Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 1 day ago

March 13th, 2XXX

There was once a video store called Beef Head. Located somewhere in Santa Destroy, California, it sold videos, games, and DVDs of various sorts, including wrestling cassettes, and most notoriously, indulgently pornographic releases such as the ever-famous Pure White Lover Bizarre Jelly series.

However, with advances in media, and the untimely death of the owner, the video store was shut down. In time, it was replaced with an establishment that was both more and less legitimate: a bar playing off of the former establishment’s raunchy nature named The Dirty Babe. The outer walls had been expanded both ways along the street since the days of Beef Head, but it was a fundamentally similar sort of trash heap as before: bare brick walls on the outside, cheap black paint on the inside; wooden floorboards stained with the sorts of things that would only appear under a blacklight; and a bartop that was clearly in need of replacement, not the shabby repairs that had been attempted again and again.

Whilst almost nobody of any sort of reputableness visited such a franchise, it was very handy for the sorts of people who both did not care about being judged, or were already judged very, very harshly. In short, it was the sort of place that criminals, assassins, litterers, and street walkers adored hanging out in.

And, not only that, but it was also fantastically easy to acquire almost anything you wanted there, be it a brand new beam katana, a photon gun that was a perfect replica of Han Solo’s blaster, or three kilos of Black Tar Heroin.

Tonight, the most important people there had more human resources in mind. Two of their group were already present, both in bespoke business suits - but where one, dark-skinned and muscular, made a threatening impression with a half-empty pint glass clenched in his hand, the other seemed to barely stand out, despite the box covering his head and the clouds of smoke billowing from within, the source a Cuban cigar held lightly between two fingers between puffs.

The last had yet to show. He- “xhe”, rather- may have been aiming for “fashionably late”. Both other agents knew xhe acted like this. But, after an hour of waiting, that lateness had become distinctly unfashionable, and Agent Rutabaga was starting to get distinctly annoyed.

‘Where in the hell is that weirdo?’ he muttered under his breath, taking another swig of alcohol. ‘I swear half the people we’re interested in are already here; isn’t he meant to be handling some of them?’

‘For a given definition of “handling”, yes,’ the box-headed man replied dryly. ‘He’ll show up eventually, I’m sure.’ Rutabaga responded by muttering something about feet up asses, before taking another hefty swig of his drink and looking around. Some people there were definitely quite colourful, but whilst many were certainly assassins, it wasn’t clear whether any were their intended marks. Or rather, “their future pupils”, if the term was at all accurate - the project they had in mind was at the very least going to be interesting to see play out, if the chosen assassins didn’t all die in the process. And if they somehow succeeded, well, that’d be beneficial beyond measure.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Allison pushed the door open to the Dirty Babe with a slight hesitation. Stepping inside, she looked around carefully before approaching the bar.

A quick rap of her knuckles to get the bartender's attention, and she ordered a scotch, dry, her voice carrying a slight hollowness to it from her mask.

She glanced at the two.... Seemingly business men not far from her before she turned around to face the rest of the bar. It was rather filled, all things considered, and there were some faces she didn't recognize tonight. Today? She hadn't noticed what time of day it was, having recently pulled long nights in her attempts to track down the last Assassin in her 'little black book' as she liked to call it.

She took a sip of her alcohol, lifting her mask just enough. An observant onlooker might have caught a glimpse of soft lips and fair skin before the mask closed back over her face.

She wondered if those two were these supposed agents looking to form some kind of assassin team. Seemed like a weird idea, but she had to give whoever was the ring leader applause for the sheer audacity of it all. And choosing a public meeting place was wise, even if it was a shit place like this. The odds of anyone helping someone in danger? Unlikely. So points off there.

Really, the entire thing was complicated and questionable. She'd gotten contacted. She'd agreed to come, even though she still wasn't sure why she did such a thing to begin with.

She set her empty glass on the bar, fingering the hilt on her back for reassurance.

The Mark was reassuring, even covered up, though. Yeah, she'd do just fine tonight. No matter what came.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

A pale green SUV pulled up to the edge of the Dirty Babe, a woman in an armored dress stepping out of it with a sword resting in the hilt attached to her hip. Her mask, a skull with clearly Victorian details, concealed her eyes behind it as she walked into the bar, her brownish-red hair bouncing slightly in the wind as she stepped into the bar.

"Ugh. A run down place like this was the rendezvous point?" she thought to herself as she walked over to the bar and took a seat, pulling an unlabeled bottle from a bag she carried on her back, a dark green liquid shining beyond the bronze-tinted exterior. A silent whisper echoed from under her mask as she ordered her own beverage. A bottle of vodka and an eight-ounce glass.

As the bartender dropped the bottle and glass off, the woman proceeded to mix the dark green liquid and the vodka together, forming something odd-smelling. It was remiss of what you would assume Miracle-Gro smells like. The woman removed her mask for a second, taking a hefty sip as her face was obscured by her long hair, before placing the glass down on the bar and grunting. Her drink always got her on the first few sips, but it was a good ride from there on.

As her mask went back on, she looked towards the back table to the two people dressed in official-looking outfits. They must be her contacts. Ah well, they'd come get her in their own time.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 days ago


This was the place. At least, it looked like the place. That's what it said on G-Maps.

From atop a building beside the bar she looked down at the site where the meeting was meant to take place. It definitely wasn't much to look at. All of this really left her wondering why they couldn't of just held a video conference. Heck, even an IM chatroom would of been preferred. This was just... Awkward. Not really her fashion either. Public places where killing normies left right and center were frowned upon were no fun.

She kept a low profile, making sure her body was below the line where people on the sidewalk could see past the left of the rooftop she was on. For particularly public outings like this she wore a ghost outfit, a big white tarp with two holes cut out for eyes, over her regular clothes. People were much less likely to scream at an out-of-season trick-or-treater as opposed to a metal killing machine. That is, if people saw her. She was definitely big on cutting down on living witnesses or just living normies for that matter.

Looking at the bar she switched her normal vision into thermal vision. She could count each body which occupied the joint currently as well as spot any other sources of heat in the location as well, such as the radiator. This didn't give her an exact idea on who these people where but it did let her know just how many were already there. There were always other ways though.

People walking on sidewalks always had that funny habit of looking forwards, rarely ever surveying their surrounded and even less commonly looking up. With a quick glance over to make sure nobody had seen her she made a quick leap from her roof to the bar's roof. Given how close the buildings were to each other the jump was as easy as scrolling through a log. Over the alley the fleeting white specter passed over, the faint silvery edges of her foot claws just barely peeking past the winding tarp.

Tictic, tic.

The sound of her landing was faint, like a fork tapping against a dining table. As quiet as it was hearing it from on top of the roof below the ceiling the sound was virtually non-existent. City building were great for getting by unnoticed thanks to their dull square designs. Out on the roof of the bar she could sit right in the middle and be impossible to see from below. She went behind the rooftop access door and sat in it's shadow so she'd be concealed from helicopters and such.

From her pocket she produced a cell phone, remarkably clean of blood given what she had done to it's owner. In the darkness below the tarp the glow of the screen illuminated the deadly trap her mouth was opening, a cord slithering out from it's socket. All but one of the prongs at the head of the socket folded in. With the remaining prong it plugged into the headphone socket. It connected their systems and Omnivore swiftly overrode the previous system, leaving the phone at it's complete mercy to use however desired. Omnivore never desired to have wireless signal capabilities because having such things available all the time left their system exposed to remote hacking attempts but occasionally using an external device for such means was no big deal. Once it was done it could just devour the phone for parts, an added treat.

Now she recognized the presence of one agent's cell phone but the other she was less acquainted with. She found it amusing how few normies bother taking their cell phone's batteries out. It's as if they don't know that their phones can be remotely turned on and made into a simple listening device. It was child's play bypassing the ring tone and going straight into the call, muting her phone's audio input so he couldn't hear any noise coming into his phone on her end.

As far as Agent Rutabaga would be concerned his phone would be just as he left it. There wasn't even a |Call In Progress| message since Omnivore suppressed it. All that was left was for Anny to sit back and listen in on the meeting she was technically attending in a sense.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam

Shit. Looking at his wallet all he got was a piece of paper for a location. He knew it well, only place that hadn’t kicked him out before. They didn’t seem to mind, they thought it brought them business. No money though, meant he had to suck up to his Mother. Passing grand marble halls towards the parking space, he was also scanning the Grand Church with his lavender coloured eyes to find his Mother. In luck she was standing in the main room.

“Mother,” Kimber called out.

She eyed him.

“Kimber,” she replied.

“I am in a hurry so I am going to speed up the process of sweetening you up before I ask for what I think you’re well aware of I am going to ask,” Kimber tells her, then sticks his hand in his coat to take out his squares and take out a smoke. Lighting it, “I do not need to remind me I am your only child. And that being in the UAA is a dangerous endeavor you worry that I’ll come back as a corpse.” he makes a speed up notion with his hand as if he’s fast forwarding him, “and with that very summarized attempt of trying to appeal to your empathy, I ask for fifty dollars.”

She sighed. Handing him thirty dollars.

“Your attempt was lackluster,” she told him.

“I know right,” he tells her with a slight wink, “But it was out of love. Who wants to keep groveling the same way for money?”

“Learn to grovel in a different way,” she tells him, “Just be safe.”

Kimber inhales, then slowly exhales away from her. He laughs.

“Yeah, when have I not been known for my safety,” Kimber tells her nonchalantly, “Safety is my middle name. Bar is my last. Dangerous is my first. Dangerous Safety.”

“That’s an oxymoron,”

“Is it?” he asked her, he shrugs.

He gave her a lazy wave goodbye, before handing her the piece of paper of where he was going. He just winks at her before walking off towards the square they used as a parking square. There was a single limo, a few ugly vans, and then in all its bitching glory was the Purple Chariot. It sat gleamy in the sun, its purple glittery.

Only thing that about worked right was the subwoofers. Could have some disruptive parties in the middle of the street, neighbors wouldn’t be mad because the sound system was rad, better yet they wouldn’t have to throw bricks into the windows to hear it better. Ha, he always liked those comments on MEtube. He had a USB radio installed of the old school one. One USB to rule the musical world.

Sliding into the driver side, he had just gotten the Chariot a checkup and service. It shouldn’t cause him any problems this time.

“Okay, do your magic for me,” he told the Purple Chariot, kissing the steering wheel before turning on the ignition the Chariot started up with no problems, “I love you. Only girl to stick around.” he tells the Chariot.

There’s some fuzzy dice hanging from the center window, and a car freshener. In all the years he has owned this car he learned the mastery of not puking in it.

Now, what to listen to? Flipping through the songs. He always loved a song that felt good to soar through the city at 80 miles per hour. Every time he did so he called the posers with their fancy cars, for some reason they thought he was part of something he was certain he didn’t sign up for. Unless he was really drunk that night and he didn’t know he signed up for that kind of way of breaking the law.

Ah! A classic.

Backing out of the parking space, he did a three point turn kicking up the dirt. Purple Chariot had an issue with catching grip with its sports tires on the dirt. But he managed to kick off, out of the Grand Church on the road. The road to the Church or to the City was devoid of any traffic just a long stretch of road. 30 to 40 to 50 to 60. Flying at a hundred.

Doing a curvy turn, gliding right on the line. Passing a hill, which is just a lame mound of dirt trying to be a mountain. Going straight. Hundred pushing hundred-fifteen, flying, flying. Till he entered the city. Windows gleamed like reflections on hot tarmac. He dropped his speed down to 80, but that didn’t mean lights were going to stop him.

As he blew past a red light. One of those posers with a fancy car revved at him and started to match his speed. Weaving in and out of traffic, causing near misses. Flying past, flying, in, out, tight turn following the line closely. If he wasn’t the expected heir of the Grand Church, he wouldn’t have minded NASCAR as a career.

Taking another tight turn to shake off the red car. Red is lame compared to purple anyway. Buildings warped like hyperspace, as he peeled away from the lesser appealing side of the city began to transform. Peeling away in this odd hyperloop at ninety mph, too dangerous for any city limits. Yet the Chariot made it look graceful to any outside observer.

Parking her at the curb he was staring the dying neon sign of the Dirty Babe. The Y use to be the most beautiful looking feminine leg highlighted in pink. Now it didn’t glow nor light up in anyway that gave anyone the hope they’d see a real feminine star.

Turning off the ignition and putting on the alarm, he fixed his coat, and brushed across his hair out of his eyes. Taking out another cigarette the other burned out earlier and sat in his ashtray he just put on a smile. Nothing made life more fun or more interesting than a bar and being told go here. Somewhere he goes not as frequently as he use to, but close to frequently.

Walking through the front door he scanned the current patrons.

Two girls and several people who looked like businessmen. Some guy clearly took harder drugs than him as he hung around in a box and a suit. Out of the two only one was attractive. The other had a scar on their face which severely detracted several points of hotness, plus the sickly color of her hair.

He decided to sit next to the more attractive one with raven length hair and pale skin. She still wasn’t exactly his type. But if he was going to be here waiting he’d make it worthwhile.

“What are you drinking?” Kimber asked her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Several minutes had passed. A newcomer had set herself, or at least the figure looked to be a her, nearby at the bar.

Allison payed them no mind.

Then came another. We're these regulars, drinkers, or more contacts brought in? Had she been set up?

Her suspicions mounted when the man asked about her drink, approaching her.

Behind her mask her eyebrows lifted slightly. She had clear sight of the door, at least. A quick Blink and she could escape if things got hairy.

She could play along, for now. Gain information.

"Scotch, dry," she replied, taping the counter again. A second drink appeared, and she did the same with it as she had the first. "What do you want?" she asked bluntly. Best to get to the point. Running around bushes was... So tiring. So annoying.

So human.

Was she even human anymore, she wondered idly.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Chinese takeout. Pizza boxes. Couch has burn marks on it. Been chewed at one of the ends by one of the puppies. Coffee table split in half. Put back together with another piece of wood a different color than the sandalwood, darker.

Clothes on the floor. Who left their bra here? A bong on the windowsill. Some hippie blanket with that man with dreads looking down at them like a picture of Jesus. He didn’t believe in Jesus, but he found it appropriate.

Opening the fridge. How many days old was all these containers? He found last nights pizza. Cheese, olive and mushrooms. A pile of blankets on the couch began to stir. A big black guy emerged from a cocoon. He looks towards the kitchen. His black beady eyes catch Vincent’s much colder eyes.

“What time is it?” he ask Vincent.

Vincent just points to the clock on the oven. Before grabbing out a slice of pizza. Santiago gives him a bit of glare, but Vincent doesn’t care as he puts back his pizza. He had errands to run today.

“That late,” Santiago says.

“I,” Vincent began while finding a paper plate, “will be going out. If you find time among gangin’ and bangin’.” he gave a stray eye towards the bra hanging on the TV, “Clean up before I get back.”

Taking out a bag of dog food, a scrappy puppy with no cybernetic alterations came running into the kitchen. Mutts were always obedient and well behaved. They tended to have the balance of all the species in their blood which made their temperament demonstrably more tolerable.

Santiago looked around and scratched the back of his buzzed cut hair. They were splitting the cost of rent. He was the one currently making a lot more than Santiago and Santiago begged him to do so. They had a bond since he took over the warehouse.

“Shit man,” Santiago said, “Why do I have to clean it?”

Vincent only opened the refrigerator and pointed to his pizza box, then closed the door. Santiago groans.

“Fair enough you already cleaned up,” Santiago says, “I just do not know how it gets this bad.”

“Inviting Jaun, Charletta, Ruby, Tuesday and Friday,” Vincent says dryly.

Also part of the Steel Siders.

Santiago looks embarrassed.

“Yeah I guess you have a point,” Santiago tells him, “I’ll tell them to cleanup after themselves a bit better. Tired of looking broke.”

Vincent raises a brow, but says nothing. Bending down to pet Sam as he wolfs down food before he walks out of the kitchen. He says nothing else. He never understood the importance of small talk. It was a way to waste breath about dreams, aspirations, and goals. Instead of setting out to do it. Then people cry about that. Not completing their dreams, or whatever it may be. Perhaps because you spent too much time talking about it.

He didn’t mind the city. Personally he still preferred New York over California. Cities were small and had no grandiosity about them. New York always had a design that reminded him of rich people trying to fight over who had more. Taller buildings, more architecturally beautiful buildings, more lights, more flourishes.

Until you had an oversize city built on the backs of immigration facing gentrification because some multimillionaire decided to play Legos with the city. That’s why he liked New York over California, maybe he was bias though because he had grown up close to New York that it was a trip away. Spent some time there. Glittering. Dazzling. Busy cities. With people like a dirty apartment.

Scattered. Wondering where they were from. Who they came from. Why they came. Like pizza boxes on a coffee table and on the floor. Who left it here. Why wasn’t it put up. Does the apartment look like a trashcan?

California was smaller. It didn’t have the veracity that New York had. California was about the people. Leading way into progressive attitudes. It showed. Environmental when some multimillionaire pushed for something disgusting. Melting. People all strewn together like a dirty apartment and no one bothered to say get back where you belong. Not that he believed that.

People could be wherever they wanted to be. They were all immigrants in the end of the day. As long as you weren’t blowing anything up, you were fine in his eyes. But that’s not what the rich people would say. They’d use the excuse of their ethnicity to justify kicking them out of their homes, schools, and cities they built to flourish.

The ghetto was a wonderfully dark place. There was fear. Yet there was comfort. He stopped though when a car backfired. He scanned the streets. Staring down a yellow bug. He continued on his way of interpersonal exploration of cities. This is what people missed when they were blazing down the streets. The minute details.

The cracks in the sidewalk. The weeds popping up. Spreading their roots like human anatomy. Veins of the streets. Talking about flying past, he saw a purple car blur past, going way beyond a safe speed. He ducked into an alleyway. He liked to call them cat streets. They were where the unseen wanted to be. Also a lot of stray cats and dogs wondered by.

Squeezed between two buildings. Winding labyrinth of gang signs interspersed carefully along the alleyway quadrants. He finally made it to where his destination needed to be, some young worker was taking out a black garbage bag. An opportunity for him to snag the door before it fully closed and locked him out. Slinking into the back of the Dirty Babe bar Vincent was greeted by fluorescent lighting.

Someone drops a garbage bag at his feet. Vincent looks up to a towering man of muscles, dark skin, Hispanic mixed with some other ethnicity. Jo from one of the Crimson West, his day job.

“I keep telling you to use the front door,” Jo tells him.

Vincent just gives him a look. Jo sighs.

“Make it look like you used the restroom or something,” Jo tells him.

Vincent isn’t inclined to do so. Front doors were dangerous. Saw an unsuccessful breech once. Kid who came in was lit up like a Christmas tree. Personal destruction. Others would tell him he’s been overly paranoid. No sense of paranoia when his job is what it is now.

Stepping more inside the bar. He does a quick scan. Female, mask, black hair, with a young man, black hair, lavender eyes. Female navy hair, navy hair? Scar on face. Vincent smiled. Man with a box with a face. Several people in suits. This was an operation than. Or so he assumed with all the key details being given.

He supposed he should “mingle”. Sitting down next to the girl with navy hair he doesn’t say anything at first. The bartender noticed him, and walks up to him.

“Juice,” Vincent says quietly, the bartender looks nervous at how straightforward he said it, sitting next to this woman.

“Right, I heard about you, we ran out of apple juice bottles, you don’t mind a juice box?” the bartender asked, “Jo told me to go get it.”

“No,” Vincent said accepting the Tree Canopy apple juice box before looking at the woman with Navy Hair, “Interesting choice of location. Isn’t it?” he asked her. While poking the straw through the thin aluminum.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Old Amsterdam

Abort mission. Kimber just smiled. Inhaling than exhaling away from her towards the ceiling, before looking back at her.

“Just to chat,” Kimber tells her, “Isn’t that what a room of strangers does? Chat. Warmup. Get to know each other. No ulterior motives.”

Because he wasn’t about go taming a bull. He didn’t like rodeos when it came to woman.

“How about we get on a better foot, yes?” Kimber replies, “I’d like a cranberry vodka. And that’s what I like to drink. You like a scotch dry. That’s a really great drink.”

Kimber smiles at her, “See not so hard. Just friendly banter. What do you think so far, of the people who have arrived?”

He eyes a man who came in from the back. His hair was really stylish. Put Kimber’s styled hair to shame, but he walked stiff and militant. That’s a weird juxtaposition.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"If that's what you wanna call it," the scarred woman said as a green light shone from behind her mask, visible only through the eye holes. A quick evaluation of the minds in the place caused the woman to lessen her tension. She could tell everyone in there was an assassin, or associated with the UAA. That would cause most more tension, but for this particular assassin, it meant opportunity to rise in her rank if situations went south.

Dream manipulation was a hell of a power.

And this was a hell of a drink. Heck, maybe that's what caused her tension to lessen. She didn't really know the difference anymore.

A buzz from her cellular phone caught her attention as the woman pulled her phone out of her pocket, participating in the newly obtained text messages.



"Our research is proving ineffective for the current moment."

"Why had you felt the need to tell me this now? I was aware prior"

"I am telling you that one of our interns, mister... Flint, had possibly found a breakthrough."

"What do you mean?"

"I do not know just yet. He is being very vague with his actions.

"... put him in a room and give him what he requests and a few corpses."

"Right away."

The Maiden returned to the world as she turned to the "boy" sitting beside her (he was drinking juice for fuck's sake), leaning over to him to whisper something. "Would you believe me if I told you that there's somebody on the roof?" she asked before she returned to her seat, leaning over on the barside.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Muscle, blood and bone... all of it brought together and honed into a killing machine of brutal strength and grace. All of it straining to escape from a prison of tweed! Oh but Oscar wouldn't have it. His feudal spirit was out in full force as he stared himself down in the mirror, mustache twitching as the tailor went about the final touches of sewing him into this latest suit. All while Oscar's bulging veins and heaving back muscles threatened to undo this very expensive piece of work.

"Mr Betteridge, If I may..." The hunchbacked old man piped up. "It's not that we don't appreciate your custom, Sir, but wouldn't it be easier for you if you were to simply allow me to take your measurement and have a suit made for a later date?"

"And allow myself to be dressed in something... BAGGY? Do you want me to walk the streets looking like some kind of unemployed street tough begging for his next half-spent cigarette? Dear god man, have you never worn tweed before?!" The buff Brit guffawed at the pittiful store owner.

This really was too much! Oscar was gracious enough to allow this peasant to busy himself around his superior form and allowed them a hand in crafting one of the finest feats of fashion humanity had yet to create and this was the thanks he got. Disgraceful! Honestly it was enough to make a man feel victimised, having to put up with such terrible service. Yet suffer Oscar did, gritting his teeth and allowing the cretin to finish the work they had begun together. He had an important meeting today with his fellow assassins and had to be sure to look his best! Oscar had no idea what it was about but one had to look one's best when going out into the murderous public. Especially if there was a strong chance of it turning into a deadly ambush!

Finally it was done! Once again Oscar could go out into the world as a picture of form fitting elegance.

"Now sir there is the matter of your tab to discuss..." The shopkeep said, quivering behind his cash register.

"It's rude to talk about money like that, Mulligan." Oscar snorted, his mustache flaring in a show of disdain. "You should know that as a proprietor of gentlemanly wares. I swear by thunder man each time you open your mouth it is as if you wish to push me into the arms of one of your rival tailors!"

"But Sir this is the fiftieth custom tweed you've had me make! What could you possibly want them all for?"

"As I've told you!" Oscar said, assuming a suitably noble and heroic pose. "Before each fight I must flex my physique in such a way as to to properly channel my killing spirit and intimidate my foes." Indeed such a thing made him look like a hero of old, one that no doubt made the Asian warlords who's techniques he had stolen perfected roll in their graves with shame.

"But is it necessary for you to rip each of your suits apart, Sir?" Old Mulligan whimpered.

"Each one died a warrior's death!" Oscar Roared back at him. Enraged hat the man could not see something so obvious. "And I shall hear no more miserly complaints from you!" And with that he stormed from the premises and headed off for his meeting.

Of course it didn't help that the wretched serf had raised a valid point. Oscar could get by on the free services that were owed to him by right of birth and strength for now but his funds were steadily depleting. Running a tea room and dojo combo wasn't cheap and although his muscular apprentices were willing to work for little pay and the chance of being thrashed by him... his need for supplies for the business and his personal life were a taxing him ever more. The contracts he was getting right now were petty things given his low ranking and it galled Oscar to stoop to such a level. yet what was he to do, give up on his love of combat? This lower ranking made him an entry point for would be assassins and he was fed a regular supply of challengers looking to get on the ladder by using his corpse as their first rung.

Still... perhaps it was time he set his sights on more ambitious rankings. Even if he couldn't get the quantity of opponents he wished it stood to reason he would receive a high quality one instead. Damn and blast but it was tough to be a wealthy aristocrat these days!

And they only got harder once he got to "The Dirty Babe"!

"Oh this is deplorable." Oscar groaned as he looked around the dark and grimy interior of the public house that he'd been called to for this meeting.

Indeed it looked as if the cleaning staff hadn't even looked upon its dust and grease soaked walls for nigh on a year! Now this was simply unacceptable. He had expected what ever passed for a delegate of the UAA to at least have a sense of class and style when it came to choosing their clandestine rendezvous spot. Dark and out of the way was one thing but making a place so vile that it repelled any dignified form of life was a low way of thinking. Indeed Oscar felt tempted to take out a handkerchief to cover his mouth lest he risk breathing in any particles of this unrepentant poverty. Honestly!

Yet after scanning the interior Oscar could not deny that the inhabitants certainly fit the bill for trained killers. Why some of the patrons even sported masks of varying design that no doubt fitted the wearer's sense of drama. The box hat struck Oscar as grotesquely unrefined but he'd learned to stop expecting much from the denizens of Santa Destroy. Then there were those sporting the usual flowing black long coats, an industry that must have earned at least half its profits from hired killers if Oscar's experience with them was anything to go by. At least one woman among the bunch seemed to be sporting armour! A choice Oscar usually forwent in favour of speed and maneuverability but one he could understand and respect in a theoretical sense.

Yes this was, unfortunately, the right spot. Since he was possibly going to be here a while there was no sense in suffering any more than needed. Oscar strode across the filth stained floor that dared to try and stick to his shoes and made his way to the bar. Slamming his fist down on the counter top to get the attention of the degenerates that worked it.

"Barkeep. A pint of stout, I say. I'll be needing some of the strong stuff if this is the standard our host sees to!" He didn't bother even trying to hide why he was there. Why should he? Oscar had nothing to be ashamed of! If any civilian cared to take offence then Oscar would simply defend the honour of his vocation from any uncouth lout that dared challenge him. They brought the drink in a chipped glass and drink was weak as tap water! Oh someone would pay for the frustrations that were being heaped upon him once he got back to the dojo if not sooner.

Indeed this was turning out to be a very unbully day for Oscar Betteridge!
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago


Allison listened to the talk. The rather intriguing man coming from the back. He was quiet. She liked him.

This guy, thigh, with the pretty eyes... He set her on edge. Questions, questions, poking, prodding.

"At least the rest aren't so anno-" she replied before a newcomer interrupted all conversation with loud direct speech.

She shook her head. It was something else, all these assassins appearing.

She continued the conversation.

"Perhaps you are only the second most annoying one here," she said quietly. "Small talk is irrelevant. Useless. It makes people feel better about themselves. At least your last question was decent. We've got an annoying yeller, you, an interesting female, and a chill guy. Two questionable people. Now, I'm done with the inane."

She glanced down the bar at the two conversing quietly. That man... Intrigued her something fierce.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

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@Old Amsterdam@Gardevoiran

Navy. Things that went with navy. Jeans. Indigo dye. Distracted by her phone. Youth these days. He drank a little bit of the apple juice. Alcohol, he never liked it to begin with, but something about it these days really bothered him at times.

He had a tried time absorbing it in his system anyway, he had to opt out of marinara on his pizza for the same reason as pepperoni. Thus the olives and mushrooms were a better choice.

Watching her text. Fingers like a violinist. Slender. Fingers like spider legs crawling across the smartphone. She finally addressed him. For a second he had forgotten he had addressed her. Someone on the roof?

He didn’t feel like replying. Prefered the silence.

“....” Vince just stared at the navy haired female.
[Good marketing strategy]

His eyes met with someone else with a mask staring at him. Was this a costume party or a meeting of assassins he wondered?
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@Gardevoiran@TheRedWatcher@Old Amsterdam

She didn’t need to continue throwing it in his face that she wasn’t into him. Some women really had to throw that out there. He took the hint the first time. Didn’t mean he couldn’t adjust and now just want a friendly chat. He ordered a cranberry vodka, without ice always watered the drink down and make sure he could taste the vodka. Else it just taste like cranberry juice.

Kimber’s eyes fell on the loud man, what did he think this was medieval Europe? In a tavern. Ye ol’ best. Still it made Kimber smile. As she addressed both the man and him as annoying, he took a sip of his cranberry vodka.

“At least.” he says, “Someone knows how to have some fun.” he replies, “Think you meant by annoying you meant friendly. That’s what people do, be friendly to each other upon first meeting.”

Not that it bothered him. In fact it was more fun at this point to bother her if she was going to be so osteer. Some assassins around here took their job too hard. He prefered a relax method. Staring at the navy haired girl she was texting and speaking with the man who was drinking a juice box.

Getting up to move to the navy haired girl, he smiles between the man with the very noticeable scar on his neck. He points to the newcomer.

“You think he’s friends with Doc Brown?” Kimber ask making a joke to the both of them, but particularly the navy haired girl.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

"I'm sorry, you are...?" Abigail said rather quizzically, but with a falsified tone of interest in her voice. She knew what he was trying to reference, but she couldn't really get the joke. It'd had been some time since she saw that movie, so that was probably why she didn't really care about it in reality. Either that, or the loud talking from that other girl was the reason why. Probably that.

"... when the hell is this starting up? I've gotta go back to my work," Abigail wondered. She needed to get back to her lab so she could continue working on her goal. This was merely a way for her to fund that goal, and then some. The factory did botanic stuff, floral arrangements, funerals, you name it, but there was always the big money that was sought after. Sure, it was blood money, but that was still valid in the eyes of Abigail.

Abigail pulled the bottle of unnamed chemicals out of her bag again, pouring it freshly into the cup along with some vodka, before she took another sip of her drink. The chemical smell was really something now.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Brushing down her uniform, the German stepped out of her car.

Whilst she was not in her full regalia, there was a distinctively totalitarian element to her dress. The suit she was wearing was imposingly black, her pink hair pulled up into a tight bun. Her eyepatch held the image of an iron cross over it, with a single red bar running down vertically, and the suit itself had a silver trim that gave it an air of military pomp.

"Bier her, Bier her, oder ich fall um, juchhe!

Bier her, Bier her, oder ich fall um!" She hummed the tune gently to herself as she surveyed the place, hands on her hip. A complete dump. Perfect, of course, because it meant that basically nobody would actually think her a real threat. That was the way she liked it, two modern guns tucked away underneath her armpits. Dual wielding wasn't her style, but it was always easier to swap to a new weapon rather than reload in the middle of a firefight.

"Remind me why you are doing this mortal." The demon inside of her let out a hissing, scraping ton, but Blitzen ignored him. He knew why they were going there, he was just being facetious.

Walking inside of the bar, her boots cracked against the floor with each step she took. Walking up to the bar, she promptly hauled herself onto a bar seat, resting a hand on the table as she did so.

"Eine weissbier. If I have to zhow you my ID, I'll make zhure it is permanently bhranded into zhat bhrain of yours." Scowling at the bartender, the man gauged her up and down, before deciding it wasn't worth fighting over. A bottle of the good stuff was placed down in front of her, and she placed a thumb below the bottle cap, popping it off before the bartender could do it himself.

"Vielen Dank." Slapping a note down onto the table, she cracked her knuckles almost idly as she looked around. Potential assassins abounded, along with two professional looking fellows who would no doubt be their agent. Quite what the hold up was, she wasn't entirely sure of.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago


What a bore. She didn’t even laugh.

“Back to the Past, Doc Brown,” Kimber gives a knowing smile, but also a smile that also begs for someone to get the punchline. Before she had time to respond though someone new walked in, wearing what looked like a Nazi outfit. But looked like a loli had jumped straight out of an anime.

Kimber took a sip of his cranberry vodka before saying anything.

“Someone call Japan, their Loli Nazi escaped from its offensive stereotypes cage,” Kimber muttered afterward.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by TheRedWatcher
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TheRedWatcher Stabby Shadow

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Vincent continued to watch the woman in the mask. The young man with lavender eyes made a Back to the Past remark. He admitted to himself it was funny. He smirked. Though bland conversation, breathless, wasteful didn’t really suit him.

Standing up and excusing himself silently to the two with a nod of his head. He walked up to the female in the mask.

“....” Vincent stared at her at a much closer range now.

Allison looked the man up and down slowly, nodding her head. Eyes could say more than mouths ever wished to. “Mhmm. Hello. You're far more interesting than the last.”

She meant the young man with lavender eyes. Vincent didn’t move. Still. Statuesque.

“He’s youthful,” Vincent replied, “Your name? The one you’re comfortable with introducing yourself as.”

”The Heretic,” Allison said simply. ”I'd say more, but this isn't the place for other names. Yourself?”

“Chroma, for now,” Vincent replies, he just gives Jo a look who is behind the counter. Jo knows that look and hands him another juice box.

”I like it. I like you. I sincerely hope we don't have to kill each other.”

Vincent takes a sip of his apple juice. He’s not sure like is what he feels right now. Curiosity. Interest.

“....” Vincent continues to stare.
[I’d like to get to know you as well]

Allison smiled under the mask. She did hope that they weren't meant to duke it out. She rather liked this stranger.

”Yes, yes,” she murmured as a strangely militaristic looking woman with vibrant hair walked in and ordered… Something. Sounded German. Allison cocked her head to the side before continuing. ”So, mind if I call ya C?”

Vincent eyed the German for a second. He had mixed feelings about them. He turned back to Heretic.

“Yes,” Vincent replied, “Chrome or Chroma.”

”Noted,” she murmured. ”I hope things get started soon…”

Vincent didn’t know what they were starting. It seemed unusual, didn’t it? He’d expect a death match in an arena, not a bar.
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

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Quite abruptly, the doors to the Dirty Babe burst open as if violently kicked, drawing the attention of anyone who wasn’t used to sudden loud noises - and in particular those of Rutabaga and Mister Person. The silhouette in the portal, features partially obscured by the light streaming in from outside, was nonetheless recognisable by their clothing, and by the overdramatic pose they promptly took, arms crossed over their head and legs crossed beneath them. They looked quite silly indeed.

Half a second later, they seemed to explode into a shadowy cloud, spraying blood across a wide area of the room and sending ethereal bats flying everywhere; at the same moment, a second cloud of shadows and blood coalesced into a humanoid form, joined by a few of the bats to ultimately form the same figure, now clearly masculine and seated upon the barstool right next to Rutabaga and Person. He promptly raised one knife-toed boot, and slammed the heel hard on to the counter, cracking the surface with the force of the impact.

‘Nice to see you care about showing up on time,’ Rutabaga quipped angrily, scowling at the black-clad form of Zzyxx von Killstealr. He always had to make a scene, didn’t he? The nearest barmaid seemed to share this impression, sighing as she went to grab a mop and bucket to clear up the mess the newly-arrived agent had just made.

‘I am never late,’ the edgelord replied, kind of snarling his voice in a way that would have been cool if he’d actually done it correctly, or looked the part, ‘nor am I ever early. I arrive... precisely when I mean to.’ This last sentence was accompanied by an exaggerated hair flip that only really served to throw his hat off his head.

‘Ripping quotes from Tolkien’s work isn’t safe when they’re still popular decades later,’ Agent Person replied as Zzyxx bent down to retrieve his headgear. The red-eyed glare he received back rather implied that Zzyxx either believed he was being original, or was trying to hide the lack thereof as he slowly placed the pseudo-fedora back atop his head.

‘Anyway, we’re an hour late to start,’ Baigo continued, ‘and we still don’t have everyone here. At this point, I can’t be assed to wait any longer. Hey!’ he yelled at the bar, drawing everyone’s attentions again. ‘If you were called in for the special assignment, get over here!’ The relevant assassins would know whether that was them or not - not least because for plenty of them, they’d had direct prior contact with at least one of the trio leading this particular assignment.

‘That includes you, too, Omnivore,’ Mister Person uttered to what was apparently thin air. ‘You’ll have to get to know these people sooner or later, it might as well be now.’ He took another drag from his cigar before noticing the weird looks his fellow agents were giving him, perhaps due to the box covering his peripheral vision; he elaborated ‘One of my assassins has hacked into one of our phones remotely. I know that because she’s done it many times before.’ The words “to me” went unstated. ‘She’ll be right along.’
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

Member Seen 4 days ago

This dramatic entrance, however, was someone mitigated by an actual dramatic entrance, and one not done by an edgelord to boot. Whilst the Dirty Babe didn't have a lot of windows, the ones it did would all be wincing at their fallen brethren, a shower of safety glass pebbles raining down on anyone justifiably eating foolish enough to be standing or sitting near a window. A perfect three point landing later, and a tall, slim figure with tanned skin and bright white hair brushed down a longcoat, giving a winning smile to everyone standing around him.

Around his nose was the faintest... Ok, no, it was blatantly obvious that he had been snorting, slightly wide eyes and a powdered nose. "Ah. Sorry for being late, I got caught up in a little business!"

In the blink of an eye he was over towards the bar, vaulted over it with ease, and then scooped up a bottle of vodka, tipping it out into a beer glass and vaulting back over the bar before the barman could even react. "So. I hear we're off to do some... Operating!"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Abigail walked over to the table with the assassin leaders, sipping again from her chemically infused drink and grunting yet again. She was definitely drinking some crazy strong stuff, that was certain. Sitting next to Baigo wouldn't actually be a great idea, considering his past and how he was a farmer. He'd have to have experienced the smell of Miracle-Gro at least once in his life. Maybe not Miracle-Gro but maybe pesticide. They smelled similar at least.

The serious mood was interrupted, however, by the cocaine-crazy maniac leaping through the window and shattering glass all over the ground. That. Was. Hilarious. Ok, this might've been the vodka talking, but the sudden and random appearance of this man just tickled Abigail super hard. She couldn't help but chuckle a few good times before sipping her drink again, trying to suppress her emotions with another grunt. Then she didn't grunt. Perfectly timed mess up.

"I-I'm sorry... I get emotional when I drink..." she felt the need to apologize for her behavior then she hushed and waited for the agents to address her.
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