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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

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Age: 19

Gender: Male

Element: Fire Bending

Nationality: Former Republic City, Current Residing near Ba Sing Se

Height: 5’8”,172.5 cm

Weight: 122 lbs, 55kg

Role: Keeping the Group Grounded

“Just a bunch of strangers outside of my door asking me questions I don’t have answers to. Don’t they have someone else reclusive they could bother that isn’t me?”

This is the Firebender of the deserts you so heard of. You expected someone older, maybe a bit more sagely. Instead he was a young man standing before you with an annoyed expression. It was clear to you he didn’t have very many visitors in his day, so your arrival was both a surprise to him and also a slight delay in his daily schedule.

Actually at this point it was uncertain if he was actually a firebender. Considering the choice of colors he chose to wear. Though the golden irises told you a very different story than his white overcoat, blue tunic in a pair of black breeches with sandles. Black cloth bracers around his wrist and hands.

The most colorful thing in his muted wardrobe was the checkered, blue, purple, and dark blue scarf he wore around his neck. That he seemed to safeguard it with care that his other worn clothes told him he didn’t care if they had wear and tear.

His long black hair was roughly maintained by trimming it with a small knife, that he used to cut ropes and other things he needed to cut, still he left himself with blunt bangs that he only trimmed if he felt it was getting too long. He tied most of his hair up with a leather wrap and a string.

His voice even in tone, all though maybe a bit flat, it was husky, maybe a bit smoky which was rather pleasant despite how plainly he put things.

Personality Strengths:

Past the cold exterior he often presents, he is actually very compassionate and gentle person. While he genuinely is better at offering tough love, it’s never from a place of maliciousness. People believe his flat delivery is because he doesn’t care, but his actions prove otherwise.

He’s always been the type of person who says less and proves to do more through his actions, which he hopes proves more to others than anything he has to say. Except that isn’t always the case when it comes to his personal skills. While he is not genuinely comic relief, he has a dark, dry sense of humor that often either makes people laugh or makes them uneasy.

He’s also very loyal despite how others might perceive his actions, like leaving in the middle of a tough fight because he’s actually planning a cunning ploy that gets others out of trouble. A quick learner and someone who uses means of sabotage and trickery to save others comes off to those who do not know him well as a coward who flees from fights which isn’t true for those who do know him.

A very honest individual who doesn’t lie, it is his greatest strength, but his greatest weakness as well there is a such thing as being too honest and saying what is on your mind. Which he can be. Years alone and spending time little with interacting people besides interactions with trading such as the selling and buying of goods.

Which he is good at negotiating prices. Mainly due to that astoot blunt honesty. He may not be the type of person to give you encouraging words or may not be the type of person to give you praise, but his actions are kind while his words are cutting like a blade.

Personality Flaws:

Zoze is the type of individual who speaks his mind with little forethought about how it will sound to others or how they will feel about it. It’s his blunt honesty that often gets him in trouble, while also his greatest strength it is also his greatest weakness.

He speaks sharply, says what comes to mind, and says it with such straight forwardness that it is often taken at face value. It comes off malicious or cruel, when the reality is that spending time alone and being as reclusive as he is that it’s meant as honest critique.

He also reclusive and sticks to himself. Says little to others about himself, which comes off like he’s not willing to be their friends. Which isn’t the case, he’s just use to making baskets or beaded necklaces by himself in the quiet of his little shack that overlooks a farm.

Some who know Zoze would joke he comes off like an eighty-year old man stuck in a young teenagers body. He comes off very much like a old man, grouchy, impatient with actions of immature children, and likes to spend a lot of time to himself.

He doesn’t take insults well and while he doesn’t insult others his quick retorts come off like insults or cruel jokes. He has no time for games and doesn’t sit without doing something. Always busying himself with a task of some sort.

Special Interest: Zoze likes to collect different stones from the places he travels. Each stone he melts down, to a smaller piece and he makes beaded necklaces which he sells and that’s how he often makes his money and supports the rather shabby rundown farm he does have. He also cooks well enough and sells little fire flake pastries his home recipe. Which includes fire flakes, a sweetener, filled inside a sweet bun like a pancake.

Hobbies: His hobbies include small task, like making his necklaces that he sells, or making his pastries which he sells. Or tending his farm, which he store the excess and sells what he won’t use. He also been known to use his shack to house other orphans who have all, but left him alone when they couldn’t deal with his busywork or his personality.

Likes: Hot foods [spicier the better], farming [quiet and peaceful, it’s almost meditative], cooking [it’s relaxing], alone time [gives you time to reset and energize yourself], little busy work [whether that be making a necklace, a grass basket, hand washing clothing the little things really change your view about the world]

Dislike: Slimy foods [need I say more], people [they are loud, disruptive, they pull the plants wrong, they don’t follow instructions, they want to play, act with tomfoolery instead of responsibly], crowded places [they are loud, don’t let you have a moment to yourself, and you always are somewhere you didn’t want to be for longer because crowds are in your way as an obstacle], crying children


Trading Skills -

Zoze has learned to live off the land and to use the skills he has to barter with others. For the most part Zoze is an eclectic merchant who goes into Ba Sing Se every now and then to sell cute little grass baskets, little necklaces, and sometimes when he has the ingredients he needs his delicious sweet fire flake buns. He knows how to negotiate the right prices, he’ll point out if someone else’s merchandise has a dent or is flawed in some way just to get them to drop down the price.

Personal Bending Style -

You could argue that Zoze is a firebending prodigy, probably the reason people would assume he would be the one to teach someone firebending. But truth be told Zoze is no prodigy, he took what his mother taught him before her passing and mixed it into his own style that he uses today. Most firebenders fuel their element through an unflinching desire to complete task and desires.

Though it would be clear to anyone who has ever watched Zoze, that he utilizes his firebending like that of a waterbender or an earthbender. Tough and stubborn, fluid, defensive, that unleashes an overwhelming amount of power when an enemy shows a sign of weaknesses.

Crafts -

As said several times Zoze is rather good with his hands. He excels in craft work, weaving baskets, making necklaces, even pottery with clay.

Tactician -

Zoze doesn’t just go into a fight without a plan. And he’s quick enough to come up with one if say the current strategy is not working. He’s not the type of person who plans everything, but he’ll devise tactics when they are needed to be implemented.


Niph - Mother - Republic City - Water Bender - Deceased

Roh - Father - Republic City - Fire Bender - Deceased

Mao - Sister Older [21] - Republic City - Water Bender - Alive

Mao was taken in by the orphanage even after the disappearance of her younger brother Zoze. She was adopted at he age of 13 and given the name Miseki. She continued her studies, but always felt the disappearance of her brother and her father were connected somehow. Unbeknown to her there was no connection between their disappearance she still joined Republic City Police to follow her father's footsteps and find her brother and her father.

Team Avatar: TBA


Republic City

Roughly ten years ago Zoze was born in Republic City. To a firebender named Roh, and a waterbender named Niph. Both already had another child Mao before Zoze, but things would change for the family shortly after. Roh worked for the Republic City police and was working on a case that few knew about, Niph barely knew and it was better that way for both parents to keep their children safe. One day Roh mysteriously disappeared, though Zoze doesn’t remember his disappearance being only a year old.

Mao, his eldest sister by two years, and his mother carried on with will and determination instead to not let Roh’s disappearance shake them.

His earliest years were in school in Republic City behind his sister and learning to bend with his mother Niph;all though he was a firebender ,and his mother a waterbender, his sister also a waterbender, they did what they could to teach him.

Few spoke to him about his father, all though quite curious at that age about his father. Finding pictures. Little mementos of who his father was. Niph avoided the topic and it soon bore a reality in Zoze’s mind that his father may have been dead and that’s why so many avoided the topic. Mao told him stories about his father’s officer days, but not in earshot of their mother.

His life seemed easy and simple back then. It could have been easy and simple now, if not for Niph falling ill.

She died shortly after. Zoze did not accept her death as well as some would have hope to have expected.

Welcome to the Earth Kingdom

Welcome to Ba Sing Se


Most of Zoze’s life was doing odd jobs for people in order to get enough money for a room a night or to get food in his stomach. Not every time was he able to pay for both. But some showed him kindness and compassion.

He continued his bending training by helping a dojo for free lessons. Usually it was cleaning up the courtyard for a lesson or cleaning the small dojo. No one really batted an eye at the firebender in an earthbender school. Mainly because few of the masters took pity on him, while one respected that he worked for his lessons.

Money was always an issue and a struggle. Sometimes when work was dried up or pay wasn’t good he had to resort to begging on the streets in hope that someone would take kind pity on him. Being young had it’s benefits and it’s drawbacks.

People were afraid of giving him work. But some people were concerned for someone so young sleeping on the streets, kindly woman, and fatherly fathers would take him into their homes at least for a night to feed him and give him shelter in bad weather.
For a thirteen year old it wasn’t the best life. It wouldn’t get better till he met a key person in his life, Jinrei. But that wouldn’t be for another two years. Instead at his age he had to either hope he made enough money for both food and shelter or someone would take pity on him. Elsewise he sleep in the weather and without a meal.

Trials in the Earth Kingdom

Trial in Flames


For two years Zoze would live with Lahaon and Chisa. He never saw them as parents, but had a great respect for them. He worked hard to show them his gratitude, helping keep their house clean, helping Chisa with dinner and cleaning dishes. He helped clean the dojo and helped Lahaon with any errands that needed to be run.

Only one incident in that time tested his resilience further when Madam Mo was found stealing his necklaces he sold her to sell them as if they were hers for a higher price. With some money in his pocket from what she owed him from stealing his work, life seemed to becoming rather stable. He still felt torn about Lahaon and Chisa.

On one hand he didn’t mind if he lived with them until he was an adult. But he also felt at fifteen that adulthood would be close. He’d only have five or so years with them. He’d need a job. A living. He needed to start his own path.

He had always been a rather independent and determined individual. Thus he continued to look for work. Zoze graduated third of his class, despite being a firebender, first in the record books of a different element in an earthbending school. Pin and him didn’t have many run ins, instead he tried to avoid him as best as he could.

When Zoze’s answers of his own path were finally accomplished in a Help Wanted sign. It seemed to be the thing Zoze was looking for. There he would meet a man that would change his life for three years before his very timely death and the farm he would inherit later unbeknown to him at the time responding to the letter.

Help Wanted Meeting Jinrei

Rebuilding the Farm

The Nighttime Vandals


Up to Current Time - Before Team Avatar

Over the course of three years the farm began to turn itself around. Beginning to produce yield that could be sold in small loads. Zoze continued with his beaded necklaces, picking up a few other trades like cooking, and weaving together baskets something a local woman taught him when she stopped by to rest at the farm.

While the same vandals didn’t come. Vandals would drop in every now and then, either Zoze could chase them off or end winning. The process of rebuilding a stable or two seemed inevitable, but at least Jinrei and him didn’t lose so much.

By the time Zoze was seventeen Jinrei began to slow down. Old age beginning to catch up to him. But due to the fact that Zoze was the only person to stick around and help him. His children never responding to a single letter he sent, on his deathbed he bestowed the farm in Zoze’s name. Handing the building to Zoze with only one real desire.

To honor the building that Jinrei so honored. Zoze promised to not only honor the building for its yield, but also to honor the building for Jinrei’s sake.

After Jinrei’s passing when he was eighteen Zoze lived on the farm alone. Dealing with thieves and the mistakes of sometimes lending a helping hand to a struggling orphan. Despite feeling like he found a home in the farm. He was once again alone.

But in this case it no longer was something scary. It was something easier to accept this time. He grew tired though over the years as people grew bitter, darker in their hearts and minds, and that was something he had to deal with. All the compassion. Kindness he saw when he was a kid faded. As he began to edge into adulthood.

People handled him differently. In return he handled them different becoming confident in himself. Saying what needed to be said.

Orphan in the Night

Before Team Avatar Current Events

The Prize Winning Pig

Pin’s Revenge

Anything else worth mentioning:

Being the son of a water bender, Zoze bending with flames is about using his opponents energy against them. He was trained by Earth benders and learned their patience counter strike, he learned to wait and listen, just as much as he learned to redirect and strike.

Zoze's flames are white and are quite small compared to other fire bender's more explosive fireballs, in fact Zoze prefers throwing slivers or blades of flames rather than fireballs of blades. They are often small, thin, and very hot. They tend to cauterize whatever they touch.

This is mainly due to the fact that Zoze is somewhat of a steam bender as well as a firebender. He cannot control the moisture of steam instead he can control the heat of the steam instead. Because he's learned to control this invisible heat he can get away with a smaller flame being able to contain the heat and steam inside of it for much longer and have it burn much hotter, but fizzle much quicker.

A lot of his stances are often like that of a water bender. Some will see Zoze use a stance close to the water bender's octopus, described as the fire hedgehog, which is a defensive shell, that spits tiny thin like threads of flames at incoming attacks.

He learned to steam bend when training with his sister as fire and water clash, water puts out fire, he learned how to redirect and fuel water to fire through the heat of steam.
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