Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Aboard the Reclamation, orbiting a dead and dying world there was a single room unlike any other. While the other Jedi had bedrooms, the entity known as Azure had a garden. For in its natural state it knew that it didn't need a bedroom, instead it surrounded itself by a myriad of vegetation and even some smaller harmless wildlife. It gave it a place of serenity for meditation, occasionally other Jedi would ask to use its quarters for meditation however right now it was alone. Hovering in the middle of the room without its droid body present, right now it was just an it. Not a he, for it only considered himself a he when it was within a body. Afterall, it was a crystal and had no real gender. Much like other species throughout the galaxy chose what pronouns to use based upon how they acted and decided to feel, it chose a pronoun based on its body. Now? Now it was just relishing in the life surrounding him.

It felt the presence of its padawan, and all the other Jedi aboard the ship. All shaken by the news from Master Kenobi, for all they knew the Jedi aboard this ship were the last surviving Jedi in the entire Galaxy. Azure knew that the Jedi would returned, it truly believed that. For the order had returned before from the brink of extinction, for as long as Jedi remained in the Galaxy there was always a glimmer of hope. It slowly moved its way over to its droid body, using the Force to levitate its body. Pushing and pulling in all directions, seeing the flows and the currents of energy throughout the room. Sometimes it wished its species could see like many of the other sentients, it had to admit its sight had its benefits however whenever it used its droid body and saw the world through photoreceptor eyes it had to admit, the galaxy was more beautiful than it could ever imagine.

Safely locked in the chest compartment of its droid body, Azure walked out of his garden.

He moved through the halls, his feet clanking on the old durasteel plating that lined the corridors of his ship. A ship that had been his for longer than any of the other Jedi aboard the ship had been alive. He finally arrived in what had intended to be one of the training rooms abaord the ship for Initiates to train together and build lightsabers. The Jedi had once had a fleet of these vessels, and now only one remained. The thought struck him as sad, however now was not the time for grief. Now was the time for strength. he walked over to the intercom and pressed the button sending a transmission throughout the ship. His cold, metallic voice then revertabrated throughout the ship. "This is Master Azure, would everyone please come to the main room. Thankyou."

He then walked back to the centre of the room, and swayed slightly. He had found over time that his lack of dynamic slight movements unsettled people, so he made a concious effort to move in infantismally small amounts. It seemed to help keep people at ease when dealing with him, and these were trying times so peoples comfort was paramount. Though one thing was for certain, the Jedi order would survive.

Azure would see to that.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Breathing. Breathing had been the only other sound in the small room, aside from the constant hum of the servers lining the walls of the room, since Kresst received the news. He was almost grateful for the white noise that the computers created, else he would have been alone with only his own breaths, and his ever-quickening heartbeat. Outside of sleeping, this was likely the longest period of time that the Mrlssi had spent alone in the room without working on something. No inspecting artifacts, no cataloguing, no meditating, just his own thoughts. He was sat in his hammock, which was strung up near the top of two servers just to the right of the door. His large eyes were half closed, and looking down blankly at the hard floor that he was suspended above.

For a Jedi Knight with his years of experience, Kresst’s response may have been seen as odd. As opposed to being meditative, he was emotional. He felt the sadness, the loss, sharply in his chest. He had the capacity to rid himself of it, certainly. Like every Jedi on the ship, he had went through all of the same training to be able to center himself in peace, and to detach himself from pain, fear, and anything else that could draw out his emotions. However, that was not his choice. He allowed himself to feel what his mind naturally wanted him to feel. It was anger at the betrayal of the Republic, sadness at the loss of the Order he had known for all of his conscious life, and fear of the unknown to come. That was the natural order of his mind, and he was certain he had never felt anything so intense before.

Again, Kresst played the message aloud through his datapad. The voice of Master Kenobi filled the small room completely, with each word holding a kind of weight that Kresst had never felt in a simple recording. In his research, he had found similar recordings given by important men and women of long-dead civilizations. He had catalogued recordings of powerful warriors and inspiring leaders giving hope to their subjects. Sometimes they were successful, and many more were failures. For a moment, he wondered what some future scholar a few hundred years in the future might make of the recording he was hearing. Would it be another tale of the Jedi’s brush with extinction, or the final words of a dead Order?

He took another breath, in, and out. Kresst closed his eyes and, for a moment, had to make the conscious effort to clear his mind. Even he realized that the strength of his emotions in this moment were becoming worrying. Kresst did not fear emotion, but even he did not give into it unrestricted. He focused on another word of the message as Master Kenobi spoke it: hope. In such a dark time, the idea of hope almost sounded ridiculous. The Jedi Order that had existed for the last millennia had, by everything he knew at the moment, had been almost extinguished, along with the Republic it supported. But, perhaps somewhat ironically, Kresst felt that he could believe in the idea of hope even more strongly than most Jedi. He did not believe that it was the will of the Force for darkness to overtake the galaxy. Such a fate would upset the balance of the Force just as much as the light controlling the galaxy in its entirety. If darkness was rising now, then Kresst was confident that the light would have to rise to meet it in time. They needed only survive until that time could come.

Azure’s voice came over the intercom at seemingly just the right time. Kresst doubted that he, or any of the other Jedi would fully recover from what happened in any short amount of time, but right now, he understood the importance of action. Their new enemies would not allow them to wait around and grieve.

Kresst dropped down from his hammock, his claws tapping lightly against the floor as he used the Force to soften his fall. With a wave of his hand, he opened up the server room door and walked out down the hall, towards the main room. Despite his light frame, it was easy to hear him coming down the hall due to his claws tapping against the metal floor with every step that he took. By the time he reached the room and joined Azure, he had cleared his mind of the emotions that had filled his thoughts just minutes ago.

“Master Azure.” Kresst greeted, his tone serious and solemn. The texture of his voice was a bit harsh, since the vocalizations of Basic did not feel natural to produce through his physiology, but all the same, he was perfectly capable of conveying the full range of emotions through it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Trust in the Force." The words mulled in his head. Was it minutes? Hours? It could've been days for all he cared. He sat there on the small mattress, in his drab room which he had moved into only days prior. The room was cramped, a quarters he picked. It was out of the way, had the amenities he needed, and most importantly, it was his. He was allowed to do what he wished with the place, some responsibility which escaped him when constantly on the move, sleeping in huts, barracks- even waterlogged trenches and fighting holes. These comforts were hardly afforded in times of war. It was out of some respect, some condolence for the troops, those clones.

It hurt to think about them. The soldiers who had so vehemently and eagerly fought under the command of the Jedi they had gunned down mercilessly, without so much as a second thought. The thoughts plagued him. Did his master die quickly? Or was he left on the temple grounds to have his life fade slowly. "There is no death, there is the Force." He thought back to his training, the code he was to memorize and understand in full. How could it be true? He'd seen death. They did not become one with the Force. Everyone from clones to even some Jedi died and became little more than corpses burned to ash.

He opened his eyes, and the saber hilt which hovered before him clattered to the ground. The recording cut out, replaced by the sound of a voice. It didn't register right away, the intercom giving no illusion to its state, rasping the sound. He caught "would everyone please come to the main room." Master Azure, commander and director of the vessel. Samuel had his own deep respect for him, the old, wise Jedi who'd perhaps had one of the most difficult ascendancies through the ranks of the Order. He uncrossed his legs and rose, approaching his wardrobe with slow, deliberate movements, prying open the metal doors.

He reached into the dark interior of the wardrobe, the area which hid itself from the dull, dim lamp on the other side of the room, and felt the fabric of the contents, and pulled his cloak from the hook, draping the white and grey cloth around his brown tunic and trousers. He felt some sort of strength, some sort of anonymity under the layers, the pure white. It was these robes that made him disagree with the adage of purple being the noblest shroud. A shroud for the ignorant and pompous, perhaps. But truly, the shroud of the noble was white. Pure. Innocent.

He was caught up in thought again, and forced himself back to reality, closing the doors of the wardrobe with a loud racket. He turned for the door, giving the console a light tap to coax the metal door to spring open. And he shuffled through, banking left down the long, cramped hallway, and continued the straight shot to the fore of the vessel, before banking a right into the common area, where he was called to meet.

He entered the room with an interaction of the door, and greeted those within. "Master Azure, Knight Salavr." He bowed his head in greeting, shuffling off to the side to wait for the remainder of the crew.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Outside the dimmed cockpit of the Reclamation tiny chunks of ancient stone bounced off the ship’s reflector shields, drifting away on their eternal journey. Tiny low beeps from the vessel’s functions display indicated each impact. They remained random and interspersed sometimes occurring in waves and other times as singularities at great length. They created an irregular tempo with which the cockpit’s sole occupant tapped his finger along too, attempting to predict when the next bleep would occur. At this point Javi was willing to find any entertainment to distract himself from the pained thoughts that threatened to mentally cripple him. Although the Reclamation needed very little supervision while in orbit, he found solstice in doing familiar function checks and status inspections on the vessel’s integrity. After long hours running through every single examination he could think of Javi switched to cleaning his blasters until they glistened like new stars.

Sighing Javi sat back in the pilot seat staring off into nothing, his blaster lying disassembled in his lap. The Jedi onboard had said they’d felt the deaths of thousands of their brothers and sisters over the last few cycles, a horrifying truth that was later confirmed by Master Kenobi’s message. Javi could see no reason to disbelieve what was being said as much as he wished it all to be a terrible nightmare. An irrational part of him wanted to be back on Coruscant fighting with his comrades at the temple, inevitably perishing alongside the Jedi and TSF. That would make things easier than living on with the knowledge that the only home he had ever known was utterly destroyed. The more rational part of him knew it was foolish and cowardly to think that way, and he couldn’t afford to be foolish or cowardly anymore. For all he knew he was the highest ranking, or even the last remaining member of the TSF. A thought that did not bode comfort to the paralyzing fear of his daunting task. How could one simple man who couldn’t even use the force protect the last of the Jedi on his own?

Just then the lifeless voice of the resident Jedi Master Azure startled Javi from his thoughts. Sitting up the pilot gave both the scanners and systems one last check over. Seeing nothing out of the ordinary he methodically set to work reconstructing his blaster. The complete weapon felt heavy and familiar in his hand, comforting his troubled mind. Stowing it away in its holster Javi flipped the autopilot switch on the command board and stood up, stretching and yawning. He’d been sitting there for a long time and the seats were hardly the most comfortable things in the galaxy. His back and legs protested vigorously at the sudden movement. Wincing Javi waited until the slight pain subsided before opening the hatchway out of the cockpit.

It was with a heavy heart Javi set off down the well-lit passageway towards the common. He kept his head up and eyes straight ahead like the well trained professional guard he was meant to be. Whatever the future held for them good or bad he knew his duty well, even if it was easier said than done. To follow the orders of the Jedi and protect them with his life. Despite the certain hardships that would most certainly come Javi was determined to not fail in this regard even if it cost him dearly.

Javi arrived just after Kresst, and he followed the Jedi knight into the main room’s interior. It felt odd saluting a droid, even if it was just the outer shell and not truly Azure, still Javi felt a little self-conscious every time he performed the customary action. Nevertheless he raised his hand to his brow before bringing both hands down behind his back to the position of parade rest. “Greetings Master Azure, Salavr. I just came from the cockpit with nothing to report from the scanners. As far as I know we are still alone out here.” His bit said Javi stepped back and out of the way, where he would wait quietly until addressed.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Allira Korsan|Weapons Training Room

The sound of a lightsaber humming through the air filled the weapons room, the teal glow of Jedi Knight Allira Koran's lightsaber filling it as it flashed through the air, thrusting, cutting and slashing through invisible opponents. When news of the fall of both the Order and the Republic had reached them on their return to Coruscant, a familiar pain, the pain of loss, began to envelope her. She knew how dangerous it was to let Master Azure know that she had no issues with accepting that she had emotions and even letting them influence her actions. The Council still thought her actions after the death of her last Padawan were suspect, not that that really mattered anymore.

She was in the middle of a flourish, one meant to defeat several enemies at a time, when the robotic voice of Master Azure himself came over the intercom, asking for everyone to meet in the commons area. Allira held the pose perfectly, letting her breathing remain easy even though she'd done nothing but practice her dueling skills since they'd received Master Kenobi's message, since the news of the fall of the Light in the galaxy had reached them. It helped to calm her and focus her, though she was far from suppressing her emotions as a Jedi should. After several seconds, nothing making a sound by the hum of her saber and her breathing, the Jedi Knight stood straight and deactivated the blade, hooking the hilt to her belt and heading to the commons. Upon arriving, she nodded to the pilot and her fellow Jedi. "Master Azure, Salavr. Padawan Samuel." Unsurprisingly, she'd been one of the last to arrive, though she spent much time training, so no one usually questioned it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Perpenheimer
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Perpenheimer Memester

Member Seen 1 yr ago


She couldn't believe it.

How could this happen? The Republic and the Jedi just... gone? Just like that, in an instant, as if somebody had flipped a switch? A thousand thoughts raced through her mind, tugging her emotions this way and that. After a while, she became numb, and started listening to Master Kenobi's message again and again. In the tight space of the communications centre, the message just reverberated and pounded into her psyche, trying to pick through it and understand exactly how Kenobi could have hope in this situation.

Breathe, okay? Breathe. She flicked a switch and cut the message off. There was silence again - a deep silence for Alia to sink into and be alone with her thoughts. She knew her parents would be okay. She didn't know much about this new Empire, but she'd read her history. The Empires of the galaxy never lasted. Perhaps the Chancellor - sorry, the Emperor, had doomed them all to a new dark age. How Palpatine had enough power to throw aside the virtues of freedom and democracy, which he had championed for years, and replace it with a totalitarian state was beyond her. And what did the Jedi have to do with it? Was it his plan? Was this what he really wanted all along?

She couldn't stop these torturous questions from driving themselves into the forefront of her attention. She just needed to know, to just understand why.

She needed to know why she was now an outlaw.

They'd be hunted, now. All of them, the Jedi and anyone who aided them, betrayed by anyone they came across, sold out and slaughtered by the the forces of the Emperor. There was nowhere to go. This was her new life - perpetually on the run. Even the Outer Rim wouldn't be safe for long. If it was true, and the war was over, there was nothing to stop the Empire from expanding their reach into every corner of the galaxy for the sake of cornering their enemies. Where would they go? She guessed that the decision might be Master Azure's, and it was her and Javi's responsibility to get them there. But, she thought, her contract was with the Jedi. Did the Jedi really exist anymore? Was this motley group all that was left? Did they count as an organization to which she was liable to uphold her duty?

She didn't know. Perhaps Azure's wisdom would come through, and deliver them to a place where they could be safe. But for how long? What would her life be like? She was a criminal. They all were. No matter what contract she'd signed, she deserved a say in what to do.

Master Azure's voice suddenly crackled to life over the intercom, bidding them all come to the main room. She sighed, wanting to just lie down and try to sleep, but she knew that wouldn't be of any use. After a minute or two, she saw Javi stride down the hallway, out of the bridge, just adjacent to where she was. Getting up, she decided it was time to put her voice into the mix, however much she didn't want to at the moment, and walked out after the other co-pilot. It wasn't long til they got to the common area, where most of the ship's residents were already assembled.

Without a word, she picked a lonely corner of the room, and sat herself down, arms hugged tight to her chest, and eyes looking downward at the floor.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 1 mo ago

In the heart of the Reclamation, a Nautolan worked alone. His hands were covered in grease, masking the calluses and cuts which dotted his green skin. Clenched between the fingers of one hand was a fine iron wrench, the engineer gently turned a screw, tightening it to the needed tightness. Then he sighed, wiping the sweat off his brow with the sleeve of his dark blue jumpsuit. Yisil Vruk slipped the wrench neatly into his toolbox, then shut it gently. He pulled a leather canteen off his belt, twisted the cap off and drank slowly.

As he rose to his feet and finished the needed adjustments on the radiator, Yisil was silent. The news had not quite hit him yet. A typically quiet and calm man, the engineer was filled with raging thoughts and emotions. He was still processing the information that had been relayed to him. The downfall of the Jedi, it came without warning and left him bewildered and saddened. The Nautolan had worked with Jedi before, worked with them know and he knew they were no traitors. He did not believe the Republic was capable of such a thing, he was never an idealistic type that believed the government was perfect, wholly without flaws. But was completely taken by surprise at their actions against the noble Jedi Order.

Yisil breathed deeply, then calmly walked out the room, hauling his toolkit in one arm. He wondered how the Jedi onboard the vessel must have felt at this very moment. An attempted extinction on one's kind was a difficult thought to process. He had worked alongside the peaceful Jedi on the ship for some time now. Developed a respect for them, received nothing but kindness and understanding. As the Master Jedi's voice came over the intercom, the engineer kept walking down the narrow hallway, attempting to clear his thoughts and calm his inner worries. It did not do much help as his mind continued to wander and debate within itself.

He could not leave the Reclamation, that would be wrong. This was his home, he had nowhere else to go. Yisil's working with the Jedi would make him a target to the now Empire, his best chance at survival was to stay with the crew. The Galactic Empire, it sounded foul as he processed it mentally. Even moreso when spoken. Empires were cruel and brutal, he feared the Republic of old as gone for good. No one knew what would happen now. The Reclamation had to survive, they were no traitors, they did not deserve to be branded as such.

The nautolan turned into the common area, stepping inside as the door came open. Many of the other crewmen were here, and the room was noticeably quiet. His head tendrils felt the sadness in the air, hints of fear, confusion and internal pain. He did not know what to say, for now he'd do his best to listen, while offering a warm shoulder and open ears to everyone affected by the dreadful event. Yisil was silent as he entered the room, giving a wide glance towards the others before he stood in a corner, placing his toolkit down quietly.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by DELETED324324


Banned Seen 2 yrs ago

In her own quarters, Lelila stared at the ceiling as if could fix the current predicament they were in. The news had hit her hard, she could barely even muster herself out of bed. She hadn't changed her clothes and she hardly left her quarters at all. If circumstances had been different, she wouldn't of doubted that she would be dead. But perhaps for her it hadn't hit her as bad, maybe not as bad yet. Sure the jedi order was destroyed, but she lost her master early in the war, and her other master was still alive. This place had been her home since the start of the war, since Geonosis. It was still a hard loss, and it bothered her. But she had to look at it from the optimistic side of things.

She had spent some time thinking about the events that had led to the downfall of the jedi, and she wondered if they would do anything about it. Sure they could fight it, but they wouldn't last long they had an entire army. It doesn't matter if they were a bunch of jedi or not. They could not take on an entire empire and walk out winners. As she started to mull over it more, and more in her head. The more hopeless it seemed, they should probably just set off for the unknown regions. Hiding with a friends would be dangerous, hiding close to the space of the new empire would also be just as bad. The ideals of the empire almost sounded good to her. Justice, security, and more importantly order. But they were going to pursue it their way, and they didn't care who they trampled over jedi included. As she laid there and pondered.

She knew the jedi would never try a coup d'etat, and even if they did. It had to be for a good reason, they wouldn't just attack anyone but Palpatine, had the senate wrapped around his finger. They had applauded as he delivered his speech about the jedi being traitors, the republic being resolved into a galactic empire. The clones she had fought with on Geonosis were gone now. And she could only wonder if they felt regret over their actions, or some had tried to resist their new orders. But as she wondered more about the state of the galaxy at large the intercom crackled to life, breaking the silence that had grasped the ship since they had heard the news. It spoke of a meeting with all of the crew members and there was no doubt in Lelila's mind that they would end up planning on what to next.

As she rose, she thought about Master Azure and wondered how he was taking it. He could probably give them all a bit of guidance, in the times to come. And whatever he had to say, she knew she would listen and try to fulfill his orders to the fullest. As she left her quarters, she tried to fix her clothes from looking so disheveled but it was a vain effort. She walked through the corridors of the ship wondering what was going to happen to those on the Reclamation, would they disband and disappear into the galaxy, or would they attempt to figure out the state of affairs, and where they stood in the galaxy. Whatever they did was set to be the most trying of their lives and she had no doubt some of them wouldn't like the results of either scenario. When she finally entered the room where everyone was meeting, she realized she was one of the last. And they had all been hit just as hard as her, if not some a lot worse. "I apologize for being late Masters." She said, giving a bow to everyone in the room. Before sitting down, her hands folded in her lap. Eager for the meeting to begin, eager to hear what the masters would have to say.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


Azure watched as everyone gathered in the room before him. Nodding at each and everyone of them as they entered the room. Soon they were all gathered, he could feel the wound in the Force. The sadness in the room was heavy, everyone mourned the loss of the Jedi in their own way. Everyone felt the same pain, the pain of family lost. Brothers and Sisters, people that were like parents or uncles. Friends since childhood. They couldn't dwell on that, and so Azure did not. He remained adamant that his Brothers and Sisters had become one with the Force, and took comfort in that. "My friends-" his robotic voice sounded harsh, he winced slightly inwardly that he couldn't speak in a more calm and re-assuring tone and that he was limited to the voice that the droid model had been given.

"-It is a sad time. I understand this, and know that you will all need your time to grieve. However, we must look towards the future. Both of ourselves and our order, I understand that this will be a trying time for us. We will prevail, if we adhere to our training and follow our teachings to guide us." Azure turned to Samuel. "I know the pain for you is especially fresh, however I offer my knowledge to you in order to continue your training in the ways of the Force."

Azure moved around the room slightly. "Our first course of action, will be to set a course for Illum. It's an ancient holy site that still posesses a temple, we can go there in order to gain solace in the Force and collect crystals. I also expect that there is a chance that other Jedi Survivors will venture their way to Illum, it is a well known site throughout the Jedi Order and yet one of our best kept secrets. I shall keep you from your studies no longer-" He turned to the two pilots. "-Please set a course for us as quickly as possible, fastest route-" He waved his hand at everyone else. "-I will be in my Garden if anyone needs to talk, or simply if you require a living space to meditate in." With that, he turned and left the room.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by EliteCommander
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EliteCommander The Commander of Elites

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

As Azure started to leave the room, a silence hung in the air briefly. Kresst was easy to overlook among the others in the room, but the light tapping of his feet as he paced back and forth called some attention to him. “Illum. It could possibly be safe, unless maybe…I am not sure.” He said, mostly just muttering to himself.

Eventually, Kresst’s attention finally settled on the others. His rough voice certainly stood out as he spoke up. “Yes, yes, I believe Master Azure is correct. It would be easy to do, but we should be sure not to neglect our practical concerns in the moment. Everything, this has changed everything. It’s unprecedented…unthinkable, yet real. We do not know what this new Empire knows about us. My first thought would be to allow the non-Jedi crew to distance themselves from us, for their own safety. But, if they accessed the archives, found out about our ship and its mission…that would put you at risk. We should all apply our skills and experience to thinking of practical solutions to current problems; don’t become lost trying to look over the horizon.”

Kresst’s head turned back towards the hallway he had entered through. “I think I should make a record of this day. A journal, something to…preserve for history. There should be records of us at our worst, as well as at our best. But…” Kresst began, his gaze moving up to Samuel. “Padawan Spedam, your master was on Coruscant, wasn’t he? I am sorry, but when you…feel like you are ready, I think I would also like to speak to you. I will be in my quarters if you, or anyone else, needs me.”

Kresst started to walk away, but only a few seconds later, just as he was reaching the hallway, the tapping of his feet ceased and he turned his head back towards the other. “The server room. Not my assigned quarters. I never use those.” He clarified before continuing on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Dusty
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Dusty Sorta Sharp

Member Seen 3 days ago

Standing head bowed, Javi grieved in remembrance of his friends and adopted family who’d fallen back on Coruscant. Azure’s words sank deep and Javi felt as if a great weight had settled in his stomach, choking him. Not wanting to appear weak the pilot wiped away a tear, hiding the physical evidence of his distress, but he could do nothing to conceal the storm of anger and grief raging in his mind. Not that he had any particular desire to conceal his inner turmoil. Javi knew the Jedi could sense his pain, for even as emotion clouded his thoughts Javi’s own partial powers could just slightly sense the same ache radiating from those around him.

It took Javi a moment to resurface from his deeper feelings and realize Azure was speaking to him and Alia. Looking up from the durasteel deck of the main room, he just caught the ending of Azure’s orders. Get to Illum, at the fastest rout. And find a temple to land at. He mentally recounted. “Will do Master Azure.” Javi gave a slight nod of his head to show he understood the order, though in truth he was left a bit unbalanced by the destination of their soon-to-be hideout. Javi didn’t know anything about Illum, and based off what Azure claimed it would hold a secret temple of some kind, which Javi concluded, should be difficult to locate. Hopefully Azure knew of their destination’s coordinates and location, or had some way of finding them. Deciding to cross that bridge when he came to it Javi put it to the side for the time being, instead looking to his fellow pilot Alia Jazel, wanting to accompany her to the cockpit.

Alia wasn’t looking to good. She sat still in the corner, hugging her knees and looking like she’d seen a ghost. Granted almost the entire crew besides Azure looked like they’d seen a ghost, but that was because of the permanent facial features of his droid body and presumably not the Jedi’s mental state. Stepping out from his own corner of the room Javi extended his hand to the pink humanoid, offering to help her up onto her feet. A both symbolic and practical gesture. “We’ve got our orders ma’am, and we should set to them I think. It’ll be good to have something to do with our hands and minds to distract from all that's been lost.”
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by CaptainBritton
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CaptainBritton Man of War

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Samuel quietly acknowledged Azure's offer of training as he stood there, glazed eyes and a slightly slouched posture. The mention of Ilum incited some interest from him, his gaze darting to Azure. He still seemed too disinterested, too deep in thought to keep pace with the conversation, some gears turning in his mind. And they were. His mind was still rife with thoughts, primarily questions of how or why this happened, how many had died, or why it was the clones, the loyal soldiers that had been under Jedi command since the beginning of the War, that had carried out the massacre.

He had always thought the Jedi to be some guiding force, some element of ethereal action of true good. He realized, he had bore many misconceptions. He thought the Order invincible, but they were not. He thought the clones true and loyal, but they were not. And suddenly, he was pulled from his own mind, his own gaze meeting Kresst's. He strained to come back to conscious thought, but took in the words, and nodded his head in acknowledgement to the Mrlssi, waiting for others to clear out and perhaps speak to him, but once practically everyone had cleared out, he made for the door, banking a left towards his quarters first.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Heat
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Heat Hey, nice marmot

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Yisil truly felt the despair and sadness echo within his tendrils as he stood there, awaiting the Master Jedi's words. He tried not to let it get to him, instead attempting to look on the good side of life. Though, there was little positivity he could dwell on at a time like this. He then simply tried to drown out the vibrant pain in the room, forcing himself to listen to the robotic Jedi's speech.

He listened without uttering a word, the engineer had never been to Illum but knew the name. There were Jedi sites spread around the galaxy, it made sense for them head there. There was not much else they could truly do. Other than trying to go away from Republic space and avoid the newly minted Empire. Even then there was no certainty they'd be safe. Survival was their goal now, survival of the Jedi Order almost moreso than their own. He was no Jedi, but he would do his best to help with this goal.

"All is not lost. We're a team more than ever now. I can join you two in the cockpit if you'd like. I'm here for you both." The nautolan stated with a comforting smile to the pilots, patting Javi on the back gently then extending a hand to Alia.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Perpenheimer
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Perpenheimer Memester

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She looked up at the two standing over her, some colour returning to her face and brightening her features. A faint smile crept across her mouth, as she unclasped her arms. She took a look at the two hands extended to her before gently taking them.

"Thanks fellas," she said softly as she pulled herself up to stand with them. She rubbed the back of her head a bit. "I'm sorry. I just need a moment to breathe."

The Zeltron closed her eyes, breathing deeply as thoughts raced through her head.

They had to play this very carefully. She trusted Master Azure but not even he could know where the Empire was now, or how far they would go to hunt down the last Jedi in the galaxy. Ilum was a sacred place to the Jedi, likely known by those who had breached the Archives. It would be a fine place to find any other surviving Jedi, but could also be host to a slaughter if the Empire got there first. It was risky, but Master Azure presumably knew best, so she would carry out his orders.


It was only a moment of breathing before Alia reopened her eyes, and looked up at the two others.

"You're always welcome to join us, Yisil. Now let's get going - we've got a course to plot."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

Azures feet clanked around the halls as he walked back to his garden, thinking the whole way there. Illum was no long term solution, he wasn't naive enough to believe that. Whomever the Dark Lord of the Sith was, he had likely somehow orchestrated the death of the Jedi and was likely manipulating Palpatine to reform the Republic into the Empire. These were trying times indeed, had he been a sentient he would have likely stroked his chin. Azure could not however ignore the importance in the world, if they were to rebuild the Jedi Order Kyber Crystals would be required to make their lightsabers, and they would be unable to afford every potential candidate the opportunity of the Gathering. Instead they would just have to recieve any old crystal which they had available, it wasn't traditional however these were not traditional times.

When in the privacy of his own room he reached to his chest compartment. It opening as his hand approached, below his actual true form there was a second compartment. Out of it he pulled a holocron and held it onfront of his photoreceptors. The square box held so much knowledge. He had been given this holocron and instructed on how to carve information onto it by Jocasta Nu herself. He had two of the holocrons, one was information on the order. Almost all deep space vessels of the Jedi Order possessed one, a way in the event of the worst that the crew could carry on. It was most likely to be used if the vessel crashed and the crew standed, however it would be useful in the current situation. The second he had logged almost one hundred and fifty years of exploration onto it.

Azure lowered his head, then stood up. Deciding to search out Allira. He needed the Knights counsel.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Allira Korsan|Crew Area

Allira watched as the remaining Jedi and crew trickled in, including a padawan she had been unable to get to leave her room for regular combat training since the message from Master Kenobi had, nor would her Padawan eat healthy amounts of food or...really do anything else. Eventually, she had had to give up on the poor girl doing anything due to outside influence and hope that her mind would heal. She herself was still recovering from the pain of the loss, a wound her combat practice helped her to focus on everything but the pain of loss. She moved to speak with her before Master Azure began, but she was too slow.

She stood quietly as his droid body conveyed what he wished, though she could sense the regret he had that he lacked the ability to speak kinder with the droid, but they all understood. When he finished, he left for his garden, and Jedi Knight Allira Korsan was left with some food for thought. The Order, for all they knew, was comprised of one Master, two Knights, and three Padawans along with the crew of an old Training Cruiser, which wasn't great. Our teachings indeed...regardless of anything else, we need to retain our Hope, or all is truly lost.

She approached her padawan and looked her over, noting that while she wasn't unhealthy looking, there was certainly a gaunt look about her. "I'm glad to see you finally left your room, Lelila. I know we haven't properly spoken since Master Kenobi's message, but I haven't meditated since. I would like you to practice your forms while I do so in my quarters. You'll know where I am." With that she turned and left.

Around twenty minutes later, she could hear the metallic steps of Master Azure's body moving through the hall, but she made no movement, unaware of what he could be doing and needing the time to calm her emotions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Allira Korsan|Crew Area

Allira watched as the remaining Jedi and crew trickled in, including a padawan she had been unable to get to leave her room for regular combat training since the message from Master Kenobi had, nor would her Padawan eat healthy amounts of food or...really do anything else. Eventually, she had had to give up on the poor girl doing anything due to outside influence and hope that her mind would heal. She herself was still recovering from the pain of the loss, a wound her combat practice helped her to focus on everything but the pain of loss. She moved to speak with her before Master Azure began, but she was too slow.

She stood quietly as his droid body conveyed what he wished, though she could sense the regret he had that he lacked the ability to speak kinder with the droid, but they all understood. When he finished, he left for his garden, and Jedi Knight Allira Korsan was left with some food for thought. The Order, for all they knew, was comprised of one Master, two Knights, and three Padawans along with the crew of an old Training Cruiser, which wasn't great. Our teachings indeed...regardless of anything else, we need to retain our Hope, or all is truly lost.

She approached her padawan and looked her over, noting that while she wasn't unhealthy looking, there was certainly a gaunt look about her. "I'm glad to see you finally left your room, Lelila. I know we haven't properly spoken since Master Kenobi's message, but I haven't meditated since. I would like you to practice your forms while I do so in my quarters. You'll know where I am." With that she turned and left.

Around twenty minutes later, she could hear the metallic steps of Master Azure's body moving through the hall, but she made no movement, unaware of what he could be doing and needing the time to calm her emotions.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sep
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Sep Lord of All Creation

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Azure felt the slight shift as the ship jumped into hyperspace. He made himself nod in acknowledgement. It was hard for the Jedi, however it was equally as hard for the non-Jedi among them. Many had also devoted their lives to the Jedi Order, and couldn't seek solace in the Force that the same way he and his fellow Jedi could. He would need to remember to offer them a choice to leave them if they wanted to do so, after all they weren't being hunted for what they were. In the end anyone was free to leave, however the fate of the Jedi way depending on them now. This was a responsibility that could not be taken lightly.

As he came across Allira he raised an arm to try and grab her attention before he even spoke. "Master Allira. I was wondering if I could possibly have a word?"
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Allira Korsan|Personal Quarters

Master Azure's call to speak with her caught the Jedi Knight somewhat off guard, but she didn't let on, instead standing and approaching his robot body. It was odd that she was who he sought out instead of another peaceful Jedi Such as Kresst, but she would help the best she could. Stepping out of the room, she closed the door behind her and locked it to prevent the crew from snooping where they shouldn't, specifically the padawans. Approaching the Jedi Master's robotic body, she bowed. "What can I help you with, Master Azure?"
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