Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Dennis made sure the grip he had on his shield was extra tight as he moved into the arrival area - as soon as they had gotten their bearings, the creatures began to jump from behind the foliage, charging the group as soon as they could. Naomi seemed the first to react, quickly casting a spell in the area around them before moving directly behind Tower with inhuman speed (another spell, of course), and ending up right next to River. Tower maneuvered himself to stand between them and the surrounding Wargs.

Cecilia was quick to follow in the assault, making great use of her high agility - she proceeded to pull the strongest monster, the trainer, towards the rest of the group. She then launched over the trainer which, in combination with the damage that River had done, made the Trainer look far weaker than it had before. Not wanting to risk anything, however, Tower was quick to cast Radiating Challenge on the Trainer, making sure the strongest enemy would only attack him.

Not wanting to burn through his remaining mana too quickly, Dennis then used Mass Aggravate, still doing his best to cover the two magic users behind him. He then called out to the pair.

"Try putting yourselves against a big tree, I'll follow. Guys! I got the Goblin after me, so take him down first and don't worry about Aggro!"

Stand between the Enemies and River/Willow
Radiating Challenge on the Goblin Warg Trainer
Mass Aggravate on everyone else.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Health: 4100/4100
Mana: 2580/2900

Kira turned her attention around to the sound of a heavenly voice and was ecstatic to see it belonged to none other than Cecila. She huffed with a grin and placed her hands on her hips in a haughty sort of pose, flicking a few stray bangs of her hair to the side "I had been expecting you to show up! The great Akumi never backs down from a battle and neither do her great generals! Now that you are here, it shall be a complete culling of these weak fools!" She took her right hand off her hip and formed it into a tight fist in front of her. Kira had always been a kind of tomboy ever since she adopted the whole demon personality, so she rarely ever expressed the kind of femininity that the other girls in the party did like Cecila and Willow.

She lost interest pretty quickly after Karuu began to rehash the same information he gave out to Cecila. It didn't matter how good her academics were, when Kira assumed her demon personality she traded all of that for pure aggression. Kira only looked at Karuu after he called her name, and she gave a sly, devilish smirk in reply to his challenge "You should know how foolish it is to challenge me, but very well. I shall make sure to empty those pockets of yours." She spoke in a deadly serious voice, with a hint of playfulness at the end and began to walk off further into the dungeon.

At least, she would have if she hadn't been suddenly grabbed by Willow. A tilt of her head expressed her slight confusion before Willow brought up a point she gave some consideration to. For a moment she gripped her own chin, closing her eyes in thought, before giving a small nod "Very well, I shall be gracious and lend you poor mortals a sample of my power." If anyone outside of their group had grabbed her arm like, she would have been inclined to take their head off. However, it was drastically different for those she considered her allies. Once her arm was released, she straightened her posture and walk a little farther ahead pretending like she was not listening to Willow's strategy talk. In actuality, she memorized every part. It was like this nearly every time, as she wanted to appear like she did not need strategy to win just her raw skills.

Kira decided to take Cecilia up on her offer for a free yellow potion as she came over, reaching out and taking one of the yellow vials "Your tribute is greatly appreciated. I shall return the favor with a brilliant show of my power." Translated it meant she was very grateful for the potion and will use it the best she can. Along with the yellow potion, she drank two others from her inventory and tossed them all to the ground where they shattered like digital glass. A delicious flow of new power spread throughout her body as the potions activated, whether that was their actual effect or another figment of Kira's incredible imagination.


The self-proclaimed demon-lord watched around her as everyone ran to engage the enemies in front of them. Her head was slightly lowered as she walked forward slowly as the power from her title engulfed her, the raw boost to her stats practically doubled them. A loud, creepy giggle left her lips as both her long-sword and katana were drawn from her hips, making a cross in front of her. There was only one target on the battlefield that interested her right now and that was goblin trainer. None of the other monsters were worthy of her attention right now. It was also just so perfect that Cecila had delivered him to her and was quite a nice gift. Champion of the Lesser....yes, she was a god compared to these lower forms of life. Now she was going to demonstrate to that goblin just what it meant to go up against the great Akumi.

She yelled out across the battlefield to Dennis "Don't touch him. He's mine!" Within a few moments she had pushed off the ground, the katana in her right hand and the long-sword in her left, and moved like the demon she claimed to be. Her emerald eyes carried with them a wild look as she bared her pearly white teeth in a vicious smile. Once Kira was engaged in battle, she became more wicked and harder to control. A sinister laugh left her as she reached her target "You face the great demon Akumi!" The moment the last word left her lips, she sprang into goblin trainer smashing her right knee directly into its face. Her foot pushed off the creature's chest and she made a short flip backwards before charging in again this time with her swords at the ready.

A flurry of steel came flying at the goblin trainer as Kira utilized both of her weapons. Each one striking faster and harder than the last as the true demon side of Kira was unleashed. Once she had finished using her 'flurry' action, Kira stepped to her opponents side to into its blindside. There she demonstrated how skilled she had become with her dual-blade skill with as she attacked three more times with a seamless flow. The first strike was her katana at the creature's legs with the second strike was made across the torso at the same time. Finally she ended it by thrusting both weapons towards the goblin's rib-cage. Afterwards, she used her superior agility to push off her feet and launch herself backwards next to Tower, while readying her 'parry' action just in case "The power difference between us is far too great. The way I see it, you are already dead." She taunted once more at the goblin as she landed.


- Drank Yellow Potion, Potion of Resistance, and Potion of Might
- Charged at Goblin Trainer and used Knee strike
- Used 'Flurry' on Goblin Trainer
- Used sidestep to move to Goblin Trainer's side.
- Struck goblin trainer three times. First a slash from the katana and then the longsword. Ended with a thrust using both of them.
- Readied 'parry' action and pushed back to line up with Tower.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Health: 5500/5500
Mana: 200/200

Well. The mages' initial blast was as beautiful as ever. As the melee fighters began their assault, Cecilia quickly making an untraditional flanking maneuver and Kira calling dibs on the biggest opponent, Karuu simply charged the two wargs to the right. He faced them head on and started swinging: one for this one, one for that one. As he swung, he back-stepped. His blows were heavy with an inflated Strength stat, plus the heat of the strength-enhancing potion coursing through him like artificial adrenaline--heavy enough to stop a simple warg in its tracks, certainly. Hit this one, force it back a step; hit that one, force it to stop its charge. Hit this one again--all the while, stepping back bit by bit to be sure they couldn't move around him. Herding and hitting--the simple life.

- Attacks farthest right warg (um... Warg 4?)
- Attacks next farthest right warg (Warg 3)
- Repeat step 1, then 2, then 1 again.
(Deliberately keeping them contained)
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Health: 1000/1000
Mana: 2000/2000

Behind his metal mask, Prome smiled 'One can never have enough field tests.' He focused on the Goblin Trainer 'Always take out the unique unit first. In this case, it also seems to be a leader/support unit. I wonder what kind of chaos it would cause those creatures if their master died? I suppose there's only one way to find out.' With that decided, Prome unloaded his Gauntlet Blasters on the Goblin Trainer. and two explosions of fire shot at it.

- Cast Fire Blast (x2) at Goblin Warg Trainer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Health: 3000/3000
Mana: 3900/3900
Renn: ??? Renn
STATs Tree:

Health: 395/700
Mana: 000
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp approached the first group of hostiles with one simple step. He summoned his first pet, Totoro, to fight. The musician held back on calling Arsene. Given how his second pet isn’t a tank, he was going to wait until the group of enemies had less than half their health.

Dubstepp then watched a glimmer of light hit his pet. He was not sure where the source came from. Looking at Tote’s stats, he noticed he received a strength buff from River. ”Thanks for that. Let’s not let him down, Totoro!” Dubstepp chanted, sending Totoro to strike against one of the Goblin Wargs.

Dubstepp summoned Totoro.
River granted Totes +5 strength
Totoro gives a three punch combo to Goblin Warg 1.

Interacting with:

Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

✧DAY 26 - Dungeon, "Endless Green"✧



- Goblin Warg Trainer is Intimidated. Wargs are immune to psychological affects.
- Warg 1 takes 1,200 from double Chain Lightening and Plasma Burst, 550 damage from Piercing Strike, and 170 damage from Totoro.
- Warg 2 takes 1,100 from double Chain Lightening and Plasma Burst.
- Warg 3 takes 1,200 from double Chain Lightening and Plasma Burst and 420 damage from Karuu.
- Warg 4 takes 1,000 from double Chain Lightening and Plasma Burst and 570 damage from Karuu.
- Goblin Warg Trainer takes 800 from double Chain Lightening, 150 damage from Iron Pull and is moved closer to the group. Afterwards it has been challenged by Dirk Tower. Takes additional 900 damage from Kira and 160 damage from Prome. Knee Strike misses.
- Mass Aggravate fails to affect Wargs. Gobling Warg Trainer is already in a Challenge with Dirk Tower.

- Warg 2 attacks Cecilia while she is closing gap with the Goblin Warg Trainer. However, the attack misses due to 'Practiced Steps'.
- Warg 3 and 4 counterattack against Karuu, dealing total 460 damage.
- Goblin Warg Trainer attempts Binding Whip Shot on Tower and succeeds. Dirk Tower takes 420 damage.
- Goblin Warg orders all Wargs to attack Kira. Flurry of attacks from all 4 Wargs deals 1,350 damage.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago



As River watched the barrage of attacks slam against his allies, he noticed Kira taking a burnt of the damage. It appeared to him that the Wargs would only attack those the Trainer directed them to, unless the physically attacked the Trainer himself. He stood there for a mere second, running his guild mates abilities into his head for the best solution when finally "Ceclia, we will create an opening for you, get in, cleave and fight, then get out! You dont have the health for their mass numbers. Willow get ready to be boosted! You'll get an extra action in, I need you to pull Kira out of that mess as soon as you get that buff got it? And Kira when Ceclias done...give them hell!." River looked up at Pepper and nodded knowing shed know what to do.

The robes around River began to flap and flow as wind encircled around his feet. Healing energy gathering at the tip of his wand, before a brilliant beam of light shot out at Kira "Greater Healing Beam" Without wasting a moment River flicked his wand towards Willow, an orb of white light dashed towards her as small wings formed around her shoes ankles. "Quicken!" With that he waited for her to pull Kira away from the fray, nodded at Pepper once more and yelled out "Pepper Spray!" Pots flew high above the Goblin Wargs, just enough to have them in range of her cone AoE. Dark purple smoke began to billow out of her mouth as she finally opened it unleashed a breath of poison at all the Goblin Wargs now bunched together. Afterwards she flew back up and towards River. River watched impatiently as his cooldown finally came back up from use "Kira, time to give them hell! Show them what the Great Demon can do! Strengthen!"

-Gave orders to Willow, Cecilia and Kira
-Cast Greater Healing Beam -175MP +725HP to Kira
-Cast Quicken on Willow -175MP +10 AGI to Willow
-(Willow will pull Kira)
-Pepper flew at max range and cast Caustic Bite on all Goblin Wargs -100MP
-(Ceclia will come in)
-River waits for Willow and Ceclia to finish
-Cast Stregthen on Kira -25MP +5 Strength to Kira
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 day ago


Health: 2700/2700
Mana: 3300/3550(+450)

Willow watched Kira’s health plummet. The first time this had happened, when they first started pursuing dungeons, Willow panicked. She almost forgot to heal. This time however, she was ready. It wasn’t worry or concern that welled up inside her. There was some to be sure but mostly it was irritation. Irritation at Kira for getting caught in that situation, irritation at the Wargs for ganging up on her friend that way.

“Get back here, Kira. Nether pull!” Willow pointed the wand at the other girl, a thin black rope lashing around Kira and yanking her towards the mage. “Healing beam!” A light shot out and wrapped around Kira for a moment then faded. “Don’t make me worry young lady! Watch you back next time. Tower move with me!” She shouted as she bolted out in front of the tank. She pointed her wand at the mass of enemies that had formed around Kira’s original spot.

“Shadow raze.” she snarled and flicked her wand horizontally, sending a thin black line slicing through the group. Dark tendrils wrapped around her body and undulated, making in harder to pinpoint her position.

  • Cast nether pull (Target is pulled towards the User by shadow energy) on Kira. -75 MP
  • Triggered Hidden in the Shadows, making it harder to see and hit Willow.
  • Cast Healing beam on Kira, restoring 425 HP. -75MP
  • Triggered Essence Gain. +100 MP
  • Moved forward, requesting Tower to as well.
  • Cast Shadow Raze (User razes an area in front of them with shadow energy, dealing damage) on the mob that attacked Kira. -200MP
  • Triggered hidden in Shadows, refreshing its duration.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It was a poor choice to ignore her, and Cecilia made sure that the Warg knew it.

Charging forth after the beast as it savaged Kira alongside its packmates, Cecilia turned on a dime and backhanded its jaw with her buckler, feeling the satisfying crack of bone and flesh against steel, before continuing with the centrifugal force of her motion. Pirouetting gracefully, her cloak spreading into a perfect circle, the Lancer swept her spear, polished steel rending fur and flesh in a crescent slash. With an in-step, she grasped the oaken handle once more, unleashing another trio of thrusts upon her fated target. Two thrusts to its legs to weaken its movements and get it accustomed to her piercing blows, and then she spun the spear in her hands. The blunt end of the spear roared against the air as it swung downwards, then upwards like a pendulum, cracking into the monster’s jaw.

It flew upwards, and by the time it was falling once more, Cecilia had it in her sights, producing another beautiful crescent swing that cleaved through all the Wargs around her. River and Willow must have cared for the melee fighters a lot, if they constantly wanted them to bail out. But while she feared death like any other, her current persona did not allow for such weakness. A warrior was meant to be in the fray, to gracefully evade and counter, weaving between masses of lesser foes. As the wargs growled around her, hackles rising, fangs bared, Cecilia thrust her spear down, vaulting up into the air. Twisting her body mid-air, she unleashed a third sweeping blow as she landed outside the pack, her weapon at the ready, her legs ready to evade.

“Don’t disappoint me, Akumi,” Cecilia spoke, her tone ice cold, her expression flawlessly imperial. “It’s an utter disgrace for one such as yourself to be wounded by such creatures, outnumbered or not. Swear upon it. Never again shall your blood be shed in such a degrading manner.”
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TaroAndSelia
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TaroAndSelia Returned from a Distant Land

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Health: 5040/5500
Mana: 200/200

It was something of a relief not seeing all the wargs crashing down upon River. Honestly, when they hadn't all gone to assault Tower together, Karuu had a moment of panic; but they went after Kira instead--on the Trainer's orders. That was both useful information and an unexpected complication. On the one hand, it looked like it would be important to deal with that Trainer as quickly as they could; on the other, he wasn't going down nearly as quickly as these wargs were.

"Celia, no shaming! Wounds are the warriors' way to show they do their job, and do it well! Kira, I'll walk you in; keep on that guy, and I'll try to keep at least some of those wargs off your back this time."

Well content to let Kira keep smashing the central mob, Karuu ran at her side into the fray. The wargs were dispersing, following their master's next command, but that wasn't anything like a deterrent; Karuu found one of the wargs he had been slashing before and picked up right where he left off.

Karuu attacks Warg 4. x4
Puts himself at Kira's back.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Health: 1000/1000
Mana: 1900/2000

'Alright, so far so good.' Prome nodded to himself as he re-positioned 'They don't seem to be paying me much attention.' Taking aim at the trainer again, his mental monologue went on'The others look like they can handle the dogs for now. This trainer needs to go down. I already know he has cc and can direct the actions of the dogs, who knows what else he has. Without their support, the dogs should be less of a threat.' With that, Prome unleashed another stream of fire at the goblin.

- Cast Fire Blast (x2) at Goblin Warg Trainer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Duoya
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Member Seen 3 days ago




Magic Shield

Unfortunately, the glowing aura that came from Mass Aggravate did little to the pack of Wargs. At the very least, the strongest of the monsters was stuck attacking Dennis, if he read the description of the spell correctly. He quickly wondered why the Wargs weren't leaping at the chance to attack him after using his Aggravate spell, but this contemplation was cut short as they rapidly began to tear into his allies - with Kira taking the brunt of the damage.

Dennis was about to rush to her aid, mostly just to use Living Wall and stand as a guard between her and the enemies, before a cutting sensation dug into his body. Thanks to a combination of armor, the Resolve passive, and the games natural settings, the pain was a far cry from what he knew it could have been. Trying to ignore it, Dennis took a step... only to find that his feet refused to move forwards. A glance at his status told him that he was 'Immobilized' - that was a thing? Realizing that River was giving aid to Kira allowed Dennis to relax somewhat, but the threat of combat still kept him on his toes.

"Tower move with me!"

Naomi rushed forwards, seemingly unaware of Dennis' predicament. He once again tried to move, but the whip held true.

"The Goblin's got me - sorry!"

A blast of fire nearly hit him, slamming into the goblin that stood a few feet in front of Dennis. He attempted to slash it, hoping that he would be able to connect a strike from his sword. Whether he missed or not, he then used Magic Shield to help mitigate any damage that would come next, regretting that he lacked any form of ranged attack.

Try and normal attack the Goblin Trainer.
Magic Shield
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Leaves
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Leaves The Friendly Bulbasaur

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Mana: 3900/3900
Renn: ??? Renn
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Health: 2600/2600
Mana: 800/800
STATs Tree:

Dubstepp clenched his fists. Shaking his head in a hurry, he examined how the other team members were handling themselves. It appeared that Kira might have stumbled onto trouble. The trainer opponent seemed to know how to strategize. The musician gritted his teeth, not sure if he should call back Totoro and have him fight against the target that is calling the shots.

Dubstepp noticed on the corner of his eye that Prome was proceeding to attack the trainer. He nodded to himself, not calling his rabbit beast off the Goblin Warg 1. Totoro had not been attacked by the enemy yet. This was a good chance to have his pet continue its strikes.

The musician ordered his rabbit monster to perform a giant leap. Totoro crouched down and leaped impressively high. He utilized his ability called Hoppittidy Stomp. After landing, Totes send out a shockwave to the enemies in a close vicinity. Trying to capitalize, Dub told Totoro to immediately strike the hopefully stunned warg.

Totoro uses Hoppittidy Stomp (100 MP). (Totes jumps high into the air and lands releasing a shockwave. Chance to stun enemies.)
Totoro attacks Goblin Warg 1 (x2)

Interacting with:

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Health: 3900/4100
Mana: 2180/2900

Kira felt her feet dig into the hard, dirt ground with every attack from the pathetic goblin's little puppies. A wide grin spread from ear to ear as she took the hits, feeling the blood-lust inside of her only strengthen. Every point of damage would be repaid in kind and she could practically smell the goblin's fear. After their assault concluded, Kira turned her head back towards River only to be pulled back against her indomitable will. A low, short growl escaped her throat before stopping in front of Willow. She watched her health bar go up a fair bit but with it, came the scolding from Willow that she was expecting. Thanks to River's heal as well, she was basically back up to full health and now she was seeking revenge "I shall keep that in mind, but Kira does as she pleases." Her voice carrying a chill, though she actually did take her words to heart.

An inferno burned inside of Kira as she turned her eyes on the only target that interested her: the goblin trainer. This was greatly exacerbated by the support that she received from her allies. The extra power from River coursed through her already tremendous pool of deadly strength. Every muscle in her body tensed up as she prepared to launch forward from her spot, watching as the rest of her party fought against the terrible beasts. "The pathetic creature shall not see another day." After a buildup of energy throughout her body, she once again exploded off her feet and rushed for the goblin trainer.

She didn't wait until she was in direct combat before unleashing her fury. Both of her blades surged forward as she used her Lunge action, driving both blades towards the chest of the monster. The whip was a problem that she wanted to deal with immediately so she targeted the hand that held it and tried to Disarm the goblin trainer with an upwards,crossed swing. A foe without a weapon would just make this all the more easy. With the swords above her, she transitioned the move flawlessly into downward slash using her Strike Down action. Kira ended her strike by striking across the goblin's chest with her long-sword flowing into a follow-up attack with her katana slicing down from its shoulder down.

With that last attack, she backed up until she felt her back hit against Karuu's while preparing to parry an attack from the next fool that dared to attack her. "Hmph, I hope you can keep those mongrels away from me. You would make a excellent chew toy." The day that Kira actually genuinely thanked Karuu would be on the very apocalypse itself. Of course, she did apppreciate him protecting her but she would never admit that as Akumi.

Attacks Goblin Trainer with Lunge, Disarm, and Strike Down.
Attacks Goblin Trainer with two regular attacks.
Backs up to Karuu and prepares parry.

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by HueMan
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HueMan Talrae Admin

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

✧DAY 26 - Dungeon, "Endless Green"✧



- Warg 1 takes 910 from Willow, 1,528 from Cecilia, 402 from Pepper
- Warg 2 takes 910 from Willow, 495 from Cecilia, 402 from Pepper
- Warg 3 takes 910 from Willow, 495 from Cecilia, 402 from Pepper, 1,091 from Goblin Warg Trainer
- Warg 4 takes 910 from Willow, 495 from Cecilia, 402 from Pepper, 1,333 from Karuu, 521 from Goblin Warg Trainer
- Goblin Warg Trainer takes 521 from Prome, 1,252 by Kira and Disarmed.

- Warg 1 retaliates against Cecilia, using Feral Strike on Cecilia twice (Feral Instinct activates once) and swiping at Pepper with 1 normal attack. It jumps over towards Willow. Cecilia takes 227 damage and bleeds for 114HP. Pepper takes 131 damage.
- Warg 2 joins Warg 1, attacking Cecilia with 5 normal attacks. Cecilia takes 332 damage.
- Warg 3 runs towards Goblin Warg Trainer and attacks Dirk Tower with 3 Feral Strikes (Feral Instinct activates once) and 1 normal attack. Tower takes 469 damage and bleeds for 235HP.
- Warg 4 dies.
- Goblin Warg Trainer picks its weapon back up, but it is still locked in combat with Tower. Tower is no longer bound by "Binding Whip Shot". It proceeds to crack its whip twice at Tower and then enacts "Goblin Healing Chant" on Warg 3, healing it by 200HP. Tower takes 174 damage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 19 hrs ago

Health: 1000/1000
Mana: 1700/2000

Prome sighed as he looked at the dps of everyone else 'This isn't going to work. It takes too long to recharge. I'm going to need to find a fix for this. Maybe-No! Bad Prome, stay focused. Tinker later!' He shook off the ideas in his head to take aim at the trainer again, and unleashed two more streams of fire at the goblin.

- Cast Fire Blast (x2) at Goblin Warg Trainer.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago



River watched as the battle continued, the enemies weakening, some actually dying. The first warg seemed to get cocky and pounced towards Willow, that wouldnt fly in Rivers book. With a quick, swift, motion, River cracked his whip to his left in front of where Willow stood. "Ubi, to Willows front! Attack the Warg. Pepper, to me. You've done great girl." Ubi, the genie, moved towards willow, a schimitar in each hand. He slashed at the Warg with elegance, first a strike with his right and then his left as he spun around to deal the blow. Pepper flew back to Rivers side, perching on his shoulder as he began to raise his wand towards Tower. Small green swirls began to encircle Rivers feet as his wand lit up green at the tip. A quick flick caused the glow to stretch to a beam and hit Tower, causing a brilliant green aura to shine off him for a moment. "Healing Beam!"

River took a second to assess the situation and who he should attack next and with that a cooldown popped off again. perfect River once again lifted his hand up toward the sky, arcing it downwards as Lightning began to form at its tip and then became consumed "Recharge!" His wand quickly jutted towards the Trainer as a brilliant bolt of Lightning Shot out and struck him. "Lightning Bolt!"
>>Energize Proc
A second bolt erupted from the want and diverted itself to Warg 2, dealing double damage, the scent of burnt fur and flesh permeating the air. As a final measure River lashed out his wand towards the Trainer "Shock! River was now coated in more static the before, his movements seemingly getting faster as faster.

-Ubi Attacks Warg 1, 2 times
-Pepper perched Rivers shoulder
-Healing Beam on Tower + 25 MP 413HP to Tower
-Recharge +550 MP
-Lightning Bolt -275MP to Trainer
-Energized Overloaded Lightning Bolt (Double Damage) to Warg 2
-Shock -175 MP to Trainer
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Achronum
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Achronum The Pyro

Member Seen 1 day ago


Health: 2700 / 2700
Mana: 3350 / 3550

Willow heard the rapid fire pining of her passives triggering and her mana jumping up as River barraged the mob. She gave the warg attacking Tower a flat look. “Really? He’s busy, leave him alone. Nether Push.” With a flick of her wand, the Warg went flying back towards its friends and shadows wrapped around her once again. That should let them continue AoEing all the wargs.

She took a second to check the status list. Cecilia and Tower both took a good chunk of damage and the mob was looking rough. Kira could still use a couple hundred hit points too. Popping a healing AoE would have it off cooldown by their next engagement or shortly into it, just in case. May as well. She stepped forward, making sure everyone would be in her radius. She held her wand high and swirled it, a pulse of weak light radiating from it. “Restore Vitality.”

  • Quicken buff wears off.
  • Spell Essence Collector triggers 5 times from River’s spells. Caps after the second cast. +250 MP
  • Casts Nether Push on Warg 3 to knock it back towards Warg 1 and Warg 2. -100MP
  • Hidden in Shadows triggers, +5% evasion.
  • Casts Restore Vitality on the party, healing everyone 517 HP. -250 MP
  • Essence Gain triggers, restoring 100 MP.
1x Like Like
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by ERode
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ERode A Spiny Ant

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Cecilia spared a single, unimpressed glance towards Karuu and his masochistic tendencies, before leaping into the fray once more. It had been a mistake for those mongrels to ignore her, but it was similarly a mistake for them to focus upon her. She was no stranger to pain, after all, and her own steps remained light and graceful, her spear twirling and bouncing, deflecting as much of the Wargs’ blows as possible even as they did manage to hit their mark.

Wounds were a warrior’s merit? Nay, such thoughts may suit a Marauder just fine, but the more grave injuries she avoided, the more MP her healers had to deal with truly problematic situations.

Lightning struck again, thunderous claps bursting from River’s hands to fill the air afresh with the stench of smoking flesh. Masking her eyes from the brilliance, the lancer narrowed her eyes against the shadow of the Warg that rushed towards Willow, before thrusting her spear forwards. It dug into fur and flesh, and she yanked the beast back to its compatriots. One sweeping strike sliced through all three of them, her small smile baring her canines as she stepped forwards next, the razor point of the Zenon Spear rising up and catching the central Warg in the jaw, hoisting it up skywards. It yelped as it was summarily flipped and crashed into the ground, belly exposed.

Those yelps didn’t last all too long once she buried half her spear into its chest and tore it out from the side, slicing through the face of yet another Warg. Cecilia turned to the final Warg, as her voice called out brightly.

“Let the Trainer escape. It’ll guide us to the totem.”

And then, the ground beneath her burst.

Charging forwards, she smashed into the Warg with the force of a battering ram, breaking its spine against the trunk of a tree as the black-iron Zenon Spear drove its heart through the great oak.

From above, leaves fell, a thousand small shadows cast as her form shone with golden light.

It was all but over at this point.
Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by Ithradine
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Ithradine A Rouge Machine

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Health: 3900/4100
Mana: 1880/2900

Kira looked around her as the lesser minions were effortlessly mopped up by her companions. These pitiful creatures never stood a chance against her, let alone all of them here. They should be thankful towards the great demon Akumi for ending their pathetic lives. Kira moved away from Karuu and stared down the Goblin Trainer with murderous intent that radiating off her like a black aura. Its stubborn refusal to succumb to her blade was a blatant mark of disrespect. She would only be happy with the monster's absolute destruction so when Cecilia suggested to let it go, she refused. This was her prey and she wanted the sweet satisfaction of its death.

"Its only destiny is to meet the afterlife." She yelled back, tightening the grip on her swords.

She followed after the attack from Prome, which gave her a clear opening to exploit. A sharp burst of laughter escaped her lips as she began her annihilation of her target. The swords in each of Kira's hand move with near-lighting fast speed, slicing into the digital body of the goblin trainer. Her flurry of strikes was followed a series of regular strikes, the motion of the blades ensuring that she never gave a opening. There was no reason for her to hold back any longer. The great Akumi did not hesitate. The great Akumi did not know fear. The great Akumi was strong...unlike that girl Ryu.

A sharp battlecry shot through the air as Kira moved for her kill. She pushed off her legs and brought both blades with all her force down on the goblin. Once her feet had touched the ground, she planted her right foot and launched forward pushing the tip of her blades into the chest of her enemy. Kira was on the full offensive and would not stop until the goblin trainer was dead. It did not deserve to escape nor did Kira believe they needed it to find the totem. The bet with Karuu also lingered in the back of her mind. The goblin trainer would surely count for all the wargs combined! Thus making her the winner.

- Flurry on Gobin Trainer
- Six normal attacks on Goblin Trainer (Three with each sword)
- Strike Down on Goblin Trainer
- Lunge on Goblin Trainer

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