Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Rila looked towards the airbender girl and gave her a slight nod as she watched the others on the wall as they started to get attacked by a few of the other guards that were starting to get on the upper wall. She looked towards her fellow firebender prisoner who suggested on jumping off first. Which was a pretty stupid idea, but she'd rather do that then get captured by the guards and get forced into one of the frozen cells to prevent her firebending. "Lead the way." Rila said as she watched Jia Li jumping off first, and then the swordsman as well, looking over at the ledge they both landed safely.

Rila would dodge and weave from the incoming guards as they shot fire at them, she watched Yumiko getting knocked off of the wall by one of the firebender guards along with Hikaru. Leaving her the only one left on the wall, as she backed up and saluted the prison guards sarcastically. "See you guys around." Rila said as she jumped off as well, using her firebending to start to slow down her decent, however she wasn't slow enough landing on her left ankle with a loud thud and a sharp pain going through her leg. Rila started to get up putting some of her weight on her good ankle looking at the group. "I don't think i'll be cliff jumping anytime soon." Rila said as she looked back up at the wall. "We need to keep going now."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Hiroyuki Duma

He wasn't sure that jumping off the wall was the best idea they'd ever make in their lives but he sure as hell wouldn't complain right now. It was either that or be thrown back into the cages and he wasn't too keen on the latter. As they took their turns jumping down, Hiroyuki waited his turn. It was the firebender first and she got down harmlessly. Then he saw the swordsman make some fancy tricks to get down and he took note of it. Hikaru and his fellow waterbender had been blasted off but Hiroyuki didn't have time to look at how they fared.

When the other firebender had descended using her firebending, he jumped as well - thinking back to the times when he and his friends had jumped off of the North Pole's towers. He tucked himself in and tried to roll it off. Though he didn't stick the landing and ended up on his back, he was relieved to find that he hadn't broken anything in his body. A few muscles were sore, but what can you do right? He grumbled something to himself - as if psyching himself up - and then stood up. "Agreed. We need to get out of here." Hiroyuki agreed to the firebender though still kept his distnace from her. "Any of you need help?" He questioned as he surveyed the others.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Yumiko had expected to get away with little to no contact with the guards. Maybe some fighting here or there, but she was expecting the other prisoners to take most of the attention. She hadn't expected or wanted everyone to follow her across the wall. But there they came and it irritated the woman to no end.

Even more so was when the guards unleashed their fire bending. Yumiko tried to cover herself but she ended up being pushed over the wall. She wasn't alone as she saw the air bender bouncy girl fall. She moved to do the least amount of damage to herself, and she could feel the pull of air bending trying to soften the landing, but even as she hit the ground she heard the crack as pain shot in her arm.

She stood up and clutched her arm, tending to it with waterbending. She must have been too anxious and quick as, instead of healing, it irritated it more. She sucked in a scream as she moved closer to the wall she just fell from. She wasn't in the mood to be blasted again. She needed to get out of there quickly.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jia Li

{"When it rains, it pours..."}

Jia Li was a bit surprised that her fall had been broken for her. Yet as she turned and saw the little air bender fall, breaking her leg by the sound of it, Jia Li gritted her teeth. The other escapees were right. They needed to get moving. She bent down and tried to pick up the small girl, figuring it'd be faster, but it was as if the girl was made out of lead. "Kid, what have you been eating..." she muttered under her breath. She couldn't pick her up, just sort of propping her up for slight support, but they wouldn't be able to run with her like this.

"...We need to get a cart or an animal," Jia Li said to her companions, scanning the surrounding area. If they could put those with leg related injuries in the cart, they'd be able to travel a lot faster. But they needed to get out of dodge as soon as possible. It wouldn't be long until the guards came and she doubted they'd hold back when it came to fighting escaped prisoners.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Hikaru and Ryuu

Hikaru glanced at Jia Li, rolling her eyes slightly, "Sorry... Not like I can actually put too much weigh on my leg at the moment..." she mumbled, trying her best to stay standing. Ryuu looked over at her, before he slung the sword over his shoulder and easily picked Hikaru up into his arms. Hikaru rolled her eyes slightly at that, not too thrilled about being carried around like that, it was annoying and made her feel somewhat useless.

"We can see about finding a cart or something in a nearby village, unfortunately, we'd have to make it there," he said, before turning to look at Rila. "How far do you think you can go with that ankle? Anyone else with bruises, or a broken arm in her case," he added, nodding towards Yumiko, "Can easily go about on foot, I can carry the air bender easily. If you need someone to lean on, just let us know..."

"Well... If we are going somewhere, anywhere really... I'd recommend we move, now, or fight back..." Hikaru said, as the guards up on the wall jump down off the wall, using their own bending to prevent themselves from hitting the ground. "We really should go..." There were blasts of fire being sent there way, and it likely was not going to be a good thing if it hit them now.

Ryuu managed to twist his body around to defend Hikaru, he felt the heat of the flames as they hit his back, but he was used to pain like that. Nothing could compare to when someone tried to slit his throat, not to mention he was used to any sort of Bender attacks, as he was a non-bender in the army. Jia Li would get a few shots sent at her, however they missed hitting her. Hiroyuki was shot at as well, and the flames slammed into him, burning him slightly, but not enough to do any serious damage.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Rila looked at the other escapees some had gotten injured during their fall, or had gotten attacked by the guards before jumping off, she turned to look directly at Ryuu asking about her ankle. Grunting a little bit in pain as she shifted her weight to her good ankle and looked at the closest tree right beside her. Quickly using her firebending at the weakest part of the branch as it came falling down, the end of it was smoking a bit and charred. Rila limped over towards it and easily picked it up using it as a makeshift crutch for the time being.

"I'll be fine for the time being, slow but i'll pull my own weight." Rila answered as she watched the incoming guards as they did the same thing that the group had just done. Rila saw the moment as she used her firebending and hit the two closest guards seeing them on fire made her smirk just a little bit. "We better start running then." Rila said as she started to turn around and made her way towards the woods she wanted to get as far as possible.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Hiroyuki Duma

The waterbender hummed to himself as everyone got sorted out. They seemed to be able to handle themselves alright - with the exception of Hikaru who was quickly helped by the non-bender. One of them managed to make a crutch for herself and his fellow waterbender, though with an injured arm, looked like she could continue on while walking. He doubted she would be able to protect herself with waterbending with the condition she was in. It'll only aggravate the would even further if she were to try to fight back. This would prove to be a problem if they get overwhelmed but they'll burn that bridge when they get there.

So their next destination would be a village, but where? Hiroyuki had no idea where they were but he supposed running around would eventually lead them to one. Deciding on which direction to take would have to be saved for later as guards started to descend the wall in pursuit of them - lobbing fireball after fireball at them. For the most part, it didn't hit them. One had managed to connect with the right side of his body but it wasn't any more painful than normal - and Hiroyuki knew fully well how that felt. Following Rila's example - though poorly executing it - he had collected water and sent ice shards out to the guards. It had connected with one but most of it missed. Can't have it all. He then turned and followed the others into the woods where they can hopefully lose their pursuers.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jia Li

{"When it rains, it pours..."}

"I'll buy you all time," Jia Li said without hesitation. Her bending was back and she knew that while she couldn't fight off all of the guards for long, she would at least give her companions enough time for those with hurt ankles and legs to make some decent progress. She turned around and breathed in, feeling the fire in her veins just bursting to come free. The sunlight was strengthening her. It was one of the places where she wished she had learned the breath of fire technique - perhaps another day.

The guards didn't notice her begin to sweep her foot, her hand going down to the ground to balance as both of her legs went into the air. She let out a bit of a scream to help her channel her power. The flames emerged from her legs in a large sweeping fan, catching the guards and injuring them badly. It would be more than enough, she hoped, to give the others time to escape. "...Finally, about time our luck turned," Jia Li murmured. She was ready for them to retaliate.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Yumiko cursed herself and the situation she had been placed in. She wanted to escape without added baggage, but it seemed she had little choice. She now housed a broken arm and another had a broken leg and they had the guards chasing them. It wasn't the best of scenarios, but if she had any hope of getting out of this alive, she needed the others, even though it pained her to admit such.

"We need to get out of here now! Injured leg girl, whatever your name is, should be in front with someone aiding her. The rest who can bend can hold them off as we run. I'll do what I can, but with my arm I doubt I'd be much help, but I can keep an eye out for other means of escape or defense."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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Member Seen 39 min ago

Hikaru and Ryuu

"There is a small village, not too far from here, it should be enough of a place for us to hopefully get some help and potentially get some new clothes. We can't keep wandering around in these prison uniforms after all... We'd draw too much attention to ourselves," Ryuu said as a few more Fire Nation guards came after them. "We need to move, now!" he added, before he made sure that he had a tight grip on Hikaru, the Air Bender wasn't too heavy, and he started heading in a direction away from the prison.

She wasn't too thrilled at the idea of someone basically carrying her around, but she didn't exactly have much of a choice. Without her glider, she was practically useless when it came to walking at the moment. It was making her really miss her staff, and she wondered if she could ever get another one. Maybe she could try to make one? Who knew, as it literally was the only way she could at least sort of fly, sure she can jump around, but she couldn't control it that way! There wasn't much she could do about anything though, basically stuck with what was going on, and stuck having to wait.

Suddenly, Ryuu had a bit of a thought, and looked at Hikaru, "Mind if you ride on my back? If you held on it would mean that my hands would be free," he asked her as flames shot at the group once more.

"N-N-No, I don't mind it at all," she stammered out, before he quickly moved her so that she was riding piggy back style, her arms wrapped tightly around him as Ryuu pulled out the sword that he had stolen. The flames that the guards were shooting off at them were not something to mess with, but Ryuu managed to make it so that they didn't hit him, swinging his sword around so that the flames dispersed before they even had the chance.

One of the guards got a lucky shot on Yumiko, blasting her with fire right in the stomach. Enough force to send her falling backwards, and leaving her with severe burns on her body. The shot aimed at Jia Li missed, barely though, the heat of the flames just shooting by her head. Rila lucked out as well, not being hit by anything from the remaining guards. Hiroyuki on the other hand was blasted by flames, but it wasn't as bad for him as it was for Yumiko. He lucked out and only wound up with several burns on his left arm.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Rila watched as Jia Li went up and attacked some of the guards that were still pursuing them, as well as the water bender Hiroyuki hitting some of the guards. They would have to get out of the forest as she started to think of an idea as to how to get out of the woods as quickly as possible. Her eyes wondered around as she limped and hobbled on her makeshift crutch and started to come up with probably a rather insane and stupid idea. "Hey you two waterbenders, bend as much water as you guys can I think I know of a way to loose them." Rila said as she stopped and quickly dodged one of the flames that came whizzing past her. Seeing Hiroyuki and Yumiko both getting hit by the guards, hopefully the two of them would be able to bend still.

Taking a very deep breath as she closed her eyes and calmed herself down a little bit, before exhaling looking at all of the trees, and brush that were there. She quickly started to fire bend, sending out a huge wave of fire and flame around her, as the fire quickly spread and started to hit the trees, branches, bushes even the grass. Setting just about everything on fire around her, the guards would have to fight through the fire in order to get to them now. And it would be really hard for them to see as well, Rila knelt down and quickly picked up her walking stick. "Keep moving, that will slow them down, just bend as much water as you can and have it shield us we need to move quickly."
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

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Jia Li

{"When it rains, it pours..."}

Jia Li nodded, approving of Rila's idea. She took a breath as well and swung her leg, adding some to the flames but Rila had already done an impressive amount of destruction. It might hurt the economy and livelihood of this nearby village, yet she knew that they could repay the people one day by freeing them from the Fire Nation's oppression. The flame barrier, from what she could tell, seemed to be working. She then continued to run with her companions, hanging towards the back of the group to provide additional defenses.

The water benders were no doubt skilled, but Jia Li didn't want to leave it up to chance. She was prepared to either add to the fire or dispel any that was shot at them from the guards. Hopefully, it wouldn't be too long until they could find shelter and a change of clothes, but she knew that they wouldn't be able to stay long. They'd need to keep on working. Fire Nation soldiers were masters of tracking - she knew it would only be a matter of time before they found the Avatar, after all - and would catch up to them if they rested for more than a moment.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

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Hiroyuki Duma

Hiroyuki turned and fired aimless shots at the guards - sure that none of them will hit. Nevertheless, he ran with the group in the direction Ryuu had directed them to where this supposed village was. Their pursuers were relentless, still, as they blasted shot after shot towards them. He hissed when he felt the familiar sensation of fire making contact with his skin - leaving another burn to worry about. He had staggered both in pain and in surprise.

The next thing he knew, Rila had ordered them to bend and then the forest was up in flames. Shocked, tired and unfocused, Hiroyuki attempted to bend water around them only to miserably fail in controlling anything. He had shaken his head and said to the others, "Sorry. I need some time..." He needed to get his bearings again. This wasn't his first time having to work under pressure, but he supposed he couldn't just suddenly force himself into the thick of battle after months of being idle and expect that he can fight as perfectly as he did before. He hoped the other waterbender faired better than his poor attempt at his trade.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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Yumiko had expected her escape attempt to be done with more flourish. Easy in, no one the wiser. This was not what she had planned. In fact, this was very, very bad. So far, she had managed to waterbend with minimal rain (that was pretty cool!) and propel her over the wall. Then she was attacked, forced to work alongside the other escapees. She was pushed off said wall and broke her arm and, most recently, attacked with flames.

She stood up, about to make a break for it when she was asked to waterbend. She rolled her eyes, but she had very little left to lose. So she did so, waterbending in place despite the broken arm. It hurt, but it would be well worth it if they could get away from the prison. "I hope you know what you are doing." she said to the woman.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Hikaru and Ryuu

"Nice thinking with the flames, hopefully the rain doesn't do anything to potentially douse them or something, which is still possible..." Ryuu said simply as he looked at the flames. This was one of those moments when he wished that he possessed some form of bending ability, after all, there was only so much one could do with a sword. It didn't seem to matter though, not at the moment, since their goal of getting away was hopefully aided by the giant wall of fire that was still blazing. The guards didn't seem to be able to bypass the flames, save for one of them.

There always seemed to be one of them, no matter the sort of scenario a person found themselves in. You could almost always bet on one person causing you problems, and Hikaru found it to be a bit annoying to be honest. There was a large gust of wind, and the flames roared even brighter, and another gust of wind threw the guard who had broken through the line back behind it, causing them getting burned in the process. There was a lot of problems that they had to go through still, firstly dealing with getting away from their current position.

She still clung onto Ryuu's back, not too sure what else to do. With a broken leg, she was virtually useless when it came to running, but it seemed like maybe they had some luck when it came to getting away from the prison. "We need to hurry... I don't think the flames will hold them back for long..." she said softly, looking at the wall of fire, worried slightly that they'd break through it again and go after them once more. That certainly would be a problem.

"Once we get new clothes, blending in will be a lot easier, at least for me anyway. Not too sure about the rest of you when it comes to something like that..."

"Why would blending in be easier for you than for them?" Hikaru asked, tilting her head towards the others. Not including herself in that, since the tattoos were pretty easy to spot.

"Because if I run into Fire Nation goons I could easily say that I was my twin brother Sora who is a higher up in the Fire Nation for some reason... Now come, the village is not that far from here," he said, before he led away from the prison. From a distance, the group would be able to make out what appeared to be buildings.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Morose
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Morose ✨Krakoan Princess✨

Member Seen 4 days ago

Jia Li

{"When it rains, it pours..."}

"Rain won't kill flames like that easily," Jia Li commented. Rila had started essentially a wildfire. Jia Li had added a bit to it. She doubted that it would rain hard enough to put a dent in these flames - and she felt a bit bad about that. So much forest and life was going to be destroyed in the process. That was one of the curses of a fire bender - their powers doomed them to destruction. Yet she had decided that if she couldn't protect what she loved, then she would destroy what she hated - the perversion that the Fire Nation had become.

"No guards. Village looks peaceful - unoccupied territory," Jia Li said. She knew that there would be a cost to fleeing there. The Fire Nation likely would invade it soon enough, but the ends had to justify the means. They needed a place to hide and change their clothing, so that way they could join forces with the Rebellion... Well, she wasn't too sure what the others were planning on, but that was her intentions at any rate.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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"They will probably be more focused on the wild fire now, than focus on six escapees from the prison I think." Rila said shrugging a little bit as she looked over her shoulder seeing her handy work made her smile ever so slightly. She was satisfied with it, and it would certainly slow their pursuers a bit as well. Rila would occasionally look over her shoulder again, seeing the airbender push back a rather ballsy prison guard back into the wall of flame she had made. Rila smiled towards the girl and gave her a slight nod as she hobbled further into the woods.

Then she spotted the nearby buildings in the distance, which was a relief as she looked towards Ryuu raising an eyebrow slightly, but nodded slightly. "Playing as your twin is a smart move, just get the right uniform if possible and you'd play him off perfectly." Rila said shrugging slightly, she just wanted to get the hell out of these prison rags right now after spending so much time in the prison she wanted to get into some normal clothing.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Polaris North
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Polaris North How I Socially Interact

Member Seen 3 days ago

Hiroyuki Duma

Seeing that they were out of the danger zone of the fire by the time he felt like he could, perhaps, bend again, Hiroyuki had decided to conserve energy. "Focused on the wildfire or not, it would be best if we hide ourselves quickly." He said. He turned back for a moment to see if someone had burst through the flames - someone did, but Hikaru had made quick work on that one and was sent hurtling back to the flames. Even firebenders can get burnt - it's an ironic way to go or get injured. He then turned back and started to jog behind the group.

Hearing that one of them - the non-bender - had a brother within the Fire Nation he could pretend as came as a relief but the problem about all of them still remained. However unfortunate it may be, he supposed that the guards would know all of their faces by now. "No guards? Good. But we must hurry and change out of these." He said as he lifted the garment a bit. "It would be ideal to simply hide or else we'd need a cover up story as to why we have our wounds if a guard ever saw us." They could always reason out that they were just a merry band of travelers who had a run in with wild animals to cover up the fact that someone was injured - but then there were the burns and the fact that they didn't even know each other.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FantasyChic
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FantasyChic Poptarts and Glitter

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She followed along with the others, a bit ticked off that the idea worked. The guards would be concerned with the wildfire started, but it would not be long until attention was put back on them. "They'll want to find us again soon. They won't just let us leave and forget about us. We can stick around for a bit, but our best chance is to escape somewhere else and quickly."

Her arm still hurt, but it was not as bad. Perhaps she lost feeling in it? "Let's get somewhere safe and comfortable, at least. We have injured in need of assistance." She pressed forward into the town, on the lookout for someone, in case it was not as safe-looking as it appeared.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by BlueSky44
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BlueSky44 Tech Monkey

Member Seen 39 min ago

Hikaru and Ryuu

"Not too sure what it is that we could use for a cover story for these injuries, especially considering the clothes that we are wearing right now... I am open to suggestions any sort of suggestions you've got," Ryuu said instantly as the village ahead of them drew nearer. There were no Fire Nation guards heading after them, at least not obviously. There were a few people walking in the town, but not too many people. Meaning that odds were that the group would be easily noticed, as opposed to just being able to blend in.

Hikaru looked at the town, wondering where they'd be able to get help of any kind. They stood out like a sore thumb in her mind, so odds were that they'd have to either steal or convince someone to help them. She wasn't too thrilled of the first option, and she didn't know how they'd be able to tell if they could trust someone for the second option. "We need to figure something out..." she mumbled softly.

They reached the village after a little while, not too long of a trip, smoke from the fire could be seen in the distance still behind them. A few people turned their way, looking at the group as they entered the area, most didn't even seem to care to give them a second glance. However, there was someone who did seem to stare at them somewhat. An older man who was walking in the village stopped and looked at them when they entered, and stared at them somewhat. Ryuu glanced over at the man, and the man looked away slightly at that.

"...Looks like someone noticed us... Still not sure if that is a good thing or not..." he muttered, before the man glanced around quickly, and wandered over to the group.

"Those uniforms, did you just get out of that prison? I've never really heard of anyone getting out of there, you are lucky to have made it. You don't have to trust me, I can understand if you don't, but if you are in need of aid, you are welcome to follow me," he said, nodding his head towards the group.

Hikaru glanced back at the others, currently they had no allies with them, aside from maybe the group that she was currently with, and even then she wasn't sure if she could trust them all. She didn't know what they were thinking, but she was fine with the idea of trusting him. They were in a pretty bad situation, and they needed all of the help that they could get. "...What is your name?" she asked, figuring if he was at least somewhat truthful and honest, he'd be fine with telling them that.

"My name is Takuma, Takuma Suzuki, please to meet you," he responded simply, not even hesitating to answer Hikaru's inquiry.
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