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Zeroth Post

Monday, August 26th, 2019

Time: 8:00am || Weather: 55 F || Partly Cloudy (sunshine) — 9MPH Wind

The First Day of School
After a successful Great Bash (if not a surprisingly eventful one), the third years of Meadow University find themselves finally on their first day of the 2019 Fall Semester and that much closer to graduation.

News of the party spread like wildfire and safe to say, certain M.U. authority figures aren't happy about it, especially the Head of Campus Security, Franklin Robinson and soon Headmistress Emilia Beaumonte is made aware of it and the scheduled 8:00am assembly that was supposed to welcome back the students and give them good vibes going into the new semester is now used as a way to highlight just what happens when students break the rules
Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Meadow View had been quite busy for the past week putting on parades, street-side celebrations, and events in honor of the start of the fall semester for both new students beginning their residency at Meadow University and also for those who were returning students. For the entire week, whether you were a returning student or not, the celebrations were your chance to get reacquainted with your classmates whom you haven’t seen in a few months, to let loose of pre-semester jitters, and to fully embrace your return. This was the time to live it up before the actual school year was about to begin.

And throughout that entire week, amid the celebrations and amidst those long nights, with just a few days away from the start of the semester, a lot were probably looking forward to one big party before they had to suffer through the same old “tell us about yourself” nonsense but specifically for those returning for their third year, they were most likely ready. But just exactly how would third years get the party started? How will they expend whatever excess energy they have pent up? By going to what might possibly be the wildest party they’ll ever attend!

It had been a yearly tradition at Meadow University. While all of the adults and available law enforcement personnel were busy within the town of Meadow View, policing and patrolling the streets where various town-specific celebrations were being held, there was always one party that flew under the radar. Every year, the location changed and only one person knew about it but that one person was so connected and so crafty in how he flew under the radar that this party -- the one that puts Project X to shame -- is the most talked about, most raved about, most tweeted, insta’d, snapchatted party of the year.

Its name? It goes by many but it’s always been referred to as “The Great Bash”, for no matter how many parties or get-togethers might happen after the fact, The Great Bash has always been the one to set the example of what a real Meadow University party experience.

Unlike last year’s Great Bash that nearly got discovered by campus security, who were specifically there to close down any unsanctioned party, the 2019 Great Bash was all kept hush-hush but if you fell within the right crowd, even if you didn’t get the magical text, if you knew the faces or saw people haul in crates of what looked to be booze and other party favors, then you would know that at exactly 9:30 pm, when city celebrations were about to be at their peak and fireworks were about to go off, you would know that this was the exact moment the Great Bash kicked off.

Deep in the woods, there is a path marked “private”. It’s barely noticeable but if you know where to look, it’s a path that has a clearcut way to Meadow Lake and near the lake is the secret clubhouse simply known as The Hawk’s Nest. It is a somewhat elegant and rustic multi-floored cabin that not only houses old sports equipment and fishing poles but it is the perfect place for a secluded location where the party, which has no host but a working DJ, tables full of whatever you might need: drinks, food, certain “party favors”, and plenty of room to let all of that summer energy out.

This might not be as glamorous as a fancy ball for some who are used to that sort of thing, but Meadow University Parties are legendary. A lot of shit happens that sets the stage for the events that may follow. So why not cause a little mayhem?
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 5 mos ago





If Devin didn't know any better he would have thought his phone was broken, but instead it was his sense of fashion that was damaged. For the last thirty minutes he had been trying to figure out what to wear to the The Great Bash. Using the Color ID app on his phone he quickly realized just how lacking in the fashion department he had let himself slide. Every shirt he owned was either white or black it seemed and since he was now back on campus his selection was limited to what he had packed and brought with him on the flight over. Originally he had thought about asking his friends back home to help curate an outfit, but he was somewhat embarrassed to explain his decision to attend.



"Google, open Be My Eyes App" Devin said throwing the most recent black shirt into the color identified pile. It was time to just call in reinforcements instead of trying to doing this himself. The app asked him if he needed immediate help or specialized assistance. He spoke clearly and replied with the keywords involving selecting clothing and a male assistant. Considering he was in his underwear he was pretty sure he could be kicked off if he requested a woman. Though that was perhaps a better opinion? He listened as the phone rang and a few moments later a person picked up.

"Hello my name is Charles. It says here that you are looking for help with an outfit is that correct?" The man on the call sounded older which concerned Devin somewhat, but he couldn't well just hang up after calling. Considering he wasn't going to ask the man to dress him and instead go with what the sales person mentioned to him earlier at the airport where he bought the new jacket.

"Yes I am looking for help with an outfit. I am looking for my grey shirt. I believe I packed it, but I can't locate it." Devin then, perhaps in an act of impatience. Spun his phone along his room where he had been unpacking. "I am looking for a grey t-shirt. I haven't been able to locate it. Can you see it?"

It took a moment for Charles to reply. "Yes it looks like two grey shirts are in the pile of shirts to the right of where you put your luggage bag. One is grey with some white speckled and the other is a graphic t-shirt with a grey color backdrop." His tone was cheerful and after he asked if there was anything else he could help with. Devin was at this point just revealed and after grabbing the shirt from the unknown pile he put the shirt on his bed along with the pants and belt. "Happy to help you Devin. Have a good time."

Once the call was done Devin was facing the right direction and felt it. He took time and repacked his clothes making up his mind to fully unpack tomorrow morning. He grabbed his towel, and made his way to the shower and after getting himself clean he dried off and got dressed for The Big Bash. His outfit was somewhat simple with a single statement item which was the yellow jacket. The jacket was a departure from his normal hoodie and jeans look. He had purchased it somewhat impulsively, but after he put it on and gave himself a quick pat down he felt good about the move. It was a tighter layer than a comfy hoodie, but that lent itself to making Devin feel 'cooler'. As if his posture was more flexed and impressive. With one more check to make sure he had everything he needed (wallet, sunglasses, cell phone, keys, and cane) Devin left his apartment and headed out into the world to find some dinner. His heart was set on Dino's Cafe which he hadn't had all summer.

Dino's Cafe was a hole in the wall spot that featured all things Italian food. Earning its stripes in Boston the family owned eatery moved to Meadow View years before Devin arrived. Devin was personally convinced that Italian food is the greatest gift to college students. Every bachelor pad anywhere would always have at least two kinds of pasta and four kinds of sauce in the kitchen. Pizza was the national dish of choice for those age 10 to 22, and you never could beat the price. Cheap, quick, easy, and good. All these lent themselves to his lifestyle and considering food wasn't nearly as important as other things to him Devin loved Dino's. Specifically the Meatball sub. Normally this would be a very risky play considering how he was about to go out and the meatball sub was a messy order, but Devin was feeling good and walking like he knew it. The small tap of his cane rang out just a little lighter and his stride seemed just a little more effortless.

A relaxed Devin made his way to the restaurant after about a fifteen minute walk off campus. When he opened the door to the restaurant he was greeted with a friendly cry from behind the register. "Devin!" Shouted a short but gruff man. Dino had come to know his regulars and Devin was one he liked. "Good to see you again my friend." he added and then shouted to the kitchen behind him "ONE SUB MEATBALL".

This made Devin smile as he gave Dino the details of his summer. The two shared a few stories and then Dino arrived with the sandwich and set it in a table for Devin to enjoy. The meal was everything Devin had wanted it to be. It was filling, delicious, and surprisingly not that messy. With his stomach full and his spirits riding high Devin left Dino's in search of the other spirits. He knew plenty would be flowing at the party tonight, but he wasn't going to show up empty handed. Getting his phone out and using the voice command he called his friend with a car and started getting his plan together for getting to the party.

"Hey it is Devin... Yep I am outside Dino's with cash in hand."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Lionhearted
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

"I'll show her off after I have my own time with her."




_______________ No matter where you are
__________________________________________________ Or where you'll be
__________ When you're feeling yourself ______________________________________________
I know you're thinking of me __________

Time: Before the party
Location: Lola's Sorority House
Collaboration with @Dirty Pretty Lies


You could call it a bit of an obsession, or maybe just head over heels in love. For Blake, he’d call it neither. Love wasn’t something he would throw around freely, nor would he slap that onto his confusion as it’s name, but instead he calls it a massive crush—a strong interest, to say the least. He had all of the symptoms to the resulting craze of desire: checking his phone every minute to see if he had any new messages from her, overanalyzing everything she says and does, playing out each memory he had with her, and even the strong fantasies that came from such a lustful pair. And the lust in particular is how it began, but the simplicity of that isn’t how Blake wants it to continue. For now, he relishes in the chase, finding satisfaction every time she shows even the slightest bit of heightened interest. Perhaps it was the determination embedded in Blake that never allowed him to let go of a challenge, and this is one that comes with far better of a reward than anything else.

Propped against the base of a tree, his eyes were glancing between the sorority house in front of him and the phone in his right hand. In particular, it was the room with the long windows and the nude-colored curtains that sometimes revealed a silhouette moving around in the room. The butterflies rose to the pit of his stomach, knowing he’d finally see Lola Russo for the first time since a few weeks ago. Blake didn’t spend nearly as much time as he’d wanted with Lola over the summer since she had numerous vacations and modeling gigs to travel to. So it was this coming moment that would truly be the kick off to the school year; to finally be able to shoot his shot again at something more with her, uninterrupted.

Blake was able to practice an incredible feat of patience with Lola, finding it totally fine for her to be late or to be spotty in her replies to his messages, but his usual patience dwindled. Since he came to school and moved in, he hadn’t said a word to any of his friends except through messaging and social media. His immediate excitement was her, and he wouldn’t let anyone else get in the way of that.

Antsy, he wrote out his text and sent it:
“I’m outside babe, lets gooooooooo.”

Ignoring the chiming sound of her phone signaling the arrival of a third text message from the same sender, Lola Russo continued to add the finishing touches to the night’s outfit. In normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be caught dead at The Great Bash-- no matter how many of her Delta Phi Nu sisters would be in attendance. But tonight, she would be doing what everyone would deem impossible: putting her pride and ego aside to spend some time with Blake de Stefano.

It had been nearly two years since Lola and Blake had met during one of the Greek parties at the start of their first semester of freshman year. The chemistry between them had been undeniable: so much so that they’d ended up between the sheets of his bed that same night. She’d been open and honest with him about her lack of desire for a formal relationship from the start, and he’d consented to it without a second thought. Of course, life often found a funny way to throw curveballs at you and mess everything up. The more time they spent together, the more Lola realized that there was a lot more to her ‘agreement’ with Blake than just a couple of hookups a week. Soon they were studying together, going out together, and even having long conversations about their families, their hopes, their dreams and their separate futures. It wasn’t too hard for the young woman to realize the defenses she’d put in place to protect her heart were slowly starting to come down. And in a scared attempt to regain control of her feelings, she’d pulled away during Meadow University’s summer break.

Lola had occupied her time between her parents, her modeling career and luxurious vacation trips with 27 year-old Florida businessman Harrison Cross. All of these had proven to be extremely effective in filling up her schedule: two weeks with her parents in Los Angeles, photoshoots in New York, a trip to Turks and Caicos, a catwalk in Milan, and so on… But no matter how hard she tried, her thoughts went back to Blake the second she found herself completely alone with her thoughts.

After a half hour standing in front of the mirror examining every small detail, the young woman was finally satisfied with her appearance. Letting out a deep sigh, Lola grabbed her small Chanel purse from her bed, stuffed her keys, phone, wallet and lipstick inside and made her way out the Delta house, where the man in question stood waiting for her at the base of a nearby tree. And as hard as she tried to conceal it, there was no denying the way her eyes lit up and how her heart rate sped up when she saw him.

“If you harass me like that again, I swear I’m blocking your ass from any and all forms of digital contact you could have with me,” the blonde drawled as she approached the young man. “And I mean it.” In normal circumstances, Lola would do good on her word. But tonight, she was just joking around, and made it clear to Blake by shooting him a smile and wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a tight hug.

She was quiet for a moment, taking in the delicious, spicy scent of his cologne and relishing in the feeling of being in his arms again. But a rather impulsive move, Lola pulled away from the embrace long enough to press her lips against Blake’s and in a deep kiss. She knew she would never be able to tell him just how much she’d missed him outright, but maybe her actions would be able to convey the message.

By the time she’d finally made her way out the door, Blake began to second guess himself. Was his hair styled to perfection? Was his black t-shirt hugging his muscles too tight to the point that he came off as arrogant? He looked it over, from the gold chain wrapped around his neck, to the denim jeans that sat ruffled over his white Nike’s. He shook his head—he never cared about his appearance this much. But it was the playful ire of her tone, joyfully recognizable to him, that broke his trance of self-criticism.

Blake gave a shot at his devilish half-smirk that usually sold the girls, but it was a failed attempt. What was a half-smirk turned into a big cheesing smile; the one that makes the corner of his eyes wrinkle and the dimples in his cheeks to cave deeper. He let out a chuckle of excitement, jogging to close the gap faster than her strides would allow. In the moment, her words nearly went over his head, stunned by her beauty and her strut, even in the dim glow of the moonlight and the brightness of the sorority house beaming from behind her. He was used to it though: focusing extra hard when he was with her to comprehend what she would say in between gawking at her appearance.

It was her initiation of a tight hug that shot the butterflies from his stomach and out of his mouth in the form of a joyful screech. Though his tone was deep and masculine, he felt like a little boy in the moment—lifting her with ease, desperate to release the euphoria he felt in the moment. Cutely childish, but genuine.

“I missed—,” he started, but was cut off with her kiss; and the euphoria crashed like an ocean wave, brilliant and sparkling. The kiss lasted long, but never quite long enough to truly satisfy him. Blake left his lips close, his forehead pressed against hers with his hands around her waist, his fingers nearly touching from holding the mid of her hourglass.

“I’ve been waiting here for a little while, you know. I guess you just really know how to drive me crazy.” And the half-smirk resurfaced.

"You would think that after nearly two years you'd know better than to assume I'd be ready on time." Lola replied with a shrug and that heartfelt smile still on her face, playfully biting her lip when Blake's half-smirk made her heart race.

He chuckled softly, “You’re right. Maybe I should’ve just. . . gone inside and. . .,” his voice trailed off, one hand running down the curve of her hip and the other brushing through her hair, his lips finding the sweet spot in her neck to give her a light kiss.

The combination of Blake's husky tone, his teasing touch and his warm lips on her neck was always guaranteed to cover her skin in goosebumps and increase her growing hunger for him. If he was serious about making it to that party on time, then he knew that playing with fire wasn't the way to go. But with how little interest Lola had about attending, she wouldn't deter him from getting what they've both wanted for so long.

"With how much you've been begging to see me, I thought that would be the first thing you'd do to me…" she said in the kittenish tone she knew drove him crazy.

Whether it was Blake’s naturally high sex drive or Lola’s intense charm he had over him, it was with such simplicity that he’d be easily arroused by her. By now, she knew all the tips and tricks to really get him going. Collectively, with her seduction and the way she knew how to maximize his desire, she became irresistible. Blake’s smirk fell, his expression fading into a lustful one where his gaze met hers, his eyes full of a burning crave to have his way with her. She was absolutely right.

Blake leaned down to her ear, a warm whisper tickling her ear between his even breaths, “Well then we better get inside before I start ripping your clothes off in public.” Instinctively, he lifted her. His hands were holding her thighs that were wrapped around his waist, carrying her without effort. Lola’s hair fell forward as he moved to kiss her hard, with less innocence and more eroticism. His restless steps eagerly made his way to the door.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

“Oh will you please shut up about her already,” Jasper nearly yelled as she closed the passenger side door to her brother's car. ”All you’ve been able to talk about or drop hints of is freaking Junie. Junie this. Junie that. Will Junie be at the party? Will Junie be at school. Oh, please sit on my face, Junie!”

”Like you’ve been any better about your boy toy,” Ty scoffed. ”Alaric’s sooo cute,” he said, doing the worst impression of Jasper imaginable.

”Never said that. I said that the blue sweater he had on the other day was cute.”

”Whatever. Do I at least look presentable enough,” the young man asked, turning to his sister as he spread his arms out on either side.

Observing her brothers choice of clothing for a moment, Jasper scrunched up her nose in disgust. ”You really think dressed in all grey is going to be enough to impress your fair princess? And not even a decent shirt! Those same freaking ripped jeans and that stupid tank top that you wear to class all the time. Seriously. Try dressing to impress sometime, Ty.”

”Oh, you mean how you did?”

”Exactly,” she said, playfully punching him in the arm. ”I always knew you were a fast learner.”

As the twins began their walk on the trail that lead to the lake party, Jasper was glad that she settled for a pair of black vans over her usual choice of heels for the night. While she was here in order to support her brother, she actually did hope to see Alaric as well. While whatever they had was just about as casual as you could get, Jasper found conversations with him to come easy, and it wasn’t like he was all that bad on the eyes either.

Ty, on the other hand, had joined his sister in tonights festivities to make sure that she didn’t get too wild. It wouldn’t be unlike Jasper at all to dance topless on one of the beer pong tables, but the last thing Tiberius wanted to see on his social media feed tomorrow was pictures of his sisters boobs.

Then of course there was the curiosity known as Junie MacMillian. While Ty had never had any problem talking to girls, he found Junie to be a little different. From the few conversations that they had had, he found that she actually had substance - unlike most of the girls that he had found himself sleeping with. Perhaps it was the red hair or her drive to succeed. Whatever drew him to her, he didn’t know, but maybe he would find out in the upcoming weeks.

Completing their nature walk, the pair arrived on scene feeling confident enough for whatever the night threw at them.

Taking in the scene around her, Jasper perked up at the sight of the booze table.

”Oooooh Tequlia,” she sang. ”I’m gonna go get wasted bro. I’ll catch up with you later.”

”Jazzy, do not --” With a defeated sigh, Ty realized that his sister was already gone, leaving him to stand there looking like a fool.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Ejected
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Unlike a lot of the Meadow University students around her age, Ramona Martin never really cared much for parties. Sure, she was almost always in attendance after being persuaded by her friends to tag along, but nine times out of ten, she found herself wishing mid-party that she were still in her dorm, binge watching Netflix shows with Leo and getting high. But Ramona would be damned if she ever skipped out on going to one of the best parties of the year; The Great Bash was a legendary party that had been held annually for as long as anyone could remember, and Mona had yet to miss one since her Freshman year. And like every other Bash, Ramona had spent several hours before it preparing for what was to come.

She picked out one of her hottest outfits, rolled a few jays that she'd probably end up sharing with whoever at the party asked, and pre-gamed with the bottle of Crown Apple she had stashed away in the back of her closet. She even blasted some music of her own and danced around her room in an effort to get into the partying kind of mood; she wouldn't have blamed her roommate at all if she happened to get tired of her before she left. By the time Ramona even stepped foot out of her dorm, she was off her ass. Seriously, she felt like she was floating. "I'll see you in a few Camillaaaaa, don't be too lateeee. I'll save you a dance," Mona called out in a singsong voice as she let the door shut behind her, and then she was off to her destination.

Like any other responsible adult would, Mona decided to take a Lyft to the party. Well, she let the driver get her as close as he could before she stumbled out of the backseat and began her walk on the trail that led to The Hawk’s Nest. It wasn't long before Mona could hear the music that pumped through the speakers, as well as the commotion of dozens of Meadow students arriving on the scene. She made sure to send Leo and Junie a quick text to let them know she was there before continuing her walk. After pushing her way through groups of students, saying the occasional "hey girl" whenever she spotted someone she knew, Mona's eyes suddenly widened in pleasure at the sight of the snack and liquor tables... Well, primarily the chips and salsa that sat upon the snack table. Without hesitation, Mona grabbed herself a small plate and began piling it with chips. It wasn't until she'd already eaten about half of them that she realized someone else she knew fairly well stood not too far away.

"Tequila, huh?" Mona said as she approached none other than Jasper Delamar. "I've always been more of a whiskey kind of girl, but at this point I think I'll drink just about anything to get lit tonight. So what do you say? Wanna take some shots?"
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: Dorm -> The Hawk's Nest

Connor's eyes strained as he poured over the pages of code an eigth time. By all accounts it looked fine and it should be working. The ever-familiar throes of a headache bubbled in him. Shit, not again. He thought, swatting at the darkness of his desk in an attempt to find the paracetamol pill bottle. The bottle was swiped off his desk, with a sigh he got up and picked it up; swallowing two pills quickly. With a groan, he stretched; his bones crackling like firework sparklers. The clock had passed with more hours than he thought, he decided that he needed a break.

Soon the reason would present itself as his phone vibrated loudly. It was the location and place for this year's 'Great Bash', he knew it was coming but this was the confirmation. This was the first year he's directly been invited, which felt great. Memories of last years great bash flooded back to him. It was crazy fun and if he had a nickel for every time he was puked on, he'd have three nickels. Three more nickels than he'd prefer. It was an opportunity to party, relax, and take his mind off the project, so he took it, even at the risk of another vomit-a-thon.

Connor would take tens of minutes picking an outfit. It would be better for him if he didn't wear anything too elaborate, he didn't want to burn another set of his favorite clothes. Staring at himself in the mirror, he shrugged. "Eh. This will do."

Stepping out of his room and into the common room he wondered if Alaric would go. He knew Lance was out and going with his sister but he hadn't heard if Alaric planned to attend. Connor knocked on his door. "Alaric, yo, you there?" He called out. "'Great Bash', you goin'? I heard Jasper's coming."

He would knock a few more times but no answer came. With another shrug he set off. Getting into his car a tiny wave of paranoia hit him. Last years 'Bash' was way too much of a close call. He checked his mirrors for anyone watching before turning the ignition and driving off. It was unnecessary but he took a few odd turns here and there before he arrived outside the wooded area.

It wouldn't be a lie to say that Connor was bad at directions. Google maps was the only reason he made it from place to place. He would've roamed aimlessly had he not followed small clumps of people coming and going. Soon the familiar thumping of music and partying entered his ears. This was it. The piercing smell of booze, red cups and beer cans everywhere, drunken students, games- Connor was there, he was in 'The Great Bash'.

The first thing he would do, almost like tradition, was find a table playing beer pong. A doe-eyed freshmen who didn't know Connor got smoked. Each and every ping pong ball thrown by him found it's target and soon the freshmen could barely stand. The older students shot looks of pity at the freshie; they knew that playing beer pong against Connor was effectively suicide. It was an easy way to knock yourself out early in the party. Of course he still had to take a few shots but it wasn't enough to even get a buzz going.

"Comeon!" Connor shouted at gawking onlookers, a cocky grin on his face. "Give me a challenge. Get. Me. Drunk."
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

“Two years have come and gone. Oh, how time flies~”

Usually, for returning students, they took their sweet time getting settled in. Some might have or some probably were in the process of just unpacking. With all of the commotion happening within the town, who could blame them for putting that to the side until the very last minute. With festivities, active party scenes within the town itself, and all of the positive vibes, nobody would blame them. Not the dean of the university and most certainly not Nate.

But then again, not everyone had the money like those trust funds and other legacies who were glorified trust funds. Nate didn’t like to hate on them, though. He knew they were people just like him ...well, as long as you remove the fancy clothes, fancy accessories, deep bank accounts, and some ‘I’m better than you’ attitudes, and they were just like everyone else. They were just like Nathan Blake. And if that was possible, then of the trust funds -- particularly the females -- maybe he had a shot.

Ah, the truth be bluntly told, Nate knew his chances. When people like Lola Russo and the Lola Russos that weren’t Lola Russo roamed the campus grounds, his shot of getting one of them to look his way was just as likely as being able to make a relationship work. And Nate hasn’t been in a relationship -- not one that mattered, that is -- since Miranda. It wasn’t a long one since it happened so close to graduation and they went their separate ways, but to him, it was the best month of his adolescent life. But as far as getting lucky since coming to M.U.? Forget about it!

Nate wandered the campus aimlessly, hands in his jacket pocket, the lamenting musings of one Papa Roach playing, bringing a rare reflective nature out in Nate. He had been wandering about for a while and only just realized what time it was. This happened when he glanced at his phone and it was starting to get late. But he didn’t want to go home. He didn’t want to be alone in his dorm but what to do, what to do…

Under the veil of a moment of thought, Nate’s decision had been made for him when he remembered something some people were talking about. The series of texts a lot of the third years received (Nate included) about specific guidelines for this year’s pre-semester, well-hidden Great Bash. It wasn’t much, of course (it never was) but in the series of messages, it spoke of a lake or something close to it.

As he tried to decipher the text, hoping to figure it out before it was too late, Nate must have stood where he was for a good five minutes and he came up with nothing. Only was it when he saw some people dressed like they were going to the party pass him by. Both had dark hair but one was wearing fishnet stockings. Safe to say, Nate’s mind went elsewhere and he followed but not in a creepy way like you’d see on Criminal Minds or Netflix’s You but a tasteful, ‘I’m lost and need help’ kind of way. You know! Like a harmless puppy looking for a home.

Nate’s instincts proved to be right because after a few minutes of following them (from a distance because he respected personal space) down a subtlety marked path in the forest near the campus, Nate’s observant blue eyes saw a sign marked “Private”. A lightbulb went off in his head as he then remembered the text mentioned something about that.

Given he was no longer confused, Nate popped in his earphones, grooved to the talented musings of Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars as he found his groove. While he dad, he snapped his fingers and partially danced his way down the path and finally arrived.

He slowly plucked his AirPods out of his ears and put them in the case and returned them to his shirt pocket. While a certain kind of atmosphere was present, what with the party already happening, it was clear to him that the party was just getting started. He saw some familiar faces already. Some of them he liked were here but others felt like he should steer clear of them. Honestly, Nate was just happy to not be lost like he was.

The young man fixated on the refreshments table and he was ready to mingle with a certain fishnet stocking-wearing wild cat. Straightening his shirt -- his polo shirt that didn’t need to be straightened -- Nate’s first few steps were cool, calm, and most of all, remained like that when Ramona Martin joined her and Nate’s trajectory changed as he beelined towards somewhere not there.

“No. You can do this. Breathe in and just say hello! Worse case? You get rejected and move on.” Nate assured himself, gaining some new confidence through the power of self-assurance. He turned right back around and continued this process a few more times until he finally gained the stones to follow through. “Yo, Jasper!” He gave her a wave and flashed her a charming smile. His eyes briefly went to Mona. “Oh wassup M Squared!” Nate gave her a simple wave as well. “I believe I heard something about shots?” He looked at the two girls (mostly Jasper) with a wide, somewhat goofy/charming smile.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by spooner
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spooner *cough*

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Starring: Elliot | MacKenna | Kieran

Now parties were not really MacKenna’s main focus in life but ‘The Great Bash’ was not only an MU tradition but also a personal tradition for Mac. Since her freshman year, she made it her mission to be more outgoing and the bash was the best outlet for that seeing as it came every year. So naturally, the young woman was locked in her room meticulously applying mascara inches from her vanity mirror. She had spent about an hour and a half just vibing and listening to music while she was beating her face. With one last check in the mirror, the girl was satisfied with what was looking back at her.

A cheeky grin spread across Mac’s face as she checked her phone for the time. It was pre-gaming time! The brunette almost skipped out of her room and into the kitchen of the apartment she shared with two of her favorite people: Elliot and Kieran. If you saw them on the street you’d think it was the most random group of goons you’d ever seen. They were all so different, but that’s probably why they meshed so well.

Grabbing a bottle of vodka from the freezer Mac readied three shot glasses on the counter filling them with the clear liquid, making sure they all had an equal amount in them. “Boys! We need to get started!” she yelled as she screwed the cap back on the bottle. She waited a few seconds for a reply. But when it didn’t come she let out an annoyed sigh as she stomped down the hallway toward their rooms. She first knocked on Elliot’s door “Eli come on now!” she said as she turned around and banged on the door opposite “Kiki! Put your shirt on!” she yelled before turning the handle opening the door and popping her head inside.

“I’m dying out here on my own… are you ready?”

Kieran, or Kiki as he was affectionately known by close friends, wasn’t ready. At least not in his eyes. Sure, he had managed to nail down his outfit. There were many tight t-shirts in the mix, but in the end, it was the white one with the Meadow University Hawks logo outlined in sky blue that was the victor. The soaring Hawk just looked so good draped across his pecs, and it paired well with the jeans.

However, the Canadian’s problem was with his hair. He knew it was going to be difficult to work with today, but for some reason, he was having issues getting the man-bun to sit properly on his head. It was frustrating for a man who claimed to have brought the bun to Vermont in the first place, but every athlete knows when you don’t have your A-game on a certain day, it’s best to just stick to the fundamentals. Also, it was tough to keep a girl like Mac waiting. Especially when she was poking her head in unannounced. Then again, that was commonplace now. With the time they had already lived together, it would have been surprising if she just stood outside the door.

Kieran shook his final failed attempt at a bun loose and pinged the hair elastic at the mirror over his writing alcove with a mighty sigh. “I guess so,” he admitted as he turned away from his reflection in disgust. “Going bunless like a Keto fool, but I’ll survive the Great Bash.” Kieran grabbed his jean jacket as he headed towards the door where Mac awaited. “Starting to think the man-bun is done. Maybe I should just do this and grow my beard out, go for the Thor look. What do you think, Mac?”

The girl pushed the door open and straightened up so she could lean on the doorframe. Her brown eyes surveying her roommate a smile spreading across her face once again. “Oh come here babe…” she said fondly as she stepped into his room. Mac carefully climbed up on the chair that stood in front of Kieran’s small desk. The guy was so much taller than her that this was the only way she could reach his head. She ran her small hands through his messy hair making sure to gather all of the flyaways on top of the hockey player’s head.

“Well… it’s going to age you about 5 years” she commented with her tongue poking out of the corner of her mouth as she concentrated on getting his hair perfect. “But it’ll make a lot of panties drop around you! I mean more than they already do!” she laughed. Grabbing the glittery burgundy hair tie from her wrist, MacKenna put the finishing touches on Kieran’s now perfect man-bun. “There…” she cooed, wrapping her arms around his broad shoulders looking at their reflections. “Perfect!”

Kieran could only smile as he got a look at Mac's handiwork. She did know his hair better than he did after all. Plus the purple glitter in the back contrasted well with the lighter blonde tones the summer sun had given his locks. "Can't argue with ya, Mac," he commented. "You have saved me from looking like a scrub yet again." He patted her on the back, not wanting to force his roommate back to her room with an ill-advised hair tussle.

"All right, think I'm ready for some booze! Let's get out to the kitchen!" He default piggybacked MacKenna off the chair as the hockey player maneuvered towards the door. "Elliot!" Kieran called out. "C'mon out! It's time to play the game of drink!"

“Mama, I’m fine. Now I gotta go, I have a uh...class I gotta get ready for.” Elliot said as he scrambled around his room, where in the hell were his glasses?

“You have classes this late? Elliot are you doing bad things? You know how I feel abou-” Before his overbearing mother could once again lecture him about how important it was to be the perfect little school-boy, he ended the call, letting out a long sigh. It wasn’t a normal week if the woman didn’t try to convince him to go back home. But now wasn’t the time to deal with his crazed mother, he had a party to get ready for.

Elliot stood in front of the mirror on the back of his door, his face scrunched up in an unpleasant way as he judged what he had picked out. A plain black sweater that was a little baggy, a pair of basic jeans and his hair in the same floppy mess it always was. He adjusted the dark-framed glasses on his face as he let out a sigh and turned away from the mirror, it would have to do. Even though this would be like, the biggest party of the year didn’t mean he couldn’t be comfortable as well.

“I’m coming! Calm yourselves, you crazy duo” He called, grabbing his cellphone from the desk and leaving the safety of his bedroom. He lifted a brow at Kiki’s hair and let out a small chuckle, “Well that’s a new look but hey, I can dig it.” The man said with a smile, grabbing one of the filled shot glasses. Elliot eyed it and glanced at Mac, “Are you gonna tell me what this is or make it a surprise?”

“Hey!” Kieran objected, pointing a finger at his roommate. “Glitter is definitely in. Especially the purple glitter. Just wait. I’m gonna start a new trend!”

Mac just kept smiling as she put on some music before picking up her own glass “Isn’t it more fun if you live in uncertainty El?” she giggled hiding the bottle of the Russian straw vodka from sight. “Anyway stop blabbering and let’s get this going!” she exclaimed waving her hand at her two roommates quickly raising her glass to the others before shouting “Prost!” and downing the shot in one go. MacKenna grimaced as the burning liquid went down her throat. She jumped up and down in discomfort and quickly made her way over to the fridge grabbing a can of cherry coke to use as a chaser.

"I'll pass on that trend, I would rather not pick glitter out my ass." Elliot said with a grin, looking at his female roommate with a raised eyebrow. "Uncertainty can mean that I'll wake up next to some girl who's name I can't remember." Elliot said, staring at the liquid in the glass before finally knocking it back. He shivered as the alcohol hit him, setting his shot down on the counter with a little clink. "Vodka is the way we're starting this, huh? Guess I might as well start off with a bang." Elliot normally wasn't a drinker but this was an exception, you just didn't stay sober when it came to the great bash. "Come on Kiki, if you don't grab your glass you're gonna fall behind!"

Kieran downed his shot with a grimace. Vodka was no whiskey, but it went in his mouth all the same. He stuck out his tongue and let loose a loud “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” He shook his head. “Don’t you worry about me falling behind, El. Just be worried about standing up at the end of the night. Because I will be going until the sun rises! As long as I have my drink of choice!” Kieran pointed to the cupboards. “Mac, my Jameson, if you please.”

The asian girl who had been busy pouring herself another shot looked up at the boys “Huh? Oh! Yeah!” she danced her way over to the cupboard where the trio kept their alcohol standing on her tippy toes to reach the bottles. She grabbed a glass out of the next cupboard over poured Kiki his drink and slid it over to him on the counter.

The tall Canuck took a long sip to chase the vodka down, preferring the whiskey’s smoky burn. This was how he was raised, to appreciate the oak tannins seeped into the alcohol as one appreciates the sight of the icebergs heralding the spring. “Ahhh, that’s more like it. No offense Mac, but this is the water of life, not vodka. Anyway, let’s get some game goin’!”

After a few more shots and a game of ring of fire the roommates got their buzz going before the first text message with the clues for where the party was going to be held arrived. The group spent some time discussing where it could be. Then suddenly Meadow Lake was thrown out as a suggestion they realized that there was no other place it could be.

As they trekked through the obviously newly made path, MacKenna complained the whole time. “Who…” Mac huffed, “Who in their right mind thought it was a good idea?!” she grunted just as they finally got out of the foliage picking a few twigs out of her thick hair.

Kieran followed suit, the trees not being kind to him given his height. He tossed aside a stick that had served as a makeshift machete to cut through the thicket. “I don’t know. The head honcho of the bash is always a mysterious one. Probably just trying to make real sure the mounties don’t find us. ...Cause I’m pretty sure we’re in Canada at this point.”

Elliot huffed as he followed his friends through the trees, batting away branches and twigs that were in his way. “Not gonna lie, I could do without the whole ‘mysterious’ vibe the guys got going on. He could have at least cleared a path.” the boy grumbled, reaching over to pull a twig Mac had missed out of her hair. He then looked ahead of him, a crowd of people had already begun to gather. He recognized some while others were new faces. He looked to his friends with a grin. “Ya’ll ready to get lit?”

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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 5 days ago

Outfit is middle pic in the collage. White = Lottie; Black = Joey. They are also wearing neon bodysuits under the mesh mini-dresses.
Featuring Joey Hart & Charlotte Diedrikson

“That party a couple of days, though...” Joey Hart’s body moved rapidly, the exciting and tingling sensations in her body going through the roof as she recalled just how wild last night was.

Joey had always been one to over-indulge herself in celebrations and parties, especially when she just couldn’t help herself. She had calmed down since her reckless youth, a time that Lottie was very much familiar with, but the night before last night was the first time in a long time she had been able to let loose that she was known for. Now granted, she didn’t hump anyone or try and get down on any dude in the bathroom (although she was tempted). No, instead, she chose to party as much as Lottie could handle until they were both wiped out.

The room that Joey and Lottie shared was a true testament to what it meant to be not only two colorful and artistic young women but ones that were both voted most likely to room with each other. Officially, they were two ‘friends’ who chose to bunk in the same room; unofficially, however, well, let’s just say one bed was almost always free and not in use due to… reasons.

Joey flipped over and 'accidentally' flashed Lottie in the process, to which she offered the blonde an innocent smirk. She took a seat next to Lottie on her bed.. “So!” Joey tugged at Lottie’s arm, resting her chin on the blonde’s shoulder. “You never did make it up to me for shoving your hand up my nose!” She teased lightly with a pout.

"I said I was sorry!" Lottie whined, turning just enough to be face to face with her pint-sized love. "I was asleep. I don't have control over my reflexes when I'm asleep."

Joey huffed, puffing her cheeks and slightly narrowing her eyes at Lottie. “That doesn’t make it okay! You know how much I love to cuddleee!” She crossed her arms across her chest and made a disapproving noise.

Charlotte couldn't help but crack a smile. Joey could be such a baby sometimes, but she'd be lying if she didn't find her little tantrums and that irresistible little pout really adorable. "I know… And I'm sorry," the blonde apologized again, tilting the shorter girl's chin upwards and giving her a small kiss. "Do you forgive me?" she asked her, kissing her again before peppering her lips with more fast, fleeting kisses.

Deep down, Joey wanted to say yes. Charlotte’s kisses were drastically different than most nibbles she got from others. There was a certain technique Lots had. The way she started gentle, bringing Joey in for a tender kiss, biting on her lip to give her a taste of what was waiting for her. The brilliance of it was Lottie always knew how to get Joey to her way of thinking. She could be genuinely pissed off at her and all she had to do was give Jo a kiss and then another and then another and she was hers once again.

Joey mumbled under her breath, trying to keep up some form of her childish immaturity but there was no way she could stay mad at her fruity pebble. So she wrapped her arms around Lottie’s neck and smiled. “You’re forgiven!” She kissed her a few times. “I’m sorry I got moody like that.”

Charlotte smirked and rolled her eyes. "Don't even start with that, pumpkin. We both know you were just looking for an excuse for me to baby you," she told her with a small laugh and another kiss, wrapping her own slender arms around Joey's waist and pulling her closer.

“Start what? I’m totally innocent.” She smiled at her lover. Joey’s usual playfulness began to surface, the sort of ‘feign innocence to get what you want’ kind of playfulness Lottie was quite aware Joey brought out when she felt particularly frisky, which was slowly coming to be apparent as her hands explored Lottie’s back the moment she was pulled closer by the blonde.

"You know if we go down this road we won't make it to the party, right?" Lottie chuckled, fleetingly kissing Joey's neck before begrudgingly pulling away. "So let's get our cute little butts into gear and start getting ready! The Great Bash isn't the same without us."

She knew Lottie was right. It was tradition to attend the Great Bash. Not only was it always the best summer’s end party but for two straight years, it always (not an over exaggeration) the wildest, sometimes out of control party of that year. Even still, Joey found herself conflicted because what was happening right now between her and Lottie was also something she wanted to explore more.

She sighed and released her golden girl, though she snuck one last kiss from her. “Fineeee!” She sighed again, propelling herself up and onto her feet. “Obviously first on the agenda is to shower. Then there’s hair, makeup, deciding if we want to go slutty or not..” Joey began making a mental checklist of all the things they needed to accomplish before they even began to entertain the most important thing on the list: their outfits.

Lottie thought about it for a moment, mentally going through their shared closet in search for their perfect looks. "Hmmmm… How about those matching black and white mesh mini dresses we bought last week? We can wear a neon bodysuit underneath and some sneakers and be ready to go."

“And this is why you’re the fashion chameleon, pebbles!” Joey gave her a tight hug, lingering for a moment. “But I have dibs on hair and makeup. Gonna give you the Joey Hart Special!” She gave her sweets a wink.

"You can give me that special every day, lucky charm," Charlotte winked, finally scrambling up from their bed and getting started with the preparations.

A few hours went by and in that time, the two girls were looking about as fire as they could given the somewhat limited timeframe they had to get ready. With their outfits having already been picked out by Lottie, the only thing on the immediate bucket list was for Joey to sprinkle her pixie dust all over Lottie’s hair and groom her love to perfection.

The process was tedious and Joey was kind of anal when it came to perfection. At times, she assumed a dominant role and asserted herself by telling Lottie to stay still. It wasn’t different but Joey became a different person when she flipped on her artistic switch. She was a dedicated young woman who was intense, passionate, and meticulous. It was worth it the borderline crazy Joey moments because after it was all said and done, Joey and Lottie had eye-dropping eyeshadow and lashes. While Lottie wore her golden blonde locks in a top bun with half of her hair down, Joey had chosen to style her hair in pigtails, feeling it was a cute look for her current shade of very silverish blonde.

As they left, when most eyes that weren’t focused on other girls wearing party-appropriate attire, they were fixating on how Joey and Lottie were dressed liberally. Lottie had chosen to go with the white mesh, which meant that Joey, in all her wisdom, wore the black one. If Joey had worn a darker color, maybe it wouldn’t have been so noticable, but the neon bodysuits that she and Lottie wore underneath showed exactly what they were wearing and how much -- or rather how much they weren’t -- covering up. As if these two cared. They were confident most of the time and when they wanted to show off their bodies, they gladly did so and in style.

Like those who had been walking in front of them, the girls traveled along a marked path in the forest. Joey noticed some signs along the way with arrows that seemed to be subtle enough for those with the information to follow. In the messages, it specified what to look for. “Boy am I glad we opted for the hike-friendly shoes. I would have hated to walk through the track with flip-flops!” Joey laughed, holding Lottie close to her.

“You would’ve ended up barefoot!” Lottie giggled, holding onto her girlfriend as they made their way down the treacherous path.

As the view of the party was beginning to become a lot closer than it was five minutes ago, Joey tugged Lottie with her. From where they had been, the path was a clear shot of just dirt and leaves. The closer they got to the party the louder the music they heard from a distance became. Joey’s jaw nearly dropped when she saw just how wild the party was starting to become. People were already starting to gather, activities set up already gaining traction, and so much alcohol.

“Oh yeah, this looks promising,” Joey noted, smiling at Lottie.

“It’s amazing!” Charlotte assented, wrapping her arms around Joey and letting out an excited squeal. “We are going to have so much fun! I can already te-” Suddenly, Lottie’s brown eyes fell on a very familiar figure, and her reaction was instant.

"Guess I'll be seeing you--"

"KIKI!" the blonde cried out, making a run for it across the crowd and landing right on the taller, broader man’s lap. “How’s my favorite viking doing?” she asked him, throwing her slender arms around his neck and giving him a kiss. “Did you miss me, K-Bear?”

Joey couldn't be mad at Charlotte. Had she seen Kieran first, she would have most certainly..probably not ditch her that quickly but she couldn't be mad. At least, she couldn't be mad but more so she was jealous Lots got to sit on his lap first. He was easily one of the more attractive guys on campus. Granted, that was to say the number of beautiful people at this school, regardless if they were students, alumni (yes she has seen them pop up), or staff, Joey knew how to spot beauty. It is, after all, the focus of her major. So, yes she understood Lottie's obsession with Kieran and was equally jealous she got to spend this time with him. But that wasn't going to stop her from trying to have some fun.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Boreas
Avatar of Boreas

Boreas stay / chilly™

Member Seen 2 mos ago

-will edit header in tonight-





“Augh, fu-“

“Your dive was too shallow, your streamline was inconsistent and your flip was sloppy. You were perfect the last time I came a couple of weeks ago. What happened Cass?”

Frustration was bubbling in the pit of Cassian’s gut as he climbed out of the pool. A sigh forcibly broke between his tightened lips and one of his hands pushed through his wet hair with the same care. A thousand and one reasons popped into his head at the posed question, what happened?


“A lot.” His voice was a low grumble, muffled by the towel he rubbed over his face and then vigorously against his dark locks. Cassian wasn’t one to get into his issues, especially not with another person, but the burning stare he felt on his back had his usually obstinate disposition melting away. “Fine. Where do I begin?”

“How about from the beginning, and make it quick we have 5 miles to run.”


“I bet that asshole is already jumping into bed with the ' love of his life’.” The thick Australian accent was not without the tonnes of built up annoyance from arriving at his own apartment and seeing not a single trace of his ”best friend” there. Which wouldn’t usually be an issue, but Cassian was really only attending this stupid party later because of Blake, or rather to avoid hearing the nagging from Blake.

But no that asshole jumped at the first chance to get his dick wet, and god knows if those two were even going to make it out tonight.

So despite being in a pisspour mood, a summons from his favorite redhead (really the only one he knew), had him dressed for the night and promptly arriving at her sorority. Where he currently hid from her “sisters” in the safety of her room glowering up at the ceiling from his position laid out across her bed.

“Junie are you taking all that time getting ready to finally seduce lover boy? Or are you still playing the coy game?”

In her walk-in closet, Juniper stood there, examining her thin frame, in front of her body mirror. Gingerly placing the chain of her long necklace down her chest, she smiled to herself in an impish manner. Her lips were covered with a matte “naughty nude” and her deep blue eyes, which really didn’t need much, were enhanced with mascara, white shimmer on her underlid, as well as her tear duct, and faint brown to pink undertones on her lid, giving her shape more definition. Overall, an elegant, soft glam look.

If there was one thing she knew how to do, it was dressing accordingly, where she could be both lady-like and sensual. Every situation required an outfit, especially if the situation had a goal she wanted to meet. Growing up surrounded by gorgeous, beautiful models, it was only natural Junie would pick up a thing or two, especially the art of being tantalizing, but not too much, where it was obvious she was trying to draw in someone. Where the eyes wonder but it still allowed enough mystery for the imagination. For the Great Bash, she would wear an outfit that was typical Junie fashion. There was something about bohemian dresses that made her feel so free and with such light fabric, it wouldn’t take much for someone to feel what it was covering. Two can play the slut game, Jasper.

Frankly, if it wasn't for her twin giving her a pep talk before Cass came barging into her room, running from the thirsty girls of Delta Nu, she probably would’ve continued to toy with her heart’s desire for another semester:

Short flashback. Starring Rosie Macmillan, played by @spooner

“So what is this party again?” Rosie asked stifling a yawn from the other side of the world. She was currently studying in London at the prestigious Central Saint Martin school of fashion but she would never turn down a facetime call from her sister, especially not when it was about an outfit crisis. “Is there a specific reason this particular outfit has to be *perfect*?” she prodded staring at her sister’s back as she looked at herself in the mirror. “I can’t imagine it has something to do about… dare I say a *man*?” she continued.

Please.” Junie scoffed, as she turned around to show the tenth outfit she tried on within the last twenty minutes, “That’s just a bonus.” Approaching her phone, picking it up, she shook her head in annoyance, “The Great Bash is literally the most important party of the year! It’s where the stage is set, and can either make or break your rep for only-God-knows-how-long. As you can tell, I want to make a fan-fucking-tastic impression.” One, for her crush, and two, because her crush’s sister was a little bitch who didn’t seem to like her for no reason other than the influence Junie already had over her brother. They weren’t even dating yet.

“In that case you should wear that flowy one with the low cut. It’ll make him interested, I promise. Maybe keep the makeup light, focus on the hair… as you know it’s our best asset.” she said looking at herself in the minuscule screen in the corner of her phone fixing her own red hair. “But for real Junie... we both know there is something more! Our last name alone would get you your rep for the rest of your college career.” she huffed concentrating on her sister yet again. “With the important people at least!” Rosie shrugged “So spill, who is the guy?!”

Ah, her sister was insistent, as per usual. With her free hand, Junie grabbed a hold of the end of her ponytail and started tugging it, absentmindedly, before laughing, “You’re not going to let it go until I tell you, huh?” Her blue gaze met with that oh-so-fierce hawk glare that Rosie was known for, and after a moment of silence, to build the suspense, she admitted, “Well, you know I have a type.” Dark, brooding, and aggressively irritable. “So, anyways, you remember that model, Marie Delamer? She’s dead now. Tragic, I know. Ma did an article on her years ago. The one that married that neurologist? Yeah, well. I got my eyes set on their son. Tiberius. Ty, for short. He’s basically royalty here, alongside the Bonfamille family. Legacies are a big deal at Meadow, and I, obviously, got the hots for one. Aim high, right sister?”

"I'll say..." Rosie purred, obviously she had looked the guy up as soon as his name left her sister's lips. ""So how come it has taken you three years to bag him? I thought you wo-" she stopped mid sentence, a smile spreading across her pale face. "I get it... It's the hunt! And seeing as you haven't grown bored of him yet... it's not as easy as it usually is for you huh?" the signature Macmillan smirk could be seen on Rosie's face even through the grainy quality of the facetime call.

Right before Junie could say anything in response to her twin, she could hear a slam of her bedroom door from the closet, knowing very well who it was, and what he was running from. Playfully, she stuck out her tongue and gave a dismissing smile, knowing Rosie would be eagerly waiting for their call tomorrow morning, “The hunt is the most important time. I need to know he’s Mr. Right. Well, Kitty Girl, I’d love to stay and chat but I got a man to make mine. Kisses.” Puckering her lips, she blew a kiss to the phone lens.

"No don't go... I have to live vicariously through you! Everyone here is either gay or a brainless model!"


Unceremoniously, she hung up on her sister.

Her twin truly knew her better than anyone and it honestly sucked that they went to two different schools. For what? So Rosie could find herself? God, sometimes it was awful being the most talented one out of her sisters. Being a Macmillan woman was challenging, yes, but ultimately rewarding. They held themselves to higher standards than the average rich girl, strategically built themselves up to be strong, beautiful, and smart, so they could stand alone, without their family name, though it would add to their family’s success regardless if they wanted it to or not, and lastly, they would be a force to be reckoned with — a presence worth remembering.

With Cassian’s complaining, Junie Baby rolled her eyes and exited her closet, finally, to showcase her bombshell physique and her complementary outfit. “Cassi, honey. You know me so well.” A lady does not kiss and tell, so she’d leave it to her friend’s imagination on whether she was going to fuck with Ty, or fuck Ty. Slowly twirling in front of him, she gave an ‘innocent’ grin, “How do I look?” She already knew the answer but he knew she liked her ego stroked, as she did for him.

A low whistle accompanied the redhead’s entrance as the now standing man took in the appearance of the boho chic outfit she showed off, twirling enough to get the hem of her dress to spin with her, hadn’t been any short he would have seen her ass. Looks like Blake wasn’t going to be his only friend getting some tonight, so why was he going to this party again?

Cassian’s usual composed mask was traded in for a comfortable smirk, “Hot.” The response was simple at first as he made his way to the door of the room letting out a dramatic sigh, “I’d fall in love with you if I didn’t already know how much of a hand full you are, Baby.” There was a playful lilt to his tone as the smirk melted into a smile almost entirely saved for Junie’s eyes only, “Seems like Rosie talked some sense into you…” he nodded pursing his lips slightly as he twisted the knob on the door, “So, how are we playing it tonight?”


Without an ounce of doubt, Junie was playing for keeps. He should know better than to ask how they were playing ‘it’ tonight. She played to win. Without any losses, obviously. Give it your all, or don’t give it at all. Every action she made up until this point had precise intention, and sure, she was taking her sweet time with Ty, not like he was difficult or anything, but she absolutely had to make sure things were right. That he was right. That there was no misstep and no mistake. Everything needed to be perfect.

Tonight would be special, she could feel it in the air. There might be a chance her and Cass acted like they had something casual going on, she was always a little too friendly with him, to perhaps make a little someone jealous, but ultimately she didn’t want to hold her friend back from having a good time. If the night separated them, so be it. He needed to loosen up, relax, maybe find someone pretty to flirt with. He did seem a bit tense, maybe stressed about life or something, so the sooner he lost all inhibitions, the better.

As they walked through the woods, to get to Meadow Lake, Junie grabbed onto Cass’ arm to keep herself from tripping over a branch or rock or both. Her choice in heeled boots was not necessarily made for hiking. While they walked, she quickly went to check her phone, realizing that it had been left on silent their entire ride there. She smiled to herself when she read a message from Mona, her basically sister, saying she arrived. The message was sent nine minutes ago. Not too bad of a time difference. Once she sent quick emojis to her best friend — kissy face, lipstick, kitty paw — she put her phone back in her white wicker minaudiere bag.

Aside from the trek, Junie’s eyes were still set on the prize, “If Jasper tries to start something with me, you should definitely take care of that.” If not to take out yesterday’s trash, then to find an easy lay.

Cassian’s snort was followed by a chuckle as he helped the wobbly princess make her way through the rocky trail. Despite the flat bottoms of his sneakers giving him a more stable foundation, he still proceeded with caution lest he scuff his pristine shoes, or brush into something and stain his light wash jeans.

Being put together was practically coded in his DNA. Not that he particularly cared about the party, hell he’d much rather be getting a head start on his algorithm homework or studying his performance in his past swim meets. But with friends like his, and the “importance” of this party, coming was non-negotiable, and if he was coming, he was going to put the effort in.

“No promises there princess, I might find myself… preoccupied.” Cassian’s conspiratorial tone was paired with a playful wink. Before Junie had the opportunity to question him, it appeared.

The “Hawk’s Nest”, already bustling with bodies coming in and out of the front doors, people drinking and laughing on the lawn and the sounds of fast tempo club hits booming in the background.

The party inside was in full-swing as the pair entered behind a couple of other small groups. A low whistle sounded from Cassian at the sheer amount of alcohol that was stationed around the room filling up several different tables. A group of familiar faces hanging around one of those tables caught his eye, though specifically only one of the girls, “Found your best friend.”

When Cass pointed out Jasper, and of course the others around her, Nate, and her actual best friend, Ramona, Junie rolled her eyes in disgust, but she knew before she could go prowling, and talk to the lone wolf by himself, she had to give her Sugar some love. “Mm, what a delight.” She sarcastly grumbled.

Not one to waste time, she dismissed her friend, by leaving his side. “Cassie, honey.” She looked up at him and gleamed, hoping he could find some fun tonight and forget all his worries, “I’ll leave you to it.” With fire in her eyes, she let go of his arm and strutted toward the group, with a delicate smile plastered on her face. Giving all her attention first to the most important person there, Mona, she hurriedly crashed into her bestie from behind and gave her a kiss on the cheek, “Hey girl heyyyy.” Quickly though, she whispered into her friend’s ear, as they embraced, “I’d love to stay, but it’s time to get what’s mine.”

Freeing Mona from her clutches, she brought her attention to the other two, “Nate.” She batted her eyes sweetly and gave a respectable nod as her form of greeting, making sure there was just enough pause before she looked at Ty’s sister. “Jasper.” After letting her gaze rest on the other girl’s face for a moment too long, she looked at the drink table behind them and eagerly giggled, “Looks like that leaves the whiskey for me.”

With a mission on her mind, she didn’t care to make conversation, Junie quickly grabbed the whiskey bottle on the back of the table and two cups. There was no need for ice; she was sure Ty would prefer it neat. The stronger, the better. Just like her daddy. Turning on her heel, her gorgeous red hair tossing in the air, Junie sauntered to the man she was so hopelessly craving, leaving some of her perfumed scent behind (it was a smell that danced between floral and fruity, extremely feminine and lady-like).

Approaching the man, standing by his lonesome self as far as she was concerned, even with the crowd growing bigger and bigger by the second, she beamed, her hands full with a bottle and two empty plastic cups, “Hi stranger,” she eased her way in front of him, breaking the distance, “Care for a drink? Perhaps, over there.” She gestured her head back outside, ideally hoping to go to the edge of the lake, “Where it’s a little quieter.” Part of her wanted to drop the poise and lady act, showing her sister that getting Ty was not hard at all. Part of her wanted to offer her body right then and there, regardless of onlookers. But she knew, all good things come to those who wait. At least for now, while the party had yet to truly begin.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
Avatar of Sugar and Spite

Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago

A @HaleyTheRandom & @TootsiePop Collab

Standing in the doorway of her closet, Lilliana was currently trying to figure out what to wear to this year's Great Bash. While she was feeling a bit of the pre-party anxiety, she was feeling more frustrated than anything. Looking through hanger after hanger and drawer after drawer, Lily was mentally exhausted. She had plenty of clothes! There wasn’t any reason she should have any problem picking an outfit.

Her brother Lance was waiting as patiently as ever on her bed, scrolling through various forms of social media as she huffed and puffed, tossing various articles of clothing over her shoulder.

"Okay… I think I have it down to three options…” snatching the pieces of fabric up as she made her way to the bathroom, the young woman closed the door behind her before changing into the first option.

"It’s cute and comfy. A liiiitle flirty. But maybe too school girl,” she said, stepping back out into the main room. "What do you think?”

Looking up from his phone, having read a few articles on the Rococo Era Fashion, which this era was based on richness and artifice, for inspiration and to kill time, his bored expression shifted to disgust, as he saw every wrongdoing his sister ever made in her first choice. What would she do without him? For any other lady, sure, they could make this work, but not his sister. Not on his watch. As such, Lance answered her question with a question. “Are you trying to be a cliché, Lilliana?

Standing up, tossing his phone on her bed, he strolled toward her, priding himself in his natural ability to influence her, and eyed her up and down, in Lance’s oh-so-welcoming, scrutinizing way. “You will not become some perv’s sexual fantasy! Thank God the ensemble at least goes well together. I’ll give you that. You rarely can go wrong with earth tones. But babygirl, can you at least give me some pop in color and not let some unworthy heathen fetishize over you?” Lance’s outfit popped just enough, since he chose to sport pink, but it wasn’t too blaring to get him called out as an attention whore. He was an average guy, making pink fashionable for more than just prep boys, while still managing to slip on some accessories.

Putting his hands on her shoulders, he turned her around to face her mirror hanging on the bathroom door so she could see how disgraceful her look was to him, but most importantly, to herself. “This is the GREAT Bash, Lil’. You can do better than this. Let’s try again.” He slapped her butt, which was his way of telling her to go back into the dungeon where she came from.


Yes, he was harsh, but only because he loved her. She was a beauty and yet, without him she was utterly hopeless and had no idea how to showcase it. What can you do?

With a defeated sigh that blew a loose strand of hair from her face as she stared at herself in the mirror, Lily couldn’t help but think of how right her brother was. Her current outfit of choice screamed school girl kink, and while she secretly might be trying to get laid tonight, this outfit wasn’t the way to go about it.

Rolling her eyes as she walked back to the closet, she took a moment to decide where exactly she went wrong with her first choice. Was it the skirt? The long sleeves? Lance had suggested color. Hell with it. Why not go in a completely different direction? Shimmying out of her skirt, Lilliana quickly pulled on her jeans of choice before changing her shirt. Some people would find it weird that she and her brother were so comfy changing around each other, but Lilliana had never gave it a second thought. Changing in front of Lance wasn’t any different from changing in front of her friends.

Pulling her hair out from under the tank top, Lil did a slow spin that allowed Lance to see nearly all angles of the the new outfit.

“Tell me I’m at least headed in a better direction,” she said, her tone making it clear that she was starting to get slightly frustrated.

While yes, she was getting somewhere, Lance was still not impressed. For a lady with such an appetizing body, a SWIMMER body, she was so, so, so coy in how she dressed. “Light of my life. My sweet, sweet cupcake.” He paced around the room, trying to think of the right words to say. “You do know I adore the silk cami look, it’s a beautiful minimal design, and a summer staple, but Sugarplum. That was so last year.”

He sighed heavily, marching to her bed once more, all the while complaining, “Do you know how many girls strutted that look at last year’s party? TOO MANY.” Grabbing a pillow off her bed, he turned on his heel and darted it to her face, “What do you want to achieve tonight anyways?! If you’re trying to make an impression, then: MAKE AN IMPRESSION,” which was his polite way of saying if you want to get laid, you can DO BETTER.

Throughout Lilliana's whole life, she had been making impressions on people. Academically, athletically, and sometimes beauty wise. Her biggest impressions from her looks had been with the help of Lance. Where she'd be without him, she didn't know. Probably dressed like a school girl having an affair with a professor or something. She mentally seated the thought out of her head in the same way she did the pillow that Lance had sent flying towards her. With a playful glare, she snatched her very last and most desperate attempt from the clothes hanger.

"Just know I put up with your passive aggressiveness because I love you and you make good points, okay?"

“Omigod. I love you too.” He snickered back, while taking his seat once more and crossing his legs.

With the previous failed attempt switched out for her current attempt, Lil did yet another twirl before speaking again.

"I was thinking of pairing this with some gold bracelets or something - if you approve, of course," she stated, her hands on her hips as she awaited her brothers verdict.

Silently, Lance observed his sister. His eyes surveyed her up and down, and up and down, before he excitedly clapped his hands, “I love it. Sure, it isn’t as colorful as I’d prefer, but it works, Lil’. It has a bit of you but it also has a bit of sexy vixen ready to make the night her little bitch.” Finally, they could get going. They were running late, but that’s okay. All in the name of love. He’d do anything for his sister.

Standing up, he strode to Lily and childishly grinned, “No need for a jacket, I’m sure a boy will take his shirt off for you.” While he was surprisingly accepting of his sister having flings, he knew if it got too deep, then it would become a problem. Checking the time on his wrist watch, he dramatically gasped, “I’ll get us an uber. Catch me outside, bye baby-boo.”

"Thank God," Lil exclaimed. "If I had to try on another outfit, I wasn't going." Clasping a simple gold necklace around her neck, the young woman simply nodded at the explanation of her brother’s plans.

Swiftly, his services here were no longer needed and he went to her bed, grabbed his phone, and then scurried his way downstairs and out of her apartment, which was right across from Dino’s . Once he had excited the room, Lily brushed her hair one last time before grabbing her phone off of the bedside table. The urge to grab a jacket overwhelmed her as she realized just how much skin she was showing.

While requesting an uber on the app, Lance decided to cross the street and kill some time: “You.” He approached a boy with mediocre style at best, with an interesting choice of yellow for a jacket, and cleared his throat, “You look familiar. Go to Meadow?” Knowing his sister, she would take another five minutes, so he might as well keep himself busy. Sure, it was outlandish to talk to random people, but that was just the type of guy Lance was. Outlandish. Eccentric. Fabulous. A billionaire-in-the-making.

Shaking her head in defiance, as she locked her apartment door, Lilliana made her way out to the street where she expected to find her brother. Instead what she found was her other half was across the street. Raising a brow as her protective instincts kicked in, Lilliana crossed the street, preparing herself to get Lance out of whatever potential trouble he may or may not cause.

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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
Avatar of AlteredTundra


Member Seen 5 days ago

Featuring The Bonfamille Triplets

On regular days, Theo rarely got his hopes up. When it came to a lot of things and people, especially certain people in his life, he knew it was dangerous to be optimistic. Why hold out for something or someone that was likely to disappoint you? Why care about promises made that would fall flat? It didn’t make sense and Theo liked to think of himself as a sensible young man. Contrary to his mother’s opinions of the artistry on his arms, everything he did made sense.

But giving his parents time to maybe show up at the last minute, knowing full well that they were going to flake on him and his siblings yet again? Now that’s what didn’t make sense, yet there they were. The Bonfamille triplets were all dressed up exactly how their parents expected them to: Theo was in a blue suit, Bas in black and grey (like the color neutral nerd that he was), and, as fully expected by the most feminine blonde he knew, Mads wore a pink dress that was decorated in floral patterns.

They had pulled out all the stops. They were at the Bonfamille Manor in Meadow View, far away from the campus where they all knew a party wasn’t far from getting started. The staff was literally waiting for the signal to get the short-term meal prep underway. They were literally waiting on the arrival of their often-disappointing parents (at least from Theo’s perspective). As time went on and one young man with red hair started to get restless, it was at the point where he had enough.

“Let’s just face it, they’re not coming.” Theo sat in the foyer opposite of Bas and Mads, a more-than-disappointed frown on his face.

Bastién’s slender fingers stopped moving over the ivory keys as his brother spoke. He paused before he turned to face his siblings letting out a strained sigh. “Damn it…” he muttered quietly, his face facing the floor. The middle Bonfamille triplet had spent the better part of his last week of summer vacation planning this get together. He had double and even triple checked with their father and mother to make sure that they were free.

“You’re probably right Theo, they’re pro-” he was cut off by a buzzing coming from his jacket pocket. Bas fished out his phone unlocking it with a quick swipe of his thumb. His blue eyes moving quickly over the screen and his lips pursing as he read. “Aah…” he whispered.

Bastién: me and your mother got held up at the concert hall. We will be here until late. Tell your brother and sister we will reschedule to a later date. Please let them know we are sorry, he read in a monotone voice.

Bas wished he could say he was surprised but as he pocketed his phone he couldn’t help but feel deeply disappointed. The dark-haired young man rubbed his eyes with his and let out a groan before he flicked his head up towards where the staff stood, waiting.

“Edgar… you can clear up, they’re not coming.” Bastién said curtly to the elderly head of staff.

"Wait a second: 'clear up'?!" Madeleine cried out, leaping from the plush white armchair she'd been resting on and crossing her arms in front of her, glaring at her brother. "What do you mean, 'clear up'? I haven't had anything to eat besides a salad and some almonds since lunchtime!"

Theodore made a habit of noticing when Edgar was annoyed and he seemed peeved more than usual. He probably thought he did enough to hide it but his body tensed up whenever he was extremely bothered. Theo had always known him to despise the triplets for some reason but Theo never cared to address it. As long as he never raised his voice to any of them, no problems would arise.

As Theo would also observe Edgar silently nod and walk away, whisking the staff away too, Theo huffed, standing up as he stopped in front of the fireplace. “I want to say I am surprised, but hey! At least they’re consistent at something, right?” He wanted to laugh and he did after the fact but that didn’t make the growing anger he had for his parents (specifically Adelaide) stop from expanding. “Is it really so hard for them to put aside one day for us?!”

"After twenty-one years, I would think that you gentlemen would have gotten used to the absences and excuses," Madéleine said nonchalantly with a small shrug. She knew her comments would appear rather cold for her naturally warm, gentle nature-- but years of disappointment would do that to you. "It's been a long time since I've given much thought to or lost sleep over any of this. I suggest you follow my example."

“Well, excuse me for actually thinking they would put us over their careers. My bad!” Theodore scoffed, making no effort to mask his disappointment in his parents-- and hell! Theo might even go as far as to say he was disappointed in himself for getting his hopes up. “But never mind them! We have more important matters to discuss,” Theo led, leaning back, choosing to focus on greener pastures. “Such as deciding if we want to attend this year’s Great Bash.” Theodore remembered receiving that text that highlighted hints about how to find this party.

"Is there really anything to discuss? I thought it was a given that we would be attending. We always do,” Mads replied with another shrug. “Although I'm not going anywhere without eating my dinner first," she added with sass, bitterly glaring at where Edgar was removing the unused utensils from the table.

Bastién couldn’t do anything else but sigh and again rub his eyes in frustration at his siblings' bickering. Of course, they were both right their parents should at least honor their word and show up when they promised to be here. But then again them working overtime is what affords the triplets the life they are accustomed to. Bas let out one last sharp sigh before standing up from the piano stool.

“Of course we’re going! We are expected to at least make an appearance.” he said nonchalantly walking over to his brother putting his arm around Theo’s shoulder trying to calm him down. “Let’s just forget this fiasco and let out some steam in a game of beer pong or whatever!” He said giving his brother a reassuring shake “Huh? Right, Theodore?!” He laughed getting in his brother’s face trying to get him to cheer up. “And you’re right, Maddie!” He turned back to his pouting sister. “We should eat before we go. We don’t want a repeat of freshman year now do we?” He asked looking from his sister to his brother before letting go of Theo and walking into the dining room. “Edgar we’ll just have the main course for us three then” he ordered. Bas ignored the strained sigh coming from the elderly man as he sat down in his assigned seat.

After they ate and took some extra time to relax, the triplets left the Bonfamille Manor in town. With time on their side, they took their sweet time making their way through the city, avoiding the celebrations still going on if at all possible as they were on campus and in the forest where a ten-minute hike was in store. Usually, Madéleine was the one to complain but she seemed to be excited to make an appearance. She was probably more excited about getting there than Theo or even Bas was.

It didn’t occur to Theo why she was so excited but seeing a smile on her face did make him happy. He wasn’t sure if Bastien was happy or not but at least, the siblings looked great. Of course, Madeleine was wearing her usual colors: that god-awful fluffy pink coat of hers with a white dress, as if it wasn’t obvious she was the most stuck-up of the trio. As for the brothers, while Bas chose to wear a striped shirt of white and pink (again what was up with that), he also wore dark slacks. Similarly, Theo had similar hued pants but with the one noticeable difference of wearing arose-patterned shirt and red shoes.

Joining the party with his siblings, Theo chuckled to himself at the choice of locations. “Lakeside, huh?” He murmured, turning his head to both Mads and Bas. “Last year, it was held at the abandoned warehouse in town.” Theo found humor in how the hosts of the bash always seem to pick the most isolated place. “It’s almost like we’re about to be in a slash horror flick.” He laughed but on some level, that could be a very real possibility.

Madéleine's blue eyes widened as her excitement was replaced with a hint of fear. "Do you want me to be terrified all night?!" she asked her brother, taking hold of his arm and nervously looking around. "Because if you keep saying things like that, I will stick to you like glue for the rest of the night so you can protect me from Freddy, or Jason, or that Scream guy chasing people around with a knife."

“Oh, relax! I’m sure Ghostface is too busy being bled dry by Fun World as they prepare to do another season of the godawful television adaptation of Scream.” Theo turned to Bas for a quick minute. “Back me up here, bro. Please tell our scaredy-cat of a sister that we’re not gonna be carved like a pig carcass by some slasher horror icon!”

While Mads shot Theo a disgusted look at his detailed description, Bastién let out a breathy laugh as he carefully navigated the freshly made path, making sure that he didn’t get his shoes dirty. “Maddie, I don’t think Vermont is a good fit for the next slasher backdrop if you know what I mean, and besides that, I don-” Bas’ voice trailed off as the bright lights of ‘The Great Bash’ blinded him. The party planner had outdone themselves this year. The music was pumping out of huge speakers and the crowd was moving to the said music as if they were in some sort of a trance. Alcohol and various recreational drugs would do that to you.

The middle triplet turned to his siblings with a wide grin “And who has the time to worry about weirdos in masks when you’re in Wonderland!” he laughed spreading his arms walking back towards the huge party.

“See? Now, will you stop worrying about psycho killers and just go with us to enjoy the party? It’s no fun if only two of the Bonfamille triplets have fun!” Theo tugged at his sister’s arm to guide her to his and Bas’ way of thinking.

"I'm not so sure about this anymore … This isn't exactly my scene…" Madéleine grumbled like she did every year, nervously looking around the large crowd. "I like balls, and galas, and glam events. This is… different."

“Oh Maddie… why not both? Come now we’ll keep you safe. Theo will fight off the ruffians won’t you?” The dark-haired man said softly as he swiftly and dancelike stepped behind her sister ushering her toward the party. “We can probably find you a makeshift throne here somewhere.” He mused beaming down at his sister trying to calm her nerves as he always did. This earned him a shy little giggle from the blonde, who nodded, let go of Theo's arm and grabbed onto Bastien's for dear life now.

“I’ll tell you what: you help her with the throne and I’ll get us some drinks. At this rate, we’re gonna have to start the alcohol consumption a lot earlier than anticipated,” Theo mused, smiling at both of his siblings.

“Deal” Bas stated offhandedly as he and Mads continued toward the crowd, while Theo went off to fetch them a drink or two.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Bee
Avatar of Bee

Bee cheer up baby

Member Seen 4 mos ago

If Camilla wasn't already informed of it well beforehand, she might have had an inkling of a feeling that there might've been a party tonight. She couldn't tell, with Ramona's spirited preparation and pregaming. There was a small smirk on Camilla's face, despite how rather loud the music was. First off, she looked absolutely fantastic. There was no denying or disputing that sort of thing. But, her roommate always slayed, no matter what she was wearing. Ramona Martin was an absolute queen, and Camilla was a witness to a lot of her queenery. Camilla was sure that Ramona was going to be the life of the party, especially with how much energy she was generating right now. Hell, Camilla couldn't help but to get secondhand energy off of her. That sort of energy was very hard to keep to yourself, but it wasn't like that was a bad thing. Camilla had some pregame to do herself, once she got what she was doing out of the way.

Currently, Camilla was hunched over her desk, scribbling some stuff down in a notebook while she was staring at something on her laptop. Was it notes? Most likely. Regardless, Camilla was focused, and by the time she looked up from her computer, Ramona was halfway out the door. "Oh, I'll be there soon, chica!" Camilla smiled, before Ramona closed the door. For now, Camilla went back to what she was doing. She was nearly done, and damn if she didn't want to head to that party. Camilla wasn't a huge party person, in the same sense that League of Legends totally wasn't a toxic game. Whenever she was invited to parties, she was always down to go. Didn't matter who gave her the invite or where the party was, Camilla was THERE.

Soon enough, Camilla was done, and it was time for her to get dressed. Darting out of her chair, she raided her closet to see if she had any party wear. Eventually, she found a nice number to put on, which would go nicely with her signature rather red lipstick. Speaking of which, Camilla also took a while to beat her face and apply the proper amount of makeup. She couldn't go too skimpy on it, nor could she go overboard. Luckily, Camilla had been around this rodeo plenty times before to know what she was doing, and soon enough she looked good enough to stop some shows, stun some folks, and break some necks.

A few moments later, and Camilla, much like her roommate before her, had gotten a ride there. With the amount of fucked she was gonna get, it was probably the wisest option for her. It was 2020, driving drunk was far from being cool. Not long had passed until she had arrived, and the party was well on its way and at full steam. Making a bee-line straight for the bar, Camilla had some at-the-game-gaming to do. She was already behind in terms of drinks, and she was not about to fall any further behind. Coming up to the bar, Camilla poured herself two tequila shots. Camilla had every intention of doing both shots herself, but she honestly wouldn't have minded if someone else came in to take the second shot with her, or just do more shots in general.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
Avatar of NeoAJ

NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

It was frustrating.

This was no way for a superstar to travel. On foot. Through the middle of a bunch of woods and brush and natural bullshit.

It was a damn good thing looking this spectacular was effortless. Otherwise Jade Scott would be downright mad.

Prepping for the Great Bash should have been a joyous undertaking. One where all her sisters would come together and celebrate the beginning of the new school year by getting pre-drunk off whatever the heck they wanted now that there were 21-year-olds among the group, followed by piecing together outfits and then heading to whatever secluded location the Bash was destined to happen in.

That didn't happen. Jade's day was all soccer. No planning time or socializing time or alcohol-buying time. Just soccer. Coach Lilly was merciless today. It was the first day back! It was supposed to be just an easing into the season! Nope. Apparently last year's second-round exit was still weighing on Coach's mind. It wasn't Jade's fault that Brittney let in three goals against freaking Hofstra! So why was she getting punished for it? Any other day, she would be fine with it, but not today. So Jade wasn't able to get back to the house until 6pm and she immediately needed to shower.

By the time she did that and made her solo run to the corner store to pick up some booze, the house was pretty quiet. It was disappointing. Jade hated to drink alone. What was the point of that? Besides, her dad had been pretty clear that only alcoholics drink alone. She wasn't that. So now she was trying to find the Bash lot sober. An easier task, but now far more annoying the more she had to bash branches with her arms. At least her outfit was probably the best thing she could be wearing for both trail blazing and stylish partying. Aside from the decision to wear the shorts that ended mid-thigh. She wanted to show off the legs, not have them be nicked and scraped all to shit.

Still, she could hear the music. She could see the glow. She was close.

Finally, the Golden Girl gashed her way into the clearing, where it was clear everything was in full swing already. There was booze provided, which would be fine for what she needed to start reaching the levels of her peers. It appeared there was a massive trough with various smaller bottles of beer and coolers, and then a table that was loaded with hard liquor. That was what Jade wanted. Everyone knows that vodka is the lowest-carb alcohol, so it was the clear option to drink without adding unnecessary beer weight.

Miss Scott strutted to the table and claimed a bottle of Absolut for herself. She scanned for some suitable mix and spotted a jug of cranberry juice. Diet of course. That would also be hers. The Queen of the Pitch deserves her choice of beverage, after all. Fishing a cup with her pinkie, Jade made her way towards the lone cabin on the lake, choosing to prepare her drinks in seclusion. It made sense given the day she had.

Two fingers of vodka, drowned in juice to make it red. It matched the cup perfectly. A sip confirmed the mix was done perfectly as well. At least things were start going her way now. It was about time.

Jade marched over to the window, cup in hand as she surveyed the Bash unfolding on the lakeside. There was sure to be pong out there, as well as other competitions that she could dominate. Other people she could dominate. Things boded well. The Golden Girl took a long pull from her cup. "Let the game begin," she said to herself.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Boreas
Avatar of Boreas

Boreas stay / chilly™

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Two hours and twenty minutes.

That’s how long it took for the prince of Meadow University to reach his final decision on whether he was attending “The Great Bash” or not this year. Not an individual against parties, he wasn’t a huge fan of putting himself in places where shit could hit the fan at any given moment. Parties, especially ragers like this one, were ripe with the right ingredients (alcohol and drugs) for disaster, and while Leo enjoyed a good dramatic story or two, he had a reputation to uphold. Which is why he settled on attending, to remain at the top of pecking order meant to attend functions he’d much rather not.

With his decision signed, sealed and delivered Leo moved on to his next dilemma, choosing an outfit. Usually he could rely on the help of any number of his friends, in fact he had many who had just the eye for fashion. But due to his constant back and forth in attending the Bash he had encouraged them to go on without him, not wanting to hold them up from their fun while he battled indecision. Obviously that worked out great for him. Another hour was spent storming in and out of his bathroom from his room, trying numerous combinations of shirts with jeans, patterns with solids, and even tried to spice up his life combining different patterns together in one outfit. The Chanda of the clock ticked on as Leon rampaged through his apartment, his frustrations with fashion leading to the frequent shot of tequila and ultimately to a casual, neutral palette of grays.

A number of shots later (he wasn’t keeping track) and fully dressed Leon was out the door and ducking into the backseat of an Uber. Already his phone was buzzing with text messages and snapchats of the wild party taking place in the heart of the wilderness. The party through the lens of the phone camera was unreal, whoever was hosting this year had pulled zero punches and even Leon, who initially wasn’t interested in the party, found himself eager to join in on the festivities.

Once the Uber dropped him off it was all fun times for Leon there on out. Any more shots of tequila and he would have gotten himself lost in the forest, but quickly and mostly without any issues (save for a few stumbles and trips over exposed tree roots) he exited the dense tree line and came upon the party of his life, only an hour or so late, and questionably fashionable.

But fuck it, who cared that much when it’d most likely end up on the floor during a private after party later.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago Post by Otterpop
Avatar of Otterpop

Otterpop 〖 ωєєв qυєєи 〗

Member Seen 22 days ago


Alaric stood in the middle of his dorm room, a half-empty beer bottle in one hand as he gazed around at the interior of the room. Guitar in it's usual spot in the corner of the room, a million posters of musicians and women in bikini's plastered on the walls, clothes already scattered on the floor. "I think my job is done here." He said, raising the glass bottle of alcohol to his lips and taking a long swig. Alaric was all about being comfortable in his environment, while some students spent their time doing the basics of unpacking he took a little more time to actually decorate. Plus he wanted to get it done now so he didn't have to worry about it later, especially since he probably wouldn't be coherent by the end of the night.

There was still some time before he needed to leave for the greatest party that would ever be, Alaric popped in his wireless earbuds and got to work on making himself look presentable. He really didn't want to meet Jasper looking like a sweaty mess, though he wondered if she would actually care. With a shrug the blonde began to rummage through the mess of clothes that were littered on the floor. One might think he wouldn't be able to find anything in such chaos, but Alaric was the king of shenanigans and chaos.

It took way too much time for Alaric to figure out what he wanted to wear, he was so into the music blasting from his earbuds and trying to decide between leather and plaid that he didn't even hear Conner knocking on his door. His poor roommate probably thought he was ignoring him but it'd be alright, Alaric would probably get so wasted that he'd start apologizing for something he probably didn't even do - He had a pretty bad habit with saying sorry for things he thought instead of saying sorry for the things he physically did.


In the end the outfit of choice was surprisingly quite laid back. A black and red plaid button-up with a plain black t-shirt underneath. A pair of faded and partially ripped jeans, his favorite pair of converse - they were worn so much that the bottoms had begun to tear. He figured that if things went down hard than it was best to not wear the most uncomfortable outfit in the world. Last thing he needed was to get puke on his good leather.

It didn't take him long to figure out where he needed to go, one of his buddies took pity on the boy and told him where the festivities would be held. He was already running late and everyone was there and unwilling to come grab his ass. He had to pay some anti-social nerd to take him where he needed to be. By the time he actually laid eyes on the booze table that was nestled among the party people it'd been hit hard.

That wasn't going to stop him though! Alaric grabbed whatever his grey eyes landed on andbegan to down it, he would be damned if he let being late spoil agood time. As he got his drink on he spotted his favorite dark-haired friend and jumped over to her. He set his bottled of alcohol against her cheek for a moment before laughing. "Macaroni ~ Did you miss me?" He had the largest smile on his face.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Sugar and Spite
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Sugar and Spite ☣ Hurricane Eyes ☣

Member Seen 1 day ago


Pouring herself her first shot of Tequila, Jasper was interrupted by one of her only friends here at Meadow University. Ramona Martin was like a gentle ray of sunshine in Jasper's otherwise dark and cynical life. While Jaz would never admit it, she was actually quite grateful for her cooking partner - and even more grateful that she was also in the mood to get wasted.

"Mona babyyyy" she sang, handing the other woman the shot she had just finished pouring. "I am so ready to get shitfaced." The usually playful glimmer in Jasper's eyes had been replaced by a look that was more of a determined fire than anything else.

Determined to have fun. Determined to cause trouble. Determined to make the Great Bash great.

During the short beginning of her conversation with Mona, the pair was approached by none other than pain in the ass extraordinaire Nathaniel Blake.

When it came to Nate the Great - self proclaimed, of course - Jasper had a love hate relationship. The guy was fun to look at, but his overall attitude and the words that came out of his mouth were always an immediate turn off. Sure, he had decent jokes, but those freaking obnoxious puns. Ugh. On the other hand however, Nate might find himself a step above flirting tonight if he learned how to say the right things for a change.

"If we're all going to get wasted, we need a good drinking game. Though I have to say my money is on you passing out first lover boy." As she spoke, Jasper poured herself her official first shot of the night before knocking it back like a pro and giving Nate a flirtatious look. All was actually going well until Junie showed up.

Junie 'Baby' MacMillian. Where did Jasper even start with this bitch?

First off, she was dressed for Woodstock. Secondly if she was going to give Ty the time of day, she needed to hurry up and do it so that they could have their little tryst and Ty could dump her like he did all of the other bitches. For god-sake what kind of middle name was baby? Better yet, why did she walk around as if she owned Meadow? Sure, her family had money, but even then - get off the high horse, bitch. Jasper didn't make a move to respond to the other girl, but instead gave her one of the fakest smiles she could muster. Scoffing as she watched Ty welcome the red head with open arms, Jasper took a gulp of the tequila straight from the bottle.

Looking to both Nate and Mona, Jasper mischievously smiled at them both.

"Well come on you two. Try and keep up," Jasper said, the tone in her voice playful.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by NeoAJ
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NeoAJ Fine. I'll High Five Myself.

Member Seen 9 days ago

As his roommates seemed to fan out amidst the growing party on the lakeshore, Kieran was content to let the party come to him. He quickly confiscated one of the provided bottles of Jameson for his own person business, no cup needed. A true son of the Rock took his pulls where he could get them, and left nary a dirty dish in sight for the host to clean. Besides, you can cap a bottle and keep the flies from getting into the booze. No need for extra protein getting in and ruining a good game of drink. Settling in at a random picnic table, the left winger took a long sip from the bottle and set it back down on the outdoor furniture.

Kieran was studying the party with an athlete's eye, looking for a target much like he looked for a weak spot in a goalie's movements. It was tough to pick out people even with the light provided by the mysterious host. However, no one could miss the neon blur that was quick to emerge from the corner of his vision. He had enough time open up his stance in preparation thanks to the excited cry of his favorite girl at Meadow University.

"KIKI!" A blur of blonde hair and technicolor piping suddenly landed in his lap before stabilizing in the form of Miss Charlotte Diedrikson. Not that Kieran would ever call her that to her face. No, they had a strictly nickname relationship at this point, the Lottie to his Kiki.

“How’s my favorite viking doing? Did you miss me, K-Bear?”

Lottie was much better at the nickname game than Kieran was. Dieder didn't carry the same amount of affection that it felt like it should. Still, the Canadian had a couple that he could turn to. "Of course I missed my little munchkin! How could I not? Especially with the neon outfit you're rocking tonight! I like it!"

For all the time they had spent together, it was a great relief to Kieran that things never seemed to get too serious. Lottie was an athlete like himself. She knew the work that had to be put in to maintain both athletic and academic superiority. That's why Kieran was more than happy to keep things casual with the tennis star the way they had been since they started hooking up. It suited him just fine.

Still, Kieran wasn't going to let the balance book on kisses be outweighed against him. He planted a quick peck on Lottie's cheek, light enough to not smudge any makeup she might have on for tonight's festivities. "And of course I'm doing better now that you're here! But hey, enough about me! You just get here? Are you set for drink? Or are you good to split the Jameson with me?

Kieran was tempted to ask where her roommate was. It was a well-known fact that where Lottie Diedrikson went, Joey Hart wouldn't be too far behind. The Canadian appreciated that kind of closeness between roomies. It was something he was proud to share with Mac and Eli, even given their wildly-different backgrounds. For two girls who seemed to have a lot in common, it made sense that they would have the same kind of bond. But still, that didn't make either of them their roommates' keeper. Surely MacKenna and Elliot found other things to do at the Bash. Joey would as well. So he let that thought slip as he basked in the feeling of his primary squeeze getting cozy on his lap.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by AlteredTundra
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Member Seen 5 days ago

If there had ever been a moment in Nathan Blake’s life where his entire mood was hindering on one moment, it was the impending sense of dread growing in the pit of his stomach as he waited for Jasper’s response.

He didn’t do much. He gave her a simple greeting, acknowledged Ramona Martin, and waited for whatever response was on its way. If he was being honest, he prepared himself for the inevitable rejection. Would he prefer to get down on the dancefloor? Of course, but Nate always prepared himself for the worst-case scenario. At least then he might be able to pick up the pieces of himself that remained after the fact and find someone else. At the same time, however, nobody likes getting rejected and Nate was one of them.

So Nate waited in agonizing silene and smiled to keep his spirits away and appear ‘normal’. Jasper spoke to Mona and he lingered about awkwardly until her soul-piercing eyes landed on him. He had been through this particular rodeo to know when someone was trying to decide on rejection or giving him a chance. The way her eyes reduced all of his barriers to rubble was proof of this, so he did his best to not seem afraid for his life, but Jasper was an assertive girl and he couldn’t help but feel venerable near her. That and she was just so gosh-darn sexy that Nate couldn’t peel his gaze from hers.

“I can hold my liquor, no problem!” Nate grinned, knowing if he didn’t at least say that he could, all hopes were lost. Truth was, he never was a big fan of alcohol but whatever it took, right? “So, who’s going first?” Nate asked, exchanging a glance with Mona and Jasper.

Dead silence.

Hello silence, my old friend.

Paranoia and the voices in his head that told him the worst happened began to set in as Nate wondered if he said the wrong thing. He did this a lot and tried his best not to, but his mouth had a will of its own... sometimes. It was only a few seconds later that Nate realized what the cause of silence was and it wasn’t his mouth or overall presence that made Jasper suddenly look as though she wanted to punch someone.

“Uh, maybe I should--”

"Well come on you two. Try and keep up,"


Nate’s feet moved before common sense could advise him to think about his next action quickly. Whatever was going to happen with Jasper, her brother, and the redhead making moves on Ty, Nate knew it wasn’t going to be good. Still, like the curious, lovable dog that he was, Nate followed with gusto.

As familiar surroundings took Theodore down a path straight to the beverages table, the ginger teen couldn’t stop himself from smiling at how the party itself was starting to come together as faces he knew showed up at one point or the other. Between the gathering crowd at the beverages table that had some people that Theo preferred not to get involved with (save for Nate and Mona) and, of course, the disaster-in-the-making with Baby MacMillan and Dark and Edgy, Ty Delamar, he was keeping his distance. This was due to how he knew a storm was about to rage about and he didn’t want to be anywhere near the rising tides that was Ty’s sister, Jasper.

“Poor Nate, being forced to tag along because he has the hots for that hot mess,” Theo noted, shaking his head as he and Mona followed her.

Theo preferred it like this. Now he could get the drinks he wanted and didn’t have to bother with enduring Nate The Great's obnoxious one-liners.

He stopped in front of the table, scanning it for something specific. In less than twenty seconds after he had dragged his green eyes across the table and back multiple times, Theo cursed not so silently as he realized that not only was the whiskey bottle missing but so was the tequila bottle, leaving without his top two hard liquors. “I guess we’re going Russian.” Theo couldn’t stop himself from laughing. He knew Bas could take his liquor but if it wasn’t fruity, Maddie wasn’t going to have it.

Theo contemplated and searched for alternatives. As he did that, he turned around and spotted a few people of interest. Near Charlotte Diedrikson and the behemoth of a man, Kieran O’Connor, was the alluring beaut, Mackenna Diedrikson. Theo would be remiss if he didn’t say his crush on that Chinese bombshell was more than just a crush but all attempts to get past a certain point have been null and void.

While Theo didn’t stress easy, being Maddie’s brother and often having to console her when she didn’t get her way, he could handle uncomfortable and unfortunate circumstances. He’s dealt with disappointment for years thanks in all part to his parents and, of course, he had to endure Bastian’s often ass-kissing ways when it came to being the “good child” in their mother’s eyes. All of this was proof of Theo’s ability to tackle problems that he knew would come from doing something that wasn’t easy.

Such as working up the nerve to walk up to Mac, knowing full well that the possibility of saying the wrong thing was high. Granted, he wasn’t Nathan Blake, so it wasn’t that high. Theo just got nervous around Mac for obvious reasons and it made him say the wrong thing every time. Unknowingly, he took a swig of the Vodka bottle in his hand and took it with him, following the suit of Baby and Jasper by robbing potential party goers of a specific choice of alcohol.

Five, maybe ten feet closer than he was, Theo took another hefty gulp of the burning, fermented potato water and felt himself nearly chickening out. In what took minutes to decide, a single moment flushed it down the drain as Theo made a beeline for the opposite direction and directly into the Hawk’s Nest/cabin by the lake, which had him taking the road less traveled by young men with his looks. He spotted Connor not long and sighed. “Shit man,” Theo spoke as he put the bottle of Vodka on the beer pong table. “You saw how close I was to talking to her, right?” He then looked at his blonde bro. This close, Connor!” His right thumb and index finger were raised and within an inch of touching. “I don’t know why I’m so pathetic, bro. This isn’t like me.”

After she had lingered about outside for close to five minutes, Joey had mostly avoided anyone she could. For whatever reason that penetrated and had made itself comfortable in her mind, Joey’s thoughts were going to the dark side. It started when Lottie had left her be while she made herself comfortable in Kieran’s lap. For the moments that followed, Joey was happy. It was a few months since she last set her eyes on Kiki, so she didn’t want to say she was angry about that. No, it was something else.

As the thought stewed, Joey wandered inside the cabin and found a couch she could rest on. She really just needed a quiet place to think and process exactly what it was she was feeling. As she did that, the thought of Kiki and Lottie made her blood boil for some reason -- wait, no it wasn’t just for some reason. Joey could lie to herself but it was jealousy. As old as time itself, seeing her...Lottie on Kiki’s lap made her jealous. But what for? Why was she jealous?

Her line of thought continued to dig Joey a hole in which she wallowed in for several minutes, continuously sabotaging her sanity by entertaining such negative vibes of uncertain jealously, loneliness, and feeling abandoned.

“That's enough of Debbie Downer!” Joey’s sudden change in mood bounced up just as she did from the couch.

She was on her feet and ran out of the cabin, stopping by one of the unoccupieed beverages tables and poured a line of three vodka shots, downing them in a simultaneous action. Joey let out a short, yet loud, scream as if celebrating victory over something.

The moment she did that and turned around, she had bumped into someone, their heads bumping. “Ouch!” She whined out loud, rubbing her now slightly red forehead as she looked up. Familiar brown skin sent a lightbulb off over her head. JADE Joey’s voice screeched as she grasped onto her sorority sister for dear life.
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Hidden 5 yrs ago 5 yrs ago Post by Inertia
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Inertia Pretty Lackadaisical

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Location: The Hawk's Nest

Connor frowned at his third win in a row. His peers just couldn't get a game over him. In an attempt to even the playing field he downed four cups before eyeing his opponent, who looked absolutely plastered. "Comeon, er- Sam, was it?" He called out, trying his best to motivate him. "We're even now, one to one. Get me to the last drink." The student could barely stand, let alone hold a ping-pong ball steady. A sigh escaped Connor's lips, This is over, as the ball sailed squarely behind him, bouncing on the wooden floorboards.

The small crowd that watched groaned with some even facepalming. Connor took a few steps back, a ping-pong ball in hand, and arced the ball as high as he could. It sailed in the air for a few seconds before it landed right into the cup, spilling some of it's contents onto the already beer-stained table. The poor student gulped down the final cup before stumbling away into the crowd, probably to pass out somewhere.

Suddenly a redhead slammed a cheap-looking vodka onto the table. "Theo, Theo, Theo!" He chanted with a grin as he mixed some of the vodka with beer from the game. "How's my favorite redhead?"

Theodore Bonfamille. The most agreeable of the Bonfamille siblings, he seemed more relaxed and down-to-earth compared to the other two. So much so that they even became extremely close friends. Always confident and sure of himself, seeing him like this was rare. Only a few things made him like this- and as soon as he said 'her', Connor knew exactly who was living rent-free in his friend's mind.

"Mac, huh?" Connor said, taking a gulp of his newly mixed concoction. It was awful, but he kept chugging. "It's hard seeing you like this, man, not gonna lie."

Honestly the web of relationships this specific group had was tangled beyond belief. It was messy as messy could be and anyone looking in would probably whistle with disbelief. Connor eyed the now dispersing crowd that watched him and none seemed eager to challenge him. Four wins will do for now.

"Alright, chin up Theo." Connor slung his arm around the redhead's shoulder. "I'll help you out, be your wingman for Mac. If something's going to happen, it's gonna happen at the 'Great Bash', right?" Though he sounded confident, he had pretty much no experience in being a wingman, a few tips from Lance here and there but not much else. Hell, between studies and work, he hasn't had much of the fun 'festivities' that came with university life. Still, he'd try his best, Theo was a great guy and deserved a shot atleast.

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