"Wait!" Kiyoshi turned back around. “Sorry, I just wasn't expecting somebody I haven't met properly to do something so nice. Then again, this is a school for Heroes, so I should probably have been expecting that, looking back.” Kiyoshi shrugged. “It’s no problem. I’d do it for anyone.” He said, smiling. No you wouldn’t. “Sorry, thank you for the towel. Um, my name's Sora Nakamiki. Yours was Kiyoshi, wasn't it?” He nodded, letting out a sigh of relief. “Yeah. I’ll see you around, Sora.” He paused. “We should hang out sometime.” He walked back to Adam. "If I...was...making a sort of team, who else do you think I should consider? If I was making a team, that is." Now that he thought about it, if they brainstormed a group of people in the class whose powers complimented each other, then they could be almost unstoppable. Kiyoshi and Adam were a perfect pair already. They just needed to find others who could do the same.