”the outlaw star”
Dustin “Dusty” Rockhold
Roxanne’s Journal Entry: ”Oh Dusty. A goofball wrapped up in a ridiculously handsome package and born under a bad sign. I think everyone falls a little in love with him when he smiles. I just wish I knew what was going on behind those pretty blue eyes. There’s way too much pain there that I worry he won’t be able to carry the weight for much longer”
The Cowboy
Relationship Status:
Owner of Rockhold Ranch
House Band Member at The Border Tavern
Former US Army Ranger
Country Music
Talking about the Army
Milk in his coffee
Brewing his own beer
Dusty dreams of a simple life, staying on his family ranch, raising a family and forgetting about his past.
At the moment, Dusty’s biggest fear is falling asleep. The nightmares are getting worse and he doesn’t know how much he can take. It’s hard thought knowing the best thing you ever did with your life is also the worst decision you ever made.

(Dusty Being Interviewed for the Garrison’s State Championship Game in 2009)
Born Under a Bad Sign
Dustin Rockhold came into this world on the ranch he would be raised on. He was the second born child to Sam and Evelyn, with a sister Gloria (Glory) a year his senior. It was a muggy Texas Friday afternoon and the birth of the boy should have been a great event but alas it was not. On this particular day the Gatling Garrison were playing in the semi finals of the state championship (they lost) and just like that, what should have been a momentous day in the Rockhold family history had a massive black spot on it.
Life on the ranch was not an easy one but it was honest. Dusty was helping out pretty much as soon as he was old enough, milking the cows, breaking in the horses and shifting the product. In the rare off time he had, Dusty found the two great loves any good Texas boy does, music and football. They each became his passion and lucky for him, he grew up tall, strong and talented.
The Cowboy Casanova
Entering into high school, people were immediately drawn to Dustin. He was quiet, barely stringing five sentences together but that didn’t matter, he was a star fullback on the football team almost immediately after joining and behind his scraggly bangs were the lady killing eyes of a puppy dog. Many of Gatlings finest young things flocked to be with him but Dusty was a hard boy, there was a lot to figure out about him and he rarely let anyone in. Roxy Williams was one of the few that knew how to get into his thick skull, if only just a tiny bit. Dustin tried to find someone to love him and Roxanne often played matchmaker but in the end in his own eyes he was never good enough for any of them. Cheerleaders wanted him because he was a football player. Other girls wanted him because of his voice. Most just wanted him because he was perceived to be a star. Stardom was something he despised.
Beyond his relationship woes, his commitments to both the family ranch and the football team meant that Dusty was pretty much exhausted whenever anyone met him. Bags under his pretty blue eyes were generally a constant. As senior year rolled around, Dustin was aimless and all he had was football. Hoping to get a scholarship he poured everything he was into the team and helped take them all the way to state but a personal tragedy nearly cost him everything. A freak accident killed his father a few nights before state and Dusty almost quit if not for the guidance of Coach Copeland.
The Cowboy managed to graduate high school albeit barely and missed out on his scholarship thanks to no showing the semi final game. With little options available to him, Dusty took his ten gallon hat, left the farm and enlisted in the army.

(Dusty in the Army - 2015)
The Ranger
After basic training, Dustin served as a scout and sniper for his unit, his hunting skills honed by years on the ranch, he was an asset beyond all shadow of a doubt. As adept as he had become at Army life, Dusty still felt somewhat restless and unable to really find what he wanted to do with his life. When his mother passed, the Rockhold ranch was left to Dusty (his sister was off making money in NY) and for a while it sat abandoned, with the lights only ever turning on when Dusty was off duty.
The next phase of Dustin’s life is pretty much shrouded in mystery. He doesn’t talk about it, ever. What is known is that the cowboy was involved in some kind of incident and was severely injured; thus he was sent home and honourably discharged. When the last remaining Rockhold returned to Gatling, he spent the first few months in a rather public drunken stupor, it wasn’t until reconnecting with old friend Roxy that he began to sort his life out.

(Dusty singing at the The Border)
A New Frontier
Finally picking up where his father had left off many years earlier, the last of the Rockholds took his place at the head of the ranch and began grinding forward into the future. In the spare time he did have, Dusty enrolled himself in online college and after a while managed to earn himself a degree in veterinary medicine. Using some life insurance funds from his father, he started a little private practice which he runs from the ranch as a side business.
During this time, Dustin rediscovered his love for music and took to performing at the Border Tavern as part of the ever rotating house band. Oh how the ladies missed his velvety tones. Life for the most part had finally turned around for Dusty, well except for the nightmares and the alcohol abuse but pretty much everything else was great. At least until that day he headed into town and heard the news about Roxanne.
Indeed the cowboy does sing a sad song and his next one is for a fallen friend...
Dustin is left handed and plays his guitar upside down
Mama, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up to be Cowboys
Garrett Hedlund and AF986D
The Wire