Name: Sage
Age: 22
Race: Human

Sage's eyes are an odd shade of yellow, which is weird because he's
sure they were blue when he was a kid. He also has a number of geometric tattoos covering his forearms, and one in the form of a serrated spiral over his heart. He's also a little shorter than most people his age, standing at about 5'3.
Attire: Sage wears an oversized, baggy hooded robe, coloured a full grey-brown. It seems plain in very way. However, it has belonged to each Sage across generations, so it probably has its share of secrets like everything else. Underneath it he wears a tighter fitting tunic, which he prefers to use when he fights.
Bio: From the moment he was old enough to start forming memories, Sage was aware that there was something off about his life. For the most part, human contact was practically non-existant. The only person he ever met was his teacher, an old man whose name was also Sage. They lived together with Sage's familiar, a young wyvern named Tarfal, and the older Sages familiar, a ferret named Argo, amongst the hills in the southern area of the Western Grasslands.
Over the years, he learnt magic from the old man, who while always helpful, could be incredibly difficult to deal with. Still, the man was ridiculously powerful, and the skills Sage learnt from him gave him the power he needed to defend himself from any creatures and dangerous spirits he encountered. In this way, he would prove himself worthy of taking the name Sage, just as the old man had done when he was young, and take up the cause of every generation of Sage, defending the innocent, communicating with good spirits, and warding off or sealing away malicious ones.
And then one day, when he was seventeen, the old man vanished, the only evidence he had ever existed being his robes. For months, Sage searched for him, but had no luck. He was gone. It was around this point that his eyes changed from blue to yellow.
After a while, Sage decided to commit to the old mans wish for him, and set out with Tarfal to travel the country, helping those in need. All the while, he trained his magic and combat skills, doing his best to live up to his name as the next Sage. However, it has become exceedingly clear that even with his current efforts, the war will only continue to make things worse for the citizens of Abbaden. Along with that, he realised that if he let the arms race between both sides continue, it could lead to the creation of new, recklessly dangerous magic. Therefore, he decided he would end the war before too much damage could be done.
Personality and Aspirations:
Sage can be a rather... difficult... person to get along with. He is a big fan of speaking cryptically and forcing people to come to the right answer by themselves. In addition, he enjoys irritating people, finding it amusing to get reactions out of people. However, in the end, he is also somewhat naive, hoping for the best in the people encounters, and even making excuses to avoid killing whenever he can.
Even with his naïveté however, he also takes his task as a Sage quite seriously, doing his best to teach magic to those he deems trustworthy, destroy or seal away dangerous magic, and assist people whenever he deems it necessary. This in turn leads to him looking for a way to end the war, before one of the factions can make the decision to turn to dark magic for a trump card.
Despite his abrasive personality, he is extremely protective of the people who actually manage to make enough of an impression for him to consider them friends. This is particularly strong in the case of Tarfal, who comes above just about all else in his mind.
Inventory: A simple staff, seeming little more than a simple tree branch, and a large book full of his notes on magic, which he keeps strapped to his back on a sash beneath his robes.
Example 1: Sage is an extremely talented mage for his age, having been learning magic pretty much since his birth. While there's a lot that he knows in theory, he is very good at magic that incorporates barriers and plant based magic. Most of his spells are initiated through short songs in ancient languages, as is tradition for the magic of the Sages.
His main uses of plant magic involve manipulating leaves flowing through the wind, or causing plants to grow at incredible rates in the way he wills them to. His barriers, on the other hand, have a multitude of uses. While the standard uses involve deflecting physical or magical attacks, some more advanced forms can suppress, or even siphon magic, strength, willpower and stamina. However, more advanced barriers tend to require some form of runic supplement in order for them to be effective, and even then, he is not very skilled with them yet. This forms the basis of the traditional sealing spells used by the Sages, which generally involves creating a prison of a certain element, a willow tree in our Sages case, and weaving in a number of barriers and physical runic seals into the creation of said prison.
Unfortunately, Sage is still not as adept as his predecessors at his sealing spell, and using it can be very draining, and even dangerous to his health.
Example 2: Sage is very agile, being something of an acrobat from learning to make his way around the environment quickly. This also lends itself to bring quite skilled when it comes to using his staff as a melee weapon.
Example 3: Sage has an almost instinctual mutual understanding with Tarfal, having been together practically since birth. Both Sage an Tarfal can understand and follow even the most subtle clues in each others body language, working off these signals to become stronger than either could be alone. Not only this, they have a bond through magic as well, as Tarfal is Sages familiar. This allows the two to sense each others presence, even when they cannot see each other.

Currently, Tarfal is about the size of a Clydesdale.
Tarfal is Sages oldest companion, and his familiar. Sage first found Tarfal amongst the hills when he was just a hatchling. Not even the older Sage was quite sure how he got there, but he told the young boy that if nothing was done, the newborn wyvern would most definitely not survive. Being the friendly young boy he was, he quickly made the decision to take care of Tarfal himself, the hatchling imprinting on him over the next months.
From then on, the two were nearly inseparable, and it wasn't long before Sage took Tarfal as his familiar.
Tarfal, much like most wyverns, is capable of sustained flight, and can breath fire in short bursts. However, he still doesn't even come close to the power of a fully grown wyvern, let alone a dragon.
Current Location: Twilight Field