The Patron Saints
Face it...some people just need protecting.
Welcome to Independence City. Contrary to its name, the city is controlled by the people on top. Cartels duke it out on the sidewalks of the slums. The Mafia siphons money away from the higher classes with elaborate scheming and occasionally a pill or a bullet. The Police violently control people 'for their own protection,' but never seem to do anything about it. And the Overseer- the mysterious man that runs every corporation inside Independence City- just watches everything from his penthouse, for he is the one that funds all of the illegal operations in the city that he controls. It seems like everything is doomed to go to hell, but there is hope.
It all started with a man named Jan Bruzelsk. Bruzelsk was a former scientist working for MegaCorp, the Overseer's company that has a monopoly on every industry in Independence City. Though he was a top-tier scientist, he grew to resent MegaCorp's iron grip on the city and was fired due to his opposing viewpoint. Constructing a makeshift laboratory in his basement, Jan Bruzelsk finished the project he had begun at MegaCorp- the Evolution Solution, an advanced chemicals that gives every person a unique superhuman ability. The Police raided his house a day later, murdering him and dumping the solution, for they believed it was toxic. Little did they know, the place they dumped the solution ran off to the plumbing pipes, and soon a few of Independence City's fine residents awoke with superpowers.
Some of these individuals turned to crime. Some of them continued their crime. But a few decided that they ought to make things right. And so they formed the Patron Saints- a vigilante group for justice. Note the word choice there: vigilante. The Police certainly did not appreciate them breaking the laws, and the Cartels and Mafia didn't appreciate their operations getting rained down on. They all stockpiled their resources, getting ready to take down the Saints.
But they weren't ready to throw in the towel just yet.
Independence City is a city located in Maryland. It has grown to be a populous city, larger than Houston, Texas with a population of 2.6 million. Of that percentage, only about 2,500 individuals have superpowers. The city is split into several districts, each with entirely different ways of life.
wooh. that took forever to write.
post your forms in the ooc when you're ready, and then once I approve them move them to the character tab. thx.
-agent 47