Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 3 days ago

The bell tower that hovered over the centuries old campus reverberated the sounds of the old brass bell all the way down its winding staircase and into the common area as students milled about, going from table to table as they surrounded the main walking areas between the buildings that both housed the students and their classrooms. The students were getting not only their room assignments for the next 180 days, but also their class schedules. Some students were year round for circumstances that were out of their control- non acceptance from normal humans or simply because they couldn’t handle themselves in the real world- but that was less than a third of the student population. The headmistress did not feel that they needed to stay hidden away from the world, it wasn’t healthy. Those who were stayed on campus outside of the school year were being taught how to function in society on their own. They weren’t completely abandoned, to be clear, they would stay together, just not where they were the headmistress’s problem.

The headmistress was a stern woman, one who had seen her fair share of the world’s worst, imprisoned it herself and in that act gained her immortality. In her search for a way to contain the physical manifestation of Malice- a force so evil and so consuming it had done in the best of mankind- she found that the best way to confront it was not to come at it with a desire to win. It was beat and contained by the desire to protect others- by Selflessness and Altruism. Her reward was an ascension for mortality and her magic capabilities were enhanced. She felt she had to continue that desire to protect and to help, hence her opening of a school.

She had opened it centuries ago- long enough ago that her school was considered a historical site and was officially protected, not that she needed their protection; she had amassed a wealth to keep the school running and the mountains around it in her name for another century. She did keep much of the wealth at all for herself, less than what she paid her staff. Luckily there were plenty of supernatural children out there that either were being protected by their families in her care or wanting to be hidden by society that she didn’t really have to charge that much to keep the doors open and keep her students’s needs attended.

Her staff was nothing to sneeze at either. Some were previous students who wanted to return the favor to their headmistress and help the next generation; Others were some of the strongest and most impressive beings Amelia could appeal to around the world. Elves, witches, other immortal humans such as herself, and some that she wasn’t entirely sure what they were, not that she asked that kind of question in her interviews. But there was a rule she had about staff and students; the types of beasts that made their living by feeding off the lives of other sentient beings had to be willing to use substitutes- substitutes proven to be as effective as the original source- or be turned away. She would not unleash monsters on to the streets or harbor them.

Her right hand was the first to prove that simply animal products or by products were effective, and she did so willingly. She owed her sanity to the headmistress, thus the fire dragon Katerina Savage would give her life should Amelia Blakley require it. Her comrade Elyana, a unique and rare golden dragon- a being meant to restore peace to the dragon race at its worst- found her loyalty to an immortal human bizarre and almost unnatural. Amelia couldn’t explain it to her, but Katerina insisted that had Amelia not imprisoned the force that was Malice she would have surely turned into a monster and Elyana would have had to destroy her- as was her role, destroying dragons that had become nothing more than raging beasts or had manipulated their people into being as such. Elyana had not felt a need to join Amelia’s ranks, but she was often on campus to visit her friend, who had taken up the role as head of security.

Amelia and Katerina were present among the students as they entered the school, watching from the watch tower, though Katerina had her hands over her ears as the bell tolled, having a hard time tuning out the noise as Amelia had as she was focused on watching her pupils. She was looking for potential trouble makers and those that would clearly excel in the competitive environments that tended to brew inside the school walls. Not all could handle it, and it was also good to figure out which students would be keen to panic/anxiety attacks in advance to alert Erynhil Zaheer, their head counselor, as to which students he should expect on his doorstep. For an gypsy- a devolved, yet just as pretentious race as the elves- he was very good at getting people to open up to him and letting him know all about what was troubling them. He was also good at helping them find a way to work through their troubles. And he was full of dating advice, unfortunately, as he kept trying to pair Amelia up with the male teachers he found attractive and Katerina with the females... or with Elyana, but Elyana was (luckily in Katerina’s opinion) oblivious to the preferences of her comrade. Regardless, he was at the base of the tower, listening to conversations as he worked on sketching some design in his sketchbook, barely paying attention to his hands as he was the students, preparing himself for the mental breakdowns and the guidance and many would need.
"Eryn, you don't blend in well, brother."
The counselor looked up from his sketch book and smiled at the blond haired elf that was standing the bench, "Well, I don't believe blending is my goal, merely listening."
"They're not going to say much around teachers and strangers, so what do you hope to hear?" the blond elf sat, looking at the throng of students that were going about their day with a variety of attitudes- a variety to fit the variety of students and species, more than he'd seen in the past, for sure.
"My hearing isn't fading, Nero, I can easily hear across the courtyard even with bell tolling so loud," Eryn defended himself with a sniff of being offended. Nero just smirked as his brother went on, "Even if they're not talking to even each other, students that are going to be in need of aid, either from me or teachers or even other students will often grumble or mutter to themselves. They're either angry or giving themselves pep talks that they can survive the year. The angry ones are typically the ones who get stuck in here in the summer for the summer program."
"A program all about blending in with humans. I here some brave souls come up from the closest towns to help with that," Nero glanced up at the clock tower, wondering where Amelia got the gall to ask them do such a thing. But her icy gaze was fixated on her pupils for the time being. He looked back down as a black haired woman shoved her way through the throng trying to get to the main building where the teachers stayed, having apparently finished her duty of handing out a set of student room assignments. Amelia felt the need to keep that particular busy because she was the prime example of the "idle hands" saying. Plus she had to be polite when speaking to students or Katerina would give her what for, so it was likely a lesson in humility as well.
"I think this year ought to be interesting. I'll go help with the assignments- I'll be sure to let you know of any particularly perturbed students that cross my path," Nero stood up and Eryn grunted.
"You're mocking me again aren't you?"
"I have never mocked you, brother, that's Amera. She mocks everyone."
"I am so glad Amelia could not convince her to come. I love our sister, but she is such a buzz kill."
Nero laughed lightly before going towards the tables, grabbing a section that from someone who was doing three at the moment and started to help pass them out as students came to the tables marked by the beginning of their last names- sometimes up to three letters depending on just how many people had similar last names.
The woman- Nuka, if you hadn't guessed- went into the main building and closed the door with as much oomph as she could without getting a scolding. If she wasn't aware of the fact Amelia and Katerina could and would easily hand her her butt on a silver platter in a second, she would not put up with being bossed about and treated like one of the students. She was an adult, had been one for a century or two- back when women could first wear britches- and certainly knew how to act like one. She pulled a flask out of her boots where she had to hide them during the day, and took a longer sip than necessary of whatever alcohol she'd put in the thing that morning. She'd gotten crafty in that game of hide and seek, either that or as long as she was sober during the day Amelia had decided to let her spend her evenings doing what she wished- aside from the grading, which Katerina had insisted on them getting an assistant for her on that because she was worried of Nuka giving unfair grades. Nuka scoffed at the idea, "Of course I do," she muttered before going back towards her room, her obligatory hell over with for the day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryoshi Hanamaru

Dear Ryoshi,
How has the school been? You haven't been around for a while and your parents are quite worried. Admittedly, I am too. We're doing fine out here by the way. There aren't much attacks from the yokai nor has there been an ultimately devastating monster rampaging around so there's no need to worry about us. Oh Riko and Yuzuru's baby was born! You have a niece now so congratulations on that! Hope 'ya write back soon!

- Kawashima Ashioka

Ryoshi leaned back from his chair as he put the letter down on the table beside him and then watched over his small field of crops. It had been a small request he asked for Amelia, just something to remind him of home. He hasn't returned for quite a while now. How many years has it been anyway? A score? Maybe two? He wasn't sure. Well since Riko and Yuzuru actually had a baby, and they hadn't even been dating when he left. Definitely a score. He returned his focus onto the field. Well, at least Amelia actually got through with the request and gave him this place where he could live in and do whatever he wanted. He looked at his watch and then noticed that it was close to when the bell tolled.

He stood up and stretched. He then started running towards the school which was only a few minutes away. Ryoshi morphed into a silver feathered crow and then he flew straight towards the campus. He perched on top of one of the buildings. He would have opted for the watchtower but the bell would ring anytime now and, well, that would be too loud even in his current form. He then transformed back into a human and then sat on the rooftop, watching the kids flock into the building.

He should really help with those flyers. Ryoshi took a peek at one of the teachers. Well, well, Nuka seemed to have gone stomping inside once again. Ryoshi went to the back of the campus, opened one of the windows and then slipped inside one of the rooms. Ryoshi put his hands inside of his pocket and then headed out and into the hallway. He was on patrol duty anyway. Gotta make sure none of the kiddos actually gets into trouble or get lost in their first day.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 3 days ago

"Ugh, I'm on the first floor," a somewhat short brunette grumbled as she looked at her room assignment. There would be no way she could easily sneak out for her night time flights if she was stuck on the first floor. She didn't understand why she couldn't fly, it wasn't like the people around the school didn't know that there were "monsters" at the school. She looked towards the lines for schedules and sighed. The volunteers were going as quick as they could but it was still taking a considerable amount of time, "Gah, this is such a time consumption. Guess that explains why they devote a day to settling in," she muttered, rubbing her forehead. They must have taken all her luggage to her room already since they had taken it from her at the gate. Well, at least that meant only her roommate might possibly mess with her things. She looked at the paper again, wondering if it would tell her who that was, but it didn't, "Try to keep some surprise elements in store for us?" she muttered before trying to figure out which line she was supposed to be in. She had to jump a bit to try and see over people or around them. She didn't understand how come her human form was so short, she was fairly normal sized as a griffin. She crossed her arms, huffing in annoyance, "This is so bothersome!" she grumbled.
A male slid by her, going towards where the room assignments were for "At" last names. The line wasn't that bad, only about four or five there, but the sorter was going at a snails pace going through the box because of it. He sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. There wasn't much use complaining about something that complaining would likely only make worse, or make it feel worse. He walked over to the line, getting in it behind the last person. He pulled out his headphones, putting them in and turning on his iPod, shoving the device and his hands into his pockets as he stared at the back of the person in front of him, waiting for his turn to get his paper. He was used to things taking time to occur, and he was in no hurry now. He glanced around, wondering why everyone got so agitated. It really didn't help anything.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Emily 'Jolt' -

Another boring year of school, another boring concrete prison. Most kids Emily's age would consider the prospect of attending a school filled with monsters as an exciting adventure, but then most kids lived boring, straightforward lives. All plans, prospects, studies and futures, the value of the moment lost on them. Humans had no idea how to live life, and it appeared that the majority of other 'monsters' followed their pointless sentiment. What was the point in locking yourself into a little concrete box when you could be dancing in the rain? Emily had most definitely not been planning to join for a full semester, having gotten off the hook with a thankfully short stay when she was delivered here near the start of summer last year. But her 'benefactor' had come to 'remind' her of her 'obligations', an argument that most nearby had interpreted as merely unfortunate bad weather. And so she found herself on those same boring stones, grumbling under her breath as she slowly walked towards the imposing-looking school building.

With a shrug and a sigh, Emily resigned herself to her fate. Perhaps this year wouldn't be so bad. After all, she had heard that there was plenty of trouble you could get into in a school. And with this many supernaturals in one spot there was bound to be a few interesting folks she could make a ruckus with. If she made enough of a ruckus she might even get kicked out, and get the rest of the year off. Her future was looking brighter by the moment. With these thoughts in her mind Emily arrived at the spot where she would be informed as to her lodgings, and it appeared a line was forming. Waiting was for chumps, so she just pushed her way past, occasionally zapping someone who didn't want to let her through. Just enough to make them jump. An arrogant little smile plastered on her face she took the papers from a tired-looking teacher and headed off towards the dorms, giving a smug little wave to the people she'd moved aside. Hopefully her roommate would turn out to be someone interesting, or at least someone amusing.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

The sounds of galloping hooves attracted the attention of some of the students. Was there somebody coming in on horseback? Maybe it was somebody important, or rich, or dramatic. Turning the corner, however, was a centaur girl in a plaid shirt and a beanie, sweat dripping from her face. She pulled her iphone from a saddle-like bag around her horse half and checked the time.

"Made it! Belter!"

Eilidh started to trot past the other students, who looks a bit disappointed that she was so ordinary. This was an unusual sensation for her. She'd been told since the day she was born that she mustn't reveal herself in public, yet here she was, exposed and surrounded by kids her age, and she had basically been accepted as a kid just like everyone else!

She joined the queue for everyone's room numbers, and stuck her headphones in, looking around. Everybody else seemed to hate waiting in line. They should have brought music or a book to read. What exactly were they expecting? A first come first serve free-for-all? Another student had tried to push in front of her. Eilidh merely snorted, and muttered "Wait your turn like everybody else" but got a nasty shock to the flank for her troubles, and the girl pushed in front anyway. After the sneaky fox girl got her assignment, she even waved at her!

Eilidh responded by muttering under her breath a few words that she was lucky the teachers didn't overhear, and turning her music up. Her patience paid off in the long run, as she received her room assignment. It was the first floor, which was fortunate as she didn't cope well with stairs, and was too big for elevators.

She got to her room, which had one standard bed for her roommate, and one mat on the floor for her, with a large pillow included. Her suitcase was also here. She sat down and inspected her horseshoes. She'd worn them down on the way here. Hopefully there was somebody who knew how to shoe a horse at this school. If not, she'd have to catch the headmistress one day this month and ask if it could be possible. She lay down on her 'bed', took out a circular comb from her suitcase, and started to push her coat and tail, before getting up and trotting to the bathroom mirror to comb her human hair. Wearing this beanie gave her really bad hat hair. Maybe she shouldn't wear it while she was here. Eilidh chuckled to herself. She had only been in a real school for less than a day and was already starting to actually care about her appearance. Give her a week and she'll be trying out for cheer-leading. Although, with her clumsy, cumbersome form, maybe not.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 11 mos ago

The day had already gotten started, loudly proclaiming itself with the bell tolling overhead. The mass of 'monster' students milled around, going from table to table. The moved like on cohesive mass, there was no room to shove through or make way, none at least for Ivo Ebonvuk. The boy wasn't used to such a large group of people and it was causing his large wolf ears to droop, but that was what he wanted. The slavic werewolf kept a hat over his head and his tail tucked away in shame. He was probably one of the only students in the area that had to stay all year round at the school starting today. No, it wasn't because he was dangerous or had a nasty temper, he just really couldn't hide what he truly was. A boy with long silver hair that could never make his tail and ears disappear, and his less obvious eyes, teeth, and claws. Ivo always tried to shave down those long nails, but all for not, they grew back within the day.

While everyone was happy to show their true selves, Ivo was the opposite. He wondered about with a scarf and hat, trying to staw away from big crowds and such. He wasn't about reay to get into the line of room assignments. Would the person he roomed with be difficult? Would they laugh at his insecurities? Around his family and friends, Ivo could sometimes be seen as prideful and confident, but with no recognized faces around him, the boy didn't know what to do. Unknownst of him, under his long coat, his wolf tail had fallen out, which didn't make anyone squeal out in surprise or anything, but would have caused Ivo's heart to jolt.

Where was a teacher when you needed one?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryoshi Hanamaru

Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk (@AimeChambers)

Wait, it was the first day so... "Stupid." He muttered to himself before opening one of the windows of the hallway campus and then dropping down, quickly changing into a silver crow before heading towards the dorms where the mass of students were heading towards. He then landed on the ground quite some ways away from the students and then transformed back into a human. Though he could have done that in plain sight of the students, he didn't actually want to see them flock towards him to ask how he did that and so on and so forth. While there aren't much students like that, he has encountered them and that was an experience he'd rather not go through again.

Muttering an 'excuse me' every now and then as he passed through the swarm of students getting their room assignments for the day, he finally broke through after he passed the line heading towards the poor teacher who had to man that part. He and the teacher locked eyes for a moment and he gave him a small smile as some form of encouragement and he only sighed as he passed the next room assignment to the next student. He gave him a gesture of farewell in the form of a two finger salute and then continued roaming around to keep the students from breaking into fights or something.

Be glad, Emily Jolt, that he was not there to see what you had done.

Ryoshi entertained some of the students' questions about the school and the safety of the dorms - assuring them that it was perfectly safe and that there would be guards posted there, roaming every night in case someone was actually foolish enough to try and sneak into school grounds. He sent them off with a small smile as they headed towards the line. He placed his hands inside his jacket's pockets as he continued to roam around. So this was what he was doing for past few decades? Well, he really couldn't say it wasn't a good change of pace. At least here, he didn't have to fight huge beasts or monstrosities to protect others. No, he had the honors of running the students ragged through Physical Education and teaching them how to properly utilize their powers in combat - but they had to learn quick if they wanted to keep up on the charts.

His eyes scanned the mass of students until he saw a particularly heavily clothed young man. He seemed nervous as he navigated through the crowds. Ryoshi tilted his head to the side in curiosity as to why he was clothed like that. Unless, of course, there was a hazard in him exposing his skin and he was doing this for the safety of the other students. That thought was quickly ruled out when he saw a wolf tail drop out from his long coat. Ryoshi quickly made his way towards the young werewolf.

"If you're making such an effort to hide your wolf-like features, then I must tell you that your tail has slipped out." Ryoshi started as he started to pace himself with the young man. "However, there is no shame in showing who you truly are. We have many hybrids in this place - centaurs, griffins, pfft, unicorns." It's not the first time Ryoshi encountered a student who isn't too proud of their lineage, but it was a first for him to see someone going to such lengths to hide it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Eryn glanced up at the two in the tower seeing Emily's behavior and Katerina started to make her way down, going to make it clear that wasn't okay. He looked back down and noticed Ivo seeming to avoid the masses but as he was about to stand up to approach the situation, he relaxed seeing that Ryoshi had taken charge of the situation. He gave a small smile, making a note in his sketch book as he glanced up to see that Amelia too had noticed the teacher approach the lone student, but seeing the situation was handled, she didn't not linger attention long, turning to the rest of the crowd. She looked at her watch, dressed in a more business casual outfit rather than the whole magey cloak, deciding just how much longer this whole situation ought to last. Nero looked over towards Ryoshi as well, but his attention was mostly on effectively and efficiently running the table, trying to get students going quickly before something broke out due to tension in the crowd.

The short brunette broke away from the crowd towards the doors, taking a deep breath as if the mass of bodies had been suffocating her. She'd get her schedule later, this was too much mayhem. She started towards the dorms, letting her arms hang loosely at her sides. The unicorn looked around as the centaur moved through the crowd, his eyes narrowing at the jolt she was given, scoffing at the wave the perpetrator gave the crowd, "How ridiculous can you be?' he muttered under his breath, especially since he looked to see if the administration was going to do anything and noticed that the head of security was gone. Oops. He wondered how that would turn out for the cocky chick.

Katerina exited the bottom of the clock tower, having gone down a far less conventional method, and walked towards the dorms looking for Emily. Her face wasn't entirely unknown to the dragon, and she was a little peeved that the first day of school was landing them in this situation where they were going to have the conversation about keeping her powers in check again, and this time Katerina was tagging on the threat of finding a warding bracelet that would prevent her from using them at all while it was on her, and she would sauder it to her wrist if she had to. Just because was down from the tower though, didn't mean she was unaware of situations going on around the school, or didn't have someone nearby. After all, she was just the head of security, she wasn't the entirety of it
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Emily 'Jolt' -

It appeared that Emily had gotten lost. Well, not lost entirely. That would imply that it had been involuntary. But nevertheless she found herself wandering the halls of the dorms, allowing her feet to take her wherever they wished to go. She had all the time in the world, and there was certainly a lot to see. She spotted a couple of particularly odd or interesting-looking creatures, and she made mental notes to see what was up with them. She also made sure that nobody mistook her for a willing student, loudly decrying the educational system, dorms, teachers, and even the other students, all with a cheerful tone. Satisfied in her brief reconnaissance, Emily eventually found herself in front of her dorm room. Sighing she entered, wondering if her roomie would already be there.

As she entered, she was surprised to see a horse. No, there was a person on top of the horse. A part of the horse. Having never seen a centaur, Emily's eyes widened for a moment, as she joyfully declared 'holy sh*t, you're a horse! Sweet!'. Grinning from ear to ear she dropped down on her bunk, turning to look at the strange horse-girl who would apparently be her roomie for the year. "You're my roommate? Nice to meet you! My name's Emily, but people call me Jolt. What kinda creature are you anyway? Horsewoman?" With a brief laugh, Emily went over into a barrage of questions, not caring that she wasn't giving the other girl a chance to answer. "So why are you here? Did someone beat you up, or did your parents send you? I bet it's the parent thing, right? Lots of people get sent here by their parents. Do you have any cool hobbies? Do horses even have hobbies? Ooooh! Do you eat grass?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

Member Seen 11 mos ago

His arms, which had been resting limply at his sides, hugged himself as the a teacher suddenly showed up. The boy's hood slipped off of his head, to reveal two rather large wolf ears, his vertical pupils shrinking as he realized how much of himself was exposed. Ivo moved back and forth, trying to hide both his his ears and tail, seemingly at the same time and being rather unsuccessful. Finally, Ivo gave up, letting his ears droop a little bit, both hands holding onto his furry tail. The teacher was trying to welcome him and saying Ivo shouldn't be ashamed, and at that moment he realized that maybe hoping for a teacher hadn't been such a good idea after all.

It must have been so, what the teacher had said. Lots of different kinds of 'monsters' fluttered about, not trying to mask and hide under a human persona whatsoever. It wasn't at all that Ivo was ashamed of what he was... Just his imperfection and the lack of ability to hide what he was in the first place. Ivo wasn't yet even the age of the past warriors from his pack who usually stayed in this quarter shift form, he was supposed to stay in his human form at all times, yet the boy couldn't do anything in his power to shift his assorted appendages. Ivo looked even more ashamed of himself, but his voice became louder and louder as he tried to fix Ryoshi's wrong conclusion.

"M-Mister! I am not at all ashamed in what I am! As a Ebonvuk wolf, I take pride as pureblood descended from the chief's main family! It is just... improper for a pup such as myself to show my own lineage... But I can't shift with my own power..." While he had met the teacher's eye when he made his outburst, when talking of his imperfection, Ivo's eyes slipped to the ground.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Eilidh threw her beanie into her suitcase, and was about to put her music back in, when her roommate showed up. Eilidh was legitimately surprised to see it was the girl who had pushed past the queue earlier, and had also shocked her. She didn't seem to remember the encounter quite as much, though. The fox-eared girl actually seemed happy to see her.

Eilidh stood there bemused as her new roomie fired off a barrage of questions without giving her time to answer any of them. She remembered all of them in order, however, and answered them in order once Emily was finished. She spoke with a notable yet thin Glaswegian accent. "Oh, hi! My name's Eilidh Chiron. I'm a centaur. I'm here to receive a good education. I used to be home-schooled, but I'm starting to get smarter than my parents now, so this school was the best option. I've never been beaten up in my life, and yes, my parents did send me. As for hobbies, I like to listen to music and read in my spare time. I tried learning guitar, but I don't really have the patience for it. And last but not least, I can digest grass with my horse stomach but don't, because I think that's gross. I do need to eat a lot of fruit and veg, though."

She gasps and claps her hands once she's finished. "Those were a lot of questions! What about you? What's your story? Besides, of course, skipping queues and shocking people." To accentuate this, she points to the still visibly singed patch on her flank. But she doesn't look angry. She'd warmed a little to this quirky character.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 2 days ago

Ryoshi Hanamaru

Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk (@AimeChambers)

Ryoshi watched as the young werewolf's hood slipped and then him trying to desperately trying to hide both features with his hands, but it was all done in vain as he couldn't do it. The older male was watching with slight amusement, but it didn't show in his facial features as he kept a professional mask plastered on his face. He silently waited to hear the young werewolf's reply to his inquiry. He can't leave now since he had interacted with the student. He caught Eryn's movement from the corner of his eyes, seeing the head counselor look at the young werewolf just as he had approached.

Maybe he should have left it up to Eryn. He was better with kids than Ryoshi will ever be, thanks to Eryn actually having background in helping students while he had the amazing background of fighting monsters that would surely not help students at all. But it was part of the deal with Amelia. He was a teacher so he needed to be prepared for this kind of stuff. But that fact doesn't exactly help him at all.

It was then that the young werewolf started to speak and what came out certainly put Ryoshi in quite a shock, but only for a moment. So this werewolf was proud of his lineage, but not proud that he couldn't control his transformation. Ryoshi took another look at the young male. Yes, there was at tail which he was holding with his hands, two ears, fangs, vertical eyes, ah, so this is the quarter form of a werewolf. Yes, he has seen some that walk like this in his years at the school but none of them were embarrassed about it, unlike this one right here.

"So you are saying that a young werewolf such as you shouldn't even take the form of a wolf? Or a quarter wolf?" Ryoshi asked as he placed his hands behind his back. "Do know that in this school, we will help you control and restrain your powers. In here, you will not be teased, discriminated, or prejudiced against your lack of control over your powers." This was a line that he had said over and over again to other students who had little control over their powers. Though he truly did mean all of these words. They were not meaningless and his tone should broadcast that loud and clear.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

- Emily 'Jolt' -

For a solid moment Emily stared at the singed flank, the gears in her brain quietly turning as she attempted to make the connection. Then it hit her, and she smiled sheepishly. "Oh, right. You noticed that? Yeah, sorry, I was in a hurry." As if that excused everything she then continued, responding to Elidh's answers before giving any of her own. "Wait, you never been beat up in your life? You must not get into a lot of fights, then." Emily cast a quick eye over the armoured lower horse body. She'd never really messed with horses, being more of a city person, but it wasn't hard to imagine the unfortunate consequences of getting kicked by those hooves. Perhaps she should watch out when teasing her. Then again, caution had never been her strong suit, and the thought was gone almost as soon as it appeared. "And music isn't really a hobby, now is it? Not really." It seemed this answer had not satisfied her. In truth Emily had been hoping for someone who matched her appetite for 'fun', of the kind that usually only she could appreciate, but she supposed at least she hadn't gotten an entirely boring person as her roommate.

"Oh, and my story? Well, I suppose I don't really have much of one. Or lots of little ones. I'm a Raiju, which I suppose is asian for lightning monster, but I was born over England, so I really wouldn't know. Dropped out of a stormcloud, stole some clothes, and then went around doing whatever I want. Never really met my parents, not even sure if I have any." Emily shrugged at this. Often stating this had elicited pity, which she then mercilessly exploited, but she really wasn't missing much by her measure. Never knew what to miss, although what she'd seen of parents was profoundly underwhelming. "So I spent a while going around the countryside, having fun, till I met this other Raiju fellow. Just walked straight into my life, beat the snot out of me for nooooooooooooo reason, and sent me to school. Turns out he's even paying for my stay here, hell if I know why. Asked but he didn't talk much, seemed to be more of the 'disapproving stare' type, you know?" Sighing, Emily rolled her eyes.

"In any case, I was here for a short bit at the end of last year, so I have some idea of where everything is." An impish smile filled her face as she continued. "I'm sure I could show you around, show you were all the neat spots are. Or at least all the neat spots I know. And you can help me out with all the boring school stuff."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Silver Carrot Wow I've been here a while

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Eilidh cocked her head at the excuse that Emily was in a hurry. "Pffft. What kind of Brit can't queue? Also, music is a hobby to me. Back at my house, I have a record player, a CD collection, a vinyl collection and you can't see the walls for the band posters. I spend hours a day listening to it! I just wish I had the temperament to play it, or the talent to sing."

She stayed standing and listening to Emily's story. She definitely felt pity at Emily's mention of having no parents, but didn't say anything. Still, it showed in her eyes and body language, but that changed to something different when she mentioned the other Raiju. Eilidh figured out, or at least assumed, the truth. That was still sad, but a little more reassuring. Her parents hadn't abandoned her, but were keeping an eye on her, or at least a male relative was. It did explain why she was the way she was. She had never been taught discipline, and had spent most of her life doing what she wanted. The teachers here would act as authority figures. Eilidh, she decided, would act as a friend.

The centaur considered Emily's offer, smiling. "Deal, but remember, I'd only be helping you out, not doing it all for you. You're here to learn after all. Now let's go! I want see where all the cool spots are!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by SanaChan
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@thewizardguy@Silver Carrot
Right about that moment there came a hard knock on the door. The dragon on the other side didn't wait for someone to answer, opening it and her red eyes went straight to Emily, "It's the first day, and already I find myself having to track you down," she crossed her arms after she had closed the door, "I believe we made it clear that your little attention grabber isn't allowed," she said, referring to her shocking to get people to move, "How hard is it to be like the rest of the students stuck out there and just use your hands to push people out the way?" she shook her head, "Neither are good, but the latter would be preferred to you shocking them- there are some aquatic based folk here, you could kill them doing that," she growled a bit on that note, before she looked over at Eilidh, "Don't you follow her example, I need you to set one," she said simply, though a bit sternly, not having missed Emily's idea of all the "cool" spots.
She took another deep breath before facing Emily again, "This is your first strike. You're lucky you didn't actually hurt anyone or piss something bigger than you off. Don't start this year off by making people dislike you, Emily. The goal is to find you a way to get along in the world- even if you avoid human society and don't plan to mesh with them, learning how to interact with other people is essential," she said, "That means, in the simplest of terms to use your words and that brain that I know is up that head of yours, regardless of whether you decide to use it or not rather than just zapping everyone and demanding your way," she said, "You'll report to me after your first day of classes and I'll figure out what to do with you," she turned and started out of the room, "And I will find you if you try to skip out on me," she warned, "And you will not like what happens if I have to track you down," and with that, she went back out of the room.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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- Emily 'Jolt' -

For her part, Emily spent the entire little speech nodding sagely, occasionally saying 'indeed'. It was her best mocking impression of a responsible adult. This wouldn't be the first time she'd been threatened with 'consequences', but so far they hadn't shown up, and if they had any attention of doing anything much they'd have to catch her first. Living in a storm cloud had some perks, and among them was a great way to get out of dodge, should things get too out of hand. Besides, teachers weren't scary. What were they going to do, ground her? Grinning at her own sense of humour she turned to Elidh the moment the teacher left.

"Welp, let's go! If you can keep up with me, of course!" Laughing she practically kicked down the door, hurrying off down the corridor while briefly waving at the teacher lady. If there was one thing she was proud of, it was her speed. Wasn't nobody who could keep up with her if she wanted to move it. Not that she'd ever raced a centaur before. Dodging and weaving past confused students and the occasional angry teacher she shot off through the myriad hallways and corridors of the dorm building, before exploding out into the courtyard, panting slightly. She always liked to do things fast, and had no intentions of slowing down just cuz she was bringing someone else along. Of course, said other person would add some extra complications in getting to said cool spots. Emily could image Elidh might have more than a little trouble with ladders, or climbing walls. But for all that she lacked in formal education and classes, she had plenty of practical experience, and she'd quickly thought of a plan.

Gesturing she lead the centaur over to a different building. Kneeling down she started picking the lock to the supply room, using a set of picks she kept in the back of her boots. It was a useful skill she'd picked up on her more.... urban... ventures. Although her abilities allowed her to bypass most security systems, she'd always had an appreciation for dexterity-based skills, and picking locks was fun. It also meant she was able to hang out with street kids without getting called a monster, which always bothered her. When she was done she tucked the picks back where they belonged, giving Elidh a sideways glance. "See, normally I'd just fly up, but I figured you can't fly, and you don't look like you'd appreciate me getting you a ladder." With a wink and a smile Emily led her new companion deeper into the dark room, and over to the stairs. She'd bring Elidh to the roof. It was the long route, maybe, but breaking and entering had it's own appeal, so she considered it the scenic route. Stopping to smell the flowers and all that.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Silver Carrot
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Eilidh nodded. Her face wasn't one of "I'm sorry" or "I know I did something wrong", it was "I completely agree with you. Leave it to me." She found her new roommate to be quite fun, but she was a little wild, and Eilidh was going her work cut out for her to try and keep her friend out of trouble. Pretty much as soon as the teacher had left, Emily kicked the door near off its hinges and bolted through the corridor. Eilidh pinched her nose and sighed. This was going to be harder than she thought.

She followed Emily's trail at a restrained canter, apologising to everyone she past, especially the teachers. Why was it up to her to keep Emily out of trouble? She's not a teacher! She's not a prefect. She doesn't have any position of responsibility in this school. She's a student. She came to learn and make friends. And that's who Emily was. A friend, or at least a potential one. Eilidh would try and keep her out of trouble out of concern and care, but not out of a duty she didn't have nor wanted!

Once she was outside the corridors of the school, and all the people who made navigating and weaving her way through particularly challenging, she made it to the courtyard. That's when she broke into a gallop, and covered the lost distance in a matter of seconds. It was a simple scientific fact that horses can run a lot faster than bipedals. Eilidh wasn't even very fit for a centaur, and she still caught up with Emily.

Eilidh watched Emily pick the lock, and as she was doing that, whispered "I really wouldn't make a habit of this. You don't think you care about getting told off but this is a whole different kind of trouble. I'm actually kind of scared. If we get caught..." Before Eilidh finished, Emily just waltzed straight inside. Eilidh stood at the doorway, cursing silently, before following her up.

It was true that Eilidh was scared, but being in a place she shouldn't be, doing something wrong...it was kind of exhilarating! She was filled with a strange kind of nervous energy, and she couldn't say she hated the experience. The stairs, however, were a killer. She held onto the rails and took it one step at a time. If she were a fit centaur, her muscles would have laughed at this exertion, but she was an unfit centaur, lugging the weight of a horse up every step. It took a while, and by the time she reached the top, she was sweating buckets, but the view of the magnificent school from this roof was worth it.

"Wow, this place is amazing! You're so lucky, getting to live life like this, surrounded by these kinda views all the time!"
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by AimeChambers
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AimeChambers Yaoi Love Guru

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Ivo took in the words as Ryoshi said them, it wasn't like he hadn't heard this speech before. His parents had always told him to stop being so ashamed that he couldn't change, in fact, they didn't even have enough power themselves to change to a werewolf! Everyone had told him about how Ivo took after the great Dawn Star Ivica, and amazing werewolf who had brought balance to the area around them and had kept the village safe. Ivica had also had the problem of never being able to transform to human form, yet it hadn't made him feel ashamed at all.

As the boy listened, he fiddled with his tail that had been in his hands earlier to slip back into his coat. In reality, the coat was rather confining and so hot that he wanted to rip the piece of fabric to shreds! But how could he just stop hiding? That wasn't something the boy could wrap his head around, much less starting immediately doing.

Ivo nodded to confirm Ryoshi's question. Finally, the boy slipped down his hood and hat, shaking his head to slip the silvery long hair out of it and taking a breath. The heat was actually getting a little too much, even for him. "I'm not worried about being teased or discriminated. The only thing keeping me in hiding is my own dignity, and I'm well aware of that..." His silvery ears drooped, "I just hate that I can't control this part of me and would rather not show it to others. I'm sorry if I have troubled you." He bowed his head.

@Polaris North
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Ryoshi Hanamaru

Interacting with: Ivo Ebonvuk (@AimeChambers)

"So you are ashamed because of personal reasons - because of yourself and that you just cannot accept the fact that you cannot control it. I see." Those were the first words that came out of Ryoshi's mouth. He shook his head and said, "It is no problem at all. Aiding students is part of the job." Once all the elements were thrown out, it isn't exactly hard to understand what the young werewolf was going through. However, Ryoshi had not experienced this kind of thing. When he had discovered of his powers to shapeshift into something, it hadn't been too hard to control it. It was an innate ability among his species which few found to be difficult to learn. Given this, the male shapeshifter did not know what to do to help him.

So he decided to explain his situation. "Young werewolf, I must tell you this. I am a shapeshifter. Transforming into something is something that I do everyday. This comes naturally to me, and there isn't any other form besides the whole form that I can shapeshift into. Now, this ability is something that I have been training to do ever since I was a young child." He started with those mere words before shooting a glance up at the clock to make sure that he wasn't holding up the student he was conversing with. Seeing that there was still ample time for him to unpack and get used to the school, he looked back at him.

"The reason I told you this is because I can most likely help you control your transformation. If anything, so you can train more without being reprimanded by other teachers. However, I must ask you to go and seek Guidance Counselor Eryn first. I am sure he already knows of your problem by now, given how strong his hearing is." He then shot a glance at the guidance counselor to gauge his reaction. Eryn had shared this with him a couple of years prior - how he manages to know what the problem is before the student even comes to him. He had superior hearing and was probably sitting in the courtyard to list down those students who were having problems. While Ryoshi originally thought that what Eryn was doing was a breach in privacy, he soon came to appreciate it as it helps the students open up. Or get angry. "He will surely help you better than I."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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- Emily 'Jolt' -

The warnings were lost on Emily. She'd been chased by lynch mobs, hunted down by police, and occasionally accosted by common street thugs, but her abilities meant she could get out of pretty much any situation. After all, few could chase her in a storm cloud, and if she really got into trouble she could always take on her 'monster form' and send them running. Although perhaps the teachers here would be less impressed, she doubted she'd run into much more trouble here than she had anywhere else. In fact she almost wanted to get caught, just so she could show off how well she could get out of trouble. As such she merely shrugged as she continued into the building and hurried up the stairs, occasionally shouting down encouragement for the struggling centaur.

The view was quite nice, although not entirely to Emily's taste. This was the roof of the main building, and it looked down over the other nearby structures. To the right were the dorms, a fat building that looked like it had been there since dawn of time. The only thing that seperated it from fantasy artwork were the occasional silly messages sprayed on in the corners, and the odd sign of habitation. Towels hung out of windows, lights were turned on, and someone had hung a string of Christmas lights off of one of the gargoyles. Below were the main grounds of the school, where the students had thinned out as they found their quarters and roommates. Only a few still loitered, includinga wolf-kid who'd apparently gotten in trouble for something. The view extended far beyond however, revealing a landscape of grasslands spotted with the occasional clump of trees, eventually absorbed into a large forest. Emily had seen it before, and it hardly compared to many of the views she had seen from the tops of skyscrapers. All those trees just made her feel slightly homesick. But she hadn't come up here to see the view, but rather to show it off, and was pleased to discover her new friend's amazement. Although if this did amaze her so, that indicated a critical lack of fun in her life. Something Emily was eager to 'fix'.

Grinning, Emily accepted what she considered praise. Her life WAS pretty amazing. "You should come see the big city some time. They've got towers that make this school look like a mud hut. And elevators, too." There was a slight hint of mockery to her voice, but it wasn't intended in a mean fashion. It simply seemed odd to Emily that a creature with such powerful legs would have so much trouble with stairs, while she oftentimes didn't even bother to take them. "And if you've never been away from the sticks, I'll have plenty to show you. Get you some REAL hobbies." With a slight laugh Emily hopped onto the railing, holding her arms out for balance. As if rising to the challenge the wind picked up, which simply elicited a wider grin. "We'll make an interesting person out of you yet!"
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