Age: Millennia |
Personality: Murderous, chaotic evil.
Once, many Millennia ago, he was a court wizard serving a Pharaoh whose name has been lost in time. He was researching a way to achieve immortality as ordered by the Pharaoh. Many years were spent on inhumane experiments, using slaves as test subject. No one cared for them, as long as the end goal was achieved, sacrificing some cattle along the way was barely anything to even notice. One day, the researcher finally discovered a ritual that allowed the performer to possess inanimate bodies that resembled humans. The Pharaoh was indeed very pleased but he required one more service out of the wizard, he ordered that the ritual be performed on him first.
He wasn't anymore shocked than happy. The man was confident in his ritual and felt honor to be allowed the chance to gain immortality. As the ordeal started, the wizard was filled with sand wetted by the Pharaoh's blood, a thing to ensure his undying loyalty to the bloodline even after death. After being filled with sand in an agonizing process his eyes were next. They used a snake to bite his eyes and pull them quickly out. His teeth were next and then they started with his inner organs. Halfway through the removal process of his guts the wizard passed away. To prevent his soul from passing on they used a powerful magical artifact, a 2m grey metallic rod with carvings on its surface, which had the power to capture souls. The rod was plunged into the dead wizards heart, the blood slowly started climbing up along the shaft until all the carvings were filled with blood. After completing the process they then continued to remove all other organs and replace his insides with ancient blessed send. The last step was to wrap him up in bandages and bury him with the rod that contained his soul. Now they had to wait from 2 weeks to 3 months for the revival to be complete. That was the plan but something unexpected happened, the Pharaoh was killed. Since the source of the blood that fueled the sand inside his body was gone, the revival didn't happen.
Millennia later an explorer found the sarcophagus in which the wizard was buried in. Opening it he found a rod placed beside the “mummy's” body and needless to say he took it. Before he could get ahold of the sarcophagus the ground beneath gave in and the whole thing was buried tens of meters deeper into sand. With only the rod in possession the explorer started his journey for the mainland and boast about his discovery. However he never made it. As the carriage was making it's way through the road, a dozen or so Crows approached it, some were already perched on top. A minute later there was a whole flock of Crows sitting on the trees beside the carriage and following it. As more and more Crows came the driver was getting alarmed, a bead of sweat trailer his forehead as his heart beating fastened. Suddenly there was a dead silenence, the crows had stopped cawing, the air was heavy to breathe and both the driver and the passenger could hear their heart bit echoing to their ear drums. As on cue, both the driver and the crows moved to action. The driver yelled at his horse while lashing it to speed up but in the end the crows were faster. The whole carriage was swarmed by them, 2 cries echoed through the woods as both the driver and passenger met their end.
Some time passed and the stick had found its way on the hands of a witch. Feeling it's magical power she performed her own version of soul linking by using her blood and a scarecrow. Now he was finally revived but something has changed in him, he had become murderous and deranged. Was it the witch's corruption? Or maybe the error in fulfilling the ritual way past what was due? All that is certain is the fact that since being revived by the witch he has served her coven and bloodline.
It has the ability to conjure a flock of Crows at will. They have demonic red eyes and a hellish cakcle that sends chills down your spine. As they fly they leave a shadow behind them as seen in the picture. It can also control and manipulate normal Crows but since they are weaker than the conjured ones and it's mostly a waste during combat.