Inner Demons? Pssh, more like Outer Demons.
The war between Heaven and Hell has been going on for an eternity. Ever since the Demons broke away from God's domain and formed their own, they have been pursued by the Angelic Army to no end. The Demons, lead by the 7 Demon Generals, each personifying a different one of the Seven Deadly Sins, were losing ground quickly. More and more of Hell seemed to be falling to the relentless pursuit of God and the Angels. In fear for their life, they hid themselves away. God, knowing they were not gone but were not to return for a while, put them aside and began focusing on his new pet project: making the Earth.
The Demons saw the new Earth as new land for Hell. The 7 Demon Generals infiltrated the Garden of Eden, home to the two humans, Adam and Eve, and convinced them to take the Devil Fruit. God soon banished Adam and Eve from the Garden forever, but the fight was not yet over. The Demons continued to plague Earth with war and violence. Eventually, seeing the damage they had caused, God did something drastic- he sent his only son down from heaven to Earth. He sacrificed themselves to clean them from sin. Then, God sent his many angels down upon the Demon Generals, pushing them back and eventually capturing them.
God looked at his captives. What would he do- send them to Hell? He knew that was their domain. Destroy them forever? Despite their crimes, God was not that type of man/deity. He still felt a vein of goodness deep within their hearts. So, he reached a final decision: both punishment and a chance for redemption. All of the seven would be sent down to Earth, the world they almost destroyed, in the form of human teens. They would be dropped into the city of Bellmonte, and they would have to survive there, now students at a local academy. If they changed their ways, they could return to govern Hell as a land for the wicked. If not, they would be stranded on Earth forever and would eventually die. God, happy with his plan, sent them down.
The Demons, now into human form, were rather angry (or perhaps excited, who knows) about their new forms and locations, but they soon found their was one tiny oversight to God's plan:
He had forgotten to take away their magic.
Very loosely based off of The Devil is a Part-Timer and Seven Deadly Sins. This is not religious satire: anything offensive is not intentional.
The war between Heaven and Hell has been going on for an eternity. Ever since the Demons broke away from God's domain and formed their own, they have been pursued by the Angelic Army to no end. The Demons, lead by the 7 Demon Generals, each personifying a different one of the Seven Deadly Sins, were losing ground quickly. More and more of Hell seemed to be falling to the relentless pursuit of God and the Angels. In fear for their life, they hid themselves away. God, knowing they were not gone but were not to return for a while, put them aside and began focusing on his new pet project: making the Earth.
The Demons saw the new Earth as new land for Hell. The 7 Demon Generals infiltrated the Garden of Eden, home to the two humans, Adam and Eve, and convinced them to take the Devil Fruit. God soon banished Adam and Eve from the Garden forever, but the fight was not yet over. The Demons continued to plague Earth with war and violence. Eventually, seeing the damage they had caused, God did something drastic- he sent his only son down from heaven to Earth. He sacrificed themselves to clean them from sin. Then, God sent his many angels down upon the Demon Generals, pushing them back and eventually capturing them.
God looked at his captives. What would he do- send them to Hell? He knew that was their domain. Destroy them forever? Despite their crimes, God was not that type of man/deity. He still felt a vein of goodness deep within their hearts. So, he reached a final decision: both punishment and a chance for redemption. All of the seven would be sent down to Earth, the world they almost destroyed, in the form of human teens. They would be dropped into the city of Bellmonte, and they would have to survive there, now students at a local academy. If they changed their ways, they could return to govern Hell as a land for the wicked. If not, they would be stranded on Earth forever and would eventually die. God, happy with his plan, sent them down.
The Demons, now into human form, were rather angry (or perhaps excited, who knows) about their new forms and locations, but they soon found their was one tiny oversight to God's plan:
He had forgotten to take away their magic.
Very loosely based off of The Devil is a Part-Timer and Seven Deadly Sins. This is not religious satire: anything offensive is not intentional.
So, if you read up to here, I guess that means you're still interested? Good. Hold on there, only a little more reading to go.
There will be exactly 7 characters in this RP, each one representing a different sin in the Seven Deadly Sins (wrath, greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, pride). Each one will have magic abilities, slightly correlating to their sin (i.e. wrath has fire because hothead and that stuff). They will be in the fictional American city of Bellmonte, and be in teenage forms of around 14-18. They will be attending an academy that is still a work in progress in the name department, which is a normal boarding school type place. While there will be a plotline, I'm giving you a lot of room to work with. You can control NPCs to a certain degree, and make your own little side things, I don't really care.
Any questions, you can ask here. Right now, if you want to join, claim your spot:
Grrr! Wrath should be a a hothead: easily angered, tough guy, all that.
@Inner Demon
Sloth doesn't have to be dozing off every 2 seconds, but are generally more lazy than the rest and are procrastinators.
Pride is very confident, but also very overbearing and arrogant. As such, they'd probably assume a leadership possition.
Envy is a very jealous type and doesn't like seeing others top them. Very competitive, but also spiteful.
Greed wants everything. Kleptomaniacal and posssesive. If they see something they don't have, you'll be damned that they're going to try and get it.
Gluttony and Greed can get confusing sometimes. The difference is: Greed wants everything, Gluttony overdoes something. That can be eating, but I like to think of it as drinking. However you interpret it.
Lust is promiscuos and flirtatious. They want love and attempt to seek it at all times. They're cunning and not unwilling to use their charms to get things they want.
All you guys feel free to claim one. at max 2. I'll drop the thread when we get all the spots filled up. I'll take the leftover, it doesn't really matter.
Hopefully you're interested, lol.
There will be exactly 7 characters in this RP, each one representing a different sin in the Seven Deadly Sins (wrath, greed, lust, sloth, envy, gluttony, pride). Each one will have magic abilities, slightly correlating to their sin (i.e. wrath has fire because hothead and that stuff). They will be in the fictional American city of Bellmonte, and be in teenage forms of around 14-18. They will be attending an academy that is still a work in progress in the name department, which is a normal boarding school type place. While there will be a plotline, I'm giving you a lot of room to work with. You can control NPCs to a certain degree, and make your own little side things, I don't really care.
Any questions, you can ask here. Right now, if you want to join, claim your spot:
Grrr! Wrath should be a a hothead: easily angered, tough guy, all that.
@Inner Demon
Sloth doesn't have to be dozing off every 2 seconds, but are generally more lazy than the rest and are procrastinators.
Pride is very confident, but also very overbearing and arrogant. As such, they'd probably assume a leadership possition.
Envy is a very jealous type and doesn't like seeing others top them. Very competitive, but also spiteful.
Greed wants everything. Kleptomaniacal and posssesive. If they see something they don't have, you'll be damned that they're going to try and get it.
Gluttony and Greed can get confusing sometimes. The difference is: Greed wants everything, Gluttony overdoes something. That can be eating, but I like to think of it as drinking. However you interpret it.
Lust is promiscuos and flirtatious. They want love and attempt to seek it at all times. They're cunning and not unwilling to use their charms to get things they want.
All you guys feel free to claim one. at max 2. I'll drop the thread when we get all the spots filled up. I'll take the leftover, it doesn't really matter.
Hopefully you're interested, lol.