hop away from an imploding spacecraft of sorts. Her jaw dropped as she watched a few police officers implode. "Hey!" Red Agent shouted at the robot who was about twenty feet away. She didn't know how to fight him and wasn't sure if she could talk him down from a fight. "Why did you do that?" It wasn't the most mature-sounding thing to call, but the shock from seeing the implosion shook her. Red Agent couldn't help but think of the families those officers probably had.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

George heard the rather juvenile question. He turned back and walked up to questioner, taking a threatening pose. "I set off the implosion device because that tech is way beyond the understanding of the primitive humans of this time period. What your scientists could have maybe possibly done with it could have potentially have destroyed time or screwed over an uncalculatable amount of sentient beings throughout the entire universe. As for those imbeciles firing upon me. I expected to be confronted by them but they chose to adopt a shoot first ask questions later potentially later. That kind of attitude is what causes quite a bit of humanity's problems in the future. That kind of attitude needs to be squashed with extreme prejudice, those with that attitude may not actively commit mass murder but their actions leads to it and thus makes them guilty of it." He backs off a little adopting a much less threatening pose. "I am looking for the Justice Coalition, if you cannot help me find them then do not get in the way." George was still unaware of the bus being squashed under the sphere.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Burning Kitty

Red Agent listened to the robot intently, still tended in case he attacked. "So you're from the future? Well, I'm not sure if you know, but the Justice League just disappeared, so everyone is on edge, especially against a robot guy who crushed a bus with an alien sphere. I haven't heard of the Justice Coalition, but I can help you." She took a few steps forward, hands up to show she wasn't a threat. "Look, I'm going to get you in a net and act like I'm taking you to jail, but I'm not. From there we can figure out a way to find the Justice Coalition." Red Agent definitely didn't trust him, but he didn't seem too threatening. She couldn't leave him here, especially if he had information from the future. Red Agent reached into her belt and grabbed a marble. She showed it to the robot, "This is it, I'm going to throw it and it'll expand into a net. If you don't want to come with me, dodge the net, but I'll be following you. If you want my help, let the net catch you and we'll go somewhere safe." She tossed the net at him, ready for a counter attack just in case.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

George let the net ensare him it would do no good, if he chose not to move this person would not be able to force him. "What is the Justice League? The future I'm from there were two major teams of heroes in this era. During the 1940s there was the Justice Broterhood, they stopped the World War 2 before America got involved openly. They were succeeded by the Justice Coalition, a United Nation funded organization to ensure humanity's safety from itself, the Metahominid scourge, and aliens. If you do not know of either teams then not only am I from the future but a different universe. Looks like Bob was right, that hunk of scrap was capable of multiversal travel. Then that also means my mission is a failure." His posture slumped, from powering down all non-essential life preservation functions, the human version of it would be sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 1Hawkeyes
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1Hawkeyes The World's Greatest Noob

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Red Agent wasn't sure what to do when George went into some sort of shut off mode. The remaining cops surrounded both of them, no doubt terrified by seeing their companions die. "What mission is he talking about?" she murmured and took a step forward to George. If he was asleep, she couldn't help him and the cops would definitely try and take him away. She didn't want that to end up in a fight, but she wasn't sure if she could take him away on her own. Red Agent looked at the bus. It was demolished, the firefighters' job of cutting it open seemed useless.

The woman looked at George again and walked up to the sergeant, "Look, he's a time travelor and meant no harm. I'm not sure if he knew where his ship would land. He needed to destroy the ship to prevent altering time and your officers shot. They were caught in an implosion not meant to hurt them. That's all I know," she summed up, "Make your decision, I'll do my best to help here." Without waiting for a response, Red Agent went to the firefighters and easily pried open the door. There was almost no point in this as the bus was flatter than a pancake.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Master Crim
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Master Crim Hunter of the Paleblood Moon

Member Seen 8 mos ago

Cassidy, the computer, in the abandon base began sorting through the millions of return signals after a few hours of pinging countless different systems, looking for keys as to who may be still around to contact, and who might be good candidates for team composure. ”How am I going to signal the time traveler?” The computer asked itself musing at the idea of using the Time Beacon as a draw if they had some way to scan for future styled tech. ”It is a gamble, but it might work.” Using these forms of contact Cassidy knew there was a risk of being detected by other parties, but finding the time traveler was top priority before others got to him first. ”Now for the others.” Know some would be more difficult to contact than others Cassidy began a couple different methods hoping to reach at least a few.

access telephonic registry: Gotham, Star, Metropolis, Keystone, New York.
Filter address: Mobile only… Done
Filter users: Last name only:Zatanna… None
Filter users: Any:Dr. Malacoda, ***, Z… Found: 5
Send message: Proxy User: Collecter
“-4.370602, -57.953706 Secret Auction.”

On a low band frequency under playing an already existing talk show radio, a faint signal could be detected by those with the equipment and know how to find it. Listening long enough a person would find it was a repeating pattern of numbers -4.370602, -57.953706 followed by the message “Protocol: HOUSE CALL” ”This might not be the safest way to find them, but maybe they shouldn’t be so hard to contact.” If Cassidy hand a human form her hands would be on her hips in a gesture of exasperation.

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After the event of the Lex Corp. Building Site had been settled life continued as normal; people went to and from work, partook in consumerism, and posted videos of the cloaked man taring the construction site apart as well as cats. It was a few hours after that something again broke the norm, but on a city wide scale, screens all over town cut to the rainbow "NO SIGNAL" screen followed shortly by a static filled screen and a distorted voice.
"Gotham, your hero is dead, your protectors are gone, your law enforcement is slowly breaking. You will soon be at the mercy of those whom you sought so hard to get rid of. Instead of thinking on that as Christmas comes lets take our minds off that with a little game," The screens then began to cycle a series of pictures of three places: Gotham Uptown Central, Midtown West Side, and Gotham Penitentiary . "These areas symbolize three very different aspects of our society. Uptown Central: Wealth, influence, and business. Midtown West: Criminal shadow fronts, mobs, and gangs. Penitentiary: Killers, thieves, and general scum. Here is the game... There are bombs in all three areas, and each one will go up in flames in... 1 hour. Complete this game, and we will talk again soon, don't and... that will be your problem."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by blumenk


Member Seen 5 yrs ago

@Master Crim
Gotham City, On a park

"The city really has gone mad without the bat, at least this gives me a chance of finding the two men who were in Lexcorp” Hayato murmured to himself. Taking into account the three areas locations with his position, the number of people in them and the chaos that will be after the announcement. Hayato decided that he one most suitable to him to act on was the Midtown West, the penitentiary had high security which raises the chances of finding the bomb and if that isn't enough the villains who are there will probably fear for their lives enough that they will try to look for the bombs themselves; and Uptown Gotham was too far away from his position for him to arrive in time to look for a bomb. In contrast Midtown West was the closest to him and while the number of people, more specifically gangsters and thieves were a problem, it was nothing Hayato couldn't handle.

The people around him were in a state of shock, some looking blankly at the television that was now on their usual programming, other with phones in their hands and others continuing their normal routine acting like they didn't saw anything. It was obvious that chaos was moments away and Hayato decided to use those precious minutes or even seconds to gain a head start before Gotham falling into Anarchy. Hayato quickly got a hold of his motorcycle, turned on the motor and began speeding to the Midtown West, ignoring traffic laws that in a few moments every concerned citizen will probably break too. Once halfway to his destination, Hayato transformed since he could afford to be attacked by a thug taking advantage to the situation or a citizen trying to escape his home. Remembering the words the voice said about Midtown West, the bomb was propably in one of the Gangs or the Mob hideouts, and once he arrived there was a fair chance that he would have to obtain that information by force.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Master Crim @bluetommy2


Dr. Malacoda Zatanna

Malacoda Penthouse. Gotham

Before the other could answer his question - Malacoda could feel a slight vibration from his breast pocket. He looked down, his brows raising while two small frown lines formed next to his mouth, making the grimace all the more pronounced. He held up a hand, politely showing that he needed a moment, before he took out the phone, opening the message with an elegant tap of his finger. Few people called him ever... and even less now that the few people he almost liked seemingly up and went.

A secret auction... Chris rarely sent him messages, and when he did - he made sure to include a list of items he thought Malacoda would be interested in. The location seemed off as well - He closed his eyes and tried to recall the coordinates. They were not in any major city currently holding anything he might want. To say his interest was peaked was a bit of an understatement.

"While I would love to stay and chat - it seems that..." He felt an irregular pattern cross the threshold of his home. One would normally associate this with a... scrambling device? His head quickly flicked to the radio in the corner of the room, and with a flick of his wrist the thing went on.

"..................Penitentiary: Killers, thieves, and general scum. Here is the game... There are bombs in all three areas, and each one will go up in flames in... 1 hour. Complete this game, and we will talk again soon, don't and... that will be your problem.........."

His still outstretched hand pointed at the radio, and twirled in a counter clockwise direction - a gravely sound was heard before - "..................These areas symbolize three very different aspects of our society. Uptown Central: Wealth, influence, and business. Midtown West: Criminal shadow fronts, mobs, and gangs. Pe.........."

He snapped his fingers again and the radio went quiet. He looked at the cloth wrapped man, as he put his phone back into his breast pocket. Before he could go to that, he needed to calm this shitstorm before it broke. "I have a bit of a treasure hunt to go on... care to come along?" With his left hand he snapped his fingers and his umbrella flew over. with his right he snapped and a small onyx dog statue flew over from one of his shelves - quickly turning into a very large, pitch black Great Dane - which walked over and sat next to Malacoda. Still looking at the seated man, he twirled his umbrella and a portal opened Uptown. If he was going to save anyone, he was going to start with the people worth saving. He reasoned that the people in the more criminal areas would make their own investigations anyway.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Burning Kitty

Burning Kitty

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

George had tasked his internal computer to run simulations. If he was to get back t his reality he would need technology, so the imulaion reached out to th net to determine the level of technology and to extrapolate how long such tech would take the develop. Another simulation was designed to extrapolate how long his brain would last in this body. The simulations were not encouraging his brain would decay one before theses primates could develop the necessary technology was developed. Faced with mortality he ran another simulation to extend his life, it would run in the background indefinitely.

With a possible solution being developed he woke up the body. He had been moved to police custody. His awakening caused quite a bit of a stir which these ignorant primates used as an excuse to fire on him again. "You ignorant primates your bullets are bouncing off me, hell look at them." He pointed at several dead cops. "You killed them not me. If you insist on continuing this pointless exercise in futility and stupidity I will have to break you to save you. You may never work again depends on how well your primitive medicine heals. They need to cure stupidity already, it is the deadliest plague in all of history." A few cops ran. The others kept firing. George walked past swatting cops out of the way.

On his way out of the station he detected a time beacon. "Interesting, another time traveler. Maybe I can work a deal." George left to find the source of the beacon.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Almosegosum Impressed by Malacoda's demonstration of magic, Khnemu placed his mask back on his face and tied the bandages back around his arms. He wondered silently what the man could mean by treasure, perhaps something left by the gods? Perhaps something else? Only the sorcerer knew.

"As long as we don't disturb any remains, I will join your treasure hunt, bitch." He said while rotating his shoulders and taking one last sip of the tea. Just as he placed the tea on the table, he shook as he moved his hand away, and, in an instant, reached back to take another sip, accidentally burning his tongue in his haste.

With a pleased sigh, he pushed up his mask and made a quick motion with his arms, sending a small breeze through the nearest window.

"Let us go, Malacoda Zatanna."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Almosegosum
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Almosegosum The New

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

@Master Crim @bluetommy2


Dr. Malacoda Zatanna

Uptown Central. Gotham

Malacoda offered him a raised eyebrow, "Quite..." before he turned and walked through the portal, As the dog and the other followed him, he closed the portal after they stepped through the hole. He looked to the dog - "Mephistopheles - Find me a bomb, won't you?" The Hound barked, a deep - menacing sound that made the few people around him feel a chill run down their spines. It started smelling around the area - trying to find any traces of any form of explosive composite. While it did that, Malacoda started walking around, trying to figure out where one might place a bomb in this area - He was good at locating specific things, but he needed something to connect it to. Noting the people around him, he placed his two fingers against his throat - and spoke - his voice loudly carrying over everyone. "A threat had been made on your life. Leave the area." As they started panicking, he calmly started walking on after his Dane.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Khnemu followed behind, barely reacting when he ended up in the new area.

"Hmm, this beast will find treasures? I would have preferred a cat of some kind." Khnemu stated after orientating himself. In Egypt, they had domesticated hounds for guarding purposes and other actions, but they believed cats to be the lucky creatures, Khnemu himself had owned many over his life. Whatever the case, he was vigilant to see if there were any curses or cultists about. Noticing an amount of litter bouncing along the ground, Khnemu blew into the asphalt and pushed it into the air to prevent it touching him. This world was a lot less clean than even the mess that was Egypt.

Staring at Malacoda, Khnemu couldn't help but feel a strange fear of the man, perhaps it was his magical ability, perhaps something else, but Khnemu felt like he had to always be prepared around the sorcerer.
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