Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post
NHNGNP Discord - Chat to the GMs and other players here. We're on a fair bit of the time.

No More Heroes Wiki - Find most of the pertinent information here. Spoilers abound.

We're currently in the opening phase, where players get to create their characters.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

No Hope, No Glory, No Problem

A No More Heroes RP

A.K.A. “There’s a Shortage of Heroes Right Now, Stop Asking”

The year is... irrelevant. Some time in the future, obviously. Maybe fifty years or so? Give or take a decade.

Times have changed, and yet human nature, for all the advances made in human rights and such, has not. People still want people dead, wars still happen within those countries that aren’t rich enough to hire other countries to fight for them, and sometimes, you just can’t get rid of somebody without calling in a professional to take care of business.

That is what assassins are for. You hire them, they do the dirty work you can’t or won’t do, and they receive payment for their efforts. It’s a gory, cynical world that assassins live in, made all the more cynical by certain groups who, in their greed, have somehow legitimised the process into a sort of assassin-on-assassin competition.

Each continent has its groups, of course, but the foremost league by far is the United Assassins Association - the original guild of assassins itself, hailing from North America. Their practical monopoly over the vast majority of the continent’s fighters gives them the wherewithal to send their assassins across the globe, and naturally, the trail of carnage that leads back to them is magnetic, drawing in ever more assassins to join the UAA heedless of nationality.

Their name, then, could not be more ironic. Each assassin has a rank, which the jobs they are offered and the pay they receive from these derive from. To increase their rank, they must defeat the assassin above them. Short of a soft heart within the winner, this almost always means death for one party or the other. In theory, the procedure rapidly culls those who can’t keep up, leaving only the cream of the crop to do the actual assassination work; in practice, these ranked matches are the UAA’s primary draw, which the un-squeamish and bloodthirsty often peruse when they can’t participate themselves.

As most might expect, though, most assassins are fodder compared to the top tiers, and to this upper class of murderer come rich rewards... and not just from the job itself. Surprisingly few have done the math on these numbers, and those who have find that if every assassin from the top few ranks pooled their earnings, they’d each achieve a greater total reward than any of them alone... at least in terms of money-to-time ratios. Yet fewer still believe getting even two closely-ranked assassins working together, let alone a full team, is nigh-impossible without them ultimately killing each other off.

Let’s see if you can’t prove them wrong.

Welcome to the world of No More Heroes - albeit a world that has progressed a few decades since the time of the canonical games. Technology is more powerful, artificial intelligence somehow hasn’t taken over from human beings, and the game of assassination is as difficult as ever, moreso even as the United Assassins Association has come into ever greater prominence, though it remains hidden in the shadows of society at the end of the day (and legally doesn’t exist at all, due to a few well-placed bribes to those in positions of power who learn about it).

Its members have combat styles that each vary wildly, often superhuman or technologically-enhanced, but one of the few constants from the UAA’s earliest days is the ubiquitous beam katana: a blade of superheated plasma fired from an emitter unit, then contained by either a receiver unit or, more commonly nowadays as the technology has been perfected, a shaped magnetic field, and advances in the field have made them ever more powerful. (No, they aren’t “lightsabers”. They aren’t even made of light. Think for a second next time you want to ask a silly question.)

Into the fray step many intrepid assassins - perhaps old hands who never caught their lucky break until now, or perhaps newcomers to the art, but certainly none are new to the basics of how to kill. Formed together under the guiding hand of the agents of the Association, they will climb their way through the ranks of the UAA, their violent rampage an effort to ultimately reach its highest peaks and achieve profit like nothing they’ve ever seen before.

Basic Rules

1. Trust your Force. There are site rules in place for a reason; please try to follow them.
2. You want to be number 1. There are going to be a fair number of teams, depending on how many characters exist in each team; whilst assassins in each team will be roughly allied with one another, each team's assassins will be competing against other teams as well as NPC assassins in their efforts to reach the top spots. Thus, PvP fights will occur, perhaps even between teammates who are gunning for higher positions relative to one another; the nature of the UAA is such that the vast majority of ranked matches end in death for the loser (with a reprieve specifically allowed for in-team quarrels), so be aware that your character could die as a result.
3. There is no exit to Paradise. Players whose characters I accept will be expected to post within a reasonable timeframe. I can make allowances for unexpected life situations, but if you’re consistently a week or two behind every other poster, the assassination gig is likely to catch up with your character sooner rather than later.
4. Head for the Garden of Madness. Skill and creativity are important here; make sure you write to the Advanced section’s expected standards, get creative with describing your character’s actions and thoughts, and if you have any ideas, hit me up with them. I may be able to use them.
5. You need to wake up. At the bottom of the character sheet, in the "Other Things" section, tell me the colour of Travis' standard leather jacket. Helpful hint: it's red.

Massed Combat (and other RP scenarios)

En route to a ranked fight, or within the context of standard assassination missions, battle is quite freeform: the low-rank minions in your path, whilst potentially dangerous, ultimately do not pose a mortal threat to high-end assassins, and you may write relatively freely about what actions your character takes against them within the context of the current fighting stage. This rule also applies to out-of-combat scenarios such as buying new stuff or working labour to raise funds for your missions and equipment, and at risk of sharing the pay, you're allowed to collaborate with other assassins on your team in matters that are not a ranked fight's precursor stage, so have fun with those.

Some of these low-ranking assassins use their fists or melee weapons, others use knuckle dusters enhanced with beam technology, others still use guns in some form or another, and a rare few manage to get their hands on beam katanas of their own. You have mostly free reign over which mooks are present and what your characters do to defeat each set of minions, though I’ll inform you if any minion types are explicitly present; put up your character’s actions, collaborate on actions if you like, and beat those mooks to a pulp as you see fit.

Ranked Fights (offense and defense)

Ranked fights will feature major enemy assassins, both for team members to challenge to hit the next rank (and outside of PvP situations, discussed below, it will always be "the next rank above yours") and challenging individual members of your team. These foes will be far more dangerous, and will include both characters created by the GMs and characters created specifically for the purpose by regular players. If an assassin was originally created for the purpose of being a boss, their creator will be asked if they’d like to play out the boss fight; if they cannot for some reason, or if the GMs created the assassin, it will be a GM who controls their actions instead.

When challenging an assassin for their rank, one team member will go after them, granting the challenger the rank up upon victory, whilst the rest of the team is pulled up with them by consequence of the one who’d otherwise hold their rank being dead. Once the initial chatter is over and done with, the player will post in step with the enemy's controller, reacting to the boss’ actions whilst enacting their own. Good tactics are rewarded with quicker kills; bad tactics may require you to reload until you learn... well, it’ll take you more time to beat them. Unless you REALLY suck. Then, you’re on your own.

Speaking of which, an assassin defending their rank must also do so alone. They will be “politely asked” to wait for their opponent in a suitable arena, most likely their own, and will have a short reprieve before their opponent slaughters their minions and reaches them. The same rules apply here as to when the team challenges another assassin; other characters will have their own tasks to perform in the meantime, be it standard assassination jobs, a ranked match against an NPC, or a special mission, or perhaps a rank defense fight of their own. Feel free to ask for something to do if you don’t just want to go out and do regular missions, like a boring old assassin would.

Player Versus Player (a life and death scenario)

Sometimes, a player character may want to challenge another player character for their rank, though concessions have been made that allow teams to avoid interfering with one another. Eventually, though, if you want your character to hit the topmost ranks- and you do- they will have to challenge another PC for their rank, if yours is below them in rank, or else wind up challenged for theirs by a PC with a lower rank than them.

In this case, a PvP battle will ensue, one player character against another. In most cases, I will trust the two players to reach a reasonable accord in terms of figuring out who wins, but if such a situation is infeasible, I'll steal the system from this game: each round, both players write a length of action starring both characters, and the other players then vote on which of the two versions is better by liking their preferred post. Most votes take the round, first to three rounds wins the fight.

The end result of the fight is another matter. In-team PvP ought to be resolved non-lethally in the first place, since killing your teammate is agreed to be a suboptimal idea by both your agent and the CEO of UAA - though you won't technically be penalised for it, if for some reason you feel it appropriate. On the other hand, PvP between teams is the same as a normal ranked match, and by UAA rules, an assassin's loss means their death unless a case can be made for a very large potential improvement in their abilities. If you don't kill the other character, the cleaners who come along will probably do it for you unless you stop them somehow, either via persuasion, or excessive and rapid force, and this latter option is very unlikely to make you many friends in the upper ranks of the Association.

Character Sheet

Most players will be signing up as ranked assassins, and the character sheet below reflects this notion. However, if you are granted permission to do so, you are also allowed to sign up as an agent of the United Assassins Association instead, one of the people who organise ranked matches for the assassins in the rankings as either hire-ins or former assassins in their own right. For these characters, the "Your Turf" section is unnecessary, since they will not typically be participating in ranked matches anyway; if they have their own combat capabilities, however, the "Battle Rites" section may be included to describe what they can do, though it is optional, and likewise with the Codename header in the "Basics" section.

NPCs may also be submitted freely, either as boss characters, assassins, or other GM-controlled roles. This has a separate sheet to submit, as seen below.

And finally, before you begin, just keep in mind this final quote from a special someone:

“Fighting to be the best is human nature. It’s evolution!”
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Checking in.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

-slides in-
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Lady Selune
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Lady Selune Lamia Queen, Young and Sweet.

Member Seen 2 mos ago


Name: Blitzen Krieger
Codename: Kraken
Age: 24
Appearance: Seeing Blitzen in civilian clothing would probably make you think she's a thirteen year old girl who lost her eye in some tragic accident. She stands at a measly four foot five tall, and is pretty damn waifish in appearance. Of course, when you're dressed in full SS regalia, with six tentacles the length of yourself strangling some poor sod whilst laughing maniacally, this appearance is sort of ruined.
Personality: Take your bog standard psychopath, add in a mix of god delusion, narcissism, extreme sexual degeneracy, utter disregard for any kind of human life, facist tendancies and just a hint of daddy issues, and you've distilled Blitzen. She is exactly as crazy as the tentacles and nazi uniform would suggest.
History: German born and raised, her family were closet nazis long before her birth. When she was fourteen however, a small march, encouraged by her sister, Donner, got her into a spot of trouble. And by a spot of trouble, it actually forced the entire family to have to migrate to the US, where they were a lot less closeted in their frothing brand of extremism. She was indoctrinated early, but unlike some of her family, most of her hatred was focused on Russians. Specifically communists. Don't mention anything to do with the reds unless you think being eviscerated by tentacles is a perfectly fine thing to be doing on a Sunday afternoon.

When in America, she met her now best friend Heidi, and the series of investigations into the occult that would lead to her having a demon grafted to her. To cut out a lot of unnecessary detail, Heidi, whilst not being a nazi herself, is a serious gearhead, and a major fan of old machinery, and maintains much of Blitzen's gear, as well as acting as a 'commissar' (not that anyone would call her that in earshot of Blitzen,) to keep Blitzen's small army in line.

The demon is a longer story. After having dabbled in the occult for several years, Blitzen found herself with the ability to summon an ancient, quite eldritch being. The method involved the sacrifice of a virgin. Whilst Blitzen started with a virgin, she didn't end with one, and so the displeased being grafted a small part of it onto the German- essentially a 'demon.' Unfortunately for the small part, it had been grafted on to Blitzen Kriegen, and as such, was countered with a mind more bizarre than its own. Blitzen summarily crushed all resistance, and the tentacles are now firmly under her control.

Oh, and the reason she works as an assassin? She finds killing people bloody hilarious.

Battle Rites

Combat Style: Very simple. If Blitzen isn't razing city blocks to the ground, she simply hasn't had the opportunity to do so. Seeing the lamentations of everyone is her fourth-most favourite thing to do, right after getting into flame wars, murdering commies, acting indecent with tanks, modifying her tanks, and communing with eldritch deities.
Equipment: Die Ficklasen. It's a transforming laser cannon that securely fastens to her uniform. The fact that it secures to her crotch, and is strangely phallic, is entirely coincidental. The fact that it can turn into a melee weapon almost the size of herself is most certainly not. It also uplinks into her armour when attached- using the weapon gives her an extremely pleasurable rush, which really doesn't help her overall battle lust.
Powers: She's not called 'Kraken' for nothing. Six tentacles, each roughly as long as she is tall, and all of them incredibly strong. They can pick up people and fling them around, smash people in half, impale people, and generally do a lot of things that you wouldn't want done to you, however they don't really have any finesse behind them.
Special Techniques: Two. Imperial Summoning, and Fracking Time. Imperial Summoning utilises an old prototype drone that her sister, Donner, made a few years ago, as Blitzen sends out an electronic 'whistle,' for it. As soon as it can arrive, a giant metal eagle, roughly two feet tall and armed with laser talons and armed with a chaingun, enters the fight. Her other ability, Fracking Time, is a little simpler. Her tentacles temporarily elongate and drill through the ground, before smashing up again. This knocks people aside, and the blunt force can often outright kill.

Your Turf

Arena Description: The Eagle's Perch. A huge disused aircraft hangar filled with Nazi paraphernalia. Literally filled to the brim. It also has a variety of extremley fun little 'toys' for the girl herself, detailed below.
Arena Tactics: There are a number of advantages that Blitzen gets when she fights on home turf. Not only are there myriad old German weapons stashed around, including MG42s, MP40s, STG44s, lugers and much, much, much more, but, being a fan of old war machines, she has a retrofitted and perfectly functional Panzerkampfwagen Tiger Ausf. B. Or, as normal people know it, the KING TIGER! Unfortunately, she's misplaced it somewhere around the hangar, and has to find it. (How she misplaced a 60 ton war machine isn't really known, and is a sore point for her.) The Reich Eagle is stationed at the hangar, and its magnetic firing mechanism too. Because of this, the eagle arrives in seconds, with the speed of a cannonball, and can remain in the area for much longer without having to return. Finally, there are also a number of anchor points in the hangar. Using these anchor points, not only is Die Ficklasen buffed immensely, but she is also stabilised, meaning she can really let loose, without worrying about kickback.
Minion Description: Hilariously, Blitzen kidnaps internet neo-nazis, and uses them as cannon fodder. They're poorly trained and not exactly brilliantly equipped, but she finds it amusing watching 'those neckbeard faggots' dying.

Other Things

Theme song:
Red jacket y'all. Travis and dat redjacket.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Irredeemable@AngelofOctober@Lady Selune Good to see you all here. The character drafts look fairly good so far, with some modifications to be discussed; I look forward to seeing the full versions of them all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Enigmatik
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Enigmatik Recently-Medicated Thembie Supreme

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago

After much discussion on specifics.....

Also, this isn't done. Obviously, I think. But it's a good indicator of what I'm working at.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 days ago

This roleplay looks fairly interesting. I'll see to writing up a character with the hopes it's sufficient for a spot among the Murderous Five.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by AngelofOctober
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AngelofOctober Backup Data's Ghost

Member Seen 5 mos ago

-character index-
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

@Old Amsterdam@AngelofOctober Both of these look great so far. What I will say to Old Amsterdam specifically, and everyone else generally, is that there's no "standard" beam katana, because there are plenty of different models of beam katana and other beam weaponry, not to mention many possible custom weapons of the sort. If it's not custom, you'll want to specify a brand (fake brand mind you) and model, as well as what said model looks like, including modifications that the character specifically has produced.

@A Lowly Wretch Glad to have you here. And thanks for the team name, I was trying to think of something for that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Old Amsterdam
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Old Amsterdam Coven Witch

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Roger Roger. I'll include that information as I finish up the sheet... Hopefully today.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

To those who might be eyeing the thread over cautiously, or writing stuff up on their lonesome, I'm always open to hear your ideas for characters. That said, I was thinking of creating a Discord channel to chat in once the five players had been decided upon, but I might also want to create it beforehand. Any thoughts, folks?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Might be a good idea. As for ideas I'm aiming for a gentlemanly shaolin type.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by A Lowly Wretch
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A Lowly Wretch The Listless Loiterer

Member Seen 2 days ago

@BCTheEntity I think Discord servers are usually quite handy mediums of instant communication.

Also, The character I'm currently making up is a young mutant from Nevada who's come into possession of dangerous experimental nanotechnology and is after revenge on the corporation that killed her family in pursuit of their property. Your thoughts on the premise?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by BCTheEntity
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BCTheEntity m⊕r✞IS

Member Seen 6 days ago

Well, that would settle that. The Discord link is up in the 0th post, folks. As for your ideas, both of those sound great so far, and I'm keen to see what you wind up with.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sakrofficial
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Sakrofficial Composed Chaos

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@BCTheEntity I think Discord servers are usually quite handy mediums of instant communication.

Also, The character I'm currently making up is a young mutant from Nevada who's come into possession of dangerous experimental nanotechnology and is after revenge on the corporation that killed her family in pursuit of their property. Your thoughts on the premise?

You were a super athlete that was in an accident and nearly died until your dad fused Alien technology with your body and it healed you, but made you more machine than human. You could go by.... Cyborg.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dogematix
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Done and done! Feedback is always welcome.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Please judge with the fact I know nothing about NMH, Beecee and others.

Edit: get rekt iz done
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Gardevoiran
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Gardevoiran The Forbidden One

Member Seen 11 mos ago

(sorry for double post I have to do this)
What-ho! Muscle wizard! Might you cast us a spell?
1x Like Like
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by KaiserElectric
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KaiserElectric Spaghetti Enthusiast

Member Seen 10 mos ago

I'm woefully unfamiliar with the game outside of the Zero Punctuation reviews, but the concept looks kinda fun, do you mind if I make something for this? :D
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