@13org Two things:
1. I started just by doing the color thingy so that we didn't have people using the same colors. Then I added the location bit just so everyone gets a sense about where everyone else is incase they want to drop their character in that location.
because I know everyone is not going to read every post so I am giving you a cheat sheet 2. Okay, so about the tarot cards. Are they more focused on the future? Omniscient information? or....? And what is the draw back of them because it is such a high level power? I have another character Angharad who has the potential to be a seer (like a pretty powerful one) but chose not to. (Like, she has done all the training, but to finish her version of the training she has to look and see her unavoidable death and doing that had been killing her clan at young ages because they'd all seen themselves die young and then kill themselves because they are distraught by how little life they have left.)
So, I guess on of my big questions is, how powerful of a seer is your character. Like, can see the for sure future, only things happening right now that she wouldn't know otherwise, can she only see possible futures? Are there any draw backs to it? I do think this needs to be discussed further.
Also I never made the decision, but what do you think the future should be? Free willed or destiny based.
@Bishop Are you making another character or are you just going to wait for a bit?
@Noxx I just want to make sure that you don't feel like I am picking on you with your hunter. I'm just big time fan of the philosophy that for every strength there is a counteracting weakness.
I'm not saying that there was a super powered hunter that made me grumpy because he could always pull a trump card last time but there was and it made me grumpy because that is no fun for anyone But, yeah, ^^