Jason and Janelle Gauger

Location: Camp Half-Blood - The Dining Pavilion
Skills: N/A
"Oh, don't get me wrong, having an older brother can be a lot of fun, but let me just say that the best part about it is that I can tease him relentlessly. The worst part about the entire thing, as I think I mentioned before is that he is way too over protective in my brain. That is the worse thing possible, but I've learned to deal with it for the most part, just get to crack more then a few jokes about him whenever possible," she said with a bit of a laugh to Kristen.
"Wow, you are so nice to me Ellie! Why do you find it so much fun to do that to me! So mean!" he said, but he laughed a little bit, smiling slightly at his sister. He then heard Kristen's other comment about them being a long way from home. "Well yeah, I mean, Ireland is kind of on a different continent entirely... Only came to the US around 2 years ago, which, you know, is fun. I at the least do miss our old home there..."
Janelle nodded her head slightly at what her brother had said about missing their home. "I agree, I miss Ireland sometimes too... I mean, this country is definitely different from back home... Though we of course didn't exactly have too much of a choice in whether or not we came to this country..." she said softly, before shaking her head slightly as she took a moment to think about the other thing that Kristen had said, as well as take the pretzel. "What sort of lessons would that include if you don't mind me asking?"
Jason nodded his head slightly, at his sister sadly mentioning what had happened to cause them to end up in the US. Their parents had died and none of their family members wanted to take them in aside from their uncle who had made a life for himself in the country across the ocean. It was a bit sad over that it had to happen that way, but it couldn't be helped. "Yeah, what sort of lessons would they be?" he asked as he took the other pretzel.
Marygold Isley

Location: Camp Half-Blood - the Big House
Skills: N/A
Mary watched as the entire situation more or less played out in front of her as Mr. D and Chiron were more or less brought up to speed on the entire situation, and Zeke of course mentioning that maybe the gods should be told what was going on. Her mind instantly wandered to what the odds were that the gods would do something, especially considering how Mr. D seemed to act about it, and she knew that odds were that the demigods would be on their own yet again to play hero. That was always how things seemed to work in the long run.
However, the one thing that stunned her the most at the moment was the fact that Zeke of all people seemed to snap pretty easily at Rebecca. Usually, it was Zeke being annoying and causing others to snap at him, not him getting mad at everyone else. Not to mention, Rebecca had only been trying to help out. "Seriously Zeke? She's only trying to help you..." she said softly as Kiera asked a question, and she just sort of shrugged, figuring that Zeke and Rebecca could potentially answer that better then she could.