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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Masterkeun
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@MrDidact I'll have him join the Grand melee. I'd like him to make it to the final ten if it's viable
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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Okay, let's see how many people do want a PC in the match. But if it can be done, I'd like to preserve the dramatic confrontation between Jon and Rhaegar, I was planning with Nightwing. This is turning out to be a big set piece any way you slice it though.

@Celeste Do you have an ETA for your initial post?

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Celeste
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@MrDidactIt is done. :3

I don't love it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Celeste Really? I thought it was great, it really pulled me in. I'll have to put extra effort in making sure my next update is as good.

Side note, I see the stirrings of potential romance *shipping intensifies*
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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I have a question, am I allowed to make up a character that my curent one may guard, at least for now?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase You mean like a lord? If they're not part of a super important group, than you should be fine.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@MrDidact i was actually thinking along the lines of a courtesan, easier to get hired by a lord and usually has a lot more influence and money
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase Do you mean a Braavoshi type of Courtesan then? Should be fine too. I suppose escorts can take foreign tours too.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@MrDidact water dancers I think the Braavosi ones are called, and thanks for helping me
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase The water dancers are the duelists of Braavos, the Courtesans don't have a special term as far as I know. But you're welcome, there's a lot of canon, and I'm always happy to help.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@MrDidact thats right, i fot it mixed up, thabks again for correcting my mistake
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase No problem.

Alright, posted. Nothing earth shattering, but a nice little update to help people get along.

The next mega-post should be a big deal. Expect combat, drinking, dancing, food, and dirty jokes galore followed by a side of political intrigue and top-secret missions.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@MrDidact you posted just as I was writing mine, does mine still make sense or do I have to change anything in it?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase No it still makes sense. If you want to edit your post to react to anything in mine, feel free to do so but it's not necessary.

Funny how that happens though eh?
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Catchphrase
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@MrDidact yeah, my bad man. Thanks for heloing me out man, I owe you a ton.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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I've started writing my post *cheers* Hopefully I'll have it done by tonight or tomorrow... I got distracted by YouTube ^_^' Taria will most probably accompany Theon.

I'm kinda thinking of her getting a pet of sorts. o.o Maybe a cat. But that can just be because my cat is trying to look cute next to me :D
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abefroeman
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@MrDidact Some questions for you, good sirah!!!!! So, I've been busily doing some deductive research and reasoning, so anyhow, I wanted to bounce some ideas and propositions off of you. So, according to cannon based off the books, certain Crownlands Houses rose in rebellion against House Lannister/Baratheon when Stannis stated that Robert had no true born heirs from Cersei. Specifically Houses Chyttering, Farring, and Follard. All three houses suffered heavy losses at the Battle of the Blackwater, and then would have been wiped out completely after Stannis's loss at the Battle of Winterfell, with few if any survivors. We know from the books and the show Cersei is completely merciless, as well as House Lannister's history of completely wiping out entire families. ((Houses Tarbeck and House Reyne))

Coupled with these Houses, are the Houses that make up the High Lordship of Blackwater Rush. Houses Thorne, Mallery, Cressey, and Chyttering comprise the region known as the Blackwater Rush, with House Thorne having the High Lordship. ((Rayonet, Chyttering Brook, Mosborough, and Byford. The individual sub-regions that make up this area.))

House Thorne had no heirs, and upon the death of its Lord, its lands and titles would revert to the Iron Throne. House Chyttering is dead, as the First Lord died at the Battle of the Blackwater, then his son, the new Lord, died with Stannis at Winterfel. ((If there were other family members, dependent upon Cersei, Lannister Armies, folks loyal to the Iron Throne, they would have been put to the sword or married off.)) House Mallery, Byford, is led by Lord Tristifer Mallery, who is unmarried, and without issue. His current heir, if he were to die during the reconquest, would have been his Great-Aunt Annara Tristifer, who was unmarried, and 53 at the time of death of Stannis. She'd be very unlikely to be able to make any babies at her age. As for House Cressey, Mosborough, Lord Raynor Cressey leads the house, unmarried and without issue. If he were to die, his titles would revert to his Uncle, Duncan Cressey, unmarried and aged 54. He might be able to produce some heirs, dependent if he didn't die during the reconquest.

Are any of these houses still alive and about, or have they gone extinct? Are their lands currently open/under crown rule, or have had new families placed in rule over these lands? In my post, I am going to have Aerion asking a line of questions along this path, of what lands have no lords/families ruling over them, what problems currently face the realm, bandits, rebels, etc. He is trying to see if he can gain the title to a lordship, if not a High Lordship, though I know/he knows that such rewards would have to hard earned and well fought for. The Blackwater Rush is nice, especially for a new House to start, due to it being on the river, allowing trade, fresh water for farming, and food via fish/aquatic animals. Plus it allows for quick access to the ocean and the world beyond. But far enough from the coast to not have to worry about bad storms, though flooding would be a inescapable thing.

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by MrDidact
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@Catchphrase Don't mention it man, it's what a GM should do.

@Greenie YouTube is distracting, can confirm.

It's too bad she can't get a pet Kraken.... or can she? *dun dun duuun*

@Abefroeman Wow you put a lot of work into this, just kudos for that. I really ought to look into this game everyone's playing.

As for your question, I'm just going to say that I'll assume that at least some of Stannis' supporters survived and joined with Jon or Daenerys later. And yeah quite a few people were probably, executed. But the books don't give an exhaustive genealogy for every house and there's always a cousin who can flee somewhere. I'm just going to maintain a position of preserving canon houses so that future players and PCs aren't limited too much in their options. But there are a lot of blank spaces on the Westeros map.

If there is a non-canon house in that game map, I would be open to having that be open land that Ser Aerion might be able to take control of. Are there any holdings like that?

Or Aerion could be non-landed city gentry like the Lannisters of Lannisport.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Greenie
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@Greenie YouTube is distracting, can confirm.

It's too bad she can't get a pet Kraken.... or can she? *dun dun duuun*

O_O Hmmm, I may just hold up the whole pet idea until I find out if she can owo *teehee*

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Abefroeman
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@MrDidact To the extent of my knowledge, the only non-lore/cannon houses that are depicted within the game appear everywhere else but Westeros. George R.R. Martin and those associated with him in crafting lore, made a pretty clear depiction of the Houses in Westeros, either in the main book line, or in subsequent anthologies. ((I.E. awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/A_Song_o.., awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/A_Song_o.., awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/The_Worl.., and westeros.org/Citadel/Heraldry/))

These all paint the world of Westeros, in great detail. As for the Crusader Kings 2, A Game of Thrones mod, based all of its work off of the collected source material, and crafted detailed family trees. I will look into the family tree's of the four Houses who may have been wiped out by the start of this timeline, and get back to you. As always, its your call chief, and I shall defer to you with your final decision. ((Thus far though, I have not found any regions within the CK2 AGoT map that do not correspond with Houses in lore. Aside from Oldstones and Summerhall being ruins, all other regions are occupied at the moment, except for regions that have the same Lord presiding over them. (I.E. House Rykker in the Crownlands with rule over both Duskendale and Hollard Hall, House Tully with the Lordship over Riverrun, The Blue Fork, The Red Fork, and Branstone, and the final region I can find that is up in the air would be Moat Cailin, it in itself a ruin, with no permanent garrison or lord ruling over it. There may be other examples of one house holding de jure rule over multiple areas, but these are the ones I could find as of right meow.)

And the reason I solely focused on the Crownlands, is that you are the main player for that region, and being GM, you could make certain decisions as to what houses may have gone silently into the long night. There could always be cousins, or intermarriage claims from other houses, but at the end of the day, you are the narrator/dungeon master for our adventure. Plus, with being of relations to the Targaryens, Aerion wants to be close to home, but with enough space to be able to breathe on his own. Sort of like the Lannister's of Lannisport (Lanny, Lannet, Lantell etc).

As for the Lannisters of Lannisport, it is still a rather large city and castle neighboring Casterly Rock. They comprise a large region just south of Casterly Rock. For all intents and purposes, they are more than a non-landed gentry, since they have the Lordship over that particular region, and give their fealty to the Higher Branch of House Lannister. Anyhow, I will wait for your final decision in the matter.
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