Name: Haruka Sakamoto
Age: 19
Crest: Courage
Appearance: Haruka is short, slim, and wiry, built more like a runner than anything else. She has shoulder-length, dusty-rosé-colored hair and brown eyes, with soft, androgynous features, commonly hardened with an angry scowl. Wears dark colors mostly, to match with her favorite black leather jacket. Wears tinted goggles around her neck, in case of extreme sunlight- she’s sensitive to light.
Bio: Born to a low-level Yakuza enforcer, Haruka has never really had a comfortable sense of identity. It might have something to do with the fact that she was raised male. Despite being born a boy, she never really had typically ‘male’ features, such as a strong jawline or broad shoulders, or even a tall height. This suited Haruka just fine, though, as she realized more and more that she didn’t feel so much like a “he.” Predictably, this caused issues with her extremely traditional family, especially her father, who would routinely try to beat the femininity out of her, sometimes even putting her in the hospital. On one such occasion, Haruka was even struck in the head with a heavy object- which resulted in her exacerbated light sensitivity.
Eventually, tired of being tormented and hurt for her identity, tired of having to hide who she truly was, Haruka managed to scrape up enough money to leave her abusive household, and make her own way in the world. Sadly, the damage had already been done- rather than feel relieved to be free, Haruka was terrified of the world outside, fearful of who might react to her in the same way her father had. She tried to cover her fear with hard, stony silence and anger, which kept any potential victimizers at bay, but also left her just as alone as before, only deepening the spiral into which she now sunk.
Currently working security at a hotel (she may be small, but she’s strong and knows how to fight), Haruka is desperately trying to use her thorny exterior to her advantage, all the while never having the strength to truly leave her past behind…
Age: 19
Crest: Courage
Appearance: Haruka is short, slim, and wiry, built more like a runner than anything else. She has shoulder-length, dusty-rosé-colored hair and brown eyes, with soft, androgynous features, commonly hardened with an angry scowl. Wears dark colors mostly, to match with her favorite black leather jacket. Wears tinted goggles around her neck, in case of extreme sunlight- she’s sensitive to light.
Bio: Born to a low-level Yakuza enforcer, Haruka has never really had a comfortable sense of identity. It might have something to do with the fact that she was raised male. Despite being born a boy, she never really had typically ‘male’ features, such as a strong jawline or broad shoulders, or even a tall height. This suited Haruka just fine, though, as she realized more and more that she didn’t feel so much like a “he.” Predictably, this caused issues with her extremely traditional family, especially her father, who would routinely try to beat the femininity out of her, sometimes even putting her in the hospital. On one such occasion, Haruka was even struck in the head with a heavy object- which resulted in her exacerbated light sensitivity.
Eventually, tired of being tormented and hurt for her identity, tired of having to hide who she truly was, Haruka managed to scrape up enough money to leave her abusive household, and make her own way in the world. Sadly, the damage had already been done- rather than feel relieved to be free, Haruka was terrified of the world outside, fearful of who might react to her in the same way her father had. She tried to cover her fear with hard, stony silence and anger, which kept any potential victimizers at bay, but also left her just as alone as before, only deepening the spiral into which she now sunk.
Currently working security at a hotel (she may be small, but she’s strong and knows how to fight), Haruka is desperately trying to use her thorny exterior to her advantage, all the while never having the strength to truly leave her past behind…
Name: Sharp
Personality: Full of energy, always passionately charging forward to the next objective. Tries to be a moderating influence to Haruka’s rage through his positivity. Hard to discourage, though he knows when to back off. Sometimes.
Stage- Baby
Species: Mokumon
Attribute: None
1: Smoke
Stage- In-Training
Species: PetiMeramon
Attribute: None
1: Fireball
Stage- Rookie
Species: Vorvomon
Attribute: Virus
1: Petit Flame
Stage- Champion
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
Stage- Ultimate
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
Stage- Mega
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
Personality: Full of energy, always passionately charging forward to the next objective. Tries to be a moderating influence to Haruka’s rage through his positivity. Hard to discourage, though he knows when to back off. Sometimes.
Stage- Baby
Species: Mokumon
Attribute: None
1: Smoke
Stage- In-Training
Species: PetiMeramon
Attribute: None
1: Fireball
Stage- Rookie
Species: Vorvomon
Attribute: Virus
1: Petit Flame
Stage- Champion
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
Stage- Ultimate
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
Stage- Mega
Species: ???
Attribute: ???
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