Nickname(s): Jules (His sister is really the only one who calls him this), Chris, and some call him by just his last name.
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Male.
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual.
Positive Traits:
Negative Traits:
-Child like
-Sometimes his optimism gets in the way of his perception of reality.
-Horror Movies
-Music: Pretty much any kind except opera.
-Any and all animals.
-His sister
-People messing with, flirting, bullying, -or anything else of the sort- towards his sister.
-Regular ties
-Any shade of the color orange.
Complete the following test to the best of your ability. Look at the two words, on a scale of one to ten (With one being on the left, ten on the right and 5 being neutral) how closely do you identify with the following words:
Extroverted 1 Introverted Lazy 6 Active Greedy 6 Generous
Sensing 5 Intuition Shy 9 Outgoing Sarcastic 5 Silly
Thinker 7 Feeler Sloppy 7 Neat Clumsy 8 Graceful
Judging 6 Perceiving Hotheaded 4 Calm Lifeless 10 Energetic
Grouchy 8 Nice Passive 5 Aggressive Low-Self Esteem 9 Confident
Serious 10 Playful Sensitive 5 Unemotional Absent Minded 6 Focused
Naive 7 Experienced Easy-Going 5 Hard-Headed Clueless 5 Observant
Childish 3 Mature Weak 7 Strong Safe 9 Risk-Taker
Coward 7 Brave Nondrinker 7 Alcoholic Good 5 Evil
Idiot 8 Genius Un-flirty 9 Flirty Perverted 2 Unperverted
Un-creative 6 Creative Sexual 3 Pure Disloyal 9 Loyal
Negative 9 Positive Unromantic 6 Hopeless-Romantic Envious 6 Satisfied
Sensing 5 Intuition Shy 9 Outgoing Sarcastic 5 Silly
Thinker 7 Feeler Sloppy 7 Neat Clumsy 8 Graceful
Judging 6 Perceiving Hotheaded 4 Calm Lifeless 10 Energetic
Grouchy 8 Nice Passive 5 Aggressive Low-Self Esteem 9 Confident
Serious 10 Playful Sensitive 5 Unemotional Absent Minded 6 Focused
Naive 7 Experienced Easy-Going 5 Hard-Headed Clueless 5 Observant
Childish 3 Mature Weak 7 Strong Safe 9 Risk-Taker
Coward 7 Brave Nondrinker 7 Alcoholic Good 5 Evil
Idiot 8 Genius Un-flirty 9 Flirty Perverted 2 Unperverted
Un-creative 6 Creative Sexual 3 Pure Disloyal 9 Loyal
Negative 9 Positive Unromantic 6 Hopeless-Romantic Envious 6 Satisfied
Family Members: Arlene Bishop : Age 39 : Mother : Neurosergeon
David Bishop : Age 43 : Father : Lawyer
Ember Bishop : Age 4 : Family Pet : Cuddle Extrodinare
History:Julian was born a full five minutes before his 'little' sister, and has never let her live it down, though she is the more punctual one to the day. He and Kora have shared every major milestone of their lives together, from preschool to prom - though they had separated dates, of course. Their child hood was fine, though their parents relationship has had it's fair share of ups and downs. Both of them being workaholics didn't help the fact. He and his sister spent most of their days playing in the back yard climbing trees, though as they got older they enjoy doing live streams of videogames together.
Their life has been mediocre, to say the least. They have had anything and everything they have ever wanted. However, with Kora being so quiet and shy, she was and is a target for bullies. This simple fact lead to Julian getting in some fights to defend his sisters honor, which lead to him getting suspended. This made Kora angry at him each time, though deep down she appreciated it. Kora graduated valedictorian of their class, Julian spiking the punch bowl at prom. Now the dynamic duo awaits whatever the future has in store for them.
Julian Christopher Bishop
"I actually find all of you interesting, in one way or another."
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
💘 Julian Christopher Bishop 💘
"I like me. I think me is cool. Wouldn't you agree?"
Relation Details
💞 Kora Cecily Bishop 💞
this thing has been a pain in my side from the moment she was born, but I will protect her with my life. I love her. She's my blood, my sister, my friend, my confidant. Hurt her and you'll find yourself in a world of pain."
Relation Details
Symbol Harvey Neilsen Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Aubree Brooks Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
🌓 Christina Partridge 🌓
"So... when Chris first moved here, I thought she was really pretty, and I might have tried to get into her pants. She didn't return the feeling, I moved on. I still really like her accent though."
Relation Details
Symbol Rupert "Pertie" Ingrid Puckett Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Henry "Pryor" Montgomery Jr. Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
💞 Lachlan Taylor Painter 💞
"My brotha from anotha motha. I love him. I really do."
Relation Details
Chelsea Pauline Prescott
Relation Details
Symbol Sadie Katlyn Hill Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Derek O'Leary Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Dakota Blake Burnley Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details

"If we're being honest, I'm scared. The future is completely unknow; Being an adult doesn't come with a hand book. Everyone wants me to make these decisions, and they want me to make them now. I just wish things would slow down, ya know?"
Nicknames: K, The Quiet One, Ra, CeCe.
Age: Eighteen.
Gender: Female.
Sexual Orientation: Panromantic Demisexual: She is attracted to anyone, despite their gender orientation, but not sexually attracted unless she has a strong bond with someone.
Positive Traits:
-Well behaved the vast majority of the time.
Negative Traits:
-Sometimes to observant (Notices things others tend not to.)
-Super Shy/Introverted
-Videogames (Call Of Duty, Halo, Dragon Age, Fortnite, etc.)
-Lots and lots and lots and LOTS of bands.
-Various band posters
-The Internet in General
-Dogs, especially fluffy ones.
-Summer nights
-Gym Class
-Meat: She's a vegetarian.
-Most of her teachers.
Complete the following test to the best of your ability. Look at the two words, on a scale of one to ten (With one being on the left, ten on the right and 5 being neutral) how closely do you identify with the following words:
Extroverted 9 Introverted Lazy 6 Active Greedy 7 Generous
Sensing 5 Intuition Shy 1 Outgoing Sarcastic 5 Silly
Thinker 4 Feeler Sloppy 4 Neat Clumsy 3 Graceful
Judging 4 Perceiving Hotheaded 7 Calm Lifeless 6 Energetic
Grouchy 5 Nice Passive 5 Aggressive Low-Self Esteem 2 Confident
Serious 5 Playful Sensitive 5 Unemotional Absent Minded 8 Focused
Naive 6 Experienced Easy-Going 7 Hard-Headed Clueless Observant
Childish 8 Mature Weak 6 Strong Safe 4 Risk-Taker
Coward 7 Brave Nondrinker 7 Alcoholic Good 5 Evil
Idiot 9 Genius Un-flirty 5 Flirty Perverted 6 Unperverted
Un-creative 9 Creative Sexual 5 Pure Disloyal 8 Loyal
Negative 5 Positive Unromantic 5 Hopeless-Romantic Envious 7 Satisfied
Sensing 5 Intuition Shy 1 Outgoing Sarcastic 5 Silly
Thinker 4 Feeler Sloppy 4 Neat Clumsy 3 Graceful
Judging 4 Perceiving Hotheaded 7 Calm Lifeless 6 Energetic
Grouchy 5 Nice Passive 5 Aggressive Low-Self Esteem 2 Confident
Serious 5 Playful Sensitive 5 Unemotional Absent Minded 8 Focused
Naive 6 Experienced Easy-Going 7 Hard-Headed Clueless Observant
Childish 8 Mature Weak 6 Strong Safe 4 Risk-Taker
Coward 7 Brave Nondrinker 7 Alcoholic Good 5 Evil
Idiot 9 Genius Un-flirty 5 Flirty Perverted 6 Unperverted
Un-creative 9 Creative Sexual 5 Pure Disloyal 8 Loyal
Negative 5 Positive Unromantic 5 Hopeless-Romantic Envious 7 Satisfied
Family Members: Arlene Bishop : Age 39 : Mother : Neurosergeon
David Bishop : Age 43 : Father : Lawyer
Ember Bishop : Age 4 : Family Pet : Cuddle Extrodinare
History: Julian was born a full five minutes before his 'little' sister, and has never let her live it down, though she is the more punctual one to the day. He and Kora have shared every major milestone of their lives together, from preschool to prom - though they had separated dates, of course. Their child hood was fine, though their parents relationship has had it's fair share of ups and downs. Both of them being workaholics didn't help the fact. He and his sister spent most of their days playing in the back yard climbing trees, though as they got older they enjoy doing live streams of videogames together.
Their life has been mediocre, to say the least. They have had anything and everything they have ever wanted. However, with Kora being so quiet and shy, she was and is a target for bullies. This simple fact lead to Julian getting in some fights to defend his sisters honor, which lead to him getting suspended. This made Kora angry at him each time, though deep down she appreciated it. Kora graduated valedictorian of their class, Julian spiking the punch bowl at prom. Now the dynamic duo awaits whatever the future has in store for them.
Character Name
Character Quote
⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣
⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣
⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣
⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣
Symbol Julian Christopher Bishop Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Kora Cecily Bishop Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Harvey Neilsen Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Aubree Brooks Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Christina Partridge Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Rupert "Pertie" Ingrid Puckett Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Henry "Pryor" Montgomery Jr. Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Lachlan Taylor Painter Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Chelsea Pauline Prescott Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Sadie Katlyn Hill Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Derek O'Leary Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details
Symbol Dakota Blake Burnley Symbol
"Overall Thoughts On The Character"
Relation Details