Name: Abigail Hennar
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Abigail stands at 5'1 and weighs about 104 lbs.
History: Abigail's life started out pretty straight forward. She went from elementary to eleventh grade without anything worth noting. Most of her time was spent writing and reading. Her ultimate dream was to become a famous novelist. Then, she got a computer and the summer break before the twelfth grade happened. She grew obsessed with creepypastas and other similarly styled videos, deciding that was something she wanted to do with her life. How hard could it be? She spent her time writing anyways.. So she got a microphone, video camera and created a youtube account under the name red-tales. When the time to start school came around she lost all interest in her education, and without talking to her parents, quit to pursue her youtube career. She managed to hide the fact from her parents for a few weeks but then everything came to light one day while shopping and coming into contact with an administrator from her school. Her parents gave her a choice, school or get out. She got out, and lived with a friend for sometime before finding a place and par time job to sustain her while she pursued her goals.
Personality: Abigail is a voracious reader and writer. On average she's capable of going through two to three books a week and, with the assistance of writing prompts, usually manages to write a couple short stories every day. She's very competitive and enjoys playing games that test her skills against others, especially bored games like chess, checkers and go. Her biggest personal weakness though is the tendency she has of over-estimating her own abilities which have gotten her into past problems. She's also not the most social individual and it takes her time to warm up to people. However, once she opens up its hard to get her to shut up.
Abilities: Common*Due to years of reading Abigail has a wide range of knowledge over various subjects at her disposal.
*Extremely Fast Learner
Uncommon*Push-Abigail holds up her hand, palm forward, and blast an invisible wave of force away from her.
*Pull-Abigail holds up her hand, palm forward, and creates a force that pulls something towards her.
Equipment:*Surujin-A three meter metal chain with a spike on one end and a metal weight on the other.
*Small Chess set