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Paradoxical Emendation: Paused Between Ch. 1 & 2

This Rp is part of a larger story line and is currently paused and merged into the Tartarean Strands Storyline. It will pick up once the storylines break apart again.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
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Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

Character Death Count: 2


WARNING: This RP will be all over the map and will be very random! You will get no choice in your characters skills - they will be assigned by the GM via a randomization from Lady Luck.
Location: Ville au Camp, Destrehan, Louisiana, USA (Starting) - Who Knows (Throughout The RP)
Time Frame: October 31st, 1943 (Starting) - Various (Throughout the RP)
Rp Tags: Drama, Tragedy, Mythology, Historical, Fantasy, High-Casual, Horror, Mystery, Mentoring
Type Of RP: This RP is historical drama with a fantasy twist that is situated in a Time Loop. The main location for the Rp will be fixed in a set time and day that doesn't ever move forward and yet it will have exits to different periods of time in both the past and the future. Consider this Purgatory and you are either a newly placed Paradox or a long standing Emendator. What you do in this RP can have a direct influence in what happens in any other Lady A RP!
Goal Of RP: There are three possible goals of this RP, depending on who you are and what your life was once like. Stop the Destruere, find peace, or find redemption.
Special Note: Feb 8th, 2019: Full save for Personal Invite


Somewhere behind the veil, locked between life and death resides a place known as Ville au Camp. A certain time, a certain place, where all points connected. A fixed point in the universe that never changes but is ever changing the world around it and the afterlife beyond it. Here resides the Paradox's and the Emendator's. Why are they there? No one knows, or at least no one is telling. What we do know is that these beings only reside here and that they are constantly on the move. Where? More like when. You see, in each generation problems can occur. Problems that lead to unwanted events, events that can throw off the time line of the world, alter destinies, or out right end humanity and the world as we know it. Why is this a problem? Simple, without life, without death, there is nothing.

What can you do about this? Die. Yes, you heard me right. You must die to enter. Sounds like such a terrible thing doesn't it? Or perhaps it sounds like paradise to you. In truth, it is neither. It is a job, a purpose. Perhaps it is a purpose that you never had while you were living. Perhaps it is atonement for your passed life. Whatever your reason for waking at Ville au Camp, is your own, but now you have a choice. Do you seek peace or do you seek something else? Doesn't matter in the end for either way you have a journey before you. The road will be long, it will be hard, and it will make you question everything you thought you knew or believed in. Fasten your seat-belts my lovelies, what ever dreams or nightmares you have had are only the start of what awaits you now. Death was only the beginning.


  • The Dice: Lady Evelina Lucas (Lady A) - MIA?
  • The Cards: Nancy Parker (Morose)
  • The Hat: Gilbert Summers (Sigil)
  • The Watch: Giosue Zino (Dragoknighte)
  • The Glasses: Drem Jones (Deceased?)
  • ???: Could There Be More?

  • Sophia Harris (Nallore)
  • James Grady (Sigil)
  • Faith Masters (FantasyChic)
  • Alexandra Andonova NPC
  • Bartholomew Rosecliff (Natsu)
  • Andromeda Aldrich (Morose)
  • George Benaszewski (Lady A)
  • Peter Keystone (Lady A)
  • Alicia Gonzalez (Lady A)


In a time long ago they were called the Fates, other times they have been known as Angels. Yet what they truly are humankind has never really grasped and that is how they prefer it. The Emendators are a group of beings that were breathed into being so very long ago. When that was they do not know, all they know is that they have been here for as long as they can remember. For them that is saying something. Each came into being at different times but as they gained a consciousness they knew everything that occurred before them. At least historically. What was the world before people? They do not know. What is beyond, in the cosmos? They could care less. What lays beyond the realm of life and past the veil of death? That is not their concern. What is though is ensuring that life continues down a particular path. Something within their being tells them to do this. Like breathing for the living, they just do what they do. They know when they are needed, what they are needed for. Their ultimate purpose was never in question. It rushes through every fiber of their being. And be thankful to whatever deity you believe in for without them, humanity would have ended an age ago.

The Dice: Life and death are but a game of chance, a set of dice clicking in the fingers and once let loose they fall where they may. The Dice is the embodiment of that chance. That randomness that occurs in the world. Situations where a choice needs to be made and sometimes one just gets frozen. That is when The Dice steps in, they don't make the decision for you but they are on control of what does. A flick of the wrist, nod of the head. They are what determines if you live or die, stumble and fall or catch yourself, fight or flight. Some things are out of The Dices control still or she chooses not to do anything but if she does, there is nothing you can do about it. It just happens. The Dice determines who arrives and when they leave. The lead of the Emendators, her dice trump all others.

The Cards: Wish to know what the future holds? What your past means? Then take a seat and pick a card. The Cards have the answers but be careful. The answers you receive might not be what you wish to hear. It could be too much to bear and at this point you really can't choose death because it already has chosen you. The Cards is the Emandators key to knowing where they need to go and when they need to be there. They are the one that tells us if something is amoke or potentially could be. They are our sight, seeing far into the past and clearly into the future but do not be fooled. Unlike The Dice, things are not set in stone. It is only a glimpse of what could be if things do not change.

The Hat: And what do you have in your little bag of tricks? No tricks, only salvation. The Hat is our arms dealer, supply master, historian. You have to travel to 1920's Egypt? He will have the guns you need because the laser pistol you are using out in the black would draw just too much damn attention. Regency England? He will train you in the ways of the ton. Modern day Georgia? Better pack a water filter and a machete. There is not a time he cannot educate you on, there is not a situation he cannot arm you for. It is all within his little hat. The ultimate bag of holding. The Hat is here for all your needs out beyond the realm of Ville au Camp.

The Watch: Hickory Dickery Dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The Clock stuck one, the mouse vanished, he shouldn't have been on the clock to begin with. The Watch is a master of time and a manipulator of such. He keeps Ville au Camp in its perpetual state of unpassing time. He is the portal which sends us into the realm of the living, both past and present. And if he is by your side when the shit hits the fan he is the Omega 13, giving you a jump back instantaneously a few moments to be able to correct a grievous error. (Yet only if The Dice say it is so.) What year do you need to arrive? Where do you need to go? What time must you return by? Oh your fairy godmother cannot help you this time, only The Watch. Be careful. He is ever punctual, never late, never early. And he expects you to be the same. He will not hold the gate open a split second longer than needed. If you are not through it, get used to your current surroundings.

The Glasses: There are things seen and unseen in this world to all. All except The Glasses. Most things are not important for him to see. The truth of someone's feelings is their own business. What someone is truly planning can be of service much of the time. Yet the true value of The Glasses is his ability to see the most vile of all creations; The Destruere. He was the first line of defense against them. Yet... He sees no more. And without him all, at times, seems to be lost....

???: The Emendators that are known to this date are all that they have ever known yet that does not mean there couldn't perhaps be more. Emendators went centuries, even millenniums alone before they found another like themselves. Just because it has not been foretold by The Cards, felt by The Dice, seen by The Watch, or experienced by The Hat does not mean there could not be more. If the Emendators have learned anything in their long existence, it is that almost anything is possible.


What are you? Who are you? You are you, it is as simple as that. You are just different now. You see, when you cross into the realm between life and the afterlife things change. Circumstances cause all of us to change and what circumstance is more life changing than death? You aren't alive but you aren't dead either. At least not in a traditional sense. No you aren't undead and do not worry, there is no need to drink blood to survive another day. Think of this as a simple wiping the slate clean but retaining the memories of what brought you to this point. You have arrived.

Why were your chosen? Ask The Dice but chances are she will not tell you. Lady Luck is an enigma that way. She prefers for you to find the reason for yourself. What you do know however is that you are now here and while you may not know why it doesn't mean you don't or can't have purpose. Perhaps you have unfinished business? Something you feel you need to atone for? Maybe that need for peace is what has brought you here and now you have the chance to not exactly right a wrong but atone for it. If only all were so lucky. Not many get a second chance. Even if that is not what brought you here that is alright. There is always more you can do. You have eternity now don't you? Well maybe not. But you still have more time than you thought you did as you drew your final breath. Life, unlife, the time before the afterlife can be a full and fulfilling thing. Now you are able to live each day as if it was your last. There is nothing but you holding you back now. Make the most of it. For yourself, for the loved ones you left behind, for those that never were given the chance. Just breath, take it all in. Who knows, this time might turn out to be the greatest time of your life. (In the broadest sense.)

You might learn a thing or two. Actually, you are going to learn far more than you ever thought possible if you just give this moment in time a chance. And don't worry, take all the time you need for today is the day that lasts forever. You will have as much time as you need to adjust, to learn, to forgive, to push passed everything that once held you back. The shackles of your previous life will no longer bind you unless you allow them. You are not alone, there is a guide waiting on you. Someone that will take your hand and lead you the first few steps into this new existence. They will explain everything. Answer any questions you have and probably even a few you hadn't thought of yet. Don't be afraid if you can't remember how to pull the trigger or hack the net. No one can when they arrive. Oh you suddenly know something else? That's okay, most arrive with something new unlocked.

Now, open your eyes. The world awaits and even more than that... The future. (And the past.)


For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Or at least that is what Newton's Third Law of Relativity states. Perhaps that is why the Destruere exist. Beings created to be the counter balance to the Emendators. The Yin to their Yang. But what is relative? Are these monsters actually something akin to the Emendators? In the most warped sense that is. The Emendators think not but even they cannot really be sure. No one knows who came first. Where the Emendators created to balance the Destruere or was it the other way around? Or is it just some cosmic coincidence? The world may never know, and perhaps it is better that way.

What we do know is this. Destruere are cruel, they are evil, and they are bent on destruction on any and all levels. What some belief structures might call demons or even the devil himself. Like little gremlins the span the globe, wreaking havoc where they can and even killing as they see fit. Why, no one knows. Perhaps their draw to cause such chaos is as ingrained in them as the purpose is in the Emendators. Either way, if we knew perhaps we could stop them once and for all. As for now, we can only try to pursue, capture, contain, and end them as we must.

They seem to hold a mirad of abilities, some of them quite frightening. The most frightening in fact is their ability to travel through time, and even have the ability to completely dismiss what The Dice determine. Their existence seems to be the only thing that can truly send a cold chill down the backs of an Emendator; especially considering recent events. Emendators, once thought invulnerable to actual death, have recently had to watch one of their own fall at the hands of a Destruere. The Glasses was who they lost and this loss has left the group vulnerable and shaken.

What do they look like? We do not know anymore. The Glasses were the only one that truly ever was able to see them. And he never gave a description. Whether that was because they were far to horrific to ever put to words or just because it was pointless to since no one else could see them, we do not know. Yet he is gone and they remain. A family of five, that had lived together for more centuries than they could count, is now down to four because of these beings. If only The Cards could see a future with them back together, if only The Dice could change their luck and make it so. Yet neither can. Will they lose more or will they finally able to bring about the end of the Destruere? Only time will tell....

Ville au Camp

Ville au Camp, or better known to the locals as Destrehan Plantation, is located in originally enough Destrehan, Louisiana. Built in the late 1700's for the de'Logny/Destrehan family. It was your typical southern plantation up until 1914 when it was purchased by the American Oil Company, then known as the Mexican Petroleum Company. An Oil Refinery was built on the property near the main house and it seemed like that was how it would remain - a company clubhouse and work station.

Yet in early 1940 peculiar things began to happen. People began to be scared away. Why? It wasn't ghosts. Well in a sense it was. The Emendators needed a new place to live and this one was the one foreseen by The Cards and decided on by The Dice. Work was done and by the middle of 1940 is was effectively abandoned. A few months downtime and it was for sale. It was then purchased by Lady Evelina Lucas as a retreat from England and the rest of Europe due to World War II. Moving in she made herself right at home and took in others who were displaced by the war. What the locals did not know was that while these people were displaced due to the war they were anything but your typical victims of war. They were Emendators and Paradoxes.

When the time was right, The Watch stopped time. Picking October 31st, 1943 as the perfect day to repeat and hold them safe in a Time Loop to continue their work. The days never move here, everything is stopped at the perfect time of year. Fall has set in, the air has a nice chill in it, the gnats are gone for the winter will soon be setting in, the leaves have changed color, and yet it is never too cold. Clouds dart the sky but it does not rain nor is it too sunny. Another thing about the day is the date itself. It is of course All Hallows Eve and that day is most important for both Emendators and Paradoxes. It is the day when the veil between life and death is the thinnest and the only day of the year in which The Watch opens the portals for new souls and The Dice causes them to awake.

The only down side to this day is the visitors which come at night but to at least one of the Emendators this is a wonderful thing. It allows them to interact with the people of the town and have a bit of fun without worry of the repercussions that could follow the next day. Why? Because when it clicks over to November 1st no one remains. The day never proceeded forward for those that reside there so when visitors showed up the following day no one was there. What happened is the stuff of legends and folk lore and in the years and decades since it has been deemed one of the most haunted locations in the United States. Not that the Emendators care.

Should they ever need to move again, they will leave precisely at 11:59 P.M. (When a time loop is needed to be destroyed, the Emendators and Paradoxes move forward in time until what is the current date and find a new home. Reasons for moving can be infiltration by a Destrehan, the very home being destroyed at some point in the future outside of the time loop, and so forth. Sometimes Emendators just grow weary of a particular place and wish to have a change of surroundings.)

    1st Floor:
  • Room 100: Parlor
  • Room 101: Sitting Room
  • Room 102: Library/Study
  • Room 103: Dining Room
  • Room 104: Receiving Entrance/Hallway
  • Room 105: Hallway
  • Room 106: Bedroom - George Benaszewski/Peter Keystone
  • Room 107: Bedroom - Sophia Harris
  • Room 108: Bedroom - Faith Masters
  • Room 109: Bedroom - Andromeda Aldrich

    Second Floor:
  • Room 200: Bedroom - The Cards
  • Room 201: Bedroom - The Dice
  • Room 202: Bedroom - The Watch
  • Room 203: Bedroom - The Hat
  • Room 204: Bathroom
  • Room 205: Hallway
  • Room 206: Bedroom - Alicia Gonzalez
  • Room 207: Bedroom - Bartholomew Rosecliff
  • Room 208: Bedroom - Alexandra Andonova
  • Room 209: Bedroom - James Grady

Character Sheet

*Remove CS instructions in the code as you fill it out, do not keep it there when you submit your CS for approval. Make sure to read all rules before filling out for additional instructions not listed on the CS. CS's will be updated through out the RP to adjust for personality growth, new skills, etc. when the GM calls for it. If you feel it is time for an update, tag the GM in OOC for approval before you do anything.

Paradox CS:

Emendator CS:

Relation Sheet - Header Code

*Paradoxes: Pick the top 5 people that were a part of your characters history before their death and fill out the relation sheet. Emendators: You will need to complete relations for every Emendator in the RP. Relation Sheets are only to be done once the CS is approved and will be updated through out the RP.
Paradox Relations Sheet:

Emendator Relations Sheet:

Header: *Headers must be used at the top of each IC post.


  • Soul Rebels - Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This (RP Main Theme)
  • Florence & The Machine - Wish You Were Here (Opening Post Song)
  • Cyndi Lauper (Eva Cassidy Cover) - Time After Time (The Dice)
  • Black Crowes - Seeing Things (The Glasses)
  • Emil & Friends - Crystal Ball (The Cards)
  • Brian Chapman - I love the World (The Hat)
  • Stevie Wonder - Pastime Paradise (The Watch)
  • Black Lab - This Night (Alicia Gonzalez)
  • Foo Fighters - Something From Nothing (Sophia Harris)
  • Cowboy Troy - I Played Chicken With A Train (James Grady)
  • Styx - Not Dead Yet (Faith Masters)
  • Taylor Swift - Shake It Off (Alexandra Andonova)
  • Gilbert And Sullivan - I am the Very Model of a Modern Major General (Bartholomew Rosecliff)
  • Lord Huron - Meet Me in the Woods (Andromeda Aldrich)
  • Papa Roach - Give Me Back My Life (Peter Keystone)
  • Florence + the Machine - What The Water Gave Me (George Benaszewski)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Sigil @Dragoknighte @Morose - Once your emendator sheets are done, please post them here in the OOC for official approval. (You can go ahead and include your relation sheets if those are completed as well.)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Submitted for approval: The Hat

I apologize in advance. Or not. We'll go with not.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Sigil Yeah, Gilbert is good to go. You made the corrections I asked for, so you are clear to move him over to the CS tab.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Lady Amalthea For your consideration...the Cards

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Morose Yup, good to go. Corrections were made that I asked for. You can move her over to the cs tab.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dragoknighte
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Dragoknighte All good and ready to go. Move him over to the cs tab, make it so.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

@Lady Amalthea I will begin working on moving Faith over here. Will you poke me if/when it is possible to add more Emendators? They just seem like oodles of fun :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@FantasyChic Sounds good, just hold the Cs until her death scene comes and such and you can fill in those parts. After that, you can pm it to me so we can go over the Paradox skills and such.

And no worries about the Emendators, if one opens up I will let people know. ^_^

@Dragoknighte @Morose @Sigil - We may actually kick off the intro post to the RP within the next day or two. Will depend on how the Cs's come rolling in. One new paradox is nearly complete. Will be easier to bring them in one at a time as they roll in than all at once. SO be ready. Morose I know you are going on Hiatus starting the 13th, don't worry. I am going to make sure that carries over here from the other Rp's as well.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Lady Amalthea Aye aye, captain! Will do my best not to be killed by these exams - though I guess if I am, I'll just be a paradox XD
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

@Lady Amalthea For official approval. :)

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Nallore Okay, move her over to the CS tab. Once she is there you can work out her relations. For this, you won't put in for the other Paradoxes yet or the Emendators. Fill in the 5 from her previous life and add herself to the paradox list and thoughts on herself.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

*Raises hand @Lady Amalthea* Shit I totally just forgot to add in the picture/quote and delete some of the .'s in some parts of the relationship sheet permission to edit that stuff real quick?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Nallore Yeah go ahead and edit that.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

@Lady Amalthea Changes made thankies. :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Absinthia
Avatar of Lady Absinthia

Lady Absinthia ⚘ Blossoming ⚘

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Dragoknighte @Sigil @Morose @Nallore - Okay as you can see the first post up and going. Morose if you can manage to get in a first post before your hiatus that would be awesome but if not, totally understand. No worries, you can start your posts when you return. Everyone else, you are on 7 day counters starting now. ^_~
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

@Lady Amalthea I’ll get one in tonight :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

I'll work on a post shortly. :)
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sigil
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Sigil Literary Hatchetman

Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Submitted for approval. Please be gentle, he's had a rough day.

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