“Not all hope is lost, but the teachings of old are no longer enough.”
Name:Allira Korsan
Species: Mirialan
Age: 28
Appearance: Allira stands at five feet seven inches tall, but has a presence that demands your attention, though she isn’t hard on the eyes either. Her hair is white and is cut a few inches shorter than shoulder length with emerald green eyes.
Allira had always found the design of several of the saber designs within the Jedi Archives fascinating, but those that fed into her love of dueling were the most interesting. While many Jedi considered a saber that functioned for both anti-blaster and anti-saber archaic, as the Sith were wiped out and Dark Jedi detained, but the Mirialian had never been one to take history at face value. The hilt is made of Phrik for lightsaber to lightsaber combat and the blade is a teal color, with a special modification to make it seem as if the main blade is pulsing.
Wrist Mounted Comlink- As was common for Jedi generals to use during the Clone Wars, Allira has a com unit on her wrist, which also serves as a makeshift SOS buoy if needed.
Skills: Linguist-During her time as a Jedi and over the course of her time as a General in the Grand Army of the Republic, Allira picked up many different languages, and while she can only speak a handful fluently, she can understand many of them quite well.
Duelist-While the art of lightsaber vs lightsaber combat is considered archaic and outdated, Allira still took the time to master lightsaber dueling and combat to a high degree, especially Form II, Makashi and Form V, Shien/Djem So as well as Form VII, Juyo. This makes her a versatile duelist and a deadly combatant.
Combat Medic-Despite her specialty as a duelist, Allira is also a decent healer, knowing more about how to work medical equipment than expected as well as knowing a couple of Force abilities that heal as well.
Abilities: Telekinesis: Push, pull, Wave, Jump, name it, she can do it with a decent amount of skill, befitting a Knight of her role.
Force Heal- Due to her knowledge of medical equipment, she decided to learn Force Heal, as a way of pretreating anyone who was injured before a proper medic reached them or she could get them to a medical bay.
Force Stasis-A power that paralyzes the body of the target, leaving them conscious, but unable to move or speak. Non-lethal and good for keeping troublesome wildlife away.
Mind Trick-While not effective against droids, it was effective against the few organic crew members onboard Separatist ships. Knows other variations as well.
Force Speed-Uses the Force to give herself a temporary but powerful increase in sprint and reaction speeds. Lasts about ten seconds.
Weaknesses: Overprotective- Because of the loss of so many close friends, and her first Padawan, over the course of the Clone Wars, Allira has a hard time not making sure that all of the crew members of the ship are accounted for and in good health. Should a foe find out about this overprotection, she could be lured into any number of traps.
Mild PTSD- Despite having seen almost two and a half years of combat at the head of a Clone Legion, Allira still has flashbacks that will leave her a mess afterwards, making functioning on a normal level difficult for a few hours.
Duelist- While one of her greatest strengths, it’s also one of her greatest weaknesses. She’s shown little inclination of learning how to use a blaster and her ranged defense is weaker than her melee.
Allira Korsan was born on her people’s home planet, Mirial. From a young age, she was raised with a strong sense of spiritual connection and knew more about the Force by the age of twelve than most Jedi younglings would come to know in their entire stay in the Jedi Temple and Enclaves. At fourteen, she was sent, at her own request to a teacher at a youth academy, to the Jedi, where she was tested and made a Padawan. Her time under her mentor and teacher, Jedi Master Jacen Kortell, another Mirialan, was just shy of four years, after which she joined the Order as a proper Knight after completion of her Jedi Trials.
It was seven years later, ten after the Trade Federation’s invasion of Naboo, that the Clone Wars were sparked. Even at the start of the war and before, the young girl showed an interest and mastery in lightsaber dueling that hadn’t been seen by many others in the Order since the Sith were still a serious threat nearly one thousand years before. In fact, when she had built her saber, she had built a crossguard saber, a design that, while not as elegant as the former Master Dooku’s curved saber was, was still effective for dueling and prevented many of the disarming techniques favored by other duelists. However, she was also a vocal advocate of teaching more dueling techniques far and wide, as she was far from convince that just because the archives said the Sith were gone, did not mean it was true.
And so it was that she spent much time in debate with many of the Order's masters when she wasn't in the process of perfecting her form and teaching the younglings who were interested in her classes. It was something of a point of contention, and so it was little surprise that she was chosen as general for a Clone legion when the Wars began.
When the Clone legions were introduced and generals chosen for each one, Allira was placed in command of the 172nd Infantry Brigade, alongside her Padawan, Jerna Harna, yet another Mirialan, and her Clone Commander, CC-2837, or “Breaker”. They saw over six major planetside battles during her time as general of the 172nd and numerous skirmishes and space battles, but the one that broke her was on the planet Arsama. Despite heavy losses to the 172nd and it’s mechanized support, the 83rd Mechanized Unit, the battle was turning into a victory. Reaching a crossroads, she split their forces between herself and Jerna, who was nearing ready for her Trials to become a Knight, while having Breaker go back to check on the wounded.
It was routine enough, regular check ins at five minute intervals so that if something were going wrong, they would know. And then it fell apart. The two groups came under attack from Commando Droids and Droideka squads, a number of clones falling before their respective Jedi could rally them and take to the front. As always, Allira was in the midst of them, her saber cleaving through the Droids that got in her way as she cut a path towards her padawan. She could hear the panic in her voice as she’d called return fire before the coms had cut, and it had caused a panic in Allira for the safety of her charge.
When she arrived, the sight was far from pleasant. The surviving clones were still gathering up the dead and wounded, many of the dead having been cut up by the commando droids's vibroblades, but she could find no sign of her padawan learner. She moved around until she found a group of commando droids slumped on top of something and, after moving them aside with the Force, fell to her knees in heartbreak. It had taken three droids, two from behind and one from the front, to defeat her student, their vibroblades impaling her through her chest and midsection, but they had been rendered into little else but scrap for their efforts. Allira had always, in the minds of her Masters, treaded dangerously close to the Darkside as she refused to keep the tight reign on her emotions most Jedi did. In this moment, there was evidence of why it was considered dangerous as she rose to her feet and strode towards the last of the Separatist forces, which had holed up in an old but sturdy mansion. Potshots were taken, but none hit, her lightsaber deflecting the bolts deftly back into the windows from whence they came, though she never knew if she’d actually hit their owners. She focused all her power on the structure before bringing it down, but she didn’t stop after it collapsed. She kept using the Force to shove it down, along with all the droids and a few Separatis supporters that had been inside it. After several seconds, she released, leaving nothing more than a crater, though it was small.
Afterwards, and after apologizing to Breaker, she resigned from her position of General for the 172nd and joined Master Azure on his exploration vessel, where she hoped to gain a sense of peace before returning to the battlefield. That never happened though, a few months into their voyage, she, as did every Jedi aboard the ship, felt the deaths of thousands of Jedi, and after deliberation, and a message recalling all Jedi to the temple being received, set course for Coruscant. Upon reaching the outer reaches of the Outer Rim, Master Kenobi’s message was received, and the ship now holds position in space, a new direction yet to be chosen as this betrayal from within has rocked the crew.
Allira feels that taking the fight to this new Empire is the best course, as the loss of her Padawan and all the other Jedi has left her wanting little more than justice for the fallen. And she has the dueling skills to do it.
Name: Kresst Salavr Species: Mrlssi Age: 29 Appearance: (Stands at about 0.7 meters in height. Appears much like the male on the right, but with primarily green and yellow head plumage.) Equipment: Simple brown Jedi robes Short lightsaber, yellow Camera Datapad, high memory capacity Several hundred hard drives (not carried on person) Skills:
Practiced with both the light and dark sides of the Force, with strength appropriate to his years of study. His explorations into the force have been made with the goal of maintaining balance, and as such, any training in the applications of the dark side must also be matched with complementary training in the light.
Telekinesis: Kresst has developed his abilities in telekinesis for purposes both academic and pragmatic. With his small stature, he frequently relies upon his telekinetic abilities to function efficiently in a world meant for beings much larger than himself. As such, he is well-practiced in many applications of telekinesis and can use it to overcome his physical limitations, augment his physical abilities, and affect the world around him. He considers telekinesis to be a naturally balanced application of the Force that can be used through the dark to attack, or the light to defend.
Tutaminis and Lightning: Among the more “iconic” applications of the dark side, Kresst has explored the creation and projection of energy through force lightning. Under normal cirumstances, Kresst lacks the intensity of emotion for the dark side to draw upon, so his lightning is not usually as powerful as that of a true darksider. Regardless, his study into producing energy with the dark side was also matched with study into absorbing and diffusing energy with tutaminis. His abilities in absorption draw upon his more peaceful, tranquil emotions, thus maintaining his balance.
Fear and Valor: In his explorations of telepathy, Kresst has learned to isolate and amplify either positive or negative emotions. Drawing upon the dark side, he can manipulate the mind of another to encourage fear, hopelessness, and despair to varying degrees, depending upon the willpower of the target, to reduce their effectiveness or cause them to flee outright. Likewise, he can draw upon the light to inspire a being and enhance their capabilities.
Well-educated historian and archeologist. Experienced with technology, particularly as pertains to ancient technology
Excellent memory
Deep connection to the Force
Diminutive size. While his abilities in the Force can more than make up for any physical disadvantages, if his concentration is sufficiently broken, or he otherwise cannot rely on the Force, his small form does him few favors in fighting against danger. Or reaching high shelves.
Lightsaber combat. Despite his Force abilities, his skill with a lightsaber is not as well-developed compared to other Jedi Knights, particularly those who entered the war.
Lack of combat experience. Kresst does, of course, have Jedi training, but lacks much in the way of practical fighting experience in comparison to many Jedi. While he can certainly fight with the Force, he does not have as much experience with tactical, split-second decision making.
Untested Balance. Thusfar in his life, Kresst has maintained his balance through the study of both the light and dark sides of the force. However, that balance has also never been greatly tested. He has avoided the pain and trials of the Clone Wars. However, with Order 66, it is now the stress and desperation of exile which now lies ahead, and will test to see if he can maintain the balance he has always sought.
History: Kresst’s induction into the Jedi Order was rather mundane, as Jedi would consider it. He was a hatchling found to be Force sensitive, and therefore was taken to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant for training, like countless other younglings. He neither struggled nor excelled as an initiate, which continued on into his time as a Padawan. Perhaps influenced by his species’ own natural tendencies, Kresst took a particular interest in scholarly pursuits. He was motivated to educate himself whenever he had a free moment: history, science, technology, sentientology, and any other form of knowledge that seemed even somewhat interesting. However, it did not take long for his interests to turn to what was, to the Galaxy, the defining trait of the Jedi: the Force. Its mysterious nature compelled Kresst. The Force was, to him, a question that had been given many thousands of answers over the millennia, but none were quite satisfactory. The Jedi Order naturally had more volumes in its archives about the force than many beings could read in a lifetime, but Kresst could not be satisfied simply reading the thoughts of others on the subject.
Over time, Kresst started to spend more time in his meditation chambers than in his books: a behavior that was greatly encouraged by his master, and other Jedi. The spiritual, mystic nature of the Force was not something that was generally well-received by more rational, logic-minded scientists and scholars outside of the Jedi Order, but it was that very fact that made it so captivating to Kresst. The Force was not a science that could be recorded, categorized, and measured, and yet it was undeniably real. Just because the Force was “unscientific” by nature, that did not mean it could not be understood. It merely meant that the methodology for understanding it would have to be different.
As he was a Padawan, Kresst still had to undergo all of the usual training. There was combat and dangerous missions, but Kresst took little pleasure in taking them on. Of course, his master found his preference for diplomacy over violence to be an encouraging trait for a Jedi. Even still, the fact that a Jedi had to be ready to engage in violence if necessary meant that Kresst had to dedicate far more of his time to combat training than he liked, when he would have much preferred to be meditating.
Kresst spent years delving into the mysteries of the Force whenever he had the opportunity; however, his studies started to become more frustrating as he reached the limits of the Jedi Order’s strict teachings. For something as mysterious and intricate as the Force, Kresst felt that the Order’s rules on what was and was not forbidden were strangely strict and specific. He questioned if the Jedi could truly understand the force by only looking at a part of the whole. If the Force was balance, then gaining the complete understanding of that balance would require looking at both sides. It was that desire for true understanding that motivated Kresst to begin experimenting with the Force outside the bounds of the Order’s teachings.
It had been clear to his master that Kresst was going down the path of a Jedi scholar, which was a respectable path in her eyes. He had begun the process of authoring drafts of books based on his own research, and some of his earliest writings had focused on the nature of the Force. However, as his interests grew beyond the Jedi’s rules, his writings shifted their focus back to other scholarly topics. Outwardly, his interests went towards history, particularly ancient history. He educated himself even more thoroughly on the past, and trained himself in the practices of archeology to uncover new secrets. In his later years as a Padawan, his master obliged his requests to take on tasks that would allow him to apply those skills. However, what his master interpreted as a simple shift in interests was truly meant to facilitate his explorations into the mysteries of the force. Many of the ancient cultures he studied had their own traditional force beliefs, from which Kresst was happy to learn. Additionally, his work simply kept him isolated enough from other Jedi to allow him to continue his research into the Force in peace, whether it be the light side, or the dark. In general, Kresst lacked the internal conflict and unrest that usually went along with Padawans who explored the dark side. It was curiosity which drove him, so his motivations went unnoticed by his master.
Once he became a Jedi Knight, Kresst continued into the life he began as a Padawan. As a Jedi researcher, he spent months, or even over a year at a time on expeditions in the farthest reaches of the galaxy. There was the occasional time when he would be given an assignment more like an average Jedi, but they were few and far enough between Kresst was not terribly bothered by them. Even the start of the Clone Wars did not fundamentally change his life, apart from the fact that travel in the galaxy became much more difficult, and it was more difficult to be approved for assignments that would allow him the solitude he preferred. Kresst had no desire to enter the war, and even his peers agreed that his skills and temperament would not lend themselves well to wartime.
At present, Kresst’s role aboard the Reclamation is as its chief archeologist and archivist. To his peers, he is a friendly and less-serious Jedi, though he can spend many long hours wrapped up in his work. He is energetic, eccentric, almost overwhelmingly curious, and has a tendency to sing aloud to himself when he is idle. For that, he prefers to use his species’ native tongue, as he finds its sound far more pleasing than doing the same in Basic. He always carries around a datapad, camera, or some other recording device so that he can make records of anything he might find interesting, from archeological discoveries to amusing crew interactions. Although he was designated other quarters when he was assigned to the ship, Kresst soon made his home in the ship’s server room for ease of access to the vessel’s central computer terminal.
"Our physical bodies are short lived, but our existence in the Force is endless." ❖ SHARD ❖ 200 Years Old ❖
Appearance: Azures physical form currently inhabits a repainted Guardian Police Droid, painted a more neutral grey and rebranded with the logo of the Jedi Order its true self is a collection of blue crystals that lies within the chest compartment of the droid. He has had several bodies within its life, however with the exception of some of the longer living Jedi this is the one that is associated with him the most. Virtually no Jedi have seen its true form. Equipment:Lightsaber, Commlink, Datpad with navigational data on it. Skills: Durability: its droid body is more durable than that of Organics, and also feels no pain. Endurance: Droid bodies can undergo a vast amount of effort without failing or breaking, meaning he can fight for longer and run for farther without getting tired. Astrologer: While its Jedi senses aide him to find safe hyperspace routes through space, its calm and calculating nature as well as age have him well versed on the study of the stars. Long lived: While he is not in a combat discipline, or has taken part in the Clone Wars with Age comes Wisdom. Sight: its species sees in an electromagnetic spectrum, and he can only see objects (Without photoreceptors) based on how this field interacts with them. Subtlty in the Force: While many species find that raising their arms helps them visualise the Force moving objects, Azure doesn't need to do this as he has relied on moving things with the Force for most of its life due to its natural body. Thus he has a greater degree of subtlty when using the Force. Abilities: Farsight: Azure can extend its physical natural sight, as well as those of its force senses for considerable distances. This couple with its natural ability to see electromagnetic fields allows him to plot courses through space in a way that other species can't. Plant Surge: Azure in a bid to getting closer to Organic Life has spent time learning how the Force interacts with organic entities. As such Azure can make plants grow at rapid speeds in whatever way he wants. Comprehend Speech: Meeting alien species for, potentially the first time, requires the ability to communicate with them. As such with the use of telepathy he can gain a rudimentary understanding of alien tounges. Telepathy: He hasn't really decided to hone this skill, seeing it as an invasion of privacy however he is versed well enough to be able to use it to assist in the comprehension of alien languages or for understanding the intent of different individuals. Force Phase: Using this he has the ability to literally pass through solid objects. Telekinesis(Advanced): Due to its bodies inability to be altered with the Force to aide in combat or simple movement, Azure has spent a lot of time honing its ability in the telekinetic field of using the Force. To the point where it can even glide its high control over objects and can even perform flight for a short period of time. Most importantly he can move around its crystaline self if its body becomes too damaged to sustain him. Weaknesses: Inorganic: Azure has no sense of what it is to be an Organic being, so finds it hard to sympathise. He has managed to learn how to deal with plants, but he still struggles with complicated organisms. Crystal Body: Azures body is an immobile crystal, while he can move himself with the Force that isn't really practical and as such he relies on a droid body. He has no real sense of touch, colour or sight in a way that regular organics do. Fragile: its true body is fragile due to it's crystaline nature. Slow: While many moons ago the thrill of having a moving body was a lot for Azure, he was considered to be impatient. Now the opposite is true, he has returned to its original nature where he will spend long amounts of time planning out a course of action in accordance to the Force. History:
Azure wasn't raised on its homeworld, in fact he didn't know where its homeworld technically was until he was already within the Jedi Order. He was grown on Coruscant of all places to two crystals. In other societies these would have been its parents however Shards don't necessarily have childhood stages. Just a stage where they are slightly smaller than other crystals. It was a Jedi passing the place where they were kept that recognised them as sentient beings rather than just ornaments, freeing them from the man who had been using these growing crystals for years in order to make jewelry.
It just so happened that Azure was the reason the Jedi had found them, apparently he had called out with its mind and having access to the Force gained the Jedis attention. A device was made to allow the two to communicate, the Jedi revealing himself to be a Jedi Master Djinn Altis. A Jedi skilled in technology, and who sought to intersect the Force with technology. Once they could communicated Master Altis took Azure to be its padawan, Azure for the longest time having no name. It wasn't a traditional relationship however the Jedi remained wary the council did not step against the decision. When Altis and Azure found its homeworld, and they found that the people there had found a way for Shards to gain control of mechanical bodies the council even allowed Azure (now in a body) to undergo the gathering. During which Azure found the purest azure blue crystal one could imagine, seeing the blade for the first time Azure named himself after the colour. Feeling that it was fitting.
Master Altis continued to be its master right up until the time that Azure underwent the Trials of Knighthood. Passing all of them Azure almost instantly moved into the field of exploration, he still felt a need and a pull to experience new things throughout the Galaxy. Working with Altis to repair an old Training Cruiser that would later be called the Reclamation Azure would spend the next few decades aboard this ship. During this time he interacted with worlds in the Outer Rim who hadn't seen Jedi in decades, he discovered settlements that had fallen of the grid and helped others. Many came and went from its crew, some came seeking spiritual enlightenment while others came looking for secrets that he was nearing. Reclamation was a place of growth and healing, and Azure was proud of the symbol that it had become. Of Hope. Several times he has taken a Padawan, though he tries to avoid it for he feels that its lifestyle is very much a personal choice, choosing a Padawan is essentially making your life theirs for at least ten years of their life. He could never do such a thing.
Instead now these days he acts as a teacher to everyone aboard, however when Order 66 occurs and he feels the shockwave through the Force it shakes him to the core. Obi-Wans following message would have torn its heart in two had he had one. Now, he sits patiently in meditation looking to the Force for guidance on their next move.
Name: Javi Knol Species: Human Age: 27 Role: Co-Pilot
Double leg holsters.
Two DL-18 blasters
Extra powerpacks.
Armpit holster.
Modified DC-17 Blaster Pistol
Wrist Datapad/comlink
Skills: Javi Knol is a trained and experienced TSF Guard and a competent pilot. A veteran of several small scale battles he understands the realities of war all too well, and can handle himself in a life or death situation. He is also adapt at staying perfectly still and alert for extended periods of time and is trained to pick out and identify any suspicious personnel.
Abilities: Javi Knol has a very limited connection to the force, one that was too small to allow him to continue Jedi training, but enough to keep him slightly more attuned to his surrounding than the average human. It gives him a strong advantage when flying, and allows him to pick up on other's emotions, though not with the same efficiency of a Jedi.
Weaknesses: Javi suffers from shellshock and has psychopathic tendencies when aroused. He lacks self-confidence and people skills which he makes up for by being annoying or brash. He also holds all force users in very high regard and can be hasty in defending their honor as he essentially considers them to be his family. An emotional attachment that most Jedi do not return.
History: Born in the lower levels of Coruscant Javi was left to die, abandoned at his first breath. Javi was doomed to perish in the first hours of his life when he was detected by the Jedi Order to be potentially force sensitive. Sensing the child beneath Coruscant’s upper levels a Jedi Knight Javi Knol (Javi’s namesake) was dispatched to retrieve the baby for the traditional indoctrination of force sensitive children into the Jedi. Javi elder descended quickly into Coruscant’s dangerous lower levels using the force to guide his way towards the baby, only to discover he was already taken by a gang of hungry Rodians, who were unwilling to part with their lucky find easily.
Javi elder engaged the gang in battle, finding himself hard pressed and surrounded by hostile entities deep in the heart of Coruscant. Despite the odds Javi succeeded in securing the baby and retreating to his speeder, and though gravely wounded, he managed to escape. He arrived back to the temple barely conscious, dying only a few days after, the baby he saved ultimately being named after him in remembrance. Javi Knol.
While initially the Jedi began training little Javi in the ways of the Jedi it was soon discovered he had a minute connection to the force, and as a result he failed in his initial testing at age five. Knowing Javi had no home to return to the Jedi instead placed him in training for the Temple Security Forces TSF, offering him a chance to continue his life with the Jedi. Javi excelled at his training making remarkable leaps in skill for one so young. His life was notably easy and comfortable, standing post when required and spending his free time in some of the many cantinas on Coruscant with his friends in the TSF. After several years amongst the Temple Guard he was reassigned to the more elite Scout Division where he acted as a guard for Jedi envoys. He would journey across the galaxy with different Jedi Knights, returning to Coruscant at the mission’s conclusion to brag about his exploits and adventures. All this changed however once the war kicked off.
Javi Knol suddenly found himself and his unit zooming from one planet to the next providing rudimentary security for the Jedi, escorts services, and even acting as operatives for small scale missions. Javi saw more than enough action to last him the rest of his life in the months he served in the TSF Scouts. Unlike the clones the TSF often battled sentient life rather than battle droids, which left them more mentally scarred. Javi was no exception in this regard, and he like many of his brothers in arms would wake in the middle of the rest periods sweating and terrified.
Javi would claim he wasn’t a natural fighter, but his actions on the battlefield left many of his seniors concerned. On occasion he would fly into terrible rages, cursing and screaming during battle, throwing himself into dangerous situations without a second thought. Sometimes when in close quarters Javi would continue shooting dead enemies long after they were slain, only stopping once ordered or when the body no longer resembled something that might’ve once been alive. More than one TSF officer expressed concern for Javi’s state of mind, requesting he get cycled back to the temple to stand once more as a temple guard far away from the battlefield. Something Javi regularly requested himself.
After nearly a year as a TSF Scout Javi finally managed to get reassigned as a Temple Guard once more, returning to the less vicious life of standing watch over the temple grounds. Here he stayed until age Twenty four when he finally qualified to begin pilot training. Exhilarated at the chance to fly one of the Jedi’s training cruisers Javi worked hard at his training and two years later he finally graduated and was qualified to fly the Jedi vessels on non-dangerous missions, acting as pilot and TSF guard. He was assigned to Co-pilot a Jedi exploration ship named the Reclamation, and has been there over the last year until Jedi Kenobi’s message. Javi reacted badly upon hearing it, devastated by the knowledge that the only family and home he had ever know may be gone forever.
Historian - Long entranced by tales of great clashes between the Jedi and Sith, of pioneers who mapped the known galaxy, Samuel had his head buried in the words and recordings of holocrons from days of old ever since he passed his trials to become a padawan.
Empathetic - A subjectively useful trait, Samuel is empathetic to beings. His initial reasoning to walk the consular path was to help people. He has however grown disillusioned with the consular path as of late due to the image of his master, Knight Evan Asani, revered Jedi General of the 117th Legion, which has inclined Samuel to walk the balanced path of a sentinel.
Lightsaber Forms & Force Powers:
Lightsaber Form I Shii-Cho - Intermediate
Lightsaber Form III Soresu - Basic
Force Speed - Basic
Force Telekinesis - Intermediate
Force Sense - Basic
Force Precognition - Intermediate
Force Jump - Basic
Tutaminis - Basic
Hibernation Trance - Basic
Without a Master - His master, Knight Evan Asani, was summarily killed by the 501st Legion on Coruscant. Samuel, distraught as he was, was left without guidance, and still in the prime of his time as a padawan, had no medium of which to learn and advance to the status of Knight. And even despite the loss of a teacher, Samuel lost a close friend which had counseled him in every matter as to how to be a better person.
Broken Pacifist - Cracks which had spread since his first taste of action on Kamino, Samuel is a broken pacifist, dismissive of the role of a pacifist Jedi in the modern age. After witnessing the exploits of Jedi Generals leading clones, and then eventually the death of the same Jedi at the hands of the clones, his faith in the consular path is all but gone, and his own time used to further diplomacy and academics wasted in his mind.
History: Born in 36 BBY on Alderaan, Samuel was child to artisans, an architect father and a chef for a mother. His existence was simple for the first three years of his life, before being noted as force sensitive by an envoy of Jedi seeking out a new batch of younglings. His parents, convinced into handing Samuel over, did so as he was barely four. Taken to Coruscant, he began the initiate training. Years of reciting the Jedi Code, learning Shii-Cho with a training saber, and becoming familiar with most forms of basic academics filled his time as an initiate.
At 13, Samuel underwent his trials to become a padawan. The Trial of Wisdom was the first, and the easiest by the standards of an academic and one well-read in the Jedi Code, his extensive comprehension giving him an easy pass. Next, the Trial of Skill, with a trip to the frozen world of Ilum to acquire the kyber crystal necessary to craft a lightsaber. Samuel, pushed to his limits, was tested under the limit of time, venturing his own path alone, before coming upon a green kyber crystal which he seized upon, leaving Ilum. Having crafted his saber, he was put through the final trial, the Trial of Insight, given the task of assisting hydroponics farmers on Coruscant for two months’ time, or until the grow cycle was complete. Yet again an easier task, he bided his time, patient yet bored, until the grow cycle ended.
His trials were complete, and at 14 years of age, he became a padawan. Initially, he was selected to be padawan to Knight Evan Asani, but the outbreak of the war that year delayed the process, as Evan was deployed as part of Master Mace Windu’s task force during the First Battle of Geonosis. Upon the return of Knight Asani, Samuel was finally assigned to the Knight who was specialised as a Jedi guardian, more specifically as a peacekeeper. A polar opposite to the pacifistic ways of the young Samuel on his path to a consular specialisation.
The two were immediately deployed to Kamino, as the command of Knight Asani, the famed 117th Legion (nicknamed ‘Rancor Battalion’ or ‘Rancor Legion’, marked with crimson colors), was assisting in overseeing the training of the new batch of clones at Tipoca City on Kamino, with the intention of taking on new clones to bolster the Rancor Legion’s strength. The attack on Kamino happened mere days after their arrival, and the 117th, along with men of General Skywalker’s 501st Legion, General Kenobi’s 212th Battalion/Legion, and General Secura’s 327th ‘Star’ Corps, fought off the droid attackers across Tipoca City. Samuel, in his first real taste of combat, was at the frontline along with his master.
Though never directly under fire, as the battle ended, Samuel came to realize not only the dwindling use of the consular Jedi in the new age, but also the evolving place of the Jedi as field commanders rather than peacekeepers. He began to doubt the consular path, but yet still considered himself an academic and pacifist above all else. Exploits across the battlefields of the galaxy proved again and again the power of warfare over diplomacy as negotiations between both sides broke down multiple times. However, Samuel remained pacifistic, refusing to draw his blade unless necessary to use it. Knight Asani, though puzzled by these ways, respected his padawan’s choice, often keeping himself and Samuel out of the fray, but still close enough to the frontline to command his men.
In 19 BBY, Knight Asani, recalled to the Temple at Coruscant for unspecified reasons, gave Samuel his first independent assignment to assist scientific operations aboard a vessel by the name of the Reclamation. No sooner than had he arrived that word of Order 66 spread. Huddled in his own cramped quarters, he watched the very recording from Master Kenobi, and slept a very somber sleep that night.
Appearance: The most notable thing about Alia is probably her smile: from a toothy grin to a simple smirk, there's always a note of happiness plastered across her face. Almost always. Complimenting her smile are her bright blue eyes, her soft features, and dark blue hair, done in a straight bob. Her skin is a dark pink, bordering on crimson, and she is clad in a grey-and blue flight jacket and matching grey skin-tight pants. Covering her hands and feet are black flight gloves and long black boots.
S-5 heavy blaster pistol, plus extra powerpacks
Sabacc deck
Skills: Alia is an excellent pilot, and has been working on ships for over ten years, as both a first and second mate, as well as pilot and co-pilot. Her memory is top-notch, with pilots and other employers taking a liking to her for her uncanny ability to memorize complicated hyperspace co-ordinates. She is also a skilled sabacc player, and is good at managing her tells (especially since she's smiling all the time), but she only plays for fun, and isn't too big into gambling. She's decently handy with her blaster, but hasn't really seen any situation in which she's needed to use it, nor does she really care to use it. Her most valued skill is her empathy - she has a naturally warm and bubbly personality, and she is fully able to decipher and diagnose the feelings and emotions of others, and respond in kind. Whether that's just because of a practiced ability, or some kind of pheromones is up for debate.
Weaknesses: Deep beneath Alia's happiness-exuding exterior, there is a dark, frightened core. She doesn't have a lot of faith in her abilities, but she tries to not let that stop her from doing her duty. She pushes herself harder and harder, trying to get past her limits because of past failures, and it seriously wears on her and her mental health. Some nights, she is wracked with terrible anxiety which she cannot seem to shake.
History: Alia was born to two Zeltron parents on Coruscant, inheriting more of her mother's genetics rather than her father's. She lived a normal childhood, as her parents were retired Coruscant Security Forces officers, who had met during their time in the CSF, married, and were dismissed when her mother, Tasiya, was pregnant with her. She grew up with loving parents who were always there to care for her. As she grew, she expressed her wishes to become a great starpilot one day - a wish her parents fostered.
Later, when she was of age, she decided to join the CSF. Her parents were hesitant at first, but later accepted her decision. At eighteen, Alia underwent training as a pilot in the CSF air squadrons. Her first job upon graduation from the training program was as an airspeeder pilot. She excelled in her position over the years and was considered an honorary 'flying ace' by her peers. However, one unfortunate day, her airspeeder suffered a mechanical failure, and began to plummet from the sky.
She and her partner tried to pull the speeder up from its dive, but it was little use. As the ground came rushing up to them, Alia saw death coming for her, and could not but help to cry out for her parents. The repulsorlifts manages to kick back in at the last minute, but it was too late. The speeder crashed, severely injuring Alia but killing her partner, for which she still feels responsible for to this day. Alia was lucky, and made a speedy recovery. She continued to serve in the CSF for another year, but was later dismissed for mental health reasons, which had been plaguing her after her incident.
She took another year to stay at home and heal with her parents, before picking herself up and looking for new work. She was hired as second mate on a passenger transport ship, eventually moving up to first mate when the opportunity arrived. Following that contract, she found herself as co-pilot and student to a pilot aboard a diplomatic vessel. After several more years, she was made pilot herself, and served aboard several diplomatic ships, furthering her skills. She continued like this for a while before the Clone Wars broke out, and she resigned her position to be with her family for a few months. Eventually, she found herself signing a contract with the Jedi, in which she agreed to serve as co-pilot aboard a Jedi training cruiser for the next few years....
Appearance: Though young, Kaz has reached physical maturaity, as his species does at around age eleven. Like most of his species, Kaz is towering in height, and moves with a deceptively slow grace in all dealings save combat. He has large almond-shaped eyes (black with white pupils) and his skin is so pale as to appear almost translucent, even nearly luminescent in the correct lighting. His long neck is not fully dexterous, but does afford him limited flexibility, on par with that of a giraffe. As with all males of his species, he has a crest of cartilage on top of his small, bulbous head, which trails partway down his long neck. He wears pristine, light-brown robes, making an effort to keep them as clean as possible.
Long-hilted dual-phase Lightsaber with a blue blade
Short-handled shoto lightsaber with a blue blade of identical color
Standard-issue re-breather
Standard-issue commlink
Lightsaber tuning/repair kit
A utility belt to store most of his items
Calculating Mind: Kaz considers his mind to be his greatest weapon. He is intelligent and collected, with a nearly unflappable manner. As a result of both his Kaminoan heritage and Jedi training, it is nearly impossible to get a rise out of him. Even in the heat of battle, Kaz is always calculating and considering his options.
Form V/Shien: Intermediate
Form III/Soresu: Intermediate
Wave-Dancing: Wave Dancing is a style of fighting that Kazira is personally developing, and has been working on since his time as a youngling. Inspired by the roiling, unpredictable, yet graceful and beautiful seas of his home planet, Wave Dancing is a heavily defensive style which combines the focuses of the Shien and Soresu forms, but takes advantage of Kaminoan physiology and inherent grace. The form is grounded, with the practitioner rarely performing leaps or flips, but it is swift and unpredictable, despite it's enchantingly graceful appearance. The practitioner appears to be dancing, with swirls and pirouettes that allow for graceful dodges, and sudden strikes from unpredictable angles.
Telekinesis: Kaz is able to do the basics, push, pull, levitate small objects. Anything beyond the basic is difficult for him.
Force Speed: Kaz is quite skilled with this power, utilizing it in concert with his very unique fighting style to become a "dancing" blur in combat.
Deflection: A rather specific skill, Kaz is able to deflect (but not redirect) projectiles and some force-based attacks by focusing the force into his hands and altering the trejectory. He is not advanced enough to absorb r return attacks, merely deflect. This is another power that flows well into his defensive Wave Dancing.
Telepathy: Like many of the trained force-sensitive beings in the Galaxy, Kaz is able to read the thoughts of beings who do not have any sort of mental or force defenses in place.
Socially Detached: Though a lack strong emotional ties is generally a good thing for any Jedi, Kaz finds empathy difficult, and is fueled more by cold logic. Thus, in situations where most Jedi would be moved to action, Kazira may remain passive. There has been much debate by Kaz' peers and superiors over whether this is exemplary of a true Jedi, or a slippery-slope to the Self-centered philosophies of the Dark Side.
Arrogant: Kaz is something of a prodigy, and he knows it. His arrogance manifests in subtle ways, as he is very slow to anger, but he is vastly overconfident in his abilities.
Frailty: Kaz' fighting style is so personalized and focused on dodging and defense in part because the flesh and bones of a Kaminoan are thin and brittle, and he can't really afford to take more than a few hard hits.
Force sensitivity is incredibly rare in Kaminoans, and is looked on as a deviation from the genetic perfection that the Kaminoans strive for. There has only been one Force-Sensitive Kaminoan in history, and she was regarded as a pariah. However, many years prior to the start of the Clone Wars, there existed a small splinter-faction of Kaminoan Aesthetics who thought that Force-Sensitivity should be considered as a beneficial trait, and that it should be selected for when breeding and genetically modifying. These Aesthetics spent much in the way of time and resources to attempt the creation of a Kaminoan who would not only be force-sensitive, but would also be powerful.
The culmination of years of research, genetic engineering, and selective breeding was Kazira Lao, one of only two Force-Sensitive Kaminoans to have ever existed. At the age of four, his powers began to manifest, and the Aesthetics knew they had succeeded, but then the Jedi found Kamino, and as the Galaxy's light was shed on the planet, the existence of Kazira was revealed, and he was taken to the Jedi order for training, much to the chagrin of the aesthetics who had guided his creation.
Early on, Kaz demonstrated the usual Kaminoan advanced intellect, and became known as a prodigy among his peers. His grasp of the Force was impressive, but his formation of his own personal fighting style was the true sign of his advanced ability. During the Clone Wars, he helped his master on several missions. Although his ability was never in question, his detachment became a matter for some debate among the Jedi council and his Master. There have been talks of an early promotion to Jedi Knight, but so far the Council has denied Kaz this opportunity due to his general lack-of-experience. Kaz himself has never taken much issue with this. Kaz and his master were selected for service aboard the scouting/exploration vessel The Reclamation due in part to Kazira's exceptional mind and skill with calm calculation. Though, for Kaz' master, it was also a good opportunity to attempt to have his Padawan forge positive emotional bonds with others. The effectiveness of this remains to be seen.
Since the reverberation in the force caused by Order 66, Kaz has remained in quiet contemplation. Though he has appeared meditative and calm, his mind has been racing through the possibilities and repercussions of the event, and he has spoken very little.
Name:Lelila Voros Species:Human Age:18 Appearance: Equipment: Two lightsabers, (one Yellow, one blue the blue one being her former masters.) And a fusion cutter to help with repairs around the ship. Force Abilities: Force Healing:Really one of the only abilities Lelila excels at is healing through the force, with this ability she has taken on kind of a role as the ships medic not that they encounter much of a threat out in deep space. Telekensis:The only other thing that Lelila is good at is the use of telekensis. Push, pull, grab. All of these things she has shown quite the talent for. Skills: Mechanic: Lelila is a fixer at heart, she loves fixing just about anything while not really as good at is as someone who has spent their time fixing things, she tries her best to help them. Quick Learner:Lelila is somewhat of a sponge, she absorbs all of the knowledge she can get. She will try her hardest to impress those around her by learning what they have to offer. Weaknesses: Combat:Besides known the basic form of Shii-Cho, Lelila isn't really any kind of master when it comes to fighting with sabers, or really any kind of fighting. Master of none:While she can learn a lot, Lelila doesn't really take the time to master anything, so shes just kind of average at about everything she does. With the exception of healing of course.
History:Born to a spacer family, Lelila spent a little bit of her childhood on a trading barge. She was happy with what she had, and she was the light in her parents life, but as always things change. When they landed on one of the planets they were bringing supplies to, they made contact with a jedi who was looking for force sensitives. He saw in Lelila the potential so he took her with him back to Coruscant along with a few others.
For the first few months of her life at the temple, Lelila hated the Jedi she fought them every step of the way, until she was sat down by one of the teachers there. The two had a long discussion, but whatever was said made Lelila the person she would be at the temple. She became dedicated, and showed great resolve in her studies. But even though she never really stood out as exceptional, she still showed enough dedication to be apprenticed to someone. A quarren jedi, named Tohlg Yis. To her he was larger than life, to her he was something to aspire to be. The two of them became, nigh inseparable as he trained her in the ways of the force.
At this point the clone wars had begun, and it was shortly after she got her first saber that the two were dispatched to Geonosis to assist two jedi who had been captured by the Confederacy of Independent Systems. It was here where she saw people die, it was here where her master fell, when they pulled the Padawan out of the arena. She was clutching her masters saber to her chest. Her master gone, she spent the rest of the battle helping the wounded clone troopers, and jedi who returned from battle. Reciting the jedi code to hold back the tears, as she did her work.
After the battle of Geonosis, the padawan had no master, and no desire to fight. So they put her on the deep space vessel Reclamation as it made one of its supply runs in civilized space. Assigned a new master on the ship, she was to train under them learning more about perfecting the arts of battle, the force, as well as helping out wherever she was needed on the ship. When order 66 finally happened it rocked most of the jedi on the ship, perhaps Lilara the most. Shes locked herself in her cabin ever since refusing to come out, or eat very much at all. Instead she just meditates the days away hoping for some change.
A toolkit full of tools, including multiple wrenches, screwdrivers and drills
A datapad which constantly displays the status of The Reclamation, alerting him to anything that needs fixing
Species Abilities:
His species possesses low light vision.
Nautolan head tendrils allow them to detect chemical signatures, essentially allowing them to analyze other's emotions.
As an amphibious species, Nautolans are natural swimmers and can breath underwater. They don't experience any difficulties living full time on land.
He's one of the best around at repairing and maintaining starships and vehicles in general. He's worked on all kinds of vessels, knowing the ins and outs of many of them.
Yisil works well under pressure, able to tone out all the other noise and focus solely on the task at hand.
While he's not the greatest shot around, Yisil is a solid marksman with a blaster. He's trained himself to be capable with his blaster pistol.
He's good at slicing into computers and has some experience in building and maintaining droids.
He's a decent ship pilot, it comes with working in the field. But he'd rather leave the piloting to the pilots.
He's a bit of a lone wolf and not the most social of people. While hes tries to be friendly to others, he's usually pretty quiet and keeps to himself.
Despite his training with a blaster he has no real combat experience and tends to avoid conflict in general.
He has a mild addiction to smoking, most often cigars. It's nothing extreme but its a nasty habit that helps him relax.
He's a perfectionist when it comes to his work in ship engineering. He constantly challenges himself to get his work done as efficiently and perfectly as possible. He tends to dwell on any mistakes he made.
History: Yisil has been all around the galaxy, coming from simple beginnings he was born on his species homeworld of Glee Anselhm. A gorgeous ocean planet located on the Mid Rim, he spent much of his childhood years swimming deep in the seemingly endless oceans which covered the world. His family was small and tight knit, he loved homeworld but in time grew beyond it. Tales of massive starships and awe inspiring high tech cities fascinated the young Nautolan. He'd often bombard the merchants and tourists that came to the world with questions all about life beyond the planet. As he entered adulthood his family pooled together their credits and bought him a starship, a basic vessel but nonetheless one capable of traveling the stars.
After saying his farewells he left his homeworld, first heading for Coruscant. The world was covered in a sprawling city, and Yisil spent weeks exploring it. Culture shock would set in as he realized how far he was from home, and how different this new world was. There were others of his kind on the galactic capital but they weren't that common. He already possessed a knack with repairing technology and long held a fascination with starships, it was natural that he would seek a career in the field. Yisil decided to head for Corellia, drawn by its fame for being a site where massive spaceships were built. He'd take up an apprenticeship position underneath, Odon Marcharc, an important engineer working for the Corellian Engineering Corporation. As he set up life on Corellia he took advantage of its beautiful environment, in his days off he'd often swim in the massive seas, which reminded him of home.
For several years he worked under Odon, eventually rising up to be the man's top assistant, going from an unpaid apprentice to somebody of importance within the Engineering Corporation. He'd help build everything from starfighters to freighters and larger ships, all the while suggesting new ideas and features to include in each build. Yisil enjoyed his time working with Odon, the human would grow to be one of his closest friends and his mentor. The Nautolan would eventually be contacted by the Republic and offered a position working onboard their ships. He made the tough decision to take the offer, the higher pay and opportunities to explore the galaxy drawing him in. Odon wished him luck in his journeys, making Yisil promise to visit him down the line. The Nautolan made the promise then departed the world, on the move once more.
Yisil would serve as an engineer aboard multiple different vessels, as the Clone Wars began he'd be drawn into the conflict. Never taking a combat role he'd instead maintain the great ships that the Republic depended on. Some times were more stressful than others, as the ships he were stationed on would sometimes come under fire by Separatist forces. Managing to survive this aspect of the war, he seeked to move on to a less dangerous job. Due to his previous dealings with Jedi and his years of exceptional work engineering starships, Yisil applied to work on the Reclamation.