Name:Adam Sereno
Nicknames/Aliases:"O Gato Preto" (The Black Cat)
Allegiance:Himself at the moment, wishes to become a saint.
Written Description:Adam has a tattoo on his back of a black cat and a tally of his kills.
Personality:Adam is a man of many words often being the loudest individual in any given room at any given moment. Most people notice when he walks into a room. Another defining about Adam is he is a man of many vices. Women, money, gambling, flashy cars, clothes. He has to not only be the best looking, he has to have the best toys. He is a hopeless womanizer, and has a penchant for being kind to people. (Especially women.) With a troubled past, but one good thing can be said about him is that he knows his friends and he will do anything to protect them from harm.
Backstory:Adam never really knew the place of his birth, or his father. His mother left both Brazil, and his father Maethus. Putting both far behind her for a new life in Independence City. The place was a horrible place to raise a child, but she wanted to get away and didn't have much to land her on her own two feet. So she became a prostitute, She was willing to do anything for her child, to provide for him. At first he never really caught on to his mothers profession the men coming and going, but as he grew older he knew.
This caused him to run away from home, not wanting to be a burden he turned to a life on the streets. Which made him quite the easy target for a cartel, this cartel lured the young boy in with promises of. Money, respect, women, and whatever the hell he wanted. So he joined them, calling him a "soldados" They gave him a gun, and told him his initiation was to kill someone from a rival gang. So he did, his first blood came in the form of not only a rival drug dealer, but also his girlfriend. He showed no remorse, just wanting to be accepted by his new family.
From there the boy, now calling himself a man. Went from kill to kill, it got to the point where there was a disconnect for him when it came to killing. It just became apart of the job, his efficiency earned him the notice of his boss due to not many soldados not having all that high of a survival rate. From that day forward he became "O Gato Preto" Or The Black Cat, because you did not want him crossing your path.
As he grew older. He became even more efficient. Running drugs for his bosses, taking out rival bosses and soldiers, killing police, bribing them, or threatening them or their families to gain compliance. And for this he had whatever he wanted. A nice penthouse, plenty of cash to piss away on whores and gambling, and drugs for any situation he felt like. That changed after he got his powers though, when he found out about them he tried to will them away due to his next big job.
The job was simple, just take some goods him and some other members had stolen from a jewelry store heist, and sell them to their fence. But alas things didn't go as plan, while he slept he heard the door of his penthouse open up. Thinking it was just the prostitute he had over that night leaving, he laid back down in his bed. But then he heard voices and multiple pairs of footsteps. Turns out the girl let in a rival cartel, and they came to kill the man who had become a thorn in their side.
They caught him unaware, they fired through his bedroom door a stray round catching him in the shoulder and that's when he lost control. The fear of death, the pain from the bullet in his shoulder, caused it. He let out a torrent of fire that burnt down the penthouse, damn near burnt down the building. Luckily enough for him he got away from his bedroom windows fire escape. But now assumed dead, and a failure to his cartel. Adam had no home, so he went into hiding. Only to resurface at any mention of the Saints.
Carried Weapons/Items:A 14 thousand dollar Rolex watch, and the clothes on his back.
Superpowers:Fire Manipulation, Adam can manipulate fire often being able to create a flame at any given moment, he has limitations of course, he can't use it when soaking wet, and the fire can be uncontrollable when in a distraught or angry emotional state.
Skills:Gun expert, picking locks, stealing cars, and going to ground when shit hits the fan.