Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Only Florida? Tampa isn't THE destination, but people at least know of it. Maybe… Maybe the reservations really shelter their people. Darius has matched Ayita's bewilderment as he led them in slow gentle sway. He was so invested in speaking to her, he couldn't concentrate on dancing. Her next words were heavy with seriousness and her piercing eyes only helped in laying on some additional pressure. Darius almost found it intense, shouldn't this conversation be just that. The two of them had been lost in a strange world with fantastical creatures for half a month. If he was her first human as she were his, then how could this not be intense.

Tell her Darius. Tell her the truth. Malgormuun pushed and again Darius matched Ayita's piercing eyes with his own.

"I side with us. Our people… It's why I'm looking for as many of us as I can. I have a way to get back home, back to our lives. No one has to get hunted or fight in some war they don't have a stake in." Darius answered and gave a nod. "So what do you say?" He wanted her to accept his offer. He wanted this moment to be as he imagined it could be.
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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O'Ner Faister

TIME: Late Afternoon

LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City


O'Ner followed her back to the table; not feeling hungry or thirsty in the slightest. But he felt like he should accompany the girl while ate. Sitting down on a table and calling over a waiter; ordering some food that was being served. “I assume this would be all so strange; but i assure you have good intentions” Tapping his finger on the table in a melody he had heard before a long time ago. Seeing the waiter coming with a pasta like dish; an array of peppers, mushrooms and good helping of tomato sauce.

Along with a glass of wine to accompany the meal; O'Ner was a little jealous of the delicious looking meal. “So what are some of your hobbies? Likes? What do you like to do in your spare time?” He asked wanting to know more about her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Night
Location: Outskirts of Chesm (5), Illuminata Kingdom
Interaction with: None.

The convoy of carriages transporting supplies from Chesm came to an abrupt halt when two of the horses pulling the lead carriage were struck deep by sharp wooden spears. The horses squealed in pain, causing the other horses within the convoy to panic and raise their front legs.

"GOB..!" The front carriage driver's attempt at a warning was cut short by a flurry of arrows. Only four out of the twelve shots hit. Despite the cut off warning, all members of the convoy were sure they were being attacked by Avalia's small green terrors. Goblins were hardly a threat to a group. They were physically weak, lacked magic, and their only tactic was to overwhelm with numbers. Even then, their targets immediate wants and needs. Food and shiny jewelry were top priorities.

Several of the lanterns were struck by stones fired from slings. Causing hot oil to splatter and fire to spread. The goblins kept to the treeline, making it hard to engage them, and a the same time flames spreading on the carriages made those defending their items more visible. And elf created an orb of light and made float into the treeline revealing the vast number of goblins hiding within. A stone struck his face while another light fired a beam of light at the tiny green raiders. The light elf that had been hit with a stone joined his brethren in firing into the treelines. They could hear the cries of goblins they managed to strike. Until a large spear pierced the chest of one of the elves.

"WARPACT!" Skar's warcry followed as the elf was pinned to one of the burning carriages. His screams did not last long. The other just continued to fire beams of light before he was distracted.

The loud roar of an ogre was heard at the rear of the convoy. Ra toppled one of the carriages with ease and sought to kill any of the merchants and guards in the rear. The distracted light elf was flanked by a spear to his side before being rushed by several goblins that managed to avoid his beam and had waited for an opening to strike him down.

"OGRE!" One screamed in the rear.

"TROLL!" Another screamed as the large creature ran through the treeline and crushed one of his companions with a club before doing the same to him. Screams of anguish filled the air, three out of the five carriages were burning, and most of the members of the convoy were dead.

Dari smiled upon the last two survivors bruised and held down by several goblins. Dari crouched down at the peacock and canine demihuman merchants.

"Meat...Heheheheh! Sike! Slaaaave! Yes!" Dari taunted using the word 'sike' taken from Skar, who learned it from none other than Darius.

"Two slaves. Bunches of loot. And the rest is meat!" Skar kept away from the flames and gave it a wary look as she spoke. If the green warrior feared anything, it was fire. She kept her distance in order to keep that fear a secret. "Put dirt on flames! Put the flames out now!" Skar ordered vehemently. The clever goblin Dari took notice of her reaction to the fire. His crooked smile showed, but not in her view.

The goblins tied their captives' hands with rope and pulled them along like leashed pets. The rest of the group grabbed weapons, gear, and as much viable meat they could take with them. They would travel about a mile away from the dirt road before camping, salting the meat, and celebrate their victory over the convoy.
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interactions:Darius @FunnyGuy

Ayita couldn't help but to notice that Darius answer regarding which side he was on was... vague at best, not mentioning Aklenroth or the Elves. His only answer was that he sided with their people, the humans. He spoke about returning home and not having to fight a war that wasn't theirs... All of which were good reasons but Ayita still wasn't satisfied by his reply.

"The time where I didn't need to fight and could dance with my people is long gone, Darius... My tribe was burned to the ground by the white men. My mother probably didn't survive the fire, just like most people I knew in our camp... Our homes, nothing but ash now. My people, either dead, made into slaves or fleeing from a land that should be their home since ancient times. My father, a strong warrior from my people, is leading our people, trying to reclaim that what is ours and defend our lands. The only thing I can do, Darius, is fight. Either here or back home." Ayita finished, with fire in her eyes.

"Here in Avalia, I found myself in a similar situation. My kind being hunted by a being who aspires only complete and total control. Hunting and eliminating those whom he fears or try to challenge his rule." she said always looking to Darius.

"While I do agree that not everyone would be willing to fight a war that is not theirs and would rather return to their homes, I do not have this luxury. The only thing remaining for me would be to try and unite my people from the rest of the seven clans and fight. Fight for the right to have a place to live and die. Fight to preserve our rights, our lands and our history." she said, looking to his eyes.

"That said... I've seen what the white invaders are capable of... Their weapons are far better than ours, they have no respect for the land nor people... Can we even fight against them despite being in such disadvantage? We might be powerless against the white men there, but here... Here we have power. Here we can do a difference and maybe even find a new home." Ayita continued.

"If you truly are siding with our people, you're not on the side of the one who kills your own kind... are you? The one who sent a dracolich to burn the entire forest down, including myself. A fire that is very familiar to me..." Ayita said, looking at him with sharp eyes.

"I ask you again, Darius... Which side are you on?" she asked, waiting for a reply.

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984

Myra was almost jumping as she led Mathis to the table. It wasn't hard for her to find the way back to the same place they were sitting earlier and Mathis didn't seem to have a problem with her leading. When they arrived, Myra was the first to sat down, looking to Mathis expectantly, waiting for the food. Being distracted by his finger tapping on the table in a strange rhythm, Myra didn't saw the waitress approaching them, only realizing that their food was here when the same put a large dish of a strange food in front of them. While it was certainly fragrant, she had never ate something like that before. It didn't need much inspecting and sniffing for Myra to understand that there was no meat in that food. She could smell things that she found in the forest, like mushrooms, tomato and some of those small, red, fire-berries that grew in bushes, but the other part of the dish, a long, stringy thing was unknown to her.

Myra interrupted her inspection of the dish when Mathis asked her what she liked to do. Tilting her head while she thought, Myra was quickly able to come with an answer to that question. The things she liked to do were easy for her to remember! Getting up of the table for a moment, Myra bared her fangs and claws, assuming a low posture almost as if she was stalking something then after that, she made a gesture of her tearing something apart with both her claws, fangs and then eating it. It should be clear enough, the moment Mathis saw her claws, teeth and talons if he looked at her feet, that she was clearly a predator and after what she shown him, hunting was one of her hobbies. When she finished showing him that, she then assumed the same low posture again, but this time, she wasn't showing her claws or her teeth and instead simply mimicked the movements she made when running, before she sat down again, looking at Mathis with a kind smile before turning her attention again to the strange dish in front of her.

After sniffing the food a bit more, Myra leaned forward, grabbing a single string of that weird food and putting on her mouth, tasting it. Much to her surprise, despite it not having any meat, it's taste was definitely good. The tomato, together with the mushrooms and with some other tastes she couldn't properly name gave the soft stringy thing a really good taste. Surprisingly good in fact, for something that wasn't meat. Looking to Mathis with a surprised expression, Myra got some more with her claws as she began eating the food. While she did use her hands to eat, it was interesting for Mathis to notice she was unusually careful in order to not get herself dirty not her clothes, using the tip of her claws to get it and then cleaning it afterwards with her tongue. After a few bites, it was time for Myra to inspect the weird drink Mathis got for himself. As she leaned towards the cup in front of him, she sniffed it a bit before flinching and pulling her head back, surprised with the strange and rather strong smell. While she was curious regarding what it was, it was clear that she had never drank wine before.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction with:

During the second dance of the ball, Umber stood by watching the guests with crossed arms and his unchanging smile. The dances allowed him to get close to targets, but it narrowed his observation of all in attendance. A low raspy hum escaped him as his eyes met O'ner's form seated at a table with that demon. Demons. They were rarely of any interest to him, but this one was peculiar.

For one, he figured that Darius would have been a long-forgotten meal of hers. A slave at best, but from what he witnessed, she was protective and caring of the poor man. What hold does he have over you? Umber scowled at O'ner. And what is this fool doing? Courting? This whole facade is becoming distasteful. I want pain and suffering now… I shall be patient. It will come… Yes, it will come soon.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Tae
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interactions: @baraquiel Sakura

”That’s a fair enough reason. You are supposed to have fun at one of these events after all.” Torvi replied to the woman with a laugh. Could she say that she was having fun at this thing? Truthfully so far she wasn’t as the situation was quite stressful. Her last encounter didn’t make things any better either. She couldn’t shake the nagging feeling that something was bound to go wrong at any moment in the night. Even while this woman in front of her seemed sweet enough, Torvi was all too aware that looks could be deceiving. Perhaps it was making her more guarded than she previously was, but she really couldn’t know who was friend and who was foe.

She hadn’t really realized it, but Torvi had been glancing around again trying to find Belle and Bowyn when Sakura pulled her out of her thoughts. She stared at the woman and blinked in confusion as she slowly comprehended what she was saying. She finally let out a giggle and shook her head. ”Oh no, it’s nothing like that. I can handle creepy men, I find a swift punch to the nose or a kick to the groin tends to do the trick.” Or a knife to the gut, even an axe to the chest. This last part she kept to herself as she didn’t want to alarm the woman. What could she say to the woman, tho, that would explain her tense nature? A partial truth seemed like the safest route. ”No I’m actually worried about a friend of mine that came with me tonight. They’ve never been to an event like this and I’m worried they might get overwhelmed or accidentally offend someone. I don’t want them to end up like the elven man that got escorted away.” She explained to Sakura as she forced herself to relax a bit and smile. ”Thank you for the offer to help tho, that is very sweet of you. I’m sure my friend will be just fine, I’m just being a mother hen.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Ayita

Here we go. Say yes! Say yes! Say yes! Say… What? Darius could already tell that Ayita was not leaning towards a 'yes' and the concern he had was visible upon his face as she spoke of her people.

"The time where I didn't need to fight and could dance with my people is long gone, Darius... My tribe was burned to the ground by the white men. My mother probably didn't survive the fire, just like most people I knew in our camp... Our homes, nothing but ash now. My people, either dead, made into slaves or fleeing from a land that should be their home since ancient times. My father, a strong warrior from my people, is leading our people, trying to reclaim that what is ours and defend our lands. The only thing I can do, Darius, is fight. Either here or back home."

Part of him didn't understand. It wasn't a lack of comprehension. It was Darius not being able to accept the life Ayita was portraying as her own. Crazy? No… her eyes. She's not fucking around. She's serious… He continued to take in her words filled with passion as she shared with him her experience in this world as well as what it might have been like for others as well. To hear her speak of it hurt him deeply as his eyes remained fixed on hers. He would hear her out. All of it.

"While I do agree that not everyone would be willing to fight a war that is not theirs and would rather return to their homes, I do not have this luxury. The only thing remaining for me would be to try and unite my people from the rest of the seven clans and fight. Fight for the right to have a place to live and die. Fight to preserve our rights, our lands and our history."

"That said... I've seen what the white invaders are capable of... Their weapons are far better than ours, they have no respect for the land nor people... Can we even fight against them despite being in such disadvantage? We might be powerless against the white men there, but here... Here we have power. Here we can do a difference and maybe even find a new home."

It was more than obvious now. Her people and her land were not what he initially assumed. Maybe it would be more accurate to say, they were not when he initially assumed. How was this even possible. Were the DROMs this randomized? To the point where they could pull people out of history? Out of time and space?

"You're…" He aimed to raise a question to truly confirm what time period she was from, but she had continued and her current inquiry took precedence. He could tell it was important by how serious she remained. This was a far cry from their initial interaction.

"If you truly are siding with our people, you're not on the side of the one who kills your own kind... are you? The one who sent a dracolich to burn the entire forest down, including myself. A fire that is very familiar to me..."

"I ask you again, Darius... Which side are you on?" She asked, waiting for a reply. And he had one. Especially now that he faced the truth. It was all difficult to take in, but it was the reality here in Avalia. The emotional pain he felt could not be hidden on his face. Darius felt heartbroken as tears urged his eyes for release. Imprisoned only by the need to appear strong in front of her.

Why did you have to be right…

Less than a handful of seconds passed. Three at most. But it felt like minutes of staring into her eyes, with his own full of sadness and a pinch of anger.

"They've made you oversimplify this. And it's not fucking right. It's not fair, Ayita. Do you think this is just a fight of good versus evil? Or that you were chosen by some higher power to fight here? It was random. Random. Think about that. When the rebels activated the machines that brought us here, random people were taken from their homes, their lives." His voice raised a bit, causing him to pause for only a moment before continuing. "So yeah you're a warrior, but what about the people who showed up here without a fighting chance. The children. The old. The sick and dying. The people who needed to remain where they were because of their responsibility to someone or something they loved and cared for. I side with our people. To get us back home, by any means necessary. The ruler of this world and the ones who brought us here have the same blood on their hands. So why pick a side here when you can choose to fight with your people back home? If you fight here and die, how the hell is that fair to you or those wondering where you vanished off to… but…" He stopped himself from doing what he said he wouldn't do to the humans he encountered. A promise to himself, that he would not force anyone to leave this world, but only present the option.

Why did you have to be right….

... Kol

“The rebellion will not simply give up their human weapons. And not many of the remaining humans will trust Aklenroth’s offer in leaving this world peacefully. Most if not all will have their heads filled with lies of his inability to do so. They will flee, fight, and even attempt to kill you…"

"You can make whatever choice you want. Unlike them, I'll let you choose your own path... even if I don't recommend it." His eyes finally dropped from hers. He couldn't look her in the eyes anymore. He was sure she would decline his offer and that hurt him more than he thought it would, and it would hurt once more when the next person declined as well. Again, it was all difficult to take in, but it was the reality here in Avalia.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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O'Ner Faister

TIME: Late Afternoon

LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City

INTERACTIONS: @13org Myra @FunnyGuy Umber (Mentioned)

O'Ner watched Myra getting out of the chair; positioning herself so she was crouched showing off her fangs and claws. He wondered if she was some sort of feral child in the past; hunting for food and being raised by wild animals. Not minding she was doing this; scolding the other guest that were staring at Myra as she did this. He wondered if he should have gone with her to hunt for food; another thought was if he should have gotten her some meat instead of pasta. But with her starting to eat the food in front of her; he was content with her enjoying the food being placed in front of her. “Are you enjoying the food?” He asked her with a big smile on his face. He wondered if her friends had not taught her how to use utensils; “I could teach you how to use the fork and knife if you like” He pointed to the utensils beside the plate.

Watching the girl's face when she took a sip form the wine glass; “If you do not like it; I can drink it for you” He said waiting for her answer. Looking over towards Umber who was scolding him for some reason; thinking that he was scolding because he was hanging around with Myra. But he could huff and puff all he wants; he could do nothing to O'Ner.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interactions:Darius @FunnyGuy

It became painfully obvious to Ayita that despite Darius apparently being a human just like her, they couldn't be more different. When he finally began speaking after hearing her words, it became clear to her. He never had to fight for his home, he never had his family and his people hunted or his land stolen and desecrated. She did hear him despite the clear irritation in her eyes but she couldn't stay silent when he finally said if it was fair for those who wondered where she had vanished to.

"There is no one left to wonder where I am, Darius... No one..." she said, in a threateningly low tone.

"I am not as conceited to think I was some kind of chosen one, but it is a fact that I am here. Yes, it was random but what do you think Aklenroth does? He kills and subjugate those who don't agree with him, bends their wills or take everything from them. Do you think he is kind or gives a chance for those whom he can't use for his own plans or disagree with his views? He has no respect for the land or even the dead! He was willing to burn an entire FOREST just to kill me! With zero consideration for the animals, the plants or even someone else who might get caught in the fire! He desecrates corpses and souls to do his bidding! His greed for power had no limits, Darius. I've heard about entire towns destroyed, countless turned into slaves or just slaughtered! He isn't a ruler or the 'king of this land'... He is a tyrant... Just like the white men... The 'rebels' as you call them, might have done so out of desperation, a desperate plea for help but you don't know what that is, do you? I can see it in your eyes... You probably never had to lift a finger in your entire life to protect what is yours..." Ayita said, leaning forwards as she talked in a menacingly low tone.

"Do you think it's fair for my people to have their lives and their lands stolen from us? Women and children slaughtered, our villages and camps, burned! Our lands desecrated! Have you ever needed to fight for your life, for your people or for your land? Have you ever felt the desperation of having to fight a battle that is already lost?" Ayita continued.

"Do you think we had a fighting chance when the white men came in the middle of the night and set fire to our camp? It was the last thing I saw before I came to Avalia, Darius. Screams of my people being burned to death and the ones who fled from the fire, shot down! My mother burning inside her tent, just like many others... Elders, women and children..." she said, looking straight to Darius' eyes as she spoke, her voice and eyes full with anger and rage.

"If you're willing to simply turn a bling eye to everything Aklenroth does and abandon Avalia to his tyrannical rule, I'm not. Unlike the situation in my land, here I'm not helpless, here we can fight, we can make a difference... Here we aren't alone." Ayita continued.

"You said you side with your people, Darius... Well, I side with my tribe. My people, not yours and I will do everything I can to save them. Even if that means abandoning the land of our ancestors to find us a new home." she finished, looking to Darius with the same fiery eyes before she turned, walking away.

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984

Despite the strange smell, Myra was still a bit curious regarding the strange red liquid. As she approached it again, sniffing it a bit more, she used her tongue, dipping it into the wine in order to have a small taste. Just as she did so, Myra flinched, surprised by the strong taste, giving a small jump back as she stuck her tongue out of her mouth with a grimace, clearly disliking it. Upon Mathis' offer to drink it, Myra simply pushed the glass towards him, turning her head away as she turned back to the strange stringy food, putting some more in her mouth to take off the taste of that drink off her mouth.

When Mathis asked if she liked the food, she simply looked at him, nodding as she replied to his kind smile with one of her own. The stringy food was strange at first, but the taste was surprisingly good. It was really messy though, as the red sauce did stick to her claws a bit, making her having to clean them with her tongue after each bite. When Mathis offered to teach her to use utensils though, she looked confused at the steel things besides her plate, getting both of them with one hand and showing her sharp claws with her free hand as well as showing her teeth. Those things were useless in her opinion, after all, she already could stab and cut much better with her claws and teeth, it wasn't like she needed some metal things to do that for her.

The moment she put the two things back on the table again, she stopped for a moment, simply looking forward before blinking and shaking her head almost if there was something wrong. Looking towards Mathis again, she rubbed her eyes, blinking it as she looked at him with a confused expression. Upon a closer look, Mathis would see that Myra body was slowly swaying from side to side and her movements were a bit strange. Even though it was discreet, it could be perceived if he looked closely at her. It didn't need much for Mathis to know what was happening. Unfortunately, Myra had no idea and was simply asking herself why she was feeling a bit strange.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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O'Ner Faister

TIME: Late Afternoon

LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City


O'Ner chuckled when Myra was tasting the wine much like a cat; finding it quite amusing that he had to scuffle his laughter. “I am sorry for laughing” Waving his hand as he took a moment to gain his composure. Taking the wine glass and taking a few sips form it; faking the starting effects of being drunk. His body swaying back and forth; while his speech was starting to slur. Wanting to keep the illusion of being a demi human. Watching her eating the pasta; he felt a little bit jealous that she could taste food. Something he has not felt in a very long time. “Well that would be a good replacement for utensils” He smiled watching her eat with her claws.

Moving the utensils away form the plate; calling over the waiter ordering two glasses of water to help sober her up. Finding her motions and her drunken mindset to be sort of adorable. Taping his hand once again on the table; “I can tell you are enjoying the meal; have you had something like this before? What do you usually eat?” He asked curious about what she eats. Wondering if she was feral before being found and taught how to act like a normal person. “What was is your occupation?” He asked curiously; not wanting to sound specious.

Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Myra and @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Darius did not intend on his eyes meeting Ayita's but the depth and emotion behind her answer almost demanded he give his attention. This woman had declined, sure, but she was not wrong for thinking the way she did either. She had nothing to return to and he knew this! The fate of her people…

With that, he could sympathize, but he still did not agree with getting caught up in which side was good or bad. He agreed that Aklenroth was a tyrannical ruler, but what were the light elves before then? He himself had heard of how vicious the oh so desperate light elves were when they held power or how fairies failed to ever lift a finger to any cause. What if they had been brought over into Avalia during the time when the Dark Elves were pushed out of their own kingdom? Would she then empathize with them?

To Darius, these problems were their problems. His concern was not with the politics of this world, but how humans were being forced into a conflict that was not their responsibility. Elves, fairies, orcs, demons, and demihumans at the end of the day were just like any other person. None he had met were inherently good or evil and he felt that was the stuff of children's stories and fairytales.

It was the final thing she said that caused him to raise an eyebrow. Does she want to use…

Don't play foolish! You heard what she desires! It is as I told you! As I SHOWED you! They will continue to use the DROMs! And THAT human will make sure of it! She will help undo your kind and after that, she will assist in undoing mine… That includes her, correct?

Darius' questioning look shifted into a scowl as he watched Ayita disappear between the bodies on the dancefloor. His sympathy for her was already twisting into animosity as Malgormuun brought clarity to what Ayita ultimately sought.

"I understand ok? They will continue to fight if there is a rebellion to fight for. Just like you said before." Darius answered aloud in a hushed and bothered tone. He just wanted the demon to shut up and stop reminding him about how shit things were and would become. He hated that Malgormuun kept being right as if this shit was written in stone.

Darius looked around the ballroom pensively and found Myra seated with the guy Airdan had left his group with. It was a bit of a relief since he hadn't thought of how he'd reunite with Myra amongst all the guests here. His eyes also scanned around for Artemis, but she was less of a concern since she seemed like she could fair decently in this environment. As he approached the table, the first thing he noticed was that Myra…

"Pasta? You're actually eating it?" Darius' smile was a bit held back as his interaction with Ayita was still weighing on his mind. He took a seat beside her and noticed that the pasta even lacked any trace of meat in it. So she can enjoy other foods… My stomach wants me to enjoy other foods too. He grabbed one of her forks. "Can I try some?" He asked not yet noticing her mild inebriation. He quickly looked to the general with a smile. "Hey!" Darius didn't want to come off as rude, but he had also forgotten this man's name. Oops!
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by baraquiel
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baraquiel Angel of Moe *:・゚✧

Member Seen 20 days ago

TIME: Late Afternoon
LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City

"Hmmm..." While they danced, Sakura cocked her head to the side and gave Torvi an amused grin. This woman was very interesting. Torvi claimed it was just her being a worrywart but the demoness felt like the elf knew more than she said. Sakura was impressed at how perceptive this particular elf was as it looked like she already had a gut feeling about something bad happening at the ball. Sakura could also tell this woman was some sort of a fighter or a hunter at least judging by her build and how she carried herself. Either way, a warrior's instincts were rarely false after all.

Part of Sakura wanted to cast a spell and pull a prank on the people here just to see how Torvi will react and to also gauge the reaction of the demons currently within the area. That being said, she was also thinking of the possibility of multiple demons gathering outside the ball to launch a surprise attack or something. They wouldn't pass up on the opportunity to end the leader of the rebel's life if it meant killing anyone who got in their way.

Still, Sakura gave Torvi a smile. "I relate to you, really. I also have a couple of friends here at the party. It was rare for them to attend such a formal event and I just feared that they might get teased or looked down upon by the snobbish nobles here. In the end, all we can do is to not worry about them and hope that they're having a great time." Sakura chuckled before continuing. "I'm willing to bet that our friends are surely more well-mannered than that elf." The demoness laughed, hoping to help ease Torvi's nerves. "Oh yeah, maybe after the ball we can all meet up and get to know each other better. The more friends, the merrier after all. Are you down?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Azriel & Bowyn

Bowyn tried to pull his façade back up, he needed to make sure nothing about his words or expression would give him away to whoever he was to dance with next. He followed the enchanted paper the dance’s host had supplied but as he approached, he could feel Boreas becoming uneasy. The merlin’s talons dug further into him than was necessary to simply perch. He glanced at the bird sensing its stress and locked eyes with Boreas. Bowyn and the bird both shared a weariness of strangers, and he couldn’t be sure if this particular stranger made the bird uneasy or simply his own stress at the whole affair. “It’s fine, we can handle this. The last one wasn’t so bad right?” He told Boreas, words he barely believed himself but he tried to believe them. Boreas always had a talent for knowing when he was lying. He moved his eyes towards his new dance partner, a type of winged demihuman often referred to as Angels. “Look she’s a bird Demihuman, bet you two have a lot in common.” He added though the bird seemed unconvinced.

“Some birds eat other birds.” Boreas reminded him.

”A fair point but I don’t believe we have much choice in the matter so behave and I won’t let the bird-lady eat you.” He whispered to the bird before making the rest of his way towards the winged woman. Boreas complied, staying impassive on the fairy’s shoulder though his eyes still kept a close watch on the stranger. While Bowyn certainly didn’t have any trust in the stranger he did write the merlin’s concern off as just not liking other birds. Once in front of the Angel he bowed as was customary and offered his hand out for the dance. “Good evening, may I have this dance.” He asked, offering a friendly but insincere smile.

Azriel had been scanning the crowd as she slowly made her way through it, looking for any curious figures though she knew it wasn’t likely to spot a rebel that easily or a human. She also took a moment to see who Darius had been paired with as well, purely out of curiosity and to just note where the human ended up. Her attention was caught as she heard someone speak to her and she looked at the man before her. She eyed him and the bird on his shoulder only for a moment before grinning at them. Now this was a curious person, but not because she suspected him to be a rebel or anything. No it was more of the fact that he was a winter fairy. ”Yes you may.” She responded as she dipped down into a curtsy while taking his hand as he’d offered. ”I suppose introductions are in order. I’m Azriel and I must say it is a delight to see one of your kind here tonight. It’s not often one is graced by the presence of a winter fairy. Perhaps your presence is a sign of a good omen?” She kept a playful smile on her face as the music began.

Bowyn struggled to stifle a laugh at being referred to as a good omen, that was one he’d certainly never heard before. Instead of meeting her words with outright laughter he flashed a smile of genuine amusement. It was still strange to think of his kind as the rarity they were to the rest of Avalia and the notion of anyone being ‘graced by his presence’ was damn near comical to him. The dance itself was simple enough, it didn’t take much to keep up with the steps and the slow pace. The real trick was how to maneuver the conversation, what to reveal and what to keep hidden and that was the task he kept his mind focused on. He stuck with what he’d decided earlier, to stick with half truths rather than outright lies, as they were harder to detect, and easier to keep track of. Even when sticking only to part of the truth, his tone was easily more sincere and lacked the hint of stress found in a lie.

“A good omen? That’s a new one, what sort of portents do you hope I bring? Perhaps some relief from the near sweltering heat in Roshmi? I am beginning to understand why my kind rarely stray this far south.” Bowyn made a casual and light hearted joke, generally when conversing with boring people the weather was a safe topic. Then again, Azriel, both in attire and composure, struck him as anything but boring. “I’m Bowyn, and it’s really my pleasure to make your acquaintance, Azriel. I must say, excluding my companion here, you have the most elegant wings I’ve ever seen.” He added, in an attempt to shift the conversation towards her. Most people preferred to talk about themselves anyhow and that made figuring them out much easier. What Bowyn lacked in social skill he easily made up for with his knowledge of birds. There was little a bird took more pride in than its feathers and especially its wings. He could only assume that such pride extended towards the Avian demi’s as well.

”Oh most definitely relief from this horrid heat we have.” Azriel responded to his joke, giving him her own amused smile. So far this fairy was proving to be quite intriguing indeed. He seemed to have a quick wit to him and a humor that she appreciated. He didn’t seem to be anything like the forest fairies that she and Umber had encountered not too long ago. Perhaps the cold of the north made them not so soft as their southern brethren. His next comment caught her a bit off guard and she couldn’t contain a giggle as she eyed the bird on his shoulder for a brief second. ”Well don’t you know how to charm an angel. Thank you for the compliment, I am quite proud of these wings. Your own wings are quite intriguing to me, however. So intricate and pretty looking, yet they also seem like they’d be quite fragile. How on earth do you keep them from harm?” She asked with a small smirk, genuinely curious about the subject.

“That’s an easy one, though they are sturdier than they look, I keep my wings and myself far away from harm.” Bowyn replied, although his grin faded as he realized that was no longer the truth. Her innocent question sent his mind spiraling towards dark thoughts. He had certainly considered the possibility, or rather the extreme likelihood, that his recent foray into foolishness would get him killed. That he could almost handle but the possibility of hurting his wings and then to go on without flight was a fate he had not considered. That seemed worse than death, to live only on the ground and never fly, never have that true sense of freedom one only felt in the skies. “Could you imagine, to lose flight?” Bowyn shuddered at the thought, “I think I’d rather die.”

He tried to keep his mind from continuing down such a dark path, but couldn’t help but wonder. Would he give that up? To end Aeryn’s undead existence, surely, for that cause, he’d even gladly trade places and take on her fate. But to help Torvi and Belle, would he be willing to sacrifice something like his wings. Flight and magic were the things he valued most, even when he had nothing, he had those to make life bearable. He had to stop himself from thinking on this further, this was not where his mind should be, so he forced himself to focus first on the steps of the dance, then on Azriel. “Apologies, such dark topics have no place here. Tell me have you been to the floating city? I hear it’s the most beautiful place in all of Avalia.” He continued, attempting to turn the conversation towards something more pleasant, with a forced smile and a sick churning in his stomach.

”Sadly I can say I can imagine losing flight.” Azriel said with a small sigh as she ruffled her wings a little bit, the memory still fresh in her mind. ”You see when I was a little girl I experienced the cruelties of this world. I was enslaved by terrible people and when I made one little mistake they beat me horribly, broke my wings, and left me in the middle of nowhere to die. I would have died even if it weren’t for one person who found me, took pity on me, and showed me a small amount of kindness by nursing me back to health and mending my wings. But for a long time I couldn’t fly, having to relearn the skill over time.” She explained, a strange sadness filling her as she remembered it all. She’d eventually gotten her revenge for the atrocity dealt to her, but the memory still hurt even to this day. She was glad when the subject changed and she chuckled a little at his question. ”Why yes I have been there. It is quite a beautiful city, but it’s filled with quite a pompous race. They might even rival the light elves!” She said jokingly with a smirk, hoping to maybe even make him laugh a little bit.

Bowyn was more than a bit surprised by Azriel’s first response, not because the cruelty of others ever shocked him but at how she could share such things with a stranger. To share his darkest moments was something he could rarely do even when he had friends other than Boreas. To be so open with a stranger, to show another any sign of weakness, was a strange form of trust that he rarely offered anyone, but it seemed she had extended a small amount of trust to him. It was jarring enough to lower his guard, someone who would allow themselves to be vulnerable in such a way did not seem like an enemy to him. If anything, he found her to be one of the more likable creatures from his own world, and the realization that they shared a similar opinion on elves only made him relax further. Certainly not enough that he thought her a rebel, for she seemed neither foolish nor naive, and he had no plans to share what Cora had told him with anyone but Torvi and Belle either way. But as things stood, Azriel was someone he would gladly share a drink with, if he ever had time again for pleasantries.

It was her comment on Elves though, that genuinely made him laugh, forgetting for a moment that he had shown up here with fake elf friends and sharing his own jab. “That is a surprise, I wasn’t aware anyone could rival the arrogance of elves. I am always shocked to see them out in public, can’t imagine what it took for them to pry themselves away from a mirror.” He said with a grin. He was more than a bit surprised at his own disappointment as the music began to fade signaling the forced dancing was coming to an end. He had begun to suspect that the only other people he found tolerable were the humans not from his world. However, his interaction with Azriel was beginning to make him second guess his belief that everyone in Avalia could be so easily written off as not worth his time. “I don’t say this to many people, because I have believed for a long time that most people are garbage, but it has truly been a pleasure to meet you. It is rare these days to find good company, and it seems I lucked out, having met an Angel without any elven attitude. May you always fly free Azriel, and may you know a kinder world.” Bowyn spoke, his smile easy and sincere now, and his words no longer mere half-truths, but genuine.

The sound of his laughter surprisingly made Azriel genuinely smile. Why had she never truly taken the time before to converse with others? She’d now had two very enjoyable conversations tonight and it had her questioning some things. How strange, perhaps she would ponder this at a later date as she unfortunately wouldn’t have the time after this dance. ”Truly the pleasure has been mine Bowyn. I had written off so many in this world that I never thought to take the time to really speak with another. You have shown me that perhaps it’s beneficial to do so sometimes. So I must thank you for that. I do hope that we run into each other again in the future and can have another pleasant conversation like this.” She said as the music came to an end and she stepped away from him, dipping into a curtsy once more. ”Keep those wings protected, my friend, as I’d love to share a flight with you in the future.” And with that she turned to leave the dance, feeling strangely happy as she made her way over to get herself a drink and stand off the side of the dance floor. While she’d enjoyed her dances, that was quite enough dancing for her tonight. Now she needed to stand back and observe the event in front of her.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
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13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984 Darius @FunnyGuy

Myra looked at Mathis, confused as he began to laugh and apologized for it shortly after. She didn't understand why he was apologizing. Laughing was a good thing wasn't it? It meant that he was happy. The second she tilted her head as she looked at Mathis to indicate her confusion though, Myra felt her body slowly falling to the side due to the alcohol she had just tasted, making her flinch, surprised and quickly put her hands on the table, rising her tail to prevent her from falling, followed by a rather cute hiccup. It was obvious due to her expression that she was confused by why she was feeling funny and had no idea why.

After taking a moment to regain her balance, Myra continued eating, albeit it was harder than it normally was, particularly to keep herself clean while doing so, which required her to eat a bit slowly. When Mathis asked her about food though, she stopped eating looking at him, thinking before she replied. It did take her a bit longer to reply but she did point towards the large table where the food was, particularly pointing at the meat before she showed her teeth again, trying to remind Mathis when she told him that she liked to hunt.

Interrupting their little conversation, a familiar figure approaching them. Upon noticing that it was Darius, Myra smiled kindly at him almost like a greeting. When Darius showed surprise seeing that Myra was eating pasta she smiled at him, taking a single string of that so called 'pasta' and offering him. She had tasted a lot of different food since she met Darius. Pasta was good and definitely tasty but she still loved meat. While she was accustomed with 'fresh' meat, the cooked one wasn't bad, in fact being really tasty too when seasoned. When Darius grabbed one of the steel things that Mathis called 'utensils' to eat, asking if he could eat some, Myra simply nodded as she took the string of pasta she had offered to him to her mouth, although she did miss it by a little leaving a red stain of tomato sauce on her cheek, which made her look confused to her hands, almost as if asking herself why she missed her own mouth before using her tongue to clean the tomato sauce from her mouth.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Eviledd1984
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Eviledd1984 Narn Liberator

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O'Ner Faister

TIME: Late Afternoon

LOCATION: The Grand Ball, Roshmi City

INTERACTIONS: @13org Myra @FunnyGuy Darius

O'Ner felt bad for giving Myra the glass of wine; even though she took one sip form the cup. “Have some water, it will help with getting you sober” He said hoping she would take his advice. Thinking to himself that it was a bad idea to give her that glass of wine. “Do you know what we could do to help her?” He asked the man that recently sat beside them.

Helping Myra but taking a lone unused fork on the table; rolling some of the pasta around the fork and moving it towards her mouth. In a effort to help her eat the pasta. “If you are full or not feeling well; we can help you outside to get some fresh air” Looking over at Darius; His look was of concern for the strange girl. Needing the other man's assistants since he looked like he was friends with Myra.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by FunnyGuy
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Member Seen 12 hrs ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Interaction: @13org Myra and @Eviledd1984 O'ner

Before O'ner had mentioned sobering Myra up, Darius had his suspicions on her state of being as he chewed the delicious pasta dish. He preferred it had some kind of meat in it, but the sauce made up for the lack of protein. Besides, his focus was on his companion. Myra had always had a crispness to her actions, whether it was hunting a large animal or snuggling within the soft blankets of their bed. So when he saw how clumsy she was behaving as well as noticing the two glasses at the table, he readily connected the dots. Initially, he scowled at O'ner and even put a hand up when he asked about what to do to help her. His tone started off quite stern.

"Let her sit tight here. The water won't sober her up, but it'll prevent a hangover…" He ensured she had access to the water before continuing with a softer look to his face as he was sure this man meant no harm. "I'm not a doctor or anything, but I did use to be a professional party goer. " Darius forced a smile to O'ner as he could see the guilt in the man's face. He wanted to assure him that she would be okay.

"Let me explain it to her. She's not used to all this."
His forced smile faded and his face was filled with guilt as well. "I shouldn't have left you alone." Darius scooted right beside Myra and then pointed to the glass filled with wine. "That stuff is what's making you feel all wobbly and clumsy. It's like poison… but a little bit! A small amount! It's safe, but it makes you slow and dizzy if you're not used to it." It took a moment for him to realize that he might have accidentally accused O'ner of poisoning her, so he tried to quickly assure her the wine wasn't deadly, especially with the small amount she ingested.

Ina quick act of both desperation to ease her worries and his own impulsiveness, Darius reached over to grab the glass of wine and gulped it down. All to prove that drinking the wine was mostly safe. "See! You can trust me, Myra." He gave toothy smile with bits of red staining his white teeth. Even if he wasn't at his best, he would do whatever he could to make sure Myra was comfortable. He knew she would do the same for him.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by dreamingflowers
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Member Seen 15 days ago

Ilan & Kenia

Kenia weaved through the crowd, following her paper bird, but also searching for her companions. While she’d tried to keep an eye on them during the last dance, it had also been difficult as she didn’t want to seem suspicious and had quickly given up on the task. Now she took the few moments to locate them and make sure they were okay. She wasn’t too worried about Malachi as she knew he could take care of himself pretty well, but she did worry about Corvina. They both seemed to be doing okay, however, and it brought Kenia a little bit of relief.

Soon she found herself in front of a fawn demi-human and realized this was to be her next partner. She only hoped that he wouldn’t be as pesky as the small fox they had encountered a few days ago. If how he was dressed was anything to go off of she would assume that he probably was worlds different from the fox. He was actually quite enjoyable and she found it easy to give him a friendly smile. ”Hello there, it looks like I have the pleasure of dancing with you for this second dance. My name is Elora, may I have your name?” She curtsied to the fawn and continued to use her false name even though she felt less of a need to do so. One could never be too careful, however.

Ilan glanced over his shoulder with a slight frown of worry on his features, feeling wistful as he watched princess Risa leave with someone else. Their dance almost got interrupted by the light elf governor with the icy stare. Ilan recognized him and he was glad Risa and Sakura managed to politely chase him off. He didn’t want to go through a repeat of what happened at the marketplace. He would be safe with his new allies, they were powerful and kind.

Another beautiful woman approached him, she seemed to glide over the floor of the great hall. Dressed in sweeping folds of black, and a gold brocade mask she had an air of mystery and subtle danger. Her tone of voice was pleasant and did not fully match they way she looked. Ilan found it to be an interesting and pleasant contrast.

Ilan returned her curtsy with a one of his own, bending down with his slender legs. He brushed off some non existent dust of off his clothes and smiled modestly at Elora.
I am Ilan Mu, its nice to meet you Elora He walked up closer to her, his body language was hesitant, careful and slightly guarded. It contradicted his actions as he readied himself for the dance, leading Elora in a leisure pace.

”The pleasure is mine, Ilan.” Kenia said sweetly as she took notice of his hesitant nature. He seemed young so she couldn’t entirely fault him for this. Besides it was rather nerve wracking to be dancing with a complete stranger. She kept a pleasant smile on her face as she followed his lead in the slower paced dance. Was it possible this young faun would want to see a change in this world? It did seem that it was a lot of the younger generation that wanted change so there was a chance of it. Still she knew she needed to be careful with how she navigated the conversation. ”Are you enjoying your night so far? What brought you to this event by chance?” She asked, keeping a light air to her words.

Ilan was pleasantly surprised by her kind demeanor. It gave him cause to trust Elora with a small piece of honesty and tell her why he was here. His words were carefully chosen and he spoke quietly of his journey.
I was a traveling musician of sorts, trying to make something of my life, stand on my own two legs and be independent.

He shifted and closed the remaining distance between them, so he could share the reason why he chose to support the humans.
It was on my journey that I met with someone rumored to help bring an end to the tyranny of the Lich king. Sadly he passed away.
The young faun swallowed a lump in his throat, remembering the horrific events he went through not so long ago. He collected his bearings and continued to tell the story.
My friends and I are looking for ones like him, who wield the power of nature

Kenia listened to Ilan speak, taking note of how he said he WAS a traveling musician. This choice of words had caught her attention and she found herself silently watching him a little closer. No longer did she just listen to his words, but she was watching his body language too. He finished confessing that his friends were looking for ones who wielded the power of nature and she found herself grinning internally as she’d realized she’d actually found another rebel. The question was, however, if he was aware of where they were to meet after all this?

”I’m very sorry for your loss. It sounds like you’ve had a rough time of things recently. I find it quite intriguing on the ones you’re searching for.” She’d been talking in a rather hushed voice already, but now she leaned in so she could speak even more quietly to him. ”If you and your friends were to follow the coast up from Roshmi to the northwest to a small port town I can promise you that you’ll find more of the ones you’re seeking out.” She pulled back from whispering to him and gave him a grin. ”And don’t give up on your music. That in itself can be a very powerful tool. Help to uplift spirits and spread wonderful tales. Perhaps if we meet again sometime I could lend my own voice to your music.” She told him happily.

His heart jumped when he realized he had found another ally, exactly what he was meant to be doing. Ilan almost couldn't believe his luck. He smiled thankfully at Elora´s display of empathy, acknowledging the fact that watching someone pass away isn't gentle on the soul. His jade eyes widened considerably when Elora shared the location of a secret meeting place. There he would find other rebel forces, and if she was to be believed, more humans too. The idea filled the faun with a sense of hope.

They returned to a respectful distance to one another. Ilan folded his hands behind his back, looking at Elora attentively as she continued to speak. She said something else which pleased his heart. It was a nice to meet another soul who appreciated songs the way he did. He smiled happily, and looked down at the floor. Something he often did when smiling, as if the act was something to be embarrassed about.

That would be wonderful.., I can name a song after you
Ilan added with a slight sense of hesitation. It would be a way to remember her by. She hoped they would meet again and he hoped the same.

He bowed to her respectfully, a few curls falling out of his neat side part.
Until we meet again
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by princess
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Time:Late Afternoon
Location: Roshmi Hall

"What a thrilling name! You must be some sort of hero!" Risa exclaimed excitedly. She tilted her head as she listened and smiled, "I'm glad simply my name holds so much to you. I am honored to come from a lineage of kind and brave rulers. I hope one day to do as much good as they did." She spun around gracefully, having had her fair share of dancing before. Spinning back around, Risa took his paws gently to address him, "My name and where I come from could only mean so much just as for you. We both have the same potential for greatness, Cadence of a Thunderstorm and there are many who need us now. I can tell you're very brave. If you, and whatever allies you do have, want to do something to change things, please come to the small port down northwest of Roshmi. Follow the shoreline. It should be two days trip by foot. If you do not wish to involve yourself in danger then I understand but beware of remaining in Roshmi any longer. Be safe, kind sir."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Helo
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Helo Wonderlust King

Member Seen 1 day ago

Time: Evening
Location: Roshmi City
Interactions: Risa @princess

Hearing an actual princess refer to him as a hero left him shocked, causing him to stumble during the dance over his own feet. Luckily for Cade cats were unable to blush the way more humanoid creatures did and he did his best to cover up his clumsiness. Her words were far too kind, he was not royalty and would never have such potential as one who was, nor would he wish for the burden of leadership that came with titles like that, but he did not dare to argue with a princess. He was far too excited to have a location of where to head to next, and the offer to help bring change to Avalia was enough to drive him to brave any danger.

“Your majesty I would never shy away from danger, and my companions only rival my bravery.” Cade said with a smile as he thought of his companions. Ayita was a true warrior both in skill and spirit, Sakura had fended off a dragolich and saved their lives, and noble Ilan had the purest heart of anyone he had met, he held no doubts about their bravery nor their devotion to doing what is right. “Safe journey, your highness, until we meet again.” Cade added, bowing respectfully as the dance ended. He was happy that neither dance had resulted in him making too much of a fool of himself, and that both had been with very interesting creatures. He couldn’t wait to tell his friends that he had actually gotten to dance with a princess and to see if Sakura knew the demon Artemis he had met earlier. This was already one of the best gatherings he had ever attended and it even made having to wear the fancy clothes worth it.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by 13org
Avatar of 13org

13org Stay fresh!

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: Roshmi Grand Hall
Time: Late Afternoon
Interactions: O'Ner @Eviledd1984 Darius @FunnyGuy

Myra was still clearly confused about the state she was in, looking at both Darius and Mathis as they talked with each other. When Mathis mentioned that water would help, Myra simply nodded as she took the water cup in her hands, slowly but steadily drinking it, making sure she drank all of it. Paying closer attention on Mathis and Darius after drinking some water, she realized that both of them did look a bit worried as they looked at her, which made Myra a bit worried as well. Was something bad happening to her? Would she continue like that forever? She didn't know if she would be able to run or even hunt in that state, which made her really worried as she began looking from Mathis to Darius.

The moment Darius approached her and began explaining, Myra stopped everything she was doing, listening to him very carefully. When he mentioned poison though, Myra's eyes went wide as she looked at the red liquid in shock and then looked at Mathis, her expression clearly shocked, almost as if she was silently asking why he had betrayed her. As Darius continued though, Myra looked at him again, confused. She knew very well what poison was as she had a few unfortunate accidents in the forest when trying to eat a snake, which made her feel really bad for a few days. The way Darius was explaining though was strange... A 'small' poison? He said that it was safe but he still called it 'poison' so... why did Mathis drink that poison and appeared to like it? Didn't he get poisoned as well? The confusion was clear on Myra's expression as she tried to understand Darius' explanation.

When Darius took the cup and drank it all, Myra's eyes opened wide as went for the cup. Surprised by his action, she didn't realized what Darius did until it was too late and he had already drank the entire cup. Pushing the cup away from him and Mathis, she hissed to the cup before looking at Mathis and then to Darius with a worried expression. Mathis drank more than what Myra did but Darius did drink a lot, so that meant it wasn't just 'small poison' anymore, it was big poison, just like the ones on some of the colorful snakes in the forest. Mathis too gave only small sips but he did it many times so in his case it was 'medium' poison, not small so it was going to be dangerous to him as well.

Even though Myra still couldn't understand why Mathis gave poison to her, he did drink it as well and he was worried with Myra so maybe he only made a mistake? Myra herself also didn't know about poison when she tried to eat one of the colorful snakes, so maybe it was the same thing...?
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