A Fistful of Dragons
A Sellsword Adventure

The year is two-hundred and ninety-eight after Aegon's Conquest, Robert Baratheon is dead and Eddard Stark - Hand of the King and personal friend of the Usurper - has been imprisoned in King's Landing.
Many within the Seven Kingdoms most assuredly see this as the worst thing to happen since the fall of the House Targaryen - the realm has been thrown into turmoil, battle lines are being drawn, and monarchs and nobles are preparing their levies and warhosts - but there are also those that see this as a time of opportunity, a time to gain reputation, to show ones valour, but most importantly to amass a fortune in coin.
These are the Sellswords, outcasts, exiles and masterless men who have not yet sunk to the depths provided by base banditry but will sell their blades to the highest bidder nonetheless; it is also with a small band of these ill-reputed warriors that tale is concerned...
Welcome, welcome, one and all to A Fistful of Dragons!
I've always had a fascination with the medieval period and, as my degree may have it, with the War of the Roses. I like to think this placed be in good standing with the works of Mr R.R.Martin, or at least the history behind his semi-fantastical world, and I suppose inevitably this should eventually directed me toward a roleplay based in that world...and it has.
So what I would like, if any willing writers could/would oblige me, some dedicated volunteer Sellswords willing to make the best of a bad situation in Westeros.
I intend for this to be a slow-burn down-to-earth roleplay, involving a range of colourful characters - both players and NPCs - on a journey that could potentially take us anywhere in the ASoIaF world.
The main plotline and events of the books, no matter how far or for how long this RP lasts, will generally be used as more of a backdrop - though interaction with POV characters could happen in certain instances.
As far as the television show is concerned, don't even bring it up.
Questions and intentions of interest are both welcome in equal measure, so if there's anyone with either then, please, go for it.