Valerio Vexx
Valerio shuffled his cards as he and his allies searched the caves, a bored expression on his face. He feels like he should have consulted the Harrow before they started venturing out, but decides to not dwell on it too much. Still, however, his paranoia slowly became apparent the longer they traveled through the wilderness. For a moment, he decided to look around, himself. As he surveyed the general area, Valerio hears some rustling in the trees.
"Damn it, it's an ambush, isn't it?" Valerio questioned, drawing a card as he looked up to the trees. All he found instead was but a lowly squirrel, doing naught but... mocking him?
"... False alarm." Valerio grunted, eyeing the squirrel with annoyance. As an attempt to forget whatever he just did, Valerio figured he would continue by scanning the area for any latent magic. Whispering the words to himself and waving his hands in the air, Valerio had cast
Detect Magic. As the faint wave of scrying magic slowly pulsed throughout the area, Valerio's readings indicate that there seems to be nothing of magical origin in the immediate area. Before he could detect some more, however, the telltale sound of chuckling continues to break his train of thought.
Turning back around, Valerio once again spots the squirrel, laughing more frantically than before. Valerio also has the feeling that somehow, the squirrel is insulting his mother. Losing his patience, Valerio decided to cast another spell.
Touch of Fatigue. Maybe this will shut that rat up...
What followed was a short dispute. Well, dispute's a bit of a strong word... The squirrel leaped on Valerio, biting and clawing at him as he frantically began to beat it to death with his club, his thrown card missing and flying back into his other hand. The squirrel had scurried across the gambler's body as a means to evade his attacks, causing the gambler to hit himself a few times trying to catch the dastardly beast. Finally, after a short display of man-screaming and wild swinging, Valerio had managed to finally beat the woodland creature, raising it in the air victoriously, before dropping it on the ground. As he took a breath, relishing his victory, stifled laughter could be heard from the direction of the party. Turning towards them, he had noticed that Detta had been holding back her laughter.
It was at this moment that Valerio realized how much of a fool he looked like.
"Ah, I was just... finding us lunch!" Valerio had said, with a nervous smile.
"How about any of you help me pack it up? I'll be here, looking for a... a stick! Squirrel on a stick! Anyone ever tried one of those? They are divine."The half-elf felt like he will never live this down. Ever.