Aubree Brooks

"You don't need anyone to be yourself"
Age: 18 years old
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Male and female
Positive Traits: isn't afraid of anything, is very smart (she gets good grades on all the subjects, but she doesn't stand out in one of them, it's equally divided on all subjects), is good at sports, doesn't care about the gender of someone or where they came from (only how they behave themselves, what kind of person they are)
Negative Traits: within her thoughts she is very mean for people (it wouldn't show in her behaviour, she acts very friendly - in contrast of her unfriendly thinking - unless you directly ask her for her opinion about you, a lonely wolf, doesn't let anyone borrow anything from her as she can be very self-centered, can't laugh at jokes, she doesn't take negative comments well
Likes: cleaning, drinking alcohol to release the frustrations she experiences (it is the only way to do so as she is a calm person by nature, but everyone needs to unload theirs), running (at athletic level is her goal)
Dislikes: doing something like drawing or playing music or something as she isn't good at those creative things, people who aren't smart like her, people that don't treat her well (even though in her head she does the same, she doesn't like people who show their negative opinions in their behaviour)
9 Introverted Lazy
9 Active Greedy
1 Generous
7 Intuition Shy
2 Outgoing Sarcastic
1 Silly
8 Feeler Sloppy
10 Neat Clumsy
9 Graceful
2 Perceiving Hotheaded
8 Calm Lifeless
3 Energetic
9 Nice Passive
2 Aggressive Low-Self Esteem
9 Confident
3 Playful Sensitive
0 Unemotional Absent Minded
7 Focused
9 Experienced Easy-Going
8 Hard-Headed Clueless
9 Observant
9 Mature Weak
6 Strong Safe
1 Risk-Taker
10 Brave Nondrinker
9 Alcoholic Good
5 Evil
10 Genius Un-flirty
0 Flirty Perverted
8 Unperverted
2 Creative Sexual
10 Pure Disloyal
6 Loyal
9 Positive Unromantic
1 Hopeless-Romantic Envious
9 Satisfied
Family Members: her foster family contains a mother, a father and a little Brother of 14 (almost 15) years old
History (From Birth to High School Grad): When she was just a little child of 2 years old, her biological parents had a car accident and died almost immediatly. Her aunt was on drugs in the time and couldn't legally take her into her house, her uncle was in prison for stealing money from a company he worked at previously and her grandfather never liked the child or the father. That's why they send her to her foster family: a mother and a father who are (apart from the goodbye kiss in the morning) very distant from each other and their 3 kids (Daisy, Carol and Matt), all of them as spoiled as can be with an arrogant attitude.
The loss of her parents had a great impact on her as she studies almost all of the time so she didn't had to think about the tragic. The new family was nice to her, but she didn't quite get attached to them. That's why she believes that she doesn't need anyone, but can survive on her own (apart from needing the money she gets and things like that).
Her grades went up and up with each year, but her social skills were dropping. She didn't have many friends. Not that people didn't try to, she got a lot of attention from boys (mostly because of her looks, not her personality), but she never wanted to grow a close friendship with anyone.
All of her friendships are superficial and with the years her weird behaviour became worse and worse. She had one 'friend' named Sarah, but she pushed Sarah away from her because of the fact that she was someone who had sex with every boy, but Aubree didn't care about that stuff.
Nowadays most of her hobbies are cleaning the house, training her body and getting drunk. But she does all of that all alone.
She got a letter from her aunt one time while she was already at her foster family, it said that she was out of rehab (healed from her addiction) and that they should meet again and maybe Aubree could move in with her. At the betonning, she didn't hesitate for one second as it was her biological family and she didn't like the foster family. However, it seemed that she also arranged a marriage for her with a guy who didn't look bad. One that could make a lot of money for them... to buy drugs. She never spoke to her aunt again.