Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago
Zeroth Post


That being said, I'm going to be a bit picky given that I have a pretty fab group, and I don't want to accidentally invite a murder hobo into our midst. But I'm not going to be THAT picky. If your character checks out, then they check out! See the list below for the changes you need to make to the CS, and some RP work you'll have to do to work yourself in seamlessly.

  • Instead of the sample post being about Shreve's Port, make it about Alexandria. That is where the group will end up next. All you need to know is in the description for Centerland.
  • Create a reason for your character to be hard up for caps or need to get out of town or otherwise join a caravan of people escorting an exploding package and the daughter of a Governor.
  • It will be one of my GM NPCs that offers the quest. No solid character yet, as one or both of them might die. So, we'll work out how they offer it, and what leads you to them.
  • Please re-read through the accepted CSes to make sure your character is varied from the one's presented.
  • As always, I'm here for any questions you might have.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

LEVEL: High Casual GENRE: Fandom, Post-Apoc, Scifi STATUS: Full

“Why hello my dearest compatriots. Welcome to Magnolia Ranch.” You find yourself in an old-timey plantation with updates that have kept it current but only just. You stand in a lobby made of pristine wooden floors, wooden walls, and numerous paintings hanging on the wall alongside a set of massive stairs leading to the next level. Several of these paintings are of a flower you’ve never seen before. You assume this is what magnolias looked like. Prewar light fixtures, power cables stretching from them and into discreet holes in the wall, and the soft hum of an unseen generator, reminds you that even if you’re in the midst of someone far richer than yourself--your benefactor’s pockets weren’t endless. And that’s probably why he hired the lot of you. You look around. This was an odd group.

Perched at the center of the balcony is a man dressed quite finely with graying black hair, spectacles, and an intense mustache. He looks down at the group with a smile. “My, my, I didn’t think my offer would ever bring such spirited adventurers my way.” You didn’t just show up, you’d been vetted for this mission. You were then transported from Shreve’s Port via brahmin caravan, which was stuffed to the gills with Governor Cassom’s armed guard. You had to say the ride was scenic, which was nearly unheard of in the Swamplands.

You traveled through a “tunnel” of old, gnarled trees. One of the guards told you this used to be a pecan orchard. He looked very smug about that knowledge. There were large fields on either side of you for quite some time. Razorgrain and tato were the largest crops, but there was this odd purple vine that you’d never seen before. You know these farmlands help supply the Northern Province, one of the Five Great Counties of Louisiana. You were welcomed by Governor Stanley Cassom, the Governor of this county. Large buildings surrounded the plantation proper, they looked like they were recently constructed, formed from cannibalized pieces and parts from PreWar structure. Robots, ghouls, and humans circled around them and gave you looks as you entered the property. The grass was green here and obviously fake. Plastic, pink birds littered the lawn along with small, brightly colored benches. Men dressed in fancy suits with pieces of metal armor led you to the large, bright blue front door.

So, here you were--in the employment of Governor Cassom. He drummed his fingers across the banister, through surveying you all. “I have a most thrilling prospect for you. I need a package delivered to the President of Louisiana, Jean-Napoleon Arceneaux in case you are too low a class to know his proper name. And I need it to reach there unharmed and without tampering. Can I ask that of you? I mean the package is quite large. It’ll require a sizeable caravan, which I will provide. I’ll also be lending you my daughter, as she has the means and knowledge to open the package.” He then laughed, as if what he said was the slightest bit humorous. “And if you think of doing anything funny or vile to her, I’ve hired the best protection. An ex-Brotherhood something... He came highly recommended.” You felt as if he’s the sort of person that throws caps at issues and fails to learn anything about it.

“But before I get ahead of myself, let me lay down the rules.” He cleared his throat. “If you try to disturb the package. It will explode. If you don’t deliver it within a month, it’ll explode. And more so, my daughter has a means of making it explode if she finds herself in a perilous situation. And the explosion is very large and very nasty. Don’t think you can just run from it.” He smiled. “But once you reach the Big Easy, you will get the second half of your payment--a thousand caps. You can leave without any other thought on the thing. I promise you, it’s easy money.” He nodded. “And to sweeten the pot, with my daughter in tow, you’ll have access to the other Governor’s houses and resources--well with the exception of the Traitor’s.” His eyes narrowed, lips turning down. But only for a moment, as they bubbled back into his saccharine smile from before. “Meaning, all you have to worry about are the bandits, silverfish, mirelurks, super mutants, and various death traps between here and there. You all look like seasoned adventurers. You can handle it.” He clapped his hand down on the banister. The guards around you rocked back on their heels and held their guns a little tighter. “So, do you accept?”

This roleplay is set in the Fallout Universe, 2291. Down on your luck, career mercenary, or looking for an easy and well-paying job, you hear about an offer from the Governor of the Northern Province himself. Possibly thinking it a joke, or truly interested, you ask around. That leads to the Governor’s men at your doorstep. You’re thoroughly questioned and you prove your array of skills. After that, you come into the employ of Governor Cassom, and that’s where our RP begins.

Please keep in mind that this is a bubble RP. The events from the previous Fallouts do not matter here, because Louisiana is so far away. That being said, there will be asides and mentions here and there, but they will be more of a wink and a nod than a “you have to know canon” references. This is for players that are very new to the Fallout Universe or have never played before.

The plot of the roleplay is that you are to take the caravan from the northernmost top of Louisiana and down to the most southern area. This trip will send you through the majority of the state. While you are tethered to the caravan, in a sense, you will have the option to investigate various places and people. This trip is to get you acclimated to how the state of Louisiana is run. There is a lore section down below of things you should know before jumping in, as some of the factions and mutations are different here due to the geography and political structure.

Also know that this caravan mission is only about 25% of the actual roleplay. What’s afterwards? You’ll just have to find out.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Capitol: Shreve’s Port
Governor: Stanley Cassom
Basic Information:
Most of Northern Louisiana is flat farmland. It has a few waterways, but it lacks the swamps of its Southern brethren. Most of the citizens make their money off of hunting, river-bound trading, or farming. The wildlife is more normal here than the rest of the state, and the ground is capable of growing a variety of vegetables. Shreve’s Port is a massive trading post with more northern states, and as such is only beaten by the Big Easy in imports and exports. It’s a dilapidated metropolis but heavily trafficked. Governor Stanley Cassom runs his territory fairly but loosely. He’s well-liked, but there’s a deep criminal underground. He has enforcement in a mixture of robots, military-oriented ghouls, and a constant influx of humans looking for an easier life.The Northern Province is the only one of the five territories without its own militia.

Capitol: Alexandria
Governor: Argenon Beauregard
Basic Information:
If the Northern Province was rich with plains, Centerland is with trees. Though long since dead from the Great War, there are so many and they’re so tightly wound together--many a person has lost their life here. Though, there is a tale of a massive tree in the middle of the Centerland’s great forest, one that harbors plantlife and clean water. There’s also talk about the ForestClaw, much like the DeathClaw, but instead made from the wood. Alexandria is much smaller than Shreve’s Port but it does have a tight community. Their economy mostly has to do with carpentry, crafts, and life-saving herbs. They even craft their own holistic stimpaks. The people are happy here, and there’s no mention of crime. Actually, there’s eerily no mention. If the Northern Provinces lean heavy into the old-timey Southern aesthetic, Centerland sticks to its roots of painful 2077. Rumors are that Governor Argenon Beauregard is a delightful man, and he will see anyone that wishes to visit him at the Green Ranches. They are not as posh as the other sections. But, he does try. Centerland’s militia is called the Longleaf Alliance. There doesn’t seem to be many of them, but they all seem to be highly trained. They’re also fond of green berets and little pins with gold leaves on them.

Capitol: Lafayette
Governor: Governor Madeline DeBourges
Basic Information:
Acadiana is mostly uninhabited swamplands and the prime home to the silverfish. This has made the people of Acadiana very skilled hunters and very immune to loss and depression. Yet, in that, they’ve become stronger. Home to the largest Brotherhood of Steel complex in their state, Acadiana never thirsts for protection--and much less for technology. They’ve created complex pulley systems and built most of their newer structures in the dense trees above swampland. Lafayette is built on top of the PreWar city as it flooded many many years ago. It’s a booming metropolis and easy to reach from land. Honestly, most of Acadiana is like that. It was also home to the only vault in Louisiana, Vault 76, until five years ago when it was blown up by the Brotherhood of Steel. Governor Madeline DeBourges doesn’t take visitors. Instead, Elder Armand Dechard tends to most of the visitors in Arcandiana.

Capitol: The Big Easy
Governor: President Jean-Napoleon Arceneaux
Basic Information:
A metropolis of business, advanced technology, trading, and weapons. Unlike Acadiana, Great Orleans overcame their flooding issues with the rise in pump technology, which keeps their city free of ocean and swamp water. It also purifies it and redistributes it back to the population--wink nod, that’s how they’re so rich. They’re also one of the largest exporters and importers in the state and probably the entire Gulf Commonwealth. While they are the smallest of the territories, they have a dense population of educated, well-bred humans. And while Great Orleans is open to people, the Big Easy itself requires a thorough check of one’s person or a writ allowing them in. Great Orleans also has a radigators, mirelurks, and silverfish problem. Yet, unlike Arcadiana, these are dealt with via a paramilitary organization known as the Saints. They are personally run by Jean-Napoleon Arceneaux’s wife, Marie-Annie Arceneaux. Unlike Centerland, people know why crime is eerily quiet. President Jean-Napolean Arceneaux rules with an iron fist and removes all obstacles in front of him. But he’s a fair ruler, and he doesn’t do things without cause. Most of the population of Great Orleans--hell, the state--like him quite a bit. He’s insanely charismatic and relatable.

Capitol: Hammond
Governor: Traitor Rose Pemberton
Basic Information:
The Florida Parishes have managed to go to war with the Great Orleans, and vis-a-vis the entire state of Louisiana. No one knows how this happened, just that one day the king asked for Rose Pemberton’s head. Currently, the border between Great Orleans and Acadiana is closed to the Florida Parishes. It’s been that way for a few years now. What is known about them is that they have abundant farmlands and lack a lot of the problems that the swampier areas face. They do, unfortunately, have more super mutants than most--and with the loss of the Brotherhood of Steel, it’s unknown the current state of things. They’re home to farmers and refugees from other states that seek some sort of stability. Before the war, they were a massive melting pot of different species and people from different places. And they’re the only place in Louisiana that has three functioning military bases. Beyond the Brotherhood of Steel, they’re the only ones with vertibirds, keeping themselves well armed all of the time. They also have their own militia, the Pine Pioneers. Though the name sounds cute, they’re filled with trained soldiers and well-oiled weapons. People would speak highly of Rose Pemberton before the exile and the subsequent war. No one really knows why it started, but according to the President, she committed a grave and unspeakable atrocity.

⚜️VAULT 76
Louisiana's only vault, well only known vault, and the place responsible for the silverfish. If the west coast had its centers for FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) that created the supermutants, the South has their FEV which created the silverfish. In an attempt to create a race that could live in the water and be prime soldiers that moved through the swampland undetected, the people of Vault 76 were used as test subjects while only a small group of scientists tended to the experiment. As one can imagine, that went awry and the silverfish took over and escaped. Much like their super mutant counterpart, they are sterile, leading them to kidnap humans and take them to Vault 76. This ended five years ago when the Brotherhood of Steel was able to infiltrate it and blow it up--leading to the death of many of its members.

A small settlement located in a former rubbish dump. The mountains of waste provide solid protection to the inhabitants with a large metal gate used as an entrance on one side. Located several miles from Shreve's Port in The Northern Province.

If the supermutants are known for being giant, hulking monsters, then the silverfish are quiet, dextrous creatures that are rarely ever seen. They are still humanoid in appearance, but their bodies are a deep gray and they sport many fins and webbed feet and fingers. They have sharp claws, capable of gouging and slitting quite easily. Their heads resemble an anglerfish in the way their eyes are small and dark, and most of their face is a zigzag of sharp, flesh-rending teeth. They are also capable of unhinging their jaws and devouring prey whole. Which wouldn’t be terrifying for humans, if it wasn’t discovered that Silverfish can grow to be as large as cars or houses. Even if the swamp wasn’t irradiated, it’s highly discouraged to swim in there or take a small, motorless boat. They’re smarter than supermutants, which is seen in their trap building, as they are capable of luring prey in by creating a fake situation in which someone needs help. Still, they aren’t capable of speech or thoughts beyond survival. They’ve long since stopped being human.

Alligators that have been mutated into brahmin sized beasts capable of plowing through structures and devouring entire herds of said brahmin. They are huge, tumor covered, and vicious. They also solely stay to the swamplands and don’t venture much beyond them. It is rumored that silverfish hunt them for food on occasion, and that’s the only reason they haven’t managed to destroy swampy territories like Acadiana and Greater Orleans. But there are other rumors that the silverfish are breeding them and cultivating them for a takeover on land. Who knows. What is known is that one cannot outrun one, they can just pray to outgun them.

No one really knows if this creature exists or not, and if it does, how it came into existence. What is rumored is the fact that it’s a mixture of a deathclaw and plantlife. Possibly created to have natural camouflage in heavily wooded areas, no one can really pinpoint why it was created other than to terrorize people. The only known proof that forest claws exist, is that occasionally a person will wander into the woods and discover a body hanging from a spiderweb-like construction of vines and wood, and their abdomens having burst from some sort of insane plantlife that had been embedded into them. That plantlife is untouched by radiation and fully alive. Many believe the forest claw is doing this to help restart the ecosystem. Doesn’t stop it from being terrifying as hell.

This chapter was founded by the Eastern branch of the BoS. So, as such, they’re a little more relaxed when it comes to recruitment and sharing of technology. That being said, the previous Elder was very strict when it came to the dissemination of information, which led to a general distrust by the populace. Elder Armand Dechard has been trying hard to win back the populace, but with little progress. The BoS’s numbers are low here, given that recruitment methods have gone poorly here, and many of their members die before they can produce heirs to their position. Fortunately, to make up for that they have a wealth of technology and information that other chapters of their order do not have. Before the destruction of Vault 76, they were able to raid it and procure a lot of Pre War schematics and literature. The BoS are also helpful in the area by scouting, raiding silverfish nests, and guarding Governor-Sanctioned caravans.

A group of raiders that have actually become a legitimate thread in the swamplands. Their numbers grow almost daily and somehow they’ve managed to get a hold of updated equipment and new-ish weapons. It is believed that they have a permanent base somewhere in Centerland or Acadiana, as a lot of that land goes unused and undiscovered. They’re led by an enigmatic man who only calls himself Charming Charlie. Oddly, enough one of their few altruistic moves is taking in orphaned children of the swamplands.

Religion can get fairly radical down here in the swamplands, but there’s nothing so unbelievable yet tangible as the Gospel of Mike. Mike is a telepathic dog capable of starting fires with his mind. You may scoff at this, but many a skeptic have gone to see Mike and been changed by what they’ve seen there. The Brotherhood leaves the entire faction alone--proving it to be false would have a small army at their door, and they don’t want to think about the ramifications if it’s true. Mike was there before the bombs dropped, and a human to hear the tale of it. And he swore he died, but he was reborn in this land many many years later in this form, but gifted with powers given to him from the Great Beyond. It goes on like that for a while. One shouldn’t cross them. They’re fanatical to the point of being sadistic, and if you believe the rumors a dog can light you on fire with his mind.

Probably the oddest of the large, well-known factions, the Curiosity Gang manages to beat out the Brotherhood for most destructive, yet most helpful. A mixture of para-militia, intellectuals, and people who just honestly want to figure out “what the front door” is going on, they roam the swamplands in search of information about the Pre War times. They’ll go to great lengths to find it, and in their pursuit, they may have destroyed a settlement or two. They didn't mean to, promise. The Curiosity Gang makes their home in Centerland, in Alexandria proper. The Governor doesn’t pay them much mind as they do invite tourists to visit them. They have a museum set up there. The means in which they managed to gather the information presented there is questionable, but the content is not. Just don’t touch the displays. No. Seriously. You will be shot.

The Forsaken Idealists was a name given to a group of human supremacists with a core belief that all sapient non-humans were abandoned to suffer a pitiful, false, and meaningless existence by God. It was their 'God given responsibility' to 'ease their suffering or give purpose to the poor souls' by enslaving any they would encounter and killing those who would resist.

A group of mercenaries who, as the name suggests, excel at hunting. Whether it is finding an individual or a creature in the post-apocalyptic world, The Hunters are capable enough to hunt what they are paid to.

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

⚜️You will NOT BE a dick. In general you will work well with others and try your best to be a decent human being. Please report anyone being a dick to me, and try not to be one yourself.

⚜️ No Mary Sues/Gary Stues./Jerry Mews/Stew Stues/Bobby Sues/etc. I will not allow characters that are overused, bland, and otherwise uninteresting to play with. Oh no your entire house burned down, your family is dead, and you were a slave for a while, but you don't really have PTSD and you are gorgeous and everyone loves you? Oh. And you're the chosen one too? Yeah. No. None of that. I don't mind tropes because tropes happen. I have more than I should in the plot of this RP alone. But what I don't appreciate is the perfect person with the tragic backstory and all the powers. Also, no edgelords. Just. Take your dark lifestyle and emo haircut elsewhere.

⚜️ No Meta Knowledge/God Modding. If you know something that your character doesn't know, don't let them know it. Do not control other people's characters without asking. Do not auto-hit, or make an action that avoids all consequences. Be mindful of the things you do, and if you have a question, you can always ask.

⚜️ The quality of your posts should be readable, flow well, and not have any jilted action or dialogue that doesn't make any sense to the context of the RP. A few typos are fine. I'm bound to make mistakes as well. Hell, I'm known for posting drunk sometimes. Probably drunk now. But please bring your best quality to the table. As far as quantity goes, just make sure your post covers what needs to be covered. No need to get too long, and definitely don't get too short. An RP buddy once said: "like a skirt: short enough to be enticing but long enough to cover all the important parts."

⚜️ Romance is fine, I actually encourage building bonds with your fellow characters, but no smut.

⚜️ If you have any questions. ANY AT ALL. Please do not hesitate to contact me or someone else on the staff (assuming I get a staff). There are no stupid questions. Well, there are, but I highly doubt you'll be asking "What are butts?" "How... cat?" "Do I need to type for this RP?"

⚜️ You have three days to respond once it hits your turn. I'm not saying you have to respond every three days, but that you need to respond within three days when it's your turn to post. Let me know if you cannot get a response in, and you will be skipped. If you fail to let me know, you're allowed three turns of unresponsiveness, before your character is removed (probably violently) from the scene. If you do let me know, you're allowed five consecutive turns before you're removed from the scene (non-violently, as you were polite.)

⚜️ Please let me know when you are too busy to RP. I get it. I have a life, job, responsibilities, etc. So, if you are having a rough week, month, or whatever, let me know. I am more than happy to work with you.

⚜️ When performing an action, do not write what comes after it. For instance: you shoot at a villain. Please don't say it kills them. I'm the one that decides that. Or that you are hacking a system and are successful. Once again, it's up for me to decide that. That being said, if it stunts your post, you can always ask me in the OOC or PM (I don’t recommend the discord chat). I understand not wanting to have a very short post where nothing is done. Think of this as playing DnD or the like. I'm the DM, I tell you when things are successful.

⚜️ Do not argue with me about the result. There's either a) a story reason you can't do this b) whatever you're doing something to is more powerful c) you don't have the skills for it (i.e. you have a strength of 4 and are attempting to pick up a car.) I have reasons for doing what I'm doing. I assure you. I'm not doing it to make you look bad. Also place a little fleur-de-lise somewhere in your sheet so I know you've read and accepted this.

⚜️ As always, perform actions and participate in dialogue in a way that makes sense for your character. If you are acting inconsistent with your character, I will call you out on it. I understand there's character growth, or you figure that this character's funnier than you first anticipated, but there's also creating a pacifist and having him murder 10 people without consequence. Seriously. I've seen this shit.

⚜️ Also. Any and every rule is subject to change, and I'm allowed to add or remove rules as I see fit. I'll usually let you know.

⚜️Here is your CS and a not-so-brief guideline on how to fill it out. When finished with your CS, please place it in the OOC. You’re only allowed to place it in the “Characters” tab if/when you’re accepted.

⚜️To get this sheet, you're going to have to go to this page CLICK and hit "Raw" or "Quote". Sorry, this is the only way for you to get the working code, as the code function ignores images and line breaks.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Sofaking Fancy

Greetings. Regarding the quality of posts, How many sentences would you say is the minimum and maximum?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
Avatar of Sofaking Fancy

Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Greetings. Regarding the quality of posts, How many sentences would you say is the minimum and maximum?

It just matters what is going on, really. I wouldn't say there's a hard set minimum or maximum. Because action/combat posts will be shorter than investigation and talking posts. As long as it is readable and covers what it needs to cover. As the rules state: "like a skirt: short enough to be enticing but long enough to cover all the important parts."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Sofaking Fancy

Thank you for the clarification.
Also, Would it be possible for me to join this RP?
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
Avatar of Sofaking Fancy

Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Thank you for the clarification.
Also, Would it be possible for me to join this RP?

No problem!

Just follow the Character Creation whatnots and submit a CS for a review! I will have to approve it, but you have a while to work on it. So, no rush!
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Rtron
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Leaving declaration of interest here
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

i love fallout. i'll try to work on a CS that isn't trash-garbage. good job formatting by the way holy toleto
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

Member Seen 3 mos ago


Count me in

EDIT: So what you're saying is definitely make a super mutant synth NCR Veteran Ranger with a 10 in Intelligence and Endurance who's a descendant of the Vault Dweller and was best bros with the Courier, and also a BoS Paladin for two years on the east coast, right.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Simple Unicycle
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Simple Unicycle ?

Member Seen 1 hr ago

I am so fucking in. Expect a down on his luck bruiser.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by rocketrobie2
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rocketrobie2 Money owns this town

Member Seen 9 days ago

I'm down to do this, it looks rad
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Zoey Boey
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Zoey Boey Spider!

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

edit: changed Sneak active skill to Steal active skill

edit 2: nerfed charisma to 6 and re-read the rules super close

edit 3: nerfed Luck to 5 and buffed perception to 7

EDIT 4: naahhh no reason for her to be that perceptive nerfed to 5. she's really perceptive on jet. buffed agility to 9 to compensate. if i'm changing my character too much let me know
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Searat
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Searat The Aqueous Rodent

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Edit 1: Fixed extra skill and replaced luck weakness with melee aversion.
Edit 2: Fixed description of personality and added interaction to appearance. Added small fleur-de-lis.
Edit 3: Added GM given perk to Character Sheet.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Oooooh. Thanks for all this interest! I'm excited to read things... and finishing writing things because my lazy butt didn't get to it. I was like: "I gotta enough" *barfs roleplay out*

So what you're saying is definitely make a super mutant synth NCR Veteran Ranger with a 10 in Intelligence and Endurance who's a descendant of the Vault Dweller and was best bros with the Courier, and also a BoS Paladin for two years on the east coast, right.

That is a beautiful character. Absolutely astounding and original. With obvious layers. Nuanced to the perfect degree.

good job formatting by the way holy toleto

Thanks! It totally didn't take me all day or anything. *sweats* That's why almost everything is not behind hider because it throws the formatting off. Also, I have no idea why... but everything in hiders gets me confused on what I have and have not read. I'm like a puppy with a cup game.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Sofaking Fancy
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Sofaking Fancy Three Owls in a Trench Coat

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

There we go! I finished up the Governor's daughter's CS. So, if you have any questions, you can see two entirely different CSes. Also, you don't HAVE to read them, but both the Writing Prompts set up a bit of mystery. I was trying to make them helpful to the actual plot instead of waxing poetic about my characters.

Because you'll have to know something about them. Usually when I GM game, I try to avoid making obviously protagonist characters. I like this game to be a group effort, and I like my characters to be more like MacGuffins and/or Cat Herders. So, the spotlight is more on your characters than mine. That being said, that means they're expendable in the course of the RP. Things can happen in this RP where they'll die, leave the party, or switch alliance based on your, the group's, decisions. Just thought I would let you know because I dislike those group RPs where it is apparent the GM's character is the only important character and the rest are window dressing.
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Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Spike
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Spike Lewd Dude With Attitude

Member Seen 4 days ago

Posting a WIP.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Tim
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Tim Wasteland Wanderer

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Please, tell me if there's a problem with my sheet. I'm not exactly used to this sorta stuff.

Edit: Added a thingamabob to the post because I read things and follow instructions.

Edit: I guess "Says" and "Said" aren't the same thing. My bad. Added a bit to appearance, but not that much: got to work on it later.

Edit: Second Paragraph for the Appearence Section. Hope I did that right.
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