Alien Biology Deathcry is a warrior of the shi'ar race. While humanoid in appearance they greatly differ in Biology. The main differences are increased stamina, super-strength, durability, enchanced senses and their talons.
Increased Stamina: Shi'ar can far exceed human levels of stamina. When the average human is collapsing with exhaustion the average Shi'ar is only mildly winded.
Super-strength: An average Shi'ar can lift around one ton on Earth.
Durability: All Shi'ar have lightweight hollow bones. However this does not mean they are very breakable. They can take more punishment then your average human.
Enhanced Senses: All Shi'ar have superior sight, smell, taste, hearing, etc. It's not at superhuman levels but far more than your average human.
Talons: All Shi'ar have talons on the ends of their fingers and toes. They grow naturally and most Shi'ar care for them and sometimes even paint them like humans.
Super-strength: An average Shi'ar can lift around one ton on Earth.
Durability: All Shi'ar have lightweight hollow bones. However this does not mean they are very breakable. They can take more punishment then your average human.
Enhanced Senses: All Shi'ar have superior sight, smell, taste, hearing, etc. It's not at superhuman levels but far more than your average human.
Talons: All Shi'ar have talons on the ends of their fingers and toes. They grow naturally and most Shi'ar care for them and sometimes even paint them like humans.
Origin And Backstory
Deathcry was born Sharra Neramani. Her first name was never used in any company for it was the name of one of the most revered deities in Shi'ar culture. Instead she went by her last name or Nera. She was raised as a commando. She never knew her parents. She did know she was somehow related to the ruling family. This caused a lot of animosity among the other younglings in her clutch that were undergoing the same training. Nera always felt as if she had something to prove to the others. And she proved her right to be there through rage and violence. She quickly escalated up the ranks and became the best earning her commando name Deathcry. For she when unleashed her warcry her opponent died. After her induction to the commandos she went only by her new name.
Becoming a commando didn't mean everything was now happy for Deathcry. She still struggled to prove her worth and most of the other commandos did not want anything to do with her. The few exceptions became her closest friends. The most important to Deathcry was Casnal, her lover. The two had been part of the same clutch and had become commandos together. Their relationship was rocky and rather tenuous, but Deathcry clung to it with both hands. Perhaps this was her undoing. For when Casnal's other lover, a normal thing in Shi'ar culture, decided to insult Casnal and prey on Deathcry's insecurities during a meal, she flew into a rage. By the time the rest of the commandos had pulled her off her victim he was dead.
After the other commandos determined that Casnal's other lover was in fact dead, they put Deathcry under guard. There she remained until two of the Imperial Guards arrived. Wordlessly they took Deathcry to the council house. There the Majestrix decreed that Deathcry was to be stripped of her birthname and to be exiled. Without any fanfare Deathcry was promptly placed on an outgoing ship. They abandoned her on an unknown planet (at least to Deathcry) with nothing but the clothes on her back and her wits.
Becoming a commando didn't mean everything was now happy for Deathcry. She still struggled to prove her worth and most of the other commandos did not want anything to do with her. The few exceptions became her closest friends. The most important to Deathcry was Casnal, her lover. The two had been part of the same clutch and had become commandos together. Their relationship was rocky and rather tenuous, but Deathcry clung to it with both hands. Perhaps this was her undoing. For when Casnal's other lover, a normal thing in Shi'ar culture, decided to insult Casnal and prey on Deathcry's insecurities during a meal, she flew into a rage. By the time the rest of the commandos had pulled her off her victim he was dead.
After the other commandos determined that Casnal's other lover was in fact dead, they put Deathcry under guard. There she remained until two of the Imperial Guards arrived. Wordlessly they took Deathcry to the council house. There the Majestrix decreed that Deathcry was to be stripped of her birthname and to be exiled. Without any fanfare Deathcry was promptly placed on an outgoing ship. They abandoned her on an unknown planet (at least to Deathcry) with nothing but the clothes on her back and her wits.
What Makes This Character 'Ultimate'?
I'm pretty much remaining Deathcry from the ground up. They only things that remain are her family relations, her species and her reason for exile. Everything else is taken and changed for my own enjoyment and hopefully everyone else's too. Some of the changes I made really focus on the character as an individual. She's just been exiled and is alone and adrift in a harsh universe. I want her to grow and change, not at all what happened in the comics. I want her to move past her rage and anger and become something more then just a soldier and killer.
Supporting Characters
Deathbird/Cal'syee Neramani - Unknown to Deathcry, Cal'syee is her mother. As Deathbird she is a villain currently on Earth working with A.I.M. due to her advanced technical knowledge.
Lilandra Neramani - Aunt to Deathcry. She is also Majestrix of the Shi'ar Empire.
D'Ken Neramani - Uncle to Deathcry. He is currently comotose. He was formerly Magestor.
Nightscream/Casnal Tregnar - Deathcry's best friend and lover.
Lilandra Neramani - Aunt to Deathcry. She is also Majestrix of the Shi'ar Empire.
D'Ken Neramani - Uncle to Deathcry. He is currently comotose. He was formerly Magestor.
Nightscream/Casnal Tregnar - Deathcry's best friend and lover.
Sample Post
The blood of Nera's enemies made the ground slick under her combat boots. The screams, both of pain and of joy, echoed around her. Her own cries filled the air as she cut down another rebel. Nera didn't know who these small vaguely humanoid felines were. Or even what their planet's name was. The only thing that mattered to the commando-in-ttaining was that she was to eliminate the threat they posed to the Empire.
"Left!" Casnal's cry sounded over Nera's earpiece. A few lasers hit her force field as she turned her head to just in time to see Casnal's own personal force field falter under an onslaught of heavy weapon fire.
"Casnal!" Nera's heart nearly leapt into her throat as rage reddened her sight. How dare these creatures rebel against the Empire? Against them? She swallowed down another scream as she formulated a plan. There was a small sound from her own personal force field. Nera, without taking her eyes off Casnal and the other Shi'ar with her, lashed out with her short blade. The sound of death caused a small smile to twist her lips. Served it right.
Nera lifted her eyes to the sky as she activated her tracking system. An UAD would be overhead soon. With rapid eye movements she was able to gain access to its piloting system. They HUD intrinsicly knew what Nera needed after being partnered together for so long. Sentience in technology definitely had it's perks.
The UAD fired upon the rebels and their last Harrah. They had no chance against the the aircraft. The energy weapons cut right through the stone bunker. Something internally caught fire and the whole base exploded. The heat rushed over Nera's force field and she was never so grateful for it in that moment.
As the heatwave dissipated Nera hurried over to Casnal. She was distantly aware of the small furry rebels surrendering. Others in her squad were also providing assistance to the formerly besieged Shi'ar. However Casnal took up all of Nera's attention.
"You okay?" Nera asked gruffly. As if she hadn't just been concerned her best friend was going to the.
Casnal smiled. Her purple skin was smudged with some ash hut she was still beautiful. "I'm good. Thank you."
Nera snorted. "Next time I'm leaving your sorry ass to die." She leveled a finger at her friend. "You idiots deserved it today for letting yourselves get pin-"
Nera was cut off as Casnal pressed her mouth to hers. "Thank you." Casnal repeated before she turned and headed toward the field commander. Nera remained in place, stunned, for a long second before her brain kicked back into gear.
"Casnal!" She cried as she hurried after her friend and maybe soon to be lover.
"Left!" Casnal's cry sounded over Nera's earpiece. A few lasers hit her force field as she turned her head to just in time to see Casnal's own personal force field falter under an onslaught of heavy weapon fire.
"Casnal!" Nera's heart nearly leapt into her throat as rage reddened her sight. How dare these creatures rebel against the Empire? Against them? She swallowed down another scream as she formulated a plan. There was a small sound from her own personal force field. Nera, without taking her eyes off Casnal and the other Shi'ar with her, lashed out with her short blade. The sound of death caused a small smile to twist her lips. Served it right.
Nera lifted her eyes to the sky as she activated her tracking system. An UAD would be overhead soon. With rapid eye movements she was able to gain access to its piloting system. They HUD intrinsicly knew what Nera needed after being partnered together for so long. Sentience in technology definitely had it's perks.
The UAD fired upon the rebels and their last Harrah. They had no chance against the the aircraft. The energy weapons cut right through the stone bunker. Something internally caught fire and the whole base exploded. The heat rushed over Nera's force field and she was never so grateful for it in that moment.
As the heatwave dissipated Nera hurried over to Casnal. She was distantly aware of the small furry rebels surrendering. Others in her squad were also providing assistance to the formerly besieged Shi'ar. However Casnal took up all of Nera's attention.
"You okay?" Nera asked gruffly. As if she hadn't just been concerned her best friend was going to the.
Casnal smiled. Her purple skin was smudged with some ash hut she was still beautiful. "I'm good. Thank you."
Nera snorted. "Next time I'm leaving your sorry ass to die." She leveled a finger at her friend. "You idiots deserved it today for letting yourselves get pin-"
Nera was cut off as Casnal pressed her mouth to hers. "Thank you." Casnal repeated before she turned and headed toward the field commander. Nera remained in place, stunned, for a long second before her brain kicked back into gear.
"Casnal!" She cried as she hurried after her friend and maybe soon to be lover.