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Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The fighting on the border between Molthune and Nirmathas has lasted for generations. Officially the war ended in '55, but that was just a paper peace. The fighting has never stopped -- it just holds its breath every once in a while.

Both sides have informants strewn throughout enemy territory. A barmaid at the Gorged Gorgon overheard a Molthuni sergeant talking in his cups: "Every bleedin' acre south of the Marideth has been fought over so many times that the people living there hardly care who's in charge anymore. Lucky for them, most of the borderlands that haven't been razed to the ground are too heavily wooded to be much use to either side. Still, even small companies of soldiers with nothing to lose can cause an awful lot of trouble..." The sergeant went on to describe one such company, and the informant brought the tale to the Nirmathi rangers. Nirmathas brought the request to the Pathfinder Society, who has sent your group to investigate and assist.

Your group met their contact in the city of Tamran at the mouth of the Marideth River. Forest Marshal Weslen Gavirk heard of the Molthuni incursion against Fangwood Keep through his Chernasardo scouts, and is looking for a small group to fix the problem before it gets out of hand. Much blood has already been spilled over Fangwood Keep, and Gavirk hopes that by sending a neutral party to reclaim the castle, he can stem further violence surrounding the fortification.

Gavirk has learned that a rogue Molthuni commander has taken Fangwood Keep and slain numerous Nirmathi soldiers in the raid. He informs the group that the Molthuni soldiers bore the sign of a mailed fist grasping a broken arrow, but otherwise possesses no clues as to the troops' specific station within the Molthuni military. His scouts report that the force was about 30 strong, and that its apparent commander is frequently seen alongside a changeling spellcaster of some sort. He advises them to use stealth during their mission, since taking on the entire Molthuni force all at once would almost certainly result in defeat.

Though he cannot provide a detailed map of the fortress, Gavirk does inform the group of a secret entrance on the keep's northern side, and tells them to look for a stone engraved with four interwoven circles as a marker for one of the secret entrances. Once the group eliminates the Molthuni force occupying Fangwood Keep, Gavirk gives them orders to hold the fort for several days while he and the other Nirmathi leaders organize a larger force to garrison the base. Gavirk then gives them an initial payment of 250 gp, and promises an additional 750 gp to be paid upon completion of the mission. This figure is nonnegotiable. In addition, their employer provides the PCs with two elixirs of hiding, a scroll of knock, and a scroll of hold portal, and allows them to purchase additional supplies from the quartermaster before embarking upon their quest. The quartermaster's supplies are fairly limited, only holding basic nonmagical gear and simple potions, but you are free to purchase what you need.

Once the group is ready and has had a chance to ask any questions, they are free to embark at their earliest convenience.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Zverda
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Zverda Walker of Worlds

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hanani looked down at the symbol that the man had provided to them, a frown on his face as he studied the object that held the mark that would allow he and his companions to know when they had reached the entrance they would need to catch those inside by surprise. "Leave it to men to not know a lick about the inside of a keep they are meant to liberate, or have us liberate," he thought crossly, a soft hum of agreement sounding in his mind as his blade, Mercy, made her agreement with his thoughts quite clear. The response from her made his face contort into a mildly amused expression, it was always pleasant when she agreed with him and rather unpleasant when she did not, which happened often with the company of the Paladin around. There was just something about her that Mercy was not fond of, she claimed it had something to do with the female dwarfs moral alignment and often begged Hanani to allow her a taste of the woman's blood, of which he always refused.

"Don't be such a spoil sport," she said to him, catching his inner line of thought, though rather vaguely, "She is just entirely too good for my liking, no one can be that good I mean, come on." This elicited a snort from the Magus, something that his companions should be used to by now even though he had only been conversing with the blade recently. Before it had seemed like such a normal weapon, albeit the color of the blade being rather odd, but when he had reached a certain point in their prior job together she had started to talk and thus earned herself a proper name.

"Nothing really interesting or tell tale about this symbol, it doesn't seem to be magical in the least," he told Mercy, temporarily forgetting that he should be telling his companions the same thing. That was the thing about Hanani, he had spent most of his life wandering the forests alone, learning all he could without help or companionship for the better part of his life. When he was asked to join the Pathfinder Society he nearly refused, finding the company of other's to be an annoyance and completely unnecessary, but they eventually got him to agree. At first he remained silent for a majority of the time, not really talking to anyone and when he did he was fully aware of how rude he was being and didn't very much care that he was. He saw them as lower than himself, less intelligent until they proved their worth to him, now he tries his best not to be as much of a dick, though sometimes he failed.

"Right... so... nothing inherently magic about this symbol it seems," he finally said after a not so gentle reminder from Mercy to share his thoughts on the matter, "Then again, it's not like this drawing is an exact replica... doubt he cared much to ensure that it was as long as it was close enough to let us know where to sneak in." There it was, was only a matter of time before he said something that could be considered rude by most, not that he really cared much about that. Didn't really matter if people got mad at him for stating simple facts, he was right and that was that, do with it what you will.

"Ever the charmer my dear Hanani," Mercy said to him, earning a rather twisted look of annoyance in reply, not that the sheathed blade at his side could see it... everyone else could.

@Cu Chulainn@Muttonhawk@Ermine@Ms Ravenwinter@JBRam2002
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Having been promised a profession as a daring explorer, destined to chart the world for the starry-eyed ideals of humanity, Kyra wasn't impressed that it all amounted to mercenary work. Of course, she wasn't surprised either. Many of mother's teachings have been lost from her mind, but one always seemed to echo from within. Men love nothing more than their money, their women, and their violence. Combining any or all of the three for your benefit is the path to success. She was just happy to be working on the side of violence now. Much more dignified work.

The money didn't mean so much to her. It was nothing that she had ever had any control over before, anyway. The concept of it simply didn't seem very valuable to her, as long as you could manage a bearable living situation without it. But, at least in her current occupation, it certainly helped to keep one's self intact. The still pristine cowl billowing behind her was certainly a testament to the uses of monetary gain, with it's thin sheen of magic resistance sparkling faintly in the sun. Still, she didn't take much time hefting the sack of coins presented to her before depositing it in one of her ally's bottomless purses.

But now there was work to do and there was no sense in dallying. "I'm a little worried," Kyra leaned over the table with her index placed on the map over the keep they were tasked with infiltrating. "This river here. Will that narrow our path inside?" She looked up to the Marshal as she asked. Unintentionally taking an inviting stance, her billowing robes folding out to reveal her supple, tanned chest, her unconscious seductiveness betrayed her focused tone. She didn't even seem to notice, as she was conditioned to address her superiors in this way.

>Accidental Diplomacy of 4.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 days ago

Such a tragic land.

The unfairness of a heartless city was one thing. The cruelty of a long war was quite another. Detta could see it in the weary eyes of the older rangers as much as the actions of this rogue company they were to hunt. As loath as she was to take part in a conflict of nations, Detta had to refer to cold sense to justify it -- to demand that the Nirmathi deal with the problem would escalate the violence. Not to mention, insubordinate soldiers often did harm to the local populace. With a small smile to hide her reservations, she tiredly looked from her helmet between her hands over the to symbol.

"Don't mean anything to me, either," she concluded. Her voice was as rough as always. Probably shouted enough times in her life that she could communicate with crickets when at a normal volume.

Hanani's comment was met with a stray look from Detta's exposed eye. This wasn't the first time that the man held unrealistic expectations of others. Detta tried to be good-natured about it, even in vain. She hummed a chuckle. "Hiring a sketch artist is what this downpayment must be for, Hanani."

Kyra's question was more directly relevant. Detta's eye flicked to Forest Marshal Gavirk to hear the answer.

Coaxing anything from Kyra about herself was a delicate process. Detta could not help but feel sorry for what trials she had shared. It was as if she had a portion of her life taken away from her. Still, she was swift, intuitive, and steady on her own path. If she was marked by a god, she must have something in her future. Detta had not pried further.

The others in the group were capable enough. Albeit odd cases.

Claudia was quick with her tongue without a mask and quicker with her blade with it on. Detta had yet to work out her motives past simple compulsive transience. She had been apparently everywhere, getting into trouble and learning about the world. What had her running so constantly out of frozen Irrisen remained a mystery to Detta. Perhaps the aversion to constantly uprooting oneself was just Detta's inner dwarf talking. Regardless, Claudia was better to have on one's side than not. It was not as if Detta could find evil in her heart.

And then there was Valerio. Detta would be lying if she claimed no envy of his intellect. He thought of solutions that wouldn't have occurred to anyone in the group for years. Where her envy tapered was where his mind was so full that he could not empty it and take a step back. Constant calculation and thought sounded like a curse similar to constant hunger and cold.

To each their own. Detta exercised patience for the half-elves and their disharmonies. If they really needed help, they could ask for it. Even the plumekith woman and her lanky feline.

Detta carefully wrapped a gauntleted hand around one of the vials of elixir and spoke as she tucked it away. "Excuse me, Forest Marshal. I don't want assume too much 'bout these soldiers. Is they something special 'bout Fangwood keep that they would wanna take it, or are they just lookin' for a place to board up the windows and cause trouble? I wish we wouldn'ave to kill them all if there's something more going on."
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Valerio Vexx

Nirmathi Ranger Encampment, Nirmathas

The Tyrant. The dragon. The harsh ruler. Is this what they'll be expecting later in the castle? Perhaps. A dragon does indeed seem too farfetched to have taken over a keep this small, and with how it was taken over by a rogue commander makes this an unlawful takeover. Why would a tyrant be so deep out into the wilderness? Valerio began thinking to himself as he began to shuffle the card back into the deck, stopping before he did so just to look at the card one more time...

The dragon's monstrous visage made Valerio think a bit more on their current whereabouts. They would be traveling for a few hours into the wildernes until they made it to the keep. Perhaps there are beasts on the way to the keep? Dangerous fauna, and perhaps even flora? Being unfamiliar with these lands, Valerio figured knowing about the wildlife as well as any natural threats they may find on the way will be important to expedite their journey.

"Are there any sorts of things you or your scouts could tell us about the land? Any wild animals we should be wary of? Bears? Owls? Owlbears? And what of any sorta of geological landmarks we should keep track of? Quicksand, especially vicious brambles..." Valerio asked as he inspected the two scrolls. Knock and Hold Portal. Open and Shut. These will indeed help with infiltrating the keep, but Valerio hopes that they will not have to use them unless necessary. Hopefully they can rely on Claudia to find a subtle way to enter the keep. Perhaps Valerio can consult the Harrow for further insight. Dropping the gold he earned into his pouch, Valerio nodded as the rest of his allies began to ask their own questions. He'll only need a scroll case to hold these two scrolls, and perhaps the keep could also contain some magical secrets Valerio can use...

The raiders did have a mage with them, after all.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Not a single care was given from Claudia regarding the symbol. First off, the others would remember it. Second, there probably weren't a lot of symbols to look for, so why should she worry about it?

Why not me? Claudia thought, though in Rusalka's much more intimidating voice. I'm the adventurer. I'm the one they'd take seriously, not just another pretty face. You're not even in the Society.

You take that back, miss edgy. I'm the one of us who's better known. I'm sure I'm much more relatable.

You spent a couple months in prison. That's not impressive. It means you got caught.

Well, if I hadn't, you wouldn't exist. It's better than someone who wears fashion accessories to be scary. And I was the one who got us out of there. You may have convinced me I could, but I did it my way. Talking. Not sneaking around, and, as you said, "shankin' bitches like they're a poor man's dinner."

Rusalka's voice grew quiet in her head, but even though it was in her own voice instead of the vigilante guise's, Rusalka laughed through Claudia. Not an evil laugh at least. Just a quiet, 'okay, we're good now' chuckle. Also quietly, a whisper from Claudia herself...to herself: "This better be fun."
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Camp of the Nirmathi Rangers

As the group questioned Gavirk, he ordered one of his men to hand out the down payment of their services. "The river Marideth runs within sight of the Keep. If the Molthuni soldier is smart, he likely has a watch stationed overlooking the water." The accidental display seemed to barely phase Gavirk, as he quickly shifted his attention to the next question. "When Nirmathas claimed her independence from Molthune, they built Fangwood Keep as a sort of border fort: an aggressive posture towards the Nirmathi. We have conquered and lost the Keep many times over the years, the latest of such excursions being nigh a decade ago when we took it back. Since then, we've been in talks of peace with Molthune, and this rogue soldier is endangering those efforts. That's why we are sending you instead of going ourselves; if Nirmathas took the fort back, it would signal another step in the ongoing war. If Molthune stormed the Keep, it could be seen as a sign of weakness, and elements of our army may try to take advantage. This is a delicate situation, and I trust you will keep the details to yourself?"

Without bothering to await an answer, almost as if he implicitly trusted the paladin in the group, Gavirk turned his attention to the next question. "The woods hold the standard dangers. Not much in the way of quicksand, and the brambles typically don't hunt you if you leave them alone." His response was deadpan, and not even a hint of a smile showed on his face. "There's been reports of hobgoblins along the path, and there's a troll that has a cave not too far from the Keep. He's never bothered us, so we haven't tried to root him out. Other than that, not abnormal dangers to speak of. The woods are fairly quiet." With his answers delivered, he turned to check on some of his men. "If you excuse me, I must see to the training of some new recruits. Please do not delay."

With Gavirk busy, the group purchased their requisite supplies at the quartermaster, spending some of their newly-earned gold before making their plans. A makeshift tavern was an ideal location to plan. The "structure" was little more than a large tent with a plank set upon two barrels serving as the bar, but there were several soldiers mulling about the area. Someone had embedded a pamphlet into a nearby tree via use of an arrow, and the pamphlet had a crudely drawn image of a troll on it. "Bounty: 1000 gold to whomever brings me the head of Sigurx. I'll be at Fort Ramgate -- Signed, Arther Cossack."

It was decided after a short time that the best option would be to begin their adventure immediately, push as far as they could in the remaining light of the day, and break camp along the trail. The journey for the first day was uneventful, and the night's watch equally so. They had traveled for a few hours the following day when they stumbled upon a cavern system. The area outside the caves seemed bare, although the grass was worn within several feet of the cave entrance as if a makeshift path had seen the pounding of thousands of footsteps.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 days ago

Detta tried her best to make conversation on the road. Given her attire, talking wasn't going to make them much louder even if they wanted to slink by quietly.

"My pa says a castle traded over and again never gets fixed. This rushed human work made for quick wars's not likely different." She raised a ambivalent palm. "If one company took it without help getting there first, could be full o' holes still? The tricky part's holdin' the bastard."

The cave they found was impossible to miss. Detta turned her head, raised an eyebrow, and stopped. After a quiet look, she lowered the visor of her helmet and strode carefully towards the cave mouth, leaning to get a better look around the scenery. Squinting into the dark didn't yield much that she could make out, even with her dwarven eyes. The pounded path didn't have footprints big enough to be from that troll with the bounty, either.

>Survival 9: Ain't no trolls around here, boss!

Detta put a fist on her hip with a metallic click and half-turned her head back. "What you make o' this?" She asked her friends.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Zverda
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Zverda Walker of Worlds

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hanani did not say much when the man answered his comrades questions, in fact, he remained completely silent and left to go purchase a couple things right after the man had finished speaking. The information they had gathered was plenty and his knowledge of trolls was well enough that if they did run into one he knew to simply use his fire spells to help dispatch the beast before moving on to better things. Once his potions were bought he met up with the others so they could begin their 'adventure', hoping to simply get it over with as he wasn't all that interested in much else, unless something proved to be of interest as they traveled. Before their rest of the first night he spent some time simply talking to Mercy, amusing himself with the small banter until he was forced to get the rest his body decided to force upon him.

The following day he was just as quiet as before, content with simply listening to the others and only speaking when spoken to if it could not be avoided. When they came across the cave systems, he simply squinted his eyes and took a look inside, figuring the others would look at the prints as he was more interested in what could potentially be inside... which seemed to be nothing, at least not at the moment. "The cave system seems to be relatively silent and made of limestone," he told the others, probably the most he has said in some time in a collective sentence, "Nothing sounds out of the normal nor does it seem dangerous at the moment, but that isn't to say that we won't have some troubles later on if we don't go through quickly."

With that said, he simply pulled Mercy from her sheath and held her in an almost lazy, but natural, manner. When the Paladin asked for the other's opinions Hanani remained silent. He didn't much care about the tracks and he didn't glean much from them regardless, so he felt he did not really have anything to add to the conversation in those regards. "Oh come on, it can't hurt to share some of the information you get even if it isn't-"

"Shush, it is nothing important and the Paladin gleaned about as much as I did," Hanani growled at the sword mentally, his face showing his displeasure.

Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The party spied upon an opening within the nearby crag, and the banter trailed off as they approached. With a simple glance, it seemed like a perfect place for their extraneous bounty. Though, traveling only a day and assuming the first cave you happen to slip by is the home to a troll would a tad irresponsible. And so a handful of the adventurers stooped over the cluster of steps in the grass in search for clues, Kyra included.

She came to a low crouch, inspecting the ground for any visible pattern as the weather had cleared away any particular print. "This must've been abandoned quite a while ago," she remarked as she started to follow one such pattern in the trail. On its own it was unrecognizable, but she was able to track it down a few feet until a piece of brush had to be peeled away to reveal it. Underneath, there was a print, relatively preserved.

"Hobgoblins," she spoke up. Eyeing around a little and rising to her feet, almost identical patterns were flooding over the trail, all about as recent as this. "It seems that they left in a hurry. And in droves." She pondered to herself for a moment on this. There were so many. Why would they have all fled like this?

"I don't think a lone troll could've ejected this many of them from their home. Either men invaded the cavern, or something else has nested here. Something much bigger."

>26 to Survival.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Cu Chulainn
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Cu Chulainn nuts

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Valerio Vexx


Valerio shuffled his cards as he and his allies searched the caves, a bored expression on his face. He feels like he should have consulted the Harrow before they started venturing out, but decides to not dwell on it too much. Still, however, his paranoia slowly became apparent the longer they traveled through the wilderness. For a moment, he decided to look around, himself. As he surveyed the general area, Valerio hears some rustling in the trees.

"Damn it, it's an ambush, isn't it?" Valerio questioned, drawing a card as he looked up to the trees. All he found instead was but a lowly squirrel, doing naught but... mocking him?

"... False alarm." Valerio grunted, eyeing the squirrel with annoyance. As an attempt to forget whatever he just did, Valerio figured he would continue by scanning the area for any latent magic. Whispering the words to himself and waving his hands in the air, Valerio had cast Detect Magic. As the faint wave of scrying magic slowly pulsed throughout the area, Valerio's readings indicate that there seems to be nothing of magical origin in the immediate area. Before he could detect some more, however, the telltale sound of chuckling continues to break his train of thought.

Turning back around, Valerio once again spots the squirrel, laughing more frantically than before. Valerio also has the feeling that somehow, the squirrel is insulting his mother. Losing his patience, Valerio decided to cast another spell. Touch of Fatigue. Maybe this will shut that rat up...

What followed was a short dispute. Well, dispute's a bit of a strong word... The squirrel leaped on Valerio, biting and clawing at him as he frantically began to beat it to death with his club, his thrown card missing and flying back into his other hand. The squirrel had scurried across the gambler's body as a means to evade his attacks, causing the gambler to hit himself a few times trying to catch the dastardly beast. Finally, after a short display of man-screaming and wild swinging, Valerio had managed to finally beat the woodland creature, raising it in the air victoriously, before dropping it on the ground. As he took a breath, relishing his victory, stifled laughter could be heard from the direction of the party. Turning towards them, he had noticed that Detta had been holding back her laughter.

It was at this moment that Valerio realized how much of a fool he looked like.

"Ah, I was just... finding us lunch!" Valerio had said, with a nervous smile. "How about any of you help me pack it up? I'll be here, looking for a... a stick! Squirrel on a stick! Anyone ever tried one of those? They are divine."

The half-elf felt like he will never live this down. Ever.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rusalka watched in mild amusement as her companion was mauled. By a squirrel. That he provoked. Becuse he's perfectly sane. She would have helped, of course...once he went unconscious. Not that she wasn't going to hold this against him forever. Claudia would, too, but not in amusement. She'd have handled it much more childishly, though, so it was much better for Rusalka to be out.

Once the distraction had passed, Rusalka stepped forward toward the opening to the cave. "Now that you've lerted everyone to our presence, I'll go see exactly who may have been listening. Stay back unless you're accustomed to life in the dark. Not the mental dark, Valerio; you stay here."

>Stealth Roll: 27
>Perception Roll: 20
>Walking in as far as she can, watching where she's going.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

As Rusalka delved deeper into the cave, there were a few things that soon became quite evident. First: the caves were now uninhabited. Second: the previous inhabitants were likely a large number of individuals who cared little for cleanliness. Third: they left in what appeared to be a well-thought-out manner. Although much was left behind, the items that remained were neither valuable nor useful, as if anything that would be required was packed up. There were several crude sketches that one would hesitate to call artwork in one of the "rooms" of the cave system; another held worn out clothing and pieces of cheap leather armor that appeared to have been ruined beyond repair.

In the main living area of the cave was a large blood-stained chair, apparently used as a sort of throne, and a rug laid out in front of it. Rusalka quickly noticed that the rug held the same emblem of the mailed fist holding arrows that Gavirk had showed them. In addition, she could tell once she approached that the chair's stains were intended to be decorational, not the result of someone's untimely death (or at least, not while they were in the chair). Finally, hidden by a minuscule bump in the rug, she noticed what appeared to be hinges in the floor, and carefully putting weight on the carpeted section revealed a deadfall trap of some sort.
Hidden 8 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 days ago

Detta didn't much mind the different levels of banality amongst her friends' observations. However, the squirrel incident did divert her. Any attempts to hold in her laughter were thwarted by Valerio's attempt to salvage his dignity.

>Survival 18: Divine is a relative term for describing rotisserie squirrels.

Her lungs couldn't laugh forever. Detta took a breath and spoke. "It sounds's'if you're the expert on that dish, Valerio. I think I'll leave it in your capable hands."

Rather than ask the obvious question of what darkness Rusalka was referring to, Detta took her axe out and leaned on it, letting the masked one go ahead. While Detta could see in the dark better than her friends, the darkness that scouts preferred was not the kind that included heavy armour.

"Very well, just make noise if need help," Detta added.
Hidden 8 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Ermine
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Ermine Alice von Ermineskaya Klossowski de Rolo III

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Rusalka inspects the trap, triggering it relatively carefully before checking inside in case it was really just the secret entance they were looking for. Unfortunately, unless someone in their party and all the bandits were extremely alkaline, there was no indication this could possibly be, in fact, another way in. Which really was a good thing, since that meant the bandits couldn't come back this way and surprise them, or sneak back in a different, unguarded route. She (and especially Claudia, loudly in her head) really hoped they weren't alkaline bandits. That's a thing, right?

She went back out to the group, telling them all that was inside is stuff the bandits who had stayed there didn't want to take with them. And about the trap, of course, in case anyone wanted to check for a hidden entrance to their destination.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

With little left to explore in these caves, the party continued on their journey, following the directions previously provided. Barely an hour had passed when a sign was posted on the road bearing crudely etched words in common:

Near the sign was another path leading away from the main trail. Among the many hobgoblin tracks that were easily discerned by the accomplished druid were several larger and fresher footprints, some of which were freshly made since the rains a few days previous. It was likely that they were still about a day's journey from the castle.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the group approached the sign, Kit turned his nose up at the still fresh scent he was unceremoniously exposed to. Kyra hadn't sensed it herself, but she wasn't looking forward to experiencing troll musk for the first time. She only gave the message a cursory glance before gazing out past the freshly trampled path. It certainly looked like some big game. Kyra's favorite.

"Well, if we've a day to spend," she tugged at the wood strapped to her back, and felt it gently pulse with life, "We might as well entertain ourselves, no?" Bow now in hand, Kyra looked to the group with a half-curved smile. The hunt was a rapturous experience for her, and while she was often the purporter of haste in a job, this was a worthy distraction to her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Muttonhawk
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Muttonhawk Let Slip the Corgis of War

Member Seen 2 days ago

With the empty cave left behind, Detta marched on with the group. "Hmph, hobgoblins," Detta said. "This company's just 'come a step scummier in my books. Let's hope this is the only band of 'em they've enlisted."

Before long, they all stopped to read the sign. Detta raised her brow in surprise at first, and then furrowed it again. "That's the name on the poster, ain't it? That troll?" Detta pointed to the signature. She nodded sideways. "Well Kyra, I'll not take a convenient coincidence and interrogate it like this. That troll's got to be a trouble maker to have a price for his head. Let's go."

Detta was sure to stow her axe and carry her flask of yellow acid in her throwing hand. However, her stepping off sounded the familiar ring of jingling mail and sliding metal plates.

>Stealth 3: It's going to take a lot of oil and hope for the armoured dwarf to go stalking.

Rusalka and Kyra could only do so much to remain inconspicuous with Detta beside them.

"Err...You'd better scout on ahead. I'll be right behind you." Detta grinned.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ms Ravenwinter
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Ms Ravenwinter Purveyor of Internet Twattery

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The consensus was made, and they set out in tiers. Kyra strayed just to the side of the open path, slipping her feet nimbly between any extremity of the underbrush. Eventually they came upon the crest of a clearing, her and Rusalka. She spied something beyond the distant trees and halted. As she pulled an arrow from its sheath, Kyra noticed that her companion continued on without hesitation. "Psst!" she hissed sharply to call the vigilante's attention. Letting the arrow rest between the fingers still grasping her bow, she pointed at the feasting giant opposite to them. With some quick gestures, she communicated to Rusalka that they should move in from either side of the clearing, inevitably pincering their quarry. Then Kyra set out, stepping leftward, just along the cusp of the clearing.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by JBRam2002
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JBRam2002 Controlled Chaos

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Sigurx's Cave

As the group began to prepare for its attack, the troll calmly put down the food it gnawed, grabbing instead what appeared to be the trunk of a tree. "Oi, there ain't enuff of ya to be gobs!" It called out loudly as it stood to its feet. "If you ain't be gobs, I got no quarrel with ya. Put down yer shiny bows and blades, or else you be squishies."

As Kyra got closer, she could see that in addition to the grotesque features of a normal troll's face, this troll also had severe burns covering half its face, and one eye was missing. All across its body were jagged blade slices crisscrossing, as if he had felt the gentle caress of a thousand cuts. The troll was old, perhaps bordering on elderly, and he was no stranger to battle.
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