Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Harry Foltross "Creed"
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: High Ranking Coalition Agent


-Expert in hand to hand combat: Harry's had years of formal training in martial arts of various kinds, and is someone who is extremely proficient when it comes to fighting. He's good on both the offensive and defensive, and is capable of taking more then a few hits.

-Weapon Proficiency: Having served in the military as well as working in the Coalition he's very adept at using numerous weapons ranging from standard guns to RPG's.

-Strategist: Never one to just walk into a scenario without proper briefing. He's extremely intelligent, and is referred. to by his co-workers as the man with a plan. He's never one to rush into situations without proper planning and consideration of what's going on, and all the factors at play.

-Bi-lingual: He's proficient in English, and Spanish. He also somewhat decent with speaking mandarin as well, but he's nowhere near fluent in that language.


-Obsessive: Harry can be extremely obsessive when it comes to achieving one of his goals or in the pursuit of anything he thinks he needs. He will loose sleep, be unable to turn his attention to other projects, and be extremely dismissive of others around him when he's in he height of his obsessive behaviors. He's also somewhat obsessive compulsive and can be seen constantly checking doors again, repeatedly checking on updates on his phone or status updates from Coalition projects to pass time.

Power: None, regular human.

Personality: Harry is a man who's all about business, and has little room in his hand for things of a playful nature. He has an extremely serious demenour, and likes to surround himself with like minded people. He's very mission oriented, and can't stand being stagnant. He's an extreme workaholic, and considers his occupation his life. He's very pessimistic about many things in life including romantic relationships due to negative experiences in the past, and despite this he's extremely dedicated to the preservation of life. He's loyal to a fault, and considers betrayal to be a trait of the weak-minded. He believes ends justify the means but only to a certain extent and believes those that cross the line to often are evil or terrorist in nature. Due to his unwavering stances and sticking to his code he's been nicknamed "Creed" during his tenure int he military, and has retained that nick-name even after his service was completed.

History: Harry Foltross was born in Germany into a military family, and spend most of his child-hood moving from place to place so he never formed and maintained long lasting relationships with anybody. His mother died when he was young from illness, and his father buried himself in his work leaving him to fend for himself. Still despite his father being distant he was his role model, and he wanted to be just like him. He had a strong sense of justice and duty growing up. Upon getting to high school he joined ROTC, and after high school opted to join the military to be just like his father. He was noted for his brutality, and ended up doing work in Black Ops which lead to him developing a pessimistic view about humanity, and the evil they were capable of.

Still he was dedicated to the United States just like his father was, and after the military took advantage of his free education by going to get a bachelor's degree in exercise science. Upon completing that he did work as a personal trainer before opening up his own personal training business, and devoting his free time to studying martial arts and reading about military and government operations. He was approached several times to work in the FBI and CIA but turned that down in favor of running his business. It wasn't until he faced extreme economic hardship that resulted in his business failing that he opted to change his career. Around this time his father was also killed by former enemies seeking vengeance on him from his time in the military. He ended up going itno the security business, and from there was recruited into the Coalition where he was made aware of the impending alien threat. He worked with them to help stop the threat and rose up in the ranks of the organization to become one of their more high ranking agents.

He's extremely paranoid of the impending alien threat, and believes humanity should do everything in their power to unite if they have any chance of survival. He was one of the main people pushing to work on re-engieering the confiscated alien technology from the aliens, and as such feels a great responsibility in the incident that's lead to people gaining powers. He's made it his personal agenda to stay on top of things, and handle the new superhuman populace as well as work on figuring out a solution to save & unite humanity before the coming war.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Sam12435
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Sam12435 Triggering triggers me

Member Seen 5 mos ago


Name: Sebastian Stewart (Prefers the nickname ‘Seb’)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Religion: Athiest

Sexuality: Bisexual, open to a little bit of everything.

Occupation: ‘Professional Gambler’ – i.e. someone who spends all their time, and money, at a casino. His day job, which funds his adventures to the casino, is as a Taxi Driver.

Counting cards – Before he got his power he had to rely on tricks like counting cards to win in a casino. He got quite good at it, but took a break from the casino scene to avoid the broken legs he was fairly close to receiving. As a result, he is quite good at math, and running.

Confidence – Well calling this an ability is a little extreme, but he has a natural confidence that gets him through some of life’s stickier situations. He once talked his way out of an arranged marriage to a drug lord’s daughter. The only catch was that he had to transport a few questionable items into the country. A situation that he promptly talked his way through safe and sound.

Medical Knowledge – Despite his lack of interesting during his study, Sebastian was able to retain a fair bit of information. He has a good understanding of medicine, and is able to treat minor wounds. Some practice has made him rather good at fixing broken bones and gunshot wounds, even when the patient is himself.

Compulsive liar – Sebastian has a hard time determining the truth from the lies. Often finds himself confused as he struggles to remember the facts. This, coupled with a past of substance abuse makes for a strenuous grasp on reality.

Fears – His biggest fear is falling into his lies and forgetting who he really is. His other fears include bouncers, security cameras, large dogs and being caught cheating. Especially being caught cheating.

Physicality – Sebastian is an intellectual, focusing more on matters of the mind than matters of the flesh. To phrase it in a much more accurate sense, he is not strong. He isn't very fit either, which makes his daring escapes in the face of danger even more stressful.

Enemies – Sebastian has made a good number of friends that have some influence around the city’s underground. Unfortunately, he has made a far greater number of enemies. He often avoids walking around at night if he can, and generally sticks to more populated sections of the city. He has even had to relocate once when his apartment was introduced to a few Molotov cocktails.

Gambling Addiction – Well this goes without saying, he has a rather uncontrollable compulsion to gamble away his hard money.

Lady Luck – Lady luck seems to favour some above others. In Sebastian’s case, it would seem that she was somewhat of a stalker. His power is hard to define, and even harder to directly control. He can 'imbue' items or people with 'luck' to a degree, allowing them to do very lucky, or unlucky things. For example, he can touch a deck of cards and draw all four aces in a row, or touch a gun and cause it to misfire. His power is strictly limited to physical touch though, so he often has to get creative when it comes to dealing with a confrontation. There was one situation where his phone blocked a bullet from hitting his heart, but it still came pretty close to killing him. I guess it was pretty lucky he survived.

Personality: Some might call him eccentric. Others might call him a weirdo. But if you were to ask Sebastian, he would say that he was an amazing actor. Around people he considers his true friends, he is a bubbly man that is more than happy to help with any issues. He acts like himself, and expresses his love for things like classical music and fine art, but around people that he is unfamiliar with he becomes much more calculating. He will do whatever he can to appeal to a person, pretending to like things or to dislike things. But if someone is able to see past his demeanour he acts as he usually would, a happy go lucky young man without a care in the world.

History: Sebastian had the kind of life you might read about in a PSA about the dangers of drugs. He was a bright and friendly kid with loving and respectful parents. He was brought up in a good town and went to a prestigious high school, ready to make the transition into medical school to become a doctor. But it was when he moved out of home that his life started to slip. He fell in with the wrong crowd and started to stay out all night drinking and gambling away all his money. He was able to maintain his lifestyle, but it wasn’t long until one of his ‘friends’ introduced him to something a little more intense.

He started taking any drug he could get his hands on, though his particular favourite was cocaine. He began a spiral down into addiction, hatred and despair. Fast-forward a few years, and we are met with a very different man than the bright young boy that had left to start a promising medical career. Sebastian had dropped out of medical school, cut off all contact with his parents and started living in a run-down apartment surrounded by countless drug dealers and gangsters. On the bright side, he had given up the drugs. On the not so bright side, he had developed a small case of compulsive lying. But back on the bright side, he has a job as a taxi driver. It doesn’t pay too well but it covers the necessities like rent and bills. Food is optional, but he prefers to spend his money at the casino. These days he doesn’t have any people he would consider friends, more like people he would consider useful.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Luke Braxton

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Religion: Leaning between Christian & Agnostic

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Uber Driver/Lyft Driver


Talker/Manipulative - If there's one thing Luke can do it's talk. He's good at talking his way out of a situation, and has used this in several situations with police, teachers, juries, drug dealers, potential clients for his business, ect. He's always prided himself on his communication skills, and able to dance around people with words. He takes it a step farther by being extremely manipulative, and being great at using people until they no longer serve a purpose to him.

Focus: He's extremely driven when it comes to success, and is an extremly hard worker. Some have even labeled him a workaholic at times, for his dedication to making money.

Street Savy: He's extremely adept in the life of crime. He's been very successful at selling drugs over the years, and staying off the police's radar. He's also engaged in numerous other crimes including credit card fraud, extortion, blackmail, theft, but also has made a killing in applying his criminal talents to legal sales jobs.

Driver: He's an excellent driver, and is great on the roads. He's been driving since he was 13, and is great and has never had a car accident.


Loneliness: One of his biggest fears, and one he will hardly ever divulge to anyone. He does not enjoy being by himself for extended periods of time, and will surround himself with others whenever possible.

Paranoid: Hah! Paranoia is something that he's dealing with and not only when he's breaking down bricks of cocaine and bales of marijuana to be shipped across the city. He gets paranoid about certain things like whether his friends are plotting against him or are truly his friends, to if a teacher crossed him wrong on purpose or something.

Arrogance: This may be seen as a strength to some, but he will refuse to give up on his position no matter how much evidence is potrayed to show him in the wrong, and will even get infuriated at further attempts to get him to concede his point which can lead to him acting irrationally.

Greed: He's obsessed with money to the point that it's an unhealthy infatuation. He sees money as freedom, and has often been quoted saying he'd gladly sell his soul to the devil for 7 figures. Not only for money, he's greedy for everything but money is his primary love. He's greedy for the best women, the best cars, the best of everything, he wants the best of everything.

Faults(Tell me what really makes you human. Any fears, mental illness, or just what makes them not perfect ie problem with procrastination, substance abuse, inferiority complex ect)

Substance Abuse: He's always been prone to using drugs for one reason or another. At first for experimentation other times to cope with the stress of his hard life, and other times simply because he believes he deserves to be high or because the "Elite are all high" For whatever excuse he has he's always struggled with drugs. Although his primary drug of choice is marijuana, he chain smokes blunts like the average smoker does Marlboro's and Newports. Other drugs he commonly abuses along with his DOC include Cocaine, Percocet, Xanax, & Alcohol.

Power: Psionic Manipulation - He has the ability to manipulate psionic energy which grant him the ability of telepathy and telekinesis.

Personality: Luke is extremely self centered, and focused on his own goals and success in life. He places value on money, and other materialistic items above people. He has an extremely pessimistic view of most people, although he does have a few people in his life whom he is close to and actually cares for although not as much as himself. He enjoys making money, and has a drive for success despite some of his numerous faults such as being high almost all the time or half the time when he's busy. He has no problem with crime or violence believing anything is necessary, and justifies that behavior by believing God didn't give him the tools to do anything better with his life. He is extremely dismissive of anyone who tries to tell him otherwise, and hates authority of all kind. He believes everyone should listen to him, and people would be better off if they do that. He sees himself as above the law and other norms of society, and wants enough money to live like corrupt politicians and celebrities he idolizes.

History: Luke Braxton was born in LA, and had a pretty harsh upbringing. He was among three children, he had a sister Tanya, and an older brother Craig. His father was a pretty notorious criminal and high ranking drug dealer, and involved in other criminal pursuits and his family owned a great restaurant Braxton's Wings.When he was four his father was brutally murdered, and their life took a turn for the worst from there. His mother Tammy was struggling to manage the family's restaurant while also managing a pretty severe addiction to prescription pain killers, and marijuana.

Luke's youth was nearly turned upside several times due to his mother's irresponsible behavior and managing of their finances, and she ended up becoming an escort on the side to support the family. Luke knew from a young age he wanted to establish wealth for not only himself but his family for generations to come. He was always focused in school, and played sports early on but seeing as he was not a superb athlete quickly let that go in middle school knowing he wouldn't ever be professional. He took up after his brother Craig who was getting into the drug business, and followed in his brother's foot steps to become an excellent drug dealer by the time he was a freshmen in high school.

His brother was a freshmen in college around this time and was busted by the DEA for being involved in a major cocaine and heroin operation. After this his mother had a religious conversion and believed they needed a change of scenery. With the rest of the money from her Escort business she moved the family to Atlanta, and focused on opening another chain of their restaurant in the city. Luke tried to change his life, and decided he wanted to go into law, seeing the money lawyers were making from his various criminal accomplices seeking their representation. He left selling drugs alone, and went to work in his family's business, but the restaraunt wasn't nearly as successful in Atlanta. He got into using drugs himself, and become a heavy pothead to cope with the stress of his life. He managed to score a scholarship to Georgia State University, and began getting into other drugs. Seeing how much money he was wasting, he ended up making connections and starting selling drugs, to have a decent legal revenue he got a job working for Uber & Lyft as well. He's determined to make money, go to law school, and make even more money his only goal.

Theme Song: Big Sean - Bounce Back youtube.com/watch?v=phr1pOFK1V8&index=..
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Lucy Willow

Weather Reporter
- Fast runner
Lucy participated in track up until college, where she stopped in order to focus on her studies. However, she has retained her nimbleness.

- Well-versed in self defense
Being states away from overprotective parents resulted in an extreme push for Lucy to take self-defense classes at her university.

- Sharp intuition and good judgment
- Impulsive
In stressful situations, especially to extremes where people she cares about are in danger, Lucy will definitely be impulsive. She also tends to blurt things out once in a while and is not the best secret keeper.

- Stubborn
It is very difficult for Lucy to change her mind once it's set.

- Addicted to coffee

- Super lightweight when it comes to alcohol

- Anxiety
Lucy suffers from anxiety and tends to overthink a lot of situations. She's gets paranoid very often. She's always worrying and can never get a good night's sleep.
Weather Manipulation - Lucy can manipulate the current weather to her liking, change the temperature and control aspects of the weather and manipulate them more and more to her will as she grows stronger.
Lucy is usually spotted with a smile on her face. She's very cheerful although it takes a bit for her to warm up to strangers due to her slight shyness. Despite that, she does not hesitate to be kind to others. She's very empathetic and will even cry over other people's situations to which she has no involvement in. Other than that, she's a very calm person. It takes a lot to piss her off but if someone manages to get to that point, she's not the most forgiving or the most trusting. She is quick to cut people off if she feels they are a negative influence in her life.
Lucy grew up on a farm in Pennsylvania as an only child. Her parents had lost their first son before she was born and thus were very protective of Lucy. She was shielded from a lot of things and had to abide by strict rules. It hadn't bothered her as a young child. Her life at home was very calm and friendly. She had been quite content with being home until she got a little older and desired to go out with friends and boys to which her parents opposed. The heavy protectiveness ended up pushing her to just become a bit of a wild child and sneak out to parties all the time, dabbling with alcohol and marijuana.
However, once Lucy got into the university, she focused more on grades and ended up graduating with a bachelors degree in Meterology. She had always taken an interest in weather, puzzled and fascinated by its miracles. She landed a job as a weather reporter in Atlanta and she's been staying in an apartment ever since, visiting home every so often. Her life has been fairly calm and simple up until the point Lucy starts realizing she can do more than just predict the weather.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by berd
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berd is the werd

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Joanna Garis
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Religion: Former Catholic, now agnostic.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Vlogger

-Vlogger: This extends into camera work, video editing, lighting, and navigating social media. Everything it takes to have a successful and profitable vlog

-Mechanic: Jo has an Associate of Applied Science Degree and accreditation. If it has wheels and a transmission then she probably knows how to repair or modify it as well as the proper use of the tools required.

-Athletic: Jo eats right and takes care of herself. When she's not on the road, her routines can include walking, swimming, or running.

-Introvert: Despite her online persona, Joanna is a pretty quiet and shy person at heart. The camera creates a barrier that lets her feel normal. Even though she knows a lot of people watch her videos, it's still just her and her equipment. Groups are fine so long as she doesn't have to interact with them at all. And you can forget about speaking in front of crowds.

-Pathological Demand Avoidance (PDA): Though not as severe as it could be, this has dogged Jo for most of her life. On the autism spectrum, PDA drives her to avoid demands and expectations. Regular human day-to-day tasks become rocks she has to climb. A regular job and hours would be almost impossible. It really is a miracle that she got through college.

Power: The Blueprint - Jo can see how something works, how it can be improved, how to fix it, and how to take it apart. The only constraints on her power are time, tools, and materials. It's not like she can take apart a lock with her bare hands, but if she's in a shop or supply store she could probably cobble together a grappling hook gun in about ten minutes. All she needs to do is see it and she can make it.

Personality: Joanna is a kind, approachable, and charming person, so long as it's no more than a small group. She loves sharing neat things she's discovered and the simple joys in life with others. More than that? She starts to have problems. She gets quiet or finds ways to divorce herself from being the center of attention. Public speaking has made her physically ill before.

When the mood strikes her, Jo begins to display her contemplative streak. It made her question many things such as her beliefs, her relationship with her parents, and her own maturity. It's a sentiment that has started to make its way into her videos. Some people have disliked her critical stance on politics and media, but Joanna feels like they are important things to discuss and think about.

History: Joanna was born in Oregon, though she'd never be able to remember it. He parents moved to Nebraska shortly afterwards. On one hand it was to be closer to family, but on the other it was for better jobs. Otherwise she grew up as your typical Midwestern upper middle class kid. She was a bit more reclusive than most and full of endless questions about the world around her, but pretty much normal.

The problems came when she entered junior high and high school. Her quiet nature blossomed into severe social awkwardness. Save for a few intensely close friendships she really didn't fit in anywhere. Her PDA also hit its peak as she found it harder and harder to even make it to class. Her parents didn't help much either. They were emotionally distant and pushed, usually through shaming, for her to quit being so lazy.

Getting her first car drastically changed her life. The freedom and the solitude it offered were almost addictive. She also became obsessed with how it worked and toyed with the idea of modifying it herself, but the costs involved were always prohibitive. It also pushed her into considering a career in the automotive industry, a push that blossomed with her application to Northeast Community College in Norfolk.

It was rough. The hardest thing she'd ever done, but at least her love of the work kept her going. It was also at this time that she started to vlog. It wasn't anything special and she cringes at it to this day, but after a particularly rough day she had to vent about her frustrations and problems to someone. It turned her life around. Her video took off, she doesn't even know why, and the people that responded back introduced her to the idea that she might have PDA.

Three years later she attained her degree, sold her old car to be replaced by a BMW R1200GS, and began a travel vlog series that she's continued ever since. Life for Jo has been good. But now, something weird is starting to happen every time she looks at something too closely...
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Christoph Nolan
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religion: Undefined
Sexuality: Undefined
Occupation: Owner of the Cafe "Populi ex Machina"


Christoph is a man of many (domestic) talents. He can cook, clean, sew, and garden with the best of them. He's also Multilingual, being fluent in English, French and Russian, and knowing at least a smattering of Chinese, Japanese and Latin. He majored in business in college, but his strongest skill has always been his charismatic nature. It's almost impossible to dislike him.


Christoph tends to be weak-willed, just going with the flow on whatever is going on, but when he does get invested in something, he can be too hardheaded for his own good.. His handwriting is terrible, he's rather physically weak, and he can't walk more than a mile without being out of breath.


Shapeshifting - Christoph has the ability to alter his physical appearance. He can either alter it piece by piece, like changing his eye color or skin tone, or from a template like copying someone else's appearance from memory. So far, he hasn't found a way to actually change his physical abilities, as all his changes are cosmetic.


Christoph is very adaptable, always changing himself to suit the needs of others. He views himself as a blank canvas, ready to take on whatever shape he needs to in order to survive. He's personable and agreeable, but doesn't seek out lasting friendship with others.


Christoph has always coasted through life, never having any aspirations past owning his own cafe, and that only recently. His father was absent from his life growing up, so he was raised alone by his mother. By the time he reached highschool, he was already self sufficient enough that he could hold a part time job, and by the time he was in college he was working full time and supporting his mother as well as taking classes. He always survived by making connections and being flexible, hiding in the background and never choosing the spotlight.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jace Williams

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Religion: Christian in name only

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: Unemployed


-Good Shot: He's very hands on and good with guns

-Capable Fighter: When it comes to hand to hand combat he's had no formal training but he's been in a-lot of brawls over the years.

-Musical Abilities: He's good at playing the piano and uses this talent to earn money at his church from time to time. He's also a somewhat decent singer, and lyricist/rapper.


-Anger Management: He has quite the temper which can lead to him running his mouth, and getting into situations rather then just resolve the conflict in other ways.

-Impatience: Patience may be a virtue but it's not one that he's prone to. He's the guy who starts pacing around a room when someone is more then five minutes late.

Power: Strength Manipulation: He has the ability to manipulate strength allowing him to increase, decrease, and manipulate the strength of himself, others, and objects. He can affect the strength of things wholly or partially, as well as affecting various and different types of "Strengths".

Personality: Jace is a very aggressive individual who believes "might" makes right. He has no problem getting into altercations with people, and even claims to enjoy the rush from fighting. He does not like being disrespected or talked down to. He has a strong dislike of the Government especially the police due to negative experiences with them in the past, and as such tends to hang out with the kind of people who are distasteful of authority figures. He enjoys adrenaline, and enjoys doing things that get that pumping whether it's roller coasters or stealing a car. He is extremely loyal to his family, and those he considers close friends. He will do whatever it takes to survive as well as help those he cares about survive, and is proud of everything he does whether good or bad. He's also a person who jumps from thing to thing with some suspecting he may have ADHD, and he has commitment issues when it comes to relationships claiming he has no control over his libido.

History: Jace William was born in Chicago, in a rough part of town. His father left his family when he was only two years old, leaving his mother to fend herself and all his siblings. He grew up poor, and as such never wanted to experience that type of life again. His mother tried to push for him and his siblings to take school seriously, but he always just wanted to mess around and was steadily getting into fights, and trouble growing up. Many predicted he'd end up a criminal and behind bars, although he hoped to prove them wrong. By the time he was sixteen he started working as a waiter in a restaurant, and around this time his oldest brother was shot in the head due to a gang conflict he wasn't involved in. His mother had him his younger brother Devon, and older sister Tamara move to Atlanta with their Auntie Keisha to live a better life. In Atlanta Jace started smoking weed, and did even worst in school. He barely managed to graduate, and after that tired of working low end jobs got involved with breaking and entering and armed robbery for quick money to support his lifestyle with women, weed, and fun. He supported his sister Tamara who went to school to pursue politician science with the goal of going to law school, and helped out his brother Devon who got involved with selling drugs. Eventually Devon was arrested, and Jace was in the car with him. Devon was sentenced to 10 years in prison, while Jace was only given probation. Seeking to change his life on his brother's request he ended up managing to land a security job with a family friend, but fired for getting high at work. Subsequently he was sentenced to 60 days in jail for failing his drug test, and upon getting out is struggling to find gainful employment to keep his head above water, and out of trouble.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cultural Titan
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Cultural Titan

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Name: Alan "Carter" Smith

Age: 34

Gender: Male

Religion: Non-practicing Catholic

Sexuality: Straight

Occupation: Officially he owns a small bookstore on the edge of the city.


- Leader and Strategist: Has been planning and leading heists and sometimes other criminal escapades on and off again since his early twenties.

- Agile: What got him noticed for grooming into his life of crime and constantly useful in his operations

- Brawler and Gunman: No professional training in either, but he has been enough fistfights and used guns enough times throughout his life that he's picked up on some of the finer details of each. That said he'd still call in a professional if he really need either on a job.

- Well Connected: He may only be coming back to his criminal roots recently after getting his powers, but he knows a lot of people to call on if he needs particular skill sets and most of them know and respect his abilities.

Faults: Alan doesn't trust anyone emotionally out of fear of abandonment and more than that he doesn't trust himself. He is always doubting his own thoughts and feelings, striving to push himself and and prove that he can do the things he thinks that he can do if only for the momentary validation of himself and his abilities.

Power: Electricity manipulation

Personality: You wouldn't be able to tell how cold, distant and hateful of the greater world Alan was by the way he runs his jobs. He get's to know all of his men, encourages them and shares dark humor with them. Still he never let's any of them get too close.

History: Born of middle class parents Alan didn't have much time to enjoy a normal life before his parents both died at the hands of a cop during a traffic stop. After that he and his two younger siblings spent most of their childhoods in an orphanage without really knowing what exactly happened to their parents and without much hope for the future. It was particularly bad for Alan who hated the way the orphanage was run and could only barely coexist with the staff. Regardless he stowed it away for the sake of his brother and sister. When he was a teenager he fell in with a bad crowd and had his first run in with the police. Alan outran them and eluded them all night until he met the man who would become his master, an aging man called Reagan, who just so happened to be a master thief. He taught Alan everything he knew and before Alan was in college he was already participating in some fairly big heists. The money was, as Alan told himself, for his brother and sister to help them get on in life, but when they found out what Alan had done to get it, they dissociated with him only keeping his secret out of respect for their familial connection. So he threw himself at his work. Alan became notable enough to run his own crew and make his own jobs. One day though he stumbled upon the most beautiful woman he had ever seen by the name of Elizabeth. She came of old money and her father was determined to involve her heavily with his business partners and eventually marry her off like some medieval lord. They met in secret for a few years before Her father found out and and forbid there meeting ever again. Eli complied and turned Alan away again and again. Abandoned by everyone in his life Alan removed himself from the world for a while before coming back to the criminal scene with a vengeance. He went after big heist after big heist before once again leaving the scene, telling his associates only that there wasn't anything else left worthy of his talents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Jane Mara Donovan

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Religion: Atheist

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: College Student


Manipulative: She knows how to play people, and get them to do what she wants them to do. She's extremely persuasive in more ways then one. ;)

Intelligent: Jane is a very smart woman and very well read. She's knowledgeable about various things, and has excellent grades in school.

Pain Tolerance: She's capable of tolerating a-lot of pain and not just physical but emotion. Due to her violent upbringing she's been through a-lot, and is quite resilient.


Mental Illness: She's downright crazy. The range of her craziness is always shifting. Sometimes she thinks everyone is out to get her, other times she thinks the world is against her and wants to punish her.

Addiction: Sobriety and her don't get along at all. She's often high and wants to stay high. She's not just simply addicted to drugs, she has a very addictive personality, and struggles with addiction with other things like sex, shopping, and food.

Power: Mass Distortion - She's capable of altering mass, shifting the location of it, changing it, and replicating it.

Personality: Jane is what one can describe as evil. Sociopath, psychopath, monster, demonic, are all words that have been used to describe her. She enjoys causing pain and suffering to others and is amused by what, she relishes in the fear of others which gives her life. She believes in doing whatever is necessary for her own self preservation and has no remorse for her actions. She enjoys killing people, and states that is gives her a rush and fuel to go on another day. Books, Video Games, Television, Drugs, Sex, anything that gets her mind off her reality is what she loves more then anything else. She has a strong hatred of politicians, and anyone who has power over people especially if they abuse it to disenfranchise others or build themselves up. She has an extremely dark and sarcastic sense of humor that would leave most disturbed. Violence is something she's prone too, although she's very calm and rarely explodes with anger. She enjoys being around with people and knowing what makes them tick, but at the same time equally enjoys ruining people's lives and tormenting them. The only people she really will ever genuinely care about are people who equally as twisted and savage as her.

History: She was born a bastard child, her father was a prominent politician in New York and her mother was a cocaine dealer who also had a series of affairs with prominent men for money and also to blackmail them. Her father however was intelligent, and made sure to put distance between them, and also payed her a sum of money monthly to keep her mouth shut. Thus the first few years of her life was alright despite being raised by a single parent who often went out and got drunk. Eventually her father was arrested in a sting operation involving the FBI for fraud, and a series of other crimes. As a result the monthly payments stopped once he began his prison sentence, and her mother grew to become a full blown alcoholic as she was forced to get back into selling cocaine to support her. Jane struggled to make friends and grew jealous of everyone else she knew who she always complained had better lives then her. When she was 12 years old, her mother married a new man who was a prominent businessman with quite the cocaine habit who got her mother to indulge as well. She was isolated, and often resulted to writing, and watching movies to escape her dreary life. Her stepfather abused her even more then her own chocoholic mother, and when she was 15 he attempted to rape her leading to her stabbing him in the head with a knife. She was cleared of all charges, but her mother wanted nothing to do with her anymore and left her in foster care. She was forced to fend for herself, and it was there she started experimenting with drugs herself mainly marijuana and prescription pills vowing never to do cocaine or drink like her mother. Despite this she still did well in shcool, graduated, and ended up going to college in Atlanta wanting a fresh start to get away from her parents.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by cunfuzzler
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cunfuzzler Just here so I don't get fined.

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Name: Julia MacDonald

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Religion: Atheist

Sexuality: Homosexual

Occupation: Wildland firefighter.

  • Bilingual - Julia speaks English and French, though she is admittedly a bit rusty on the French.
  • Survivalism - She is very capable of living off the land for an indefinite amount of time.
  • First Aid - She is trained in CPR as well as emergency First Aid.

  • Drug habit - Julia has a proclivity for drugs, specifically cocaine, marijuana, LSD, and mescaline. At work she sticks to cocaine mostly, but in her free time she goes wild.
  • Pacifist - She personally wouldn't call it a fault, but she is not a fighter. Unless it's a fire of course.
  • Naive - Julia isn't dumb, but she is pretty naive with an innocent view of the world that doesn't befit her age. Happily oblivious to many things.

Power: Enhanced Condition - Julia is if for a lack of a better word, a 'superhuman' her body and mind suffer almost no fatigue. The resultant effect is superhuman strength, durability and endurance as well as peak human speed and reactions. She is not massively superhuman, she can't throw cars around or anything though she could probably lift them onto two wheels, or toss another human and can operate normally for up to four days straight without any form rest.

Personality: Julia is loud and boisterous in social situations, she is almost never in a bad mood, and always friendly. Sometimes to the point of annoyance for those around her. She is immediately trusting of those she meets, holding a strong belief that all people are inherently good and given the choice will always do the right thing.

History: Julia was born in small town in the Redwood forests of Northern California, the daughter of a pair of self-proclaimed tree-huggers her mother a Park Ranger and her father a chainsaw artist. As a kid she spent most of her time outside of school in the outdoors hiking alone or with whoever she could get to accompany her through the dense forests for hours on end. Her early years weren't filled with tragedy or particular adversity, she wasn't a particularly amazing student just slightly above average if anything. Her childhood was typified by school highlighted by occasional weekend camping trips and summer roadtrips across North America.

Her teenage years weren't much different, though it saw her pickup a weed habit, and learn a bit about herself. She joined the cross-country team her freshman year. It was the first thing she really excelled at, and thanks to her time in the locker room served to really affirm to herself her sexual preference, though she chose to keep it to herself. Her affinity for the sport led her to the State championship four years in a row. And played no small part in her getting getting multiple scholarship offers towards the end of her time in high school.

After graduation she chose to go to the University of Wyoming where she majored in Wildlife Biology, working fast food to make ends meet. It didn't last long though, and after a year and a half her wanderlust got the better of her and she dropped out. She spent awhile literally just wandering from town to town, trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She eventually came to set her mind on fighting forest fires. It was the ideal job spend alot of time outdoors, and since it was seasonal she wouldn't be tied down to any place for too long.

She has had a pretty normal life since, working the fire season for hard and long hours in America's wilderness. And spending her off-season just exploring trying to make the most of her time, visiting new cities, meeting new people and experiencing new things.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by G3njii
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Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Solomon Haims
Gender: Male
Religion: Atheist
Sexuality: Asexual
Occupation: New Coalition Agent
-Multilingual, Fluently speaks English, Afrikaans, and Arabic.
-Military Self-Defense Training
-Military Grade Weapons Training
-Parkour and Rock Climbing
-Fantastic Chef
-Loyal to a fault, earn his trust and respect, and he would walk into an obvious trap if he had to.
-He has a deep pit of rage and once its on the surface its hard to stop.
-Due to the distancing of himself, other people tend not to get along with him, and find him often abrasive and direct.
Power: Boundary Control
In order for him to use his power accurately he has to think of the exact proper conceptual boundary to manipulate. Unintended consequences often follow if he doesn't think it out at the time being.
Personality: Sol is a fairly serious man, he has seen a lot and it has led to him distancing himself from other people significantly. Only those whom he grows to respect or trust get to see the more wild, untamed side of Solomon. Solomon has anger and pain built up and sometimes under extreme conditions it can assert its self in occasionally alarming ways. Solomon greatly enjoys his job, now as an agent and previously as a marine, he found great recluse in the middle of the rush, the impending threat, the true feeling of purpose it provided in his life. He loves the adrenaline and this goes hand in hand with both the anger and the desire of the thrill, although when working he attempts to remain as professional as possible.

One very interesting thing about Sol is that he sees things in a very black and white sort of view, good vs evil, right vs wrong, there is no grey area. Oddly enough most people would say he is blind to the fact that he crosses lines, that he pushes himself into that very same grey area.

When it comes to Solomon's past, he remains sealed tight, he refuses to talk about it and can even get explosively even violently angry if prodded over the subject too much.
History: Sol was the only child of a deeply catholic household, his entire early childhood he was raised to fear and love the lord. He had overbearing caring parents, his father from a family well known for its criminal doing, his mother was just quaint baker. They pushed the faith so intensely because of his father's family's history, Sols own uncle was a convicted serial killer, and his grandfather was deep in the drug trade. His family did the best to escape the curse of their name, this went well until the year that the boy was seven. His grandfather was murdered by a competing drug syndicate. His remains were left on Solomon's families doorstep, only to be discovered by Solomon himself. The remains were only left there as a warning to his father not to pursue the business, not they they knew he wouldnt have even thought about it.

From this point on things changed, Sol's father grew bitter and lashed out at the Lord. He denounced the religion and fell into the very drugs that he hated. Sol's mother fought day and night to keep the religion in the house to save her husband, but the harder she fought the angrier the man became and he began to lash out violently at both Sol and his mother, this lasted for years. She had to stop before things had gotten any more severe, but damage was done they were all utterly broken. Once she stopped pushing, the violence waned and Sol's father was more likely to be found in drugged out stupors than anything else. When Sol was seventeen his father died of an overdose, and his mother not long after died peacefully in her sleep. Sol just took off from the world he knew, bided his time until he was eighteen and joined the marines thereafter.

The marines gave Sol a sense of belong and purpose it was the only thing he had, his unit were the only people he had. He lost himself in it, became the fearless marine they wanted him to be. He served several tours in the middle east as well as a couple into the jungles of central Africa. He served loyalty and without hesitation, vowing to himself to always dedicate himself to the fight for the right purpose.

After coming back to the US and officially stepping out of the Marines he was moved into a whole new battle, life in the real world. he found he didn't adjust well. It was quiet, boring, and far to plain for his liking, that was when he began to invest his time into more thrilling past times, he was a fan of parkour for the speed and fluidity of it, and rock climbing for the shear challenge of it.

From there on he went on to become a new agent for Coalition following the sudden appearance of super powered individuals. Then stemming the development of his own power he became the new shiny tool for the agency to use.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Subject Zero
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Subject Zero King of the monkeys.

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Jason "Jay" Jericho



None (But open to the possibility)


Part time student, part time photographer

  • Psychology - Jay studies Psychology in college. He has gained some knowledge in the area though not a full understanding.
  • Perceptive - Having a very well trained eye, Jay tends to spot things that others overlook.
  • Athletic - He may not be the biggest or the strongest but Jay makes up for it in speed and dexterity.
  • Forensics - One of Jay's favourite subjects. He is well versed in the subject.
  • Extrovert - Very easy to get along with and always optimistic, Jay never really has trouble getting people to like him.

  • Impulsive - Jay has a tendency to act first and think later, which can and often does get him into trouble.
  • Overly talkative - While a nice guy, Jay rarely shuts up. This can get very annoying to those around him.
  • Weak - Jay is not strong. Nor is he a capable fighter.
  • Naive - As he tends to take people at face value, Jay is quite often oblivious when others are manipulating him.

Light Manipulation - Jay can generate and control light for various effects. He can fire it in blasts, he can form it into semi-solid constructs and he can use it to propel himself through the air. It also allows him to travel at incredible speed ("light speed") but he has very little control over this and it tends to be in short bursts in a straight line. (Think Tracer)
When using his abilities, Jay's body changes into a hard light form of shimmering colors, like a human rainbow. The more excited he gets, the brighter he gets. This power is anything but subtle.

Jay is quite possibly the friendliest person you will ever meet. Relentlessly happy, he lets very little get to him. He's a happy-go-lucky kind of guy who will genuinely try his best to befriend everyone, even the ones who seem openly hostile. People have often said that Jay likes the sound of his own voice but he just has a lot of thoughts that he likes to convey by talking to anyone who will listen and even some who wont. Though he tries his best to help people, Jay does from time to time overestimate his own intelligence and ability with a slight hint of arrogance.

Born in San Jose, California, Jay was raised in a happy home. The youngest of four kids, he was always treated as the baby of the family but still relentlessly tormented by his two older brothers who liked rough housing a lot more than he did. Jay's father and grandfather were both marines and it was tradition for the boys in the family to join the core. Hell, even Jay's sister had plans to join up. But Jay himself? Not so much. His interests were "nerdier" in comparison. As well as his continual obsession with photographing everything, he liked science in all its forms. He may not have understood it all but he liked it a lot more than all that "Ooh rah!" and chest pounding. He was proud of his family but that life just wasn't for him. Yes, Jason Jericho was by far the blackest sheep the family had ever seen.

By the time he left high school and entered college, Jay's general interest in science had become focused on two areas and he took up classes in forensics and psychology. He may not have been the brightest student in the class but he was determined to learn as much as he could, even though he was often distracted by his own thoughts and the cute girl sitting on the other side of the room. But the cute girl across the room was the least of his distractions after the lights around him started flickering and acting weirdly.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Kidd
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Kidd Herrscher of Stupid

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Cori Woods | 29 | Female

Apperance: Due to her albinism, Cori is almost always given a second glance. Her extremely fair complexion and white hair is stunning to say the least. Vanilla, she may look sickly to those who don't understand why she looks the way she does, but she is very conscientious of her appearance: her makeup adds a healthy color to her face and darkness to her lips and eyelashes. Her haunting red eyes are almost always hidden behind stereotypical Men in Black sunglasses, partly to protect them against the sun, but also because she's self conscious about the strange color. She stands tall for a woman at 5'8", and she has a lean, boyish figure. Underneath the clothing, her body is hard with muscle. As for the clothes themselves, Cori wears enough to conceal a weapon even in civilian life. At work, she wears suits.

Religion: Raised Catholic, doesn't practice

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Occupation: CIA Field Agent, working her way to Senior Agent

- Incredible marksmanship. If it weren't for her goals, she may have taken a more combative approach to her career, but she can already out shoot a majority of her coworkers.

- Hand-to-hand combat. While Cori isn't outstanding in this area compared to other agents, it's a necessary skill within the field. Influence from martial arts is seen in her combative style, but the physical training has benefited her moreso in stamina and endurance rather than strength.

- Leadership skills. Professionally, Cori will not hesitate to be critical of another person or suggest what they should or should not do. She is well spoken and blunt when angered. She is not the most charismatic leader, but she is practical and straight forward and is comfortable telling others what to do.

- Bilingual. English is her first language, French her second out of choice. In her time in the CIA, she has also learned Russian and Mandarin, and she's working on Arabic.

- Amateur automechanic. Cori had always been a bit of a tomboy, and one her leisure hobbies include cars: fixing them, driving them, and buying them. As a result, she has the skills to take care of of them and keep up on maintenance herself.

- The albinism affects her eyesight and therefore her marksmanship. She is required by her job to have an eye examination every six months and earlier if she suspects she'll need a change in prescription. She, of course, wears contacts (or glasses on those rare days she's lounging about the house).

-Youth. Cori may be approaching 30, but she has taken on a position that could've been handed onto an agent with more years and experience. However, her adoptive father works a little higher up in the hierarchy, and she has demonstrated her ambition in properly serving her country. She'll work with something to prove.

- Tobacco. A nasty habit, but Cori does smoke. She smokes 2-3 cigarettes a day, but has been trying to cut back, if not quit.

- Cori is not very charismatic. She's stubborn and can be relentless petty when she feels personally attacked. On a personal, one-on-one level she is difficult to get along with, and she strives in professional environments over personal life.

Power: N/A

Personality: Cori's personality is straight forward and one can take a guess just observing her gait: she walks tall and proud, a frown on her lips. As one might judge, she's confident--often arrogant--and lacks a sense of humor. It may be because of her gender and young age in this particular career, but she is conscious about how she presents herself and takes the job seriously. She is rarely caught relaxing or slacking off, and she wants her immediate environment in her control. Despite all this, she is caring to people. She's generous, and can be surprisingly warm at times. There is also underlying insecurity, of course, but she is strong and pushes such thoughts aside in order to reach her goals. Doing excellent in all aspects of life gives her self worth. Beyond her core personality, her interests include cars, guns, and classic country music.

History: Cori Woods comes not from humble beginnings, but from humbled beginnings. She was born into riches, her mother a retired model and her father the CEO of one of the most prestigious interior design companies. So when they died in a tragic accident, the adoption process for Cori was stressful and long: child services and lawyers were eager to place her in a home where she would be cared for, rather than used for the inheritance that would include millions of dollars and rights to the company. After two years of drifting between foster homes while agents worked to find a permanent solution for the young Cori, she was adopted by a loving couple at age ten, one a rising star within the CIA.

Cori grew with dignity and grace, maybe groomed for it by the parents she lost. Though when she reached eighteen, she rejected ownership of the company. Instead, she chose to follow in her adopted father's footsteps and took to law. She started on the police force as she worked through college and eventually the CIA's training program. Like everything else in life, she excelled, and was usually the first of her peers approached when an upper level position needed filled. Rising so high at such a young age, of course, earned disdain from some co-workers (who would become her employees), but she strove to be great anyway.

Enter: the accident. The blackout, the electrical storms...And suddenly, citizens of the world with superpowers were appearing, like something out of those over-hyped superhero movies Cori had zero interest in she'd insist with a nervous laugh... One of the first within the CIA to act two weeks ago, she insisted on learning all that she could about the strange new humanoids. However, all she could find at first was that they were dangerous, and--for her--it meant detaining them to protect innocent civilians. Employees under her would be working to research suitable technology and techniques to handle these super humans and she personally delved into research about where, how, and why they even appeared.

Her research and agents lead her to straight to what she needed: information on an unknown (to her) organization called Coalition. Intrigued, she went about creating a small task force that could retrieve information on them. Unfortunately, it may have been her eagerness to get the bottom of this situation had costed her men their lives. She had been too careless and she had hired a Coalition agent who took the intelligence, as well. Desperate to get it back--without putting more innocent lives at risk--she sought help outside the CIA. Through a web of contacts, Kieran was hired, and Cori will only be meeting him in person for the first time to collect the information.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by ParagonX
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ParagonX The Plug

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Elliot Burrows

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Religion: Atheist

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Dunkin Donuts Crew Member

-Knows alot about fiction like manga, anime, comics, and such.

-He's very good at video games.

-Tolerant: He can tolerate shitty living conditions and abusive behaviors for others for long periods of time without showing any outward reaction.


Coward: Not very brave, and has always struggled with backing down and not standing up for himself.

Alcohol Abuse: Not an alcoholic, but he enjoys drinking alot of alcohol, and sometimes binges, is a borderline alcohol and may fully become one if he keeps drinking at the same rate.

Unhealthy: He's extremely unhealthy, on top of his drinking, he smokes often, eats unhealthy, rarely exercises, and lives a very sedentary life style spending most of his time on the computer or on his xbox.

Power: Body Insertion - He has the power to manipulate his body and others. He is capable of primarily using this power to put himself in the bodies of others, swap bodies with others, or cause others to swap bodies.

Personality: Elliot is extremely depressed, and suffers from social anxiety. He struggles in social situations unless he's been drinking in which he's able to make up for that and get rid of his near crippling anxiety. He's also depressed, and hates his life he's contemplated suicide but is too scared to go through with it. He blames God and the world for his problems, and has a grudge against anyone who's happy or who's had good fortune in life. He suffers from an inferiority complex, and often thinks others are better then him, and wants nothing more then to be other people to experience the good life. He has sick and twisted mind often fantasizing about of things of a dark violent and sexual nature mostly regarding other people. He tends to keep to himself besides drinking buddies, and has very little self esteem and wishes women liked him more, and that guys would be his real friends.

History: Elliot was born into a sad lifestlyle, and a lonely single kid to his overprotective parents who always restricted him and had dreams of him growing up to be a successful doctor or lawyer. In his younger days Elliot was a regular goofy kid, and somewhat annoying so he pissed off lots of kids but did okay. As he grew up his weirdness caught up with him he shared few interest of his peers preferring to read, and play video games. He was an overachiever in school until he was bullied for years for being smart, and often told by classmates to commit suicide for being a looser and being ugly. He grew more depressed and ended up trying to keep to himself and was harassed throughout high school. After graduating he managed to go to college with decent grades but no aspirations to follow his parents dreams. He pursued art as a major and when his parents found out they stopped financially supporting him. Aroumd this time he tried marijuana and embraced the high feeling an escape from his problems. However within his first few times smoking his dealer laced him with PCP For funm, and he had a nervous break-down, and ended up getting a DUI from driving on PCP And crashing into a van injuring a mother and her daughter on their way to a football game. He did time in jail where he was beaten up and abused as his parents didn't bail him out. The Judge took pity on him and gave him probation. He decided not to do drugs, but being a colle gedrop out with a criminal record didn't help. He made it through probation, and after that got introduced to alcohol the only thing that seemed to help him. He had a menial job at Mcdonalds for two years but ended up getting fired for coming to work blackout drunk. He ended up being homeless for a while until he got a job at Dunkin Donuts, and ended up in an abusive relationship wtih one of his co-workers Carrie a fairly unattractive woman with severe issues herself who took him in. With no other choice he lived with her and tolerated her abuse steadily drinking more and more while constantly thinking about either killing himself, or Carrie and everyone else he despised in his life.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Sally Kugera
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Religion: None
Sexuality: Bisexual
Occupation: Criminal = assassination/dealer/protection/etc
Abilities: Sleight of hand, leadership expert, art of seduction, mental analytical expert
Faults: She loves Kieran Hishamie. This loves often blinds her, and makes her make mistakes. Very cocky, but also paranoid.
Power:Human battery - she can absorb energy from other powered peoples powers through ehr hands, also from other sources of energy. Can only be used to heal herself or use herself as a power source.
Personality: Sally is used ot getting her way, so she is very confident. She moves with grace and elegance that is high abover her born station.
History: Sally in a similar position as Kieran, as in she was taken from her family and raised by a vastly wealthy women as her personal weapon. Sally though was more fortunate, her fake mother ended up truly caring for Sally. From time to time Sally would be used as a training partner for Kieran, as their fake parents were associates. This caused them to bond, and as they had no one else they fell in love. They would often sneak out, their fake parents knowing this but never letting out, to spend time together. But their relationship was purely emotional never physical. On the day Kieran was sold, Sally was torn apart. All she wanted was to rescue Kieran and was given permission by her mother to rescue him. But by the time Sally arrived in the war torn nation, Kieran had made his way back and...taken care of buisness. They lost touch for a while, and the next time they met accidently on a job, it was different. Kieran was much colder and had gone through many more hardships alone than before. Sally couldnt penetrate his shell, and while she has never given up, it seems like an almost impossible task to get Kieran to take down his guards to feel again. Sally, after her fake mother died of natural causes, chose to not get involved in government. She knew Kieran was doing that, and knew that if she did the same she would follow his emotional path. She instead turned her focus on building her criminal empire.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by dabombjk
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dabombjk OneWhoYouDoNotKnow

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Name: Phantom
Age: 33
Gender: male
Religion: None
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: Crime Lord/borderline terrorist leader/ leader of the Ghost Syndicate crime group.
Abilities: Enhanced senses, reflexes, speed, strength, mutli - lingual, master of mixed martial arts in hand to hand combat.
Faults: God complex, slightly insane.
Power: Ghost Mark = Phantom has the ability to bestow upon anyone and anything the Ghost mark, a mark that can glow bright green and takes the form of a pentagram. Is the color black when the cursee is not using power of any of his strength. The Ghost Mark makes anyone who is cursed with it completely obediant to Phantom. Like a sire bond.
Personality: Phantom has a sever God complex, believing he has all the answers and only he can lead for a solutions for all problems.
History: Not much is known about his history, but what is know is beyond classified. It is not on any format digital or paper, and very few people know about this. Very few people know Phantom's real name is Conrad Hishamie, brother to Kieran and first born to Verdock.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Grace Noel
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Religion: None
Sexuality: Asexual
Occupation: No thanks

Programming, hacking, circuitry, electrical engineering. If it's a skill involving computers or electronics, Grace is nearly a master at it.


Grace is an introvert, so much so that almost nobody knows what she actually looks like. She can't cook, or clean, or organize worth a damn, and she has terrible personal hygiene.


Immersion Seed - Grace can transfer her consciousness to any machine or computer, and from there to any connected machine or computer, as many times as she wants. When in control, she has the full abilities and interfaces of the host machine, as well as access to any data stored on it.


Grace is an introvert in every sense of the word. Her emerging powers only reinforced her already existing personality, allowing her to do almost anything worthwhile from her apartment.


Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Online


Name: Seraphina "Sera" Smith

Age: 28

Gender: Female

Religion: Agnostic

Sexuality: Bisexual

Occupation: Former CIA Agent, works as a waitress at a restaurant in New York City.

Abilities: Bilingual, English, French and Spanish. Handguns, sniper rifles, and hand to hand combat.

Faults: Sera truly hates loud noises, people who do stupid things, she also has a tendency to play with her hair slightly when nervous or biting her bottom lip or plays with her nails whenever she is bored. Or she will always make sure that her work area is completely clean.

Power: Invisibility, she has the ability to go invisible where no one can see her to the naked eye, the only way to see her is if someone has heat vision goggles or some form of infrared light.

Personality: Sera is at first when you meet her a pretty friendly person once you get to know her, and if she considers you as a friend of hers, she is fairly calm whenever she is in a stressful situation or she is really good at hiding her stress. She also is very good at getting information from anyone, whether its from violence or other means she will know how to get the information out of someone. She however doesn't trust to many people due to her work business she has been betrayed by people before and doesn't trust people as easily as others would.

History: Seraphina was born into a pretty small family having a younger brother, her parents were both doctors as she grew up her parents always wanted her to join their field but refused to follow it. Sera got very good grades in high school getting the best marks on her grades and exams. She also took as many language classes as she could, once she finished high school Sera took some defense classes before eventually she joined the CIA she went through her training eventually she finished and became a CIA agent of the US Government.

Sera then started taking on jobs as a spy for the government going undercover as an agent and relaying the information back, and became very good at it as well. She would also do some assassination missions taking out whatever targets that she was told, but one mission went wrong. She was spotted and quickly captured, spending a year in prison she was eventually rescued but since then she had decided to leave the CIA and moved to New York and took up a job as a waitress.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Penguin
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Cameron Goldstein
Atheist but will claim satanist if anyone asks
- Well versed in martial arts
- Great at sweet-talking his way out of situations
- Pretty decent at poker
- Good aim
- Can play quite a tune on the piano
- Really great at getting people pissed off
- Decent thief

- He's an arrogant asshole at times
- Easily angered
- Thinks everything is a joke and even has a dry humor about terrible things
- He's not the best at filtering what comes out of his mouth
- His sister Willow is an easy weakness for him
- Drinks too much alcohol
- Not savvy with computers
- Breaks the law from time to time

Teleportation - He is limited to places he has been at and to images of places he hasn't been. He cannot teleport across the world at this point but can move around the tristate area.

Cameron is a sarcastic man who can be quite bitter from time to time. He's cunning and pretty determined when it comes to getting what he wants. He doesn't take many things seriously and is always laughing when everyone else is silent. He's childish at times and also immature. Anything that comes from his mouth is never filtered and brutally honest. He speaks whatever is on his mind. Cameron is also a hot-head who is easily pissed but he is good at concealing it if need be in a situation. He likes to keep himself mysterious and never gives too much info out about himself and likes to duck answering questions. However, he has a good-heart and usually saves it for those he cares about, to whom he is often very protective of.

Cameron grew up in the upper-east side of Manhattan in a high-end home with his sister Willow and their parents. Their mother was a doctor while their father owned a chain of martial art studios which both siblings were trained at. Being completely spoiled, Cameron was used to getting what he wanted and getting away with whatever he wanted. He was a troublemaker who never got caught. He was also always the class clown, constantly after fun. Inevitably, he ended up a bit of a party animal at this time and didn't care much for school. To most everyone's surprise, he was a closet pianist and ended up being good enough to be hired at events and rich enough to live off a job like that.
However, a year ago, he and his sister were told their parents got in a car accident. Both were devastated by the news. His father's martial arts studios were taken over by a relative and they were forced to go live with a widowed aunt in Atlanta, Georgia who also ended up passing away a couple months later, leaving Cameron and his sister the house. He had enough money in their name not to really worry about anything but he still occupied his time with the piano at times while his sister helped out at a nearby martial arts studio.

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