Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Rune_Alchemist
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Rune_Alchemist Absolute Depravity

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

~Viola Rifei~


"Aha!~" Viola seemed pleased that at least one of them would be joining her, at any rate.
"Luggage? Dear, I already had my friends take care of things for me. Such nice little things. Shame most people are terrified of them..." She giggled lightly, not elaborating on the comment. "They should be finished setting up right about now...probably passing the time playing with my Tarot cards. Shall we head to the dorms then, Luna?" She glanced towards the other girl, giving her a smirk as she began walking out of the mess hall.

Hopefully Luna would feel fine with following her. If not, oh well. That was the way things were, and who was she to deny the outcome of things? Silent footsteps carried the small girl out of the mess hall and towards the dorms, deciding to walk instead of taking the train. Much more calming and pleasing then riding in that bucket of bolts. Halfway through the walk though, Luna might have a noticed a dip in the temperature around Viola as they walked. Not an extreme one, but definitely noticeable as she seemed to walk with a spring in her step until they arrived a the dorm building.

The door of which, opened seemingly by itself.

"Thank you, darlings." Viola spoke to seemingly no one in particular as she and Luna would pass through the door, only closing once Luna had walked through. When they reached their actual dorm, the process was repeated likely at least giving Luna a few things to question. Of course, anyone with any affinity for ghosts, spirits, or other such things would easily be able to see them.

"Hmm...is this the right one?" She questioned the air again. "Aha...the third room t'would be ours, then? How quaint. A bit smaller than I like...is everything neatly organized, then?" A pause. "Excellent. Go make some tea and take a rest. I shall tend to the guest." Somehow, her tone indicated that she likely thought this entire dorm was hers. "This is to be our dorm it seems. I've asked them to put on some tea for us."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 22 days ago

Melody ran her hands through her hair, part of her unable to believe what had just happened. Why on earth were people like this? Would it really hurt them to talk about their problems instead of beating each other senseless? She breathed a heavy sigh, and retreated back to her room. She still had to unpack and meet her new roommates. That last thought gave her cause for hope and excitement. Though the night had started off less than ideally, surely meeting new people would lighten things up, right?. She made her way up to the top floor of the fifth dormitory , and was surprised to see the different door. She tilted her head in curiosity and slowly slid the door open, "Helloooo?" She called into the room, stepping in and laying her stuff against the door. A pleasantly surprised expression danced across her face as she looked at the black marbling and high ceilings. "I've never seen a room like this before... It's kinda nice!" She said, looking around.

Abi had the.. fortune of leaving early. Some gossip that passed in whispers spoke of a giant 'student', who just so seemed to make a ruckus so soon. The girl had to remind herself that it was just the first day of class. Ruby eyes stared at the ceiling idly. Abi had already situated herself in a part of the room: the one as far away from the window-- darkness offered some comforting solitude as she lay on her bed arms wide.

She took a deep breath and rolled over once she heard the voice. The girl, despite her smile, gave no other welcoming gesture. She merely looked at Melody and spoke. "Did you have a good time?" Abi almost tweeted with twisted delight, well aware already who her room mates would be. Her lips curled into an unassuming grin.

How could she not have checked who she was rooming with as soon as the opportunity presented itself?

Melody cocked her head and grinned, "I had no idea we'd be rooming together!" She said. This would be wonderful! Being roommates with one of her new friends, this year would surely be amazing. She quickly crossed the room and embraced Abi in a hug, "We'll be the best of friends, I'm sure of it! This is so exciting!" At this moment, she processed Abi's question and shook her head, releasing her and placing hands squarely on Abi's shoulders, her tone dropped significantly as she said. "Oh Abi, it was horrible! Morholt's challenged some poor young first year to a duel. The poor soul." She then tsked and continued. "I only wish there was something we could do to help her." Melody then continued to walk back towards her stuff, and move it to her room, propping the door open as she went.

"But let's not focus on the negative." She said, starting to move her clothes from her bags into her dresser. "This room is different from any other I've ever seen here." She remarked, "It's really kind of nice, isn't it?" She shot a pleasant smile over toward Abi, "This is much fancier than the room I have at my Mistress's. "A clean mind needs a clean place to live", as she always says." Melody said, giving a giggle, " She prefers to keep things as simple as possible, in a lot of ways, coming here is more like a break than anything." Melody then left the rest of her things on her bed, and went back out to lean against the wall next to Abi, "What about you, what's life like at home?" She asked and gave a quick glance to the larger room and mace hanging on the wall, "And do you have any idea who our third roommate is? I'd love to meet them as well."

She blinked with every other other word that Melody said. (My. Such a simple question and here she is speaking in litanies~) Of course, who was Abi to turn a deaf ear to someone speaking so passionately? The girl had an attentive look to her face, eyeing as her room mate seemed to just bounce around the cavernous room-- like a rabbit.



hop hop hop."
Cheekily, she whispered with every step Melody took. Her playful grin was wiped off as a pair of hopefully-washed hands grabbed her brocade corset by the shoulders. "Pii!"

She tried not to think about the hands-- it was hardwired to be so averse to it.. Not many people had the opportunity to get so close. Abi was already fidgeting for her umbrella, how she wished it would be appropriate to flinch away. "I--'m glad someone came, though. Who knows what could have happened if the encounter continued?" Was it a proper time to speak her mind, though?

Abi tried to at least be nice. "As for you." She slowly backed off, enough to keep a friendly proximity, then holding Melody by the first digits of her hands. (Oh thank goodness they're clean!)

"Don't go running all gung-ho next time, alright? You would have been part of the mess he would have made."
How Melody could have missed the clues to their third roommate, Abi was so clear to point out.

Melody blinked, as she started to realize just who else would be living with them, "H-He?" She asked, looking around the room one more time, a look of fear crossing her face for a moment, "Morholt will be living with us then.." She had no idea how she felt about this. She always tried to see the best in people, but after seeing how angry and brutal Morholt could get, Melody worried that any attempt to help him would end... painfully. She shook her head, "Problems for later, I'm sure he'll be tolerable, right? And even if he isn't we're a couple of powerful young witches, I'm sure we can protect ourselves."

Personally looking for anything to distract herself from the prospect of living with Morholt, she decided to latch onto the topic of Abi's magic, "By the way, can I see your magic?" She asked, her tone turning cheery again, "You said earlier you can make an alter, right?" She'd only heard a very little bit about them, and her knowledge about that magic capped off at how Abi had described them, "It sounds pretty cool, could you show me?" She eagerly requested.

"OH. huh." Abi tilted her head to the side in surprise. Her grey locks bounced softly as she did so; like loose springs they were.

A finger hovered over Abi's lithe lips. She slowly gave off a drooping, playful expression. "Alright then~ Since you asked so nicely." She put some distance between them, pushing herself away so there was some few inches to display her shadow. Her expression instantly changed to that of excitement; displaying was, of course, typical for such highborne mages. Abi put her hands slightly forward, her left over the right and palms up. "Although, I can't show you the alter just yet. You're going to have to wait a little bit.. but for now--"

As she spoke, a little orb erupted from her palm. It hovered slightly, bobbing slowly as she continued speaking. "So.. if you don't already know: I'm a shadow alter conjurer. Pretty cool right?" Abi loved displaying her power, so she continues by having the little ball fly around her swiftly. Her hands were already down as her gaze turned in unison to the orb. It almost looked like the ball had life with how familiar the shadow seemed to flit softly by her side. Everywhere the ball went, the immediate surrounding seemed to be robbed of light, as if it emanated darkness. "--but that's not all I could do.." Even when she lowered her voice, the excitement was palpably present.

She had the ball then hover around Melody. It circled her head, leaving a small trace of shadows until there was an opaque film that would cover the girl's sight. Then, as she called back the shadow, Abi was already inches away from Melody's face. Her eyes speaking in volumes, even before she could say "Pretty cool right??"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 7 mos ago


@Ebil Bunny

@Natsu @Migyudon

A few students crowded around a cork-board, one that often contained announcements of important events and their dates - in this case, the announcement of field trip locations and schedules. It was rare that an announcement came as early as it did now, yet here it was.

Available Field Trips:

Fae Lands (Tir na Nog) - availed for Novices and above, minimum party size of three, no professor needed

Ruined Magic Lands (London, near the Dunwhich area) - availed for Journeymen and above ONLY, minimum party size of five, at least two combat oriented mages, one mind mage, must be accompanied by a professor
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Natsu
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Natsu Weierstrass Personified

Member Seen 22 days ago

Melody watched on in amazement as she watched closely at the orb. She giggled as the ball trailed around her eyes, "Wow! This is amazing!" She said, shaking her head, the mist clearing out around her, when she found Abi's face right in front of hers. "You really like magic, don't you?" She asked, cocking her head. "It's really kind of pretty in a way." She cooed, and then jumping backwards in surprise as she saw her other roommate suddenly glaring down at her.

"Mor-Morholt!" She chirped, shaking her head a bit, before steeling herself, "I never got the chance to introduce myself earlier. I'm Melody" Her voice lacked the jovial bounce that normally permeated every word, instead rendering down to a more casual, light tone. "I do hope you've reconsidered your fight with that girl, I'd hate to see anybody hurt." She said up to Morholt's unflinching glare at her. She gave an uneasy glance towards Abigal, before giving a confused look up to Morholt, "I'm sorry I had to use my magic on you earlier, I just wanted to defuse the situation. You are alright, aren't you?" Melody asked.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Ebil Bunny
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Ebil Bunny

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Theo Curtis

Tags: @TheHangedMan

The boy was laying across his bed with his socked feet hanging off the side, debating whether or not he was too lethargic to head back to the mess hall to recover his thermos, when he heard the door to the dorm open and some movement in the main area. One of his roommates must've arrived. Now, while Theo might have been too tired to go on a coffee retrieval mission, his curiosity towards who he would be staying with definitely outweighed his lack of sleep. Sitting up, he slipped his derbies back onto his feet and opened the door to his room. A younger girl was toting a wheeled trolley bag towards one of the other bedrooms. She was rather messily dressed, especially in comparison to Theo's crisp tan suit jacket and trousers, and seemed unhealthily pale. That wasn't any of his business, however.

"Hello, my name is Theo. Are you staying in this room as well?" Theo asked from the doorway, giving a warm smile and small wave. His first thought was that she was probably a first year as well, but considering this school accepted children as young as even seven years old according the pamphlet, this girl could very well have been learning here for a good number of years.
"If you would like, I could help you unpack. I've not unpacked myself yet, but it's always more fun with a partner," Theo stated in good humor, his index finger forward as if he were bestowing profound advice.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Deadlyrose9641
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Deadlyrose9641 The Poisonous Kitten

Member Seen 15 days ago


Luna walked slightly behind following Viola out of the mess hall, "S-sure, I am right behind you, Viola." she responded quickly. Luna took a look around the mess hall at what was transpiring, and noticed Melody's jacket, and grabbed it. She planned on returning that later. She stepped outside after Viola, who was walking towards the dorms. Luna had a small shiver down her back, as the air seemed to cool, seemingly out of nowhere. Finally they arrived outside the large dorm building. Luna didn't seem to think anything when the door just opened, as she grabbed onto the back of Viola's dress and moved into the room, which the door closed behind her, like a scene from one of the scary movies she watched as a child. If it wasn't for Viola's presence, Luna would have screamed or been terrified, but something about how calm Viola seemed rubbed of on her.

"I-I'm so glad that we are sharing a dorm room, but who are you talking to?" Luna asked. she sat down on the second bed in the room, "Is this mine then?" she asked for confirmation. she didn't want to do anything that Viola didn't approve of. She waved her hand for a moment, before two bags seemingly came out of nowhere and appeared on her bed, she then tilted her head a bit before looking puzzled, "I know i had a third bag, I will be right back," she said as she warped herself into her pocket dimension, she wandered for a few minutes in the total darkness, until coming upon a small street light over her third bag, she picked it up and zipped back. "th-thank you by the way, i just get overwhelmed by to many people. so thanks for helping me back at the mess hall."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Migyudon
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Migyudon I just really really like gyudon

Member Seen 7 yrs ago


"Oh. This?" Abi withdrew to a less intimate distance, assuming a confident air as the girl flicked a part of her hair to the side. "It's pretty hard to have an alter as pure as mine. You must have heard how hard it is? There's only a limited number of pure conjurers left in this world-- and you're looking at one right now!" She could have went on about how families arranged to keep a clean lineage, how elements taint one another... some kind of human pedigree. With how decorated and ornamental Abigail looked, that might not be far from the truth.

However, her small lecture quieted. The lumbering presence grew in tremors. One footfall from the other stomped, until the giant creature was right in front of them. He still seemed pissed, specially since one of the main players from earlier was just there. (Hmmm.. I should..)

Abi weighed her options once again, a quick conclusion to butt out followed. (..do nothing~)

"Pleasant day to you~" She said with a curt formality, before hopping off her bed and slowly arranging her baggage to look busy.
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