Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Harry Foltross - Washington D.C - Coalition Base.

"Damn it...Damn it...Damn it!" Harry Foltross yelled with anger as it seemed every single thing had gone wrong at once. Everything they'd worked for was for naught. The experiment to harness the Vamon's extraterrestrial technology had gone horribly wrong. Blackouts all across the world happened simultaneously, a couple commercial airlines went down, some weird lightning storms raged across the planet for a couple hours, and there was some disturbances in the world's major oceans but nothing too violent like a Tsunami.

The world was racing with questions that day, headlines buzzing 10 planes had went down, massive lightning storms across the planet, power outages all around the globe, some thought it was a sign of the end times, many religious communities believed that perhaps this was a message from their higher power that things were about to change. But only the members of "The Coalition" as they were called knew the truth of what really happened that day. The worst part was that was only the prelude for what was to come, several people across the globe would come to find out they'd manifested superhuman abilities...things once thought limited to realms of fiction like comic books, television, and movies.

Harry was pacing around in his office at a Coalition base stationed in Washington D.C. Exactly two and a half weeks had passed since the incident, and the organization was still struggling to figure out who all had been affected by the surge of energy that rushed through the planet the day of "The Experiment" It was one thing to cover up the Vamon's attempted infiltration of the world's various governments and subsequent battle as a major terrorist attack, but sooner or later if people started flying and shooting fire balls it only took one person to catch the footage, and then things would get messy.

"Agent Foltross, I have some information" Harry looked up and was taken out of his head when a lower ranking agent walked into his office with a folder.

"What's it about? What happened" Harry sighed it was his job to stay on top of this. He was one of the main people pushing for the project, he remembered that there were some who were against the project believing they should find other ways to defend their planet against the potential alien invasion rather then risk messing with their technology.

"We believe we may have gotten information on some things or incidents that may be related to the Experiment, I was instructed to go through them and put together the most pressing information in these files. We want you to go through it, see what you can do, it seems a-lot of this activity we picked up on may be in the States, of course we also have the most eyes and ears in America so that may simply explain that away as well. We're trying to get more intel in other countries as well seeing as how this is a global event. Just report back what you find Sir."

"Alright fine, go on your way." Harry waved the man away after he accepted the folder and sat down on his desk. He reached for two packets of sugar tearing them open to let the sweet contents drop into his coffee. Stirring it briefly he took a sip of his heated motivation and sighed as he opened the folder. No telling what the fuck were gonna be dealing with, even they don't know the extent of the powers, and we had the nerve to push this project. This wasn't just about stopping some imminent alien threat, this was about power, about creating the greatest army the world's ever known, about making guns, bombs, hell even nukes obsolete and now we have to fix this fuck.

Harry was filled with regret, so far nothing too tragic had occurred, but if the information they had was true it was only a matter of time before people could fly, tear through bank vaults like tissue, and rain down lightning bolts when they were filling irritated. The worst part..was their experiment had not only vastly accelerated evolution for random people across the planet they had no way of tracking, but it had alerted the very threat they were trying to prepare for...that their unit sent to investigate earth was comprpomised, effectively they'd set the whole planet for an intergalactic war they were hardly ready for. "I'm gonna need something stronger then coffee." Harry muttered to himself as he continued to browse through the files.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by berd
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berd is the werd

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"So, here we are."

Joanna panned the camera over the furnished living room of the apartment. It was tidy, clean, and thoroughly bare of any type of personality. It was banal in its sterility. Personally she was glad of that. It meant, as far as she could tell right now, that the place was perfect to imprint some personality upon. Besides, considering some of the shit-holes she'd stayed at recently...

She flipped the camera and the display back on herself. She had to admit, she looked tired. The fact that her jacket was soaked and ger hair was plastered to her head didn't help dispel that impression at all.

"I know you guys were looking forward to the trip to Santiago. So was I. It's just not going to happen with all the infrastructure damage that those storms caused. I said in the last video that I'd figure out what to do after getting here and my answer is... an in-depth look at living in Atlanta. Cascade Heights, Aatlanta, Gerogia. Home sweet home for the next few months."

"I don't usually do this, but I've wanted to do something like this for a while. To stay somewhere long enough to get more exposure to the good and the bad. Whether these vlogs do well or not, we'll see. I just want to say thanks for the support, it means a lot and I'll see you in the next video. JOurneyer signing off."

That ending could've been better, but Joanna didn't have the stength to care at this point. She made a beeline for her bed and collapsed. There was a spring in the lower right quadrent that would pop in a year. The far right cabanet in the kitchen had a screw loose. Her jacket was fine, but a higher quality leather would look and feel better. The list went on and on.

She wasn't even shocked by it any more. Two weeks of suggestions, warnings, and information were getting to normal by this point. The intrusive thoughts only served to exhausted her. She just wanted them to turn off for a while so she could sleep.

The bathroom sink needs drano to clear a clog.

"Oh god..."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As the sun began to rise over the beautiful city of Las Vegas, two types of people were about. Some of them were there for a holiday, to enjoy the sights, spend a little money and just unwind. Others were here to make a lot of money, but it’s naive to expect to make money at a place like this. Only about 1% of people will ever win bit in a place like this.

And with that, enter Mr 1% himself, Sebastian. Sebastian was a rather tall and slender man with long red hair and a wide smile slapped on his face. Sebastian usually spent his time driving taxis, but he had saved just enough for a night in Vegas at a casino. He hadn’t had a chance to go to a casino since he had moved to Atlanta, what with them being not actually legal and all that. But, after a rather eventful night, he had emerged with an extra twelve grand under his belt. It started with a few small wins, but he just kept winning and winning. And he didn’t even have to cheat this time! Granted, last time he tried that he wound up in an alley with some rather unfriendly gentlemen. He waved down a taxi as he got to the street.

“The airport thanks. I have a flight in like… half an hour? If you can get me there quick, I’ll throw in a rather nice tip.” He said with a wink to the driver as he stepped into the back seat. It felt a little odd not to be in the driver’s seat, but he was a little too tired to care. He hadn’t slept since he arrived yesterday, so he was understandably a little tired. He didn’t even bother with accommodation, in his mind sleeping just meant you had less time to have fun. That was starting to take a toll though, as he found himself drifting off to sleep as the movements of the taxi rocked him slowly to sleep. But his peaceful respite was interrupted by the gruff voice of the driver informing him that they had arrived. He rubbed his eyes before checking his watch to see another twenty minutes before he had to leave.

“Well look at that, you did pretty well” He said as he rummaged through his wallet, handing the man what he assumed was a $20 note. In his sleep deprived state, he had accidentally handed the man $100 but he left before the man could say anything. Not that he minded too much, he had enough to keep him going for a while.

He stumbled his way through the check in and through the baggage checks, made far easier by the fact he had forgotten to bring a bag. He wasn’t sure if he had planned to bring a bag or not. Or even if he had actually brought one with him in the first place. That said, he didn’t have one now so he didn’t think he had actually brought one. He sat in his seat and the plane proceeded to take off shortly after. His mind started to wander though, he had never really been too lucky when it came to gambling. That was a lot of the reason he kept going back, he was determined to finally have a lucky break. He had to wonder if it was a good thing though, was it possible to use all your luck? What if he had used it all and got hit by a car when he got home or something.

“Naah, my luck has turned around, I can feel it in my bones...” He muttered before he drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie


Today had not turned out for the best. What had thought to be an amazingly easy contract was just about the most unfortunate contract he has had in a while. Murphy's law at its finest. Kieran walked down the sidewalk of Atlanta, Georgia in extreme pain. He was wearing a scruffed up long sleeve black jacket with a black undershirt. His black jeans were slightly torn up on his right leg with a small amount of blood protruding from it. His boots were scruffed to hell, making a squishing sound with every step. Kieran was holding his right arm with his left arm, and one of his eyes was slightly shut. To everyone around him, it would seem like he had gotten into a slightly horrible fight and came out the loser. Kieran was thankful that no one stopped and asked him questions. Kieran assumed it was because of the average clothes he was wearing. If he had looked like a homeless man maybe people would be reacting different. With a grunt of pain Kieran pushed his what was normally smooth black hair, now a matt of sweaty ruffled black hair, out of his face with his right hand.

Kieran was on a mission, contracted by a US Government agency. Which one specifically he did not know, he wasnt getting paid to ask questions and to know. Kieran was contracted to steal classified documents from an ex intelligence officer gone rogue. He was supposedly holed up here in this city, but with the limited information he was given Kieran was able to track down the rogue agent. Kieran tracked down the agent where he was squatting in an work in progress home. The construction crew was paid off not to show for the week by the rogue while he was staying there, waiting for the buyers for the stolen documents. Kieran was able to suprise the agent but a fight still ensued. After a grueling few minutes Kieran found himself backed into a corner. He had scouted the house in advance and was able top avoid the traps set, but the rogue was good. Not better at hand to hand combat, but he knew how to use his enviroment better than Kieran. The rogue gained feet using out of the way objects in their fight and gained the upper hand. But just when Kieran was backed into a literal corner, Kieran did something unexpected. He raised one hand, almost like he was trying to keep something away. Thats when hell awoke.

A small black shape in his palm, gaining more width and size in seconds. The rogue took a step back.
"What the hell?"

Kieran shook suddenly. Not many things scared him but this did. This had happened twice so far, once two weeks ago, and another time a week ago. Both times ended in blood and explosions. Kieran to warn the Rogue, tell him to get away, but couldnt. He was sweating, in pain, and already extremely tired. After five seconds the orb was the size and shape of a soccer ball. Then the soccer ball orb shot out, and hit the rogue in the gut. The ball, and rogue, shot back and the moment they hit the wall the orb exploded, incinerating the rogue, starting the collapse of the building, and hurting Kieran. Kieran forced himself up, and maneuvered his way out of the collapsing house, and falling to the front lawn in pain. He did a cool guy thing, not looking at the house as it was on fire, and collapsing. Not to be cool but because he was on his knee's in pain. Every time this happened Kieran always felt after effects from using this strange power. The pain was immense. Hopefully he could find a place to stay before he passed out, or better yet find his hidden cache to grab his money.

Thats were we are now. Kieran was walking along the sidewalk, passing people by, passing houses and apartements, trying to head towards his hiding spot. But as stated before the pain was immense. He needed to find someplace to crash for a bit, to rest so he can continue on later. And there was still the matter of needing to find those documents. Kieran had no doubt in his mind that the documents were located offsite of where the Rogue agent was. He had a job to do and he needed to do it quickly.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

It wasn't a lot, but sometimes Chris liked doing the little things himself. As he dragged the toothpick through the foam in the cup one last time, he reflected a bit on how surreal it was that he actually owned his own shop, but was still doing the same things he had been before. The only notable difference he could find was that now he had a lot more paperwork to do. Still, he didn't mind. There was a significant amount of pride to be found in running your own business, and he was certainly happy that his mother could relax now, after taking care of him for so long.

"This one's ready." He called over the divider between the kitchen and the serving floor. Normally the barista would be out at the coffee bar to make drinks, but since the incident yesterday he was afraid he'd scare away more customers if they saw him. His eyes were back to their normal blue now, but seeing a crimson glare from his own face in the mirror had been intimidating, even from him. His waitress had managed to play it off for him, but when she came at him for answers of her own he had none to give. Being the gem she was, she had dropped it for the moment, and agreed to cover him on the floor while he figured out how to get this new... quirk of his under control.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Luke Braxton - Atlanta Georgia -

Over the past two and a half weeks Luke's life had changed. Usually he didn't appreciate change too much for various reasons, sure getting out of LA was a good change. But plenty of bad change was in his life his father's death, his older brother's Craig being sentenced to prison.

Although he had a strict motto for his life, me first, everyone else last he still cared about his family especially his brother. Craig had taught him everything he knew about the drug game and all other criminal pursuits he engaged in. Plus with the way the world was going, all the technology the Government was coming up with drug dealing was becoming harder and less profitable every day. But this change was good, this was the thing of every comic book fan's dreams. At first he thought it was a side effect of his latest acid trip, yeah he'd picked the wrong day to drop acid. The day off the storms, the planes going down, all of that he was tripping balls. While he was vibing out to Pink Floyd, and Chance the Rapper's mixtape Acid Rap, the whole world was coming to an end at least to him..but to be fair a pretty good chunk of the world too.

That couldn't even be described as a bad trip, a psychedelic nightmare was more accurate to determine how that trip went. So when he started hearing voices..in his head after that he figured Lucy had finally turned his back on him for good. Luke was sitting down on his apartment with J Cole's High for Hours playing in the back-ground as he was taking constant drags of his back-wood filled with Sour Diesel, one of his favorite strains of marijuana.

Oh my god this shit is dank as fuck! Oh shit! Fuck my other dealer, Luke's the man!!!! He chuckled hearing thoughts of a fellow college student he'd just sold an 8th of bud too walking down the steps having just bought from him moments before. He'd allowed him to hit his bong which he of course named Mr. Braxton to sample the weed before he bought it.

Man fuck him! Your not gonna give me a fucking raise, after busting my ass, and all the over time!!!!! Piece of shit!!! AHH! Looking outside his window he saw a man in business attire walking through the streets extremely pissed off.

It had started as a nightmare, hearing voices, but then he learned how to focus on certain voices, and then he realized the voices were thoughts in people's heads. Being a drug dealer, and able to hear the thoughts of other people was a god-send. If someone was planning to jump him or rip him off he'd know, if someone planned on telling on him he'd know.

That wasn't even the half of it though it seemed. He finished the blunt which was now a roach and with just his mind he moved the marijuana roach from his hand over to the table letting it sit. "Hmm this is incredible this is great.." He could be the laziest stoner in the world now he literally never had to get up off his couch. With a wave of his hand or with even more focus his mind itself no matter how baked he was he could bring over to him via the force.

Honestly there wasn't even a need for the remote he could press the buttons on the TV and change the channel with his...mind. His phone was buzzing and he looked down to see it was another series of his texts from his current girlfriend. Tamara Williams, he'd met her at college, she was a year older then him and due to graduate this year. They'd clicked on a-lot of things, and he came to find out that his brother Craig use to sell drugs with her younger brother Devon and they were both arrested in the same raid. In hindsight that wasn't the best bonding information, and definitely not ideal material to bring up at a family reunion. Still whens he found out he was moving drugs she didn't take too kindly, ranting about how Devon never thought he'd be caught and even comparing him to his own brother. Still even if he wasn't the most faithful guy when it came to relationships Tamara was different. She was smart, attractive, had a plan to be successful, and cared about him which is the only reason he even dealt with her pestering.

Ion care if you wanna smoke the shit! That's fine, you ain't gonna get in trouble, but my roommate and her mans always talking about how they keep on getting good ass shit from you, how you think that makes me feel! It's not even like you being low-key, everyone on fucking campus knows about you, and I know you ain't just gonna stop there! Just think about it, we tryna be lawyers, ain't no need to do this you already made ya money selling just stop! I hope yo dumb ass listen to me...but wyd later..bae?

Luke rolled his eyes as he read the text, Tamara was someone he was willing to try the latest aspect of his power on. Just as he was thinking that and getting to respond to his text he heard a knock on his door. He got up and listened in to hear the thoughts of the person behind the door then bolted up.

God damn it Luke always got this whole place smelling like Snoop Dogg and Wiz Khalifa live here, I get it at night and shit btu all fucking day jesus.

Luke came and opened the door to see one of his neighbors who didn't really mind weed, but was mad that Luke was smoking it 24/7. "Aye man..what the fuck you want.." He said as smoke was drifting out the door and his neighbor grimaced at the smell.

"Not shit except fresh air ya digg, I mean bruh can you at least get some fucking air freshner, use a towel, a fan, like what the fuck, fuck you gonna do if the police show up, ."

"Not open the motherfucking door man, can you get the fuck, if your not talking about money, then bounce." Luke said flatly not wanting to deal with him.

"Oh..you wanna get smart bruh you wanna get smart! Dumb ass! I will fuck you up! I've had it up to here with ya shit, I Try to be considerate about this shit but you wanna."

"How about this! You don't even pay rent, you live with ya girl, and you bitch more then her. Break up with her!Move out! Today. Pack some of your shit and leave." Luke barked at the man trying to replicate an incident that had happened a few times this week.

His neighbor looked at him and seemed calm. "You know what man I'm out, fuck this. Ion understand how Shannon can stand this shit. I'm done with this place, and her, and fuck you I'm out." The man stormed away and Luke grinned as he closed the door.

This is awesome....so I really can push thoughts into people's heads, no telling what else I can do...I Dead ass need to read up on Professor X, hell all of them fools with these type of skills....I wonder if there's other people..like me...well...ain't as good as me though, this just a sign I can really do whatever the fuck I want...I'm gonna be the best drug dealer in the world, fuck that I'm gonna be the greatest man in the world.

Luke was filled with thoughts of success and beaming with joy a combination of his success use of his power, and the potent weed he'd just smoked. "Shit honestly I can probably even get Tamara's ass to calm down oohhh....shit." Luke walked over to his phone grabbing it and heading over to the couch pressing the on the button with his mind as he went to text back his girlfriend. He stopped mid text to open up both his uber and lyft apps he enjoyed driving people around high, and thanks to the ability to read minds his job was getting even more fun.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

A man in black plastic pants and a red t-shirt stepped out the back of a plain grey van. It was overcast, maybe one of those seemingly apocalyptic storms was brewing. Maybe. For his part Alan barely paid them any mind because around the same time that the weather had gone to hell he had an incident with his microwave. Now it would not have been the first time the career criminal had broken one of his own appliances when it didn't work properly, but it was the first time that when he raised his fist to smash it a bolt of lightning arced from his hand to fry the device.

It was invigorating. Alan hadn't felt alive like during that moment in years and he knew from that moment he was going to have to get back into the game and use this power for something huge. Something worthy of his talents. Since then he'd spent the last two weeks and some change trying to get a handle on just what he could do with his powers and getting the gang back together. Which is why he was now a few blocks away from some forgotten warehouse. The last man he got in touch with, a getaway driver by the handle of "Garfield" had called him out here to discuss something in private. It seemed fishy, but probably nothing he couldn't handle.

Alan walked up to the driver's window and knocked on it to get her attention. She was a short woman who went by Madison. She normally handled hacking and other computer based functions, but Alan was short on available manpower right now with everyone taking care of personal things before they were ready to come to him. Across from her was Tyler, an expert gunman and occasional sniper. He was mostly around in case things went wrong which was often enough to keep him on the payroll. Madison rolled down the window and Alan directed her to drive around the warehouse until she was needed.

A few blocks of walking later Alan came upon the open door of the warehouse.Inside in the center was an expensive looking, orange sports car. all around the place though there were old moldy crates and rusting racks with various things decrepit things along them that Alan payed no mind to. Next to the car was Garfield in a fine black business suit. It was a trap. Alan's new powers were pretty cool like being able to detect the electrical signals running through the two guys Garfield had as backup behind some of the crates. Of course he had guessed from the moment this meeting was set up that it was going to go badly and under normal circumstances he would have scouted it out first and then probably come in guns blazing from as many angles as possible. This time however, Alan just wanted to test out his new powers.

"You're a little dressed up for this don't you think?" Alan called stepping through the huge doorway. "I thought this was supposed to be a casual meeting between friends."

Garfield spat on the ground. "It is. What do you think about my new car?" Garfield said motioning to the orange vehicle.

Alan stepped forward into the room and pointed a hand out to the stack of wooden crates Garfield's backup was hiding behind. Without warning a bolt of electricity shot from his fingers and burned a hole through the wood. The anguished screams of two unfortunate signified an end to that particular threat. "Now Garfield, I'm sure later that I'm going to have plenty of time to look at your care after I'm done mounting your head to it, but why exactly are you trying to kill me?"

Garfield had a look of shock on his face with eyes glued to Alan's hand. it took Alan walking up no more than a few meters away for the driver to suddenly collect himself and reach for something in the breast of his suit. Wrong answer Alan thought as a second bolt left him, this time at Garfield. It wasn't meant to kill. It was meant to stun. Alan intended to have some... fun with this traitor later. Preferably after he had tortured a motive out of him.


Some time later with Garfield tied up in the trunk of his own car and Alan lazily waiting on the hood the grey Van Drove in and with the vehicle still running Madison came out. Tyler stayed in the car with a vigilant eyes scanning everything. "So, I take it that the meeting went" Maddison paused to look around only counting the burning crates as damage "well. did you convince Garfield to be our getaway driver?"

"Not at all" Alan replied. I'm going to need you to give me that backup one you were talking about.

"He's not" Madison stopped herself. "Sir we don't know what he'll be like on a job. He's untested. Are you sure you want that?"

"We're always going to need new blood Madison" Alan sighed. "Now give me his number or whatever." Maddison fished out a cheap looking phone that was probably just a burner and dialed a number before handing the device over to Alan. "What's his name?" Alan asked belatedly.

"Luke Braxton" She answered.


Eventually Alan got a response on the phone. "Hello Mr. Braxton. I've got an interesting business proposal for you. And potentially a new car with your name on it.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
Avatar of ParagonX

ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Luke Braxton - Atlanta, Georgia - His Apartment

Luke had overheard some thoughts from Shannon after her fight with her boyfriend and him leaving. He chuckled sure it may have been messed up to end the relationship preemptively, but she already had thoughts about ending it with him for a multitude of other reasons. The way he saw it he just ended it early, and to be honest he didn't care that much about either of them anyway.

A slight motivation for that besides the guy being annoying was he'd overheard some flirtatious thoughts about him in her head, and she was pretty attractive. He'd just gotten texting Tamara, although he did want to hang out with her he told her he had business to attend to, and specified that it was legal related to Uber. She was upset but he ended up "winning" the argument stating that if he wasn't going to sell drugs that meant less free time. Although he'd been thinking about what she was saying, selling drugs wasn't exactly the best thing to do. He did get annoyed with customers most of the time, but that didn't mean he'd go out of the drug game completely no he had bigger plans.

Two days ago he'd got in contact with his brother Craig's old connects who hadn't went down, and wanted to do business with them. They weren't people who dealt with customers, they dealt with the the dealers themselves. They made way more money because they weren't selling grams they were selling ounces and pounds. He'd been somewhat paranoid about getting into trafficking especially after what happened to his brother, but he felt confident now with his super powered aid that it was time for an upgrade. He planned to meet them later today, tomorrow at the latest to upgrade although he'd miss the popularity that came with being a regular campus dealer he'd find other ways to be recognized and known, this was about his money.

So far no one had hit him up on Uber or Lyft, at least no one close enough that he felt like responding to so he'd turned it off. He opted instead to continue listening to music, play some Xbox, and re-count his drug money. Just as he was getting ready to head out he heard his phone ring, and he didn't recognize the number.

@Cultural Titan

Random numbers didn't mesh well with him even before he was selling drugs, but he had an odd feeling and still picked it up. The voice on the phone was unrecognizable, and he shrugged. Fuck if only I could read minds through the phone, then again that don't make sense I can't even hear people too far away from my spot this guy could be in another city or country for all I know..still it sounds like he talking money and if its a set up he'll get wet up.

Despite these powers, he still felt ultimately his best form of defense was his gun. He had a feeling this person knew something about him when they mentioned a car, aside from his legal job he hadn't drove any people around for illicit reasons in a while. "Hmm..Imma be straight up..I don't really like talking too much on the phone if you catch my drift hell I don't even know ya name, but you sound like your talking about money..and that's one thing I don't turn down so I'm listening. What's this opportunity you talking bout." Luke didn't want to give any incriminating information on the phone but he'd be willing to listen to entertain this guy and see what he was talking about.

Harry Foltross - Washington D.C - Coalition Headquarters

Harry was on his third cup of coffee and just about done going through the files that had been placed in-front of them. Various incidents across the United States, and the rest of the world that might and that was a strong might be potential super human individuals. The problem is plenty of bullshit was floating around in the media long before this experiment granted people powers, so the goal was to decide what was worth their attention. They may have been spread international, but their resources were thin after all they didn't want the intelligent community at large to know about them, the problems they caused, and the imminent threat they were dealing with.

There was plenty of places he wanted to look through based off the information and in the US he had his top three places written down. Houston, Texas, Atlanta, Georgia, and Vegas, Nevada. These three seemed to be a hot bed of potential superhuman activity based off their intel, however limited.


Still he knew this was serious, thanks to his new partner he was assigned he knew first hand how real and dangerous these powers could be, and that was just one example. He didn't exactly feel 100% about his partner, but at least he was working for them, they couldn't say the same about other random people "gifted" with these powers. His fear was if some truly atrocious people got their hands on some powers that furthered their ability to commit violent acts, it seemed history was repeating himself. He always seemed to end up supplying bad people with power in way or another..of course this was way worst then his security gig.

"Hmm Houston or Atlanta...I mean." He saw a series of e-mails pop up on his computer, and looked at his laptop to see the news reports the group had gathered.


Mysterious explosion of home in development in Atlanta, Georgia happened within the past few hours...Bomb Squad and police sent out to investigate, no evidence of explosive can be found, the construction group assigned to the building were all mysteriously absent and police are looking into the matter. Further investigation will continue to find out the cause of this attack, and to see if any remains of people are discovered among the rubble.

"Hmm...fuck..no evidence of an explosion alright" Harry grabbed his pen and scratched out Houston and Vegas. "Guess Atlanta is first." He got up and sighed a whole building exploded, he wondered if a power caused that. What if people had been inside that building, he shuddered, they had to get a handle on this situation immediately.

His phone began buzzing and he saw it was one of his superiors and quickly answered." hello, Agent Foltross speaking what's the matter."

"I'm afraid our CIA mole...Zane Colch is dead. You've gotten information about that "mysterious" explosion in Atlanta. We think his disappearance may be connected with that, the tracking device in him went offline around the same time the explosion was reported. As you know the CIA was close to getting their hands on some information regarding the Vamon technology, so we had Colch execute his team and defect we planned to intercept him and the files later today. We don't think the CIA would be so bold as to engage in bombing him, unless they hired a third party who got carried away, still with Colch dead, and the files compromised there's no telling what the CIA might no, and it's too risky to send in our other two ex CIA moles after this. We need to get those files, we can't let the CIA learn about the Vamons and their tech, the reaction could be disastrous..what I'm saying is this assignment supersedes investigating these potential superhumans you understand me, this is of far more importance. Everything we've worked for can be turned upside down we need to keep the CIA in the dark...so head to Atlanta, take your super powered assistance with you, someone like him can ensure we do this as discreetly as possible, that's all."

Harry didn't even have time to argue, but he silently cussed Colch was a good man. The CIA had became problematic, they'd been trying to keep them away from the whole situation even prior to the storm, but after that things were worst. Now one of the Coalition's best agents was dead. Still this solidified in hid mind that it was Atlanta that he was going first. He took out his phone to text his partner, and then headed to his room at the HQ to start packing his bags for a trip to Atlanta hopefully they'd have a jet ready for them within the hour.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Jace Williams - Atlanta, Georgia - From his house to the Trap House

Just when he thought life couldn't get any better it...surprisingly actually did. Everything that had went wrong in his life had went wrong, everyone's predictions about him that he'd end up a thug in jail had come true. Yet he really didn't care, sure he disappointed his mom a bit but her and his auntie hadn't given up on him. Besides he'd tried some classes at community college, and waiting four years to maybe get a job that paid 30-40k wasn't his idea of successful even if he didn't have that much money now.

Ever since he lost his sweet gig as a security guard, getting paid to fight people as he saw it he was pretty bummed. But the past two weeks had changed his life for the better. At first he thought he was mistaken, maybe something was wrong with his head, but it couldn't be drugs he hadn't touched weed since he failed his drug test and his PO had him sent to jail.

This was something else entirely, he'd gotten into a fight at a club while he was out drinking and someone pulled a gun on him. Bang...Bang..Bang.. He thought his violent attitude had finally landed him a poetic ending. Instead the bullets had hit him and were crushed upon impact. And well after that...he didn't too kindly to the guy and he learned he wasnt just super durable he was strong too..two things that the world didn't need with him.

So many ideas had been buzzing through his head since that day, and he was constantly testing himself to see what he could do. Just two days before he was smoking weed outside when two police officers approached him. It was like playing Grand Theft Auto 5 with the cheat codes in real life he tossed the female cop across the street and she was hit by a moving car that barely managed to stop, and then he kicked the other cop into his patrol car knocking him out and leaving him with shattered bones. He then waltzed off, he had gotten messages on his phone about how he had to report to his PO for a piss test but he wasn't particularly worried about probation anymore. Thanks to being the Hood's very own Hercules he doubted any police could tell him what to do anymore.

"This is better then winning the fucking lottery." Jace popped open a 40 he'd bought from the gas station and started to guzzle some of it down as he sat down in a lawn chair in-front of his Auntie Keisha's house.

He walked into the house hearing the news and chuckled. In other news we have reports of the two APD officers in critical condition. According to them they approached a young african american male smoking marijuana in public. What they describe can only be described as unreal. Apparently the man tossed them around like they were weightless tossing the female officer into incoming traffic, and supposedly kicked the male cop across the street into his patrol car. Both officers were in critical condition. They've both been tested to see if they were drugged but after testing clean they both cling to their stories of their Super strong thug.

"Man fuck the pigs always bitching about some shit, ain't no motherfucking cop going tell me what to do no more. After finishing his beer, he went to fridge to retrieve a bottle of Paul Mason and guzzled down 2 shots. He was feeling significantly intoxicated and decided it was time to start getting to work.

He was in the process of getting his own apartment, he still had some money saved up from his security job, and had went their to see about moving in. The rent was about 1200 a month but it was at the top floor, his own balcony, spacious enough. He had about 3000 saved up, enough to move in but not enough to pay rent for the whole year. Still he'd went ahead and signed the lease, but he needed more money then that. He wanted furniture, a TV, an xbox one, all the finer things in life. Now he had the means to get them. He went to his room and put on an all black mask he'd bought, and put on a grey hoodie.

"Ight bet one mo..thing" He went in his dresser and grabbed his gun stashing it on his person. After that he left his house and began walking. He would have taken his auntie's car since he know where the keys was but he didn't want to risk driving drunk and crashing it, not to mention linking her to what he was about to do.

It wasn't long before he got to where he was going, a drug drug commonly known as a Trap House in Atlanta. It was one of the places his brother Devon often sold large quantities of drugs to, and when he got busted they declined to help his family out as Devon had asked, and stole the rest of the money he'd stashed there. Now it was time to make amends, Jace began walking up to the house. He noted some blinds opened and closed twice, the dealers inside probably didn't take kindly to a masked man approaching.

He got to the front steps when the door flung open and two men stepped out both with automatic weapons." Fuck you want bruh, this is your first, final, and only warning turn yo ass around and leave and we won't light yo ass up!"

Jace stood there just staring at the man, immersed in his alcoholic buzz.

"Bruh do you hear him! DO you want us to blow yo brains out?! Are you fucking stupid! I will lay yo shit out right here on the front lawn bruh!" The other man spoke even more aggressively and raising his weapon to Jace.

"Bitch" The only word Jace uttered and they both pulled the trigger sending a spur of bullets his way. He closed his eyes, and braced himself for impact. Bullets from a hand gun had bounced off him but an AR. It seemed God was on his side, the bullets riddled off him and left his clothes tattered with bullet holes but his skin un-penetrated. "My turn"

Jace rushed forward to the surprised thugs, punching a hole through one of their chests, then grabbing the other by his neck and snapping it killing him instantly. He picked up one of the AR's, and kicked the door open. He was met with a hail of gun fire, and Jace went in guns blazing shooting everyone he saw. "YOU MOTHERFUCKERS ARE GONNA PAY!!!!" Jace yelled laughing as he was on a shooting frenzy, now THIS was really playing Grand Theft Auto 5 in real life with the cheat codes.

Jace continued shooting till he was out of bullets, and headed to where he knew the money was stored. "MOVE BACK G I'mma end you, don't touch the mother fucking safe."

"Oh..or what." Just as the man started to shoot Jace grabbed the safe and whipped aroud tossing it at him. The safe slammed into the man knocking him into the wall, the impact leaving him near dead. Jace walked over to him and smashed his head into the wall killing him, then grabbed the safe. He ran into the kitchen with the safe stepping over dead bodies. He snatched a trash bag and opened it up. Then he karate chopped the safe in half. Inside was numerous amounts of money wrapped up in rubber bands. He dumped the contents into the trash bag, then went back into the living room and saw the man who attempted to defend the safe recognizing him as one of the people who took his brother's money.

"Piece of shit, hope you enjoying Hell." He reached into his pockets fumbling for the keys to his car. He then went to another room where he knew he kept their drugs, and scooped up a couple ounces of marijuana as well as well as some of the Ak's they had tossing them into the trash bag. He slung it over his head, and walked outside going to the driveway, and pressing a button on the keys to start up the ex dealer's car. Getting in he reached underneath the wheel to pop the trunk, and went to dump the trash bag full of marijuana and drug money into the car. He got in, started up the car and pulled out the drive way. The shooting had been heard all through-out the neighborhood but they practically owned this place at least when they were living so no one had called the cops.

"Damn all this gas got the car smelling like a fucking hotbox." Jace briefly felt paranoid but didn't really feel paranoid about getting pulled over. Still he was driving somewhat drunk with a stolen car full of drugs, illegal guns, and money. "Fuck it" He turned the radio to 93.7 and began bobbing his head as Migos Bad and Boujee came on. "WHOO!!!!" Jace yelled screaming with adrenaline as he began speeding down the street.

"Rain Drop, Drop Top!" He sang the lyrics to the song loudly as he was headed to his next destination, his new apartment. Killed everyone who fucked up his brother check, got about 300,000 dollars in cash check, got a sweet ride although he'd probably have to dump it check, got a bunch of firearms check, and about a half of pound of weed check. Life was going to be good.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago

With the skidding of tires and the warm sun on his face, Sebastian awoke feeling rather well rested. He sat up and stretched as the plane came to a stop and passengers started to leave. He quickly followed behind them, weaving through the crowd as quickly as he could. He hadn’t eaten at all last night, so he was ready to eat a nice big plate of literally anything right now. Not to mention he finally had some money to back himself up. He was going to treat himself and go somewhere new.

After going through the complications of airport security, and being searched, and people asking why he didn’t have a bag, and more searching, he finally made his way out the doors and back into the city. He had rather mixed feelings about being back, granted he was home so it felt good, but man it felt way better to be in a place where he could actually have some fun. But since he didn’t have to work today or tomorrow, he decided he might as well explore the city a little more and get something to eat while he could.

He wandered for a while before he decided it was time to fill the ever growing void in his stomach. At times like this, he always left things to chance. He pulled a coin from his pocket and looked around, eyeing two rather fancy looking restaurants.

“Heads, the fancy one. Tails, the fancier one.” He muttered to himself as he flipped the coin. As the coin spun in the air, it seemed to shift a little. As Sebastian went to catch it, it bounced off his hand and started rolling down the street. “You gotta be kidding me…” He exclaimed as he started following it. The coin weaved its way through the legs of people making their way down the street. For a moment Sebastion considered whether to follow the coin or not. He had plenty of money, so one coin didn’t really matter. Plus, chasing it down is so much effort, like is it really worth it? He let out a sigh and started to follow it down the street.

“You don’t have money if you let it get away” He muttered as he chased the coin down the street. As it swerved and turned, it almost seemed to have a mind of its own. Sebastian cursed the little metallic trouble maker as he did his best to keep it in line of sight. Soon enough though, it collided with a step and fell flat on its face. “Serves you right” He muttered as he grabbed the coin and wiped it off. He glanced around for a moment, not entirely sure where he had wound up after his dramatic chase scene. The street was unfamiliar, but the scent of coffee and food captivated his attention. He looked back to see that the step the coin had collided with lead into a coffee shop. The name on the sign read Populi ex Machina.

“A rather foreboding name.” He muttered, it seemed that his lessons in Latin hadn’t quite left him yet. But the place looked pretty homey, the kind of place one might take their mother for a meeting in the city. Sebastian was hungry though and didn’t want to find another place. Not to mention he had always been a bit of a superstitious type. He glanced down to the coin as he walked into the shop. “Most coins stick to a heads or tails answer you know, I don’t appreciate the sass” He pocketed the coin as he sat at a table, grabbing a menu and looking it over. His stomach grumbled loud as the thought of food took over his mind. He carefully studied the menu and waited, not totally certain if someone would come to take his order or if he had to give it himself.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Agent Solomon Haims

Solomon had been diligently following news reports across the country since he had awoken earlier that morning. He wanted nothing more than to immediately know when he would get put on his first official assignment. Not that he wanted a terrible incident to happen he just wanted to work, be immersed in his duty as an agent, but thus far he had only been questioned and studied. Constantly asking him about a power he probably knew less about than they did, after numerous experiments and inquiries they seemed settled on the fact that he somehow could interact with and manipulate the metaphysical boundaries of the world and dimension around them. He had been warned that it could in fact be very dangerous to himself if he wasn't careful, nobody quite understood what limits the power would have.

After that ordeal they ordered him to stay at his home until called upon for assignment. It wasn't said or noticeably enforced but he felt like a prisoner, they treated him like a rabid dog or a dirty bomb, as things stood right now the coalition didn't trust him, and he supposed it was all the better for now because he didn't trust them yet either. "Cooped up like a damned chicken. Im sure there is more than enough that I could be doing other than sitting in this damn room." He sighed as new droned on in the background.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone so he could explore other media outlets to see if anywhere had any news out of sorts anything that could lead to him getting to work. His finger swiped the screen from news caster to caster, region to region. There were several reports of unexplained power outages in the Dakotas. Crime was definitely up almost everywhere, and unsurprisingly really. Solomon had lost faith for most of the human race, they were greedy, selfish, violent, and else wise generally apathetic to the world around them. Of course super powers became a thing and it was most obvious it was a tool for crime not justice. It honestly began to disgust him.

As he was about to close up his phone he got a text from his assigned senior agent, they were to meet at the airfield in just under and hour. Solomon instantly revved up and grabbed the few effects and articles he would need for the trip and headed for their charter. Upon arriving he found he was second and last to arrive. He settled into his seat on the highly advanced aircraft, he decided not to try and make any small talk, didn't see much of a point if it wasnt work related. Besides something about Harry seemed not the most content for the duration of the trip.

It wasnt long before they arrived in Atlanta, and as they disembarked the plane it came to Solomon's attention that he didnt really know why he was there, he was just answering the call for duty. "Agent Foltross, Im going to need you to debrief me on the situation, superiors have said nothing to me I only answered your summons to the Jet" They both walked with their few effects to the main building standing at the airfield where they arrived.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago


It had been a week since Lucy realized that she could do more than forecast the weather in a cute outfit on television and it had been two since things had started to become strange. She could remember it quite well when Vivienne had waltzed up to her on her first day on the job in high heels and a tight black skirt that was shorter than the ones Lucy usually would care for. It only took a glance or two to figure out she wasn't as sweet as strawberry shortcake. However, Lucy had planned on just keeping her mouth shut and playing nice for the sake of keeping this job. Getting a job so soon after getting out of college was not something that happened very often or to many people. She had dressed up a bit herself to give a good impression and even took out the curling iron that had been collecting dust under her bed. Her parents were even tuned in to the news channel for Atlanta despite being positioned in Pennsylvania, eager to see their daughter's first time on TV.

"Uh, Lucy is it?"Vivienne had began, giving her one of the most fake smiles Lucy had ever seen. "Look I know you're new here and all but could you at least wear a dress that's been in style in the last decade? You look like you walked out of a catalog from the 70s right out of a hippie bus. You even have sort of a stoned look on your face if I'm being frankly honest with you. Did you smoke pot before coming here?"

Lucy had heard many horror stories meeting rude people at work and had run into quite a few rude managers over the years but this girl seemed like she just had a bone to pick with her. She really wanted to give her an ear full but decided it wasn't worth it. This girl wasn't relevant. Nonetheless, Lucy smiled and said sweetly, "Thank you, Vivienne. I did not smoke any pot but it's so nice of you to try and help me. Not always easy being the new girl." She soon figured out while waiting for her turn to go on that Vivienne would be reporting the weather whenever Lucy wasn't. Vivienne looked visibly pissed that Lucy hadn't wanted to start with her. Lucy wondered what the hell she was even doing here if these weren't her hours.

So finally, Lucy went up and prepared to go on live. She ended up doing what she thought was a good job until she realized the script she had been referring on the screen across from the set was for last week's weather. She had to stop referring to it at some point and completely rely on the map to predict the weather, making up the rest of the week as she predicted. There was no telling that weather would be exact since she had just made it up on the spot. The Vivienne woman was sitting it, giving her a malicious grin. She had glared and resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at her but luckily she wasn't particularly blamed for the incident. The only thing Lucy could hope was that her prediction would be somewhat close. She already knew today and tomorrow's forecast was completely wrong as she had been reading off last week's weather.

Quite a few people ended up being pissed about her talking about weather that didn't match up with was being shown on the screen behind her. Lucy worried that her reputation was going to suffer enough to eventually be fired. Strangely enough, the entire day's weather ended up being exactly as she said: rain. It had been previously posted on the screen that it would be clear skies. If that wasn't strange enough, the entire week that followed matched her predictions perfectly. The other cast members of the weather team were astonished how she had been so precise.

She was walking to a coffee shop near her apartment as she usually did one morning, red umbrella in hand, gazing up tiredly at the overcast sky. It had been a torrential downpour that Sunday, the rain slamming noisily into the concrete and into the fabric of the umbrella. It was her least favorite thing to wake up at 7am and head out in the rain but this was just crazy. She wished it would stop and for some reason, it did. It was as if the clouds had heard her thoughts. She stopped dead in her tracks, confused beyond belief. The clouds started to clear too, faster than Lucy knew was possible to just happen out of the blue. Her initial reaction was to giggle at herself, wondering how she could entertain the idea that she could decide the weather. She rolled her eyes at herself, thinking about the rain starting again with a smirk. Maybe she was losing her mind. The smirk quickly faded as the clouds started to collect over the sky and rain started to drip down, hitting the ground with a soft pitter-patter and slowly growing back to the violent downpour. She quickly grabbed her umbrella with a yelp, pulling it back over her head.

Lucy wondered if this was a dream. This was way past convenience. There was only one way to find out. It was February and there was no way the temperature could suddenly reach up to 85 degrees and sunny out of no where. However, she willed it and so it did. She had stared up at the sun, squinting as she folded her umbrella and took off her rain coat. It was becoming warmer by the second. She hurried to the news building and began taking some morning readings with the meteorologists, who now let her participate in creating predictions with them due to her astounding accuracy the last week. All she could do was swallow and stare as the temperature was reported to be 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

It took her a day or two to get over the initial shock but it wasn't long before she started reporting impossible weather predictions for the next three days such as sudden snow and sudden heat just for fun and to perhaps get a bit under Vivienne's skin because why not. It was of course met with uproar and threats to her job. However, when it really did happen, it was met with confusion and admiration. The wild weather sensations became a news story in itself. Lucy then decided that if she really could control the weather that she should probably lay down low. The government would go crazy surely if they found out someone could do this. These last few days, Lucy had gone back to reporting more normal weather reports but the attention on her did not seem to die down. Every day felt like an interrogation from the other meteorologists and news reporters. She regretted playing so much with the weather because it was basically impossible to describe the reason.

Today, Lucy dreaded going back to work. It was all becoming so annoying. She walked out of her apartment building in a lace skirt and black tank top along with some wedges. She subconsciously had been trying to change her style up to avoid any further criticism. She turned the corner of the road, making her way to her usual coffee shop. She had been keeping the mornings rather sunny and reasonably warm which kept going against Vivienne's weather predictions which was always fun. Lucy was slowly learning that she was pettier than she thought. She halted in front of the shop. There was a large white poster taped to the darkened windows reading: SPACE FOR RENT.

"Fuck!" She yelled, making a few people around her turn and stare. She apologetically looked over her shoulder, "Sorry."
More hastily than most, she took out her phone and began searching for another coffee shop until one with a decent rating came up. "Populi ex Machina..."She repeated to herself. It was only a five minutes walk so Lucy turned on her heels and began making her way toward it, eager for coffee. Lucy had no idea what she was getting herself into.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Things had turned very ugly very fast in just the manner of less than day. Less than a few hours even. This mission had started awful and gotten even worse since he used his powers earlier with the rogue agent. The CIA had told him that the documents he was meant to be retrieved would be on the agents person not stashed away. If he had known he was going to go on a search and capture mission he would have charged more. And now he was being underpaid, incredibly injured, pride hurt, and now he was standing in the middle of some stupid restaurant with his life threatened.

But that's the now, what we need to do is figure out how the now happened. Backing up a few hours, Kieran was walking down the sidewalk, right arm being held by the left, right leg staggering, bleeding from every which way. Kieran was getting odd glances but that was about it, which he was very thankful for. If people started asking questions and pestering him he would start to seriously consider murdering the world. If he wasnt in so much pain. Kieran knew the CIA set up a secure location for him in advance (more or less a CIA safehouse but it was equipped with items for him) and he knew just about the nearby location of it but he would still have to look. The blood loss was starting to make that hard.

It took him fourty five minutes but he found the safe house, it was a small apartement room right about a nightclub. He knew it was the place because parked next to it was a Chevy Impala, the sign the CIA told him would be there. Kira found that the door was actually unlocked, which suprised him. He became suspicious, not trusting even the CIA. Kieran looked around, then painfully hoisted himself on to the railbar, then climbed on to the roof, blood dripping down still. Kieran moved to the other side of the roof, then hung off the side of the roof. Kieran moved to the right some more until he was right in front of the window. Kieran kicken the window, breaking it, then swung himself inside painfully rolling across the floor.

Kieran layed on the ground for a few seconds eyes closed. When he looked up, two men were aiming handguns at him, saying something. But Kieran was in no mood, and could not hear a single thing over the roar of blood in his ears. Still in pain but fed up with being hurt, Kieran quickly spun himself, knocking both agents over. One agent landed next to him and Kieran took the opportunity to elbow the man in the throat. As the one man layed there, trying to restore his breathing and praying to God his throat had not been crushed, Kieran jumped off the ground and tackled the second agent. With one arm against the second mans face, distorting him, Kieran reached over and grabbed the second mans gun. Kieran quickly put the gun to the side of the man's head and pulled the trigger. Blood splattered all over his face and shirt, but Kieran barely noticed. Kieran then took a second to aim at the second man and shoot him in the side of the head.

Having a few moments, Kieran laid on his back with a thud and a small cry of pain, relieved he wa safe for the moment. Why he decided to kill the men, Kieran was still trying to figure it out. But the CIA nearly got him killed, by withholding information, then these men held guns to his face. After a few minutes Kieran forced himself up. Long story short, Kieran found the bathroom, the first aid kit, and fresh clothes. He showered, cleaned the blood off his hands, and bandaged himself up. Nothing was broken, but he had bruised ribs for sure, cuts everywhere, and a scratched up right arm. But nothing water, painkillers, and first aid couldnt heal. With time. Then Kieran got dressed. He changed into a long sleeve black v-neck shirt, with blue jeans, tan hiking boots, and a black watch he put on his left wrist. Kieran found an untraceable Glock with a silencer. He put it in the back of his pants and hid it under his shirt. Kieran grabbed a dagger and put its sheathe on his ankle, sheathing the dagger and hiding it under his jeans.

Then Kieran found a small safe, with a digital combo lock. Kieran knew this was for him. He put it the CIA given code, and found an iphone with a wallet. Inside the wallet was a fake drivers licence and about one thousand dollars in cash. He pocketed both. Now that he was better he needed to get on with his mission. Kieran needed to find someone who knew anything about the Atlanta underground. From the CIA intel in the safe house, the best bet was to go to a certain establishment............

Which is how Kieran found himself at Populi ex Machina. It was.....nice enough Kieran guessed. Kieran cared little for restaurants, and class and such so he wasnt going to judge Populi too hard. Kieran walked inside the entrance and was greeted immediatley.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

♪He pulls the cities high tension wires down♪ The tune blared from the speakers of of Julia's CJ-5, gently tapping her fingers against her steering wheel as she absentmindedly pulled into the parking lot of a city park she hadn't bothered to check the name of. It was her first time in Atlanta, last year she had spent her off-season working her way up the I-95 corridor, and had decided that this year she would do I-75. It was journey she'd started only a month ago, and to be honest had so far been disappointing in comparison. Atlanta was looking to be her first major stop since Osceola though where she'd discovered her newfound powers after pushing a fallen tree out of her way on a deep trail.

♪He picks up a bus and he throws it back down♪ Bobbing her head to the beat absentmindedly as she leaned over the metal serving tray set atop her passenger seat and reached into the glovebox. A moment later she pulled out a small brown rectangle with three letters across it reading 'RAW'. She quickly undid the elastic band from around the package and pulled a wrap and filter out in one swift very well rehearsed motion, setting both down on the serving tray before replacing the band around the container almost as quickly as she had removed it. After replacing it in the glovebox she reached one hand into her breast pocket of her grey and blue flannel shirt and retrieved two small baggies as the other hand pulled the tray onto her lap. Her focus now turned downward as she set both bags on the tray. She poured out about .5 of green out of the larger bag onto the reflective metal surface before replacing it in her pocket with about 1.5 remaining in the bag. Gonna need to find a local supply soon. She though to herself as she scooped it into the paper alongside the paper filter. Finally she opened the other baggie and dipped her pinkie finger in scooping out a little white powder in her nail and carefully sprinkling it across the green like a gentle snow capping a smelly forest. Quick well practiced motion took over from there as her hand worked from memory rolling up the joint before bringing it to her lips. She licked across the adhesive strip on the paper and finished rolling it before finally replacing the smaller white filled baggie in her pocket.

♪History shows again and again how nature points out the folly of ma-♪ The music stopped as she shut off the Jeep and climbed out the door, dropping her keys into her pants pocket and nestled the joint behind her ear before draping her hair over it. She subsequently made her way into the park proper, it was pretty enough for a city park she thought. As she seated herself at a stone picnic table, pulling a Zippo from her pants pocket and setting it on the table in front of her before nabbing the dirty joint from behind her ear and bringing it to her lips. She breathed in as she lit the joint, quickly glancing around to make sure she wasn't being watched before replacing the lighter and pulling out her phone. Julia scrolled through a list of local motels as the paper burned down, occasionally ashing on the ground between the seat and the table. Eventually she found her quarry, it was cheap, mediocre ratings, and in not particularly nice neighborhood, perfect.

Julia pressed the end of the half burnt joint against the table before carefully putting it in her breast pocket to be finished at a later time. The ATF didn't really hit her until she stood up, but when it did she knew she was ready to go. Julia promptly made her way out of the park and began to wander the streets of Atlanta, looking for something noteworthy, passing many shops, restaurants, cafes and various other establishments on her way. It was a big city, and she literally had all day. She was sure she'd eventually come along something worthwhile.
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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Just another day at work for Ebony, luckily her shift was almost over. Earlier this week she'd just got done training the new girl Sera, who she really liked. Damn can't wait for the party tonight! I really need a drink. She put those thoughts to the back of head tonight she'd party for now she needed to work on getting done with the last hour of her shift, she didn't want to let Chris down. She glanced over at the first person who came in the cafe and was going over a menu. She walked over to him with a smile. "Hey welcome to Populi ex Machina, I see your going over the menu, so I'll give you some time, my name's Ebony and I'll be your waitress today. When you're ready to order just let me know, everything here tastes absolutely fantastic!" She said and really meant it. With her employee discount she made sure to eat everything there at least twice.

As soon as she said that she was about to head to the back and grab a glass of water herself when she a noticed another person walking in. Wow he's cute, but this guy..holy shit..I hope he gets more then my order. She looked over Sebastian, undressing him with her eyes as she went over to Kieran and grabbing a menu on her way. "Hi I'm Ebony! Welcome to Populi ex Machina, the best cafe in Atlanta. Here, follow me sir." She said directing him over to a table while also sliding the menu into his hands. "Can I start you with anything to drink, a glass of water, lemonade, or better yet the best cappuccino you've ever had."

Kieran followed Ebony and sat at the directed at table. After she finished Kieran spoke.

"Tell you what, why don't you give me a couple of minutes to decide because I cant decide between what looks better. The food or the service." Kieran replied, winking at her.

Ebony couldn't help but smile, two good looking men in the cafe, much more handsome then most of the guys at her campus at least. "Hehe well I'll be back in a few if you ready to grab something to eat, but you could always slide me your number if your looking for something else." She grinned as she left to go back to the kitchen to grab herself a drink.

Kieran smiled, inwardly wishing she could have gone away faster, but if she had he would have noticed and it would be apparent she would be a spy. Clearly she wasn't, but still. Kieran looked around the place, and after a few moments he found his mark. A casual looking male, sitting at a table at the other end of the restaurant. He appeared normal at first, blue shirt, black jeans, jacket, on his laptop. But upon closer inspection there were slightly visible tattoo markings on his arms which more than likely all up his arms. There was clear marking of taken out piercings, and he seemed too focused. No one is that set on anything unless they are just trying to look busy.

Kieran stood up and walked over to the man. The man looked up and in an instant he realized what was happening. Kieran smiled, waved hello, then pulled out his gun and smacked him across the face. People turned at looked at the spectacle, in which Kieran shot three rounds into the ceiling.

"Alright everyone shut up and don't move and you will get to live a lot longer!"

Kieran turned to the man.

"Now...is there anything you want to tell me about government documents being hidden anywhere around?"

Kieran watched as the many shook his head. He sighed.

"Ok then, that was your only chance."

Kieran looked around and aimed his gun at a random man. He motioned for him to come over but stopped aiming at him.

"So listen guy I hate torture a lot, like a lot a lot, and I always end up killing the guy. So your gonna beat the snot out of this guy for me until he tells me what he knows."

"And just what the hell do you think you're doing in my cafe?" A gruff, booming voice rang out across the suddenly quiet shop. From the kitchen a tall, burly man ambled toward the spectacle, casually holding a large kitchen knife in one beefy palm. "Now, I don't really give a damn what you do on your own property, but coming into another man's home and starting trouble is damn rude, ya hear? If ya got a beef with someone, take it the hell outside!"

Chris knew that his bluff was a gamble. Sure, he might be larger, but he still couldn't take the man in a real fight. He just hoped he could intimidate the man into leaving before anything worse happened.


Ebony was in the back getting a glass of water and relaxing while checking her phone to see if anything was going on. After texting two of her friends back she put her phone away, and finished her glass of water. However when she heard the gunshots she jolted with fear dropping the glass on the floor. Oh no fuck! Her heart beat was racing flashing back to the last words she heard from her ex dealer's brother that he'd come back to get her one day. But luckily or perhaps that was the wrong word the man had no ties with the dealer whom she helped the police put away, but was after some sort of government documents. What the fuck is going on..oh my God..I just wanna live. Her head was filled with panic and she felt relief when Chris went out to confront the man. She was just praying and hoping she didn't end up shot and now wishing the cafe had a wall separating the kitchen from the dining area.


After surveying the menu for a moment, Sebastian was satisfied with what he had picked. Unfortunately it seemed that things had taken a rather interesting turn while he had been absorbed in the menu. There was a man with a gun, a man with a knife and a man in the ground.

"I don't know if this is meant to be some kind of performance thing, but I am kinda not into it." He said as he folded up his menu and stood up from the table. He made his way past the men and dropped his menu on the counter. "So yea, sorry for interrupting, but do you gotta do this right now? Like I haven't eaten for a day"

"Oh sure, let me just go sit back down, order a mocha cappuccino, and eat a nice flaky bis - whatever man! I didn't say anything to you. But you know what....you might be just what I need."

Kieran sighed and took a step to his side.

"I was hired by your government to do something. Its classified. Now I need you to "help" me "convince" this criminal to tell me what I need to know. Then I leave. Oh yea and -"

Kieran quickly shot his gun without warning at the beefy man with the bullet flying right past his cheek.

"Anyways. Please. Then I go. Pinky promise."

"[color=Crimosn]Well there you go, you can be polite too[/color]" Sebastian said with a rather sarcastic tone. Gunshots were a rather good method of intimidation if you didn't know how to treat them. Granted, a bullet to the head was something that was pretty hard to fix, so Sebastian decided to play this one a little carefully.

"So, you want me to torture this dude till he gives you some information. So what's in it for me? You are hired to do this but you want me to do it for free? That just seems like shifting your responsibility. But, I guess if I could get paid too then I would be more inclined to help" Sebastion was a crafty man, he liked to make money wherever he could. And if it meant throwing around his surgical knowledge for a little intimidation then he was more than happy to help.

Kieran sighed, pulled out his wallet, and threw five one hundred dollar bills at Sebastions feet.

Chris was getting tired of being ignored, even after the bullet whizzed past his ear. "All three of you, get out of my shop." He growled, exercising his modified vocal chords. "I don't care what you do down the street, but you've already ruined my ceiling, and I'm not going to be mopping blood up after you. Either get out, or get thrown out."

"That's a little better" Sebastian picked up a knife from one of the tables and made his way over to the man on the ground. He glanced over to the man with the kitchen knife and smiled. "Don't worry, I wont make a mess" He crouched down and looked the man in the eyes. "So, I don't know what this guy wants to know, but I will tell you what I do know. There are a few different places you can cut on a person that have some rather interesting results. Like for example, if I were to cut the tendons in your hands, your fingers would stop moving. Then I could cut your Achilies tendon and you couldn't walk. Long story short, I really suggest you tell him what he wants " He rested his hand on the man's shoulder for a second, causing the man to shift a little. He knocked the table a little, and the man quickly glanced up towards his computer. Sebastion glanced between the two for a moment.

"I guess that's a good spot for info... Plain sight" He stood up and made his way back over to the armed man. "Here is a crazy thought, try looking at his computer. Hiding info in plain sight might be pretty clever. Might not be exactly what you're looking for, but hey could work." He grabbed the money off the ground and placed it on the counter of the cafe' "Sorry for the interruption buddy." He said to the man with the knife. "Have a lovely daaay!"


Ebony just wanted the situation to end one way or another, she just wanted to make it out of here with her life. God help me.. She was praying when it seemed the handsome man with the knife might diffuse the situation she didn't care that he was paid. She watched with anticipation as he made his way out, and the man bolted up knocking his cup of juice onto his laptop then pushing it off the table leading it to hit the ground with a crash.

He was filled with fear of getting shot, but he couldn't let the man get the info he wanted. He figured he had a better chance of trying to negotiate with this armed guy if he fucked up the laptop. "Fuck you!" He barked at Kieran knowing He may have either saved his life or sealed his fate.


Kieran looked at the laptop contemplating what to do next. Kieran knew his options were limited so and that was a major sign of disrespect. It was going to become necessary to kill. Kieran pulled out five more 100 dollar bills and threw them at Chris.

"Listen man word to the wise, you look old, your fat, and seem kinda rude. Maybe being an asshole isn't the way to go in life."

Kieran walked over and picked up the laptop. He put it in the laptop bag and slung it over his shoulder. Then he grabbed the man and dragged him over to the exit. Kieran pushed him out the door, turned around gave everyone a two finger salute, then turned around and stood in the doorway.

"Ok so long story short, you're useless now since I have the maybe broken laptop. SO you're free to walk away. Bye bye."

Kieran smiled and waved his gun at the man. The man looked scared, worried, and nervous but he did as he was told. The man walked all about 100 feet away before Kieran took aim and fired his gun. He hit his mark, the back of the mans head.

Ebony thought for sure the man was gonna get killed after he messed up his laptop. She just hoped this guy's anger didn't end up with all of them getting shot up. She was impressed by Chris's boldness, he was the best boss she had great flexible hours, and he was standing up to an armed gunman. She was happy that he seemed to be sparing the man then gaped in horror as she saw him pull the trigger. "Oh my god" She was breathless and took out her phone only for it to go black. "FUCK!" she yelled louder then she intended to wishing she'd charged her phone instead of texting back her friends every second she got. She saw another person approaching the coffee shop about to enter and yelled out at the girl. "HEY!!! Run away, the guy at the front is crazy! He's got a gun! Call the cops!!!" Ebony yelled hoping someone could get away from here and call for help.

Chris stared out the window for a moment to make sure the man was actually gone, then slumped back into the kitchen, ignoring the money on the counter. As soon as he was out of sight behind the door, his body started to lose form as if deflating, and he quickly returned to his normal shape. His clothes were ruined, but he kept a spare set in the back for very similar reasons.

As Ebony followed him into the back room, he smiled wanly at her before his knees gave out. He slid down the wall as the adrenaline of the moment flooded out of his system, and took a few deep breaths to try and calm himself. When he was finally under control again, he met Ebony's gaze and nodded. "Take the rest of the day off," He told her, climbing slowly back to his feet. "You've had quite the fright, and I won't hold it against you if you take the next week off too. Get some rest, alright?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This guy really did seem young. Not as young as Alan was when he started though so complaining would be pretty hypocritical. "I suppose for starters you can call me Carter. I'm looking for a very experienced driver to hire for the next few weeks who knows the area and is willing to drive me around to several... meetings. For more information" he said as he began motioning to Madison to pay attention "I will have an aid email you an address." Catching the hint the short hacker got on the menial task of emailing the location of Raven's Haul, a small bookstore on the edge of town to Luke. "Consider that the location of an interview. Be there in" Alan stopped to consider how long it might take him to prepare for this new meeting "two hours."

"Carter" Luke almost chuckled but didn't, the name reminded him of one of his favorite rappers, Lil Wayne, although he wondered if this guy even knew who that was. "An experienced driver, I'm hoping or rather expecting the pay will be something I'm interested in." Luke stopped not wanting to say too much just in case this was some sort of sting operation. Even with powers he strongly doubted he could take on FBI alone, he still had to be smart. "Two hours I can do that?" Luke said looking down at his watch. "It's a date." He said smugly as he hung up the phone. He didn't quite know what to expect, but he did want other opportunities than just being a drug dealer. It was good money, but he wanted great money. He wanted a mansion with marble floors, and golden statues built in his image in his front lawn. That's not the type of money he'd make selling weed and xanax to frat guys.

He hung up the phone and examined the email. He's got my location. Either he's been watching me or he's got a damn good hacker, I wish I knew more about that shit myself. Luke was a bit unnerved but even if it was the cops only thing incriminating in here was his scale, and weed; still those two things together were a felony. He decided to grab his scale, and leave tossing it in the trash as he left the apartment. Call it paranoia but it had kept him out of trouble before. He decided to go work on his paper in the library, and a grab a bite to eat. After about an hour and thirty minutes passed he went to his car and made his way over to the book store. He looked at his watch as he was pulling in the parking lot listening in for thoughts of people walking around to see if he heard anything about undercover cops or a set up. Hearing neither did little to ease his suspicion as he waltzed into the bookstore and took a seat. And now I wait..

While Luke waited Alan watched him on one of a number of small monitors stacked on his desk. He glanced over the short sheet of info that had been scouted on Mr. Braxton, probably weeks ago. Its a good thing Madison was keeping up on the record keeping and scouting for new talent. He walked over to the closet across the room and opened the door. Inside was Garfield, bound and gagged in a fetal position starring in wide eyed horror at Alan. "I can't have you making any noise while I do some business." He reached out a finger to the man's head and jolted him into unconsciousness. Back at his desk moments later he pressed a button on his phone. "Hey Tyler can you go let in our guest. Yes the black one in the back. His name is Luke, but refer to him as Ford. Yes its because he's the driver. We had a different Ford When we picked up Garfield, that's why he got a random one." He returned his gaze to the monitors as the tall, lanky Tyler walked slowly over to Luke with his Coat dragging slightly against the ground.

"The manager will see you now" Tyler said hitching a thumb to a door on behind the register.

Luke was defiantly paranoid but he couldn't hear thoughts of anyone who screamed law enforcement to him. Plus he doubted the police knew about his powers, then again there's no telling what the Government knew. Can't start thinking that way, I'm fucking special, no feds know about the shit I can do.

No no! I gotta get out of here fuck!!! Luke turned his head to the side as he heard thoughts of panic coming from someone then they stopped. He raised his eye. Did someone just die in here or did they go to sleep? He had no way of telling. He was sure he couldn't read a dead man's mind because...obviously, but he'd been unable to get thoughts from people sleeping. "The Manager" Luke was confused maybe the bookstore was a front, he wanted a front himself but he didn't have a need with his level of product he was moving. He peered into this man's briefly to get some surface thoughts. These people worked on some type of team, heists they were about big money but he still wondered what driving had to do with that. He wished he could read more and more into people, he wondered how far he could take this power as he stepped into the office to see the man he presumed called him. "Hmm..so you're the manager, I'm Luke but I'm sure you already know that. So what's this opportunity you wanted to talk about, I'm all ears." Luke sat down and smiled attempting to read the man's mind which caused him to intentionally frown all he heard was static. What the fuck...

Oblivious to Luke's attempt to read his mind Alan returned the smile from his office chair. "Mr. Braxton, its nice to see you. I'm going to be very frank with you." He stepped out of his chair and made the short walk back over to his closet. "I need a driver for an important upcoming heist. I hear through the grapevine that you are both a good driver and on the wrong side of the law. So since my last getaway driver" Alan paused while opening the door revealing a very unconscious Garfield "is indisposed right now. I decided to reach out to some new blood."

Luke was definitely weirded out by the fact that his mind was unreadable. while the power was a burden at first, now he'd come to rely on it to get into people's heads. "Please Calm me Luke." He spoke calmly while in his head he was obsessed with why he couldn't get into this mans head who was he? He watched with complete focus as Alan got up and showed Garfield tied up. This must of been the man's thoughts he heard, he didn't look dead so maybe he stopped picking up his thoughts because Alan had shut him up. He thought back to the thoughts he picked up from Tyler about them being some sort of group experienced in robbery.

"So I guess my reputation proceeds me." Well he didn't want this information in the hands of the police, among other criminals he relished with joy when others knew about him. "I gotta admit I ain't done no professional driving in a while, I mean besides my day job. If you know me you know right now I'm in the drug market... a-lot less mobility required but more potential to get jammed up with the cops. But listen man..."Luke was feeling very impulsive, and was about to make a risky choice. If everything goes wrong I'll just have to kill him..but I can't just not bring this up, it doesn't sit right with me. "First off... forget the heist for a moment tell me... what do you think about this." Luke held out his hand and suddenly the unconscious traitor Garfield floated from his position over to in-front of Luke, followed by causing the door Alan opened to close. While using his power he looked the man in his eyes to gauge his reaction to what happened feeling very tense and uncertain about his choice.

Alan's forehead furrowed. Interesting. Another person with... powers. It was probably going to be easier to think about this in comic book terms. Not that he was terribly versed in comics, but he too had been a child once. Telekinesis was certainly an interesting power nonetheless. Probably something to monitor the danger of frequently for the foreseeable future. Still Luke didn't seem to be demonstrating his powers as a threat or show of force so for now Alan relaxed. "That's an interesting ability you've got there. I can assure you, that you are not the only person to have some sort of super power. I haven't gotten around to telling my people about my own yet, but then I was hoping to make an announcement when they were all assembled. Still though, you just made yourself more valuable Ford." Alan stopped for a moment forgetting that he had not actually informed Luke of his assigned handle. "For the record from here on out you will be referred to as Ford as a code name. Anyway if you're in with being my getaway driver I can we can get this moving."

Luke was taken aback by the man's expression. He seemed interested, but not scared. If someone just saw super powers for the first time they would be scared shitless, or amazed, but not just perplexed. Luke figured he must have some of his own. "An interesting ability" Luke let his voice trail off he didn't want to interrupt he wanted to hear what "The Manager" had to say about this whole situation. "Ford... huh... I'm guessing it's because of the car, I'm happy to work with you, but what do you mean abilities? You're too fucking calm man... until two weeks ago I thought this shit wasn't possible outside of an X-Men movie, you claim you got a power then what is it man... I ain't saying you're a liar... but we're talking about super powers, not the ability to whistle or something it's not common." Luke spoke with curiosity he wanted to man to know he didn't seek to threaten him, if anything this partnership seemed even more lucrative if they supposedly both had powers. He decided to leave out the reason he revealed his own power was because he couldn't read his mind. Still he wanted to see what this man could do; if he really had a power he'd be far more comfortable otherwise he was convinced the Government knew about him, and were on to him... but if this man had a power how many more people had abilities, and what where they?

What was this some sort of dick measuring contest? Alan had intended to do this later in front of everyone, but if this kid was so special as to have his own powers it probably wouldn't hurt to give him a showing in advance. Alan sighed before raising his hands with his fingers grasping an imaginary ball about the width of his chest and started to concentrate. A current began flowing through his body to his finger tips and then arced from one side to another for a few moments before Alan killed the flow and moved his hands back down to his sides. "So there's that" Alan stated "and much more besides." The older thief went back to his chair and took a seat. "So, are you in or not?"

Luke wondered what exactly he'd be shown by this man. His mind raced with possibilities, he was paranoid, on edge, but also excited like he was when a new episode of his favorite cartoon was shown on Saturday mornings growing up. He tensed up as Alan raised his fingers after all even though they were striking up a partnership there was no telling what this guy was capable of especially since Luke couldn't read his mind. His eyes widened in amazement as he watched the electricity flow from his fingers." Holy shit...." This dude is like Electro in real life, oh shit! "Man I'm fucking in." Luke was always down to make alliance's that served him and another super powered person who also was in the business of making money was A okay. He wanted to bombard him with other questions but he decided they'd hold off for now he was just glad he was like him and not a government spy." Yeah... I'm in, definitely."

"Alrighty then!" Alan exclaimed clasping his hands together with a loud clap. "I suggest you go get some rest. Tomorrow we're stealing a getaway car." And maybe testing out just what exactly you can do. It would be interesting regardless.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Harry Foltross - Atlanta, Georgia - The Ruins

It had been a rather uneventful flight not that he minded, he didn't care for social hour anyway. Besides he just wanted to catch some Z's, he was sure when he touched down they'd be pretty busy. The Primary reason the Coalition sent them here was to get the files back, that was a priority. But, he was much more interested in finding out potential superhumans and keeping tabs on them, maybe even making contact with them see if they were a threat.

Harry groaned Solomon was their most valuable agent, and yet the superiors didn't fully trust him. "Look kiddo, I can't lie people in the group are scared, I mean your exactly the thing we wanted but just..so much is unknown. There's other people with powers, Atlanta is one of the three cities in the Us we've deemed have the most reported superhuman activity. I can't say I know everything about you, but your the only powered person on our side, and your MY agent regardless of what The superiors say there not the ones going on missions doing all the foot work that's us, soldiers." Harry said as they got off the plane and into the vehicle the organization had provided for them. After popping open the trunk and getting their stuff inside he slammed it shut and pulled off.

He explained the situation between their agent Zane Colch who died getting information about the alien tech, and the superhuman project away from them, and how they needed to get the information back before the CIA did.

"It's already bad enough we gave god knows how many random people powers, probably alerted the aliens that we fucked up their search team, and did untold amounts of damage, but if the CIA gets ahold of all this it's gonna be a shit storm. We're going to the house that was destroyed today, police, and bomb squad searched it up and down and found no evidence of anything...explosive..I'm guessing powers had something to do with it..Luckily it dosen't seem like anyone's dead, but then again if were dealing with powers who knows what the fuck happened." Harry was frustrated, this was insane, but he knew what he was getting into the minute they were dealing with an alien threat.

"So basically were gonna look over the explosion site we know things the cops, hell the feds dont know. But also this is between you and me, like I said there's probably some other people with powers in town. I think we ought to see if we can find any of them while were in town, see if any of them might be willing to work with us, keep some tabs on some who seem harmless or not getting into much trouble, and maybe neutralizing some who prove to be dangerous...to have powers if you catch my drift..but first we need to keep the CIA out of this." He said as they pulled into the neighorhood where the house once was and saw yellow tape everywhere. Luckily they had top notch government ID, but no cops were present on the scene.

"Alright let's see what we can find out, can you use that power of yours to find anything out" Harry inquired as he got out the car shutting the door behind him.

Jace Williams - Atlanta, Georgia - His condo to Ebony's apartment

Jace was feeling excellent, and he'd made sure to bring all his stuff up. Marijuana, weapons, and cash. He'd separated the weed into vacuum sealed bags he purchased, then sprayed some air freshener. After that was done he stashed the guns in his closet, and put the money on his own safe.

He had so much adrenaline from his heist, and turned on the news to relax, while he grabbed his lighter and his laptop. He used the lighter to spark a marijuana blunt he rolled, and relaxed as he inhaled the narcotic smoke. "Ah...now this is what I'm talking about, way better then any strong drink." He decided as he relaxed in his couch, and pulled up some research on his laptop. Phase one of his new life was semi-complete, he wasn't rich but he didn't need to be. He had enough money to enjoy himself, and pay his bills, more weed then he could smoke or afford to buy with the money he legally had obtained, and plenty of kick ass guns.

The other things he wanted weren't things he could buy with money or at least not with a-lot of money. He wanted to put his family back together, make amends with people he wronged, and seek vengeance on those who did him wrong. He had a list of people he sought to go after, and had been gathering information about them long before he had powers but now he actually had the means to do something about them without suffering any major consequences himself.

As he took another drawl of his cigar he looked over the information he gathered. MY PO yeah I'm gonna fuck her up, stupid bitch put me in prison she going get hers fo sho. Hmm..Ebony..yeah you fucked up big time snitching on my brotha..all cuz you got caught up with a zip..hope you enjoying GA state while you can. Officer Laura..Longfield...the bitch who busted Ebony and Devon X for you too. Judge Adams..tryna give my bro an extra seven years for not snitching Imma enjoy breaking your neck. Aaand..Carlos...Lamons..Carlos... His blood boiled at the name, the cartel member who'd assassinated his oldest brother over a dispute that revolved around 50 dollars. Pointless death but it was only to prove a point, and Jace had a point to prove. He was the only one whose whereabouts he wasn't sure, but with the money he had he was sure he could purchase the information one way or another.

Something on the news caught his attention, and he raised an eyebrow. The Drug House he tore apart, apparently someone had reluctantly called the police after the incident. Multiple Atlanta Police Officers were on the screen, drugs, and guns were being put in evidence, and the bodies of the various dealers he killed were being carried out of the room.

"As you guys can see, this is a gruesome horrific scene in downtown Atlanta. Apparently some gang violence on a whole other level, there's two men with human sized holes in their chest, and all fifteen of the dead men reportedly have ties with the Atlanta drug scene. Police are investigating the incident, and trying to get to the bottom of what rival faction might be responsible for this gruesome killing. Financial motivation is suspected as no amounts of money have been found, except some in the pockets of the deceased criminals, but plenty of drugs have been left behind as well as weapons,now in other news..a local mom is reporting her daughter has been missing for the past two days. Parents say the last time she was seen.."

Jace was pissed about one thing, he couldn't drive the car anymore. Luckily after he moved the stuff to his apartment he wisely moved the car, even though he definitely liked it. He didn't want to get jammed up or get heat on him from a car considering all the things he made off with.

After he finished smoking he decided to message an old friend of his who'd made lots of money producing music. He had about four or five cars, and he he'd sold a car to people who gained some money in questionable ways before. "Yeah..this is prob the best bet Imma need something good." He was reading his messages as his friend was texting him some of the cars he had but had some reluctance that Jace had enough money to afford them. Jace was about to get irritated, but he wasn't known for swimming in cash so he managed to keep calm for once. After texting back and forth they agreed to make a transaction. 20 grand for the title to his black and red mustang, although he'd have to get his own insurance. Hmm not bad not bad..I need me one of them shits..this going be the last fucking time I ever need to Uber anywhere.

Jace went to his stash of stolen money, and counted enough 100 dollar bills till he had 20,000 dollars, then stuffed it in a bag that he stuffed into his nike sweat pants. He changed into a plain white T Shirt, and made sure to pocket his mask too just in case he needed to handle anything. Once he made sure he had everything he needed, he used his app to call up and uber and left his place after locking the door.

No one from his life knew where he live, and he didn't plan on telling anyone at least for now. He didn't plan on cutting out everyone from his past, but he knew how greed worked especially when you were in need. He was feeling optimistic as he made his way down the stairs, and his phone buzzed. Taking it out assuming it was his Uber he saw it was PO and just rolled his eyes as he pressed the red button on his iPhone ignoring her again. He'd have to deal with her soon as she was getting on his nerves, but he had other plans to attend too as he saw a nissan pull up and roll the window down.

"You Jace Williams?" The Driver asked looking at the man.

"Yeah man, let's go." Jace hopped in the back-seat of the car, and relaxed. He popped some headphones into his ear, and turned on some music as a sign that he didn't want to discuss anything with his driver as of now.

It wasn't long before Jace was sitting in the front seat of his mustang grinning from ear to ear. Something he could only dream about when he was a teenager was a reality now. Still thoughts of his family were in the back of his head, Devon rotting away in jail, Tamara trying to make it as a lawyer, his auntie trying her best to house them and support them, and of course his mother who did everything to help raise the family after their "dad" abandoned them.

"Fuck him" He thought aloud as he connected his phone to the Bluetooth so he could play his own music rather then listen to the radio. He used his phone to pull up some information he e-mailed himself while he was on his laptop. "Ebony...Ebony..Ebony...I told you karma was a bitch, and you finna get slapped." He smirked as he started up his car and put her location in the GPS. "This will be fun." He muttered aloud as he revved the engine then headed towards the college apartment she currently resided at.
Ebony was just glad to be back at her place after the hellish day she had. She was so happy that Chris let her go home early, she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle work after what happened. People whipping out guns, watching a man get killed, thinking it was the dealer's accomplices whom she got put into prison a couple months ago, she'd been paranoid ever since that happened.

She was on the verge of having a panic attack at the cafe earlier but now she was calmed down and made sure her phone was charged. Fuck a party, I just need to chill I'm not trying to get into nothing. She decided to just tell her friends she wasn't feeling well, and rest in her apartment. After all the best choice after everything happened was to stay home and rest. She ended up collapsed on her bed, drinking some wine, and watching Love and Hip Hop trying to unwind and forget about the events of the day.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door, and rolled her eyes. She had downed over half her bottle of wine, so her anxiety had waned immensely. She hoped the person would go away, but the knocking continued. Damn it I told them I wasn't going out ugh! Still she got up and went to answer the door.


"Not happy to see me." Jace flashed a smile, and Ebony went to close the door, but Jace pushed her back and slammed the door behind her locking it.

"Please Jace whatever you want! All the money in my bank account, I swear I didn't mean to snitch on Devon, I was just scared I, I'll do anything you want, annything" She said the last part at this point she was willing to do anything to calm him down..and wanted to let his imagination work. She wanted to call the police, but she wasn't close enough to her phone, and last time she encountered Jace he was furious luckily he couldn't do anything to her in court.

"Oh come on you really think I'm still mad, now I'm furious bitch your gonna die. I'm going to kill you!!" Jace took a step forward, and this point Ebony stepped back to the counter grabbing her wine bottle.


"Shut the fuck up " Jace stepped forward and Ebony lunged forward smashing him in the head with her bottle. She was shocked when the bottle shattered, and it seemed no damage was done to Jace's head. "Now I'm m mad."

"Oh my god I.." Jace reached for her throat as she struggled to scream and tossed her to the ground. He raised his foot and stepped on her right leg breaking it causing her to scream in pain. He was sure all the yelling would lead to someone calling the cops but he didn't care. Jace reached down lifting her up and tossing her into a wall." I'm gonna have fun with this one..why don't you call 12 go ahead and snitch stupid bitch..you got my brother doing time!"

"Jace please.."She wailed in pain.. feeling helpless and in great pain due to her leg. She struggled to get up looking for some escape, only thing was the balcony and if she jumped off that she was as good as dead. Jace stepped forward and tossed her itno the wall causing her to start screaming for help. Jace rolled his eyes as he went to her and grabbed her left arm breaking it going as so far as to rip it off then slap her with it a couple times. "I'm gonna make you suffer, yeah bitch slap!" He said using her torn off appendage to hit her again as blood rushed frmo her, and she screamed for help.

Jace picked her up and slammed her into a wall, before raising his hand and punching a hole straight through her chest and the wall then pulled it out looking at his bloodied arm. "Damn got my arm fucked up at least I have both my arms, hope you enjoy Hell..fucking snitch." Ebony was crying unable to yell in too much pain as she lay on the ground blood pouring out she felt her life slipping away and Jace took out his knife leaning down to force her mouth open and cut off her tongue watching as blood spurted out, before finally raising his foot and stepping on her face killing her.

"Piece of shit." Jace could hear footsteps people were coming someone had called the police. He reached in his pocket putting on his mask, and opened up the balcony. " OPEN THE MOTEHRFUCKING DOOR!!!"

Jace grinned as he took a few steps back, then ran forward, onto the balcony, and lunged into the air. He yelled with excitement as he took off into the air, he had been waiting to try this and was ecstatic that it worked a super jump. He waved his arms in the air yelling as he flew through the air over the campus and landed in some nearby trees and hit the ground with a thud. "Fuck...that...was dope...now that's gonna be a fye news story." Jace didn't feel any remorse about ending the girls left, he got up brushing dirt off himself and began running off to his car which he parked a couple blocks away he needed to get out of their.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Collab with ParagonX, dabombjk and Sam12435

Lucy had stopped dead in her tracks as the gunshot reverberated through the shop with widened and fearful blue eyes. It took a moment to set her gaze on the the man with holding the gun and slowly move it to the man with the bullet hole in his forehead. Her heart was racing so fast, it felt as if it would jolt through her rib cage in that moment. She barely registered a woman’s voice telling her to call the cops. “Uhh… Okay, okay!” She moved backward rapidly, stumbling as she pulled her phone out and began dialing the police. She could hardly catch her breath. She had never felt so much panic in her life. Lucy then realized she should probably get the fuck out of here. The man with the gun was right there and would probably shoot her and others too for witnessing that murder. She turned to run and suddenly halted as a flash of light blinded the room. There was the loud zap of lightning as something struck the armed man. Lucy covered her eyes with her arm, completely blinded for that moment. Once it began to dim down, she stole a glance over her arm at the blackened sidewalk but didn’t dare look at the man.

“Crazy weather we're having. Hahaha…”She drew off with nervous laughter then turned to make a run for it.

Kieran was thrown sideways, flying a good feet up into the air and a few feet away. It took a few moments for Kieran to realize what happened, and when he tried to stand up he felt everything vibrate violently in his body. He tried to stand, his arms swinging as he did. He tried to hoist himself up with his arms. His face twitched and his left knee jerked as a reaction. Kieran almost started to panic, but then thought logically about what happened. He could not move any of the correct parts of his body. There was a zap and a blinding light right before. He must have been......hit by lightning? Well he could produce Black Matter so maybe it wasn't a stretch to say other people could do other things. He did just shoot someone. Someone probably saw something. Kieran took a moment to figure out what moved what, and when he figured it out Kieran jumped up immediately. Kieran saw the woman running away, and took about 3.5 seconds to decide what to do. She had powers.

Kieran made a stupid, split second decision. Kieran hid his gun in the back of his pants and then ran after her. It took a minute but he caught up with her. When he did he slid forward past her, spun, then stood in front of her with his arms crossed and smile on his face.

"Sooooo..I know you won't believe me, but I swear I will not hurt you. I mean....Yeah maybe I'm a tad upset you hit me with your power and don't say you didn't. You were the only one running away. But if you wanna stay alive you need to listen to me."

Lucy inhaled as the man moved in front of her. She could see his features now that everything was not happening so fast. He was a lot taller than her. He had to be at least six feet. She wasn’t so sure she could hold her own against him but at least now she knew she could randomly bring a lightning bolt down from the heavens. His smile and crossed arms made him come off like a smug asshole but at least his gun wasn’t out.

She was a bit confused when he described what happened as a “power” but she supposed it made sense. This was so insane. Lucy took a deep breath and finally looked up at him, “Look I’m really sorry I hit you with the lightning bolt. I did not intend on it, I just got kind of freaked when I walked into that whole mess and it just happened on its own. “Lucy was quite pleased with herself for her steady voice and mature tone. She had thought she was going to start shaking and crying. “I’ll listen but I don’t really want any trouble, okay?” She took a nervous step back, trying to plan an emergency escape if need be.

Kieran took a step forward, then thought about it. This girl was freaking out and he didn't need her running again. Kieran uncrossed his arm and held his hands up in surrender.

"Ok look, I am not trying to scare you but long story short, I have powers too. I need you to understand, my powers are a lot more unstable. I need to learn how to control it, and you have powers and control them better than I can. "

Kieran coughed."So I need you to come with me. I can't say I want to get you to come with me using any means, but I won't. So if you come with me I will pay you."

"Today just keeps getting weirder and weirder..." Sebastian muttered to himself as he peaked out of an alley, carefully listening. First a dude with a gun pays him to torture someone, then he shoots a dude, and now there is a lightning girl. This was a little too interesting for him to pass up, so he decided to follow close behind. Half because of general interest, and half because he thought the guy might be going to kill the lightning girl. He might have been a bit of an odd guy, but he wasn't about to let someone get hurt when he can avoid it. He had wanted to diffuse the situation at the cafe but it seems he only made it more volatile. He just waited as he peaked out from the alley, ready to step in if it seemed like something might happen. He wasn't sure what he could actually do, but it was still worth a try.

“Ah.”Lucy said simply with a slow nod. She wasn’t sure how to react. She didn’t know what she had previously thought but she had not entertained the idea of other people like her. This really felt like some kind of movie or something.“Come with you?”She repeated incredulously, “Come with you where?” She folded her arms now, starting to get a bit annoyed. “Do you realize you just shot someone in a coffee shop? Hard for me to just say ‘oh, sure, I’ll follow you into the oblivion,’ here you know?” Realizing she was starting to get real sassy, she spoke once more, changing her tone, “I don’t think I can teach you how to control them. I don’t even know what’s going on with myself. The lightning bolt was an accident.”

Kieran groaned and wiped his forehead.

"Yes I killed him but did I mention I work for the government? Also he was a criminal, so more than likely I just saved some stupid teenager by killing the man who would have sold them bad drugs!""

Kieran took a step forward, hands still up as if he was surrendering.

"Look I want to take us to a CIA safehouse that's all, nowhere out of the way. But also don't forget, people saw me shoot a guy but they saw you throw a lightning bolt. I think people will be more interested in seeing you than me."

At that moment, Kieran started noticing his surroundings again. Kieran saw people, on the other side of the street, with phones out taking photos and making videos of him and Lucy.

"Ok look, my name is Kieran, and I would really appreciate it if we could make a decision about what we are going to do now."

"You... work for the government."Lucy said slowly with confusion. "Last time I checked, drug dealing didn't warrant a death sentence."At least he seemed eager to show he wasn't going to hurt her since he kept putting his hands up. She wasn't so sure she could trust him though. However, he did have a valid point. She had put on quite the spectacle. She followed his gaze, the sounds of cameras filling the air. They were both in a lot of trouble. She had a feeling no matter what she did, she was going to end up in even more trouble. Regretfully, she finally said, "Okay let's get out of here fast."

"Cool, where are we going?" Sebastian says as he rounds the corner and makes his way over to the duo. He was interested in this whole power thing, but as far as he knew he didn't have a power. But he was confident, and that was enough. "You guys both have powers right? I have one too." He cracked his fingers as he made his way past. He was about to bend the truth a little, but hey if they didn't know. "I have the power of luck. Sounds dumb I know, but I can explain it properly once we get to your little safehouse." The power of luck was a bit of a silly idea, but it seemed like a power he might be able to lie his way through if he needed to. So he smiled and gestured out towards the street. "Lead the way." He didn't quite trust the guy yet, and if she had just agreed to go with him then that could end badly. Call it a spur of the moment decision, but he decided to try and tag along.

Lucy glanced at the newcomer with surprise. Where the hell did he come from? She thought about it for a moment and realized she recalled seeing him in the coffee shop. She didn’t trust any of these people but she decided if they had superpowers too, it was better to be on good terms with everyone. “Oh hi there.”She greeted him, “Nice of you to join us.”

Kieran looked at the new man, a sudden flash of anger passed through his eyes. It took him a moment but he calmed down. Kieran groaned and scratched the back of his head.

"Fine whatever man. Just follow us and don't slow us down."

Kieran grabbed Lucy's hand and patted Sebastian's shoulder and lead them both away, forward the way he was facing and towards the safehouse.

Kieran could have dragged them directly to the house much quicker, but he decided to air on the side of caution. Kieran took alley ways, went behind stores, and never slowed down. Finally, they reached their destination. The CIA safehouse was a large apartment, right above a night club. The apartement looked like an art studio.

"Here we are, home sweet CIA home."

Lucy glanced around the apartment once there. It was actually quite nice. "It's got a nice modern feel to it." She commented. Anxiously, she began pacing around the place. What the hell was she doing with these people? She had really messed up getting involved with that whole coffee shop craziness. She realized then that she hadn't even called out of work and went to, taking out her phone. It only took a second or two for it to set in that it was out of the question. She had to stay in hiding now. There wasn't much to do other than stay on the good side of these people. One had already shown he wasn't afraid to kill.

She turned to the two at some point, stealing a glance toward the kitchen. "You guys hungry? I can make some breakfast. It's the least I can do for hurting you."

Kieran chuckled and walked over to the work desk on the other side of the front door. He set the laptop down and took it out of the bag.

"Yeah sure thanks. I am not sure how much food we have but feel free to do whatever. You're not my prisoner."

Kieran then realized something.

"I will need you to stay out of the attic though."

Kieran turned his head and watched as Sebastian did his own thing. Asshole. This guy talked too much and he could pretty much guess he lied, but it didn't matter anyways. He could just pay him off.

"Starving, I would love something to eat" Sebastian said, his eyes lightning up at the concept of finally getting to eat. It had been close to 30 hours at this point, so he was understandably pretty dam hungry. But, he realized that he had yet to actually introduce himself yet.

"Oh, and my name is Sebastian. What with all the gunshots and lightning and running, I didn't get a chance to introduce myself yet" He draped himself over the couch as he inspected the room. It was much better than his place, so he didn't mind chilling here for now. But the man peaked his interests when he mentioned the attic."An oddly specific thing to mention. But since we are all here, we might as well have get to know each other. So you are a government agent and we have Miss Lightning Rod as well. Some names might be better than any nicknames I could come up with." He smiled and rolled around on the couch for a moment, before sitting up. He was rather interested to hear who these people actually were, especially Mr Government Assassin or whatever he was.

Luke....Braxton had an interesting day. There was no other way to word how the day had transpired. Ever since his acid trip during the "End of the world" with planes raining from the sky, and lightning bolts striking people he didn't think things could get weirder. First super powers, and then today meeting someone else with powers. He had just got back to his apartment, he was glad to have Alan on his side. Of course he didn't really know what he was thinking he was the first person he ran into whose mind he couldn't enter and that's why he was quick to strike up a partnership with him.

Just as he got back he remembered he tossed his scale in the trash, he wouldn't need it if he was selling strictly ounces anyway. He sighed going over to his desk to grab his bong, stuff it with weed, and took a few throat killing hits. "Fuck....-cough- this - cough- shit -cough- is good." Luke said letting the high start to settle in from the rips. Man fuck this I do not feel like smoking by myself right now, and Tamara said we ain't smoking hmm.... He took out his phone to start grazing through some recent contacts of who he didn't mind smoking with and stopped above a name. Yeah that weather lady...Lucy..shit..how about it..she's hot, doesn't even smoke that much, and isn't connected to any of the crazy shit going on in my life. The craziest thing that probably happens to her is she gets the weather wrong sometimes. He pressed her name and texted her asking if she was down for a smoke stating he had a stressful day, and didn't really want to smoke by himself. He wasn't usually willing to give away free weed, but smoking alone got tiresome and today was too much.

Lucy turned toward the fridge to hide the face she was making in response to him telling them not to go to the attic. She didn't even want to know what was up there at this point. She glanced over at the other guy, who had just told them his name."My name is Lucy. Nice to meet you." She told him as she rummaged for something edible. She finally found some pancake mix in the cabinet and began to prepare it as a million thoughts raced through her mind. She was trying to figure out the sensible thing to do in this situation when a text made the phone in her purse vibrate. She took it off her shoulder and glanced at the phone. Now more than ever was she stressed enough to smoke again but she knew that should be the last thing on her mind right now. She doubted this guy wanted her bringing a drug dealer inside his house while there was so much attention on them right now. Though, it would be really nice to have a friend to talk about this.

Heyyy luke. I'm having the weirdest day right now and that sounds so great but I don't know if I can right now. I'll let you know. She texted him then continued making the pancakes. She also cooked up some bacon and set three plates and pushed two plates to the other side of the table. "Food is good." She told them then glanced at Kieran, "So I'm guessing sneaking a friend over or around this apartment would be off limits to you?"

Kieran took a moment to look up from where he was sitting, working on the only slightly damaged laptop. Kieran looked at Lucy. Looking at her, he could feel how uncomfortable she was and how hopeless the situation seemed to her.Then he thought about how normal people would be reacting. She seemed so strong now to him. Strong, both mentally and physically, and how she seemed to glow while trying to stay calm......

"Nah you aren't my prisoner, like I said earlier. Wanna bring a friend over do it. Just don't say this is a safe house."

Kieran coughed then went back to working on the laptop. Then he had an idea.

"Actually if you know a tech guy, invite him over too. I need some info off this laptop and its slightly.....wet."

Luke was impatient, even when he was high and right now TV wasn't really interesting to him. He was about to just forget it when the phone buzzed and read the message on his phone and rolled his eyes. She thinks she had a weird day, I just met a guy who can shoot lightning what the fuck could be weirder..whatever. Luke decided to get those thoughts out of his head as he read what she'd said. He went over to his stash house and grabbed a decent sized amount of nug and wrapped it in a plastic bag. He decided to text her back.

Trust me, I can bet 100 dollars my day has been way stranger then yours. But shit ain't no better way to deal with a crazy ass day then a blunt or two. Trust me..and you already know my shit's A1. Just let me know if I can pull up I'm about to be driving around anyway. Luke shot the text back to her, then went out his car again. He decided his first stop would be the gas station so he could grab some rellos, and a nice cold drink or two. Cottonmouth was annoying, and he was determined not to deal with it. "Man I hope ole girl text me back..she really is cute." He said aloud as he made his way to the gas station, either way once he got high enough hopefully he could just relax and maybe amuse himself by reading some minds.

"Thank you!" Sebastian said, rather excitedly as he scoffed down the pancakes. It only took him about a minute to devour the entire plate, and he let out a big sigh as he leaned back in his chair. Finally getting to eat was the best feeling. He glanced at his two new 'friends' for a moment. Lucy seemed nice enough, she was polite and seemed rather calm considering the situation.He could swear he had seen her before, but couldn't pick where it would have been. She didn't seem the type to hang around people he knew, but he put those thoughts aside for a moment to focus on Mr Government. Ignoring people was rather rude, even for a government hired killer. So, Sebastian decided to do what he did best.

"More friends are joining us? That should be fun" He said as he stood up and made his way to the other side of the room. "But do we have enough space? I don't know I feel like we should move to another room or something. You mentioned an attic didn't you" He looked around and spotted what could have been the entrance. He stood near it with a bit of a cheeky grin. "What do you say, Mr Government?"

Lucy stared at Kieran with surprise. She had not expected him to agree to that. "Well okay. No problem, Sebastian." She replied and began texting Luke the address and told him to come to the back. She ate her food hungrily, realizing how starving she had been. She didn't even glance up when Sebastian started talking until he mentioned the attic. "He's probably got dead bodies up there so I don't think anyone's going to like the smell very much." It was an educated guess considering she had seen him kill before without any guilt and she figured what else would a killer keep in his attic?

"Ayeee she hit me with the addy!!!!" Luke said as he started dancing behind the wheel happy, just as he was pulling out of the gas station. I mean who wouldn't wanna cool it with Luke Braxton, duhhh He eased his former panic brushing it away with his familiar ego. He drove around and ended up parking behind a night club looking up at the apartment above it." Damn...telling the weather..and she can afford this, maybe I got the wrong major. Man fuck that thats why I move good gas." He got out the car pocketing his rellos a pack of tropical mint dutches, and some game greens. He decided to gut open a rello, and take out some marijuana to roll up a blunt before he went inside. He made his way up to the apartment and just opened the door walking in." Ayeee wassup Lucy!!! The best dealer in the A at your services." He shut the door behind him only to see there were two other people in the room he didn't know but he'd just announced he was a dealer.with a blunt in his hand." Shiit..didn't know you had company."He said noting the other people he didn't really want all these heads on his blunt, but he had more then enough weed.

Luke was a little high so he didn't even care, as he took out his lighter and sparked his own blunt taking a drag of his reefer stick as he walked over to the group. " Oh shit! Ya'll got food" He said seeing Kieran's plate and that he hadn't touched it. He took a few hits and passed it to Lucy as he stepped down grabbing a piece of bacon and wolfing it down then biting into the pancakes." Damn these good, ya'll got syrup?!!

Kieran felt the lower part of his back and felt the cold steel of his pistol. Judging from the sound of the man's voice and the echo he could easily kill this man without looking. But...Kieran moved his hand and pushed himself up. Kieran turned around and leaned against the desk.

"Shit bruh we ain't the fuckin 5-0. Name's Kyle Stenson. This is my crib."

Kieran looked at Sebastian.

"Dumbass, show my man the place and get some grams for me."

Kieran turned around, squatted down, and open the safe under the desk. He pulled out a hundred dollar bill, closed the safe, and handed it to Sebastian.

"Let him keep the change, and don't lie to me and say you will then take it bruh. I hate liars."

Kieran patted Sebastian on the back then sat down at the desk and continued to work on the laptop.

For a moment Sebastian was absolutely speechless. First a guy came in talking about weed, which wasn't all that odd for him. Most of the people in his apartment building took a hell of a lot of drugs, but for Mr Government to all of a sudden say that was a little strange.

"Uhh, well... Wait what?" He usually didn't get caught off guard that bad, but every now and then even he got surprised. He made his way over and handed the note to the newcomer. "Here you are Mr Best Dealer in the A sir" He said in a timid voice as he handed him the note. "It's excellent to make your acquaintance" He really didn't know what was going on, but he could almost gather that the Governor had put some kind of act on. It seemed like it might be fun to try out, so he decided to act a little more timid than usual. He made his way back over to his chair and sat down, trying not to think too think too hard about the situation.

Lucy looked up as Luke came into the room and made a sound as she suppressed a laugh. He was a lot more in a good mood than all of the rest of them were. "Heyyy! Sorry I should have mentioned I wasn't at home." She said and passed him the syrup as he started eating. "He's got his priorities straight."She informed the rest of them. She took a couple hits once Luke had passed her the blunt then glared at Kieran, "Hey! No one likes a meanie. You're gonna hurt Sebastian's feelings. For all you know he's a sensitive soul."

Funny enough, Kieran started putting on some bullshit act. She bit her lip as she recalled he had a disliking for drug dealers. She moved over to Kieran and leaned over to whisper in his ear, "If anyone else gets hurt, we're going to have an issue." Normally, Lucy didn't threaten people or ever start fights. Her parents would actually be quite surprised at this whole scenario: Lucy getting high with a bunch of dudes in some random ass apartment. It definitely wasn't a parent's dream come true. However, she knew that the guy had admitted he couldn't control his powers. She technically couldn't to a serious extent but she knew that he knew she could do him some damage and as long as she was around, there weren't going to be more dead bodies.

Luke raised his eyebrows as Kieran began speaking in a way that certainly didn't fit him. He briefly scanned some of his surface thoughts and picked up he was lying. He only wanted to hear anything about being a narc and nothing popped up so that was enough probing for him. Guy's a fucking character, you ain't gotta act black just cuz I pop up, the fuck..whatever....he just slid me a hundo, he can act like Barney for all I care.. I ain't even planned on getting paid just goes shits going my way. Luke didn't care what the guy had to prove as long as he wasn't an under cover cop. He took out the rest of the weed he had on the table, and placed the rellos next to them.

"Ayeee good looks." He said in response to the syrup which he drenched his pancakes in, before going to wolf them down. "Daaaaamn who made these gahh damn these pancakes fucking banging! Taste better then my mama's." He said maybe it was the weed, but even then the food was still good. "But aye its all good, I ain't even tripping I just wanted to get outta my house. He was interested in knowing what Lucy was thinking more then anyone else in the apartment. "But aye listen." He said as he accepted the blunt back from her and took a long ass hit followed by another then coughed a few times. "You wanna talk about weird huh, my day has been fucking strange, like you wouldn't believe." He said taking a couple more hits before passing it back to Lucy. The weed was starting to creep up on him as he started to laugh a bit thinking about how his whole day had went. However some of her surface thoughts caused him to raise an eyebrow. He can't control his powers like I can, what the fuck...ah hell naw..this gotta be the weed...fucking with my head..no fucking way. I mean I came here to get away from this shit

Luke didn't know what to think, but then heard another thought about no more dead bodies and figured he would say something. "So get this right..I'm sitting in my crib chilling ya know, doing homework and shit, I decide Imma quit selling focus on school and shit, but you know whats really got me tripping..I mean ...damn it honestly sounds crazy you wouldn't fucking believe me. But dead ass..for the past two weeks...shits been weird..like I can read people's minds, like this shit crazy ain't it." Luke just laughed even more the whole conversation sounded ridiculous but he wanted to see what Lucy would say about that if anything maybe the weed was fucking with his powers.

Kieran reached over and gently placed a hand on Lucy's arm. He stood up, leaned forward, and whispered into Lucy's ear.

"You certainly are brave. Good. You will need to be. I give you my word, no unnecessary deaths will take place so long as you are in my company. I won't kill this man, specifically, if that is what you are worried about at the moment."

Kieran let go of Lucy and smiled, as sincere as he could. This was...hard for him, having to be social and not put on an act. It would be easier to just lie but there isn't any point really. Lucy was a good person, in his mind.

Kieran sat back down, but when Luke began speaking, he turned his attention to him, swinging around in his chair and looking at him. Reading minds? Shit that is a nightmare for people like himself. What are the odds, more people with powers. Kieran chuckled and clapped once.

"Yo dawg I gotta tell you man that straight up sounds fuckin' crazy. You sure you ain't just too high bro?"

Lucy glanced sideways at Kieran as he spoke. She still did not trust him but he seemed genuine enough with what he said. She turned back to face Luke, walking back over to sit down as he spoke. He had a power too? God, it was like the X-Men were forming. What the hell was going on? She laughed in reply to what he said and asked, "That's crazy. What am I thinking about then?" It wasn't the craziest thing she had witnessed so far.. Being able to change the weather for the past two weeks and bring down lightning where she so pleased was crazy. Nonetheless, if he could really read minds, it would be pretty useful and cool. She realized if he could read minds, then he would know the truth. She sighed and stressfully began twirling a lock of her hair. This was complete insanity.

Luke raised an eyebrow as he saw Kieran come over to Lucy and put a hand on her arm, wondering if they were together, but he didn't get the vibe. No way she'd be banging this weirdo he thought. Then again bruh might be cashed out, the dude he called dumb ass def don't own this shit otherwise he wouldn't let him talk down on him in his own crib. Fuck I hate when I get too high and start thinking about shit.

More people with powers that's a thought he heard from Kieran's mind and rolled his eyes. Don't tell me this motherfucker has powers....he straight up denying the shit and I really wanna believe him.. Luke thought to himself as he decided not to pick at Kieran's head he just had a feeling he didn't want to go snooping around there. "Yeah it fucking sounds crazy but it ain't look my dude. I thought I was fucking crazy, but then I ran into a homie of mine..this dude can fucking shoot electricity out his fucking hands, this dude is fucking Electro, like man shits wild, I thought I was the only mother fucker out here..and..now I'm running into other people..some brazy shit B. "He shook his head and turned his attention back to Lucy. "Hmmm what are you thinking..besides..that maybe we should go out..lemme say." He said jokingly as he peered into his mind to see what she was thinking and frowned." Man what the fuck..you can control the weather..that's it..man I thought I was fucking fye....that shit is dope, this shit is complete insanity ain't it." He said echoing her thoughts unless she was fucking crazy she genuinely was the real life Storm. Damn sexy, a good job, and super powered, that's a bad bitch. "Aye you...over there you looking a little stressed, smoke this blunt with us. " Luke said unknowingly using his powers of mind control on Sebastian implying he wanted to Lucy to pass it to Sebastian after she got done hitting it this rotation.

Sebastian sat and quietly watched the scene unfold in front of him. The guy seemed to be pretty stressed, but when he started talking about superpowers, Sebastian dropped his little act and became rather invested in the conversation. So he had met someone with some kind of electricity power, and he could read minds. Sounded a little crazy, but he had seen someone strike someone with a lightning bolt so he was open to a lot more things today. He couldn't help but laugh as he started talking about Lucy's power though.

"You can actually read minds," He let out a sigh before the man actually addressed him for a moment. He was about to say no when he suddenly felt a strange compulsion to do it. He took the blunt from Lucy and took a drag, coughing a little as he breathed out. It had been a few years since he had touched the stuff so it was a little abrasive to pick it back up. But he couldn't figure out why he would want to smoke the stuff though, he quit it for a reason. He let out a sigh as he offered it to Mr Government "Why don't you join us. After all, you paid for it. So go ahead 'Kyle'" He gave him a bit of an cheeky smile as he held it out to him. His little act was impressive, but how would he go about dealing with this?

Kieran displayed a confidence that many would not share in his situation. He had never smoked before, but he knew ways around this. Kieran reached over and took the blunt from Sebastian. He held it in his hand between his fingers and smiled at Sebastian.

"Thanks bruh. Bout time you be handing me something real huh?"

Kieran put the blunt up to his mouth, and took a hit. He did not let the smoke settle, nor did he sputter no matter how bad the burning in his neck was. It wasn't too bad but it was there. Kieran breathed out his nose, spewing the smoke into Sebastian's face. Then Kieran shared a little chuckle.

"Damn bruh thats some dank shit. You want some more man?"

Kieran offered the blunt back to Lucy.

"Damn."Lucy said simply. He really could read minds after all. She still couldn't make sense of anything, deciding this was a dream or she was on some crazy acid trip somehow. She took the blunt when offered it and took some more hits, coughing a bit in-between. She handed it off to Sebastian. They might as well just enjoy themselves because she was sure as hell they were all doomed. She started laughing for no reason at all. She thought maybe she was laughing at their insane situation but she didn't know. "We're all so fucked oh my God."She told them, laughing hysterically. She took it again when Kieran offered and then gave it back to Luke. "What the hell are we all going to do? The government is going to shove us in a laboratory or something like in the movies."

Luke accepted the blunt with glee and took a couple long hardy draws settling into his high and just laughing. While he had been on edge about Kieran now that his eyes were red and lower he found him hilarious."Hahahahahahahahahahaha," Luke said as as he slapped his knee still laughing." Gaaaah damn bruh you are a motherfucking character, like honestly the funniest motherfucker in the room." He said struggling to catch his breath and stop laughing." I can't lie the act..kinda weird..I mean..you def don't sound like that, ya name probably not Kyle, but whatever B, you do you. Ion got nun against acting ya digg, I fuck with Chris Tucker." He said that didn't really make much sense but whatever. This morning he woke up thinking he was special, and now he'd ran into multiple powers with powers this was crazy.

"I can actually read minds B, guess you got a power too, everyone in this room probably got a fucking super power." Luke laughed even harder as he heard Lucy's thoughts." Ya know haha..the craziest shit...remember that weird ass storm two weeks back...you think this is a trip, I was legit tripping on some acid when that shit happened like I thought I was tripping, then I started hearing voices right after..thought Lucy fucked me up. "Man fuck the Government, they always wanna tell a brother what to do ya know. I say fuck that shit, this ain't X Men ya digg, like if these folks come up at me on some dumb shit or any of us with powers we gotta stick together, and put em in they place, I'm tired of the Feds thinking they can push different people around." Luke got super serious for a moment then chuckled he wasn't talking about oppressed minorities but people with powers. However as Lucy spoke he heard some of her thoughts and froze then shook his head laughing even though he didn't want too, taking another hit as he listened to her head." Girl.....you tripping forreal,so I ain't trying to just stick around in your head but you hit this fool with lightning in broad daylight, and you been on TV changing the weather..so yo ass the reason it was snowing then sunny as hell the next day, and raining the next" He sighed passing the blunt to Sebastian." High key you should take me to your job, and I should jedi mind trick your people's to forget about the shit you did..do something..you ain't lying sooner or later the feds gonna do something about this..about us."

Sebastian gave 'Kyle' a bit of a confused look as he handed the blunt to Lucy. He had expected a much different reaction, after all he didn't seem the type to actually join in. But if he decided to actually relax a little that might make it easier for Sebastian to catch him off guard later. Not that he would try to hurt him, but get him to trip up and maybe even say his real name. But he decided not to focus quite as much on it, and to just relax a little more

Sebastian laughed along with Lucy, it seemed like the plot to some video game or something. But here he was having lied to everyone about having a power. He was pretty safe to be honest, but that did get him thinking. As people people kept talking, he retrieved the coin that he had used earlier today. He thought to himself Heads and flipped the coin. It landed on heads. So he tried it again, this time was tails. And it landed on tails. He kept going through their whole conversation, getting progressively more and more freaked out as he went. Every single flip he had called correctly, he hadn't gotten a single one wrong. So he decided to try something else. He grabbed a piece of paper from his pocket and scrunched it up before closing his eyes. He didn't know where the bin was, but he wanted to see if this worked. He picked a random direction and threw it, opening his eyes as he did. It sailed through the air and landed into the bin that was placed near the kitchen. He sat and looked at his hands for a moment before speaking up.

"Hey, this might sound weird, but I think I have a superpower" He said looking up at the group with a rather excited look on his face. "I think I can like guess stuff or something. Like seeing the future! Or something" He had totally forgotten about his 'lie' earlier today that he conveniently used to go along with them in the first place. He took the blunt from Luke and took another hit, passing it back to Mr Government.

Kieran watched Sebastian as he spoke, and decided that now he was telling the truth. It was the little things, his eye twitch, his mouth quivering. Kieran could also just......well he had a feeling. Plus people were bad liars high. Kieran put his hand up to decline the blunt.

"Thanks man I am good. I actually, now that I think about it you guys need beds and shit. And clothes. Ok well I will be back..........um Lucy. I don't really know how to say this but are you gonna need clothes? Like more clothes? Whatever if you want something specific you need to come with me, if not ill do my best not get something that doesn't fit for you. Luke, Sebastian, make yourself at home."

Kieran stood up, grabbed his wallet and phone from the desk, and walked towards the door.

"Yeah we can try doing that but I dunno if it's pointless now." Lucy told Luke with a sigh. [/color=lightcoral]"I know but it's not my fault! I was just trying to get some coffee and this dude's shooting up a coffee shop!"[/color]She exclaimed and gestured accusingly at Kieran."I don't know what his problem is but he ruined my fucking morning... Just kidding he aiight he let me eat his food so it's all good in the hood." She tiredly looked at Sebastian as he fiddled with a piece of paper and threw it in the bin like kids used to do in high school. Lucy wasn't sure how he got it in with his eyes closed but he seemed to explain it."Didn't you say your power was luck or something? I mean that would make more sense than a psychic being able to chuck paper balls in the garbage."

Lucy stood up and went to the fridge, taking out some nachos. She always got the munchies when she was high. She also noticed she was a lot more talkative. She snacked on a few, looking at Kieran. "So you mean I can't go back to my house and get stuff?"She paused for a moment, realizing the question was dumb. Of course she couldn't. "Crap. Ugh. It's fine for now if you got a really large shirt or something I can sleep in tonight that would be great though. I'll go buy some more tomorrow. I can just sleep on the couch or something I don't care."

Luke just shook his head at Sebastian he was interesting, apparently he lied about having powers to tag along. You don't gotta lie to kick it He found this amusing but based off what he saw he figured he might have a power luck manipulation or whatever seemed to fit what he had going for him "Shit you probably do, how about you just go around and fuck around to see what you can do my dude trust me it's fun. Here take this this will make the whole experience way more fun." Luke offered him a suggestion he genuinely thought his power seemed cool, and right now he wasn't in the market to make super powered enemies of any sort.He reached into his pocket, and tossed out a weed cookie wrapped in a plastic baggie tossing it to Sebastian before turning his attention to Lucy.

"Shit yo never know..nothing ain't never too pointless ya know. But look how bout this Storm, forget about what happened earlier, how about me and you go downtown grab some coffee on me? Shits bound to be fun, we can mess around with our powers high, get hellaaaaa food, and shit who knows maybe even hit the mall." He forget about the last two pieces of bacon on Kieran's plate, and wolfed them down as he saw Lucy munching on some nachos." So whadda say let's go." He offered the super powered weather reporter as he took a few more hits from the blunt then put out the marijuana roach.

Kieran shrugged and walked out the door lazily, but as soon as the door shut behind him and he was down the stairs, Kieran stood up straight, walked normally, and moved with a purpose. What the others didn't know was that he was able to retrieve important bits off the harddrive of the laptop, and actually was able to read a bit before the laptop shorted out and died for real. He read enough to be able to make his next move.

Lucy glanced at Luke. If it had been a different point in time, she'd probably go. However, she knew it was dangerous to be seen by anyone and especially with someone else. They'd be associated with her and then put in danger as well. "Luke it's a super bad idea. Too many eyes on me right now... Sorry." She tiredly made her way over to the couch and laid on it. "I probably sound kinda paranoid but someone just got shot in front of me this morning so I'm wigged out." She glanced over her shoulder, watching Kieran suddenly stand up and leave. "Okay bye then?"
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kieran Hishamie

Kieran walked for a very short amount of time, it wasn't as if the studio was in a great neighborhood. Not a horrible but close enough. Kieran walked to an average looking house, nothing about it would be special to an average person. But what normal people didnt see was the signature markings that marked house property of espionage agents.

Kieran snuck by the side of the house, and peered through a window. Inside it looked dirty, old, abandoned. But Kieran knew better. Kieran snuck into the back yard by hopping the fence, and scaled the house to the roof. Kieran walked over, and dropped down through the chimney. Kieran landed with a thud, and he knew it was heard through the house. Kieran rolled the moment he hit the ground and hid behind a chair. Suddenly the room was filled with four men, armed with guns and dressed in black.

Kieran acted fast, as soon as one came within reach he swept the legs and stomped on the mans gut. He kicked off, then tackled the second man to the ground. Kieran pulled out the handgun hidden in the back of his pants, the quickshotted the third man. Kieran narrowly missed a bullet shot by the fourth man by swinging around in a circle then quick shotting the fourth man. Kieran put a gun to the second mans head.

"I will give you one chance. I had digital files that led me here, had me looking for the sixth house down this street marked by secret espionage markings. NOW FUCKING TELL ME WHERE THE GODDAMN FILES ARE."

"I-I-I dont know! I swear! I dont know what your talking about!"

"Dont lie to me! Has your team recieved any strange packages over the last two days?"

The mans eyes went sideways towards a cabinet on the other side of the dining room. Kieran tracked his eyes, saw what the man was looking at, then looked back. Kieran smiled and pistol whipped the man rendering him unconscious. Kieran hid his weapon again, then walked over to where the cabinet was. He opened it and felt around the inside feeling the fake bottom. Kieran removed it and took out a small metal box. Kieran opened it and took out a small flashdrive.

Kieran was suprised. He had expected papers, but this is just as good. But now was not the time to dwaddle. Kieran pocketed the flashdrive, then calmy went to work in the house. It took him about a half an hour, but he was able to wipe all his prints. When he was satisfied he left the house, on to his next destination.

Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Agent Woods
"An explosion, leaving an unidentified victim dead..."

"...They've both been tested to see if they were drugged but after testing clean they both cling to their stories of their Super strong thug."

"A shooting at the cafe, Populi ex Machina..."

"...woman brutally murdered in her own home."

"Police are investigating..."

Cori Woods stared at the screens in front of her, clicking between news videos and articles. She shook her head in disbelief as she went over the information at her hands again. Multiple stacks of folders sat next to her desk, fresh but cluttered. It wasn't long ago that she got permission to put together a team of investigative agents to conduct research, and what they think they found was absolutely bizarre. Her gaze wandered to the stacks, recalling the cases: a man who could supposedly summon flames, small women lifting buses well over their heads, 85° weather in the middle of winter... The cases were few enough considering their global scale, but they were literally unbelievable and she struggled to find the hard evidence she needed to figure out what exactly was happening to the world.

"Cori, your office. I've never seen it like this..."

Red eyes darted up from the papers and laptops in front of the fair woman, eyebrows raised at the disturbance. Then around at the mess that had become the office, it was true: her coat and jacket had been hastily taken off, not even making it to the small rack. There were multiple empty mugs on the desk. The lights weren't even on until the assistant flicked them on, causing the woman winced. Agent Cori Woods sat up, neck cracking as she rolled her head and shoulders. "I've been focused on other things," she explained before taking a long gulp of black coffee. Her employee, a younger man, stood awkwardly, waiting for the agent to prompt him with a question. She complied, but not without an impatient roll of her eyes and a tone to match. "What is it, Raymond?"

He nodded and looked down at the notes. He hesitated with his words, drawing interest from Cori as she narrowed her eyes at him. "Sorry to interrupt you with this, but, the jay has the worm." It was a cheesy, plain message, and he was at least aware that it was somewhat coded.

Cori's reaction was immediate, and she stood to gather her phone and finish her coffee before even speaking. The mug was slapped down among the empty ones. The laptops were snapped shot and the files closed, and she spoke as she trotted over to gather her coat and guns and wallet. "I don't think I have anything going on today, but if I do, please cancel it. I'll be out for the rest of the day. Tell no one about that phone call--especially my father." She couldn't whistle blow for nothing--but once she had these documents, she was confident they would carry her a few more ranks higher than she already was. "And get rid of those mugs, would you, please? Lock the door behind you."

Raymond blinked as she snatched the clipboard from his hand, then stared at the desk in dismay.

At the park...
The park was an easy walk away from Cori's office. It wasn't uncommon for her to take a lunch break at the park, and she had wanted a place that wouldn't be too unique for her. Sunglasses covered her eyes, of course, as they darted about, looking for anyone who seemed out of place. She had contacted a party who had contacted a party who...may have contacted yet another company before choosing a guy. After the mistake named Zane Colch, the guilt had been weighing down on her shoulders. So she had went out of her way to hire someone who could definitely do the job--and maybe the subconscious part of her went in this direction so she wouldn't feel that same guilt if they failed. And now, it was about to pay off.

The woman sat a park bench, brief case in her lap. Her fingers tapped along the top impatiently, her eyes flickering about through the sunglasses. She knew she would be spotted before she spotted the contact, and she couldn't deny the uneasiness as it set it. I'm early, she thought, peering down at her watch. Relax. Cori took a long, deep breath, her pale fingers slowing to a rest on the case. You'll get the data, maybe some extra intel from the contact, and you'll be fine. With a lick of her lips, she nodded to herself, taking on her usual posture: shoulders back, chin up, legs crossed, and still...
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