Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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@Dark Light I feel like we are agreeing.

A human with no training would be destroyed by a witch. But hunters have the training and the tools that is what makes them witches equals.

An ellion that needs to go to beds base idea for hunter/witch relationship. Better details to come.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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@Ellion@Dark Light

I'm inclined to believe that it's somewhat... situational. Witches and Hunters aren't exactly the kind of people who would go into a one on one fight with each other unless there was no other choice. I see most witch hunts being something of a deadly game of cat and mouse in which both sides are a cat until another cat gets the drop on them.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Cat and maybe a rat, or perhaps some other large rodent. But a cat/cat implies it's even. I think once both parties are aware of the others intentions a witch has a much larger repertoire of things they can do to prepare.
They can do everything the human can do but more.

So far we have only seen/dealt with a witches natural 'powers' but I still believe they can all cast spells/curses, scry, do rituals and sacrifices.
(Maybe even a little voodoo, I wouldn't let them have any hair just to be on the safe side.)

I still reckon if you chose hunter you have deliberately chosen the underdog.
Only wise hunters live long enough to become old.

Look I could be wrong, it's not my game, and it also depends on the witch in particular. But that's how I would play it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Bishop


Member Seen 1 mo ago

Actually hunters are always the cat. God damn it why are they called hunters then?

@Ellion Also, how does magic work here? Is it found all around us and witches use the magick in the environment? Or is it within them and they just draw it not relying on outside sources? Is it connected to their spirit?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Yea a man can also hunt a bear, if that's what he's trying to do. But I don't like his chances if he stumbles across one by chance.
Generally it would involve knowing what he is after, preparing, tracking, sneaking and taking it by surprise.

I imagine hunters know a witches location through tales and stories wich gives him the advantage of choosing when and how to strike. I'm just saying without circumstantial favour the hunter would lose a heavy majority.

I wouldn't call it cat and mouse, more like a sharp knife and a Swiss Army knife, with a timer attachment,
And a compass
And binoculars
And can fly,
And fire lasers.

Yea it's like that!


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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On another note! I am currently writing my 2spooky4you post! It will introduce the dreaded Black Knight and the threat it brings to Seren's Folly and beyond~ >:D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Oh~ but Herr Ellion, i am but simply dancing according with the music!
In fact, i was Esther preoccupied on my First "action" with Shai. I thought that it was... Well... Too powerfull.
But i simply felt i needed to do something.
Neither one of the Hunters nearby had any means to perceive the Poison, and if i hadnt made anything... Well... Probally one of them would have turned into snake food.

Also, as i said, think on Shai's Abilities as mostly defensive. The only exclusively offensive Abilities she has até Both the dices and the "falling star" (which has more to do with RAW arcana energy than AM actual star... A pilar of RAW arcane energy crashes down on the Target with a mighty impacto and scorching him... Or something like that...)

The gravity would be used mostly to create "gravity Fields" either immobilizing others with it, rendering them impossible to move (or at least very hard and sluggish), OK... It can be used to crush someone under their own weight too, but something that i wont do is creatina Black holes... (Its totally possible, but its ridiculous...). The time shift thing has a good potential. Mainly i would use to turned someone's Actions and perceptivo of the world nearby into slow motion or fast forward, compressing the time around them. And thats basically it. Well, i can "stop" the time in a bubble too, but its not something i would do or abuse. This particular ability doesnt have any offensive potential.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Well, If you read my character's sheet you can get some ideas on how it May work.

If Ellion wants, i can continue writing that parte of the CSS and create a more detailed work on how magic, arcane nodes and the arcane Network Works, creating laws and rules for that.

PS:yeah... Fck autocorrector.

Ps2: someone do something regarding Hestia and all the Cray shit at the Woods.
Shai is a very kind girl, but she doesnt like to be insulted like that. If things keep going, Shai wont be only defending herself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by WeepingLiberty
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I'll be back in roughly 7 1/2 hours to read through all this monkeying around you guys saved for after I passed out. XD

The dreaded worday has arrived yet again.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Whoami
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Well, If you read my character's sheet you can get some ideas on how it May work.

If Ellion wants, i can continue writing that parte of the CSS and create a more detailed work on how magic, arcane nodes and the arcane Network Works, creating laws and rules for that.

PS:yeah... Fck autocorrector.

Ps2: someone do something regarding Hestia and all the Cray shit at the Woods.
Shai is a very kind girl, but she doesnt like to be insulted like that. If things keep going, Shai wont be only defending herself.

Well~ The events in my upcoming post might be enough to inspire everybody to run for the hills! It would all depend on how nearby you want to put yourselves to this madness! ;P
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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Concerning Magic and Hunters

I am reposting the different levels just as a reminder to kinda how your character should be based on your selection of their level.

Wellll, those are wayyy to early Ellion thoughts. I'd like to hear your guys. Because if we all want different rules of magic and can all agree to them, I am more than happy to make edits ^^.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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All of that sounds pretty good to me, and was really sort of what I was already assuming on some level.

Just for future reference:
Celia is a Novice (Probably fairly weak even for them, honestly) and Phoebe is somewhere between Acolyte and Disciple. She's been doing this for a few years.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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That works well for me.

Especially the seer thing. About Shai's divination though, quietness and time would be necessary to more detailed and long term divinations, but for the tarot one (basically functioning as a "sixth sense") would it be ok? Its not terribly overpowered... it can reveal only small parcels of information (contained on someone's post).

About Shai, she is a rather... unique witch. Due to her affinity with the arcane, the reactions she has to lavender, silver & etc would be far worse than normal witches (I'm assuming that these substances interfere with the flow of magic around them.).

Due to the fact that she is basically an unending fountain of mana, she wont get tired by casting multiple magics (bigger magics will still take time to be performed. That is a no brainer. At least one post "preparing" to cast a bigger magic.). Her body is highly resistant to "magic overloads / outburns" (due to not being human at all) but it can still happen, and in her case, when it happens its more severe than normal, often leading to her hands / body being burned by raw mana, forming big, purplish blue wounds and very often rendering her unconscious. She has access to healing magic, but in order to the flow of mana passing through her body be normalized again, it would take some time (while she is still unconscious) and healing these magical wounds can only be done with magical power. If she doesn't receive "first aid" and basic medical care while unconscious after an Arcane Outburn, she will probably die. A normal witch can use magic to heal her, but it would be very consuming to the witch.

Oh, and about her being an Arcane Node, I think that it would be very interesting, making Shai a strategic "possession" to each one of the parties.

Witches would have an unlimited access to Arcane Energy, drawing directly from a Node. That would allow them to cast bigger magics without exhausting themselves.

Hunters would greatly benefit from Shai's ability to make the witches less powerfull.

Well, I'm not saying anything, but if someone captures Shai, using her as an "amulet" to boost nearby witches powers....

Or maybe a hunter who earns her trust and admiration (or perhaps the good and old torture) to make her use her ability...

Well.. Those are only thoughts too :-D

I don't play to Shai to be a "predator" by any means. All of her abilities will be used mostly defensively. The dices and the star fall are the only exclusively offensive abilities she has.
My idea was to her fulfill a strategic role on the rp.

Both witches and hunters want her for her powers. How they will get her is up to them.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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I'll have a post for the forest and all involved here in a moment. I just need some creative process time (aka, I'm going to dance around my kitchen for a while ^^)
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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But please tell me what do you think about my plans for Shai.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ellion
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I would say...that for the tarot cards, if the information is semi-instant, the information needs to be very vague and simple. Such as "Danger" or "Run" and it doesn't alway come in time to be useful. AKA, I assume that if she did get the word 'poison' it would be only be a minute or so before someone without the power could have worked it out on their own. AKA "So thats why I can't feel my legs". I would also see the tarot cards not being able to say "Hey that snake lady is the cause of the poison" So unless Hissy gave another sign about who was causing it, Shai would just know that somehow someone was using poison.

There is a lot I like about her as a whole, but I do want to keep things fair.

As for her mana reserve. I would say yes...but there are some conditions. First, I would say that she has to be willing for herself to be 'open' in either way. Like, unless she is activating the 'portal' for mana, perhaps no one can us it. And maybe it has to be open in some sense for her to use magic at all. I also think that having a lack magic overloads / outburns should cause her negative effects in the moment, such as pain anytime she uses magic.

I am not saying these are your have tos, but I am wanting to hear your thoughts.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Actually... I planned for magic overloads / outburns to happen some times to her. You can say that her body IS resistant to magic, but the magnitude of the magic she uses is also higher than usual, so she is prone to magic outburns if she doesnt mind her own magic usage.

As for the mana thing, she doesnt have any control about it. She doesnt "control" an arcane node, she simply IS a node. Limiting the magic is a conscious action, of course. As for her, limiting other witches' magic is indeed very tiring for her. Shai is currently breathing heavily, knelt down on the forest floor. For the time being, she is too tired to get up (Running, casting a powerful time shift and a ward to limit its effective range, placing a limiter on the magic flow around the area... Although it would still take, at least 2 big scale magics to an Arcane Outburn to happen, her body IS physically tired due to everything that happened.)

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Dark Light
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Aww can Arden go to the 'dark side' and train with death?
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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Basically every spell she uses is a high tier spell.
The only things she can use that aren't that demanding to her body and mind is mild time / gravity magic. Gravity / time shifts with a moderate intensity (nothing that completely stops someone or makes them unable to move), using her Tarot deck to both gather information / make a protective barrier and using the dices as projectiles / active barrier. EVERY other spell she has is highly demanding to her body, making her tired and if she uses more than 4-5 of these high-magnitude spells in a short period of time, she will suffer an Arcane Outburn, being potentially dangerous to her life if someone (hunter OR witch) doesnt help her in time.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by 13org
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@Dark Light

That would be a nice plot twist XD

"IM TIRED OF THAT DAMN WIITCH! now I'm the bad guy!"
*starts playing smooth criminal and he gets out of the room moonwalking*
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