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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

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Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Calieo
Age: Early 30's
Race: Mortal.
Appearance: At first glance, one could mistake Calieo for some sort of noble in armour. Shimmering gold adorning every inch of metal, what looks to be a crown atop her head, and elegantly decorated weaponry like something out of a storybook. The way she carries herself is also akin to nobility, an air of pride and composure in everything she does. Just under 6 feet in height, her form beneath the armour is toned and powerful to the point that wearing it hardly seems to weigh down or restrict her.

Wild and short cut golden locks pushed back by the circlet atop her head, Calieo refuses to hide beneath a helm. The angles of her face sharp and defined all across her visage, the look in her sparkling, silver eyes speaking of wisdom and power. Her complexion seems pale but lightly sun kissed, as if all her skin has known was cool, sunny days. A pointed nose, tight lips, and practicaly flawless skin all come together to keep an air of regality in her appearance.

Attire: Constantly prepared for battle, Calieo's gold plated armour shimmers in the sunlight like a gemstone. Silver trim decorates every joint and design, the protective suit more a work of art than meant for battle. Beneath her metal plating Calieo wears a full body suit, the material a dull black in contrast to her armour. Breathable, durable, and very rarely taken off, the under-armour acts as a second skin, hugging every curve and shape to perfection. Finally, atop her head rests a jagged and protective circlet, stylized to look like a crown and partially hidden by her mane.


Personality and Aspirations: Loud, brash, and extremely proud, Calieo often confronts everything with an entitled, curious inflection. Her goal unclear, she seeks to rally the strong and quest for 'the key' as she often describes it.



Warrior: Always eager to shed some blood Calieo craves combat, particularly with those who disagree with her. Similar to her choice of weapon, her fighting style is unrefined and brutish. She'll often run in without a plan of attack, instead surprising most opponents with an unyielding, reckless advance. Though not incredible when it comes to skilled dueling, Calieo thrives in heated battles where an aimless swing of her flail will often make contact with something.

Battle-Mage: The ball of flame held within Last Sunset's striking head isn't meant for decoration. Rather, the weapon can be used to channel magic by swinging the ball on it's chain. The oxygen fuels the fire within the mace, and after charging it can be used to cast a variety of basic fire and light based spells. These range from simple projectile strikes, to bursts of heat and blinding light. Though inaccurate at range due to the weapon's nature, in close combat a charged magical strike can be devastating to whatever is hit.

Languages: Largely fluent in Cherinokin, and Abbalic

Current Location: Falke
Hidden 8 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Tirñea Escaron
Age: 19
Race: Human
Appearance: A little on the short side at about 5'1", Tirñea often carries herself with a proud and determined stride, her motions very fluid with every transition of movement. Fairly thin and incredibly lean, life in the desert has helped her grow to be in rather impressive shape for her age. Though her frame is naturally delicate, each time she swings her staff her arms visibly tense with the firm muscle she's spent years building all throughout her body.

Born a true daughter of Piñura, her features are both soft and warm as the sands of her homeland. Thin lips, a somewhat brunt but cute nose, and deep green, almond shaped eyes are all framed by the deep black dreadlocks she keeps her hair in. A complexion like polished bronze almost instantly gives away her desert heritage, the rich brown colour of her skin almost glowing with warmth.

Attire: Preferring to dress light to avoid being weighed down, Tirñea's choice of armour remains a sturdy, leather tunic, and a pair of woven arm bracers, all of which are padded with fur for warmth. Her brown pants, sweater, and boots while unarmoured follow the same line of thinking, simple but useful in keeping Tirñea safe from the elements. Overtop her newer but fairly dull clothing, Tirñea still wears the ceremonial garbs she was given upon becoming a beast master for her tribe. The bright yellow cloak and skirt both bear a colourful swath of patterns, made up from vibrant shades of red and purple, to mellow blues and oranges. Atop her head she wears the lower jaw of some sharp toothed creature, pushed behind her ears to keep most of her hair behind her head. Worked into the ends of two of her dreads she keeps a few charms, a rabbits foot, and a jagged tooth, those two parts of her hair hanging in front of her ears and down toward her chest.


Personality and Aspirations: Cheerful, sociable, and with a preference to avoid conflict, Tirñea's simple and flexible goal is adventure. Whether she does it on her own or with others, she's determined to explore this new land and test the strength of her previously bestowed power.

  • Ceremonial dagger, the handle and sheath carved from a small tusk
  • An out of date map of Obivec
  • A backpack containing a blanket, bedroll, small tent, rations, some basic medicine, and a bota bag for water
  • Coin purse


Beast Master: Gifted with primordial magical talent, Tirñea can entrance and even command many different kinds of creatures. Inexperienced at best, such spells often take a while to preform, and don't get far unless the animal is in some sense willing to cooperate. Always by her side is her familiar Sierpe, whom she communicates with by smashing her cudgel into the earth in varying patterns and directions.

Sierpe: The 30 foot long, 3 foot wide monstrosity Tirñea commands as her familiar is an adolescent desert wurm; wurms being a species of earth dwelling dragons found further south. It's rougher, protective hide is a dull brownish-red like the sands of it's homelands, and wraps around it's sides allowing it to partially breach the earth in safety without exposing it's underbelly. Smooth, almost rubbery looking, and pale brown, the exposed segments along it's underside are the powerful muscles that help push the wurm through the earth. Though still fairly tough, and still covered in scales, it's underbelly is more vulnerable than the rest of it's hide. Along it's back it has a set of flexible, dorsal spines, each one capable of slicing and skewering. Lastly, the business end of the worm is of course it's large, jagged tooth filled maw, with a second muscular ring of teeth at the start of the throat. Always falling out and always growing back, it's primary teeth often grow to around 20cm but will continue to grow until they fall out. For his journey to the North, the front third of his body has been outfitted with a shell of tempered steel, allowing the wurm to be protective of Tirñea should the need arise.

Self Defense: Tirñea is capable of swinging her cudgel back and forth fairly quickly, the commands required to direct Sierpe needing to be forceful and precise. Though the weapon isn't useless in a fight, it's offensive capabilities require one to keep their distance from any advisaries to make full use of the weighted bludgeon. In most cases Tirñea uses her weapon defensively, not well versed in actual combat, but quite capable of keeping herself safe.

Languages: Piñuran, Abbalic, can read and write some in both languages, mostly her native one. While speaking Piñuran is easy Tirñea is still learning Abbalic, understanding most of what others say though she is not well practiced when it comes to speaking.

Current Location: Ville de la Saumure, heading for Tour de Rouge
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by CelticSoldier
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CelticSoldier Knight of Avalon

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Jaime Cartarsy
Age: 25
Race: Human
Appearance: Short, red hair, sea blue eyes and a pale complexion, Jaime has the cast of a dreamer. Despite spending days under the scalding sun, he never seems to burn. If you looked closer, you would see the faint outlines of two runes etched into his skin, just beneath the nape of his neck. The first channels magic, the second provides a degree of fire protection.
He is of middling height, around 5ft 11inch, maybe six on a good day. Despite resembling a learned man, his body has been honed by years of fighting beasts, first in his native Tour de Rouge, and then in the Nether Gate. He also happens to be quite handsome, which even the girls he has left behind will bitterly attest to.

Attire: Typically, when not fighting monsters, Jaime wears a white linin shirt under a jacket of monster hide died red. When he is fighting monsters, he wears only padded leather armour, with a few metal plates behind over more vital areas. They are, however, empowered by runes of his own design so that, when hit, he armour is harder than plate. Like all heroes, he neglects a helmet, stating it would ruin his hair. In reality, it blocks the flow of magic to the rune on his neck, which would significantly hamper his runic enchantments.


Personality and Aspirations:
Jaimie's a thrill seeking, risk taking son of a bitch, and can barely sit still unless he's doing something
(weak ADHD), but his speech is quite smooth and practiced, which comes with being an shameless f***boy ladies man. He is a constant seeker of adventure.


Basic survival supplies
Coin purse (respectable amount of money)
Equipment to complete minor runes


Jaimie has the knowledge required to create powerful runes, although he is not a master. He specialises in creating flame enchantments and developing runes of his own design, but is more than capable of creating almost any kind of other rune you could imagine. And some which you couldn't.

Beast Hunter:
Jaimie has fought many beasts and demons in his time, and he knows how to handle himself and adapt his strategies.

Agile fighter:
Despite it's cumbersome weight, Jaimie has found a way to use his weapon that involves as many doges as parries, and can keep it up for quite some time.

Jaimie speaks fluent Abbalic and Neath-scratch.

Current Location: Tour de Rouge

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by rivaan
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Member Seen 28 min ago

Name: Chambala
Age: 23.
Race: Human.

1.79 meters tall, she has long flowing chestnut hair, piercing gray eyes and a rather wild expression. Her body is well trained without a single ounce of useless fat. Still despite the fact she’s covered almost entirely in muscles, she’s not misshapen at all by it. She has retained her elegant figure almost like a wild cat.

Attire: The attire Chambala wears is a rather unique and exotic type of clothing that not many would wear. It’s entirely made of furs, leather and bones. Her chest is tightly wrapped with a long piece of leather. Form the waist she wears a fur breechcloth, tightly secured by a woven string of leather, decorated and additionally kept in place with rather impressive buckles of bone. Additionally on her left shoulder is attached, with leather bands and strings, a big feline skull as a form of shoulderpad. Finally she wears a pair fur boots and gauntlets that double as weapons also. As a finishing touch, she has a pair of earrings made out of the fangs of a beast. Personally handcrafted and carved, they carry an exquisite details actually. Both fangs are carved to with the images of flower fields. For the colder times of the year, she also possesses a big fur coat that reaches under her knees.

Bio: Chambala was born in a family that lived near the edge of the Iron Sap Forest. Her father was a hunter who made a living by hunting the local animals and selling their pelts. Her mother was a simple woman who had a very vague understanding of enchanting, she had studied it as a youngster, but following her marrying and having children she stopped. Still she thought Chambala what she knew from a very early age. The final member of her family was her brother who was 4 years older than her.

Chambala's early life was not one of riches as her family barely made a living and met both ends, but somehow they persisted. Chambala and her brother helped her father with the hunting from as early as she could remember. She'd help him hunt, set the traps, field dress the smaller pray and so forth. One day when she was 8, while hunting they came across an injured young pup of a wolf. She couldn't bring herself to kill it and after some convincing, the family took it in to raise him after his injury healed. Eventually the wolf turned into trusty hunting companion.

When Chambala was 14 years old, a tragedy struck her family. One night, she and her trusty wolf companion were out in the woods, hidden up in a tree lookout that her father often use when he was out hunting for game at night. She had spread some simple traps about the place, tied to ropes that were pulled all the way to her hideout so if something small got caught in the traps like rabbit or squirrel, she could easily pull it all the way up before the bigger predators get the chance to eat it. On the next morning, after returning with a little score of 2 rabbits and a squirrel and some rats, she arrived at her home, only to find it burned to the ground. They never had any valuables, but this had all the markings of a bandit attack. Her family probably tried to fight back and they were killed. As such at the age of 14, she was left alone without a roof over her head or family. Chambala had no money, only a few small animals she caught the last night, her trusty companion and a wooden spear.

The following years passed in complete struggle for survival. She moved to live in a small cave her father used during his hunts after that event. She had no money and even if she went to some of the cities, she'd there just be a urchin. Instead she decided to live by herself at least she had her wolf. The winters were heavy things to survive, but she managed by clumsily modifying her new home and spending all possible time by hugging her wolf for warmth. She even covered the entrance of the cave with stones and wood to stop predators from entering. She covered the stone ground with lots of furs from the many rabbits and other animals she caught. As time passed and she grew older, she started hunting properly with a bow from time to time, but mostly her spear. Gradually she grew better at survival, learned to fight and live in the wilds. From time to time she'd visit towns to sell her furs, buy some provisions and other things she couldn't acquire in the forest by herself and return back to the forest to live a calm live. Sadly to her worst pain, her trusty companion finally had died after injuring his back. She cared for the wolf as best as she could, but the injury was too severe and it passed away. After giving him a proper burial by the cave, she took the furs she had gathered as usual and headed over to Falke to sell them. Who would have guessed the crazy annoying people who lived outside the forest would burn the bridge down, making her stuck outside her forest!

Personality and Aspirations: Wild, bright and careful. She likes to meet people, to hunt and to pass her time doing enjoyable things. She wants to live her life without people telling her how to do so.

Inventory: Any weapons, tools, mementos, supplies, or anything else you can think of.

  • Claws(hands) – A set of fur and leather gauntlet like weapons, that have each 3 long metal blades at the end. Used for both protection and attacking. She rarely takes these off.
  • Claws(feet) – A set of fur and leather boots, but also reinforced with bone. Like her gauntlets, they have each 3 long metal claws at the tip, allowing her kicks to be even deadlier weapons. Plus it helps with climbing! Rarely takes them off also.
  • Obsidian knife – A rather simple item, this obsidian knife is her bread and butter tool for harvesting her pray, to cut her food and so forth.
  • Fur traveling bag – Down at the bottom of it, there’s a rolled up and tied with two leather straps fur, that serves as her blanket if she needs one.
  • Dried meat and fruits rations & Waterskin
  • Hunting spear – Her second weapon that she uses quite often these days. It’s a spear made out of wood, is adorned with bones and has a steel blade. It’s just the right length to be used for both throwing and fighting in melee range.

Skills: Anything from specific spells and combat abilities, to known languages, literacy, and crafts. Please add any necessary information if the nature of the skill isn’t initially apparent.
Languages: Abbalic
Extreme agility: Chambala possesses almost absurd agility. She is able to dash, dodge, jump, twist her body and perform acrobatic feats with ease. In close fight she’s like a wild beast.
Spearplay: She’s adept at using her spear for both attack and defense. She’s not the strongest physically, but her extreme speed and precision more than makes up for it.
Beastfight: Chambala is not a strange to using her bladed gauntlets and boots to fight in close range. More than once she was forced to fight using only those, to defend herself against beasts or other people. It's not pretty sight, but she possesses odd efficiency with it. Almost as if she was born to be fighting with claws.
Trapper: Chambala has learned the basic of creating traps from her father and since then she has learned more on her own and by conversing with other hunters. She's proficient in making traps from materials found at the forest. From pitfalls to snares and so forth. Mostly ones to allow her to catch/kill the animal with little damage to it's pelt as possible.
Primitive Runes: Chambala had discovered a way to create magical runes of sorts. They lack the very capabilities and strength of their normal counterparts, but allow for interesting effects such as proximity detectors, local poison resistance, small ignition and so forth. In actuality it allows her to create minor trinkets such as wind chimes that react when something approaches, small fangs that could be pierced into wound from poison creature to slow the poison spreading and help fight it off, or a simple pieces of wood or bone that turn into small sparks that could be used to light fires.

Current Location: Falke
Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zhaliora
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Zhaliora Fallen Angel

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Kamen Evie
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Kamen Evie Masked Witch

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Drag
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Drag Mummy's Cheeky Boy

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Unknown, assumed mid-20's
Cain's face is always covered by his hood and face mask, showing only his unflinching and seemingly unblinking dull gray eyes. The skin shown on his face and hands is ghostly pale and generally laden with scars, marks and specs of grime.

Cain is roughly six feet tall and very lean, his armour hugging to his body rather than hanging from it, though he has no real muscle mass or noticeable weight to him making him rather unimposing up close. Cain's hair is long and unkempt, whilst he generally ties it to his back to avoid it getting in his eyes a strand or so will usually rest against his forehead. Cain's face and posture rest in a perpetually neutral state, showing no indication of aggression or any other emotion for that matter.

Cain wears a set of relatively common black leather armour, many jest of it being that colour because he seldom takes it off, he also wears a bandolier across his chest containing several throwing knives. Cain's armour hugs his frame extremely tight granting him no detriment to his movement. Cain also has a plain black cloak with the hood attached to a black face mask allowing his identity to be concealed at all times even during high speed chases. His bow and arrows remain slung behind his back and his armour carries various other knives and daggers in case of emergency, such as his boots.


Personality and Aspirations:
Despite Cain's threatening appearance those who have dealt with him describe him as being extremely odd. The least of which being that he doesn't seem to wash. The man is seemingly emotionless, speaking only in ever a flat monotone voice and his face never flinching from a neutral setting, because of this Cain has developed the eerie quirk of simply enunciating the emotion of which he is speaking in prior to talking, it is solely for his employer's benefit but he does it so often it appears it's the only way he can talk these days.

- The Blackwood Bow, a jet black bow custom fitted to allow for longer firing distances and a marker attached to the side for a slight assist to aiming a shot. the string is loosened somewhat to allow Cain to draw an arrow for longer than normal before his arms tire.
- Four Steel Throwing Knives, attached to a bandolier on Cain's chest these knives are used only for mid-range combat or to incapacitate a fleeing target by being thrown at their legs. Whilst Cain favors his bow he is also an excellent shot with these, though he considers the knives more of an investment than a viable weapon
- Quiver, segmented to allow differing arrow types to be held and separated to avoid misuse. Common steel arrows are kept on the far left, rope arrows are kept in the centre for aid in climbing and poison tipped arrows are kept on the far right, there is also a small segment at the centre bottom for a few silver arrows, mainly due to Cain subscribing to the superstition that silver harms the Undead much more effectively. The quiver carries fifteen standard and poison arrows, five rope arrows and five silver arrows (Though Cain generally swaps these for whatever benefits the job)
- Two Daggers, kept strapped safely to the side of Cain's boots these are used solely for when someone has closed the distance between him and gotten in close
- Plain bag, Strapped around Cain's waist and resting on the bottom of his back, this bag carries the rest of Cain's worldly possessions which happens to be a few spare and experimental arrows, the money from his jobs that he can carry, a waterskin and whatever food he's stolen for the night.

Assassin - Fighting with grace and finesse rather than strength and brawn Cain is trained in the art of dodging enemy attacks and whittling them down with daggers or preferably at long range with his arrows. He is also much more suited to stealth with his athletic skills and velvet tread.
Emotionless - Whilst it may seem like more of an irritant than a skill, Cain's lack of any conveyance in emotion save for his standard pre-speech enunciation means it is near impossible for someone to tell when he is lying, telling the truth and most importantly, what he is truly thinking. His lack of visual cues make him an unpredictable foe both in battle and in simple conversation.
Aim - Cain does indeed miss his shots on occasion but more often than not he will reliably hit what he's aiming for and has managed to utilize this to create alternate pathways with rope arrows and utilize choke points on larger groups of enemies
Languages - Abbalic, Piñuran

Current Location:
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AisleTen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Gen Katsuragi
Age: 25
Race: Human
Appearance: Gen is a somewhat handsome looking gentleman, with a clean-cut face, and wild blonde hair that he curls upwards. He stands at 5'7, due to both of his parents being rather short, and he has somewhat developed muscles. He weighs 134 lbs, and isn't sluggish in any way. He has green eyes, and a slightly tanned Caucasian skin tone all over. He has average sized ears, a petite nose, and short eyelashes. Gen has a standard posture, although being slightly slouched over due to his fighting style

Attire: He normally wears a white undershirt, with his favorite blue vest on top. His pants are normally baggy and lightly colored, though he tucks them into his brown leather boots to prevent them from snagging too much. He also wears a necklace that his father gave to him before he died, with the pendent being a golden leaf. Gen will normally keep leather pouches around his belt for various uses, as well as various holes to stick anything extra. Gen has a scabbard across his back for his long sword, with the hilt at his left shoulder. He normally keeps the black eggs he has in a more secure pouch, as they are extremely fragile. Gen normally keeps his throwing knives on the back left side of his belt, with his stabbing knives in the back right.


Personality and Aspirations: Gen tries his hardest to be gentlemanly, though he houses a rather short temper. A Casanova, due to his lack of much interaction with women growing up, pretty girls never escape his sight now. Gen is loyal to whatever cause he takes up as long as they’re giving him his money, and while he does enjoy playing tricks and arguing, he tends to be extremely cocky as well. Claiming that the "Spirit of the Sword" that he wields is why he hasn't died despite coming extremely close on several occasions.

Gen aspires to become a man of either infinite wealth, or immense status, and uses anyone he comes across as a shield.

  • Saya no Uta: Translated as either “the Song of Saya”, or “Saya’s Song,” this broadsword found its way into Gen’s hands through his father Keima, who claimed it had the soul of a warrior that protected their family for generations within it. Though there’s nothing seemingly special about it other than an inscription in a language Gen could not decipher, it’s stuck by Gen’s side ever since leaving his home. The sword seems to possess Gen with almost another mind when he’s in trouble, and has led to him luckily surviving many fights where he should not have. The sword emits a slight glow of red when he’s in battle, hinting that there could truthfully be a warrior within the sword.
  • Back-up knives: No thief worth their salt would be caught without knives to spare, and so Gen carries three for throwing, and two for stabbing even though he gets them switched up every once in awhile. Tucked within his belt, these knives wait for the moment they’re unleashed.
  • Black Eggs: Used to blind his opponents, black eggs are made from hollowed out chicken/duck eggs filled with dust, metal shavings, and anything generally harmful to the lungs and eyes which he then paints black. He crushes them in his hands, and either blows, or throws the egg directly into his victims eyes, usually permanently blinding, or possibly even asphyxiating them. Gen uses black eggs mostly just for retreat and as a last result due to how cumbersome they are for him to make and maintain. Normally carrying about two or three with him, black eggs really only work on opponents that aren’t fast enough to move out of the way, and their eyes can be very visibly seen.
  • Clawed Feet: Gen normally keeps a pair of claws that he's fashioned himself out of scrap metal and nails to put on the front of his boots. He generally stores them in a pouch he keeps on his right hip, and only uses them for climbing, although he has them for fighting with kicks as well. They're surprisingly sturdy, and generally won't break unless he's kicking at a wall or similar object with all of his might. All he needs to do to put them on is simply screw them into the holes he included in his boots.


Gen has no knowledge of spellcraft or wizardry, but has grown fairly efficient in throwing and cutting with his knives. While initially starting as a simple parlor trick, over the years Gen has grown fond of throwing knives, using them not only to instill fear by whizzing a knife past someone's head, or just for general attacking, Gen has grown fairly accurate with them as once he became captain he would hold competitions to see who could hit a target dead center from the furthest away. Over time, Gen would consistently win with his record of hitting a bulls-eye from 12 meters away.

Generally using his agility above all else unless cornered, Gen uses the environment to his advantage as much as he can. When using his long sword however, Gen normally takes a more defensive stance, side-stepping and cutting when he sees an opening. Using his knowledge of more formally fighting from his father, combined with the dirty tactics his thieving days have taught him, Gen is a formidable foe to fight. Gen will normally never stick to the same tactic for too long so as to not give his enemy any opportunity to really learn from a fight, and so he'll usually go between his knives, his sword, and then using kicks and jabs in a combination to keep his opponent guessing.

Gen is only proficient in Aballic, but knows some Foji from his father. He is very literate due to his parent’s schooling of him, and Gen is an excellent cook due to his mother and many years of having to work around using sub-par ingredients. While not able to create immense masterpieces, his cooking always has some sort of hint of spiciness to it.

Gen’s years of being a thief have given him the knowledge to easily deceive any who haven’t caught onto him, and a proficiency with climbing and moving about undetected. Gen very much prefers shoes that don't have hard soles or heels for the express purpose of keeping quiet, and normally attaches a sort of claw to the front of them if he's climbing, but tends to be useful for fighting as well. His coercion came naturally over the years, and while it's mostly effective against the dim-witted, Gen has managed to trick people more knowledgeable with his silver tongue through promises and deceit.

Gen is especially no stranger to running away from fights, and has a sixth sense of sorts for when to flee, which has generally saved his life on numerous occasions. Gen has always attributed this to his sword, but Gen normally seems to hear a whisper in the back of his head when entering any sort of confrontation. He can determine quickly whether a fight is worth the trouble, and generally unless a lot of money is involved, he'll tend to avoid fights.

Current Location: Gen’s current whereabouts are in the port town of Cinder.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by AisleTen
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Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name: Viridis Nocelia
Age: 50
Race: Fae
Appearance: Despite her age, Viridis still looks like an incredibly young girl of about 10-12 years of age. Her hair is somewhat odd for a fae, with three colors going down to about her knees. The hair surrounding her head and scalp is a golden blonde. The hair from her shoulders to her waist is a light green, while the hair from her hips to knees is an incredibly grassy green. Standing at only 4'7" tall, her stature is rather fragile as well, with extremely pale and doll-like skin. Her eyes are an amber yellow, and she often wears dresses made by herself, which usually entails leaves and flowers. She prefers to be bare-footed as well. She also bears a rather lofty pair of wings, though the span of each of them is only three feet and they resemble that of a butterfly's.

Attire: Viridis often wears dresses made by herself, which usually entails leaves and flowers of varying colors and size dependent entirely on the season, along with twigs to hold everything together. To her it’s not uncomfortable in the slightest, and she often will weave extra dresses in her free time though she never uses them.


Personality and Aspirations: Not very serious, Viridis prides herself in the way she balances fun with her spell casting. Despite never having friends with anyone but her master, Viridis is quick to be empathetic and friendly to those who would otherwise wish her harm. Viridis isn't complicated in any way, though she does wish that humans were less rude, and the denizens of the forest much more smart. She tries to convince the humans to stop progressing so fast, as it's clearly harming the forest, due to it's fairly slow rate of adaptation. Viridis still has her childlike innocence, though she tends to try and act more mature than she understands at times. Of course despite her huggable personality and appearance, when things get rough she is a source of energy and happiness in a bleak moment. Though still technically a guardian in training until she's 58, Viridis aspires only to become a strong enough Guardian to protect both humans and her forest, as well as wanting to enjoy what she cannot within the forest.


  • Caduceus Staff: Given to her by her late master, the Caduceus staff isn’t a simple tool for channeling. Instead, it stores charged spells for instantaneous use. Spells like summons or large destructive spells can be charged into the staff for quick use, but the catch is that the staff can only hold three charges at once, of three different spells. Viridis normally only charges this with defensive spells to help her retreat as she’d rather avoid fighting. The staff is made mostly of a wood similar to oak so as to be strong enough for use in more than just spell-casting. It has runes carved up and down the five foot length so that the stored spells did not lose strength over time, and it is tall enough that it goes over Viridis’ head when she’s in a human-sized form by several inches. It seemed to have been designed with her abilities in mind, with the ability to scale up and down in size along with her.
  • Leafy-clothing: For fae, it’s a tradition to stay as close to the forest as possible, and so they choose to make clothes from twigs, branches, leaves, and flowers. For a guardian however, this clothing works as morphable armor. Light when they need it, and heavy with rock and bark when they need it as well. Though, Viridis definitely doesn’t enjoy the maintenance that the leaves require, as she has to water them every day.
  • Knapsack: Made entirely of tree bark, Viridis brings along a bag to carry her spell books, tomes, and grimoires so that she can study on the move. She covers the flap of the knapsack with strong ivy and heavy roots when it’s kept on her back, discouraging anyone from trying to reach into it to try and take her things from her.

Hovering: All Fae can hover even without thinking as children due to their wings. It is a natural ability that gives them quick maneuverability for running away and hiding. Hovering in a human sized form is almost always a good way for fae to be put down, so they almost always exclusively use this while they’re shrunken down.

Shrinking and Growing: Another innate ability, Fae normally stay in their shrunken size of about 4 or 5 inches tall, but can grow to be about as tall as a child. They can do this literally instantly, and doesn't take much stamina. However, she can shrink and grow others, though it takes much longer than by herself. Dependent on how many she’s shrinking, it can take anywhere between five seconds to five minutes.

Aura Sensing: As a guardian, Viridis can determine something's standings based on the aura it gives off. Blue means morally good, while red means morally bad. White represents something with a pure heart, and black the opposite. Purple represents those who can be unpredictable between the two. Though this only extends to humans. This is entirely based on Viridis' own moral compass. The only issue with it is that it does put a large part of people in the red or purple, even if to you or me it's likely they would be blue, mostly due to Viridis' overly sheltered lifestyle. So it's not incredibly useful, but it does tell her who to be more careful of.

Elven Tongue: Fae can speak to the inhabitants of the forests, whether they be animal or bug, useful for information.

Sylvakinetics: So long as Viridis is within the domain of the forest, she can bend it to her will. Moving trees to attack her enemies, and flinging rocks using tree roots. Used for escape and offense.

While Viridis' main element is the forest, she only seems to know how to fling small rocks at high speeds using roots in the ground and slowly bend trees, or twist a bush to create traps or environmental advantages well ahead of time if she's expecting something.

Home Advantage: While Viridis is in her home forest of what the humans call the Whispering Wilds, she's granted a boost to her maneuverability and movement, allowing her to move up to speeds of 10 MPH with ease, especially so while shrunken down.

Current Location: Cinder
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Vox
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Vox Habitual Problem

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Renee "la Roche" de Tour de Rouge
Human 32 The Choir Soldier

"As long as the Choir sings, I will never fall."

Standing tall and proud at a cool 5'7", this warrior keeps her body lean and muscular. Her skin is tanned from years of campaigning, even though her face with her dark brown eyes and unusually colored hair is usually hidden underneath her helmet.

In battle, Renee now dons her freshly crafted and enchanted armor plates mixed with hardened leather over a layer of padded cloth. It was crafted mainly by Renee during her time on leave, but the finishing touches and enchantments were done by her father. Though for the most part plain and utilitarian, Renee couldn't help but add gold accents and trims to parts of her armor alongside more richer colors of cloth. In more casual settings, she prefers a loose blouse, a good set of breeches, and a dependable pair of boots.

The first-born child in a magically talented family, her father a now-talented runesmith, her mother, a magical researcher, Renee grew up with plenty of love and wanting for nothing. When she was younger, her father still just a blacksmith who was developing his latent skills with runes with the help of her mother, she often aided him around his forge as best she could throughout her childhood and into adulthood. She took to the workings of metal far better than magic despite her mother's best efforts, though her two younger brothers quickly made up for her deficit.

However, what did take were the stories and myths of Tour de Rouge's rich culture and history, particularly the ones of the monster hunters from days of old. When it was time to craft her own set of weapons and armor for her rite of passage, she worked with feverish glee. She devoted herself to honing her fighting style, to crafting her own personal armaments so that they would be truly be extensions of herself. Arms and skills that would prove useful after she was drafted into the Choir.

Though the Choir had long since effectively standardized and mobilized the greatest fighting force on the Obivec Isles, there were still traces of Tour de Rouge's heritage lingering in it. A heritage that thrived in utilizing the strangest of weaponry and fighting styles, where fierce individuality led to unbridled passion and the wildest of heroes. Those that continued that heritage, lived it, embodied it, people like Renee, were often split into individual squads. These squads formed the core of the Choir's fringe forces: the most harrying skirmishers, the most devious trappers, the most cunning spies, the most farthest ranging scouts, and countless other jobs that larger forces were simply not suited and trained for.

Due to Renee's natural talents, she found herself attached to a squad of skirmishers that prayed hard to Aramice and struck even harder against Loyalitat whenever they had the chance. After a time, Renee became impregnated and had to take a leave back to Tour de Rouge in order to properly take care of herself and her new child. By the time her child was born and Renee felt confident enough to rejoin the Choir's forces, the only bridge across the Horizon river was burned down.

Personality and Aspirations:
Determined and focused, Renee likes to get things done, and bringing the songs of the Choir to the rest of the Obivec isles is something that certainly needs to be done.


◇ Armor: Enchanted to be extremely light, to Renee it feels like just another layer of clothing.
◇ Shield: A large, thick metal shield. She doesn't utilize it often, preferring instead to use her sword with both hands. On it lies the sigil of Tour de Rouge.
◇ Longsword: A plain blade.
◇ (2) Javelin(s): A plain javelin, weighted for throwing.
◇ Travel Cloak: A deep green, tattered edge cloak with a freshly restored stripe sewn horizontally across it, it has seen her through many battles.
◇ Backpack: A large sack meant to hold enough supplies to last for an extended period of time.


◇ Air Mage: Proficient in manipulating the air around her, Renee often finds a wide range of uses for her magic. She has done everything from using it to bring over a good cup of coffee, to using it to lighten loads and decrease travel time by days, to incorporating it into her own unique fighting style.
◇ Chasseur: Having grown up on tales of wild hunters, each with their own fierce and unique fighting style, Renee has spent years developing her own. Despite her favored weapon being a longsword, her fighting style is more akin to that of a brawlers, using her magic to jump higher and leap farther to outmaneuver and get in close to an opponent and pummel them with a variety of elbows, knees, and her own head to catch her opponent off-guard before slamming down her blade.
◇ Infantry: When using her shield, Renee adopts a much more solid stance and becomes much more reactionary. She often waits for her opponent to strike first before again using her magic to give herself bursts of speed to catch her opponent off-guard.
◇ Blacksmith: Through a childhood of helping and working with her father, Renee is a skilled blacksmith
◇ Runesmith: Only has rudimentary skills in runesmithing
◇ Languages: Abbalic

Current Location: Tour de Rouge
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by LegionPothIX
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Vital Statistics:

  • Character Name: Jumper
  • Character Age: Relative, Childlike, over 500+
  • Sex: None
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Weird, Tsukumogami
  • Background: Lost Artifact
  • Title(s): None

Reference Description:




Notable Skills:
The base frame for Jumper (the one he start's with) is light and agile and maneuvers quickly and with ease. Any changes to his frame (with GM permission) will result in the appropriate changes to his skills.

Jumper more closely resembles a small thief, or a mettlesome alchemist, than any true warrior or wizard. He has a handful of spells that are derived directly from his nature, and a majority of his skills are focused upon upkeep, maintenance, and stealth.

Starting Location:
Twilight Fields Region.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by LittleFae
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LittleFae Worldbuilder

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Autumn Bladerunner "Little One"
Age: Late teens by appearance, 27 in reality.
Race: Human



Personality and Aspirations:



Starting Location: Main settlement of Twilight Fields, looking for work as a hired blade.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 8 days ago

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