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After countless auditions across the United States of America, 20 lucky contestants were chosen to compete in the chance to win one million dollars! The contestants will be locked away in a house for a couple months with no other interactions besides their other house guests. This means no cellphones, no internet, no calling your mommy when things go sour!
Weekly the house will participate in competitions at a chance to win the title of "Head of Household" giving them the power to put up two house guests they would like to see go home. These competitions can be a test of wit, strength, and everything in between. The whole house will then at the end of the week anonymously vote and send one person packing. Enemies, lovers, and everything in between will be formed, do you have what it takes to defy the odds? Find out soon on the very first season of Roleplayer Guild's Big Brother!

Winners and losers of competitions will be chosen by random generated dice roll. Everyone will be able to write out everything that happens in between and during. Social game, making friends/lovers, enemies, and everything in between is the importance of the game. It doesn't matter if you win every competition- if no one likes you at the end of the day you might not be voted for to win the big prize.
If you have ideas for competitions please speak up in the OOC!

All basic RPG rules apply here. But this will be a mature roleplay.
This is just for fun, so don't take it too personally whoever wins/loses. It's just a game!
This will be a very active participation roleplay, you will be required to participate at least twice a week. Once for competition and once for voting. Everything else is up to you, but if you're not making relationships and friendships with other people- you will probably get sent home fairly early by others.
You are allowed to play up to THREE characters.

Answer the questions as if it were your character :)
Please keep the genders pretty even. Everyone is welcome here. Have fun, be creative!
To receive your challenging traits for your character; just say to me if you would like "simple" or "complex" sets, how many instances (1 instance per 1 character), and what gender you will be playing and then you will receive that set in the ooc. From there you will be able to get to work on your sheet.