Evelina Lucas

Character Summary
Name: Lady Evelina Sybil Lucas
Nicknames: Eve, Lady Luck, Elissa (Dido), Amaratha, Sigilind, Ragnbjörg, Caoimhe Campbell
Apparent Age: Late 30's
Birthday: April 4th, 1906
Nationality: British
Adopted Accent: Yorkshire
Birth Place: Tyre
Gender: Female
Languages: Canaanite, Punic, Ancient Greek, Ingvaeonic -> Old Saxon, Old Norse, Scottish Gaelic, English

Height: 5ft 6in (168cm)
Weight: 117lbs (53kg)
Build: Slim
Eyes: Gunmetal Blue-Green: Downturned
Hair: Dark Brown, Medium Texture with Slight Wave, Mid-Back Length
Skin Tone: Beige (Mediumlight/Fair)
Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: None
Personal Style: Eve prefers to dress as the times call for it. Ever evolving to stay up to date with whatever time the loop is currently situated in. Yet of all of them, the current mode of dress during the 1940's is by far her favorite thus far. She finds it a perfect mix of style and remembrance of the past. Still formal and feminine she finds the ability to wear slacks or skirts that do not cover every last inch of her a wonderful expression of self. She enjoys accessorizing in ways such as her hair style, simple adds ons, and even her nails.
While Eve will let her hair down from time to time she normally will keep it pinned up currently with her natural waves used to volumize the look. She wears her nails long and in an almond shape, filed to near pin points. It matters not the era or time period she must work in she has always had a near addiction to creating a darker tone around her light eyes. Thick outliner or smokey eye effect with shadows. She can first recall doing this thousands of years ago with charcoal from the fire and has yet to stop. Yet with as much attention as she pays to the area around her eyes, she tends to do just the reverse with her lips. Leaving them natural or shading them in a pale color close to her own skintone with just a hint of pink. What is their preferred mode of dress, what era influences it?
Grooming is exceptionally important to her and she is meticulous about it. She has lived through times when water and cleansing products just either didn't exist or were of a questionable nature. The fact there is soap, clean water, and so forth available now - she makes use of it. "If one is to draw attention to themselves, let it be because of style, grace, or wit and not an odor that emanates from oneself that reminds passersby or rotting onions."
Oct 31st, 1943 Attire:

Allocentric * Unfathomable * Conciliatory * Stern * Ebullient * Idiosyncratic
Sexuality: Nearly Nonexistent yet Sapiosexual is what she defines herself as
Relationship Status: N/A currently
Personality: Eva is a very kind individual with a bright and almost bubbly personality with a quick wit. She seems always ready to lend a hand or offer advice though much of the time she can speak cryptically. A very unselfish person, she places the needs of her fellow Emendators, the Paradoxes under her charge, and the rest of humanity itself well before anything for herself.
Eve will play mediator between any two or more that seem to have issues with each other and attempts to keep things running as harmoniously as possible within the Loop and while groups are out dealing with various assignments. She is fiercely protective of all within the Loop, a motherly like figure that likes to keep things running as smoothly as possible. She can be stern and even harsh at times but it is all for the greater good.
Always looking at the bigger picture she takes her position as The Dice very seriously. She knows that the dice she holds can and do determine the fate of so many things; she never takes this responsibility lightly. She is one that has to remain as completely neutral as possible, like Death itself. Good or Bad does not matter in her mind when a choice must be determined; at least she cannot let her personal feelings affect the outcome. This can make her seem callous to many considering just how many lives her role has claimed over the years. Many an innocent have lost their lives because of her while plenty of evil remained in the world.
Yet, do not let this unmoving exterior fool you. She feels every last life she takes, every pain her position causes, and takes little comfort in the good she has done. Because of this neutrality she has to keep during a "choice" she can be rather closed off and distant; making attachments beyond those she must is something she tries very hard to avoid. She has lost and caused the loss of many over the years, added pain is not something she wishes to endure and because of this she carried a rather tormenting melancholy beneath the surface.
- Tapping her nails
- Smoking her pipe
- Fiddling with a set of dice in her pocket
- Games of Skill
- Chess
- Backgammon
- Mancala
Religion: Like the rest of the Emendators, Eve is classified as an Agnostic. To her there is not enough proof to either confirm or deny a greater being in the universe. Sure the fact that she and the others exist could lead many to believe that was proof enough, to her it doesn't because even she doesn't know what happens beyond death.
As far as religion itself goes Eve is, like with most things, neutral. She has seen a great many things done in the name of religion: both positive and negative. She feels that people can place too much faith in an higher being but at the same time understands humanities need to believe there is something greater than them out there. She does not judge unless their actions cause harm to others. The fact that the Destruere seem to use religion as a wonderful basis to cause problems is not something she is blind to but she does argue that if it were not for religion they would just place something else to blame things on.
- Becoming too close to someone
- Losing another Emendator
- Overrunning by Destruere
- Tea
- Facts
- Gardening
- All Hallows Eve
- Order
- Settling an argument
- Schedules
- Paradoxes finding their purpose
- Being able to give a second chance
- Games of chance
- Highly improbably outcomes
- Chaos
- Coffee
- Disharmony
- People feeling she takes joy in certain tasks she must do

Cards On The Table
- The Dice - An Event Manipulation: When she checks the dice to see what occurs, nothing can change this outcome.
- Disrupt Death - Ability to create a Paradox. Why Eve chooses certain people to bring back is unclear but some she just does. She cannot bring back a fallen Paradox or Emendator.
- Bow - The ability to fire long and short bows, composite bows, and crossbows
- Breakaway - The ability to twist out of someone's grasp.
- Charioteering - Knowledge of how to handle a chariot.
- Horsemanship - The ability to ride and care for horses.
- Administration - The ability to administer, direct, manage, and govern affairs, and to perform executive functions to keep things running smoothly.
- Diplomacy - The art of negotiation, which encompasses the talents of tact and cleverness to reach a mutually agreeable end between parties in a dispute.
- History - Knowledge of a particular time period and area. (General Human History)
- Memory Training - Skill that allows one to recall things with more clarity and quicker than most.
What Is On Your Person:
- Set of Dice
- Pipe
- Tobacco
- Matches
- Pocket Watch
- Various Bows from different time periods through out history
- Various paintings hanging on her walls or leaning up against the wall - Many are ones done of her or others she has known through out the years
- Photo Album - for same reason above
- Trunk that houses various memento's from her past
- Collection of pipes
- Collection of pocket watches
- Pair of broken spectacles
- Vanity
- Wardrobe
- Numerous grooming implements - bobby pins, nail files and polish, make-up, combs and brushes, so forth

Consciousness: "9th Century B.C. it was. Some oh shall we say 3,000 years ago? Pittance of time really in the grand scheme of things. I was living in a city known as Tyre, had a family. Father, brother, husband. Not all the same person mind you. I do not recall my mother, peculiar... Never you mind. As I was saying I was living in Tyre with my family. Just the normal life really, not what everyone accounts from Virgil or Timaeus or any of the others. Just myths put into their minds from a gossip. ~wink~ I had the most lovely relationship with a man and we were married. Yet he sadly passed away. It truly broke my heart. I wished it had not happened.
Apparently a young woman with a broken heart can achieve anything she sets her mind to do. I was standing over his body as I mourned and I felt something; here ~places her hand over her heart~ and here ~places her other hand over her chest~. A feeling of completeness came to me. I was filled with knowledge I had never learned of places I had never seen and people I had never known. I was also filled with a purpose. Looking down at him, I knew what my purpose was. He was my first Paradox. Tragically, he died a second time. People do not take someone who died walking the streets again. Who knew?
I was so naive back in those days but I learned; quickly. I learned of my past; centuries wandering the lands in a daze without form or function. Apparently The Dice finally decided it was time for me to become self aware. I fled to Carthage shortly after that. Why do such moments seem to always rise during tragedy? One cannot say. Perhaps it is during that moment when we feel our weakest we are truly our strongest. Now, be a good puppet and fetch me some tea if you would."
Favorite Era: "The Iron Age, more precisely Ancient Greece. Even more exactly Ancient Sparta. I found myself in Greece around the 6th Century BC. Interesting time. Basis of our Western Civilization came during this time. Education, science, philosophy, mathematics. Very forward thinking for that day and age, centuries ahead of their European counter parts. Yet, there really were only two choices of where to live during this period. Athens and Sparta. I chose Sparta.
Why you may ask? Well it wasn't often that a woman could hold power back then. Education, ability to own land, run the home, have political power even. My lack of being able to give birth not withstanding it was a very pleasant time. For the most part. I settled in Sparta proper in 392 B.C. I had not decided on it properly but when one does have a chance at love again, we do what we must. The fact he was able to help me hide the fact that I was different from the rest, even my lack of ability to have children made it that much more enticing.
He was gone often but that we dealt with as best we could. It was part of the price we had to pay for living in Sparta and because of my rights as a female during that time there I was able to take care of the handful of Paradoxes I was looking after at the time. I suppose we could have found a spot elsewhere where no one would have bothered us but to be able to live in society and have available to us that which the merchant class could provide. It for a time outweighed other locations.
We ended up leaving Sparta in 146 B.C. unfortunately. We might have been content there for some more centuries if it had not been for the Roman conquest. Things were changing and we had to move quickly to stay out from under their yolk until we could better protect the Paradoxes under my charge. Back then they were nearly all children. Motherly instincts I suspect exist even when one cannot truly be one. Enough of this, would you like a scone dear?"
Finding Another: "It was 3rd Century B.C. in Ancient Greece, Sparta to be exact when I first saw him, Orasi. I saw I saw him but he truly saw me. Not what I had to act like, a normal human. He saw my abilities, my thoughts, he saw me. When he first approached me I thought he had to be jesting but no. He knew things, like I did. We were the same but different, yet we knew that we were supposed to be an alliance. I apparently was the first Emendator he had seen as well. While we did not feel a need to be together, our mutual purpose that we felt made us allies. In was not long though before we also acquired a mutual human need, just the basic need to be together despite everything else. It was something I never thought would be possible again... Yet he saw there was more, he always did."
Overview Of Life:
- 9th/8th Century B.C. - Tyre/Carthage
- 6th/2nd Century B.C. - Ancient Greece/Sparta
- 1st/8th Century A.D. - Germania/Saxones
- 9th/11th Century A.D. - Scandinavia/Norway
- 13th/18th Century A.D. - Kingdom Of Scotland
- 19th Century A.D. - England/Yorkshire

Character Quote:
- There are things within us all that can never been unleashed.
- Some transgressions can never be forgiven.
- As much as I wish it, even I cannot undo some things.
- I will protect them until my dying breath and perhaps even beyond that.
Theme Song: Time After Time: Cyndi Lauper (Eva Cassidy Cover)
Anything Else:
- Beginning Post For Soulless Regency
- Is ambidextrous
- Was in a relationship with The Glasses
- Walks with a slight limp
*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.
Evelina Lucas

"Even I cannot change everything..."
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
🙇 The Dice 🙇
"I do what I must."
Eva understands what her position means and what all that entails. That does not mean that she enjoys it. Yes, there is plenty of good that she is able to do yet even though she is the one that controls the dice, she does not control the outcome. There is plenty she wishes she could change, but even she is unable to change everything.
🙇 The Cards 🙇
"Don't encourage him"
While Eve respects and cares of Nancy as much as she does the rest of the Emendators things are a bit more complicated when it comes to these two. Even is a stickler for the rules, she has enough chance in her life without more being added to it. Drem keeps her on her toes enough as it is but Nancy seems to fuel and encourage Drems more thrill seeking nature and it irks Eve to no end. Now while Drem is now gone, things have gotten no less complicated between these two in fact it may be even more so now. While Eve doesn't hold a grudge, when she sees Nancy it just reminds her of all the times Drem ran off that he could have been home. It feels like stolen time and while Emendators seem to be eternal Eve knows how precious every moment is.
💙 The Hat 💙
"The tactician has his merits"
Though Gilbert has run off from the group one more than one occasion from the group, Eve knows he had his reasons and they were well thought out. It wasn't like Drem. The fact they share an interest on all things strategy based is the basis of their friendship and it dates back to Ancient Greece. Though things were much more tense while Drem was alive, the two have grown closer since his passing. The two can be seen talking moves in chess much of the time, not even using a board anymore. They have been at this game far too long. It is a way for Eve to take her mind off things and out of all the remaining Emendators, Gilbert is probably the only one that is truly a friend on a level outside of just because they were drawn together by fate.
🎆 The Watch 🎆
"Punctuality is the key to respect"
Eve has never really been close to Gio, both of them tend to just not seek out others. Not to mention she usually has her hands full. Drem, Nancy, the Paradoxes. It can be a lot and does not leave a lot of free time. Time however is something they have in common. She cares for Gio like she does all Emendators but just never got close, yet she respects the man even if she isn't fond of his pranking nature. He manages the loop, gets them to where they need to be, does his job well and he is one she never has to worry if he will be on time. It gives her a sense of order in a very unordered life. That she will be forever grateful for.
💔 The Glasses 💔
"A love for the ages..."
Some speak of a love that will last the spanse of time, I believe I had the closest that could ever be described as thus. Over two millennium we loved each other. Together through the ages. As we watched the world change around us, we remained constant. When you lose a love such as that, a few years still feels like it happened only yesterday.
🙇 Alicia Gonzalez 🙇
"Maybe this existence will set a few things right."
Even when a paradox is created I try not to take a personal interest in them but Alicia was different. There was a reason she was brought here. I believe the work she can do now will far exceed the work she did before her death. It is a 180 from what she knew but I believe she will exceed even my expectations.
🙇 Sophia Harris 🙇
"Lacks Singular Confidence"
She has grown but she has a long way to go before she can go it alone. There is promise but for now, she needs to learn to have more faith in herself.
🙇 James Grady 🙇
"Potential Timebomb"
A natural leader and does well in groups, someone people can count on. Alone though I fear he will self-destruct over questioning his own past.
🙇 Faith Masters 🙇
She has an attitude about her and cares not who she offends. It will end up getting her killed if she is not careful. Hopefully she is learning but I cannot be sure.
🙇 Andromeda Aldrich 🙇
"Attachment Issues"
A keen mind ready to learn, this is good. Yet she seems attached to her previous life. I fear she could fall to the same destiny that took both Drem and Peter from us.
🙇 Alexandra Andonova 🙇
"Excuses, Excuses, Excuses"
Excuses seem to be her motto. Lack of respect is disturbing. Does not think before she speaks or acts. Healing from the Soul Fracture but it has been over a year now. She has had time to adapt.
🙇 Bartholomew Rosecliff 🙇
"They call him Ego"
Special is how he thinks of himself. It reminds me of the days when masters thought they were better than their slaves. Perhaps it will change when he realizes he is not here to be better but to protect others with his life.