Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 5 mos ago

It seemed that Astrid wasn't going to get that fight. Well, she knew better than to try and pressure her brother. After all, it would either make him more adamant at wasting her time, or actually disappoint when he just turned in the towel after the long prep to the fight. And if there was one thing Astrid knew it was when to fold and get out of a place. Usually how she dealt with 99% of her problems. The odd 1% became her next goal to overcome. "Well then, brother. I'll just have to take joy in kicking your butt in Mario Kart." She went through all the effort to use the sigh emote too, which was pretty reliable for making anything seem like a disappointment. At the very least the place finally seemed to be dying down, and the lack of paladins was finally letting some variety shine into the room. There was a kinda crook with a camera, a angel with their gimmick, and... Apparently a skeleton. She'd heard of his guild, though she didn't bother recalling the name right now. Since after all, it was all clearly coming to an end.

When the photo snapped, she had her fingers raised up, giving Grey a nice set of bunny ears to remember her by. Though she fully expected him to be aware she was doing it by now, since she bombed all of his photos that way. But with that last photo out of the way, it was time for something... Less boring. Like a tour. Taking a step back, and a twirl of defiance, she marched away from the group, and finally made her way to the hallway. Passing by the odd straggler, the odd NPC... The ones she passed she waved to, none of them waved back. She remembered briefly the few she spent time with, programming in just for fun. She even modeled one right off Grey, who was her servant. Made him a grump who hated non-paladins. She left him behind, and she knew for a moment or two that he'd be ever so grumpy about her being a witchblade now. That was if he wasn't about to vanish forever now.

The hallway of champions stood before her, and she took it all in. The endless vaults of weapons, the armor left behind by members who quite. A deep breath, and she counted down. 10... 9... 8... She wished for a moment this could last forever. After all, escapism was something anybody could wish for. 7... 6... Maybe that was just nostalgia talking. 5... 4... 3... 2...

Goodbye. 1... 0... 0... 0... 0...? Kind of a long second there. "Well, that's weird." And then her voice was funny. As if possessed, and then she heard it. The whispering. "Are you ready?" Astrid spun in place, and there was nothing. "Are you ready to leave? These holy walls are so boring."
"And just... Who are you?" Astrid said, speaking to thin air.
"You insult me, Astrid. We've been together so long and you still forget me? After all, I'm the reason you stepped away from the paladins and their holy circles. I'm the reason you wielded me against your enemies and took their lives. How many have you killed, because I asked it?
"Oh god, you're the Witchblade." Astrid said, whispering softly in horror. She was in the game. She was wielding a cursed sword. But worst of all, this was probably Grey's fault somehow.


"What did you do, Grey?" Astrid was the first to start shouting as she stormed into the throne room. The odd Silver guard raising their weapons a bit higher around her. One or two she recognized. But she'd deal with that later. For now, as she stood with the others, all the while glancing to the guides who'd escorted them here.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kharne watched the picture goers with an amused smirk on his reptilian face. If this guild hadn't been so...selective, maybe he'd have been a member. But he wasn't human nor any form of holy. They'd have laughed him out of the white castle, especially given his black guard status. Alignment and class based guilds were so weird. But still the group was amusing as they posed for the screenshot. Shortly after they dispersed among the thinning crowd or wandered elsewhere either into or out of the guild hall. His 'eyes' went to the timer as it neared the final seconds. Maybe if another game like this one came out he'd try to be a little more sociable and try to get to a higher level.

The seconds ticked down to zero...then kept ticking. What? Raising an eyebrow he was about to ask a question. Inhaling he could actually smell things. Too many things! Groaning and holding his nose he looked around. He was still in that guild hall, some people were still there as well and they were equally as confused. Except they didn't have their nose being assaulted by every scent in the place. "What the hell..." He muttered to himself.

As he stood silver soldiers came in and gave an announcement, then skeleton man came back and was promptly told to shut up by the silver soldiers. "Rude and disrespectful to guests..." He growled out. His normal voice had been deep but as the hulking lizardman it was almost painfully deep. Looking over at the reaper as more soldiers, and a unique, appeared he gave a shrug. While the two could mess up these npc's royally it was best to just not waste energy and get moving.

Rubbing his nose, having somehow gotten used to it quicker, he started to lumber along to wherever he was led. His hands were touching quite a few things as he went along. Walls, cloth, furniture, decorations. It was...strange, being able to feel things in YGGDRASIL. Did they just do a game overhaul? That'd be interesting as all hell! color=red]Wait...if they included the senses...[/color] He thought before promptly slapping himself. Yup, that was pain. That was not a cool thing to include!
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

As the crew were ushered into the throne room after a long walk the group confronted Grey who was sitting on the throne sweating, but managed to keep his composure. Yuna, and Marcus stood shoulder to shoulder on the left side of the hallway leading up to it. Marcus chuckled and smiled at Astrid, "I see that even banishment has not culled your temper Lady Killer Queen. Master Grey has done nothing of wrong I assure you." Marcus said his sophisticated tone echoing with sarcasm as Yuna stood stiff as a board uncomfortable with her superior mocking Astrid in his own way. "That's just the thing Astrid...I was wondering the same thing about all of you. I didn't do anything. I may have had control over Arce Bellum but I can't even access the menus, nor do anything with our friends. I don't know what has happened all I know is that the world is different." Grey said calmly as he looked over to his servants. "My lord what are you talking about? Nothing has changed to my knowledge, and what are you talking about when you mean menus? Were my dishes unsatisfactory for the ball?" questioned Marcus as Grey shook his head. "No of course not you're as useful as you have ever been my good man. Your talent is invaluable to this group." Grey assured him as Marcus smiled in appreciation and bowed to his superior. "Um Lord Greyedout....I think they're all waiting for you." Yuna managed to get out as Grey sighed. "Right...I was wondering if anyone of you have noticed...what has happened. Not you all I'm talking about the guests, and my fellow imperial." Grey said further as he looked over the rest of the group. "I'd like to also remind you to stay well with your 'manners' around our personnel. Unprofessional conduct is not a great thing when you come face to face with a man's staff." Grey further stated hoping they'd understand that they should keep in character around the NPC's. Whatever has happened...it would seem they now existed inside Yggdrasil...he couldn't log out, and or access menus that left the aforementioned as the only real option of what was going on.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Marquise
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Member Seen 7 yrs ago






The golden pocketwatch kept ticking stubbornly upwards, marking off the seconds, heedless of her gaze. 'A server pushback?' was her first thought, even though there had been no global announcement – and then she breathed in. No matter how advanced, how real – or even better than real – the graphics, no matter how precisely-mapped the tactile sensor nets, no matter how rich and well-planned the soundscapes or how sweeping the orchestral score, no game had ever pretended to replicate smell.

It was – along with taste - a sense out of the reach of current technology; oh, there were designs in the pipeline, undoubtedly, but nothing out of the experimental stage. Everything else could be fooled, but the nose?

She breathed in, again, experimentally, and the heady perfume of roses and the bougainvillea that twined around the balcony filled her nose, sweet and heavy with all the promises of summer. Hot on its heels came the shock, bright-edged and glittering, threatening to overwhelm thought.

No logout option, no login screen.

Her menus, even the radial master menu, all of them had quietly vanished, somehow, and she couldn't get them back, try as she might with the habitual commands, the motions becoming more frenzied with each failure. She even tried the emergency disconnect, the legally-mandated hard exit that her VR set could never countermand or co-opt – a purposefully-uncomfortable set of motions that the suit's motion-interception tech ignored and which physically disconnected the power supply from the unit.

All that happened was that her arms – beautiful white-and-gold arms, with slender beringed fingers and wickedly-sharp brass nails – moved in a faintly ridiculous manner and her shoulders – powerful and heavy with the weight of eight shining white wings – shrugged vigorously, the motion setting her feathers all aflutter.

Tiny dust-devils skirled fitfully in the balcony corners from the manoeuvre – another thing that hadn't been in Yggdrasil before – even as thoughts scrambled for the emergency exit in her brain. 'What the fuck is going on?' echoed in the vaults of her mind, squirrelcaging around and returning itself to the forefront of her thoughts again and again.

Almost dreading it, she raised her hands to her face – or rather, to the serene mask that boosted her charisma, melding seamlessly with the armoured shell that was every angel's outer integument. It felt like cold metal – but also as sensitive and as responsive as flesh, a dichotomy that was hard to reconcile.

More than that, though, it moved under her questing fingers, and she felt it change with her own reflexive expressions – wide-eyed surprise and shock, then a gamut of grotesqueries as she tested it, still disbelieving.

But she was an engineer, a scientist – rationality had long ago sunk its hooks deep into her very soul. Accumulate data, accumulate facts, be ready to revise and review at any point – whatever remains at the end, no matter how far-fetched, has to be the correct explanation. Test and verify.

Experimentally, hardly daring to chance it, she opened her hand, palm-up, and laughed involuntarily in delight and giddy shock as a globe of pale pink light obediently popped into existence in accordance with her will, bringing with it a stronger scent of roses.

A Rose-Globe, one of a myriad of purely 'flavour' cantrips with no combat application, rarely used except by roleplayers – but here, now (wherever that was), impossibly and gloriously, it produced a sphere of shining light and all the scents of summer.

Magic didn't exist, several centuries of human progress was screaming it at her, and yet, clearly, it did. Here, anyway – wherever that was, exactly. Rationalist she might have been, but to disregard her own experiences would have been to fly in the face of that philosophy and all it stood for. She'd felt an energy, a pool of might she'd not tapped before, move through her when her will had crystallised into the desire for a Rose-Globe, spilling out into the world and rewriting it to her pleasure.

There are more things in heaven and earth...” she murmured, the ancient quote seeming particularly apropos, even as she tried to wrap her mind around the engaging impossibility, distracting herself from the changes in her form, her body, who she was. It would hit her later, and hit hard, but for now, she was six years old again and the world was full of a magic and wonder it had lost as she'd grown up.

It was in this state, gazing at her slender fingertips and the cheery pink glow of her cantrip, that the servants of the Arce Bellum found her, the silver guards bracing to attention with their gauntlets crashing against their argentine cuirasses in a ringing clash of metal on metal.

By order of the Grand Lieutenant-” Morningstar started in surprise and whirled, her wings rippling in agitation and buffeting the guards with displaced air, her face no longer serene and distant. NPC speech was another change; text had never managed to capture the rich and living timbre of a real voice “-all members of the guild and any remaining outsiders – begging y'pardon, Serenity – are to assemble in the throne room at once.

She found her voice – and, to her redoubled surprise and consternation, rather than the usual soft and lilting notes issuing forth, they were confident, strident and double-toned, echoing cadences that rang, bright and confident, in the air.

Exactly as she'd described Morningstar's angelic voice, long ago.

The Grand Lieutenant? That would be Grey, then? He's still here as well?” The guards nodded, and Morningstar took a step forward – or tried to. Instead of the usual motion, the elegant economy of bunching muscles and smoothly-functioning tendons acting against a skeletal substructure to produce a step, the whole of her gently drifted forwards and upwards, effortlessly borne slightly aloft, the very tips of her toes a few inches above the ground, the hover perfectly maintained without even the slightest wingbeat.

The weight pulling at her shoulders and back – when starting down the path of the angels, she’d never thought about how heavy the wings would be - suddenly dropped to nothing and she casually slipped the unyielding chains of gravity; angels were clearly meant to fly, even if that flight had little to do with the effortful thrashing of feathered wings through air.

The return to the main hall reminded her of Reidy’s present, heavy and pregnant with explosive might in her hand, an intricately detailed dragon on the cusp of exhaling a blast of ravening dragonfire. Wrought in red jade and with an ominously short fuse - which she’d pinched out and carefully wound back into its jaws with one slender finger – it was a princely gift, even if she was half-sure the infuriating lycanthrope had intended it to go off in her face.

Reidy!” her voice boomed and rolled like summer lightning across the hall, and she lobbed the unused Dragon’s Breath back to him, a gentle underarm throw that saw it arc in a graceful curve without her even thinking about it. Not for nothing had she been Sephirot’s artillerist; an understanding of trajectories came in handy, for a start.

Returning it seemed the right thing to do; magical items were her forte, and it had been a particularly impressive example. To use it merely for fireworks seemed a waste.

Now, anyway. “A princely gift, sir, but one perhaps best returned to your…eccentric…keeping, for the moment. I suffer no lack of firepower, and I should hate to think of you bereft and impotent at the crucial juncture.” A split-second flicker of a burning golden eye, underscoring the sardonic lilt to her ringing tones, another mark on the endless tally-board between them.

Not that there was much time in which to score points; she could feel, in a way that no game had ever managed to emulate, the anxiety – and, yes, awe – of the guards flanking her, born out of a conflict between the desire to see their orders completed and the knowledge that here was a powerful creature of holy might, whose regard might crush them, should they give her cause.

Lead on, gentlemen,” she said – remarkably calmly, the double-toned nature of her voice hiding any nervous wobbles – “It would not do to be ungracious to our host. I will have a surfeit of time to talk to Reidy about his behaviour – and his idea of suitable gifts - in the future, I’m certain.” Whether that talk would involve words or rusty cleavers was another thing entirely, and not something NPC soldiery - if indeed NPC was an appropriate label anymore - needed to know about.

The trip to the throne room was a relatively short one, and she was one of the last to arrive, a meeting – of sorts – already underway, with the imperial staff looking confused askance at Grey, seated uncomfortably on the golden throne.

Well, perhaps that was just her own impression.

I don’t presume to speak for your other guests, Lord Andal-” she’d heard Grey’s ill-disguised subtext clear as day “-but I, for one, am aware of the change in circumstance,” she said, drifting closer and leaving her silver guards standing, uncertain, at the entrance. Unsaid – and not something she was ever going to say – was the notion that anyone who’d managed to ignore the evidence of their senses up to this point was severely deficient in the brains department.

Painfully so, in point of fact, although I cannot as yet divine the why or how. The usual Greater Powers do not casually answer my summons-” the GMs; the Message spell still lurked in the vaults of her memory, but singularly failed to give a response when she’d tried it “-and the standard contingency against failure is also...not a viable option.” The emergency disconnect, in other words. “On the plus side, I am currently much more intimately wound with this mortal world. Senses are…enhanced, even ones for which I have little need. I would be unsurprised if others have noted the same.

Morningstar sighed, then, looking around at the players – in varying states of shock and rage, to which she was by no means immune, although something seemed to breathe calm serenity into her very bones with every breath, sapping the worst excesses of her emotions and granting clarity, if not actual peace – and the NPC staff lining the throne room’s pillared expanse, their expressions a varied refrain on worry and confusion. “Understand that I mean no offence to the loyal imperial staff, but might this not be a circumstance in which we would be better served with a private conference? I mislike speaking in circumlocutions.” For all that she was good at it.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

Grey listened to the words of the angel but before he could do much of anything he was interrupted. The door's halls were pushed open violently. And the loud boot steps that followe clanged with hardened metal, and leather. "SPEAK NOT IN FANCY WORDS ANGEL! FOR WE ARE THE SONS OF MAN! GREATER THAN ANY GOD! Nam quis major est nobis numine. Nam sumus omnes filii hominum, qui rem suam det illi deorum! Lord Grey you have called and I have come! WHAT IS THAT YOU MAY CALL UPON THE EMPIRE'S invicta communia? IS IT A NEW GRAND CAMPAIGN!? THE UNWORTHY SHALL BE PURGED FOR WE ARE magnifico! IF NOT THEN TELL ME FOR I AM HERE TO SERVE AND FOREVER BE VICTORIOUS!" Claudius shouted loudly as he strolled in radiating pure confidence, and power his hands spread wide open. He ignored the players, and the other npcs as he strolled up to the throne. His masked steel helmet was made to resemble a roman centurion's. His armor was also made exactly to mark himself as a roman too. His creator had purposely made him like that to invoke the power of the ancient empire for which they had taken their inspiration. Doux has told everyone he intended to make a character so full of pride, and power that his emotion would radiate among his men like a lantern in a pitch black night. His shield strapped to his back, and his sword clanging against his armor. His golden cape fluttered behind him. The ultimate commander of the Arce Bellum NPC's, at least the main military forces as Severnus took care of the frumentarii. The Grand Patriach was in charge of the dungeons, and clerics. And Marcus took care of the support staff.

Next to him stood the hulking giant of an NPC. Gregory Dolton. A man in full body plate armor which had been marked in intricately imprinted engravings. He held in his hand a massive pole axe that looked like it could lift up a horse into the air with minimal effort. Given that his full body was covered one could not so much as see his face underneath all that hulking steel. He was a guardian class Arce Bellum's premier non-player tank. Practically made to be an unkillable wall of a man. His muscular, and massive figure made for an imposing sight. He clanged his mailed fist against his chest plate. "Lord Greyedout I have come as requested! The twins will be here shortly too though they were not requested. They went to go retrieve the Lord Patriarch." came the gruff voice of Dolton as he looked up at him.

"May I ask why you incline to sit on the throne of our emperor? Lord MaxUltra should be sitting there with all do respect." Dolton further stated as Grey sighed and looked down at them. "I welcome Grand Legate Claudius The Legendary. And I also welcome you too Gregory. My finest knights should be here after all. As for Our lord...I will get to that in the mean time. Lady RuininRed....to answer your question I asked them to come because we should all be here to understand the current circumstances that we find ourselves in...after all MaxUltra's status needs to be discussed." Grey told Morningstar. Thankfully they had followed so far. He didn't want to make things go out the door so to speak and alienate themselves toward the NPC's. If they could find out more about this place then perhaps they would be able to find out what was going on. As for Max...he was gone which meant that he had to establish some sort of for hold and get the loyalty of the NPC's on his side. Some may see it as a power play though...of course being the senior to MaxUltra meant that it shouldn't go awry either. Yuna was here to bail him out if all things went wrong.
Claudius boasted loudly slamming his hands against his chest. "They are necessary they are also greater beings and the more assistance we have the better we are as a state I ask that you tolerate them Claudius."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kharne tromped along, listening to the others talk to the npc's or observe their surroundings. He got over the fact he could actually feel and smell things. The group approached the Throne Room, heading towards the sound of the witchblade yelling at the paladin. Shaking his head he went off to the side, clearly trying to avoid any confrontation that might come about. It was clearly a sibling argument judging by how familiar the two were.

The angel tried to get this to be a purely player conversation, trying to get the npc's out so they could all talk normally. Only he and the undead had the luxury of talking how they wished really. Maybe the witchblade. His thoughts were interrupted by quite possibly the most loud and prideful being he had ever been forced to listen to. Turning agitated eyes towards the new npc. "Everyone is right here you don't need to shout, numbskull." He growled out. His own voice carried just fine without him having to raise it.

Kharne palmed his face when Claudius started hollering again, this time at one of the npc's. Dolton if his ringing ears had heard correctly. At least this one spoke at a normal volume and seemed more respectful. Probably the lack of insanely high pride. "Kings, queens, emperors and empresses mostly met people in the throne room because it was used for council meetings. There's nothing sacred or majestic about a shiny chair on a raised portion of rock..." He muttered, the tone low but still audible to most in the room. He was purposefully trying to ruffle the overblown peacocks feathers now.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 5 mos ago

There was a pause as Astrid's attention finally turned from Grey to the speaking NPC. Or was it a real person now? Or was she fake and they were fake and now everything was fake? Maybe this was a really terrible dream? Finally she narrowed her eyes, and focused in on Marcus, mostly to toss back wisecracks. "I see you're still gathering dust here." Astrid said, eyes hidden beneath that fabric she wore over her eyes. "And banishment? Why I barely recall it. At best I remember a formal letter I sent."
"It was very rude..." One of the guardsman muttered softly, but loud enough for the banished Witchblade to hear. "You sent what looked like a man deficating himself."
"It was a winky face." Astrid hissed right back, with a little disappointment in her tone. Well, could be worse... They could have kept and framed the note. Which she was sure later down the line she'd very well find if she stuck around. "Anyway, Marcus, is it? You'd very well be surprised what ends up being the fault of 'Lord Greyedout.'" She added a little trill to her voice, as if that was the only way to say it without bursting into laughter.

As the angel, Miss RuininRed, spoke about changes, Astrid couldn't help but think about her weapon. Something about it... It's living status, the fact that in lore is slowly worked to sap the soul from the player... And that it needed to kill or it'd devour the players soul. Thankfully animals counted, but for how long?
"Miss Ruined in Beige, was it?" Astrid said, taking a step closer to the seraph. "That's a very good observation, but I think one more tangible question lies ahead of us, that I think none of us are asking yet. If we're feeling such changes, we cannot be the only ones. And whats more, the world outside. Is it all there still? Is this merely an isolated incident?" She turned to look at Grey, as if to silently tell him that this world they knew so well, YGGDRASIL, could very well be more dangerous than ever. New rules, maybe?

Before she could inquire further, the doors burst open, and in stepped more of the same. Loud voices. Louder NPCs, and louder troubles. Listening to all of Claudius' shouting, all Astrid could feel motivated to do was clap her hands together. "Ah yes. Claudius, and Dolton. How are the twins? Still causing their own set of troubles, or devoting themselves to the pious arts?" She half expected to find herself on the whipping end of some grand rant. Something about wearing such dark and miserable clothing, or maybe something about how she should be executed for returning from her banishment. "At the very least stop shouting... This room was designed for grand speeches, not bickering."

"Lizard man, calm yourself... We're in my brother's throne room. Bickering with his subjects is both a waste of your time, and mine. They're so pious and dedicated to their roles that not even I could sway one of them to leave with me." Astrid snapped her fingers at Kharne, as if to draw his attention to her. "We're guests, and the tempers around here are like candles."
"As if I brave soldier of our guild would listen to a betrayer! You were a champion once, and then you listened to the seductive lies of that sword."
"Oh shut up, I'm not up for roleplaying right now." Astrid snapped, leaving that poor knight to wonder just what roleplaying was.
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

"YOU MAY BE A GREATER ONE BUT YOU CLEARLY HAVE NO KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT MAKES TRUE GREATNESS! THE THRONE IS A SYMBOL! HE WHO SITS IN IT COMMANDS THE RESPECT, AND MAJESTY OF THE WHOLE OF AN EMPIRE! ARCE BELLUM WAS MADE BY FORCES BEYOND ANYONE HERE, AND THE ONE WHO COMMANDS IT IS IN CHARGE OF KEEPING IT THAT WAY! THE THRONE IS NO MORE A SIMPLE CHAIR THAN MY SWORD IS REFINED IRON!" Claudius exclaimed loudly as he took notice of Astrid's comment. He had chosen to ignore her up until that point. "YOUR BROTHER'S THRONE!? I ACCEPT HIS PRESENCE AS STEWARD AS PROCLAIMED BY LORD MAXULTRA! ONLY HE MADE SIT THER-" Claudius kept exclaiming as Dolton held up a hand and grabbed his friend's shoulder. As two blonde twins, one with green eyes, and the other with purple. They both had white suits on, and both were male. They smiled and flipped into the throne room using acrobatic skills as they smiled up at Grey. "Hey my lord! Sorry we couldn't get Hardin out of the dungeons...he said he refused to come under such circumstances. He did send Cleric Kain though." said the purple twin his name was Quinn. He was the younger twin but he was a pretty dangerous rogue/wizard hybrid. The green one raised up a thumb "Don't worry about it though I'm sure he means no disrespect! He's just being...Hardin." The green eyed twin named Samson said as suddenly the white cloaked elder man shuffled into the room. Unlike his brother he was a rogue fighter. A quick, and deadly sword user with surprising talent.

"You're late...and does Hardin truly mean to disrespect the greater beings. The Grand Patriarch is above such pettiness." Dolton said with a rough voice as the aged cleric Kain growled. "I am here to represent him. He does not wish any tricks to be played in the vault while we stay here. He is sure that all of us being here is enough for something so important that ALL of the grand imperial officers, and even the children are here. Is it what I believe it is? The news about Lord Ultra?" questioned Kaine as Grey sighed figuring it would be best to get this over with. "First off Astrid...I'd like you to reconsider your last statement...if only for the fact that you should look around, and see what is obviously right in front of you. If not try sending a message..." Grey said with a dismissive grumble as he then turned his attention to the others.

"Lord MaxUltra has ascended. He is no longer with the Empire. He will not be coming back. As such we need to declare a new Emperor." Grey said as a collective gasp, and fear spread across the former npc's. "I feared as much...however that leaves few options for leadership. Since Queen is not applicable as a member of the Empire any longer the most obvious choice is Lord Grey." Marcus said with a calm firmness but he was shaken still by the words. "Is this a power grab Lord Grey. I honestly wish for the truth. I will not raise my weapon against you but this seems a bit too soon." commented Dolton as Claudius, for once in his life stood there flabbergasted. "MY LORD DOLTON! How dare you! Would my master, and creator Lord Greyedout intentionally steal power from Lord Max? I don't think so. I hope so at least. If he says Lord Max is gone then...he's gone." Yuna called out as Dolton looked up at Grey waiting for answers. "I will forgive you insult for the time being but yes I am serious Maxultra is no longer with us...and that leaves a power vacuum that needs to be filled. I am the only ranking member of the Empire's Greater Ones here. Thus I believe I must assume the throne. I don't wish for it but if it means the Empire becomes splintered otherwise than I shall undertake this throne. After all Claudius what is the rule of the Empire's throne?" questioned Grey as Claudius spoke up immediately. "The throne must NEVER be vacated. There must always be an emperor." Claudius said somberly but he pulled out his sword and clasped it to his chest. "I sense no lies...Lord Grey I will serve the Army of Valor exists to serve the throne." Claudius said sadly as if his chest had been ripped open he did not weep but he was shell shocked over the quick loss of his figurehead. Dolton remained silent for the moment and that is when Kain spoke up clanging his staff as the twins who had been standing there confused flinched at the sound of it.

"This is QUITE annoying...but it is true. I saw Maxulta leave with my own eyes. I thought he'd come back but if he was still here he would already have arrived. I speak for the clerics and I will promise we will stand with the Empire...as always. However does any of the other great ones have something to share? Anyone we're missing? If there is any other suitable, or credible enough to challenge the throne claim by Grey then we shall hear it...scouts have found no others in the castle, or the town yet. As such Grey is the only legitimate Greater Being with claim to being Basileus." Kain said with a neutral tone but he didn't appear to be happy on the matter at hand.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kharne's eyes cut to Astrid when she snapped her fingers at him. His eyebrow raised up slowly, mostly in annoyance at the gesture. "I'm perfectly calm, Witchblade. As for candle tempers...a single puff of breath can extinguish a candle" He stated, he probably sounded agitated but that was the natural growl and hiss his voice held. Groaning he turned back towards Claudius who was once again bellowing up a storm about symbols and about controlling an empire. Looking around the throne room he simply shook his head.

"An empire consisting of a few lieutenants, a small mass of soldiers, and a few higher beings. This is more of a fiefdom than an empire." He stated, letting the roman looking man cling to his symbols. Shaking his head he started for the door to see what was going on outside this neon white palace. Grey could talk it out with his npc's, if anything important was going to be said it'd have been said by now since the players had all been present.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

After so many years, the day had finally come. She had lived her life here, fighting, laughing, crying. Others came and went but through it all she remained. It was fitting that in the end the Order threw a gala. She did her best to laugh and smile, pretending to enjoy herself and reminisce with the others. In truth her heart was breaking. Sure it was just a game to most people but to her this was her only life. She dreaded the thought of being stuck in that prison again, losing everything she had built and fought to preserve.

The party was dying down as the hour grew near. She quietly slipped away from the hall and used teleportation magic to find one of the highest points in Arce Bellum. On top of one of the tallest towers she could see the town below and the surrounding area. A perfect place to be alone... and to cry. She couldn't help herself. As she sat there thinking of all the wonderful things she'd have to leave behind the tears just came. No one would see her so it was fine. It was almost time, each tick of the clock seemed to last for an eternity. She gazed upon her empire for the last time, the salt of her tears.... wait what?

She was still in YGGDRASIL yet, she could taste her tears. She tried to access the menu but it wasn't there. She tried to think, what could be happening? Is she dreaming? No, she could never taste things in her dreams. It was strange, she could feel her body, the soft texture of her robes, she could smell the air, feel the breeze on her face. It was as if she was absolutely living in this world at this moment. Maybe, it could be real? A voice called from below, unfamiliar
"M'Lady I've found you at last!" It was a female sentry, she looked like she had probably been running around for a while. "M'Lady, everyone has been summoned to the great hall please make your way there with haste." Nanami jumped down to the ramparts where the sentry stood. " I'll make my way there now, please return to your duties for now." She smiled softly at the sentry. I don't know what's going on but talking NPCs are amazing! The sentry saluted and went on her way. A thought occurred to her that everyone but Greyedout had logged out before the scheduled shut down so did that mean that she and him were the only ones left in the Empire? Maybe, and if all the NPCs were like the sentry then they'll probably be confused about what's going on as well. She'd have to head to the great hall to find out more.

"Greater Teleportation!"

In an instant she was in the great hall. She arrived just in time to hear Lord Grey more or less proclaiming himself the new emperor. "Forgive my late arrival Lord Grey, I was um... preoccupied." It occurred to her that she most definitely looked like she had been crying, she hoped no one would notice. She surveyed the room. Did this mean they were the only players left? "As you can see you're not the only uh... Greater One in the empire so if you truly don't wish to take the throne then I could possibly bear the mantle. Regardless of whom the successor may be I will endeavor towards the prosperity of this empire as I always have."

Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

"Quinn take the angel, and the undead, and leave the room they seem to have nothing more to say." told Grey to his subordinate as he waved his hand the young boy smiled, and nodded. "Right this way! Remember if you try anything funny I have permission from Master Hardin to break your bones!" the boy said with a coy smile as he led the remaining group out of the room. "If you want to go somewhere in specific just ask as long as its not important I will show you around! Arce Bellum is as wide, and big as the world!" Quinn said as his twin looked at Grey unsure about what was going on Grey told him he could leave too if he desired but if he wanted to leave he could. But Samson made no move to leave the room. However when the temple's teleportation magic arouse he wondered who had come to visit him. As Summerbreeze entered he felt a sign of relief it wasn't someone more troublesome...but then they opened their mouth. When she challenged him to the throne he felt a pit form in his gut. It wasn't a direct challenge she was offering but it was still a challenge none the less. Which meant that the roman NPC's would..."My lord Grey it would seem that someone of your stature is indeed still with us! Do you accept Summerbreeze's challenge for the rank of Basileius?" questioned Claudius as Kain spoke up, "He has no choice to if he is to remain on that throne." Kain said as Grey stood up and looked at her.

"Do you feel you are qualified to take the throne of an empire? To take a seat meant to rule ALL these people in this room, and the soldiers? To lead the army of valor? And to lead us all to a proper course? Then by all means take a seat. My liege." Grey said with a clearly sarcastic tone. He knew of Summmer's previous conditions in real life it was whispered among the core of the Imperii. She was in not way, or shape ready to take that throne but by all means if she wanted to take the burden off him, and put it on HER shoulders that was her choice. He didn't want to take it that far not more than he wanted that blasted throne himself. But he refused to be taken lightly in front of the group like this less he smear his own image. Summer clearly didn't mean to insult him but she was not in his eyes capable of leading. But there was an expectation for Grey to do something. so he made his intention clear. If she proved to be insufficient for the job then failing would mean..."I have no right to judge geater beings but I must say even if Grey's claim does seem like a power grab I am unsure if Lady Summerbreeze is capable of leading us. She is hardly of the caliber of Lord BorntobeBad. But she does have the right to challenged Greyedout for the throne." Dolton said flatly as he stood unafraid of the words he had chose. "An interesting turn of events. I am sure you're ready to back up your claim Lady Breeze?" Marcus asked as he stared at her.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Reflection
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Reflection Slightly Stressed but Flawless

Member Seen 5 mos ago

All this talk of ascension was... In a way odd to Astrid. Or was she Killer Queen now. Either way, the way Grey seemed to so easily slip into his role, it was terrifying. And she was jealous. as she watched the bickering servants, and her own brother... She felt like an outsider for the first time. Her exile had originally been played like a cosmic joke, but here? It felt so tangible. The way others looked at her, it felt like she was being judged, on trail. And that was like an itch. An itch that nagged at the back of her head as she stepped back, a deep breath filling her lungs. The air was so different. It felt old, and tired. And she felt so... Terrified. Her breathing kept reminding her that this whole place was wrong. Eventually, the witch turned from the throne room. "Brother, I'll be leaving, I need to take a breath outside." Astrid said, turning to look at Grey. He seemed so at peace, it made her sick.

As she turned, she bumped shoulders with Natsumi, who teleported right in front of her. It took a moment for Astrid to take it in, and she staggered about, watching the newcomer. No, not a newcomer. She swore she'd seen her before. But right now, she needed outside. She needed fresh air. She NEEDED to not be here. Her senses kicked into gear, and a hand raised to her mouth. The world began to spin, everything felt sick an- A hand pressed against her back, and she vomited over one of the palace walls.
"You feeling better, witch?" The speaker waited until she was done for a moment or two before asking her. Astrid leaned over the rail, world feeling sick, and the fresh air of the outdoors filling her lungs. until finally, she vomited once again, despite her stomach being empty from the first.
"I'm not a witch." Astrid said, after the longest pause. "I don't know what's going on, but none of this is real. You're not real. NONE OF T-" She leaned back, finally turning to her rescuer. It was the guard who'd called her a betrayer. "Nevermind. You wouldn't care what I have to say." She said after looking him in the eyes. This was a true believer, and she never believed in anything. Only winning. She had only been online because she wanted to keep winning, and now? She felt punished.
"Well, I'm a healer too, so I figured I should at least show some concern for you." He said, trying his best to smile.
Don't listen to him. He's planning to betray you. To turn you against me. The voice of the blade spoke up in her head again, and Astrid rubbed her temples. "Look, thank you, but no. I can't deal with this right now. I want to go home. I want to sleep. I shouldn't even have come here."
"Of course, you're a betrayer. I'm sure all the glory of the church is why you're sick."
"I'm pretty sure that's because of stress." She mumbled out, before leaning over the rail just in case she had to vomit in stress again.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by Kazemitsu
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Kazemitsu The Dragon

Member Seen 14 hrs ago

Kharne cast an eye to the npc who accompanied him at Grey's request. "Your guild has nothing I want or anything I can't make myself. But you're welcome to try and break something on me." He stated, while he was no perfect tank he could most likely take anything the twin threw at him. When the twin spoke again he had to repress a groan, whoever made this one made them believe what he was saying. "Keep the propaganda speech to a low, kid..." He muttered as he went down the hall everyone had originally come in through.

It didn't take long for the lizardman to enter the party area then actually go outside. Everyone could go on a tour of Arce Bellum but he wanted out. It was too damn bright in there and the npc's attitudes annoyed him. Once he set foot outside though he heard a splattering sound. Looking off to the side he raised an eyebrow, then his eyes went up. It seemed Astrid wasn't feeling to good up on that balcony.

The joys of just flowing with things, you didn't get to stressed out. Raising a hand he gave her a simple wave before looking around to take in their surroundings. His nostrils flared, scenting the air as well, no reason to just rely on sight after all.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

"Well FINE then Mister Crab be that way I'll just do what I do I guess...jeez didn't know greater beings held grudges against kids. I wish Lord Ultra was here...he was amazing at talking to people..." grumbled Quinn as he stayed quiet he frowned but he didn't speak up further simply waddling along as he helped lead the way to the exit of the building. As he wandered along he eventually got bored since Kharne had decided to look down on him, and not wanted to be called a propagandist he didn't even know what that was. Quinn played with the mangled set of iron that he needed to untangle from itself. Hearing someone barf in the near distance he paid no attention. After all what was going to happen will happen, and the clerics could help more than him...which wasn't all true rogues did had a sense for curing sickness. If one could cause sickness they better know how to cure it just in case. Looking out over Arce Bellum he could see in the distance the town, and he smiled to himself. "I wonder if Granny Baker has any pie today? That'd be great! I'll go see her later with Sam." he told himself not really paying anymore attention to Kharne as he needed. He was a guest after all he didn't want to be too mean even if he was a jerk."
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

It seemed that her words had led her into some kind of challenge for the throne. "Such a typical response from you Lord Grey..." she started as Dolton spoke up and practically called her insignificant. His words stung, a lot, but she had to set him straight. "Lord Grey is not making a grab for power. In the absence of Emporer MaxedUltra we as greater beings have a duty to maintain the unity and strength of the empire. It was not my intention to propose a challenge but to state the facts. If one of us cannot or will not take the throne the other must, lest the empire crumble. If anything I would propose that Lord Grey take me as his wife and empress so that we may create a royal line an.... The gravity of her last sentence settled in and she looked back to Lord Grey "a-and produce an heir to carry on the legacy of the empire... Yup, she said that. She seriously just proposed marriage on the spot.

It wasn't as if the thought had never occurred to her and well he practically was the last man on the planet or at least the last one from earth. It was a sound suggestion though right? Assuming that they live here now and there weren't going to be any new players logging in to take their place the empire needed a royal lineage to secure it's power. Yeah that's why she suggested it.

At this point Nanami had trailed off and spaced out for a few seconds before realizing all eyes were still on her. "Well then, Lord Grey, will you... make me your empress?" It wasn't that bad a deal right? I mean she was fit and her avatar, looking mostly like her was a rather beautiful sight in her opinion. She cared for the empire as much as he did she thought so he wouldnt risk dissention from her, she would never betray her children, thats what the were to her anyway. Judging from their reactions and judgments from Dolton she probably wouldn't have been accepted by herself. Besides all that it was for the good of the empire so she had to do everything in her power. She stared at Grey intensely awaiting an answer.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

Wa...wait what!? Was she serious!? Dolton, and Claudius were dumbstruck as well apparently as Dolton almost dropped his axe, and Claudius for once in his life was stammering for something to say. The words he managed to get out were managed, and confused. Yuna almost shouted at the thought as she looked pitifully at Grey. "I-I are you seriously purposing to me at this point in time?" Grey said with a complete lack of unprofessionalism. He kept his mouth shut for a moment as Marcus chuckled confidently as he walked up, and knelt down in front of Grey. "If it pleases my master then by all means I believe Kain is more than capable of performing a marriage rite for you. He is after all a cleric of the church of man." Marcus said as Yuna nervously walked up to Grey. "Is this really going to happen Lord Grey? This is so out of left field I...I don't know what do say." commented Yuna as Grey pulled out his sword and slammed the hilt onto the ground calling for silence. Grey sat there for a moment as the talkative crowd subsided. Dolton looked at Grey, "Such an act would be unprecedented. I heard his majesty Ultra had a bride...but she never appeared here. To have a wife would be a completely new thing..." Dolton said out of the silence as Grey glared down at Dolton who bowed his head for speaking out.

"I-I'm not sure what to say I didn't know you had...interests in such matters. Hahaha..." Grey managed say aloud with a awkward laugh. "I...I would normally consider such an option but current circumstances may...muddle such an affair. We may consider this later at a more appropriate time. Consider that we know little to nothing of the surrounding area Summerbreeze I hope you don't mind if you allow me to take time to consider such a thing." Grey said with a calm tone but inside he was really conflicted on one hand...a girl had never offered him something like this before..on the other hand he had no idea if this world could even produce something like this they were in a strange wonderland. "If you're willing to accept the role of Decemviri...or rather Law Maker of the Throne until then you can retain some of that authority you're looking for. At least you'll be able to work alongside Dolton, our resident law bringer, in bringing an end to chaos. Think of it as practice for what would come of being beside me." Grey said as Yuna visibly sighed and Claudius nodded. "I BELIEVE HIS MAJESTY IS CORRECT. IF THERE IS NO MORE CONTENDERS TO THE THRONE THEN BY ALL MEANS WE SHALL SERVE LORD GREY! NOW THAT, THAT IS SETTLED WE SHALL OVERCOME OUR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE BY PLANNING A CONQUEST! I SUGGEST THAT LORD DOLTON, GREY, SUMMERBREEZE, AND SEVERNUS ACCOMPANY ME TO PLAN THE MISSION!" Claudius shouted with gusto returning to his form. "I'd like to hear summerbreeze's opinion on that before then...also you're not to call me Lord Greyedout anymore. I shall be called Basileius Grey Andal of the Imperii. Rather simply call me Lord Grey if it pleases you for a simpler title." Grey told them as Claudius acknowledged him with a stiff salute as he smashed his hand against his armor where his heart would be.
Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Rejected.... That stung a lot as well. At least he would think on it. Actually, she should probably think on it as well. She was only thinking of what the empire would need in the future but she came out and proposed! UGHHHH what have I done!? Guys are supposed to ask girls to marry them! Crap, he probably thinks I'm easy or something. Wait, I've only just begun living in this world full-time and I'm already getting married!? It's too soon! I'm not ready! Get it together Nanami you're a Greater Being you have to do what's best for the empire, it's your duty! So many thoughts running around in her head she barely snapped back in time to realize she had been named Decemviri.

"Lord Grey." She knelt down and bowed her head. Her face was red and she was seconds away from tears so she was glad no one could see her face at the moment. "I humbly accept the title of Decemviri, Law Maker of the Throne, and all it's duties and privileges. I will endeavor to shape our empire into a prosperous society in your name, Your Majesty." She rose to look at the rest of the room and gave a curt bow. "Henceforth I shall be known as Decemviri Nanami Natsumi De Ordine Imperii, you may address me simply as Lady Nanami if you wish. Um.... please be kind to me!" Crap, that last part makes me sound like I'm in high school!

Realizing she had been wearing her Monk's Kasa(hat) the whole time she quickly removed it and deposited it in her item box. Brushing off her her embarrassment from earlier she turned to Grey once more. "My Lord Grey, would you like to hear my assessment now or shall we discuss in private?" Her posture was entirely formal but her eyes were pleading for him to get the hint. She wanted to apologize for coming out of nowhere. she wanted to be sure he wasn't angry or displeased with her actions. Most importantly, she needed to process what has happened with another player.

Hidden 7 yrs ago Post by vancexentan
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vancexentan Hawk of Endymion

Member Seen 19 days ago

"If you make light of that position, even as a greater being, I will not hesitate to call you on that. If you wish to be called by the empire's title then you will earn it. The law is order. The law is strength. The law is cold, and brutal. With that being said I welcome my new superior. May we fight together, and may we bring order to those who call themselves lawless." Dolton said to Nanami but he bowed towards Grey as he slammed his mighty pole axe on the ground, and the others followed in suit. Severnus appeared next to Grey as if from nowhere and acknowledged his master, "The frumentarri bow only to the greatest. Lord Grey I acknowledge you as my emperor. My spies will go as you need them just ask and I will have them do as they will. Let blood be blood, and shadow fill all the gaps." the whole group acknowledged him which made him feel sick internally. Grey was no natural leader. He was no warlord even if his class stated otherwise. He was some geeky shut in for most of his life. And now he was stuck as an emperor...who would have known? He would have to live up to this to be bigger than himself. It was something he wasn't worthy of and these npcs...they trust him implicitly due to his class, and race. The others though...When Nanami spoke up he decided it would be best if he had the room cleared for now. "I appreciate the loyalty. You may all vacate the room to fulfill your duties. Claudius I will meet you in the war room. For now I will hear what Summerbreeze or rather Nanami has to say to me." Grey said as the rest of the npc's bowed, and decided to leave as Grey ordered Kain being quick to leave himself. The others gave their honorary goodbyes except Yuna who stayed put. "You may wait outside Yuna there's no need to worry." Grey said patting his subordinate on the shoulder as she smiled at him, and then nodded at Nanami she left the room in a hurry. "Ugh.....alright...what is it you need?" Grey asked in exhaustion. "This is going to be one hell of a charade to put up...that made me really tired...and sorry for the sarcasm...had to play the part well."
Hidden 7 yrs ago 7 yrs ago Post by SuperNova9000
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SuperNova9000 She/Her pronouns

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Moment the others left the room Nanami practically collapsed on the ground in front of Grey, some of her hair fell loose from the ribbon tying it back. "Tsukareta(I'm exhausted)! Why did we make Dolton so intense? He was staring so hard I thought I'd die! He's Lawful Good to a tee..." She adjusted herself more comfortably and looked up at Grey. "I don't really mind the act. You're pretty magnificent when you're being all regal hehe!" She gave him a genuine smile and took a deep breath. "I wanted to apologize too... for springing that on you. I just... You know before this um, incident, moving around was almost like possessing a person. I never really felt the same kind of connection I used to when I was a gymnast but now... now it's different. I can feel my muscles, my hair, the cool breeze from outside. I can smell the air. When I move my body... She looks down and examines her hands for a moment. "... I feel the same confidence I did when I practice my moves on the balance beam. I just... I just know that this is where I am. Completely." Despite doing her best to hold back her eyes begin to water. "I know I didn't talk about it much but Gymnastics were my whole life before YGGDRASIL. I practiced every day, every night. I almost made the Olympics but... you probably know why I had so much down time. So for me, this is a miracle. I have my body back! Sorry to just dump that on you. I'm sure you have a lot of feelings to process too right now. Want to talk about it? I'm happy to listen." @vancexentan
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