From the ascension of Nilonne, to the birth of humanity, the world was once taught with animation. Mankind expanded to the corners of their lands and across the narrow seas, forming the first semblances of order from the earth upward. It is said that in her right hand, the Goddess Nilonne conjured a storm in the ocean, creating the Beorc from the rippling water, and in her left hand, she drew the wind with blades of grass, giving birth to the Laguz. Many kept to the native mainland of Aralea, while others roamed the badlands of Norarus.
Each created their own society; with the Gift flowing in their veins, the magical attuned would call themselves the Estalans. Just a little north to the Aralean mainland, a colony was formed on the frozen beaches of a remote subcontinent; later on, it would become customary to swear the Oath of Anarcans upon taking foot on their lands. Those without the Gift sought simpler lives at the opposite end of the world, where the Cesadans would claim their territories.

The story of winged beasts, now a lost legend told at a child's bedside, had once been a reality. Dragons ruled the skies of their world, imposing their will upon the mortals below. Touched by fire, they were predecessors to the laguz, donning a humanoid form and the ability to transform at will. For many years, humanity would comply to the bidding of their dictators, their palaces claimed as a host to several emissaries from the draconic race.
Each society chose a leader to represent their populace at the Court of Scales; Erigan Estali, the founder of Estala and known as the Dragonseer, was said to have descended from the dragons themselves through his seamless flow with the Gift. The Regent of Anarcas, Wernthall Floran, would elect himself as the voice of his people. Across the sea, bands of Beorc and Laguz alike united under Cilla the Untamed, a warrior-woman who rode on the back of a lion in a union unlike any had ever seen.

But this collective of eminence had grown complacent of draconian rule. The Beorc and Laguz had long endured suffering and hardship since their inception, and thus saw the birth of an alliance between Estala, Anarcas, and Cesadas; Erigan Estali dubbed their unity as the Triumvirate. Withdrawing from the Court of Scales, the three sovereigns severed their ties to the dragon race, declaring their own independence as they dismissed themselves. Mosin, the First Dragon, viewed this decision as high treason.
With obvious knowledge that they had incurred the wrath of the dragon race, the Triumvirate each called to their banners, anticipating the war that would come. Armed with sword and magic, their bravery would be challenged by the mythical destruction that the dragons were capable of unleashing. Against all odds, the Triumvirate prayed to the Goddess Nilonne.
Millions had perished as the dragons set fire to the human race, locking the Triumvirate into the seven-year conflict that would be historically known as the Scarlet Chapter. Desperation weigh heavily upon their peoples' weary shoulders, but the Triumvirate refused to bend the knee. The Dragonseer remained resolute amongst his companions, continuing to shape his power through the ways of the Gift.
There were many battles of note that took place during the Scarlet Chapter, but to the very end, there was little hope for Beorc and Laguz to withstand the ongoing ire. Despite the concerns from Wernthall Floran and Cilla, Erigan Estali continued to search for an answer through the Gift, for a future where his children would know peace. It was then, after years of unanswered prayer, the Goddess Nilonne bestowed her favor upon the Triumvirate.

The human race took the war to the dragons themselves as the trio, possessing powers strengthened through the blessing, led their alliance in one final campaign. The sacrifices of men, women, and children would not go in vain, they swore. Erigan Estali wielded the Gift with peerless ability, as legends wrote that with each dragon slain, he continually increased his threshold of power by absorbing their essence.
Months drew on, and the Triumvirate had finally pushed the dragons back to their last bastion of control; the Court of Scales, where the First Dragon reigned. Sailing through what would later be called the Maw of Thanatos, the ultimate battle for humanity would draw the rage of a fearsome storm; the clashing powers had caused an imbalance in the atmosphere. As the fighting commenced, the storm continued to strengthen.

In the end, only the First Dragon remained as the last of the Triumvirate's opposition. Mosin, baffled by the strength of their former subordinates, was impressed by the Dragonseer's ascension, honoring Erigan Estali to a parley of single combat. The remainder of his armies returned to their ships, where they would watch from the seaside. Of equal power, the opponents continued to clash, their visions of an ideal world colliding. The wrath of the storm, now a greater danger than the First Dragon himself, threatened to consume everything beyond the island.
Erigan Estali would seize this momentous opportunity. Drawing the tempest towards himself, he sought to extract its fury to use against Mosin; however, the chaotic imbalance had proven far too strong for his mortal being to manifest. It was there that the three heroes of the Triumvirate gathered in unison, lending their own spiritual force to defeat the First Dragon together. Even as the Gift remained far overbearing, the Dragonseer was able to cast the final spell. Celestial arrows of energy poured from his palms, piercing the ancient armor of the First Dragon; as he fell to the earth below, the powerful gale swept the defeated Mosin into the storm, leaving no trace of the last dragon as it dissipated.
As the Triumvirate rejoiced in their triumph over their former oppressors, there was much reparation to commence. The magnitude of destruction from the final battle had separated the Court of Scales into four islands, and to the south of Estala, much of these territories had been abandoned. The Triumvirate, with the pooled efforts of their people, would rebuild their world into a new age. It would be many, many years before each nation could truly recover from the disaster, but under the leadership of the three heroes, the union was on the wings flying towards the dream coming to fruition.