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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by FujiwaraPhoenix
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FujiwaraPhoenix Archer Inferno

Member Seen 7 hrs ago

  • Name (Former): Takefumi Jun
  • Name (Character): Deneb
  • Age: 21
  • Appearance: "Why my alt? Why not my main?!"
    When not disguised, Deneb stands at about 5'5" tall.
  • Character Level: 52
  • Character Class: Ninja
  • Personality: Deneb isn't particularly outgoing in any sense of the word, and prefers to remain quiet if not disguised as someone else. To strangers, she remains polite and cordial, and to allies and friends, she is more talkative, but as a whole the whole 'stuck in a girl's body with a girl's voice' thing is still uncomfortable.
    Bring it up, though, and she'll put you on a hitlist of people to make miserable for the near future.
    That doesn't mean that she's the type to go off brooding in some corner, though; her current situation is one that spurs her on to actively seek a solution, even if that means pushing her to go and find people to possibly help in her personal quest.
    In combat and strategically focused scenarios, though, Deneb tends to be the shotcaller and leader, which is both odd given her class and understandable given what her situation used to be. She's stubborn and headstrong in that regard, but when it comes up to trying to find strategies and diffuse tensions she's actually quite flexible.
    As a (former) long-time player, though, Deneb knows a lot more about the content waiting for her at the higher levels, which promptly makes her more cautious in some cases and more confident in others. Her experience as a leader also makes her more likely to chew people out if they act out of line or put people (not just others, but also themselves) in needless danger. She isn't a know it all, though, and only speaks extensively with regard to what she knows best; if someone comes to her asking for advice on class builds, for example, she'd direct them to a wiki or another high level player instead.
  • Abilities: As she is a human, Deneb has no inherent abilities to speak of aside from the superhuman speed and dexterity bestowed upon her by her class. That being said, though, Deneb has one ace up her sleeve that isn't explicitly a part of her class.
    As a reward from a gachapon, she has a small charm that can be used to summon another character on her account (in other words, Laoli) for a short period of time, have them unleash a single high-level skill, and disappear. It has infinite uses, but must cool down for a day after being used.
  • Skills: Deneb has a variety of skills focused around the debuffing of and manipulation of enemies, ranging from things like magically disguising oneself and short distance teleportation to more classic things such as manipulation of poison, proficiency with daggers and ranged weapons, and instant traps such as caltrops and oil slicks. Aside from these, though, one skill that Deneb has, often ignored by the playerbase at large for its lack of use in most scenarios, is [Mimic]. With this skill, it is possible for Deneb to copy the skills of another character (that do not use items) with a lower proficiency than the original (but not their statlines) so long as she is disguised as them. Any injury past a certain threshold, of course, renders the disguise null and void, and thus returns her back to 'normal'. The [Disguise] skill itself, though, has a long internal cooldown and a relatively short duration at its current level (1, which is what most players with the class invest into it, if at all), which makes utilizing [Mimic] even more difficult than it might otherwise possibly be.
    Aside from that, the judo that she remembers, while not registered as a skill of any sort within the game, is still perfectly usable... Just not as any meaningful skill.
  • Backstory: Jun is (or, rather, was) a college student at Tokyo University, and often spent his free time at arcades or playing Emerald Odyssey rather than attending any major afterschool clubs. Even so, his penchant towards academics (read, multitasking and studying while playing) and occasional attendance to the judo club led to his admission... Somehow.
    When he entered college, however, a few of the new friends he had made admitted that they wanted to try the MMO he had spent so much time on, and he was happy to oblige their request and teach them the ropes; after all, who better than an old veteran of the game to do something like that?
    That being said, Jun didn't want to use his main character, a Martial Artist by the name of Laoli, for that task; it wasn't fun to either simply stand by or crush all the enemies in front of him without a thought. The next best option was, of course, to make a new character entirely to help those people out.
    The next few years came and went, and as the others began to get more sporadic in playtime due to the pressures of higher-level education, his progress on Deneb began to falter as he had to spend more time on Laoli. News of the new expansion, however, reinvigorated those friends to start playing once more, and so the last day before its release was spent raising the ninja. Again.
    What the young man didn't expect, of course, was to be trapped... On the wrong goddamn character.
  • Other: Is rightfully mad at the world for dropping her in as a ninja instead of the martial artist she spend the last few years working on. In essence, her current goal is to either get home or, at the very least, switch to that character.
    Additionally, Jun's main also owned a small training hall located off to the wayside, and used it as a hybrid base/warehouse. Both characters have made use of it actively, and Jun has written a few sentences in his spare time while waiting for... Well, everyone else to get online.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DocRock
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DocRock Techno-Gilgamesh

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Name (Former): Christian Light
Name (Character): Indiana Jones(an inside joke on his part, due to his love of adventuring, and now he's stuck with it)
Age: 22
Appearance: Standing at an imposing seven feet due to his race of Dragonkin, Indiana was presumably a fire dragonkin, due to his red scale color, with a toothed snout and small, yet free moving eyes in his skull. He often wore traveling clothes, and while having horns, often tried to perch a fedora atop his head, one of the few times he bought an item that had almost no direct benefits in gameplay for personal appeal. He almost always has a crossbow handy, and various assorted items ready for usage, but thanks to the storage system, isn't usually visible.
Character Level: 40
Character Class: Artificer
Personality: A kind hearted player who despite his fearsome appearance, had a love for helping others. Whereas some who went his route did so for the power that came with being able to craft valuable magical items, he did it out of a love for adventure, to aid others. Why charismatic and confident in the game, this hides a nervous fellow, who was always nervous about fitting in, and in part took a path to stand out to inspire others. Studious and observant, his tendency to binge read information makes him both a valuable source of data, and a dangerous foe due to his extensive knowledge. While most players will just run in and slash, Chris will carefully investigate his surroundings, looking for hidden monsters, doors, or treasures. Or traps. He makes mental notes, and will, if able, leave markers for other players to know where to not step, or where hidden enemies are. Always check the ceiling, never know what's up there.
Dragon's Breath - A racial skill that allowed the player to breath an element tied to their race's heritage. In Indy's case, it was traditional flames, in a spread like pattern. However, it could only be used once a day.
Dragonscale - Takes reduced damage due to his dragonic nature. Unless its a weak spot, then its normal damage.
Identify - A basic spell that allows one to identify an item of a magical nature, its akin to appraisal.
Detect Magic - An omnidirectional spell that tells a user if any magic is present in an area, can be used to detect magical items, or opponents with magic, or hidden spells.
Other abilities will be implemented as needed or thought up(Not limiting myself here now, so much as I am just moving carefully, no need to be super crazy all at once).

As a more hybrid-esque class, Artificers have a skill tree that revolves around the production of items, magical or not, but primarily magical. Combining features commonly found in crafting and artisan related classes, a good Artificer benefits from careful resource management, and careful time management. Not recommended as a class for beginners, or casual players, or for the more aggressive playing style of some. The Artificer takes their time, and as such, are seen as a valuable commodity in the game's economy, due to the ability of high level artificers to make incredibly rare and powerful items. Artificers are most commonly found in hub areas, but some can be found in the wilderness, seeking out dungeons or areas overlooked for rare items to add to their collection. While incredibly valuable, they aren't good for direct combat, instead relying on ranged combat or simple weapons, and are best when supporting a tank type class, or as the loot carrier in a party. While unclear what would happen with them in the new expansion, the adventurous nature of Artificers, and their overall usefulness as crafters, would likely benefit.

An American player, who moved to Japan as part of his studies, and was part of Heaven's Door, a crafting guild dedicated attaining status as one of the top guilds in the game via various trades. An aspiring archeologist in the outside world, and a college student in his final year, Chris was a lore fanatic, digging into the game's secrets whenever new information came out, using his love for exploration to roam the world, whether by himself or with others. While Dragonkin weren't as common as other players, due to being in part, seen as "ugly" by most, Chris's own love for dragons, especially the western types drew him to the often overlooked type. Mix in his love of adventure, and it explains his pick of the more recently added artificer. In part why he named himself Indiana Jones. He was frugal with his ingame resources, only buying accessories he felt were really needed, though it wasn't unheard of him to spend a lot of game currency on rare magical items or components, partly making him a lower ranked member of the guild, despite being the valuable Artificer class. He tended to keep to himself even with the guild, often spending long times away, with only one or two other members tagging along. But those were his friends, who he cherished, and took care of. He often gave them the magical items he made, preferring the support role, due to a slight aversion to extreme violence. For him, it wasn't about being the best, but about enjoying the journey along the way, and a small blog he ran when not playing, chronicled his experiences from just going out and enjoying the world the developers had crafted, seeking out the lesser visited areas, even if it meant hours of work just to get the perfect picture.

As the hours ticked down towards the servers going down to add in the new update, Chris had returned his character to his workshop at the Guild Headquarters, for safety reasons, adding finishing touches to an NPC he'd been working on incase he ever had to go out by himself again, as admittedly, the long hours aloe did in fact, bother him, having no one else to share them with in real time, even if a creature he had made, as opposed to a friend, was that person. It didn't bother him, perhaps a clue to his own aloofness, or his desire for well, a sibling. That was the curse of an only child, let alone a stranger in a foreign land. So he had created a hunter NPC elf named Meg, after another game character, or at least their nickname, and as the time slipped away that night, he had turned from working on her skill tree, racial traits, and equipment, to personality. It was easy enough to code in the character's personality to be a bit of a big sister type figure, but not in the aggressive "I'm going to beat the crap out of you if you don't behave," but more the "We're in this together, so let's get going." A fellow explorer in other words. He had no idea just what was waiting around the corner for him, for while he was aware of the strange bug, due to commentary in the chat rooms, he had paid it no mind, chalking it up to a random bug that would be fixed come the new expansion. And such things always happen to other people, right?

Chris, despite not being one to spend resources where they were not "needed", decided to invest time, patience, and resources into making his NPC Meg, perhaps a hint to his own occasional sense of loneliness. Meg, being an elf he programmed to be like well, a friend and a sister. So imagine his surprise when she came to life, and started playing the part of a sister. His extensive knowledge of the game's lore and inner workings, and exporative nature means he's been almost everywhere a level forty player can go, and well, he's gathered information from others. While unaware of what's to come, that knowledge is going to come in handy later.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Bone Father
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Bone Father

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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Anza
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Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Name (Former): Kai Yoriko
Name (Character): Viridian Daeva
Age: 27
Appearance: "Hmm? Is there a problem?"
Her character model (including horns) is about 6'2''
Character Level: 60
Character Class: Cleric
Personality: Viridian (or ‘Viri’ for short) is a casual in every sense of the word. Before getting stuck in the game she was the kind of person who’d only log in once or twice a week for an hour or so at a time, and did whatever she felt was fun rather than seriously grinding at all. Rather than affiliating with any particular clique or guild, she’s fine partying with whoever needs a healer, though it can be hard to get her to stick around for more than a couple of dungeon runs at a time.
In spite of her class, or perhaps because of it, Viri is a woman of almost infinite patience. She’s very forgiving of people who make mistakes, and doesn’t seem to mind getting chewed out herself, though no amount of angry berating is likely to make her change her ways. She’ll sometimes gently scold people for being childish or petty, but in general is very mellow and relaxed. It’s hard to get her excited about anything, and hard to make her really angry or frustrated.
As a player she’s a fairly passive support, staying out of the fight and topping up health bars where needed. She’s effective enough at her role, but never really changes or adapts her tactics much, preferring to stick with the strategy that normally works rather than pushing herself to excel.
Abilities/skills: Even for a Cleric, Viri is heavily specced into healing and support, with virtually no damaging spells at all. She can throw ranged projectiles and area affects that restore health, create temporary magical barriers to eat enemy attacks, and command up to three small spirits to attach themselves to specific players or enemies to provide buffs and debuffs respectively. She also has a mobility spell that lets her teleport to an allied player after a short channel, a powerful regeneration buff that remains active so long as she’s in physical contact with the target, and a debuff cleanse applied through a kiss. Last but not least, she can revive a downed player with up to half of their maximum health, though doing this eats up all her mana and leaves her pretty much useless until it regenerates.
Backstory: Yoriko was never the kind of person who played video games much. She only got into Emerald Odyssey because one of her boyfriends was excited about its release and wanted to play it together. She ended up dumping him a couple months later, but by then she’d already made an account, and over the next few years she kept logging on from time to time whenever she felt like it, leveling up her character step by tiny step.
It was sheer coincidence that she logged on right before the release of the new expansion— she didn’t even know the expansion was coming that soon. All she wanted to do was relax for an hour with a silly game after a stressful day of work… but instead she got trapped in a fantasy world?! Ah, she wasn’t expecting something like this…
Other: She keeps quiet about her identity and occupation in the outside world, though it’s known that she at least has a degree of some sort. Her inventory is full of old items that she never uses or sells, including some quite rare ones that she doesn’t know the value of.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Rabidporcupine
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Rabidporcupine Depression Tree.

Member Seen 7 days ago

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Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by OliveYou
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by VitaVitaAR
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VitaVitaAR King of Knights

Member Seen 1 hr ago

  • Name (Former): Hanabusa Megumi
  • Name (Character): DokanMeguMegu-san
  • Age: 16
  • Appearance: "I don't tolerate those 'boring but practical' types!" Amusingly, Megumi's in-game appearance was modeled on her real life looks, except slightly more fanciful.
  • Character Level: 50
  • Character Class: Combat Mage(A subclass focused on offensive magic)
  • Personality: Megumi is many things. Surly, intolerant of things she doesn't like, quick to complain, fond of colorful magical explosions... She's got a fiery personality and prefers to have the firepower to back it up. Indeed, when she began Emerald Odyssey, one of Megumi's chief pursuits was to be as offense-heavy as possible. She has a distaste for anyone who leans towards boring, practical skills and techniques that are effective because of their low cost and short, uninteresting animations. Instead, Megumi favors the flashiest and most explosive spells, ones that look cool and do extremely high damage, even if the animations are slow. After the game world becomes real, well... Megumi certainly won't shake this belief. Magic is magic, it should be flashy! That's how she feels, at least. Aside from this, Megumi dislikes foolish behavior and has words just as fiery as some of her most explosive magic. She unhesitatingly and scathingly insults anyone who annoys her, and will admonish others for behaviors she perceives as stupid, or dangerous. Megumi is also an extremely proud person, perhaps to the point of mild arrogance in some circumstances. However, she's easily embarrassed. Finally, in spite of her... testy personality(and hatred of being mistaken for one), Megumi is actually quite nice to children and has a protective streak towards them.
  • Abilities: Megumi has rapid casting abilities, and the highest level of mana she could get for her level.
  • Skills: Megumi possesses little in the way of physical skills, even less so now that she's become her Emerald Odyssey character. However, given that she was at the top of her class in school, she is excellent at problem-solving and providing information. Megumi's specialization is in offensive magic. She knows a single barrier spell(one of the best for her level, but it's still only one) and that is it. Everything else has been poured exclusively into offense and nothing else, aimed at getting everything she can out of every single explosive spell she knows. These spells include Grand Combustion(albeit at its lowest level as she learned it as early as possible), Scattering Lights(a bombardment spell featuring dozens of laser beams), Divine Spark(a bigger, stronger, single laser), and many other, similar spells. She also has a mana recharge buff item, but it's not one of the strongest in Emerald Odyssey as she has not been able to clear the content containing such strong items. Compared to her MP, her HP is low for her level, making her easily incapacitated if successfully attacked.
  • Backstory: Hanabusa Megumi, the doll-like straight-A student of Mihama High School, was not one of the people most would peg as an avid gamer. And perhaps it would be inaccurate to call her one, except when it came to Emerald Odyssey. Megumi is, somewhat secretly(at least to the people she doesn't count as friends), something of a massive Emerald Odyssey nerd. She lost her parents at a young age, and was taken in by her aunt. This experience inspired a few different desires in her, to ensure that children didn't need to suffer the same loss as she did, and to do as best as she possibly could in memory of her parents. This manifested as her excellency in class... however, the pressure she placed on herself required her to find some way of venting. Eventually, she discovered Emerald Odyssey. Quickly taking to the lore, setting, and gameplay, Megumi frequently spent time playing the game... and buying merchandise related to the game. In order to burn off stress, she decided to make a high-firepower mage who was focused entirely on being as destructive as possible. Soon, she shared her love of Emerald Odyssey with a few friends(the only friends she has), and they all played together, covering for Megumi so she could unleash her most powerful spells. Indeed, she was quite excited to take her mage through the new content...
    She never expected she'd end up being that mage.
  • Other: N/A
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Hidden 6 yrs ago 6 yrs ago Post by TheFake
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name (Former): Sato Kaede
Name (Character): Kallahar
Age: 31

In her armour the character tops 7 feet tall as the cosmetic set provides a character size increase. Under the helmet is a plain, pale face with cold eyes framed by rather stringy hair.
Character Level: 58
Character Class: Death Knight
Outside of the game Kaede is a laid back small town police officer, easygoing and friendly. She is a bit of an idealist, seeing the best in everybody. She is, however, easily bored.

Inside the world of Emerald Odyssey Kallahar is a ruthless killer with enthusiasm and creativity bordering on the artistic. The contrast with her real world self is what keeps her coming back to the game. When she plays there is a total disconnect between herself and the character. There is no discussion of real life, for Kallahar there is no outside world. The only bleedthrough is Kaede's quick to laugh sense of humor.
Lifeleech: Kallahar's abilites focus around maximizing the amount of life that she can leech from enemies though her attacks. Most of her lifeleech is granted by her sword or other equipment.
Hellbound Fervor: Even in death there is no rest. Kallahar continues to fight after reaching 0 health for a period of time based on her health value before the blow landed. being killed from full health allows her to fight for two minutes.

Intercept: Kallahar throws herself in front of an attack intended for an ally, losing part of her armors effectiveness against the attack.
Retaliating Strike: After taking damage Kallahars next attack is amplified in relation to the damage taken.
Relentless Retribution: while under 15% health Kallahar becomes immune to debuffs that affect movement or attack speed.

Kaede always wanted to be a police officer. Unfortunately she ended up in a small village where nothing seems to happen. At the advice from a friend from back home she took up MMO gaming in her free time. Rather than reflect real life in the game, she decided to create a persona that was a total contrast with herself.

The Death knight Kallahar was born, a vicious killer that believes in letting the strongest prevail.
Kallahar has a single NPC 'companion', though if he could speak, he would strongly object to the use of that term to describe their relationship.
NPC Name: Michael Riordan
NPC Level: 50
NPC Class: Paladin
Persobnality: A righteous paragon of Justice, Paladin Riordan is honorbound to seek out and do away with evil in all of its myriad forms. Michael is a strong counterpoint to Kallahar's wilful and bloodthirsty nature.
Holy Aura: weakens and slows undead and unnatural beings that approach the paladin.
Blessed Touch: A simple caress from him can heal wounds and purge ailments.

Divine Smite: A glorious attack that deals bonus damage to unholy and undead. Anything evil or undead killed by this attack or shortly after burn to ash, leaving no corpse behind.
Vigilant Strike: A swift counterattack in response to taking damage. Ordinarilly it has a four second cooldown, when the paladin is at low health this cooldown is ignored.

Paladin Michael Riordan is the relentless pursuer of Blood knight Kaallahar. A close as he ever get's to apprehending her, she always manages to escape through taking a hostage, catching him in a trap or beating him in combat. She is his sworn enemy and his main motivating force.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by TheMushroomLord
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TheMushroomLord I am me... I hope.

Member Seen 17 hrs ago

Name (Former): Ito Hina
Name (Character): Chisuikoumori
Age: 16

When Hina created Chisuikoumori she wanted to play a character that was small and cute, which wasn't so much a problem back when Emerald Odyssey was still a game, but has since proven to be rather annoying and disorienting.

Character Level: 56
Character Class: Hemomancer (Blood Knight subclass)

Personality: Hina seems to alternate between acting like herself and acting out the personality she created for Chisuikoumori. For the most part she tries to be herself but is quick to switch over when that gets to awkward or when interacting with people she's uncomfortable with.
While acting as herself she's incredibly shy and socially awkward, but when she adopts the act of Chisuikoumori however her personality takes a full 180, while she still lacks any clue as to social norms, she acts far more confident and outgoing, with seemingly limitless energy. For those that witness her sudden change in character it can be somewhat disconcerting, but given that Chisuikoumori is still just a act she usually struggles to keep it up for long and generally begins looking for an opportunity to retreat pretty quickly.

In combat Hina would most like to be a frontline fighter, as it's what Chisuikoumori was built for, but due to the detriments of blood frenzy she pretty much always instead sticks to casting blood bolt and thinking up less conventional tactics that allow her to stay as far away as possible from the melee.

Abilities: Being a vampire Hina has a number of abilities:

  • Vampiric: Hina has a number of abilities commonly associated with vampires, including increased speed, night vision, immunity to poison, a bite attack, and the ability to turn into a bat at the cost of blood.
  • Sanguine Starvation: Hina has no need for food, sleep and water instead requiring blood, a common drop harvestable from most creatures, failure to fulfil this need results in a starved condition in which she looses most of her vampiric abilities, suffers from severe pain and may enter a frenzy in the presence of humanoids or warm blooded creatures.
  • Creature of the Night: When exposed to sunlight Hina gains a debuff in which she will not naturally recover from damage, becomes severely lethargic and constantly looses blood in a red mist.

Skills: While Hemomancers are a spell casting class that use their hit points in place of mana and Blood Knights focus on using their enemies health to augment their physical abilities, Hina's skills seem to be a bit all over the place, with a number of low levelled skills chosen from pretty much every skill tree, seemingly entirely based of if they sounded cool with no concern for any kind of meta. The only consistency in Chisuikoumori being the excessive number of high levelled gathering skills she boasts. Some of her more notable skills include:

  • Basic Spellcraft: Due to the HP cost imposed upon spellcasting for Hemomancers, most take very few non-combative skills, making basic spellcraft a skill seldom seen in hemomancers but extremely common in a number of other classes. What this skill allows Hina to do is create simple magical effects like sparks or lights, the most dangerous this skill can get is to produce a candle sized flame.
  • Blood Bolt: The most basic skill in the Hemomancers arsenal. By expending some HP Hina can launch a mid ranged projectile comprised of her blood at a target. This skill has relatively high damage for its level, however as low as Hina has levelled it that's still realativly little.
  • Thaumaturgy: Another basic spellcaster ability, this one next to entirely useless, but popular with some newer players. What thaumaturgy does is create arcane effects around a player that essentially function to make them look cool. They might make their eyes glow red, their cloak billow or their voice boom.
  • Thicker than Water: A Blood Knight unique skill usually not taken in favour of armour, what this skill does is make Hina more durable and resistant to injury while she is outside of armour and reduces bleeding damage she takes by half.
  • Haemophilia: A rather common Blood Knight skill that causes Hina's weapon attacks inflict a DoT bleeding effect on top of whatever damage they would normally deal.
  • Blood Frenzy: One of the few non-gathering skills Hina heavily invested into and the only choice in creating Chisuikoumori she regrets more than being short. Blood Frenzy is a rather potent passive skill that triggers whenever Hina deals damage with a melee weapon or someone damages any creature within a close proximity to Hena. Whenever this skill triggers Hina gains a temporary cumulative boost to her stats, speed and damage up to a maximum level.
    Unfortunately along with the rest of the Emerald Odyssey becoming real, the frenzy part of this skill also seems to have taken on a more literal interpretation which can quickly result in some borderline suicidal rampages should Hina ever engage in melee combat.

Backstory: Hina for the most part was never really more than your average student, with the most noteworthy thing about her having to be her overwhelming social awkwardness. It wasn't like people disliked her but it wouldn't have been an understatement to say she had no friends, which is why a few years back when she decided to give Emerald Odyssey a go she immediately fell in love with the games world as a place where she could act as she pleased and talk to people without feeling embarrassed. Hina always intended to at some point follow Emerald Odyssey's main storyline at some point, but for the most part always ended up getting distracted with exploring the games expansive world, grinding and completing side quests, particularly enjoying the gathering mini games of which she never seemed to get bored.

Other: Due to Hina's playing habits and being a long time player of the game she is incredibly high level for her progress in the Emerald Odyssey's storyline and subsequently lacks a lot of the knowledge generally expected of someone if her level. On the flip side her tendency to exploration and gathering has left her a significantly wealthy player with a fair portion of knowledge on much of the games wilds.
Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by Ozerath
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Ozerath U WOT M8?

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name (Former):Jared McQuarrie

Name (Character): Cenadin



Character Level: 59

Character Class: Paladin

Straightforward. Friendly. Naive. Stubborn. Loyal.

Five words that come to mind when describing Jared. He tends to call it like he sees it, a quality that endears him to some and irritates others. He is easygoing, social, and generally likeable from the minute you meet him. However, getting to know him better might make one revise their initial assessment. Likely due to his upbringing, Jared has very little appreciation for the difficulties other people may have faced in life. If pushed to the edge, he rarely backs down; argue him into a corner, and he’ll never listen to your logic. Make him lose his temper, and you’re cruising for a bruising. Together, these traits are an absolute dealbreaker for some people, but endear him to others. The upside of Jared’s conviction is that he’s extremely dedicated to his friends and anyone who has earned his trust.

Abilities: As a human, Cenadin has no special attributes, other than the increased strength and endurance from his class. Cenadin is fully specced out as a Paladin tank, using the powers of the Light to defend himself and allies, command the attention of enemies, and dish a little damage along the way. His most commonly used abilities are below.

Consecration: Everyone’s favourite Paladin ability. Creates a medium sized area of sacred ground. Friendlies in the area are healed for a small percentage of their health each second, while enemies take light damage at the same time. Short cooldown, to the point where high level paladins with the proper specs can maintain a Consecration almost continuously.

Endure: Temporarily boosts the Paladin’s maximum HP by 30%.

Unbowed: For a short time, causes the Paladin to heal for a percentage of their health when damaged.

Righteous Leap: Wings of light help the Paladin leap great distances. At the end of the jump, the wings burst into holy energy. Can be used on friendly or enemy targets. Friendly targets are healed, enemy targets are damaged.

Ward of Light: A shield of light blossoms in front of the Paladin, reducing incoming damage to him and all targets in a cone behind him. (Cenadin’s sole concession to mitigation tanking, because of the AOE protection it offers)

Sacred Armaments: Swords of light descend from the heavens, dealing damage to all enemy targets in an area.

Warcry: Incites an enemy target to attack the Paladin.


Blacksmithing: It often pays to be able to make your own armor. Cenadin has invested a lot of time and effort becoming a proficient blacksmith in the Emerald Odyssey, though it remains to be seen how that will translate to the game’s….new state.

Mining: Might as well find your own raw materials. Cenadin can recognize and extract precious metals and ores when he comes across them in the game world.

Dance: Before the change, the Dance skill let a character use increasingly elaborate Dance emotes. Again, it remains to be seen how that will manifest now.

Additionally, Jared is a highly capable financier in the real world, meaning he has an eye for how economies change. This previously helped him turn tidy profits in the game.


Jared is an import to Japan. Born in faroff Toronto, Canada, he lived a comfortable upper class life, wealthy, but not obscenely so. He excelled in school, and attended an Ivy League university down in the US. Family connections, the university’s reputation, and an impressive GPA landed him a job at a global bank at the tender age of 22. Jared excelled in the finance-bro culture of New York, bringing in tremendous profits, partying hard, and living the good life. Following a few promotions, he was offered a very senior and very well paying position in the bank’s Tokyo offices.

Accepting that position was, in retrospect, a mistake. Jared has been in Japan for about a year, and is pretty miserable. He continues to be successful in his professional career, and he’s picked up the language quite well, but the cultural barriers have proven...problematic. He’s friendly with his co-workers, but not friends with them, and outside of that, he has no network, no way of meeting new people, leaving him desperately lonely. Jared misses his old life and his old friends, and his only sanctuary is Emerald Odyssey.

Jared originally picked up the game because his tutor had recommended immersing himself in Japanese media to help him learn the language, and he’d always enjoyed gaming, though never taken it very seriously. As he grew increasingly lonely, he became increasingly enthralled by the game, and now spends every hour he’s not at work playing it.

Cenadin started off as a bit of a joke; a paladin modeled to look like WWE superstar JOHN CENA! But he’s grown into a serious player since then. His ultimate objective is to have the highest HP total of any player in the game. Some internet digging told him what he’d need: a human-specific helmet called Crown of the Lion, and a two-handed greatsword called Balance of Judgement. The Crown is a high level raid drop, while Balance of Judgement is the reward for a high level Paladin quest. The path forward is therefore clear: level up, finish the quest for Balance of Judgement, GIT GUD at raiding, get the Crown, and stand back in admiration of his really big numbers.

Despite being a newer character, Cenadin is an excellent tank. However, without access to forums and videos and wikis, he will have to learn the new content through trial and error.

Other: His hat is a very non-lore friendly anniversary item, given out to be purely cosmetic. Cenadin has instead had it enchanted to give bonus health and strength, making it better more useful than it might appear.

Despite being a tank, Cenadin uses 2 handed swords. Emerald Odyssey does not restrict most moves to certain weapon types, so this does not compromise his moveset. Additionally, the endgame greatsword Balance of Judgement gives more bonuses to health than any known sword and shield combo, despite the reduced block chance.
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Hidden 6 yrs ago Post by DELETED7282737


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Name (Former):

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Character Level:

Character Class:

Joy is a shut in girl who has left the real world aside 4 years ago. She hasn't gone out of her room since that day and does everything online even so much as working. Her social skills are pared to zero after she had shut herself in, it even goes as far that she is scared of being spoken to or having to talk. However when she finds out that not all humans hurt her she does open up to the ones she thrusts. Online she is on a whole different level however she has made a lot of friends and can be very type-active talking about the most basic things.

Her real world self is a scarcely cat that is afraid to do anything on her own while her internet self is a superhero that can do anything and helps everyone. It is like she has a completely opposite personality that she wants to have. In the big picture she is very kind though and tries her best in everything she does, she likes to help others even if you can't call it helping.

Sho is still a normal human and therefor has no special abilities. Her agility is faster and her strength is better then most humans but furthermore there is nothing special about her that any other samurai wouldn't have.

Sho her skills consist of light damage sword skills and heavy damage dealing sword skills that have a very long cool-down. They can be used to finish fights quickly. Furthermore she has a few defense skills but she relies more on counterattack skills instead of defense when she is on her own. She doesn't have skills that heal herself or any magic based skills.

Joy was always the shy kid around others, she wouldn't talk much or voice her opinion even when she wanted to. She strolled through life without much of a problem though, aced school got into her preferred art university. She still had to pay most of the cost on her own yet, she managed somehow by taking on multiple weird part time jobs that would keep her alive.

Joy got to a point in her life when she wouldn't even see her own home anymore and decided it was time to end her dire situation by quiting her favorite art university. All in order to cool off for a while. Her head was only focused on work and school that it took its toll. Joy still kept some of her part time jobs to make some more money but fell into social decline a few weeks later after she couldn't take it anymore. The door went completely shut, only letting in package orders and groceries. She comtinued to play her favorite game to take the attention away from her stress and became somewhat addicted to it. The so called Emerald Odyssey had clearly become an obsession to her.

It took her a few weeks of constant playing to realise to herself that her money was starting to deplete slowly from her daily costs. She had to get a job but going outside wouldn't be an option for her. Her obvious answer was doing something with her art. She did keep drawing everyday so might as well give it a try right. It might not earn much but it was something. And so her journey began. To the lowest point of humanity. Doujins.

It all started sweetly with some fanart of her favorite characters in Emerald Odyssey. That quickly began to turn however as people kept asking her to draw some... More... 'Good' fanart. They paid well and it only tugged lightly at Joy her sanity, but over the time she began to get more used to it. She actually... Liked this kind of art. Her obsession grew worse and eventually it all went down the rabbit hole of her drawing whole Doujinshi's and selling them on comiket by her friend under her actual username. She had become quite famous in the Emerald Odyssey community for doing this. Her character name and artist name were the same so it wouldn't be strange for her to be recognised.

It might not earn as much as she liked to have but at least it would cover all her costs plus some extra for fun things. At least she enjoyed doing it.

The new expansion was comming and so she had to prepare with a freshly made character on her favorite class. Samurai.

She wanted to get to level 90 once more before the new expansion and go onward with this new character to the next level cap. Then it happened. She was just casually playing with her newest character very excited about the release. She was doing some solo grinding minutes before the maintenance began to add the new expansion. The seconds counted down as she looked at her clock to see how much more time she had till the server would shut down. She wasn't gonna finish this enemy, she stopped fighting and waited at a quite area as she leaned back into her chair seeing the clock tick down. She counted the last three seconds before she began to yawn and?

Sho doesn't grasp this whole situation just yet, she can't get used to her new body or the world. She has only seen the outside world from her window the past few years so being out there right now is quite frightening to her.
The fact the she used to solo do partly everything doesn't apply in the new situation right now as she is utterly useless in real life with a sword as well.
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