The last of the leaves shook as the first breeze of winter swept through the dead forest. The rattling sound leaving a constant reminder that the frost was on its way. To the west, the warm lights of the village could be seen. The village, despite its late hour, was still full of listless activity as it people made their way around. Only the most luxurious of stores were closed at this late hour, all other remaining open to accommodate their unique patrons.
The road leading into the village had been surprisingly empty all day. And now in this hour, only one soul could be seen on it, a man of perhaps thirty or so. Instead of walking towards the village, he stood staring deep into the forest, occasionally taking small steps off the path.
Before long the lone stranger on the road to Seren's Folly had company in the form of another, sharply dressed and walking towards town. Sharply dressed and covered from head to boot in a fur coat. The second stranger moved directly towards the other, shifting his hooded cloak to get a look of the fellow traveler. Still yet there wasn't a reason to not approach, especially since they were in his path.
Strolling closer and closer to the stranger the sharply dressed man reached up, revealing a glint of silver on his left wrist before firmly gripping the edge of his furred hood, pulling it away to reveal his skin to the frigid morning air. Taking a breath to only see it mist from his maw and crisp around him.
"Hail friend. You seem distracted and on a road as this that can lead to trouble." He started, taking a few more cautious steps forward before picking back up with his voice, "What brings you this way?" Once concluded he watched the stranger, curious, yet cautious as there was a chill in the air that wasn't caused by the rising Winter winds.
The man jumped, turning quickly around at the voice, a look of totally confusion crossed his face. He spared the new man less than a second before quickly turning his head back to the forest, as though afraid he'd miss something should he look away for too long. "I'm...Nox--No you didn't ask that... I'm looking for ---" He froze."Did you see that," he said pointing into the very dark, very empty woods. "That light, I think," he seemed unsure, looking that the new man for confirmation. "You see it, right?"
The other stranger watched as the man spoke and jumped at his words. Though from them he couldn't help but glean a curiosity that shifted from the man to the woods. Looking to where Nox pointed, he saw nothing. Taking a few more steps towards Nox the other stranger looked back to Nox, still very cautious given his body language. Once he was closer he spoke out once again, "I see no lights. Where do you see them friend?" Knowing that they were in the forests of Seren's Folly and many wild, wicked, and magical things existed all around them.
"It is right there," he said, pointing to nothing. "How can you not see it," Letting out a sigh, the agitated Nox made to turn back to the man. "And, since you call me friend, who are--It doesn't matter. Look! Right there!" he said hushed whispers.
The formal stranger looked once again when Nox pointed and called out to the light, yet he still did not see it. He moved closer and closer to Nox until he was but a few paces away, but still he couldn't see whatever light Nov was raving about. No matter how much he squinted or looked, there was nothing but the cold, dark forest. "There is nothing there." He told Nox, turning away from the woods to look at the strange man.
"You've scared it!" Nox shouted suddenly, his voice full of uncalled for frustration. Glaring at the man for a second before rushing off into the dark.
The stranger watched as Nox charged into the woods, vanishing from sight chasing who knows what. Yet it did not concern him, so he paid it no mind. Turning back on his path towards Seren's Folly he walked alone the cold road, pulling his hood back over his head to stay warm.
Before long the stranger made entry into the quaint and cozy village that housed many a villager as well as Hunter. Yet where the most activity seemed to happen was the destination of the man. Approaching the door he opened it wide to step into the warm and boisterous halls of the Witches Paradise, the town's tavern. Once out of the cold air the stranger took down his hood, showing his familiar face to the patrons. Though it wasn't to much praise. Regardless he strode in taking a seat on one of the many tables positioned in the back. Looking around it was clear to see a crowd had already begun to form. With patrons buying drink after drink at the bar, the mother of the tavern, Abby, working away faithfully, and of course the job board that only a few folks were visiting to inspect and investigate what new news had come to their little home.
"Lusius," came a elderly voice from behind the counter. "Usual?" asked Abby, pulling out a mug and pouring an amber liquid. "You haven't happened to see Marcus? Useless lay-about,"
Lusius looked up from his lonesome table and over to Abby. She was a sweet old woman, "Yes Abby. Thank you." He started in response to her first question, yet for her second he could only say, "I have not. I only just got back into town moments ago. I'm sure he's fine, probably just off messing with the locals again." Setting his arms down on the table his left clanking, patiently waiting for time to pass on by and as it did more and more familiar faces started to join the crowds. Still there was a shadow across Abby's face, something was bothering her and when she brought over his drink he asked, "What's wrong Abby? You seem troubled."
"Just old lady musings. Have a second on the house, you're going to need it," she said, before vanishing off to find her unhelpful help.

Winter had settled lightly in the mountains, while the village below still enjoyed a few last breaths of fall before the final frost set in. Inside the castle was little warmer than out, despite the many magical fires that had been placed in its rooms and halls. From an opening in the wall, no doubt left by some misfire made tens of years ago, Rose could see the distance lights of the village far below. “The hunters have been busy it seems, no doubt following the sisters who come here,” she said, turning to face the only other occupant of the room. “This is good, although we’ll have to work faster, the mountain will only keep the hunters at bay for so long,” As she spoke, we breath came out in small clouds of steam.
In truth, it wasn’t the hunters that worried her the most, they could be dealt with in time, no it was something else, she had no more than a feeling to go off of, but it was growing ever stronger. “Has anything else been found? Apart from that creature in the West Wing?”
Mirai’s arms were crossed, eyes fixed on the town below with a look of disdain. Normally an expedition into the mountains would be held off until warmer months, but it appeared as if the number of witches gathering in one area was far too great of a challenge for them to pass up. A small smile tugged at the corner of her lips while she thought, shifting her gaze back to Rose as she asked her question. “Come now, you secretly think he’s cute too don’t you?” The black haired witch laughed, the sound echoing about the frozen halls. “The living quarters should be the easiest to fix, shouldn’t take very long at all. It’s the South Wing I’m worried about. Some of the doors are warded shut, even after all this time. Without any record of what was in that wing, it’s hard to determine whether such measures were taken to keep people out, or to keep something locked away. Other than that, though, place has been a real bore. Almost makes a girl wish those pesky little rats would scurry up here already.” Mirai uncrossed her arms and linked her fingers together, stretching them above her head to pop the length of her spine.
Relaxing her stance, Mirai returned her gaze out to the town below with a smirk. “If you’re worried about time, I’d be more than willing to raise a little hell to buy you some. All you have to do is say the word.” Her crimson eyes sparked, perhaps a little too excited about her suggested course of action. After all, if the hunters were going to be foolish enough to challenge an entire coven of witches, who was she to deny them death?
“In time perhaps, we aren’t the only creatures that are described by their presence here. Let us let those creatures try first to discourage our friends down there. Besides, I need you here. For as many strong witches as we’ve gained, there are still a few who need a little...loving guiding with their powers,” she said with a smile on her face, imagining the poor soul who would dare to have Mirai as a mentor. “And there is no one I’d rather have by my side when we unseal those doors,” Shaking her head. “Come, we should go ...encourage our little worker bees. I am sure your pet is absolutely pinning for you right now,”
“I did leave him alone with Sunni to make sure he stays out of trouble, can’t coddle him too much.” Mirai snickered before sticking her head out the hole in the wall. Fingers to her lips, Mirai let out a loud whistle that would summon Sunni, as well as the boy she was babysitting, to her side. “They’ll meet us in the main hall. Would you like the honors of calling the rest?” She asked with an exaggerated bow and a playful grin.
“Only the bored ones,” She said before waving her hand, sending a gentle ringing sound that could be heard anywhere within the castle property.
Collaboration with @WeepingLiberty and @Deos Morran