The Girl, The Myth, The Legend, Olivia Freaking Armstrong
Olivia Armstrong
The Headstrong Alchemist
Personal InformationAge: 19
Gender: Female
Height & Weight: 5 ' 7 " 92 lbs.
BackgroundPersonality Dossier: Olivia is of course, from a very prestigous family. Few don't know of the Armstrong family line, and those who don't surely know of Major Alex Louise Armstrong, her father, at the very least due to his efforts in the past. Fewer people know of his daughter however, and fewer still would believe it's actually her when they meet her. Considering she comes from a line of Masculine, physically powerful muscle-heads people don't expect a smaller, more lithe girl to be the youngest member of such a family. But, Olivia is ultimately what they get, and that often annoys her that people find it so strange that she's not some hulking monstrosity.
People even often misunderstand who she is, believing her to be her aunt until they meet her, and she has to correct them that her aunt is Olivier, not Olivia. A very similar, but ultimately different name. This is all to say she has trouble being compared to her family. She wants to be her own person, and be known for what she has done, and for who she is. Not for being just a member of a big family whose legacy was passed down the Armstrong line FOR GENERATIONS. Beyond this, she tends to be very quiet, reserved, and if you know the type of person who always seems to scoff, and push up their glasses before responding to you... then you probably know Olivia. One of the worse things about her to most people, is how much she respects King Bradley, and often seems to be living in a past she never lived. Like she believes she's still in the old Amestris, before the Promised Day.
Personal History: Olivia hasn't thus far had a very impressive life. She spent most of her time growing up being told stories by her Father and Grandfather. She was always told of the grand legacy of the Armstrong line, and it was always suggested to her, or often even explained to her, that she would carry on this legacy, not as Olivia, but as an Armstrong. It was never something she particularly liked, and it was for this reason she became very close to her aunt, Olivier. Her aunt understood better what it was like to not be an Armstrong, but to be your own person. Having demanded undying loyalty and respect of her soldiers, she was the kind of leader who was known for her own deeds. This drove her to become more cold and calculated, unforgiving, and this is the reason she looks down on others often. It was due to her father and aunt's service that she became an Alchemist in the first place.
Notable Family: Alex Louise Armstrong, Father. Philip Gargantos Armstrong, Grandfather. Olivier Mira Armstrong, Aunt.
Abilities AnalysisSkills: Booksmarts - She has an absurd knowledge of all things Alchemical. She could potentially tell you the exact makeup of each individual bone in your body based on your height and weight. If she can't, then the book she carries with her probably can. Not that she'd be interested in that sort of thing.
Analysis - As she grew up trying to be the exact opposite of her father, she became clever, and calculated. She would rather spend a lifetime in the midst of battle analyzing a single problem to find a solution, than run around recklessly throwing punches and breaking things. This means that she's very good in situations that require her to work quickly while her life is immediately in danger, and think clearly about what the solution to a problem is, such as finding a way out of a corner, or opening a locked door.
Armstrong Arts - When all else fails, and she is forced to, she will fall back on what her family taught her. She will bring out the fury of the Armstrong Line, as it was passed down to her after Generations. She's good with a sword, trained by her aunt, as well as fist to fist combat, taught by her father.
Equipment: Book of Alchemy - Olivia knows that everyone forgets things, even her. For this reason she carries an Alchemical book that is filled with just about all the information one could need to know. It's basically a dictionary for Alchemists, holding within its pages information such as how to figure out the exact makeup of concrete based on its appearance, to the exact Alchemical ritual to do Human Transmutation. Forbidden as an act or not, she carries the knowledge of how to do so with her.
General's Sword - While certainly not a General, and far from it, Olivia carries her Aunt's sword, given to her on her 18th Birthday as a gift. She was trained with a sword just like it, and thus she's very skilled with it. Its only special properties are that it's a very recognizable sword really.
Pre-Drawn Alchemy Circle Imprints - Always planning ahead, Olivia carries with her a folder of papers on which Alchemy Circles have been imprinted. She can use these to press them against a flat surface, and the Circle will be transferred. This of course, only works on solid, dry surfaces. It's useless in the rain for example, like a certain someone.
Clipboard - She's always got a Clipboard with her, and yes, it has many... many unwritten tickets on it. Just for you!
Misc.Extra Details: She takes her job way too seriously, to the point that she seems to think she's even some sort of police officer, and will try to act as such in public doing jobs that are typically far below her position, such as writing tickets. She literally can't help it, it's an instinct that just kicks in and she just, starts doing it.