The day will drag on like each one before it, yet we have to wonder why. It seems no matter how much the times change, so much remains the same. The same desires, the same mistakes. Are we condemned to live and die in the same cycle for which each one before us did? Change the scene, change the faces, but the story is always the same. Everything always comes full circle, can we not break the cycle? We search for the answer but with our minds so focused on what is so far before us we forget to watch our flanks and see what is beside us. That is when it takes up and pulls us in, holding us hamsters on the spinner to keep moving without the ability to change the path.
Pull from you restraints, the walls and chains in your own mind. Do not be lead down the path anymore. Let yourself see what is around you, remember what is lurking behind you for it is dangerous. So far ahead, you cannot change what you see if you don't change what you do, what you say, how you feel. The time is coming, no, the time is here for you didn't see it coming. Rushing in from all sides what time you thought you had is over. Brace yourself for it will be swift and unforgiving. You are not as prepared as you would have wished, not as prepared as you need to be but are we ever? It is time to test yourself to see if you are worthy to continue to draw breath, to retain your soul. Only in the dark will you find the light.
The stars have made a change in the game without you knowing. I wish you the best for you will need each piece of luck you can scavenge. The world is beating for you right now, do not let it beat you down. What are you waiting for? Lord, what are they waiting for? The whole world is watching you as the fingers part and you slip through like sands through the hourglass. It never goes away as you fall, the light you desperately seek. Those horrors of your past, those dreams haunting you will seem like a pleasant dream by the time you reach the finish line. Your life flashes before you eyes. Blink and you will miss it. Time has slipped away, may the Soulless have mercy on your soul for you will sacrifice all you are by the end...
@Rivaan @mnkee - The morning fog is starting to fade away as the sun breaks and moves across the sky above. More and more people are filling into Hyde Park. The more that come the more you are left to hear their snickers and their talks. The more that are there the more brazen they become. "Such a fitting couple is it not? Two vile outcasts," is just one of the kinder voices you hear as people pass by yet there are too many now to be able to pick out who is saying what. It doesn't matter though, for as the time is reaching Lunch a scream pierces through Hyde Park and everything else goes quiet. Turn your heads to the north and you watch as it happens. A girl stumbles out from behind a tree as a single patch of darker fog rolls towards her. Fear filling her features and the scream rips again through the air, blood curdling this time as fog passes through her. True terror takes over her face before she freezes. Just a brief second before her body goes limp and the fog rises into the air and then down, speeding across the ground and heading deeper into the park.
@Sigil @Lauder - The marketplace is as to be expected at this time of the day, it is approaching lunch time so the servants are less but the general population is more. You both get the usual folk stopping by and saying good day to the both of you. Most will say such to Jacques but there are a few that stop for Mary alone. Out of the corner of your eye you both will see a small
child stumbling out of an alleyway. He looks scared, breathless, a trickle of blood on his neck is trailing down and staining his dirty worn brown coat. He pulls it up closer, trying to conceal it but it matters not as he stumbles to the ground face first and the crowd parts, gasps and yelps coming from the people around. A dark shadow can be seen in the Alleyway before it rushes off deeper into the Alleyway and the shadow that was cast on the wall is gone.
@Sputnik @Pundii - While performing his duties, which include tending to the gardens that surround the manor, Gerard will see Nathan come to the house and walk to the front. The two, because of Millie, will know each other in passing - even if only by name. Millie speaks well enough to Nathan and has no issues with him. The thing is two things happen while the men are standing outside of the house - The first is a very distant scream, the scream from the woman in Hyde Park, yet at this distance it isn't clear just what type of scream it is and before either men can rush off... Well what is below is what unfolded behind closed doors and... you will see.

Millicent Wyndham

Location: Wyndham Estate near Hyde Park (Inside)
As much as Millicent would have loved to take as much time as possible to get readied to see Lord Ratherford she could not risk it. Far too much had she heard about his philandering, and other odious deeds. Rumor had it that he murdered his first wife but the details were not known to the ton in general, so gossip and whispers spread. Granted those in the ton did not care if he truly had, he was titled and handsome. Daughters were still pushed towards him and he was considered one of the most eligible bachelors in London currently; he could have had his pick but it seemed that he had laid his sights on Millicent Wyndham for the time being. Many of the ton could not understand but some did; Millicent would inherit her fathers entire shipping trade if he was not discovered soon. She was the eldest heir and there long before her step mother was. The Wyndham fortune would be hers and it was well known that Lord Ratherford gambled, whored, and drank whatever funds he laid his hands on. Like father like son. More than one of the lowest class had been seen sporting tremendous injuries after a night spent in his company. Some had never been seen again.
Millicent made her way down the stairs, only to hear her sisters and mother talking up Ratherford and giggling at every surfaced deep compliment he bestowed on them. Lifting her chin, Millicent gathered her courage and stepped into the sun room where the four were seated and enjoying each others company. Her sister Emma sitting far to close to Ratherford for Millicents taste. Ratherford stood from his seat and smiled broadly towards Millicent as she entered the room. Her mother looking at the girl skeptically but smiling nonetheless.
"Good day to you Miss Wyndham," he said with a gracious bow. Millicent locked her jaw, giving the slightest curtsy and nod of her head in greeting; just enough to be acceptable but far less than what would have been expected of her towards a Peer.
"Lord Ratherford, what do we owe the," she began, searching for a word besides pleasure to say to him for it was no pleasure to have him in her home.
"unarranged calling?" There it was, clear and present that he had forgone the simplest of etiquette to come without sending a calling card before hand to allow them time to prepare. Though time to prepare for Millicent would have been to leave for a morning walk just before his time of arrival had been scheduled.
"Millicent!" her mother scoffed at the impertinence.
"Quite alright Mrs. Wyndham, it was my mistake. Do forgive me Miss Wyndham, I had only recently arrived into London this day for this evenings event and could not dare wait to see if you would be attending this evening." His grin was charismatic but there was a flash of icy anger in his eyes as he held out his hand to hers. Resting her hand in his as lightly as possible, as if she was afraid she would be infected by him, he lead her over to a seat before situating himself next to her.
"Patience is a virture." He laughed, heartily towards her. Millicent felt her fingers curling in her lap, how dare he laugh. "One I am afraid I do not possess. Unlike you Miss Wyndham, ever the proper lady you are despite the worlds assessment of your shortcomings."
"And what short comings do you speak of?" Her eyes flashing with distaste towards the man.
"Oh nothing that I would agree with Miss Wyndham. The ton does like to speak so. A woman of your breeding and standing seen in the company of texts thought better left to the masculine, and talents in the field that one with silken stockings should not worry herself with."
Millicent found her blood boiling as her teeth gnashed together behind her closed lips.
"A woman should know all the daily needs of the world just as a man for how will she ever stand next to him if she is beneath him? Beneath such a boot is not somewhere I wish to dwell." "Ha! Well said!" he clapped, cutting off Elizabeth's growing irritation with her step daughters attitude and words. "Mrs. Wyndham, may I have a moment alone with your lovely daughter?" he asked and Elizabeth was all to happy to oblige. Millicent pursed her lips in distaste, to leave her alone with any man, much less this one, was completely out of the question in her mind but as long as it got her sisters away from this loathsome creature, she would find some way to endure.
Her step mother and sisters made a hasty retreat and the doors to the sunroom closed, leaving the pair alone. Emma and Jane were hurried off but her step mother stayed at the door, waiting for just the right moment to open the door, listening carefully but she couldn't hear anything. It wasn't until she was nearly knocked over as Lord Ratherford came crashing through the door and spilling out on the floor before her that she heard anything.
"Dare you step through the doors to my home again and I will remove your head from your shoulders," Millicent hissed. Scrambling to his feet Lord Ratherford looked infuriated but did nothing right then other than straightening his cravat. The butler rushing over and handing him his overcoat.
"You will regret this!" he bellowed as he flung open the front door. "Mark my words Miss Wyndham, you will come to regret this day," he said before turning and finding himself staring eye to eye with Mr. Darcy.
"That time is come and passed. Now leave my residence this instant!"