Name: Harry Foltross "Creed"
Age: 41
Gender: Male
Religion: Agnostic
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Occupation: High Ranking Coalition Agent
-Expert in hand to hand combat: Harry's had years of formal training in martial arts of various kinds, and is someone who is extremely proficient when it comes to fighting. He's good on both the offensive and defensive, and is capable of taking more then a few hits.
-Weapon Proficiency: Having served in the military as well as working in the Coalition he's very adept at using numerous weapons ranging from standard guns to RPG's.
-Strategist: Never one to just walk into a scenario without proper briefing. He's extremely intelligent, and is referred. to by his co-workers as the man with a plan. He's never one to rush into situations without proper planning and consideration of what's going on, and all the factors at play.
-Bi-lingual: He's proficient in English, and Spanish. He also somewhat decent with speaking mandarin as well, but he's nowhere near fluent in that language.
-Obsessive: Harry can be extremely obsessive when it comes to achieving one of his goals or in the pursuit of anything he thinks he needs. He will loose sleep, be unable to turn his attention to other projects, and be extremely dismissive of others around him when he's in he height of his obsessive behaviors. He's also somewhat obsessive compulsive and can be seen constantly checking doors again, repeatedly checking on updates on his phone or status updates from Coalition projects to pass time.
Power: None, regular human.
Personality: Harry is a man who's all about business, and has little room in his hand for things of a playful nature. He has an extremely serious demenour, and likes to surround himself with like minded people. He's very mission oriented, and can't stand being stagnant. He's an extreme workaholic, and considers his occupation his life. He's very pessimistic about many things in life including romantic relationships due to negative experiences in the past, and despite this he's extremely dedicated to the preservation of life. He's loyal to a fault, and considers betrayal to be a trait of the weak-minded. He believes ends justify the means but only to a certain extent and believes those that cross the line to often are evil or terrorist in nature. Due to his unwavering stances and sticking to his code he's been nicknamed "Creed" during his tenure int he military, and has retained that nick-name even after his service was completed.
History: Harry Foltross was born in Germany into a military family, and spend most of his child-hood moving from place to place so he never formed and maintained long lasting relationships with anybody. His mother died when he was young from illness, and his father buried himself in his work leaving him to fend for himself. Still despite his father being distant he was his role model, and he wanted to be just like him. He had a strong sense of justice and duty growing up. Upon getting to high school he joined ROTC, and after high school opted to join the military to be just like his father. He was noted for his brutality, and ended up doing work in Black Ops which lead to him developing a pessimistic view about humanity, and the evil they were capable of.
Still he was dedicated to the United States just like his father was, and after the military took advantage of his free education by going to get a bachelor's degree in exercise science. Upon completing that he did work as a personal trainer before opening up his own personal training business, and devoting his free time to studying martial arts and reading about military and government operations. He was approached several times to work in the FBI and CIA but turned that down in favor of running his business. It wasn't until he faced extreme economic hardship that resulted in his business failing that he opted to change his career. Around this time his father was also killed by former enemies seeking vengeance on him from his time in the military. He ended up going itno the security business, and from there was recruited into the Coalition where he was made aware of the impending alien threat. He worked with them to help stop the threat and rose up in the ranks of the organization to become one of their more high ranking agents.
He's extremely paranoid of the impending alien threat, and believes humanity should do everything in their power to unite if they have any chance of survival. He was one of the main people pushing to work on re-engieering the confiscated alien technology from the aliens, and as such feels a great responsibility in the incident that's lead to people gaining powers. He's made it his personal agenda to stay on top of things, and handle the new superhuman populace as well as work on figuring out a solution to save & unite humanity before the coming war.