Name: Rena | Age:19 | Personality: Lawful Neutral | Sexuality: StraightPersonalityThe things that transpired in his past have left him mentally and physically scarred for life. Usually he is quiet and constantly nervous but that can quickly turn to anger if provoked. There are exceptions on that as if he is provoked by certain people, no matter how much he still remains his usual nervous self.
Rena has hematomania first awakened upon killing the hunter responsible for all his misfortune and later developed by his time as part of the blood shaman tribe. While he performs rituals or when he sees blood Rena completely changes in attitude and standing. He becomes calmer and possibly dangerous to those around him except the selected few individuals who he greatly admired.
Again, because of his past he has trouble in controlling his mana. He is both emotionally and mentally unstable which affects his mana control. The spells he does either fail miserably with no visible effect or, more often than not, get out of control and explode in an unpredictable manner. His emotional instability is the reason to his 2 personas, the other triggered by seeing blood. While his mental instability results in him hearing multiple voices, at times, but mostly he sees and talks with his little sister. His brain, refusing her death has brought the image of her alive in his eyes. When he realizes this he becomes a lot more unstable which often leads to an emotional and mental break down.
HistoryRena's history is full of bad luck and injustice towards him and his family.
It all started one stormy night when 3 knocks landed on his house door. At the time he lived with his family, compromising of his mother, father and little sister which was 3 years younger than him. Upon opening the door 3 clocked men let themselves in while asking for his father. This had happened many times so he knew what that meant, a big hunt was about to start. As they discussed, Rena overheard that the witch they were hunting this time was a known and powerful enchantress and illusionist. As the conversation went on, Rena learned that the witch killed the woman of the village, took their place and then slaughtered the whole family except the children that went missing, while everyone was asleep. His father got ready and left giving one last advice:"Barricade the house and don't leave until I get back". Heeding his words, his mother got to securing the property.
4 hours later
The night was darker than ever and everyone was filled with terror. Terror of their husbands, fathes not to return. Terror of the witch coming for them while everyone was away. The storm was only getting worst as the night progressed, everyone's nerves were on end. Then suddenly...
The door dropping down was synched perfectly with the coming thunder. 3 men barged in lead by his father, they dragged Rena's mother away who kept struggling and screaming asking for an explanation. The children tried to come to her aid but the men easily kept them in place. The rain, the cries, the thunder, the screams, the wind, the struggle to escape, everything was mixed together to form the most shocking traumatic experience in Rena's life.
"Put her with the others."- his voice was heard over all the chaos, cold and emotionless, certainly not the man which once played the role of his father. Yes, played*, he never really cared did he?
"MONSTER, LEAVE HER ALONE"- Rena bursted in anger. It only got the man to look him from the corner of his eyes, not even issuing a head turn.
"ILL KILL YOU! ILL KILL YOU! LET ME GO!"-the boy struggled in their arms. Until the man who he once thought for as a father got up to him and without saying a single word punched him hard in the guts. His consciousness slowly slipping from his grasp, like sand through fingers, he turned his head to his sister, she had been witnessing it all wide eyed in silence while tears streamed down her face.
"Take the kids at the barn with the others. They'll be safe there until this is done."- was the last thing he heard before everything faded to black.
His eyes opened, darkness, was he still in his bed sleeping? Maybe it was all just a nightmare. Everything was numb besides the headache that was killing him. Putting a hand over his head, his senses started coming back, slowly he was starting to focus. There were noise, like a bunch of insects, as his head got clearer the buzzes became cries, tens of voices crying and whining, asking for their mother. Hearing this he abruptly got up and looked around, his eyes were still adapting to the darkness but he could make curled shapes, shivering on the ground, leaning against the barn walls. Every kid in the village was there. In a panick he searched for his sister, shouting her name but to no result, it was too dark and the cries overlapped with his own. A clanking noise was heard and the barn doors opened, illuminating the inside of the bar with the warm light of the torch held by a hunter. One of the trio who went to his house to get his father.
Taking advantage of this he quickly surveyed the barn looking for his sister. She was staying still, no movement whatsoever looking blankly ahead from the wall she leaned on. Rushing to her he embraced her on a hug. Why were they doing all of this, there had to be a reason. The air all the while was getting heavy. Not noticeable at first but later it was too much not to be noticed. A yellow mist spread through the barn and a familiar feeling over took Rena, everything was fading to black again.
"N..no...not again."-he barely managed to say before losing consciousness again. Next he woke up, he was in a forest, it was the middle of the day and groups of kids were tied together alongside multiple carriages.
Wha..What was this?
"...and then, they started burning every woman on a pyre out of fear from the
big bad witch"- the hunter said the last three words in a mocking tone before bursting into laughter along with the other people there.
"Ohhh, the irony"-he went on while wiping a tear of laughter with his index finger-"They killed them all to protect the children which lead to me having easy eaccess to
all the children"- there was a moment of silence then a collective laughter could be heard again.
"AHHAHAHA The moronic fuck ups"
Finishing their conversation, they turned to the group of kids. By now everyone was partitioned accordingly. All the kids were being loaded one by one in the steel carriages. Surprisingly no one was resisting, they all seemed quiet and obedient. Suddenly remembering, where was his sister? He had checked everyone and she wasn't in any group. Looking around he finally noticed a corpse leaning on a nreaby tree, dried blood sprayed all around it. The boy's heart skipped a beat as realization dawned upon him.
"Rise..?"- he called with a meek voice and trmevling lips. This was all like a nightmare, it couldn't be true, it had to be a nightmare. He had that feeling, the one when you know something bad has happened but your brain just won't admit it and keeps looking for loopholes and other possibilities, all to avoid the harsh truth.
Noticing where the kid was looking the hunter started:"uhh, yeah, we had to put her down. An example for the rest of you brats. She was very noisy and just wouldn't shut up."- some snickered at his remark for her being noisy.
A fire started burning in his stomach, it spread through his body up to his face which contorted in a raged expression. What a load of bullshit. She was noisy? She didn't talk at all, they must have done something to her. She was killed for no reason. They killed his sister. She was dead. They took her away.
The thoughts of accusation and sorrow raced through his mind until he finally exploded out of anger, cursing, threatening them while fighting against the ropes. In a flash the hunter backhanded Rena in the jaw, spilling his blood on the ground. Not even leaving the kid a chance to recover he gut punched him into unconscioussnes. Things no one should ever experience in their life, he did so multiple times within a day.
"This one seems problematic."
"No worries, I'll take him off your hands. He has yet to experience the tour."
The tour included them visiting the site where every woman on the village was burned alive. The place where his mother perished in agony.
Nobody has read so far anyway so just to finish it here's how it goes...
They visited it, then they went on a trip, the boy killed the treacherous hunter turning his corpse into a bloody mess, he escaped in the woods, lived of eating raw meat from animal, got scouted by a shamanistic tribe which was specialized in sacrificial rituals, spent 5 years learning rituals and becomes a blood shaman, left the tribe, joined the witch coven.
Special PowersKnowledge on runes, drawing them with blood, sacrificial rituals, including complex ones.
What he looks for in a partner Someone to accept him with all his flaws. Someone which makes him forget about his past and soothes his soul.