March 24th, 1823

Two Carriages Passing: Rutherford glared towards Maeve as she untangled his feet from the rosary. The Lady Kirkpatrick rolling her eyes at the man but her look softened as the young woman posed a question in her direction. There was a slight nod from the senior among the group. "Of course. I believe he would have wanted you to have them," Sally said as she stood there, her eyes going to the rosary. She knew it was also a weapon, she paid for the fuddling fathers training and others that had attended there in Rome. She might not have their skills but she knew their weapons well. It didn't matter, it was a tie to the man and apparently Maeve felt something akin to family with him. It was alright with her, sure he had other family and they would have to be notified but Maeve was a far stronger follower of god than they were.
"On the condition they pass to your daughter when her training is complete," she added. It was a small concession and a way for her to explain to the mans family why they were not being given such a piece. This way they would go to the one he last helped protect before training. At least that was how she would present it.
Rutherford grumbled as Millicent went timidly back to him and tried once again to help him up but he pushed her away again. Still grumbling as he gathered himself and then the body of the man with a collar. Slumping the body over his shoulder before carrying it back to the carriage and lofting it up to the driver whom placed it next to Rory's body.
"Let's go," Egerton snapped from the carriage and Millicent looked over towards William before turning and with her head down started back to the carriage. Sally let out a breath that was clearly vexed before glancing over at the rest that were still standing near her.
"I am not sure which of those men I wish to see buried ass up so a Dandy Horse can be parked right between their cheeks but at this rate it will be both," she said before leaning on her cane and making her way back towards the carriage. It was time to get moving and the quicker they were away from the scene of the battle, the sooner she figured they could be away from these two cretins.
Two Ships Passing: Constantin did not really say anything at this point. Saying it was not his place and that he wished to rest after the day they had had. Expressing a desire to get some rest, Hazel came down the ropes, followed by Ludwig, and she showed them to the lower part of the ship where they could rest. Both men would take a nap for now. (Easiest way to move Riv's character off screen until he can return from his hand injury.)
Sitting down behind her desk, Regalia sat there and watched the Russian. The longer he was out the better at this rate in her opinion. He had had very little luck thus far remaining uninjured since he arrived on the sailing vessel. Yet, it seemed that he would not be out long an she rubbed her temples as he started to wake. There went the peace and quiet and lack of blood. Hopefully he wouldn't be running into anymore doors or masts or anything else for that matter. Yet only time would tell. Granted the man wasn't even quiet in his sleep and she had to smirk a bit about his words.
"You are in my chambers and in my bed, I think we are beyond a hat and wine," she said as she sat up more fully in her chair and looked over to him. "Perhaps not wine," she added as she motioned to the bottle on her desk and the chalices that were there, left over from her talk with Collette earlier. Pouring them both a glass she pushed one over to the other side of the desk. "Careful, I wouldn't want you to injure yourself again. Should I call for your traveling companion?" she asked before picking up her glass and taking a sip. "Or will you be fine for now?"
Marco and Silvio exchanged placed, Marco now tending to the wheel as Silvio came over to the group on the desk. "Madam," he said addressing Collette and then nodding towards Fyror. "Is there anything I could fetch for you? I suspect now that things have calmed and we are on our way again you two would be good for a meal after todays little adventure."
Carlisle: The man looked at Virginia and motioned for her to follow him as he kept walking. "Hrm, this way I go, if she there I help, if not I don't," he said as he continued on his way. His walk was a little wobbly but after seeing the way that Ludwig held himself when he moved around from place to place it seemed this man had far better footing beneath him than Ludwig did. Perhaps no one from Germany knew how to walk a straight line. Everything was surely gayly forward.
"Hrm, pale skin. Surprised someone hasn't tried to kill you yet thinking you were one of them. Haven't seen one as pale as you since the Carpathians," he said as he pulled out a dried piece of something. It was hard to rip but he eventually got a good grasp on it and tore it in twain. Holding one out to her, whether she took it or not was yet to be seen and that didn't stop him but going ahead and taking a bite from the other piece. Chewing loudly as he continued on his way.
"Green, so green it will be but nothing but jealously is such a shade," he said more to himself than to her. "What color would be yours little one? Personally I love all the colors but red, I would say red favors me most," he said as his lips thinned a bit.