@vietmyke Yes, that's the Iron Dominion perfectly - particularly their Floatstone enabled fleets - and that's a good portrayal of the ship we'll be using too, if a bit fancier than what I had in mind. Strip away from of the ornate decoration and you've got it, boyo. There might be some more extending sails on the sides, though, for use in the Upper Luft.
@vietmyke Oh, right. Sorry, I'm low on caffeine right now. It's just most often we all refer to 13org's character as Kat. And that the post talks about the drink so my thoughts went to the man who made it, and I forgot that astir means awaken.
Working on writing my post right now, really enjoying trying to get into Aura's character here, so I hope everyone else is having as much fun with gettin into their characters!
Attention all: Make any posts you want to make before we embark on the journey asap. When I get home and don't have to use mobile any more, I'll be typing up the next story post.
I've made another post! What I'd like to do is use Cole's journal as a sort of 'codex' for everyone, players and characters both, if @Bazmund does not object. I'd post it either in the character's section at the very end, or add it just under the 'Journal' part in his Equipment list, and it could contain info on places we've been, notable characters - basically just take the active npcs and put them in - but also a short summary of what our characters know about each other. Maybe even the occasional 'Entry' by Cole summing up recent happenings. Of course given that it's Cole's journal, he'd only be able to record what he knows about, be he could have noticed things.
By the way, folks, this is a universe that is primarily lighthearted, and there's a lot of beauty in the Eversky - but go ahead and be as terrible to your characters as you like. Hit us with the feels. Always makes for great writing, y'know?