Name: Ivo Ebonvuk
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Slavic Tribal Werewolf
Subject preference in order from most to least:
-Physical Education
History: The Werewolf pack of Ebonvuk had always kept itself isolated and hidden somewhere in the forests in between Russia and Hungary. It was only recently in the last two hundred years that they had integrated with human society. Their warriors were known as ferocious and wild, wielding mighty throwing spears, but using more of their claws and fangs than real weapons. Nowadays, the pack is dying out, having spread out all over Europe to stay in secrecy. Ivo is the last known pureblood of their strain.
The Werefolk of the Ebonvuk are a bit different than your average werewolves. Townspeople, such as the women and elderly usually stay in human form all throughout their lives, while the warriors of the village will switch on command between human form and quarter shift form. It is only during the full moon that all are forced to change into complete wolf form except for the chosen few who have the most control over shifting, these are the elite.
Ivo is the spitting image of one of the most renowned warrior in their history "Dawn Star" Ivica. But that's where his real problem lies, they are too much alike. Both of them had always had great combat skills, but they had extremely poor shifting control when it came to their shifting form, only being able to stay as a human for some odd twenty minutes. The quarter shifted form includes two fluffy wolf ears, a tail, superior wolf eyes, fangs, and claws, not easily hidden in a human society. Ivo has come here to gain better control of his powers, his parents not able to train him as they don't have enough power themselves to even keep their shifted form.
Are you in need of our summer program?: Yes
Preferred elective courses: -Foreign Language
Anything extra pertinent to your attendance here?:
He loves to nap in trees?